I he Enterprise AOounty Newspaper published, weekl}* at -the County Sea', is- Martin by w C. MANNING, Editor & Ovcnerl subscription katrs /, One Year - • ■ Si* Month* - -5 f Three Month* ■' j Strictly C«»ti In Ailvimt K ilerfd Hi the Post oflic* *t WllU»m«tunJ N. C Hwonri Cl»«i Mcll M»lter. Address all Communications to THE ENTEKPRISPt WillianMton. N C. j FRIDAY. FEBRUARY. M. J| THE FARM PROBIFIV.' Tin-farm hi 1 'il'' nVcih* t> h ; proltlem. but i! is "tit- that the iner has to take In- ehatiei anil he* can »:ilelv link" tip mind to out tliiiu: and tlhit. Tvt v make all lilt crop 11 can at 11 ■ smallest cost. Perhaps prices ;iit P lit- lower- than last ;icat. I In- i- a tillll >4 tli.ii) IH' Ulllim it \ appeal ahlt- t> Idreiill. Hut H H> fort-cast tin crop on the pio-pei I '/■ *ll't'C' V tV y'vixx i.'VV prices conic tin tarniei is s.iti Wbatci et' I lie pi "•■-) >t > • I lie el op Will lit lf> demand Mil wot 1.1 mils' be ffil mid tin must (joalleail It I; 11■ »t llefi ssat v • to | > 1.11 »'t cut i-'ll a 11-1 I'd 'it tot" tin litllH bill otlvUl tlllllKs HI. eilt.Ull. till It, iv I 111 li ! til mak ill e Ili I eel!, t Mills . I If. A*."-,r- all th. ll' II" > -InuiM |>i• iil« lot In- ■ 111• pl> j'' IH .lis,, s|,..„M . Miniate ■itln r pio'lin ii - I. v llm up"'' UVI 1 \ i' itli i i\ al.le i i! i. pit int. Hi I hat .will pi ' oi it li on tuili. till 111' Ist \\i.| k II Mil ' ill - !• out lilV til lll'otl poll el M ail li I. let 111 III,' lias toil;.: sin. . |iarti' 'i i" / ail out ttlfllil'll tiel "I ) 111111 a 11 l.t'it't. all.l tin ii-siili .i hat ii iln I inlt ■! Nat t-s \\ In i o ijiat In in. - '! ■ ! li- !•' torv work |x*»doct-i'''ti :it a l.">v er cost ih.m auy\vli\ u, 1 " -^iJa farm m H ho+h-'Io ilu -anr ■ *• iii nun al .mi 1 t 11' till' « I 11: . ; :u will 1.. ,i *inin li i: i-, 11 - ' ' liihlt t,itlluil It is iii »t v 111 'lll oh. ''it.'. "I V|„ Ia i in- i !" mi ii 11 a i 1 ' ~i"\ Mi i! u \\h- vill I" s! • IU'kLJH Ills I tiieri hint n ii" -a n •,i m n|ii ■ incut -lioul'l takt i upon luiii'n i to SCI 111 it I !.u il i M le s it 11 i tors is -nip] .lit ,| \. 'tli i\/ i \ .It i'l fh.it (hi In on i • .in ust 'j, i'i\.it, t.lKi Tl' 1 - I'll ' I l"i 11 ■ I a , .li a'. | t'f »tai llr 111 II fl! 11l I ' a 111 pale lis oil _ .- ~;r-.r :itVT-r.Tir N 1 —*ya' — i u-tlVoii ■■'ll>sjin] •! \ s, II 11' i 1.11 .. I' lilt IS tl ",'1 s.l| |l | 't t 111 I. lIII> I I I t I-ut to n tin •! iin t,:•'11 1 t hat tin v i ■ - in il. ' I-. o ■ : j Ihe lie ! ■ '-J II 4.! I i : 111 1.1 1 ktnu Thi 1 .oi in i-ii ii- 1 j la lin l""ls , mil .i .ev t! \ • ■ Ist l ilt 1.11 l is 1,1 s, t' . :uo that ,11 ;•■ 1 , I ■ , •' i u 11111111 > ptl 'S|n It,ll * 1.. tli. i IT-; ' ami ill I llat \\ a\ t le.lt' i Ih s I p' "| 1' alltl in akt .' |„ I i:i 'on ril ,■! "spt I: I \ I til tlu lliai I win, - II" "t ht !■ Will |s t" 1" id lip tli ' l|s|"llH I II nil". I lot I. rsi lilt II! ! till: 111. - mi .ui'l in that v\ i \ ill a 11 I tiii ,i 11 I > llttsilll 1 II tin iini'it Hi' iii p' ■ *i>it \i ill yo ont tills sj.i ili.Ji l !).«_.!> . ■ ill, t.iuiiii :aal.t j.. . i : • , _ him liim to i I.V -1 i-i ul! ! i,, i tin- uapli-Hit lit-f, I,i -iii-iii.. ~i»,I ''t'l I rill' I H.el t«lt Ul- lil I I .il I ill' ilsi-t| ni that It i! :t. ■i ■ . tie and tin tai ui( i hkt m ii ;llh e. i , IM tier \ eal ajul t". t 111 lit.; » '! lav tile It'll lltlal it ,!l "t a pt liii ,n> ' |l|Os|H I It I . 'fTfiv Is | 111 11 ait• I! Ih' tai ii.i to' ll' lIJ-I It iJl'il ■ " I . >ll tl|! y: I Olltti! t ll.«; * '• ' l l ti: t tie hi\l let 111 ir"s|i ,•• ill. 1- I la.l \l\\s;!||.| llWy, lit I \ . " ' - NoVjcc of Sah: . Y \ . IJutlta aU'l ti.y vVilut. u n,t iiHi" •' loulame.l in « .tiiHiii O--ft I ti\r.' ■ I esecuted ort the 4*li * ln of 1917. by Silkk Wili».uis t hii'l vt.u venl* Williaiiif, aii.l' fi-wsti-ie t in 11. RtKistri's of llttils otiiceVfoi Slat' C jimly. in Hook. O 1. vfS-Oii s t rhypnymen-r-of -twtii«i-U«Ji ;. • |ate there w itli, ami th» utipi Jityi-is r > t-. ( " aaid ileeii of trust iioi~li.iiTKij" Tjctii ,11V plied,with, aiUf'tlie reipitt.! W the f*ti ties interest t-d, the u ti tnißtei will oil Monday tile u I day bf Marcll, v ,1919, at U.-0) o'clock in, at the couit, bouse door of Martin County, Wiliiain aton, H. C., offer at publir sale to tin* T*—i ft .. For Colds, Croup, I'nei I i®ntl|pr'a ;I'rick2 1 Recommended and for sale by ii'ifistn i"—» f d 'ii 1 Kjl». * ' ' Uncnliit! feul-ert'i 1 1 Beglnningat #».» .: itin u-il In. llatJt Branch. Mizel.c iVii c ■ | i [now Where Geo". Outterbii 't'e le.es), I iftU 1 Robersoti, (Jane Browi ) 11 tie'J tlience rnirtiinf* down said branch wet-! I tl.v to an ok, F.ilbert'i i»w owned >v Sabrv William"] I .. , • 'he Iprin* •Hrn'ioli nonherly t i t*o l.'u k ;11 ins Mra. r.iUei'» hut-. Ilu-n e a j sir-tight line ia.sl.ili -l"i'K " ma.ill branch at White bt\-; 1 l,e ~t'e south'rly it line in ,1 «we. ■ tun «•!» :.|j in h" Jilark Brai 1 li, He benlun 1, con-It tilling jS sci!". in ." t.i l- ss nii-' l. -l j atf Ibe Hlllic 1 tl.tl I';o; W.is cfiliveyt'd l" I | 1". Nirbnfi-i li by jI. i-tt |r,,iti J 11 l.'K U. re fori If* t 1.1 li 1 k YV. |>H" 4 I o I',it,:, Ki )'.J'i\ "f M.titoi Cti'inn . •1 to deed il i'.cl ii! ut I ifinbf-r, , | > and I■ v I.'-Slm I-...1 and wife ' I'. C- llfinitll l.\ .tee d.'itcl tin', i' I f. Tli the I-' .l'.t .of 1 1 i.ly- ' \V'' r. Vi v il' 'Il T■" l" f Noircc Of Sale I .»>,.«•! .t 11 v nr. •' ',l A ;«nri 111 v . M.-t titi- ' i ' 11: it • 1 or ri'L' »II- I •»! I.*' 1 1 | vl.t 1,! (. mini v. t .it r» 'a« I nnnir id I• r*J;/ ( ... I I'l.Mr» '1 II » / 1 t 111 f lit* ! »V . :.1.. 1- \ I • • • .1' i'HPI lit* II a ''t > S 11 i . •1■ to .•■ ill •' , U ill • 'II ,V 1 .11 I.N tlu I il . I I» s at ,v\. 1v v '|» I1«It k I'Oiil; -tl ill* (-•uittJlMUht .i .■ »t of Mntiiti t 1 -tiiil \ . ' Ull li.itii'Hlon s ( . lif - 1* | Jili.* 11. i.» u» lilt I !)., Hfh' !. I t." « tl.r '•;! -V\ 1> c t*r I!'} laful. lo »t V VV VYyWVT VYVT t'VVIWPMIWMW'SpWWi IS N ( arM *TTI If- «.f K Sli.r i:. ... •! V" • . nx .1 a- U't N , 1 il. ' i 1. 1 A t'f 11 M -A Kuijt : . .. .1 . • . "« • • I I l»t'; llill j~l . . .l:.r. 1f 11 r-tj •' t ruri'i : I I I > ' I f li. • tuii ' ■' , . .41.. 'I I ' ' . I 1 \ 4 ;.«,i - • in. i. .ti . t. 1,1.11 1! i>' oiu* .1 •• ■ : I* I ; 1 . '»I . . jOi 1...411.:, L'uHlill Nof ice ■. • t / ;\., -""..'j, «i' t , , ... , ! ,1 11. .. 'I j. 1 f . , I 41(.'• I'' ' • 1.. ! • 1I M |.(N # ( i., j » .1 in r»1 • •, ••! |an j ,f, ■ 1- i !I - I- f ' 1 • | ' ' ! 111. I id! . n.'ti :',.at t,. .11 ,1 t «■ | 11« ' « It. 11l il.«- ! nil.l 'll lU- | V • m nt. - I f 1• t :..N "«'• , . . J . I llf if \ Hi. .w h .1 mi J'KOI I.SSIV)NAI^CA_WI).- (»S. 11. Sj Mil Jus, >l. I) Phyr.iL.tan sud Surgeon l>a> pi > itie fill - Nielli phol '' "I WilliawiM"ii, N'. • . AVe. Win 111 j' S. Kli-'dei. lirs. Wancii & Kliodc^ yo.s ;id :)!l.t e iii T.- i>i'.>' Stou- s 'l'lione 7 Hugh B. York, IV!. D Microscopy. Electrotherapy, X- Kay, Diagnosis, Speoialtiep "'llH t 1 *-u--k J caJ JiiiUlill ' »tl Mt'•!H MI I .*> 11l I• ■ I ■ 111 ,'/lo 4 } 111 OHir * I'lioiit - lil 'jilioiif 6\ Dr P. 3. CONi: Dr.nlisl >f Ollicc over Fanners and Mer chants Hank. . / Hoins '.l to 12 ami Ito f> Y Phone No. lies I'hotie No J.W Dr. L. Savage of Rocky Mount '..i1l lie ul tlu , Atlantii' Hotel fn'urth Wenilne.s day in eacn inonlh lo treat dis eases ot the I], KaK, NOShj and Tl IHO AT and FIT JLA^SFIs' i . A K I K>nn I lttyU»n | DUNNING * MOORK AUurney - and ( ~nii-i'lt.n- Ai I „i' U.,„i H.frtr,.|,p--i f" VTillih ~11..,. N. I'lt.ui'- I >ii ; It. i «'itlTi'tll'Mt, — —■ 11.in 1 It'll 1 ( Il K 111 .P .\ t K CI II .K I >■ Aliol!' VI i,\W MAIN SIKIII 1 1 !' 1'» I; it [ Williaii u»n, N. '. j vVtliilel Wll'vlt; -1.11111, Martin & Martin Allorncys-at P.iw ; V\ lilianuston North t arolttiß , v■ ■ S. J. I: v e red Aitorney-al-Law • ■ ' v'lli- N: C- - VVilliaiiihlon. *\ v. ' I iii*li Vt i ! lillw Di»l«tUfc Plicillf* Mi* .I.t). SI. YDI; I I II , 1 e.i |.-i kel .iii.l I .ifeiise.t h/'t il I I'a , 111 I' I • j I'll lliou't h, - \ ( r l'lione 'iffWiiU.ii 1" si.lo, N. C* l>r.\E. N. (iOKDON Veterinarian , I,'allS" answered tlay 01 - iKe phojie (day) ,196, Kesideiue ■ (night) 107. umonia mid I itf lucn/a use 3nyi>alur 25 CKN'I S - ' » : • • 1 1 SAUNDERS be KG WD P.N t » - -hi r,, Notice t'nder and by virtue of the au thority contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 16th day of September, 191 b. \>v Geo. f Barnes, and recorded,in Hook M-l, page 244. in Martin County Rtu istriv.l.o'secure tlu- certain bonds of even tlalt therewith, and the si ipttl.it inns in saitl Deed ol I rust not havifiK been complied with, the nii'lersiynetl trustee will sell at ; puhlit auction iTt the courthouse ilnor-lo t he liitrhest bidder for cash at li:On o clock, 011 the 5t 11 day of ! March, I'll'' the follmvjiiK describ ed tract ol land; I'cgilining at the Kawls Mill th' ltco 11 p b:ick Swa-mp to In Mill I'ain; thence arouml l'en nil's Island to the Cut Darii; tht-tici a straight course to the iirst .11 eh on Ihe Williainston and A.l,hin ton Road; theiice alonn said ni id I ' jlic fip?! station, be lli).' the olif- k'a 11 fMijl and Grounds. Tins SIII diii of I'cbruarv, LOiy., I!. iH'kc Critcher. - T rilst ee. Notice I'ndei and by virtu* "f Itie authorii | I'. uu., oil 111.- J.sth .'--|> of N'ivciiilki. •4H and doll recorded ill lb-- Ktyiilei if I li'eds iillive ill Martin ti.ia.lt, ir k l)i |.ij;e 3«». to "eeiire the jut* i unit nf a nation !'..iid liV-annj; even • 111 ill-lew lib ami the BtlptlUtlillia "I In-inid lited of Ti id n.'l liaviin' l.eeil ■ in|illed with I sliitll t *|.o ,e il' pub !• \ 11. 11 •. 11 fi ,| rasji on Monday I lie a4tb tn of IVbitiiUV. I>i IIJ lit lilt- Colin 11 -ins'e tl.„,i ill M art ill County, at n ...In, I;, tin- fi'ltowliiK I' opeiiv to W.ll: ; I'le. •• \ |||" t« ot land ndj-iittinj' the and >l J.lines Nij lils.ni and olht-i's in .'ill: ill Isi Oil IO W llNllij., COtlllll till.' b ' \, Ii- mine I" le S it belli): till- l -n-i ln.ti. .. I'llpl'.d I' . • 'id lII' 'I "I'd ' I 1 mil rr; J K M"bl. > — t 1 ,it li! ,n I;.-, ~..1 in Jlu Hi , i'le I■' D _■ ,j i iii,,.,- 111 111,,k I' I' I' | aye ,S s ot MIII 111) I olitll v. lie -Ist da i 111 ] alllin I , ill 1-j -It I'. I ,ii I win, I 1 r . 2 11 b .) I NOTICIi it,i.iiv i|il.rtrtie I aa AJnuuibtiai'-i (.1,111 the li I .le ol I.!/111 le W; nil , ..I'.n'.i, NxiUec .is lieieby to .1 p.eis,hi .li Llinx claim-, against said l*.s li 1o pi' seiil.thein t" if.'' iin'derSi}-iie»i fur pitvfneiil'im 01 beluie tile, tftli dir. | ~ , 11 et 01 lies noli, iv 11 1.- pie,1 1 in bll ol the,l 111 , cry. ;\TI pelsull!- llldtbled to Slid I'.still' ,111.1 |.iisled lo make nnuiediiit'e pn ineiil. i Ins ',' li day 111 falllliny. It)ly. A. fl. Ayers FoK SALK. (iood ford Road ster. (' A. Harrison II liiteresteil 'n the purchase of the best quality of Lin).' at a'ti active prices See J no. I) Hk'gs FOKSALK. 272 Acre Farm! loch led v miles irjin' Sun bury, N. in (iales (bounty. 100 acres cleared Good seven room house Splendid tli igliborlioinl A bar -rain ;il I pt*" acre. Write A. McConnack, Wilson, N G 11x21 I 2 1 tl» 2 t FOKSAIdv Five lluroc ler sey Hoars, about 17f>, ll.s. acli All entitled to regis (ration.- - G. W. Iloiliday •Jamt'svill', N. C. U F. I). 2 Dr. (*. C. Godwin PHYSICIAN t I Hiniuii); At Moore »l oi nin OMh **h I I elf|»honr» No. U)I 2 tiniJ Mil i iskittiirkcc botoNn. «lfl! ] ! ■ ..i Uee Lodge No, IH), A fF. iV A. NI.. meets every secoin 4 ami fourth Tuesday night at t o'clock. Come to ses n. S COURTNEY Sole Went lor -so EDISON'S PMONOORAPHS New always —e'tllvtuui \\ l.ii. Vi need i>t TOMBSTONE Or MONUMENT See ' [B. S. Courtney SbmLJ«ii * . v ■ ih _ Comparative Statement of WASHINGTON COUNTY BAM I Plymouth, N. C. ' . As shown hy audit of Rawliugs, Hill & Co. June sth, 1916, and December 31, 1918 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts >71,696.58 Overdrafts , 83.72 urniture and fixtures 1,879.49 i Due from Banks ' 13,315.17 Cash and Cash Items 7,1 16.25 Total Resources 94,091.21! LIABILITIES Deposits " -"62,096.38 Cashier's Checks 918.78 Certified Cheeks 96.70 Notes Payable 20,000.00; Capital Stock 10,000.00 Undivided Profits 979 35 Total Liabilities . • "94,091,21 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts 4,295.79 i Overdrafts 422.73 Stocks ami Bonds 56,030.00 Furniture and Fixtures „ ' 2,857.69; Cash »n hands and Due from Hanks 52,674.41 Total Resources ?326,280.62 ; LIABILITIES Individual anu Rank Depo'sTlT^^^'"™^ Dividends Unpaid 18.00 Notes Payable 88.000 00 Rediscounts 7,500.00. Capital Stock 20.000 00.. Surplus and Undivided Profits 9,267 06 Total Liabilities $326,280,62 ■. ... ■ • . f I'ursuant to v our instriu tioiis, we have made a thorough Ex amination of the liooks ami of youi hank as at the dose I i if- husi lies. I >i-» einhei i Ist, I«yI S, aful hav'e vertified the uccoili •j,tin 111p s.taU nil ill of resouries aiiii liabilities . TT>. i ash as| i oti.nted ami tlu ;n ton nts with iii lit i l ia nks were I ioper|v—teeotieilid. Loans and discounts, is well as all seenrit l heritor, were Disputed ami proved, and the existence of all other Items not petific.dK mentioned was established.' I he hank is in a-sound Jiiiancial condition ami its affairs are -hctny conducted ni aJi cconujiucyl j"k] efficient Juannei.: And tlu interests of both [lie depositors and stockholders appear to be properly safeguarded. . « We hereby eet'lih that the aeconipanviHi'. sTttcment of resour ces and liabifltri sers irrngict.'ni*i'i! ujili the -htmkv, -an-V in our opinion, sets forfli the tin • condition of live hank it lie dose of Ihisiik ss I (etcnibcr, ;ist, iiyiS. (Sig netl A. 1 .1 1. K \\V I .IN' AM) « ) I!'\N V Certified I'ubl.it*\noun rants. Norfolk 1:1 ]•('. imi; I \.a |aimar\ (>, i ry jr ■ Pay your subscription now: * - -, -*- - •>*. 4:. - _ i I Am Prepared : to do shoe repairi of any kind at reasonable \ prices, shots collected and delivered. Call me \ at telephone No, .on Washing!on Street. f ; Jake Ruff in |, I'' • - M "* V"!" 1 W •» , '"f.' T' V m * "»» r T* '"f" ,n»rTir> "" "W' IMP (ioink nvc.i statement il (he condition of Hit I'KOI'I.KS IS AN k, VJ illiamston, CS ri£r at tlic ol business December }ist, 1918 jffi • " ' * ■" ... _ ® I Tj. > , - TOBJ|| UI i.«, . »*" "IW i- .ins „ 5705...30.51 ;^3 ' >) • " *' - ■ - ■---- ••• 1,-" ■-i1 \l. >ans tfon.U 650,00 fR " "NT" ' r ; g : * V ' -tjft Fli Vilm.-'Si I '. 1 •*. i? S ;, 4Sfll •'••Mi. .iitf 40.345.41 (£) 1 THE PEOPLES BANK 1 |y W11,1,1A M BTQ\, >'.( '. «£ J. G. STATON, Pres. J. L. HASSELL, V. Pre. V. R. TAYLOR, 2d V. Pres ® ® C. H. GODWIN, Cashier JNO. I„ RODGERSON, Asst. Cashier ' rf) Jg LUTHER PEEL Teller. —_____ « I SELL YOUR FARM I ; AT AUCTION Properly subdivided it can be sold quickly and profitably. READ THIS LETTER: £▼«*«», N. C.,: >«T» utk, JJU. *' . JP • Atlantic Coast Realty Co., Petersburg, Tli iiy Cm Sir d : I wish to nay that the sal* yon aade for us on , Oot. , Slat was oertalcly a nlo* on*, and *sp*olally whan wa :onolflsr everything that «ao against as. SOB* of your Big Bu£B (Porrolls ana Morton) wwr* taking oar* of the "Jlu" and most every ono around Washington was doing the sam* thing and It was raining. But thor.o fellows baoked that mil orowd ■under a cow-jheltsr, got out in th* rain to he in front of then, and sold then lE2 aoros of cleared land and 147 aorea of wood land for $46,600, and sold to responsible p*opl* and evidently patriotic ones, Judging from the aaount of Liberty Bonds I have seen then handle alno* th* sal*. Mr. i, L, »ynn, my partner In the deal. Joins m» - t>n thinking yon for Baking lis a handsome profit, and b*g to . remain, with beat wishes, Tours very truly, * | k ' ? v% " v "V ?v ' J T^VV¥tiii?yyi'iTl* : iiXi , B'tf , ii-»v»» »»I uiuu IWJ* j'l't | Wt have other endowment letters that emphatically exnrens the satisfaction of our customers. Write for copies of these and booklet explaining our methods. FARM SALES OUR SPECIALTY TERRITORY UNLIMITED ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY THE NAME T*HAT JUSTIFIES YOUR CONFIDENCE PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA OFFICI S GREENVILLE, N. CAROLINA References.' Any fiahk In Petersburg, V». or GreeWille, N. C. * * » [READTHE ADS - - I War yGarage Only Authorized i / —r * - Agency in Williumslon. We carry Stock of (iiciiuinc Ford Purts Storage Butteries Repaired and Repaired ■ - 11 I Your Repair Work will Receive Prompt - Attention Here VJ j_ We Sell Buiek, Ford and Saxon Cars Phone 201 Williamston, N. C*

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