Ptaterpri*"" ■wsp pi I abo in- ; i «j. Editor iS: i • iprioN R ATJJp / . I ■' V Ci !| * A flp-'tol.tlli 4V> urn. it Wi m *NDO®4 Vl»f* Mr > ter .j nJi c*? all O .n"i • o- u- n.s to 1 rnti nr n::*i'Kis». wu'iifiioi. N t. to Y. Decevber 27 TO P" loice :il to •' C 1 i -1f i 6) t for one ua. thi- \.v. . i KiOre wo iavi! ti a l .tit I i oue Tii' war is over ■ope to vi. it vou pron ' y B "very i j s. the .•"■.no ,r dumber the count v ai. i e for is yours and Hint il9 ■ will hp to lot mo t i: ftlrase and :-r>li( \'n.\ i lit fr year be flii* d with an m k success for CV I'.V Oil • oi o'.n -fliers ■Bo more Cl'ristna.s ha j . i»!!♦»« wiiirh in mmy va\ s I.hi ! r v pleasant Flu main P niur. *t!iO sobern ?ss of our people, f:w drunks am! Ac • i'• r>. 1! Sunday taboo! at.d church ni' be open Sunnay, '2'i'th. he Williainnton sc'". >ls wi. 1 >ei» Monday, I**:i >th. unless rther annoui com. ot is made. fhere will I»«» services at 111«- iscopal ctiurch at th>• re,;uiai »e. Notice Having qua..Hod as a-iiiiini- ti •upon th" estate of vV li. liuii deceased, noti i > heron., /en to all per-on- I. >i«11 :im-? atruins' raid •.•••':•»«* to pne it them io t'.e undersigned »'o» yment on or befoiv tin- 2(itl. yof December, ID9, or tin. ticp will be plead in bar ol eir recovery AH pi'VPcot; 'nuei'tf I t i t aid fa t« are reqin ted to mane im *d' ue pnvirvnt. Tie 2»» (.*»>• oi 1). c. mbjr, l!M w . \*. ('. ,»1 A N \'lN'. i, ailioi. Not i • H nitijr qu;: li. ias udi iini I' . • iX upon t ie csi i,r ot' | )a\ id J. *o v »i, deceast-i). notic is lor ' Riven to ad prisons holoi' v linis against sail 1 estH'> to p, - lit them 'o tlie undersigned for ;yment on or before the I*7ll ,y ot l> e. in >er, 1!>• I>. or tin itice will be plead in bar o eir recovery All per-'on.s inde' 'ed o sai Its te arc . ■ |ue«te • ; > im jdiate ( ayinent Tn ; s *271 11 v■fl •>e ' .VS. AlYli II.;: i r: : ■' > N. A ; i a 1 rix. No. icv Under a - : >v vn .uo i,'" the au ority conleried n me iiyadee . trust exeeu.v d 'oy 1.. C liar ion and wife, Florence llarili 0, and J. F iiardison. on lb" th da> of F' tirii i'-v. 1;»1" ai n tly recorded in Hie »e ); i-;er of ed's ollice of M.-rtin eounh Book Z. Z. Z,, to ?■ re the payment of a certain nd bearing even date there th and the stipulations of sai i ed of tru9t not having bet n mplied with, I shall expose a' blic auction for cash on Mon y, the 27th day of January \9. at tho cuurt l.auat door in ar'in coanfy at 12:o0 o'clm k e following property; Anjoiningr the lands of Alfnd Hey, Ben Bazeini re. et als. n illiams township, containing 3D res more or les?, and fully de rihid indeed from L Hardi n to said L 0 llardi on. duly .jDorded in Martin county re^is m ris 24th day of Dec., 1918. W. T WARD, Trustee Notice Having dualified as admini'-tra ' upon the estate of (Iranville »re, deceased, notice is hereby ren to all persons holding claims tinst said estate to present them the undersigned for payment on before the -nd day of December, 5, or tlaik notice will be plead Mr of their recovery. All per- I indebted to said estate are re- Eto make immediate pay 2nd day of December, 1918. W. C, Manning, I Admininistrator. , , Notice I "mler a:. ' tb.-ritv eo'it • • • j "i r I'll 111 (U«-lj.O| 11. "I • ! ) til J J l/V W J' 1 1 »«I! ■-v • ■ •!- 1 1:1) 1 Hadlvy "1 -h i ■ ■ 'n ; I' r. 1 'V iii'l 'ii'.h 'ii Aii'-i • >: ill i. :: -u r . in »I;«r*i.i i i • ..i • 'm •• 5. to • i I'.i ■ •' ■ •;i •i r • J t•; I on Iml ' v > is ' •' i .,ith; and the .no;i -;. i : •ee'l of u ii''. !.' >! i..; 1 « oi .r .nr. I• ■ : ■; .. li ■ i . ~11 ! ■ I J,.i! ■ r 1 '■■ 1 il i , . ! . :11 ' h «* .'.ill 111 I, - 'lo'll I | I i' . If I'.l! • ' rtv ■. - Ihj i r li: a,' : i : I> "li tie. I ■ 'II lil' I .' >,i.111l .. ' i i•:l•:11 1 • 11• i: 'll .■no • i • ill; t , V. * . 11. A. ;.i . - ■. 11 Ui mi ,• il !i :! i \ii '■ I "ll' ' 'll 111. i■ : ' '. ' V III!!. oi,l I I ■ V i! ■, \V ' \ P..1. I ■a.V K• ■ i.i :I: ;'ll'•,,i i....; 11, i:: 1 1 \ .*ii 11 ' ...n! ! ■ 'ii. ! if, 1 .: in ii , ni1.,..nil ••• ; in. i ; ui 1. . 1.1 1!i: ! . 111 l .11 II!! I I , M|", I". II IV M" '" I" U' T II nil old v\ in A'ltin II i ll' . , ~iid ilit ■S.U'H !• 111 lI I 111 V VI'I l l' \\ V lit - !l > I U■.'.l : ..11. Tin - ili or || 11 i ~j 11, ■. i 'is. i ; in k i iknvui.K, !) I I Ii Ti 11-'. - . Not icc 111 I III' . Hull I • I .1 . d ".I, ||, •.1 tut ul I III' i 1., I. ul Will I'll i I k' l 11 ■t-i Ml 1■ i ' i• > I \\ 111 l U ill , IIIII\'d ,1, ul M ,ii I iii ,i hi ill v . \'i ii lli t i 11.1 111 ; !• • ti"it 11 \ .11 1 1. t .!!■ 11. i\ I n ,1. ii in- , '.l'll-! , —tute i.l ; 11.1 iei'l-a- .-II 111 i\li i! Ml lln in tn I lit 11*1 Ii isii'in d .it w illi.iin-t■ ni \iir.Ji .Ir• '1 111.1 i 'Il iil Iii!• il I lie ''til i l.i i ul I), i tin! I, i. I•>I o* ni tin- not ii i w ill I" |il. a.led m b.ii ul tin II ii t .if, 11 . All pi l -oii-i indebted In I -I.ill- U 111 pI'MM lll.ike IIIIIIU I lale |■ r. im n' I'lli - t tie ot li 11.i \ nt I lie I'' Ih. I. C K \wi.s. I» 1 I '.I A. | ill 111 i-I I .ll I. Notice t'' i■ I .iiil !>\ \ll;tu i.I l lie all • liiit it . • eiU it v d iii im 11\;- :i ei r .ni ii . ' ni I. it I isti an d in r.n . ill •' I . it. ".i l'ii .'I;ll ■ I I lilu ' I'M', .1 il' I ' 1111 \ , ill if' i't M.II Ml ■ "'lll' . Ml M l Pa '.mi. iii nit i 11" ill' lit "I i 11 1111 111 mil- In at ill" i \ r ' tl .la'i tin li \. illi; .iii.l tin vl ion>- ia said iked ot tiu-t not li.iv i lij been eoiiljilieil Willi, I shall esposi II j ullll ft" ill I; 11111 Inl e.ish on tin i(all ilay ol kinu.irv . l 'io at i.* no > clock ai ilu eourt huiisi- lnii ul Mai'till eolllltv, tile follow | |i;' I'll sonal pioperti Ht uitiillnt: .it a coiiiei in thi-p.ui I roueh - 1 ill' tin in . almii; tin dt\ul j line lutweeii -aid p.ntii- t" 1 l»eaver Il.tar Sv\ .i tn ]■; tlienei down tin \atloUs ol -..1i'l swamp t i ii orner of tin. I'm iter li n't o! i .a tu I tin ace iilotn; tin liil. ni s.tio 1 ani'l traet 1 I land i.i lint roughs bile; tin life aliilli' -aid I'm I ou.i;lis' lin -!o the In kinl1Ini:. eotiiainini: I sO am - iinui- ~i h -s. This 17th «1 a\ ni Ili i rlldi. i . t' 1 1 | It. IM Kl. l"i'-n\'ill.K. i > 1 It Tl 11-tee j iNoticc; ,j i i.i 11111 ■ll A.I Ml ill is- I I i ~1. I U| . .ll 11, , 1'". .■ I I . | IVni cI 111 ', east-. 1 ' N ':i ,■ i - I,«• 11• - ll>' ei\ I'll t• I ,' !...:, I i lie . . I i l.n ills again-' ii I • ;e t pre M'llt t lie 111 tn ■!..] 1.-. payiiii iit i>ii . ii : . ;ih il.n .it \"\eilllu'l li'l", .1 t IIS Imtue vol lie pie..' 1 ill I• .: i'l I lie: i 11 - j Covei \ , ,\ll pervnis indelued tn s.iul j lis late are reoiii'sted to make j ' 1 i'a nil d iat e |i i v men I. ... 4 - . I • llns 7111 .lay ni N'i\etnlier I9IS v S . \V . Casper Adinr. 6-t J1 usteo's Sale My virt'ne ol the aiuliority ion.) Ie 11 •.1 in me 11 v a "Dt ed '•! f int" e\ei n'iai in ni' l.y Louis 1 R s| i'ss, Laura Wiiitiev ami Ste phen Mi/.el I Trustee-. tiullin> Primitive ilai'tist Churiii, on the 6th day ot Si-piemu 1, ardi duly recorded in il-U' Register »t ' D-ed'i ortiVf-Jtii'. Ma rt 111 County, in ; 'li '.k I'. P. Page .'7 to secure! tl'c payment of a eeitain bond! ne iring date therewith, and j the stipulations ir said Deed of' Trust not having been complied With, I idiail expose at public auc tion,-for cash, on Monday, the' ?,}rd day of December UHS, a. j li o'clock Noon a the Court! House Door in Atari in County, ' I the following property: [ Adjoining the lands of Johi' >r!fi*ir«, and otlafr*., mi (!.c ; tow . .1 \V .11.1 :'-t fl ■ \V' r'. Id «• i•, . . 1 t .' -> If ril. ' eii ; . 1* 1 ..1 -I • ' 1»..« t •>■ I'. II t 1.1 '.V I. il'll I'• fC T I'll' ' I U1 V • ' .1 i 11, ,r« in ur i'i' dcs 11, . 1 . "•: :' ir . Wll I " I' ~' 111' 1-. . ! ,|ili .' ('!:• 1I: 1: il i I il- -s .. pev L. iI '> ■l. I ' S■ e t ,1 . "ii Til nt 'iii I'V :: rsll11». t.1.i..* lii ii", li.i'll il 1011, -'ti . 1 : 1 aei '■! ci.nj';ess 1,1 A n„ii' ■4. r"I ' of i lie Enterprise ■.M. I:. a • klv at William -ton N . ( , | I > toiler, 10l x ' ll,i 'I \ 11. I'll I' \l 'H.InA 1 i 1 'I \ I", .1 M .111 '- lii loi i Illi a il' it an | 'lll .1 a t''t till' >•!.:». aild lo'lllt* atnres.O'l. per - .11.ill', aop. a'eil W C. M inlliii; Vlnl hll 111;• hi I:id ul v 1 11 11 ,u | . 'ii 1. 11 , t'i law d. |'ivi and -a'.' ' h il 11 • 1 ■ lie owiiei of The Pinter j pii-' 1.1 • I 1 lial tin tollmvilU' 1- I' 'le 1' tol In-I irni 1- and lie 1 I 1' I lie stati t.'li lit ol ill" ow ll ei -hip iiiaiiavi nit nI 1 and it a daily IplT, thel !r. 111 It I oil I, I't I ol t 111 - ! .r - 'id pill li 1a 11 011 tl >1 tile d.iti ,l|o VII in ill" aliiiv'i I'apllnll, ttqUII nil*. 11,1 tOl A Hi' Us! P I'M..'. ' 1111"| 1 , 'I 111 II "ell 1I ; I'll t ,11 ..I'll - a'l'l ki'i; I'.lal,' 111- jlt i 1111 11 ' I'l lie ie- 1 . 11'' ni iii,- nin, ' ' I 11; :1 In nnnii and ,nl.ll •,.i - It hi pnl ill-11l I 1 ' 1111 'I . 11l a II.111;' ■.lit''! . and Im- iin -'- 111. 111. is ak A' t' M \iMvi; Williainston, 1 I tht ow 111 Is ille \V y', Maiiniin:, W'dli.iiiisinii, N That llll' know 11 h'llidl" '.iters iliorlnanecs and other sei li '>. ho!,! rs owning or It Id my 0111 pel iiir. U llioii ot total amount lit I, lloi tK.ik'ees or ot In r seem . Num. W. C M \nmm;. Sworn and subscribed to luton me this nth davol I leeeinber. I'' I • J.jl'i. I'i 11 • 1:. \' 11ar\ 1 'illdn . M\ coniinission ixpires DeceinlKi J1 , I'/1 H, Dr. (J. (>. Godwin PHYSICIAN I'uniting Moore 9 I 01 mrr Olhtrn I I lr|>h(>nr*a No. 11 > I J ami l(>|. i ft >kc\vji'ktc No. 90 h Skewarkee No. SK), A 1\ A. M., meets every seem.. ..iiii lotirlh Tuesday at 'clock. 'iffiii I. The John. A. I'm vis Farm ad j lining Jule Purvis Farm neai Spring (Jreen, 175 acres, Sh I eleare i; hi«h fertile land; i:\sjdi nee; .'5 tobacco barns; >toi" ; tables; new tenant house; ota ted mule; all stable fertilizer 011 • half barrel paint. This far 1 iis live miles from Kvorett, liv. i miles from Uobersonville r.n hive from Hamilton, liood Fa nr. I Spit'a'ld locality. Apnly to Fowdcn ! i Williainston, N. C".. to ses iii. S. COURTNEY I Sole Agent tor | EDISON'S PHONOGRAPHS New Records always TIN hand \\ iic 11 in need ol TOM INTONE \ or /l MONUMENT See B. S. Courtney LOn Hand and Made to Order TJ \ Trntwi, Abdominal Sup- I J porter*, Elastic Stock- j ing t| Artificial Limbs, Crutches, Canes, Invalid Chairs, Braces, Etc. Op.n Saturdays | Till tP. M. j , EXPERT FITTER* FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN j Thompson & Pentz Phone 8158 310 City Hall Avr., Norfolk, Va. ■ ."aiMMa—Mt- *w»•'.nv i t • ■ 1 Tires in I blow-out-proof E s by usinu; ihe "Rcil InnciOu." \sk for our guamiitcc lioiul. ' t, I). CIRSHSPHBy & CO. I Wiiliunision, N. (>. Wu arc sole ui*ci>ts !(»/• M sriin (bounty .aKtoosav ?zr vwz:-. nrr w-vnwiu. MMi'i *fouafsr* . Advertisers will fin \ the the best medium i*i Martin Comity. WASHINGi ON COUNiT BANK rhnioutii, M. 11) i S .> (I ItKIN K I.L> , l'ir.,l M | Mil I.M \N, \«- I'M >.l MI W II tt A I IS, iVlii, I CAPITAL $ 20000 • SURPLUS AMI PROMT $ 1*- I K .ii l'i u tnl .mil I' it i imi I ll -is IIOXV lI.UM - till, ! 1 Ml Mill \ I'll Mil --t 1. Ml I k 111 11> 111.11 1.1 t > '.!! crops K I'. M I \\l ! Ii mi \\ • '.ill .is .11 \\ i\ ',!v ca-li smn • lit cV • >n am. hank au \wln n \ii. wr i ,II :i. --I l\ '-,i|r n\mito Kt u* tit \* u ..n.-nut ili i l\ ,i (1 |mists(t .•.!«! \ .mi :;n >.l r -iu lii our ev» r.erow iu, Ist of 1)( | iosit,>is. 1; mm n> .i 1)( iiositoi \u ha\ e a friend w'li Hanks" mi mil s.iv lie wuuM ' Hank' ii \on \\oi !I ,i k him v>n„' t vou lull' u-~ i>i add tins friend of \i nrs to our list ■! mam niuu .ii Till \VA>IIIM 1T( toI'NTY HANK. I'IA M( >1 Til \ V It vou art* not a depositor this js an ' riv lai>n to come in nclil iiOi\. Ti) 1 ).\ Y. .mil ki\ i u-atr\ .11 is our . ia to plea v.- as w>!! .is p sei v . It is mil loiistanl Minlv io ipw the peo; lc of tins otmrt'.n ty tkf !||• st hanking lacilitu-s obtainable, ().(i (ll"". -nt w nkmi; toree' i! 11 c-> - tots ilirtvt, experience ami epttipeiiK -it mikos this possible. It is CHIT desire to briii;; home to you how t»I ii HANK, can lic-1,» coil to .. create r since-- in viitit uiaUri.d i flail's. W'i- all make in « !>ut 011U the lew save- it. Now is the time to save a part of your 11 come 1»> depositing it with tis either on checking or Sav.iig accrual. We |iav • percent Compounded Onarterlv on Savings or Certi';« cates ot I)ej>osit, We not only accept your deposits, keep vonr money safely .1:1 ti-tidei \Oll even possible accommodation that any bank in the con nuuiilx can. but we will take care of your valuable puners ati.l e on: out assistance in any business transaction free of charge. \V iuvi'- you to make Ol'U UANK'YOI'R HANK Yours to serve, * Thk Washington Cut"xtv HANK, XV H Wuls, Caslinrr. ■FORGET I ' That (\v is the n]»p.?r *W»" M:*% M ii not convenient to call ? .»1 nfWjßt j ' '.s _^^issssss!SSSSSBs^!^rzrtIZiS2I^SSBSISBBB£SMB3SSBSBSSBSSSSCII Fsell your farm I AT AUCTION I! Proper!) subdivided it can he sold quickly and profitably. REAF"? THIS LETT£R: j | fivoi.U, N. C„ 107. llth, J.91«- U =* At3.antia Ccc.rt kcalty C©., \ IttejeVorg, Ta. i liy dear M- a : I i wieL to ec- thet the eale 71*0 Bade for ua on flat --(■ certc'.nl7 t nit; en, fcel «9peclall7 when wo I ooo.3i(-«r e-er7thiߣ ihfct w&3 afalnet us. 3one of 70 ur El(? I Pi »r! (fsr. clis and Hcrton) »».'» talcing ««• of the and r at ot«t 3EO tronsl lajton *** a doing the jari thing and wac raining. ' fjt tho o fellow# baoked that snail orowd nader k osw-alielttr, got jit in the rain to be in front of tij«o, unl-sali thea 122 6 »r»e of oleared land and 147 aores of wood land for $46, f .CO, or. : scld to responsible people and OTiflVatly patrlotlo criea, Judging fro a the aaouct of Liberty Bonda I have uaan then !le ainoa thy sale. ttr. J. 1. *7nzt, 137 partner in the deal, Jjin» »• In thanking you for Baking us a handoevse profit, and teg to ran&la, *lth beat wUbea, Tours r»rj tml7, VQ VM3\JJBJWUL/\ Y f >, ) Wt have other endorsement letters that emphatically express the satisfaction of our customers. Write lor copies of these ai> 1 l>ooklet explaining our methods. FARM SALF.S OUR SPECIALTY TERRITORY UNLIMITED ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY THE NAME THAT JUST'FIES YOUR CONFIDENCE PETERSBURG, vipcinia on ic ;.s- creenville, N. CAROLINA Rcfcrtiw* * Any ;] HARM PHI COMPANY | Roht. (;. if • » >oo. H. Harrison Our Second Car Load lias Arrived Come in i i 'Ct n-r • they are all ponr. "I e soldier buys ,u,hi :'i n acain and there is ni>u>. l intf we can >thitist> >.u ■ i for our boys. Th«• »: • fled shot and ' " :i•. i en I : ■ 1 the tortures of Hailcs Now, hmv nine • cm .•>••• ■ 1-■ i' > tlum? Kemember thtni ,j with open arms, -.tec > i fact, open the door- to || any avenue »t i> ;ui- hm i and throw tl e keys H'vay. IOK PH >.\( t ,U.\PHS will surprise on for jH-rlVct rcptt'vi iv-t «• .• ri■ i they plav any rec ord Tiie rt-a.-iMi.iul. ;nu • i.i ulm» surprise iou. ; l M, ! ; SALES MANAfihR L - . ... i# Next to post oflicc illiumstcn ij i t " 4 _^r3B>-.-*ai JttUCOMAuuiWKMBLii. tSL >. ' SkSML 3 Walts Garage 'i J ( lie On.> \nthorized i 9 %' ir.,- 1' : 9 * ' a jj Ajjcncy in WiJ''ttmsc«»n. Wc carry a Complete J 'Stoa'k of (icnuitio Ford Parts t Morale iiatteries Repaired and Repaired \ our Repair Work will Receive Prompt Attention Here We Sell Ruiek, Ford and Saxon Cars Phone 201 | Williamston, N. C. I I • T— a—b—iiii wiiM i■l 'I mil i r— ! > For pur.; fish scrap and crushed T 1 agricul u 1 tune direct from makers, commun- r I . i iieate w ?•> L n a r* *f morehead t I iii. /\* tionncil city, N. c. i CTair Lots a Specialty * ' I ... I y'"T "Z*- ~jr-7-i-'T- ■ . iyi JV I!p» y ■ y-»- —rrr.

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