ROVSTER'S FERTILIZER \ - i TI GOODS FOR YOU r BECAUSE r IN 33 YEARS * , (* '' The ijualitv lias never tailed. 9 ■ ' ' I lie ownership and management luu'e never changed. The sales lia\egrown Irom 2 . tons i> 400,000- 1oils; a proof ol sat Mat libit. \ F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY Norfork. Va. Baltimore, Md Toledo. O. Turlmro, N. C. Charlotte, N C. Columh u. S C S|>:trtanl>ur£, S C. Atlanta. («ii Macon, (in. y Coluinlms, (»;i. Montgomery. Ala. READ THE ENTERPRISE ADS SALES FORCE WILLI AMSTON'S GREATEST STORE S. Collin l\el, John \. \1 inning, K. I- Uoberson, Roy. 1. (;, itlin, Lleum 1). Harrison, L. K. Har rison/ll'\ 1 rison, Mrs. Annie liell Brown, M s. Msrlle I'.wms, Mrs. Mat lie White, Mis. \nna I larrison. M)ur new spring gooils are eoming e\er\ ila\ and when you ,are in neeil ol anything eoine to see us or phone us your order am! you will eertamU get the best anil prices as low as anvilne can. ire 11 \'ou ami we will ilo our best to please you. « • Harrison Bros. & Company FARMER RELAI tb STORY OF TROUBLE THAT IS THE WAY J. F. HOLLEY SAYS HIS RHEUMATISM ACT ED— IS A WELL MAN SINCE TAKING TANLAC, HE SAYS. "This Tanlac i.s thtr first medicine 1 have ever taken that did what people aid it would do," said J. F. Holey, residing,at 427 Breckenridge street, Lexington, Ky., "I was in an awful fix for over ,two months," he continued, "and my en tire system seemed to be run. down and worn out. Rheumatism was my worst trouble, my muscles seemed to lie tied .in knots I could hardly sleep at night and would feel as tired in the morning as when I lay down at tiight. M> digestion was affected, 1 had no appetite, my nervous system w. is disordered, and I suffered with would draw me up so I couldn't use my right arm at all. "One dav a friend of mine told me about Tanlac and I got a bottle and started taking it. It has certainly I ml jade a new man of me. 1 can cat anything I want, and this is some thing I haven't been able to do in years, and I sleep like a log at night, That awful rheumatism is all. yone and my strength has been restored and hiult up way. I sure am glad to tell others what Tanlas ha? done for me." NOTICE I'nder and by virtue of the author it; conferred in me by a certain deed of trust executed to me by / \V. R. James on the 1 .'lth day of January, 1917, and duly recorded in the regis ter of deed's office in Martin county, in Hook M l, page to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing ev ■ i date therewith, and the stipula tions in said deed of t rtfst not having be. ,i complied with. I shall expose at .puluu: auction, .for ,o.i( ffiT""TOT'lay of March, 1919, at 12 o'i lock m., at the court bouse door in Martin county, Williarriston, North Cardina, the following property: Beginning at the foot of the Bos ton road where it makes in the Free man road; thence along the Boston road !> to a corner of lot No. K; thence' along the line of lot No. h 12.'i poU's on the Daily, road; thence along tin Oaily road to where the Freeman road riiakes in at the church; thence along; the Freerflan road 7K poles to t'e beginning, containing .'!7 acres, be ilia, a part of lot No, 9 and on the w. t , side of the Daily road of the J; ' s Land Division, registered in Vl i n county registry, land division I '.|»|' I , [i:igc 17(i. 'I in - l.'ith dav of February, 1919 II II COWAN, Trustee. NOTICE*. Having 111 >i lilif> il as Administrator ii pou the H-state of J.iyiuie ' AVyim de ceased; Notice is hereby given hII liersons holding claim:>. against said lis tate to piesent them to the undersigned -for payment on or before the yth day til jail' ary, /yl) or this liottc will" le |.li it 1 in bar 'of their recovery. ,\li pt-rMiiis 11 j 11 1* lit 1 to sii«l Hie i« 1O in ike 11111114 iliflte |»'iv . Tin* »Uy «»f J.tnuai y. ign) A i: \ tiri& ! s *Vs'i ) I '•■•b. •. ... -r / - \ p - . ■ . - Mc / • i ' 4 {- . ' « Nntt fairing(Jlnatii ' - . 3mt Arriurft V . > ... \ " • * .X T " "■• > " * * ' ' v * * v - /■■•."•."' . • ABE AD!.KR _ PHONE 131 Williamston, N.C] -"*^ • , M Farmers Should "Buy A Ticket for Home"* ""£>ome people say that stock gamb lers ami lace track followers used to have the custom of buying a ticket "for home" before knitting all their money on one plunge or before batt ing their last cent on the races. Then if worst came to worst they could at least get home and make a new start. Before deciding to gamble on the cotton acreage in 1919, Mr. Farmer, ■in.-1 (Mr. Business Man, hadn't you i>otter "buy a ticket for home." ty de.i.uud'i that you protect your ."ol\c ;m I your families by produc ing the food for the south upon the farms of the south as dn insurance against is possible loss, on the cotton market. Buy that ticket .now. It is easy to do. Let me toil you how to buy a special rate formers' safety ticket for home in 1019. The direc tions for getting that ticket are as folowa* F : r t— A J.ome garden for every farm faniih in the South to supply the home n- Ik for the maximum number of >ys in the year wifh* a sufficient si elus to be canned, stor ed or dried r future use, including an ample s. , uly of Irish and sweet potatoes an whpreever possible a smal patch ( .-cane or sweet sorghum to produce' tne home syrup. —The production of corn on every farm sufficient to maintain the family and the live stock in ample food ami feed for a year. In western Texas and Oklahoma grain sorghums should be substituted in place of coin for safety's : ake. Third—Produce the hay and forage necessary to amply supply the live stock on the farm for one year with ;in excess for the sake of safety, and special attention should be given to the sumer legumes, velvet beans, coV peas, soy beans, and peanut . espfesk .ah for. f>e.d«l» purposes, Fourth—Product the me; t, egsg and milk for every family on the farm. This means the production of hogs, cattle and poult n' anl the cure and keeping of good family rows, l ivestock is necessary in older to eat. up the otherwise waste products of f ie farm and convert them into cash. Fifth—Produce your coton on a Moderate acreage,, well prepared anil Well tended. Secure the best seed of tin- very best verities. Sixth Plan to met all family and fan,i expense- from the surplus pro duct of the farm outside of the cot ton ciop, and to have in the "fall of I(>l'.* a- good . uply of laying hens, at least two milch cows for every family and liiii; rin the lot to hi the'faiiiilj. smoke hou>e during the winter, po tatoes either in the hank, the cellar or the torchou c\ for the winter's use,! canned or dried vegetables and fruits, liilfl .'i hnrel of molasses for. the fam rlyr ~ar crrtjr of" COTff'sufficient fir"hr?t' until the ne\t crop is made, \vith good ..-lofuge facilities for protecting same a" ! ample hay and forage for the livestock. This is the farmers' "ticket foi home." 11 evevy farmer in the oath will buy one of these tickets we are satisfied that he wil ljot gamble on an excessive acreage in cotton , if interested m the -tjtirchase of the best «j u a 111 v of I-line at attractive prices See J no. I). Biut».s We CaiTy at all times a Complete Stock of Metalic and Wooden Burial Caskets Latest Design* , ANDERSON, , CRAWFORD & CO. Money to Loan . >II [Estate From One Thousand Up For Five to Ten Years Critcher & Critcher Dr. G. C. Goihvin PHYSICIAN. Dunning h Moore's Formei Office B'jild'ng Tflrphonri No. 161-2 and 161-3 Skewarkee Lodge No. 90 *s>? Skov\itrkoe Idffe No. SH), A. K. & A. &t , n c ts every >ecoird aui fourth Tuesday. nigh.t at 8 o clock Come to ses B. S. COURTNEY Sole Agent lor EDISON'S PHONOGRAPHS New Records always on hand When in need ->! TOMBSTC) or MONUMENT See R. S. Courtney PROFESSIONAL CaWDS Jos. H, Saunters. M. I> Physician ard Surgeon Day phone 53 • flight i;hoi._ * Williamsto i. N. C. Wni. B Warren ]. S. Rlitvle* |l)rs. Warren & KMcs Physicians an 1 Surgeons . Office in tiim i. i» • *-.■•■■■ 'l' • h. 'Hughß. York, M. D I Microscopy. Elec'rotherapy, X- Kay, Diaprnr sis Specialties 1 Office on Smith wi kS , i ear lilount P.m. Office hour*. H to i> * tit., 7 to 9 j». m Officj 'plioiir 6«» ■ f lyht 'phoiif 6» Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Martin 8? Martin Attorneys- it-Law I Williamston - North Caroline 'PH»NK EMPTB. CONE Dentist Office over Farmers and Mer chants Bank. Hours !» to 12 and 1 to 0 Phone No. 0 Res ''hone No. 156 Dr. R. L. Savage of 10)0ky Moun' \ 'ill be at the Atlantic Hotel fou'tli Wendnea day in each mouth to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE i unci THROAT a.>d FIT GLASSES J A. R. Dunning C layton Moore I DUNNING AC MOORE Attorney t and C'juik lion At Uw I Offices in th'* Poop let tank Building j Williamson, N. C. Phone 13^ 18. A CRITCHER H I). CRITCHFR CRI RCHER 6c C RITCHER ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW ' MAIN STREET PHONE 17 j Williamaton. N. C. J. Pver ell \ttorney-al-Law N. i W HianiHton. N, C, viiville l«Otl|g I'iatn ir« Phone \t> - j. D^rimr I'mlci tiikfi .111 • t l,ic 'iiseil Kiutial- Tll» I Plvmoutl*. - N. C. I'lion" 37. Williaiiisloii, N. C Dr. K. N. GORDON Veteriiun ian C.ills .Miswon il it. y * 1 n 1 «4111. >l In c11 lit 10c (1l.1v) ■ >«. Resilience

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