NNUAISTAiEfiENTOF BIBBD3BSIENTS ; FOR MARTIN GOUNTY YEAR 1918. 1 Yoar beriming the first Monday in December, I*ls, and clos- j >n* the fiwt Monday in December. 1918. The following vouchers j were paid: « ,00 ) Manervv Newman, ounty poor, - • J Frank Newman, county poor, ' j ' Josephine Teel, county IKX*-, ... »r , XT. ' , Susan Morris, county poor, - * |**j j Margarett Simpson county poor, —• 2.60 j isi.non ilardison, cou.ty poor, ...„ ( " M**h Crandeii, cou «ty poor, , « York Niciioison, cout ty poor, - j r * "count y %or, ..A.. - J-®J| ) Clarlotte Simmon*, .ourty poor - .._.™ r .... i-* i Sialic, count; pcor, ... i—•«•*••• fannie Blade, count;- poor - - - Senora Lati.am, coui ty poor, s j7 u 1 Oe\e Parker, count} pcor, - . Julia I athara, count j pc or, ..., d-w , Louisa J'eil. county poo,- J ~ Baseline Porter, couity poor, •*JK Qmttb Rawles, couity pom-\~ yju, JrUt Hodges, county po *, .>..... Kate P.uliock, co cu.t; pcor ! - Mary Bullock county poor, .*.■%. JYY Robert Anderson, county poor, ::.Z% Joe Bennett, county poo-, ....... - - 57" Sarah Cherry, coun.y *>or, f A ™ Whitley, county poor, .... v ~;MV Folictt Pulley, count;' poor, „ - Ellen Lilley, county poor, ... * * ?y" u Vina Andrews, cowry poor, ■> -- 5 Abner Beunctt, coun.y |.oor - - •*•' f ' Fannie Stokes, count/ poor, -»-■■■■ «•"}' Amie Williams, county poor Will Balsbury, count..' poor, , lie well yn Whitaker, county poor, ..» y-J'j' Lucy Coltrain, county poor, . Moan Teel, county poor, —, Vt. 8, Roberson, cot., ■county poor, "• jSn.es Jones, county poor, .. .. A"" Handy Roberson, count.- poor, ~ J;- 1 ' 1 I Maiy francis Jenhri.s, county poor, Winnie Koliersoii. county poor »•¥«• Asa Taylor, county poor. , - Sfcliie Ann 'V, Uson, iounty pool j-" Jennie Teel, comity K>oi, ~ ~ Lucy Eaeil, county poor. ... - ■ B.ojnt Cnwve, county poor, .. ■ Charlotte Coltrainc, .oui ly poor, J '" A. it. Wvnn, county pocr, ' Nancy county pcor, t r' r ' Hairy Clark, county poor, K.Ua Williams county poor, .. .VjJ. Policy Claris, count> pi >0 |; Fcbiik Teel, county |ot r, • ' Far.nie Teci, county |>oi r, - '' r ,, Mary Hives, county poo , . 0 • ' Hctlie Kwcil, count; pcor, ". ' Ciu.rity Hunt 11, couity poor, .7 j V*. n.nie Evans, coun.y i-oor, * iiOW'Tl* VUUfHV ■ I'OUr, ' ■: r .-i.-.T-, fcl- Zdcnari&h VviiiUaus. county poor, .. . I'ataey Price, .county ) »or, -UIIH V.. E. War-fen, aupt ol tiwuth, . " ' i1o: pi is 1 , William fta odlca, ■ ■' John "A. viiuKlr.or, libor. lunitier, b.-'idK**. V«lu • Mas-tin Coufity .Sayi; k- &■ l«».t insurance, wot J. L. tirtnain tiutlflord, i iiul -r - J. E. Hsnlifcrtl, lui bvi hndges • 2 (Mr Dennett Rogers, »ui t. 1 • rouu-s .. • ■ A. Corey, supev. ol ro.oi«, • g-g. J!. J. Peel, postage.-ct ~ .... . ui'k' C. C. Coltlioli, tU ~ lliudir Jlj ° r A. i'.. Mellion, i-cpai> 0 court ho inc. S. Brown; postal. % -1« ; S H BIOWII. c. rk ti oonxl un d-st tiioiiory, J. E. '.riilin lumW; bi hx> . S. Hio'aii. tax ii t, I'. S. Pu.vis, iu'i.lx- ..*» lal-ui. bi.ilKc, J. iv- JOlih.-, in 1-a.iici IA: i-ta.'.n. H 1. !riu(', ... - • h. S. Clitciicr, lu'i. H i brulgi s. * ' \,. u. Daniel, luh.i. 1-. n.l laUn. l-r..tgo», ■ ; 1 ii-., , & Stat oh, i • ni»..-1 hrtufci-.. " : ' ' j ■ (. I>. CarMaiyiu 1., male rial l»r; g' • • J..S. luiioiu, nuiU' .ul-lii'.iges,. •••■■ ' Yv'i.l Perry, iunil« r .and .labor br.sJtrca, ■ 'l.e%i Hardisou, bnd;es ~... - ; 450 i, Joi-liu.i Coitrn n, bi.vigts, - -. 3 ' 7 J, Join A. Gardner,- I nui es, , . . /.n tersou, Cipwlojii & Company, county poor - J. J. B«wm,*:>i»pt.. oui ty t.oni.', ... . - - ' || J. L. lioil.uay, l 11 '»nt 1.-. .-ounty • lemonstratpr, 1 • J. H. Mollis, onc-l.a'l -.|'en.e on 1 vri.tt mill (lam, . 4 ' •. 1. It. Hubci»«n. Till >K ot bii-lges, *_ —J. H. l ag**, baard iunfar- v - John Purvis, bi'uigis, • \> -^(liii A. R. j. 11. Hverett, lum «% I'li.lgc:. ' " J. H. Page, conM-y.iig pi-r»oiier#, . JANLAUY Mis. John I). H'g . t National Defense, - 1 lank Newman, im 'it> H"". - u'w Jl„Ticrva Newman,., mi t.. j »■»r, .• Jo-ephme T»jel, cut. .. • • v jfßfrgn- couiay .>OOI, T, U( fflirhih Hamiiton. •« mn y poor. .•»- *. o' r ,i mti-gSrt-t-.S:mpj,oti, con.ty poor, r - _ " ,/j^ li:ii.itiß jMHtrrtison count; poor— '• Nyiiigif .Cian!> U, eoufity- poor, Vo7fcsicWffSW». o-JEt£ .pooi, - - . Oehic Mill's, -o«i.t p>>or, v *•" Caroline liocn i>. ciunt . lietsey Illandj, county poor, * Charlotte Simmons, icuniy pool, Martha Slauk. couMy poor, Merrick Sladc, couity**p«*oi", tl Fannie Slade, couir;, >OOI. . r , Senora lat ham count poor, Juua ljUtltain, county >Ol. u Bell, count; 1001 - j- Emeline Porter, unutv . , - Church ltawls, county j>oor, ' - - . ' Kate Bullock, count, p»»or, Jlhrv Hullixk. ccuitli UJVI, _■. J.■ «:p:x'rt 'Aiiilci . »n. county poor, • • J Toe Bennett, county 1 o >i% Sarah Ciicrry, county |>>or, . , , Ka-ah Whitlel; , ««)u».t> -M 01 , . ,« Poilcy Pulley, county poor, .... ... i Elian Lillet-, county Vina Andicws, courty poor, " Abner Bennett, coumy 1 our, , ■ Fannie Stokes, county »«>or. Amic William county poor, ' - -• , Will Salsbaty, cdvniy poor,' • • in He welly n county poor, !?•. i l 4 ucy Coltiain, county poor, , [• ' NOJUI Teel county poor, . W f .-H. Roberson, county poor, *-J *—" James Jones, county I>OJI, ~ . • RJ Handy Roberson, ncnt; poor, f x Mary Francis Jer.k ns, county poor, . . v J'j, Winnie crun'y poor, - Asa Taylor, county pool. " r, bailie Ann Wilson, iounty poor, '•' Jwmie Peel, county JSHM-; « Lucy Coltrain, county poor, • r - *«■ y''.r Blount Cliance, couniy poor - !•' Chutotte Coltrain, ount> poor, A. R. Wynn, county poor, ... ... . ;!•' Nancy Wynn, counts p >or f . . f\ f Harry Clark, county poor, • J- Bitta Williams, coui ty noor, ... • '*[ PoUey Clari, count; pojr, . . J- A ;J L Frank Teel, county poo., . - AJ • Fannie Teel, county pocr, - .....ri..- Arter Taylor, count; Mary Rives county po n , : ' u Settle Ewdlr COtJßtj ; poor, — _ i:. it.-. ;i Ui Lydia Sforuill, county poor, - {- Charity-Horrcll, cm nty poor, ... .. - J ilfi,,,Winnie Eyahis, councy t.oor, .- : - J*} Robert Downs, coun y p jor, -ttdnvtah Ifimsmir,-Toinrty-piK>r; : T{] Patsey Price, county IKK. r, , ... , . . *• Mrs. F. U, Barnes, .Scc ctn.ry Notional Defense, R. J. Peel, county Dec. Term, ''V J. H. Page, court sched Dec. term .. !y ( R. J. Peel, for county p .or, * >»• C. James, Court nchtdul-., ..., t B. F. Godwin, court schedule, V — - o* j. A. Bennett, court schedule, JL ~- J. T, Bennett, court scteduk* ~- Harry Meadford, cowrt -ichcduU', „ B. W. Hines, court ichclule, i * }• H. W. Hinca, court s'hedole, - !• J. W. Bellflowcr, court s -hedule, .....j :.;«.:**••••» ; *• » ,J. L. Robercon, coui scnedule g Misaic Eborn court ach.idule, - ;""':rX a. ,1 t M, ■. 11l 1 ] '"' - ' * -T . It 7! ! ■ t? ■ 5. D. Jenkins, court schedule, - ? ] J. A. Powell, court-schedule, - —7 *'i? W. Mc. Wynn, court schedule, , tf, E. G. Davis, court schedule, «• .'or Jesse Ben Rolierson, court schedule, - , J. W. Gardner, court schedule - I 't , J. H. Riddick, court schedule, E. G. Godard, «ourt schedule , J.H. Everett, court schedule - W. L. James, court schedule, ,'Vr J. F. Terry, court schedule, * { S5 Grover Wynn, court schedule, - - Kadei Rogers, court schedule, : Augustus Moore, court schedule - j-ji J. & 'Manning, court schedule, !-" r Asa Mooi-e court schedule, '{r Clyde Moore, court schedule -W-y i ; —- J. L. WVrfti, court schedule, - ~ •£' W. C. Manning, court schedule, R. L. Knox, court schedule, \ r J. R. Hardison, court schedule, S. S. Brown, iounty statement Everett-Waddey Co., books, r , W. H. Daniel, bridges ■?;!, T. P. Hardy, poll tax refunded, - «'"> Will Perry, bridges - S. J. Tctterton bridges i ulin Joshua Coltrain, bridges, Arthur Corey, bridges, - - „ r W. S. Curgauus, Bridges Good oltaos Mfg. Co., bridges, ... u.-- 8. It. Biggs Drug oCmpany, etc., - l "°' " John l>. Cherry, poll tax refunded, -f.T J. I, Holliday, county demonstrator ] R. J- Teel, office supplies, - -~"r S. S. lirown, office aupplies, R. J. Peel postage, etc., - ?• Wfll'amKton Telephone Co., phone, . . ....: Dr. Warren, superintendent of health • ' Wililamston Electric Company, lights, T. E. John«on,bridges, fi'L J, U Roberson, tiling bridges, lolin A. Gardner, bridges, o».» W. 11. Mizc-ile, bridges, - - ......7 o Aniier.-un, Crawford & Company, county poor, m.ti J. D. htnven, superintendent county home JSO.OC J. 11. Cage, jurors, * s s'? r I. H. Page, board prisoners, J. H. Cage, capturing still, - .Turner Witiiaiinrfi coffin fwv.couaty poor, , H. W. Stubbs, attorney, ...... R. J. Peel, court fees, .. \ri Joe I'Ui vis, bridges - FEBRUARY, 1918 Frank- Newman, county poor, •'—* Manerva N'-wman, county poor Jo.sephino Teel county poor, r ; Su.-aifi MarriH. i ounty poor, .t IM Mutlbli fl.-i-'iiltoii, county poor, '•"J Margaret Siinpi*on, county poor, * - n(H ,Simon Hardison, county poor, *■ York Nicholson, county poor, , f( CarolirS' Rogers, county poor, Betsev BJaiid, county poor, ' ■ Charlotte .Simmons, county poor, , i-', MurlTn; Slade, (ounty poor, j-" Merrick Slade, county poor ■ Fannie Slade, county poor, f'-, Senora I.at,ham, county poor, Clove Parker, county poor, ■■ Julia Latham, county poor, r ()| - l.oi>a Hull,-county, pour, . ---: Kmc line Porter, county poor, ,t„, T*JT Church llawls, county poor, A *• Kate Bullock, county poor, - .. - fJf Murv Bullock, county poor, f-. Uobiut Anderson county poor, t-■ |- Joe Bi nneU, county poor-j^7' ~£. Sarah Cherry, county poor, ?■ . Sarah Whitley, county poor, *■ Policy j'ulley, county poor, jr. 1 Ellen' l.illev, county poor, ' () I Vina Anilrnws, county pool, 2(i Aimer Bennett, county poor, ~- I Fannie Stokes, county poor, • Amie WilHams, county poor, Will Sabbuiy, county poor *• j Llewellyn WhiUikei;, county poor, I Lucv Coltrain, county poor, ' I VV. H. Roberson, county poor, I .lumi i .li;r,( s, county poor, i|:in !• !'i i.eisoil, county poor, f. ' I Mary' l-'raiteis Jenkins, county poor, j-J Winnie Roberson, county poor, I Asa TUN lor, county poor, ! Sullie Ann Wilson, county poor, ' Jennie Teel county poor, « Lucy Ewcll, county poor, . " Charlotte Coltrain, county poor, ( • " A. R. Wynn, county poor, H Nancy Wynn, county poor, r. " I lain- Clark, county poor, , llitta Williams, county poor, I i'ollc: lark, county poor, - ". !•'rank Tec!, county |»ooi», . '' I Futinu I'eel. county poor, *' A i*t er T'y 'or, «ounty poor -MIII-V v.iuuty puoi, ...■ . "■ . ' I'ct j'' J w.ll, county poor, " f'j r J.ydia county poor, - . • - Chainv Ilarrcll, county poor, !\ - Winnie K\an , county poor, • , , , j Robert Howti v county poor, ... ' . '(• /achai i 'li Williams, county poor, tl! Patsey Price, county poor, .... -. ,•••_- ;• iO j M rs. i . I'. Barnes, secretary National Defense «• lilS. S. Crown, office supplies, books, etc., ... '• K)! Edward . & Hioughton. record: books, *• WH"Mf»ttiP' Wat' rs-, I footmat, -- tJ ' •(' Williien'-ton Telephone Company, phone, • , } jj* 1 11 V,. K. V.in 11, superintendent of health, *l. Slade Tayior, county poor; _ j jR. J. I'eci, postage, etc., , ' .1. J. 11, Page, capturing still , . 1 tJ. H! ; board prisoners, "*J- W. li. Roger*," bridges, ill' Bre>tu«i I owell, coffin for county poor, '• iO J. I> Cowcn, superintendent county home, 1 ! An'U i on. Crawford & Company , almshouse, >*• 1 - J. 1,. 1 iiillutay, county demonstrator, y • 5(1 11. S. Lverett, commissioner, J'• )(I;J.'C, II Knight, coroner, }"' :)(•"! ,| t 11 a.- .'ell, commissioner ['■ id ' 11, M. Manning, commissioner. * '•••_ i.l. 11. M P. el," commissioner, • in ! ,1. 1.. Coltiain, f commissioner, hi, " " " MARCH, lUIS wtrriWk WvnngTr.-pamitv tiMBi 1 ,.:..'..,.^^.-» i>» i Wwman, co'Onty poor, ' »• • ! Jof-cp) iki ■ "IVol-, county poor, o' ,Su *iti Moiri -, county poor, . . „ | Nrariah ( ■ ym'i H, tounU poor, , - «• Ho Murga «i Simpson, county poor ■ . . »• I'p'Sili'on oiinty poor.- — * - j" 1 i>»>j Vork N u Upl- on, county poor, i ' * 'i' ('nwli'-r Ifoi'ciK, county poor, *• ,>,O iU't.se\ l!l.tnii, county poor, »• • • • j Charlotte Simmons, county poor, I (Mi I Merrick ; :alc, county poor, . } Ml i Martha Static, county poor, 50 Pcnnie Miles, county poor, j- OdJSenora Latham, county poor, yo'l Clevc I'arker, county poor, v.- 1 (10 Julia Latham, county poo)' 00 i Louisa Bell, county poor, • • (Hi Kmelinc Porter, county poor,' »Mi I Church Kawls, county poor, * rio ' Kate Uullock, county poor, * 60 j .Vary Bullock, county poor, > - » SO Robert Angerson, county poor, ,76 ! Jw l Henn-tt, county poor, » ,00' Sarah Ch«r»-y, county pctfr," ' ■ 5 ,(Mt. Sarah Whitley, county poor, ■— ;• * ,00 Polley Put icy,, county poor, ■ .HO Vina Afuliews, tounly poor, : * .60 | Aimer Bennett, county poor, jj .00 i Fannic Stokes, county poor, | .00 Atnie* \ ii.auvs county poof, ' .(Hi! Slude r,!jUn, county ppor, , « !(M)jVVill Hal - O',. county iX»pr, . • ] ,60 J Llewellyn Wl-.ilalrar, county poor, ,(M)' Lucy ('ivt.am, county poor, «. -marty • iwor;: - - J .Ml! W. IL P.ol i>on, county poor j .60 | J anion Jones, county poor, -V . j .00 j Hamly A Li>l>»r "»"'■ ffWfr ■■■*■ ————~— ' .00l Matj, I rancia Jenkins,"county poq»fy 1 .601 Winnie i;ol>erson, county poor, /T7............. ... j .00 Am TV lei, county |>oor, - ! .63 Gallic Ann WiLon, county poor, - ,20 Joonir Ted, county pu»r, "•; .OOfLwy E*eH,**»tt»ty poor, ~.J • .20 ; Hlount Chance, county poor, * .w......... I.CG Charlotte Coltrnin county poor, !.Q6 A. H. Wynn, county poor, - ] LOR' Nancy wynn, county poor, I.00! Ham Clark, county poor, ... ■' .50 Ritta Willi urns, county poor, v ... i- .10 * Pol lie Clark, county poor, ; - .40 Prank T"»*l, county yoor —» ; 1,30 Fannie '!'? el, county poor, - ■'■■■ . , USOjAnlr Taylor, county poor, 5.60 j Mary Rive.-, 'conn ty poor ... ..60jllettie Jewell, county poor, .20|Lvclia Spruill, county poor, ,601 Charity Hat ml, county poor, jl 111 II In I I "*" Winnie Evat», county poor, HK j I Robed Downs, county poor., - - HHf ' Zachariuh V i'.iiarjs, county poor, jj* ; > Patsey Price, county poor, ....... ; s" A) Mrs. F. U- Barnes, chairman National Defense, ™ ; i J. D. Bo wen, superintendent county home, II Dr. J. S. O'Hare, dipping vats v - SS ' i Good Roads Supply Company, paint for bridges, !»•"« i! J. E. Roberson, supervisor roads, ... » 5-5 V 1 1 Wiliamston Telephone Company, phones, - « . Oak iCty Supply Company, bridge material "-4V , Edwards & Broughton Company, books, ... 1 Everett-Waddey Company, record book, - ( ) A. B. Rogerson, supervisor roads, —-—* - f 1. R. Berson, tiling for bridges, .. ) S. S. Brown, clerk to board office supplies, )i R. J. Peel, postage, etc., •"titt't; t " - 50'94 )J. L. Hasell & Company, material bridges, ............. ou * J | Williamston Electric Company, lights, 5 Hovt Hardware Companyy, supplies for court hose "-o» SiW.'W. Walters, bridges,- ... .......... W. E. Wan-en, superintendent of health, 01 J. D. Biggs, for serving road orders, ............... ii Phillip Williams, poll tax refnded, : - * ™ Anderson, Crawford & Company county poor, , «j.M tj. H. Page, disinfectants for jail, "'jS J. H. PaKP, supplies for jail, v - ; - 4 ST O 0 J. H. Page, board for prisoners, —- J. t Houiday, county demonstrator, - 5 The Enterprise, printing county statement, 0! The Enterprise, printing, „ (I; J. R, Tyre, labor and damage to mule, 0 Al'lUL, 1918 0 ! Frank Newman, county poor, - KK 0 Manerva Newman, county poor, ...„ S'S, Josephine Teel, county poor, - *■"" 5 1 Susan Morris, county,poor, *'• 0 Mariah Crandell, county poor, *■'" in 1 Margaret .Simpson, county poor 16 1 Simon Hnrdi son, county poor, £•_. 6 j Mariah Crandell, county poor,. •••••_ G ! York Nicholson, count;- poor, ....# 10 ' Caroline Rogers; county poor, •' id Betsey Bland, county poor, , SJ 17 , Charlotte Simmons, county poor, ... 10 | Merrick Blade, county poor, . r k m H> j Martha Slade, county poor, 10 ' Senora Iathara, county poor, ..... i- »; '• 10 j Cleve Parker, county poor, - . A :, 0 Mil Julia Latham, county poor : : , %" 0 Kl Louisa BHI, county poor, £ oft 10 Emeline Porter, county poor, '• »() 1 Church Rawli, county poor, ■ | Kate Bnlloek, county poor, •"* K) | Mary Bullock, county poor, *. ••••■■'• • j K)i Robert Angerson, county poor, '/no i H) i Joe Bennett, county poor, : - '2 60 M) I Sarah Chetry, county poor, - S*?„ H): Sarah Whitley, county poor, ; - SOl Pol ley Pol ley county poor, « ..... " »0 Vina Anduews, county poor, *•' K)! Abner Bennett, county poor, j-'"' 50 i Fannie Stokes, county poor - T7}! >0! Amie Williains, county poor, '■•'J 50 Slade Taj lor, county. poor, 50 i Will SaLshury, county poor, i'™ 50 Llewellyn Whltaker, county poor, 2-J5, !)0 I Lucy Colt rain, county poor, . T « * 50 | Noah Ted, coui.ty poor, . - ' ' • 50 W. 11. UotaTson, county poor £•"" 1 [)0 I James Jones, county poor, ~ • 001 Ifanly Kolwwon, county poor, . _ g-fo} j 0() : Winnie Hub* ison, county poor, (K), A>u Taylor, cujanty poor,. f 00 : Sallie Ann W'il -on. county poor, :r. Ml ■ Jennie Ted, county poor, m» Loey poor, V , «-™ 0(1 j Mount Chance, county poor, . ....» \ 60 Charlotte Colt win county poor, '..... * (H) 1 A. It. Wynn, county poor, * -J-JJ, 00 j Nancy VV> nu, county poor, ~}Jft OH I Harry Clurk, county poor, i f ' (Mi Ritta Williams, county poor, OO I'ollie Clark, county poor, l>o 1 Frank Tcelj county poor. f " 60 I- annic Ted, county poor, *...„ - f- " 00 ' Alter Taylor, county poor, .. ■ ' f ' 50 Mary Kives, coi.nty poor I - f " 00 Itettie F.wdl, county poor, \ , r ,. 00 l.yclia Spruill, county poor, ... 00 Charity Harreli, couifty poor, {••' 501 Winnie Evans, county poor, : .60 ' Robert Downs, county poor, J' r . 1 .60 i Zuchariah \V;iiii,m*, county poor, {•'" ,60; I'aUoy Price I ,,county pour, . .. _r .50 Mrs. F. I . Harness chairman Nationul Defense, | .75 .!.js. I>. Holliilay county demonstration work, .00 U. J. l'eel, couit schedule, rlrfi 1 .00 .1. 11. I'uk?. court schedule. ror .00 W. ('. Manning, court schedule, • »•*» .60 li. K. (loWwin, court schedule, ...... ~y" I .0(1 '*!. F. Page, court schedule, - * : .00 H. Brita', court schedule, * ".*•*" j .00 liobci't Ui'own, court" schedule, '*'s2 | .00 Kiali llrown, court schedule,:. .00 Charles K\er4t, court tt-lAdufe .50 J, 1,. Wynn, coirt tschedule, ~.r. S) r I .50 J K. Hmrtisori; -court .'Cttedulo; " ( VrT .50 |{. L" Tf.vlor, court schedule? »J}H .50* J. L>. Kogerson, court schedlle, ... '^r .60 i Eli Kogerson, eourt schedule, 'i? | .00 |J. I). Harrison, court schedule, •'r j' .00 i Geo. D. Wynh, court schedule, ...... •« .00 John Nicholson, court schedule, i'qo| .00 Simon Daniel court schedule, n n 'l 43 Willis Daniel, court schedule, -«• ~*{M i.14 ,J. L. Roberson, court schedule, - •'}?j .50 (X Jajjii*.;, court schedule, | I.HO ,|. EJ White, ccurt-Schedule, .... ...» 1.00 W. .1. CumpbeP, eourt schedule, 1 Q *K? •. 1.00 Emma Rogers, court schedule, : - »«|H> .50 H. L. Kawls, court schedule, ._"•?! 1.00 . Walter Harrison, court schedule, —.•... N...:..:.* -TMWI i lO'lro Holers, court schedule r- - 1 1.00 J. A. Roberson, court schedule, f-; 1.00; J. N. Kogerson, court schedule, - i.OO S. S. Brown, court schedule, ...... '.15 K. li. Roberson, court schedule, j™2 1.00 H. E, Gardner, court schedule, ).00 J. 11. Kiildick, tourt schedule ).90 A. J. Manning, court schedule *— • }~2 ! i.OO J, L. Cpltialß, court schedule, '•jj® j ).90„ Calvin Avers court schedule, t : * | >.70 Henry 1). I'eel, court schedule, - ! >.BO H. lUddick, court schedule } Joshua 1.. Cbltrain, court schedule, {.•«>: UUKW. C. Manfc i - 1.1)0. w. c. Mannirfl?; Ifourt I J.OO John Nicholson, court schedule, 1,-; .EX' 1.00 Sam Moore, court schedule, i ! 2.00 | Fannie Scott, court schedule, ■' ' • . i 2.00 Mosella Roberton, court schedule, * ' i.OO- ■ .1 . HOI; . 444 i ng for bridge* - 2.00 i S. S. Brown, rlt'i k to hoard and oftice supplies, „ «'Ar ! 1.60 It. S. Powell, conveying prisoner, ..JeEJ 1.50. w. K, Warren, superintendent of health, - l.&O It. J. I'eel, postage, - y 1.50 Marry Moore, county poor, •• 2.00 | David Roberson, dipping vats, ; i? xV 2.00, Dr. J. S. O'Hare, dipping vat «, 1.50 J, H. Huge, board for prisoners, ■••• ""'A! U>ojj. 11. Page court schedule, - •; 2.00 jJ, 11. Page, lav ing out roads, ' 2.00' J. 11. Page, capturing still, -- y , % 4.001 U. K. Daniel, conveying prisoner, ... •■■■• f*"" 4.00 Anderson. Crawford & Company, county pOor, li't.oz 2.00 J, D. Bowbn, superintendent county home, 2.00 Gion Nortleet, county poor, • 2.50 Williamiston .Telephone Company, tohonea, - 2.00 Williamston Electric Company, lights, 9 2.60 H. W. Stubbs attorneyy, ... ■■■-.■ •••••• 2.50 MA\, iyiß 2.0 i Frank Newman, county poor, o'no 1 2.00' .Josephine Tool, county poor, - • «g. 55.00! Susan Morris, county poor, ~ ;j J" > i 4.00 Mariah Cwivlell, county poor, 1.50 I MaTtrarct Simpson, county poor ; j »••••■ -57", 5.00 I Simon HartHson, county poor, I *-Y« ! 1.50 | Mariah CramlcH, county poor, "" j :Nih» I York Nicholson, county poor, ....» *.«*»■ 8.00 i Caroline Jtocarn, county poor, Betsey Waft'l county poor, ...... ..-.- 2:00 'Charlotte Simmon*, county floor, f'™! 1 2.00 i Merrick Slack, connty poor, 2.00 ! Martha SlaJe, county poor, ■■■ - - | V» j 2.00 Senora I-ntham, courti* poor, fTJTI 2.00 1 t'leve Parker, — ' !; ■ 2.00 :.Julia' Latham? county poor" - 1.50: Louisa Hell, county podr, , f!£ ; 1.50 , Kntcline Porter, county poor, ~. *• 2 " 2.50' Clmrch ; lip wis, county poor, ~ . 1.75 Kate Bullock, county .poor, ; I 4.00 j Mary Bullock, county , poor, ■»••• s"' ! 3.00 j Kobert Anderson, county f>oor, *•«>" 2.00 I.loe Bennett, county poor,- v .,.. 1 1.50 ; Sarah Cherry, county poor, - 1.60 Sarah Whitley, county poor, 3.00 1 Polley Pulley county poor, ..: - j*-™' | 2.00 : Vin« Andrews, county poor, —... 2.00! Abfter Bennett, county poor, 2.00 2.00 L Fannie Stokes, . ounty poor. - - 77*' I 2.00 ! Amie Williams, county poor, - i-;* 2:tNrfStatr Tayhtrr eoowty poor, j I.6oiC,ion Ndrfleet, county poor, ]•*' 1.50 1 Will Salsbury, county poor, ...... ... ...._.— lJw vT 7 " - '" -A.- . ..ad .-y • . • c-'-. Uwellyn mitaker, county poor - - " Lucy Coltrain, county poor, - v- jVp Noali Teel, county poor, - -i o"( (» W. H. Roberson, county poor - |QT James Jones, county poor, - 200 , Handy Roberson, county poor, ■ —*■ 200 v Mary Francis Jenkins, county poor, Winnie Roberson, county poo* ..„ - i 000 Asa Taylor, county poor, t.— Sallie Ann Wilson, county poor, co Jennie Teel, county poor, ..* - ~ Lucy 10well, county poor, - —" ,'75 Blount Chance, county poor, - - 4 fl( . Charlotte Coltrain county poor, S 04} A. R. Wynn, county poor, - - o'™ Nancy Wynn, county poor, . - - j'r o Harry Clark, county poor, - - , .; 0 itta Williams, county poor, ..li * Pollie Clark, county poor, 2\Qj I"rank Teel, county poor, f Fannie Teel, county poor, ~ - f: ~ Arter Taylor, county poor, , - § .1, Mary Rives, county poor r - Bettie Ewell, county poor, - - Lydia Spruill, county -poor, * - J Charity Harrell, county poor, . Winnie Evans, county poor, —--•> ' 2 -41 Robert Downn, county poor, .... - - , Zachariah Williams, county poor, —— BE"*.' 2:00 J, L. Holliflay, county demonstraeor, ....... - C. D. Carstarphen, supplies for court house, - —• t W. E. Waireir, superintendent of health Walker, Evans & Cogswell, record books, - Tj OO J. R. Roberson, tiling for bridges, —i...... - - J. E. Haniison, bridges, - 2; lit Joshua L. Coltrain bridges, - G a , W. H. Daniel, bridges, - - J. A. Gardner, bridges, - - V () o Robert Kees, county poor, ■■■■ T •••• Dunning & Moore, furniture for court house, " A. Corey, supervisor roads, .: -•*;•; 11 s>« Dennis Simmons Lumber Companv, lumber bridges, ...» ; Virginia Bridge & Iron Company, bridges, *'»«£ V. R. Taylor, lumber bridges, ........ - "J Edwards & ISroughton Co., record books, & j Will flyman, bridges - , vl. I). Everett, bridges, ••••■ ..'-,■ Enterprise Publishing Co., printing, wasf j' L &"omp»ny,"«uppiie« for court iiouxe, Dr. J. S. O'Harc, dipping vats, r - j Enterprise Publishing Co., printing, 9 j William.ston Electric Company, lights, r* I Williamstoh Telephone Company phone, .. - W, E. Davenport, conveying prisoner, ; gZ%. Anderson, ('r&wford & Company, almshouse, . o- rt?i J. D. Bowen, superintendent county home, —— g- James A. Daniel, bridges, .. >M H. 11. Page, conveying prisoners, . - J. H. Page, board prisoners, - T QA, J. H. Page, capturing still, * 1)0 J. L. Hassell, commissioner, if wi f TT. "S." Eveiettju commissioner, oV'S"" Ij. L, (k>ltraih commissioner, - .?•»- J. 11. D. Peel, commissioner, '• " B. M. Manning, commissioner, s --—» „* 79 . J. H. 1). Peel, commissioner, ... —••••' Tim J. \V. Leffßctt, lumber bridges, U \ Q - Ed Hnrdtwon, hunbcr bridges, . ~ "" /■"'&« — Virginia Bridge Company, balance on bridge, JUNE, 1918 ( Frank Newman, county poor, ••• £ m Manerva" Newman, county poor, ,loephi«e Teel, county poor, ",\ , I Su-an Morris, county poor, : v *, »-:-••• - v Lilariah. Crandell, county poor, - . Margaret Simpson, county poor ..... . * . Simon Hardison, county poor, *' *J. « Mariuli Crandell, county poor,-- - >■■■•• ;• . York NichoUen, county poor, ris Curoline rio,",'i'B,' county poor, UetseV Bland, county, poor, - . , Charlotte Simmons, county poor, $ ' r X Merrick Sladc, county poof, ; ... Hi«lp SMi county poor, Jfe Sonera I.atham, county poor, r ~~j to Clew Parker, county poor, Z'JX Julia Ijttham, county, poor - ! - UuiMt 8011,, county poor, -"J Emeline Porter, county poor, , r.. I Church liawla, county poor, - • • Kate liulTock, county poor, ••'(in I Mary llullock, county poor, I Robert Angers®#, county poor, "f'rn ! Joe Itonnett, county poor, : S'fiO I Sarah Cherry, county poor, - * o'jm I Surah Whitley, county poor, ..._ - 1 I'olley Pulley county poor, - —;■ ; f;0 Vina Andrews, county poor, j Afoner Bennett, county poor, : * —» j Fannie Stoke?, county poor, " "' ] , (0 ! Amie Williams, county poor, v „-{2 i Slade Taylor, county poor, •/>—* j Will Saiabury, county poor, - -■ 1 l.iewfillvn Whitaker, county poor, r--. . X IAK V Coltrain, cpunty poor, J Noah.Terl, county poor,. ••••• : >.n W. If. Kofaeraon, county poor ...t : , ' " J«mes jones. county poor, Handy Hoberson, county poor, „ " Mary 1-rant is .fenkins, county poor, " Winnie Roheraon, county poor, - .......... Asa Tttvlor, county poor, - f'jt Sallie Ann Wilson, county poor, Jennie Teel', county poor, ,' „ f.-ucy Kv.fill, count v poor, ftl" Clouut Chance, county poor, ; . ( A Charlotte Cultrain county poor, , f ,CO A. U. Wyr.n, cuimly poor, - Nancy Wynn, county poor, •••- —• """" Harry Clnric, county poor, —> v v—~ i"no Ritta Wiliiams, county pooiy • Pollie Clark, county poor - : • Frank Teel, county poor, , JA Fannin Toel, county poor, **»" .v,*| lArter Tavlor, county poor, *...• ,; (>0 i Marv Rives, county poor , • " V|,n I Uettie Kwfcll, county poor, v "VX ' Lvdi'a Spruili, county poor, * «• * | Charity Harrell, county poor, •• ; ,'jV I Winnie Kvans, county poor, Robert Downs, county poor, -•••' - r*v*'" f n Zachat inli V, illiams, county poor, " Price* county poor, ■ ■■ AV,X Jos. L. Hotfiday county demonstrator, J. H. Page, conveying prisoners, . *}»■ * J. H. Page, board prisoners, * .. • , . , .; Dennis Simmons Luml>er Cgrppany, lumber bn ges, * • « Kdwnrds & Hrougl}ton, printing 1 • " tftke -Posipmirrpatinrts, • - v-K ! Willianiston Electric Company, lights, - . j» ' Willianiston Telephone Company, phones, ° \R. J. Peel, office supplies, • - W. W. Williams, bridges, « •••—•• Al '* ' J. Dawson Biggs, conveying prisoner, C. C. Colt rain dipping vats, - i2;;5 S. S. Brown, clerk to board office supplies, »7» » W. K. Warren, superintendent health, Amos Perry, tiling bridges, ! J. D. Bow-en, superintendent county home, Anderson. Crawford & Company, almshouse, r.'n James D., Cassell, county poor, ... J. L. Hasell & Company, supplies for mil »4. >3 • ' Champ Roherson, county poor, -i. : J. H. Page, summons jurors, . ..... !J. R, Robeison- tiling bridges, l 4* "u i ' • JULY, 19W ; Fiank Newman, county poor, ............—.A 2.00 I Manerva Newman, county poor, . , , -■» I Josephine Teel, county poor, •"« Susan Morris, county poor, - "H) Mariah Craiulell, county poor, . Margaret Simpson, county poor 2.00 . Simon Hardison, county poor, : |"Mariah Craiulell, county poor, „ ... : S..H) ! York Nicholson, county poor, % 2.00 1 Caroline Rogers, county poor, r ... I-.,.-. • - r 0 1 Betsey Bland, county poor, ...... .-... LSO I Charlotte Simiriona, county poor, : •- t.50 Merrick Klade, county poor - —. 1.50 I Martha Slade, county poor, 2.QP f Miles; - county poor, —....■■■£•.*.... '4.00 1 Sonora Latliaw, county poor, ... « ! Cleve Parker, county poor, . . 1-&0 i Julia Lnthnm, county poor —. ~v ... t .00 lUmina Bell, county poor, • - - /—r~ 200 Kmeline Porter, county poor, :. 4.00 | Church Rawls, eounty poor, 4.00 I Kate. Bullock, county poor, .; 5.00 ' Mary Bullock, county poor, 2.00 I Robert Anfrerson county poor, ....:, 2.50 Joe Bennett, county poor, ' - --00 ! Sarah X'heiry, county poor, ] Sarah Whitley, county poor, 2-50 11'olley Pulley county poor, -00 : Vina Andrews, county poor, - ~ -00 Abner Bennett, county poor, „ Z.OO Fannie Ptokea, county poor, r. - 3 Amie William*,- county * Continued on next page

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