Devoted to the Interact of Martin County in General fit Willi*maton in Particular Vulume 20. Number 12 Use G'.imiiie/ciiit Fertili zers Liberally But Wisely wer to the question as to wheatlivjr we should use com mercial fertilizes Wholly depend upon the answrr to question: Do they pay. J That tin y -do pay and pay Well wtujn lightly used is abundantly proved by experi y inent atauon i yidence. On the other hand, theru is also much evidence that, Southern farmers every JNMU wa-oe of dol lars through tiie use of commerce! IvrtiV.zers. A In using tertiliz os, B' great problem is to fit. ihesM o our soil Jand crop m etis S«-- vary greatly in their and hence in th *ir ftrulizer require ments, an» dtff cyropa like wise requi' e plant foods in vary ing propor its. Here let us lay down some basic principles that will help quide us in buying and using fertilizers. 1. Where nitrogen is needed. Roughly, the nearer we are to the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, the ' greater the need for nitrogen. In fact, over practically all th? san dy loam soils of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal plains, nitrogen is the great plant lood need. On such lai.ds applications of nitro gen for such crops as cotton, corn and «ats will usually pay -—well. Fifteen pounds of nitrogen, per apre, or the equivalent of that found in 750 pounds of a 10 2-2 fertilizer, 150 founds ol cot tonseed meal, or. 100 pounds of nitrate of soda, will usually give - excellent results .on any of the average thin lands of this sec tion, and there is evidence that considerably heavier applications may be profitably ? / made. Fa. iher inland, on the Piedmont, mountain or other clay or loan 1 soils, the need lor nitrogen is not as a nile so acute, though there are many areas where the use >f commercial ni trogen is highly profitable, this is particularly true of thin lands and those that have long been in cultivation. % 2. Where phosphorus is flfced \ ed. Next t nitrogen, phosphor us or phosphoric acid is the ele jnent most needed by Sourtlfein soils. In fact it it needed piacti cally everywhere from Virginia to Texas, except on! Ihe luce soils of -the Missippi Delta re gions and tne Black Belt areas of Alabama, Mississippi and Tex as. It is particularly valuable on on lands that tend to make much stalk or leaf growth and to little fruit. Forty to .SO .pobuds per acre, or the equivelent of 250 to 300 poundsjif Ji> per cent, acid phosphate, is usually the profitable amount to use. 3. When potash is needed. Wt believe that Southern farmeis have wasted more money on pot ash than on any plant food ele m«nt. Drbw a line, roughly, from about^Mobile, Ala., north eastward through Mncon; Ga Columbia, S.-0., and Raleigh, N C.f and the soils to the cast anc south of this" line, as a" rule need potash, especially whei planted to cotton or tobacco West and north of this line, w do not recommend the use o potash, except possibly on som fruits and on deep sandy laivdi where cotton tends to rust. 1 you do not live in the territory needing potash, it will pay yoi to leave it out entirely in buyinj IP fertilizers. For the man who studies hi |f soil and crop needs and thei knows what *he is buying, ferti §L liters will paj well this year. Ii K-, I fact, under suchj.conditions w t f advise that they be used liberal I t ly.—The Progressive Farmer t--- - ' Notice My son, Charles McK. Perry jfe. 16 year* of age, is giving m much trouble. He lias left, bom It" and is now to be i Martin County. This is to notif jr. all persons not to harbor or err ploy him, but to send him bom t at once. Unless this is done, expect to collect for his, wage and will hold anybody respons ble who employs him. S. H. Perry. THE ENTERPRISE District Organizer Here Mr. H. S. Grant. District, Or ganizer of the U. S. Fmploy- was in town this week organizing the County so that every returning soldier may get immediate employment. Martin County should not lose a single boy, we need them here to develop and build up the com munity. Boys are constantly coming and doubtless most o! them have a place waiting lor them, hut therg are others who have not, hotys who left the farms in 1917 and li) 18 will re." turn too late to plant a crop, the people of the several communi ties should see J hat when the> return there is something -start ed that thev may get in the race for a livelihood. We must rem ember that they will bring new ideas, fresh energy and enthu siasm, If any person, firm or cor poration in Martin County now has or will have a place for a young man they will confer a fa vor upon tne country by filing an application with C 1), Car starphen, CUM of. the Public Service, Mrs, K. B. Crawford, Acting Chm of the Martin Coun ty Chapter of A. Red Cross or W. C. Manning Chm o! Council, of National Defense who mil in turn give you the names of those who may be'seekingemployment. The more Interest we take the better it will be or the.,.soldier and the country. What are we going to plant this year seems to be a question unanswered. Tobacco brought the most fnonev last year. It may. not bring it this year. A careful estimate places the 1919 tobacco crop at three million dollars while the peanul&md cotton crop? combined brought only about two and one ball million dollars. This would tend to a big acreage iof tobacco bnt farmers must re member that the outlay on a to bacco crop this year will be heavy guano, labor and other] things required to succes: tul handle tobacco will be so l,.vh that if prices are not mount .in high there will be a loss. A u crop of cotton now means. JLUVL prices for the 1918 product now on hand and for the coming crop. It is generally thought that the cotton now being held and 2-8 of a lylo acreage will bring the •South mure money than the cot ton now on hand and the 1919 full crop. Then why should the . South not cnt out fertilizer bill by 33 1 Ii per cent, its labor LiII by 33 1-3 per-cent and plant that extra fourteen million acres in oats, corn, etc. If two hundred . million dollars spent for fertili -1 zing cotton adds three million ■ hales (and it will do it) would it. . not Ie sensible for the*farmers to ke p the $2,000,000 and get as much (r m ire for a short .crop . a* « .oia. Don't plant a full cropiif cotton, don't spend the I price. 1 Monthly Cotton Review ; Contract prices have declined f about $25 per bale during the 3 month of January but there have i been very few sales of actual f 'Cotton. The unsettled condition / of the cotton goods rnarke ; has i caused a very poor demand., ( mills However, the:r stocks of raw cotton are know ft 3 to be low and as it is not belie' ed 1 they will curtail production to ~ any great extent in the'face of a e latent demand that is iikely to - spring up at any time, an urgent demand for cotton is possible at any time, Exports have been large during the month and be , cause of greatly reduced ocean e freight rates will continue ti e show a relatively laige increase " in the future. A continued firm t. front od the part of spot holder* e and a reasonable reduction in the 1 acreage of the crop about to be 8 planted will undoubtedly Boor 1 make a market for cotton at 01 near its intrinsic value. . Williamston, Martin County, N. 0. February 14, 1010 Gambling Again Last Saturday night a crowd of the younger boys of the town were caught gambling by an of ficer of the town. The most dis tressing fact of the case was the extreme youth of the boys in dulging in this terrible and un lawful act. There is but one thing upon which the boys can rely for'an excuse, that i? they learned it from older people Why should a town the size ol H'lUiamston be burdened with a nest of gamblers for fifty years'.' We should be delighted to see the town authorities put the iron heel down upon this vice which is calculated to make a robber ana nuirderer out of fheiest boy 111 the world. K verwperson see ing men congregating in unseem ly places at unseeinlv, hours should call a policeman its your duty, it will help your boy, it will help your duughtei it will help your town to rid it of gamb lers lie-turned From Overseas ■ - • ~ . ... Mr .lames L Pritchard of Hamilton paid us a visit Monday ! night on his way home fom the j Battlefrmd. Friends will-remem ber his name among the casual lies in the grert drive by the fa mous3oth Division on the Hind etlburg line on Sept. 'J Ulu lie was wounded by machine gun li Ire but not until he had reached the objective in the drive He was soon taken from the f 0111 to Base Hospital No 33 in England .vhere he seems to have fully recovered. He was in the draft and left Oct. 1917 and left Camp Sevier reaching Belgium Mav 27 Hgrrays fine tribute to the work of the lied Cross . .' Reports to date indicate that the constitutional amendment for a six months' sohool term was adopted by a majority of inort than khi,(KM) votes. And yet North Carolina will have to keep moving. The very same day North Carolina voted this amend ment Texas overwhelmingly vot ed HI amendment.increasing the state school lax from twenty to thirl v-live cents op each *IOO worth of property, and providing for free text books for all school child ren. I he Peanut Market The price of peanuts improved during January, rising during the third week in January as high as s-.-ven and eight cents. Sales in ceased though the movement re mained slow. Sales by the mid die of January are normally sixty to eijfhty per cent of the crop, but this year they have only been . from l r > to 25 per' ceTit" JV>>pee ial survey of the trade.showed that the old crop which had been held over.has been cleaned up Jhe manufacturers of peanut butter aVnTcontectiTnery ahd ihe wholesalers as well as the clean ers are buying only from hand to mouth Under such "circumstances farmers must hold for the top of the market or prices are bound to be depressed, The price, de clined somewhat during tne lat ter part of the month, but should more ihan'recover if the farmers refuse to sell at the lower prices. FOU SALE.—Oakland "0" Roadster, electric lights and [ self starter Dr. (1 C. Godwin ! M4-M > , ,»■"?-■!>»- ■ « ) L We have just received infor t mation from Rev. VV. It. Bur 1 rell that lie had been stationec - at No 6 Russell Street Calcutti i India wherche is doing Y M / C. A. Work, Mail to this address i will reach him pfotnptly. 1 J i FOR SALE.—Several male , Hampshire pigs ready for 'serv ic^ 1 at each. Will alsc ' book orders for pure bred male lor females for spring delivery a r jslo each 8 to 10 weeks old. S. E. Hardisor Williamston Happenings Miss Esther is in Ral-'j eigh this week. Mr Gus Godarei, of Dunn was in town this week. Hold your vol ion and don't plant any next \ear. Hold your cotton until yoiwoan get its full value, Lt Willis ..Owens of Eden ton. visited-his uncle Mr J. L. Rod gerson last week. Mrs. Mark lluttni and little son of Tarboro are the guests of Mr,' s and Mrs J. 11. Britt. Mr Theodore Hassall has re-j turned from tin' Tobacco Mar-, ket in Kentucky. Miss Nina Upton spent last week with her sister Miss Sylvia Upton in Richmond Mr. B. A. Critcher went to ( Petersburg SuneJay visit his , brother Duke Critcher who is at ( Camp . Mrs. Alonza llassell, Mrs C. D Carstarphen, Miss Elizabeth 1 and MastVr Alonza and Louis Bennett motored to Hob- 1 good Sunday afternoon. The must not give in to , im robbers, hold them, and don't plant a full crop of cotton this ~ year, They can be brought to terms and the South must make them do it. Mr. Nicholas R, Daniel was caught in a sayy Monday and his arm was badly mangled, the small' bone in his foroarm was cut into at several places and i much of it had to be removed. Anderson Crawford and Co , sold twenty two caskets in one month. Tnis is an unusual sale in mr town, where there are tyvo oilier cofllu establishments. Thft, influenza is exacting a heavy toll as its resuslts. Mrs. Perley Brown left Wed nesday for New York to buy Spring clothes for the Womans Department of Harrison- Bros and Co. Mrsr™'Anna Harrison joins her in Baltimore and. Mr. T F. Harrison leaves Saturday for.Northern I'ities too. Don't be afraid and sell your cotton for twenty live cents if you are oll'ered it. It is up us to stand up to the market and make them do what is right Bet ter not plant a stalk next year and hotel this years cotton rath er than give in to them It isim- that the glowers show the band of brokers they are a |ual to their efforts. Y. W. C. A. Campiii^n The Young Womam t hristian Association has done . wonderful jgork i.n the great world war, nas its representative Tll -eVery stricken country in .Europe, has ' ailed the Y. W. C. A., the Red ' Cross, and all other organizations of mercy 111 their efforts to re lieve the suffering in' the war i> ne but it has done more to . ward looking after the American >:irls in foreign lands than an} 1 other organization because it was fitted for the work. Its miss > ion is to protect and guide" the i finely giil in strange towns and cities, to shelter ihem and teach , them the principles of good »- ciatirfn mid strong morals, 0 , find homes and work for thern in desirable places. But it connot accpirfplish these results with . out funds. That is why the pre sent campaign is being wagtd 1 thr ughout theHJnited States. Martin county's quota i»-$101.09. 8 Mrs James Statoii is county chairman and all money should e be sent h r not later than Feb 17. ■ . ■' —— 3 If interested in the purchase of the best quality of Lime at attractive prices. See a J no. D. Biggs Letters From Red Cross The family of John I) Mizelle ha I never received any iinfor mation other than the announce- ( inent from the war department ( that he-had been killed on Sept„ 30th, until last week when the ( following letters were received t from the American Red Cross | and a nurse in an English hos 'pital It is indeed gratifying to , the bereaved family to krtow 1 how their beloved son and bro j tlier died, ihe letters from the American Red Cross follows: I "M.v dear Mrs. Mizelle. » ( It is with deep sympathy we are send you the enclosed letter j IWe hope it will bring you some comfort as it was written by ione of our Red Cross workers , ' who was with Private Mizelle at . the last. I ""We feel you would like to be , assured tlmt respect was accorde'if tfiis v somrtUfa he was ( buried with full military ifonors, | and an American woman went to the grave as a representative j of his family Fellow soldiers f -formed an escort and stood at t attention beside the llag draped , cofiin while taps were sounded. ( "Wf know we can say nothing to lift the burden of your great sorrow, but trust your pride in , the knowledge that he did his v share to bel|> bring this great , struggle I'm liberty to a victori- , ous end will be a source of com- fort to you. "The Red Cross extends- its | heartfelt sympathy, to-you in . your bereavement. Very sincerely yours, | "D. R. Castle, Jr." , . The following is the enclosure ( spoken of in the above letter, as 1 written blnglish Red Cross 1 nurse in attendance upon Pri- 1 1 vate Mizelle at the time of his death: ''Private J, 1). Mizelle was ad mitted here (receiving hospital) Yin September 30th, and I regret to say that lie died the same evening at 8:4,5. He was very seriously wounded in the head and was unconcious all the time, , so he did not sutler* I hope that it will comfort you a little to know 'that he died here ..and not in enemy hands. He has been buried in the military cemetery near here with deepest sympathy,. ' (Sister) A. S McMillian." Prominent Citizen Dcael On Tuesday Feb Ith at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James Mizelle, on Main Street Mr John Hansen Bowen died of complicated diseases. He had been 111 ill health for several months, suffering of heart trou ble and paralysis of the . throat. He was the son of Mr Benjamin and Mrs. Lueinda Bowen and was burn in Bear Crass town ship in Martin county 011 May 10th, 1849 lie married Mrs. Pol - sy McCaskey in 1873, who with TWOTfritdl I'II trf- the five bor-t»» this union survive him. Mr. Bowen had been manager of fl 11 - ciinniy home for ritfhlet-n yearo and was a- kind and effici ent keeper of the poor and desti tute in his charge, alwayf striv ing to relieve their sufferings and US'- the trust put in him by the co int./ to the best advantage. He did not belong to any church, but always attended the Primitive Baptist services and Elder Sylvester Hasseß conduct ed the funeral services when in terment was made Wednesday afternoon in the Baptist, ceme ttry with Masonic honors. Mrs. James Ih Mizelle and Mrs. Tom Hassell, of Poplar 1 Point are the surviving children John, one of the pair of.horses , belonging to J L Hasseil and I Co., died this week. They were perhaps tiie finest pair of draft horses ever in the County and had been worked fur fourteen s years on our streets, the quan : tity i/f peanuts, ferlilizers and goods hauled by them being en ormous. Farmers Should Grow Their Nitrogen Supply The Southern farmer has prov ed his appreciation of the value of fertilizers, hut his practices regarding them have followed the same lines as in marffy other matters The South as a whole has bought its meat instead of I raising i'i. She has not produced ' sufficient c irn and hay to supply l her own n«'o'ds and has thought • it more economical to buy her .miles than to raise them! In the I same whv she has thought it bet- I ter to buy fertilizers rather than 1 produce them as largely as possi 1 hie on the farms. I It is not a question fff the wis- s dom of buying fertilizers, rather ' than doing without them. -They 1 are necessities, all alike, and un- ' less they are produced at home, ' theyought and must he bought. 1 As to buying fertilizers it will I never he possible »«• IX'llUt'K ilht 1 lime Mini 11jy^WTimo4 needed and 1 they must always ite purchased; ' but the most xpensive part of I fertilizers is the. nitrogen, and * this can be more largely and eeo- t nomically produced *' upon th# farm t The growing of legumes, the '' growing an»l gathering of organic. \ materials of all kinds which '1 would otherwise be wasted, the making and saving of animal ma- ' nures, art' simply methods of producing and saving nitrogen ' which any farm can economical- 1 ly pursue. Such practices are t measures, for producing upon the 1 farm something which must be I had, rather than in buying itand i in must cases and to a very large extent, ns with other necessities •' mentioned, which we have bought 1 rather than produced at home, it can he produced on the farm more economically than it can be bought. Therefore, nitrogen, merely as a plant food, is a ne cessit.v which should be more largely produced at home. But there is still another reason why these farm manures should bt produced They not only supply -nitrogen more economically; but they supplv other necessity in >oil improvement. They supply organic matter or humus sorming materials and a large supply of decayinp organic mat ter an essential to a fertile soil, and prohablv the greatest need of nearly all Southern cul tivated lands Stockholders Meeting The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Martin Coup l lv Saving iV Trust Co , will be held at their Banking Rooms, on Tuesday afternoon, Feb'y 18th, at !i o'clock for the purpose "f electing a Hoard of Din'- for the coming year \and an, other business that may prop-'t ly come before said meeting. .lolvri. I*',; Pope, ('ashior > Notice (M Sale Of I'lldei nit I l>y vutue "I. the a«thoiity r ilU'lllll it 111 41>»'l tfllll ' I Tlll-l •■*- r -—*» '■ a-y ■ t. ii.U tt'v I' c li illoik i ii l wife, HHa Hullo k tin! in Hit; Pulilif ke«islrv ol Mai I in*."County in Book o I , at pane 119, to sroiie the | h ymetit of a certain ' of even ilh'i" therewith, and the ' Mirml.itions in sail! Deed nf Truil not h.ivinn liecn complied with, anil at the 'i|'i>Kt of the patties inteirated, the un tiiistee will, on • Friday,' the ' I-till ilny ill March, H|9, at 11 oo • n'rli i k M .t tin- cimitlioiiM* iloor of vliir in County, WilltauiHtoii, North . CaioJiriH, ..If. for sale to the hlghe t , bidder for, the billowing described real estate' % Situate'! in tliejtXown of Williantston, N. C. the lot of the Willians 1 ton (>inninx & Milling Company, be p IginuiiiK ul Hit; corner of sal.l lot; thence running easterly with the Street 89ft.; thence southerly the Street y8 feet thence- norlh'y across 95 feet, thence -Willi J.he line of the Wtllunistou (Hll u lug & MilHnn Co. tof, feet to the be - tlie same and convevtd t jo P. S ttuliock by W M. Wilson and j wife, K»aie (ViWon, by deed May 1 2nd, try of Maititi County in Book. C i, 471, being the house and 16t upon which the ■1 aid V. S. Bu'lock now occupies. This tile li h day of February, 1919. Wheeler Murtitt, Trustee Advartuat* wiß fad our ColumnatLafekKayto IIOQ Martin County Home* Established 1898 President Wants Hundred Million For Relief Work President Wilson has asked " congress for an appropriation of $10)0,1)00,000 for use in Armenia Persia and Syria, and it is likely that congress will make the ap propriation; but the President has also issued a proclamation in which he urges the people to give $36,000,000 for relief of the Armenians, Greeks and Syrians who have been driven from their homes by the Turks. It is the plan of the Government to use the proposed *100.000,000 as a revolving fund from which ex penditures shall be reimbursed 30 far as possible by govern ments or people to whom relief is furnished. This will be used among European peoples, and will not be for the benefit of those in Asia Minor. Therefore President Wilson has told the iwnplii nf Aimnii n thai tilO.OOtli iil)ti will be needed for immediate relief, to save nearly four mil lions of people from starvation and he asks the .people to give that amount at once •Armenia and the other sec tioris that are without an organi zed government will not be able to secure any portion of the $100,000,(KM) asked for from con gress. as they are unable to fur nish securities for loans North Carolina, iu the week of February 21 to 2*7 will be asked for but $200,000 of the .fvio,(.'o),(K>o which the nation will raise for these starving peo ples. State Chairman J. Y. Joy nor urges his fellowcitizens to aid in this cause, which is to save the oldest Christians in the world from death by starvation. t rs. Kiddick Saturday, Feb. Ist Mrs. How land Certrude Moore Ileddick, wife of Levi L. Keddick passed - from earth to the world beyond the portals uf death and .-the grave A little less than two years ago she was united in mar riage to Mr. Keddick who later, was sent to France to fight for bis country and to make the world safe for democracy He is in France now. What a sad homecoming it will be to l»im, no doubt*he is "counting the days when-he will be home and the thought thrills him with joy but the home-coming .vill be sadder than the going away. But such is life in a world like ours Job has truly said, "Man is of few days, and full trouble." The husband and all the family have the sin cere sympathy of all their friends and loved ones Mrs. Keddick after her marri ng came to Williamston with Ii i loin >and, where he was ir.t.ieji into service, then sh& .vent lo live with her father' i at Kverett where she died with tluit awfull plague, influen za She wss about twenty-nine years of age, and so, cut off in ■tim hlonm nliif«. W'g mpH taught, that, "In the midst of life we are in death." We should ever pray the prayer oi the Psalmist, "So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." In the month of October liiOs, she made a pro fession ol Cnrist and was receiv ed into the Methodist Church, (Vernon) by Kev. C. L. Keade. She was organist in her Church up to the time of her marriaße. On Monday Feb. 3rd after a short service in her home we " laid her lemains away to rest in the fam ly burying, ground to await the Insurrection There was a large concourse of people, which was indicative of a large circle of friewlA The ab sent husband, the father and her brothers and sisters are com mended to the God of all grace, who alone has power to sustain and give comfort in the day of trouble And sorrow. Rev. H. M. Eure FOK SALE.-A fine Jerse/ cow-. John Gray Peel R. F. D. Washington, N. C.

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