&trrot«d to tha Inter** of I M«rtte County in CaMral 6c I "Williaamon in Particular Volume £O. Numberjß Martin County Superior Court In Session This Week Martin County Superior Court for the trial of Perirhinal cases convened here Monday with "Judge W. M. Bond, of Eden ton, presiding. The . Judge's charge to the jury was extremely short land the business of the court proceeded with the 1 dispatch. Following is he grand jury: K. B. Crawford, foreman, McD. Hardison, C. T. Roberson, H. C. Green, W. M. Bowen, M. S. Fagan, Alonzo Cow ing, (i. W. Taylor, J. A. Mizell, F. J. Roebuck, c . A. Spier Cochran, W. J. Keel, A. R. Aus borne, James L. Clark, R. L. Rogerson, W. R. Roebuck, L. H. Taylor. * i Following is a summary of the cases heard on Monday and Tuesday before Judge W. M. Bond, State vs. Oscar Bellamy, perjury. Judgment absolute Nol pros as to original action. " State vs. John Clements, cruelty to animals. Nol pi os with leave. State vs. John H. Johnson, abandonment. Con r tinued. ~ > State vs. Ishmael Hyman, a. d. w. Defendant I dead. Abates. State vs. Herman Alston, affray. Nol pros with leave. State VS. J. R. Rimtingr, coining crop. GO Off. [ State vs. Liisha Jones, perjury. Defendant, : through attorney J. C. Smith, waives bill and pleads guilty. Prayer for judgment suspended upon payment, of costs. State, vs. James Briley, abandonment. Defend ant through his a torney, J. C. Smith, waives bill and pleads guilty. Prayer- for judgment continu ed until the June term, 1919, upon payment of the costs an paying doctor's bill and *5 each month to his wife until the June term of J , court. State vs. Fred Everett. Defendant comes into coil and through Attorney J. Calvin Smith waives-bill and pleads guilty. Prayer for judg ment contiued on payment of costs. State vs. Robert Johnson* and Tilda Ewell, F. and A. It appears to the court that the defend ants are no wmarried and judgment is suspnded v upon payment of the costs. State vs. Levi Rogerson, Norman Whitaker and Archie Carraway, careless use of firearms. ( Defendants through Attorneys Critcher and I Critcher plead guilty and prayer for judgment is continued upopn payment of costs. State vs. Levi Rogerson, Norman Whitaker and Archie c arraway, carrying concealed weap »j on. Judgment, not guilty. ;j State vs. Thomas Thornton. Defendant in open court through his attorney J. C. Smith plead guilty and prayer for judgment continued upon paymyent of costs. State vs. Jesse Gurganus, Arthur Shaw and ' Nash Bullock, a. d. w. Not guilty. State vs. Willie Crawford, Defendant through Attorneys Dunning & Moore waives bill and pleads guilty. Prayer for judgmetn continued on payment of costs. . State vs. Moses Williams. Defendant through Attorneys Critcher and Critcher waives bill and judgmetn is suspended upon payment of costs." State vs. Fon Harrell, a. d. w. Defendant thru attorneys Critcher and Critcher waives bill and pleads guilty. Judgment suspended upon pay : ment of costs. _ : ■ • State vs. Johnnie Jones, a. d. w. Defendant | through attorneys Critcher and Critcher waives 1 bill and pleads guilty. Fined sls and costs. State vs. W. M. Sykes, a. d. w. Defendant thru Dunning & Moore waived bill and plead giulty. Fined S2O and costs. State vs. Ed Wimbush, larceny for temporary fcjjse- Defendant comes into court and through At ■ptfhey# Dunning: & Moore waived bill. Prayer THE ENTROPRISE ~ > Williamston, Martin County, N. C. MSlfciSth, 1919 Want Local Man to Head . Tax Re-Valuation Committee We have receivru tk. following let ler from the State Corporation Ovin mission with the request that it be given publicity: J'o the Taxpayers of N. C.: The General Assembly just ad journed has imposed a responsibility upon the corporation commission as a state tax commission which it feels unable to properly meet without tin support of the taxpayers of tin state, As chairman of the commission 1 desire to take the people into the confidence of the commission and ac quaint them with the purpose of the General Assembly and request Oi them their full co-operation in aiding us in the proper discharge of our du "Sffc •'* ' For many years It has been the law that every person's property be assessed for taxation at its full vatu. in money. Notwithstanding this *ia\s nearly everybody in the state has es caped a full valuation of his propert, lor taxes. The General Assembly just adjourned has said, by passing tin re-valuation act, that an end must be made of this condition and thai hereafter property must be valued at at its tnre vatue ior taxattonvHhatr placed the responsibility upon out commission to see that this is done and it shall and must be done. It it. the purpose of the general asseni. upon a proper valuation being inuin to lower the tax rate and it wiH nice MRS. WAHREN BIGGS HOSTESS TO THK SOCIAL HOUR CLUB One oi the mosi pmasant events of the season was the regular meeting of the Social Hour Club at the ho*ne of Mrs. Warren Bigg* on Smith wick st. Thursday afternoon of last v^pek.. Among the invited guests who shared the club's hospitality were; Mesdamea J, W, Andrew. Arthur Barber. Sallie Biggs, Rojfer Critcher. B. A. Critcher, Kader Crawford, A. R. Dunning C. H. Godwin, Grover God win, J. L. Hassell, John Manning, J. W. Watts, John Pope, Harry Stubbs, Thomas Jarvis, Misses Daisy and Fannie Mert Manning, anil Deborah Fleming. After the regular order of business the following program was rendered: Instrumental solo—Tl Trovatore, Mrs. Carrie Biggs Williams. Heading—A Purple Hhodendron, Miss Annie Lamb. Keuding—Two Thanksgiving Danc es, Mrs. John D. Biggs. Vocal Duet—"Whispering Hope,' Miss Mayoy Lamb ami Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr. _ Current Topics—Mrs. B. S. Court ney. Vocal Trio—"Lilys," Mrs. Oscar Anderson, Mrs, Wneeler Martin, Jr. and Mrs. Carrie Biggs Williams. Before the adjournment hour an el egant salad course was served, fol lowed by Ices. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. oJhn D. Biggs on Thursday, March 27th. for judgment continued upon payment of costs. State vs. Thurston Edmondson and John T. Brown. Defendants come into court and through Attorneys Dunning and Moore waive bill and 'dead guilty. Prayer for judgmetn suspended on payment of costs. . * State vs. Thurman Edmondson, c. c. w. Pleads *ot guilty and jury returns verdict of not guilty. State vs. Ed Jones, assault and house breaking. Called and failed in each case. State vs. Joe Staton, manufacturing liquor. Defendant through Attorneys C ritcher and Crit cher pleads guilty. State vs. Jim Mizelle, using language. Through Attorneys Critcher and Critcher waiv 'K! bill and guilty. Fined S2O and costs. State vs. Jim Mizelle, damaging school house. Plead not guilty r upon which a jury trial was had and defendant was found' guilty. Prayer lor Judgment cotninued on payment of costs. State vs. Dennis D. Coburn, a. d. w. Defendant olead guilty. Fined SSO and costs. State vs. J. S. Griffin, a. d. w. Plead guilty and grayer for judgment continued upoji payment of cost and entering into bond in the sum of SIOO for his appearance at each term of court for one vear to show good behavior. State vs. James Jones and Harvey Bryant, a. d. w. Guilty. Judgment that each defendatn be sentenced to the roads for six months. State vs. Marcellus Moore, forcible trespass. Through Attorneys Dunning & Moore Waived bill and plead guilty. Prayer for judgment con tinued upon payment of costs. after the property has been assess: r «ir thut ituruose so that the burde upon the Uu«*avera wil I no t netv sanly be increased. I'his la Vl as a commission and we in. turn tie si ix' assure the taxpayers of » state that a full valuation of theii property will not mean greatly i. creased taxes. The act under whir this assessment is made provides th; the state, no county or municipality, shall collect in excess of ten per eei., more taxes after this revaluation t made than is being collected in 1911 under the present valuation. 1 call upon the people of the state to assist the commission in the Selec tion of a splendid business man in each county as a tax assessor for that county. He shoultl be a man of fine judgment, good business ability, hav ing a good knowledge of values botli I in town and country and one in whom j the public has confidence as to his honesty and integrity. It is not • & political office, but one of stricth business and we trust our friends will understand this and only suggest ti.> most competent men. After the county supervisor is selected by us we trust every tax payer in each and every county of the state will co-op erate with him to the end that lie will be able to assess each person's property at its true value in money. W. T. LEE, Chairman. K. L. DAVIS ADDRESSES GOOD CROWD AT BAPTIST CHURCH On Sunday night Rev. R. L. Davis addressed a fairly large and very ap preciative audience at the Baptist church. The special music by the Baptist choir and the solo by Mr. Ap fel were extremely good. Rev. H. M. Kure led in prayer and introduces Mr. Davis. The subject was "America's Re siKjnsibilty Toward World Freedom,' The theiue was well developed and clearly demonstrated that the ques tion of personal privilege or individu al freedom as advanced by liquor dealers is thoroughly out of accord with the true facts. The speaker's words of commenda tion for the sheriff of our county was quite pleasing to his many friends. I He warnod the public that it is the duty of the local citizenship to see that the laws arc carried out: The way to do this, he saitl, was to briiiK every man to justice who violates the laws. If people are caught in thi first violation they are not dangerous but if permitted to go long enough they will engage in any character ol crime from murder and arson oi. down, * iFOR SALE—I HAVE FOR SALE 1 i twenty horse power International I Mogul engine, one twenty inch una bne thirty inch grist mill, all practi cally new and in fine shune. J. A.' Aus born, R. F. D. No. 1, Robersonville, N ' * 2tpd Grqdec^^kpol News afiLNotes The School tea chers met on night of last week to discuss of spell ing 1 . The a great to all. The D'Esta Rho*«» Company gave entertainments an Friday and Satur day nights of last week in the school auditorium- The pupils and parents enjoyed the program very much and we wish to say that the marionettes •fere wonderful. On Thursday night of this week Mrs. William Calvin Chilton, mond dramist. will give un entertainment in the school auditorium. This is* the fourth number of the Lyceum course. Mrs. Chilton comes highly recom mended and those who come will en joy the work of an artist. The 'admis sion will be fifty cents for ull and the roooiuts will be spent for school im [ I Two Questions to ASK in Private Aren't you more generous than you were before the war? llusn't it be come a little easier for you to give a dollar for a good cause? Don't you know more people.-by their fust name thun you did a little while back ? Didn't the war and the giving and the sacrifice going on ull around von bring you a Tittle closer to other folks? If you are the same old grouch that you were when Willie, the All Highest, was still on the throne, then you didn't get out of the war something that was coming to you. Nobody else cheated you—you cheated yourself, Some Good Hard Sense Friends don't make a man, but if u man has the right iiualities he \ innot help making friends—they just feel drawn to him. The tiling to do is not to set out to cultivate friends, friends who will prove useful but to cultivate qualities that will increase yyur use fulness. If you do that, and do it, of course, on the square, the friendship part will take oare of itself. WANTED— A (ew men and women who will take us mUch ihterest in other people as they do in -themselves. A few men who will attend some Sunday school on Sunday A rew women who will take as much interest in their children as they do in their clubs. A few men who do not know as much about the League of Nations as the President of the United Stutes. A few purents to visit the William .-.ton Graded School. A clean up week in Williamston. A few people to realize that school teachers are human beings, A POEM The True American True to God and Trueto man, F.ver since his race began He has kept his standartls high, Flung his banners to th¥ sky, As a symbol of life's best. Greed has neve retained his crest, Nor oppression scarued with shame Treasures that were his to claim. All that well becomes a man Marks the true American. —A Guest. A Man I led a wild; life, earned all I spent, I'aid all 1 borrowed, lost all I lent, Once loved a woman, who turned trai tor at the end. Get a good dog, ne will be your friend. Life -i • The period called life To some is bliss sublime, To others it wears sorrow, strife, And almost a torment of time, lint Life it's beauty aide has too, For those who live it right. It has one marvelous und lovely line Of rainbows arid of light. Yet as all good things Life by some is not appreciated. They waste, while angels sing To welcome home tne consecrated For these Life is sad anil mean ingle." An endless waste of time; Hut those who live, work and re.it Are those who enjoy life best. Life is a beginning to teach one to live, Preparation for across Jordan wnere the saints\biile. So live in peace, O man of God, For far in Heaven with loved ones ye shal 1 reside. Kannie Murt Williams. Honor Rolls for Month of February First Grade, C— Homer Havnhill. Gladys Gurganus, William James. Carlton Liverman, Dillon Cobb,, Wil liam Waters, Grace Whitley, Julia Ward, Paul Simpson, Jr. Second Grade A—Robert Brown: B—Daisey Whitley. Ruth Peel, Ku genia Hoyt,-AnnieTlae Williams, Jas ixir Moore; C—Marion Cobb, Virginia Harrison, James Howard, George II Gurganus, William Gurganus, James White. Third Grade, A—Susie James, So phia Little,-Miriam Courtney, Hear, Manning, Asa Crawford, Fred Eure- B—JesHup Harrison, Arthur Barber, Dorothy Thrower; G—Kenneth Sm'th. William Cook. Fourth Grade, A—Lucile Hassell, Evelyn Harrison, Bruce Whitley, Mar tha B—Charles Peel; C— EH Barnhill, James G. aWrd, Paul Godwin. Fifth Grade, A—Margaret -aMnnig Ruth Manning, Francis Hpyt, Myrtle Moore, Lon Hassell; C—Bill Harirson Sixth Grade, A—Velma Harrison; B—-William Carstarpben; C—Mittie Brown, Estelle Cowan, Elizabeth Gur cunuß, Pattie Harris, Annie I-ee How ard, Carrie Lee Feel, Lillian William-!, Frederick Hoyt, Gavlord Harrison, Robert Manning, W. T. Meadows, and Charles Wynn. Seventh Grade, B—Esther Harison* Ijouise Crawford Boner Gurganus, Herbert Pwl; "Efflfmß Belle Harrisotr, Charles Godwin; C—Thelma Brown, Maltha Harrison, Elizabeth Hassell, Mary Minnie Roberson, lay man Britt, John Edwards, Jesse Stitbbs, 1 eonard Mobley. E'«htl> Grade, A—Beatrice Bur tell; B— Ethel Harris, Mary G. Watts, Ninth Grade, A—Howard Herrick, Sarah Harrell, Solomon Orleans; B Martha S. -Hassell, Louise Harrison, Francis Manning; C— Martha Craw- Local and Personal News of Williamston Disastrous Fire at Robersonville On Sunda? morning at about three o'clock the large garage of Wiley Roger so n & Company at Robersonvile was discovered to be in (lames. The lire had made such headway and the contents- of the building were of such an inllamuble nature that it was impossible to check the flames "and only two automobiles and a new motor hearse were the only contents of the building that could be saved. About half a dozen automobiles be longing to various people of that sec tion were destroyed. TH» v&lug of the building destroy tO was about value of the stock was placed at around s3u,(Kto.oo and the machinery and tools in the woodworking, and machine shops amounted to several thousand dollars and the total loss was around $00,00(1 with sl'.i 600 insurance. The Wiley Rogerson & Campany garage was one of the best equipped in this section of Eastern Carolina and enjoyed a large patronage in both its repair and sales branches. As yet the origin of the fire has not been determined. Everetts Itews Mr, Dennis Taylor was in town on last Friday. He was on his way to his home from Camp Jackson, having received his discharge from the •army. Miss Melissa Aiken went to Rober sonville last Wednesday afternoon, Mr. R. A. Bailey, ol Robersonville, .was in town Saturday morning. Mr. t,. A. Clark went to Roberson ville Wednesday afternoon. Mr. D. D. Stalls, of Williamston, was in town last I'Viday, Messrs. J. S. Ayers, J. S. Peel and Charlie Peel went to Williamston Sat urday night. Miss Myrtle Keel spent Saturday night and Sunday in Williamston with Miss Annie Civile (iurganus. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Moore, Mrs. Hough and Misses Nina Hough and Essie Woolurd went to Greenville last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. I'eel spent last Sunday In Robersonville. Miss Ikey Wynn, of Cross Roads, spent the week end with Miss Mn\ Dell Wynn. Mi*, and Mrs. Bryan Peel went to Rocky Mount last Sunday- Friends of Mr. Van G. Taylor, the accomodating cashier of the P. and M. Bank, are glad to see him out again. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Roebuck spent Sunday in the country. Miss Magaline Keel and Miss Mag gie Knox went to Williamston Mon day. Miss Ruth Burroughs -spent last week in Scotland Neck. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Taylor, Miss Mary Taylor, Miss Ethefyn Penny and Mr. Dennis Taylor spent the da.v at Bear Grass last Sunday. Misses Myrtie James and -Clara Ed . wards and Messrs. Kader Barnhil' and Chester Harrison went to Ham ilton Sunday. Mr. G. 11. Harrison and children, ol Williamston, were in town Sunday. Mr. Van Moore and Mr. Chester Harrison went to Williamston Sun day night. TO THE CITIZENS OF WIIXJAM STON, N. C. Please pay your taxes. We need the money and need it had. I am hor ronini; money now to run the hclioolh and town, paying interest on it— MHiielliiiiK I haven't luid to do before since I have been treasurer. Pay up so I can stop this interest, and IM> I'l AT ONCE, W. T. MEADOWS, Treasurer Town of Williamston. foul Marv C. Leggett. Couth' Grade, B—-Estelle Crawford, Nellu Wynn; C—Sallie Harris, liar- Id Fveir't. Eleventh Grade, A —Fannie Mu-t Williams; C —James Manning. Williams; C—James Manning. William Ellison and Fannie Murt Williams should huve been placed on Roll B for January. Their names we re omitted last month by error. MICKIE SAYS NO, 6iR | NOO Caw'-T GO DO>AIN fO \ lU/MN "fO OMVAtR KItVJS 1 \TENSS FOtt "tHt PA?tR,fO« I -, NO ORB OOVNft 10 CHURCH I Vi/tfH MB. \ vou'o OBT tNOUCrH or fH*T ( PKtNftKIQr OfflCt OUBINCr I ( tT ON NOUtt M\NO J ITis ■ 7 AJ...H.... will bU mm - ColanuM a Lalak Kay I* IWO L Martin CwHy Homos. Established 1898 Mr. D. A. Outterbridge, of Rober sonville, was in town Tuesday. i Mr. W. B. Watts, of Plymouth, iras in town Monday on business. Attorney Calvin Smith of Roberson ville is attending court this week. Attorney Van B. Martin, of Ply mouth, is attending court this week. Miss Eva Peel, who is teaching.at - Robersonville, spent the week end here with her parents. Mrs. Harold Clark, of Belhaven, is visiting her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. J. C. Crawford on Haughton street. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hutfin and lit tl child, of Tarboro, spent the Week end here with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Britt. \t Hmm A «derson and Miss Mabel Barnes, of Loggettx were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cue Har rison Sunday. Mrs. Blanche Anderson has re turned to her home at Leggetts after u few days' visit here with her daugh ter, Mrs. Gus Harrison. Messrs. VV. Vick, Roy Coburn, J. A. Ausborn and Chief of Police James, of Robersonville, were in town Tues day attending court. The Armenian-Syrian relief drive lias been continued to April Ist. Elder ' Sylvester Hassell will receive dona tions to that date. v Mr. Roland Crawford has accepted it position with the Western Company and in at their tr»ij>inK school in Philadelphia now. Mr, Harry A. Biggs has returned from Charlotte where he had been attending the \. M. C. A. meeting preparing lor military relief work. Sergeant Dennis Taylor has receiv ed his discharge from the army ami is at homo preparing to travel for Harrison Wholesale Company. Hon. H. W. Stubbs is absent from court, this week, being ill in a Ral egh hospital. The latest report is that lie is resting well and his condi tion is not considered serious. Many thousands of people are starving in the East. Many of the or phan homes are entirely without food and the children are dying for the lack of bread. There is not a cat or dog to be found in that country— ; they have long since been eaten by the starving Armenians. l-ieut. Francis Holloway, C. M, C.. spent several days in town last week en route from Camp Jackson to his" home in Illinois. Lieut. Holloway wfts engaged in the transport business during the war an d saw many thril ling scenes while carrying our boys over. He is looking Eastern Carohaa over with a view to locating fftil'. We hope the impressions of imi county's advantages will induce him to cast his lot with us. We have mun> profitable interests and there are lots of fine young men'who are look nig to home building that might be brought our way if we show them the great possibilities ahead. HAMILTON ITEMS JP Mr. and Mrs. Asa Johnson and lit tle daughter spent a few days in Kin ;.ton last week. Misses Maggie Belle and Annie Jones have been visiting in Norfolk. Misses Martha Council, Ethel Hun ter, Irma I lines, Mrs. Mesdames Don Matthews and 11. F. Myers spent Thursday afternoon in Robersonville. Dr. J. B. Long and John Martin were in iVVilliamston Thursday , on business. Marry Waldo went to Norfolk Tues day. Mrs. J. P. Boyle was in William ston Thursday shopping. Mesdames T, B. Slade S. D. Mat thews, and M, W. Ballard went to Robersonville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lane, Mrs. P. H. Davenport and Misses Delia Purvis and Carrie Dell Roebuck spent a f{*v hours in Robersonville Thursday. Mrs. J. B. Cloman has returned from Scotland Neck where she visit ed her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Kitchin. Mrs. Waiter Salsbury spent Wed nesday in Greenville. Jeßsu Everett went to Rocky Mt. Monday. Dr. M. I. Fleming was in town on Wednesday. Mrs. T. B. Slade, Jr., and children have returned from Newport News where they have been for several months. UNIQUE DISTILLING PLANT Monday evening about dark Sheriff J. H. Page and Chief of Police Page discovered Mr. Billy Mack Haisnp preparing to begin illicit distilling in a tobacco barn near his home in Goose Nest Township. ~ The still had been carried to the barn for repairs and h*d not bene brought back when the officers arrived. However, they found two hundred gallons of beer in the barn along with other material used in the operation of the still. Mr. Haislip is a man in his seven ties and haj been partially paralyzed being unable to walk or talk \ and on account of his inflirmities the officers left him at home, reporting - the capture to Attorney Allsbrook now in court. FARM IX)AN MAN 18 HERE Mr. McLaughlin, of Charlotte, na tional farm loan appraiser for the Knderal Loan aßnk at Columbia S. C. was in the county Monday appraising -everal farms for loans. Every per son who owes money on his farm or who needs money to iraprpovpe hi» farm in building or in land clearing should borrow from the government, which gives the longest time and the easiest terWis pf all money lenders. Tell your neighbor to get nis money through his Fam Loan Association.