Davoted to the Interest of Martm County in General H >. Wilbamton in Particular Volume 20. Number 19 Local Happenings Personal Mention The Parish Guild of the Church of the Advent meets every Thursday af ternoon during Lent at the Chase Hall, 111 Main street- The woman's auxiliary of the Church of the Advent continues its fx-ri ten Study Class at Sunnyside, the home of Mrs. F. U. Barnes, every Monday afternoon at four. ; The Rev. Morrison Bethea. of St. Timothy's Church, Wilson, will con duct services at the Church of the Advent on Friday evening at eight o'clock. The public is cordially invit e.i to attend this service. Moves to Kobersonville Mr. T. A. Patrick and family mov ed to Kobersonville Monday. They have been, Jiving here for several years, but Mr. Patrick has been working in Kobersonville for some time and recently decided to carry his family there. " Mr. J. M. Ijftbdiur.v Here Mr. J. fti/flqlsljurv. of High Point, tailed on us Monday. Mr. Salsbury lot sonic time did an .extensive mer cantile business in Hamilton, but sev eral years ago went to High Point and organized a company for the manufacture of dining room furniture and lias succeeded. His Martin coun ty friends are always delighted to see him. —— P r -T ■ , . _|. • ; Hoard of Directors Meet The board of directors of the Roa noke Tobacco Warehouse Company met at the company's offices on the 24th and declared a dividend of twen ty pei cent. The total profits lor the year was 33 per cent and after pay-, ing the income tax and setting aside a small surplus fund, the directors thought it wise to give the remainder to the stockholders. The dividend is to be paid on the 28th and the annual meeting will lie held on Friduy, April ,4th at three o'clock in the afternoon. L'angt rous Accident Saturday when Mr. James H. Ward and his son Simon wore on their way to Williamston and while running at rome twenty or twenty-five miles an hour, the young man's attention was called and he looked around, turning his machine enough to turn it into a deep ditch. The car was damaged * some and Mr. Ward was painfully r though -not seriously,. injured- No dri ver should turn his head fro the road. Accidents usualy occur when acts of carelessness are. committed and most often by people experienced in driving. Services at Episcopal Church The Rev. J. 11. Gafdner of Clarks burg, W. \ a., will conduct" services at the Church of the Advent (Episcopal) us follows: Tuesday, April Ist, at 8 p. ni. evening prayer and sermon. Wednesday, April 2nd, at 4 p. m., lit any and penitential office. Thursday, April 3rd, at 11 a. m. holy commun ion. Thursday, April 3rd, at 8 p. m., evening prayer und sermon. Ihe public is most cordially invited to at tend all sarvices. All seats are free. While in town the Rev. Mr. Garner is to be the guest of Mrs. James Grist Staton. Mr. Frank Pagan in Town Friends of Mr. Frank ~F. Fagan were glad to see him in town Sun day. Mr. Eagan has resigned his po sition as Vice president of the First Ntftftmat Bank of Richmond and ia associated with the Rocky Mount In surance and Realty Company. This is gratifying to North Carolinians, for when Virginia called Mr. Eagan she, as usual, selected one of our smartest men. There is truth in the joke that the best and most brilliant Virginians were' born in Eastern. North Carolina. Mr. Fagan was the guest of his ter, Mrs. S. R. Biggs, Jr., while . ' in town and had with him his fiancee Miss Mary Belle Macon of Louisburg. They are to be married In the summer. ' IN MEMORY OF MY WIFE Essie l/ouise, daughter of Mr. an# Mrs. W. A. Perry, was born Decem ber 7th, 190l and March 19, 1919. She woe a devoted mem|ber of the Christian church at Macedonia and God never put on this earth .a sweet er and better flower to bloo for so short a time. Kindness and love fill ed her heart and good deeds and gen tle acts filled her life. As my wife she made my home happy for almost two months and since her loveliness and sincerity have pervaded there, once home is no >nger a place of rest. ' •» It was God Who called You so young and brave How little did we think You Would soon fill a lonely ALONZO STATON BAILEY Printed voiles, fine quality, 26c pei yard at W. R. Orleans. - 4?-%* .. THE ENTERPRISE Mrs. Lawrence Peel is visiting in Kobersonville this week. u Miss Charlotte Ward, of Edenton, is visiting Mrs. S. R. Biggs, Jr. Misses Esther Gluyas ami Flossie Tilley spent the week end in Raleigh. Misses Leona and Bessie Page and •lis. Lucy Roberaon went to Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Percy Critcher, -of" I/exington, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Critcher. Ml', and. XOi J- A- Miielle, and Mr. ami Mrs. R. 1.. Smith, of Kober sonvile, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning Sunday. Messrs. Harry Jones and Samuel Gardner motored to Kaleigh Sunday to attend the homecoming celebration for the 113 th Field Artillery. Messrs. J. W. Biggs Duke Crit cher, Harry Biggs, Wheeler Martin, and Dr. G. C. Godwin motored to Ral eigh Sunday. C. D. Carstarphen, W. C. Manning. Jr., Harold Everett and James Man ning drove to Raleigh Sunday nig: to attend the homecoming celebration tendered the 113 th Field Artillery. TRIBUTE TO THE COW Little does man realize the debt he owes the cow. During the dark ages of savagery and barbarism, we find her ancestors natives of the \ forest of the old world. As the bright rays of civilization penetrated i darknes of that early period and mar called upon the cow, she came ' from her seclusion to share in the efforts that gave us a greater nation and a more enlightened people. For two thousand years she has been the co-partner of man, sharing alike in his prosperity land Idversity, responding nobly to all that was done for her, until through hpr develop ment she has become an idol of the people. In 1493 when Columbus made his second voyage to America, the co# came with him anil from that ti eto the present day she has been a most potent factor in making this, our own country, one of the great nations. Her sons helped till the soil of our "incvestois arid slowly moved th( r "f'r®' ducts of the farm to market. They went with man into the dense forests of the new world, helped clear them for homes and made cultivation pos sible for the coming generation. When the tide of emigration turn; ed westward it was the ox that haul ed the belongings of the pioneer across the plains and over the great mountain ranges to the new homes beyond. The cow is man's greatest benefac-1 tor. Hail, wind, droughts, floods may come, destroy our crops and our hopes, but fro what is left the cow manufactures the most nourishing and life-sustaining foods. The cow is life itself to thousands of little ones stranded upon the hol low hearts and barren bosoms of modern motherhood.. , We love her for her gentleness, her lieauty and her usefulness. Her loyal ty has never weakened and should misfortune overtake us as we be come bowed down from the weight of years, we know that in the cow we have •-friend that wua never, known to faltep. She pays the debt She saves the home. MODERN WOODMBfc CAMP HAS BEEN ORGANIZED HERE The Williamston Camp 14349 Mod ern Woodmen of America was reor ganized on Friday, March lfcth with the foliovtng officers: Roy T. Griffin consul; John R. Peel, clerk; Gilbert Peel, past consul; Luther Peel, bank er; John W. Manning, advisor; C. D. Carstarphen, Jr.,, escort; S. C. Ray, watchman; J. N. Hopkins, sentry; D. D. Stalls, J. O. Manning and F. C. Bennett, trustees; R. 8~. Brown, as sistant district deputy. Twenty-seven candidates were ad mitted to membership and several ap plications were favorably passed on. One receives great benefits from membership in the Modern Woodmen, especially one who attends the meet ings. Discussing with one's neighbor in a public meeting place the happen ings of the day cannot but moke a man bigger. There is an especial benefit one receives from being a ember. He is entitled to insurance on his life at j cost. For a few cents each month he can carry $1,006 insurance. When he |diea if his policy is still ia force his bemficiary will receive a check for , IUOOO just as promptly as if he had old lineTffltrtwee. f : Meetings of the camp am to bt. held on the second and fourth Fridays of o "*** month. jf .„ , \ " . , Williamston, Martin County, N. C. March 25th, 191 DO NT LET YOUR COTTON DAMAGE North Carolina farmers have the unenviable reputation of selling a very large amount of damaged cot ton. According to a survey made I' O. J. O'Connell, specialist in cotton marketing of the extension sei-vice, and secretary of the North Carolina Cotton Association, 1,070,230 pounds of damaged cotton were picked from 61,608 bales of North Carolina cotton shipped to Norfolk, Virginia during the period from Septeirvber Ist, 1914. to August 31, 1917. About 200,000 pounds of good cot toiT were picked off with the damaged cotton and it had to sold at a consid erable sacrifice also. This is a known loss of approxi ately one-half a mil lion dollars that benefitted no one und caused countless misunderstand ings and disputes. Cotton left lying around the gfhs or on the ground in yards will rot- quick ly at this season of the year, lioth the Cotton Association and Extension Service feel that cotton is to bring a higher price later and , it should be held. But farmers who haven't a floored house in which to put their cotton should either sell it or store it in a warehouse. As a rule storage houses are better. Chambers of commerce and public spirited bus iness men should see that storage space is provided for caring for all the cotton that is exposed in their communities. Cotton is entirely too valuable to be neglected. Temporary conversion of tobacco warehouses will help the situation at a number of places and should be pushed. INIVEKSITY NEWS LETTER Chapel Hill, March 26—A unit of the reserve officers' training corps is U) be established at the University in the next two or three weeks, accord it K to present plans. Major M. Craw ford has received applications from 110 men desiring to take the course— -14 more than the necessary quota of !00 and has made formal application .o the war department for a unit to >e established here. The course will require only three hours per week, will lie voluntary, and will not conflict with other college duties. The University sumfyner school will open later than usual this year owing o the fact that commencement has teen postponed. Commencement dav will come on June 18th and the sum mer school will open one week later, on June 24th and continue through August Bth. Director Walker is daily receiving many inquiries pertaining to courses offered, rooms, etc., and ac "ordin gto present indications he see; iiu loomm Why the to rthcamlpg Jtfje sion should not he the most succer,: I ful in the history of the institution Many noted out of state teachers, and speakers and lecturers have already been secured. The summer law school will opei on Monday. June 9th, which is earlier than usual and come to a close on Friday, August 16th, extending thru ten weeks. It will end just before the bar examinations held before the supreme court at Kaleigh on August 18th. Opening as it does on the 9th of June ebfore the last quarter of the University ends on June 18 the sum mer term wil Inot conflict with the regular term. The main purpose ol w the summer course is to offer a re view as complete as the limited time will permit of the course required by the supreme court for the bar exam cation. That members of the University fa culty made large and notable contri butions to the educational and liter ary life of the state and nation during the past year is clearly shown in the recent report of the chairman of the faculty „ A car load of wire fencing just re ceived. C. D. Carstarphen A Co. tf MICKJE SAYS r~ HOD) TO Ml HEMJ-01 ) tB fMI 6TI AD-Vt 60»-*cniBta, / ! WHO PASJIS PER H»» PA-Ptß EUCHNEMR VMMEM tffc BOf • ' AT TH\« POOVI-TIN Of TRO OTH Htft A aao-LA* IMBI-BCn., . ' fVV STftAO CM 6UB-6CRIBER } «0 LON-JkL UN* -Taoa.« BRIGHTER TONE IN COTTON SEED INDUSTRY Barnes and Lucas Bring Back Opti mistic Report From Conference at Washington—Mills That Are Buy ing Seed to be Favored K. W. Barnes, secretary to the state board of agriculture, and John Paul Lucas, executive secretary of the food administration, returning from Washington yesterday brought an op timistic report from the conference of cotton oil refiners, cotton seed crushers, cotton seed dealers, fanners and food administration officials it the food udministratibh office Washington on Wednesday* There has Imon rough sledding in the cotton seed industry during the last three onths but it was the un animous opinion of those in attend ance at the Washington conference that the tuining point has been reach ed an«l from now on there will be~ a steady and increasing demand for crude oil and oil products. A bright er tone prevails throughout the indus try. "here Is still necessity for patience on the part of crushers, cotton seed er.lers ginners and producers who have not been able to move their products as rapidly as they woul I like. According to Mr. Lucas, the facts are clear and simple, and are these: I—Crushers are not going to take cotton seed any faster than they can dispose of the oil from the seed. 2 Refiners are not going to take ciude (mm the crushers any fester thnn they can dispose of lard .aom pi-und and refined oils. „ J Two days previous to the effer ent e Mr. Hoover had sent an 'Order lor 22,G00,0(H) pounds of compound lurd. This huge order was allotted among the various packers and refin ers. Uhe refiners and packers in turn are placing orders for crude oil with those oil mills which are in greatest distress and the oil mils in turn are [urchasing additional seed, j Mr. i! u- ei announced in his cablQ that other large orders would follow, this practically assuring a steady move ment of oil products and complete re lief to the industry every factor of which fro the fanner to the refiner has been under a burden of uncertain ty und anxiety during the pqpt few months. "... Other significant and encouraging facts are these: Hog lariHtaif advanced in price dur ing the past two months from 22c to 28 cents per pound. Hog lard packers are sold up sixty days ahead and are quoting no hog lard for im mediate delivery, and, in fact, they nrgmg the us» of the lard compound. Stocks of cheap im ported soy I lean und peanut oil have been largely exhausted and domestic bean anil peanut oil have advanced ra pidly in price during the past two weeks. Corn oil has advanced from 17c to 21c a pound in the past ten days and manufacturers of this pro duct are oversold already. The,entire afternoon session of the conference was devoted to a discus sion of the mater of alloting orders for lard compound and other oil pro ducts among refiners anil packers and of crude oil among crushers. The discussion hinged upon the following resolution which was introduced at the beginning of the session by Mr. Lucas: "Resolved that it is the sense of this conference: "I—That the United States Food Administration in allocating orders for lard compound and refined oils should place such order, insofar as possible only with those concerns who are actively in the arket for crude cotton seed oil, or who will agree to purchase crudecotton seed oil suffic ient to replace the stocks sold; or with those who by their records can shew that they have already shoul dered'their share of the burden. "ft—That in allocating orders for crude oil the Refiners should place orders only 'with those f rushers act ively on the market for cotton seed or who, will agree to purchase cotton -teed sufficient to replace stocks sold if seed are offered for sale in their territory; or with those who can show by their records that they have already assumed their share of the lOiJMI." The resolution as.written by Mr. Lucas was finally adopted with a pre amble written into it by a joint com mittee of all interests represented en dorsing the course the food adminis tration has pursued with regard to the cotton seed industry up to date and expressing confidence in its abili ty and purpose to carry out the stab ilization program. It might be stated incidentally that in a preliminary report from the bu reau of the census which was read ut the conference that the crushers of North Carolina showed up to better advantage in proportion of cotton seed they have handled than crush era of any other state. t. North Carolina crushers had i-or chased up y> Harch Ist 804,995 tons of cotton seed against a purchase' of 226,869 tons on the same date last year. Ttwjr had crushed up to the Ist of March 848,497 Was against I*B,- . M ■' • / . 9Q2 tons on the same date last yeah- They had on hand March Ist 53,068 tons against 33,525 tons last year. It' is estimated that from 26,000 to 4(>,- 000 tons of cotton seed remain in the hands of the dealers, ginners, farm ers today in North Carolina, this be ing from six t* tn cent « crop in North Carolina available for crushing. ACREAGE INFORMATION CONSIDERED ESSENTIAL Raleigh, March 26—The action of the agricultural extension service in asking for the listing of all crop acre ages in each county of the state is a very wise move, according to the statements of very prominent farm ers, bankers and agricultural workers recently interview |' by Mr. Frank Parker of the United States crop re porting service. The extension ice is now having printed a blank form for listing the acreage devoted to the different crops on the different farms in each county in the state. A supply of these blanks will be sent to the board of county commissioner? of each'eounty with the request that the matted lie handled by the so t'ic list takers may secure the informa tion in every township. Mr. Parker has been at let * counties recently and has found every case where the matter has been explained to the board of commission er.i they have .*en the iVnportance of the move and hsvi' nen-ijil to make i> small appropriation to covr the ex pense of the work in their counties This report of crop acreages, corn- Luned with the government's crop re port on estimated yields, will give to any county the most accurate da' > nnd most dependable facts and fir that could be secured. These.could be used not only by the farmers in fig uring the nmount of different prod uce which would be grown, hut would also aid all business interests. The far ers could use the information so as to plan for planting, holding, sell ing and determining the crop produc tions of the county. The county as a whole would gain valuable facts for comparison .with the production of other counties, for attracting settlers, for advertising and boosting, and in addition would furnish the state nitfl nation with greatly needed basic in formation The action seems to be a wise one and is meeting with general approval according to reports received, It is hoped that every county in the state will provide for the work, W. C. CHANCE. COLORED, DENIEJJ CHARGES AGAINST- HIM Editor The Enterprise: r Tlje wild rumor circulating Around KolJersonvile that I, at any time, have advised anything contrary to the spir-' it of peace and hajmony is a wicked falsehood, intended for no other pur pose than to discredit me, and to de stroy the work which 1 am undertak ing ahing peaceful lines. It is.-simply the propoganda of an orgunized con spiracy wh'ih has for some time op posed my efforts to truin the colored youth i long the lines that will make them an asset to the community and not a lability; anil above all to live clean und honorable lives. As to rac ial prejudice, 1 breath nonsuch spirit. .Vharltor hatred toward a human be ing simply because of the color of his skin unfits any man to be of the high est possible service to his fellow an, es|Mcially the less fortunate. I stand most firmly for what I ask of every man, be he white or black, absolute ustice and fair play. (Signed) W. (J. CHANCE. A car load of wire fencing just re ceived. C. D. Carstarphen & Co. tf Wll WILLIAM E. W AJtKEN Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 1,02 Residence Phone 59 MICKIE SAYS /""Txoictt this \* wnreuaNK'N t wivxt a mii-vtKA for fwfc PftPSft "MR VNHOOZtS, V«WO LIVES fEN KAIL 66 POOW* HERE AND Mfkt fcLVNaNg »N ANOTHER fO\NN, \N AS OUR C»tN "tOO AN AND ?URCHMEO A tIOO BIU. OP OOOOS AT bUNK'I 6TOU.IL, ' ANO VMM no VMtil Piftatto TUM HE ANNOUNCED HIS iht«*Tiom op in THIS CITN HtntfcPTEtt 60 HE CAN avMU HINASELF OF "THE hioh oaaoa oooos ano Pml fMAUUftt AT BLANK'S." MO \ CHMioc.teoppoftfc, POB. mm. - CPRtTTI EMNL) MO-O.t ""I JftSTVN MT Till OOCSS not ) /THE BOSS sees ) ' ' ** . V the RED CROSS WANTS OLD CLOTHES KOR WAR SUFFERERS The ,mist comprehensive collection of old slothing, shoes and bedding ever undertaken will be conducted the week of March 24-31 when the Amer ican people will he asked to donate ten thousand tons of cast off apparel to the helpless refugees in the allied nations. The need of clothing in many lands is one of the most serious re construction problems, but it is ex pected that a long step toward solv ing it will be taken when the thous ands of Red Cross chapters begin the of discarded garments. Every kin dof garment foi' all i ages and both sexes, except such as obviously could not help refugees is to bo accepted. Since the clothing is to be subjected to the hardest kind of wear only garments of strong anil durable material should be given. They need not, however, be in per fect condition for there are thousands of destitute women in the recovered territory eager to earn a small liveli hood by repairing the clothing that is to tie seat to the needy. In addition to the second hand gar ments there will tie accepted piece goods, light, warm, canton flannel and other materials from which to make clothes for new born babes, sheeting and blankets and even scrap leather which is needed for repairing shoes, woolen goods of any kind, soft hats and caps for all ages anil sweat ers of any kind or size will be wel come, and men's shirts and pajamas that are not longer serviceable, as such Oan* be turned into children's garments. The chapters collecting the cloth ing will forward it to a central col lecting point from whence-it will he shipped to Europe in vessels of the European Relief Administration. Tt will be distributed under the direct supervision of the American Red Cross agents. t EVERETTS ITEMS Mrs. J. S. A.vres went to William ston Saturday. Mrs. W. It. Peel spent last week end with her peojle near Roberson ville. Mr. Murdork Ay rt v s returned last Monday from Camp Jackson, having received his discharge from the army. Miss Mary Taylor s|>ent Mondy night in Willimston. Mrs. R. 1,. Moore went to Roberson ville last Saturday. Mr. Henry Itrowning lias returned from camp and is now in tbwn, Mr. John VV. l-eggett, home on leave, from ('amp Wadsworth, was in town Tuesday afternoon, Messrs, David Whitehurst arid 'Hurley Ilulluck, of Itethel, were in town last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. VV J: Keel, Misses Mugalene and Myrtle Keel went to Spring Green Sunday, * Mr. Le'Roy Taylor was in town last Sunday. Mr. anil Mrs. (!. It. Roebuck went to Oak firove last Sunday. Mrs. C. It. Roebuck and Mrs. Mary Everett went to Roliersonville Tues day afternoon. Miss Nina Hough went to Ruber sonville last Saturday. A telegram has lieen received from Mr. Dennis Hardy stating that he has arrived at .Newport News Va., from France Mrs. Ollie Rogerson, of Hethel, was in town last Friday. * NOTICE The Martin County Medical Society will meet in the rooms of the l.otus ('lub Wednesday at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. DR. VERNON WARD, Robersonvllle. T)R. W E. W A RItEN", WiHiamstonr — 01VE LIBERTY BONDS TO SAVE THE STARVING Of the S2,HOW allotted Martin coun-. ty to raise to sate four millions of starving Syrians and Armenians only $66(1 has been given, leaving $2240 still to be raised. The $560 given includes three S6O Liberty bonds. There are thousands of Liberty Bonds owned in Martin county and many of the owners will not live to see them paid. Of the numerous owners of Liberty bonds in Martin county will not forty-flve lie sympa thetic and generous enough to give a fifty dollar bond each to complete our quota, to prove that our county is as liberal as other and to save our suffering fellow creatureH from starving ? Many coutd give a hundred dollar bond or more and scarcely feel It. The poor people for whom I appeal are our brothers amj sisters In the flesh (Acts 17:26) and no doubt many of them are children of God, (Rev. 6:0.) SYLVESTER HASSELL, Treasurer of Armenian and Syrian Relief Fund for Martin County. Brussels rugs 27x60, at $8.90 at W R. Orleans. A cat load of wire fencing Just re ceived. CD. Carstarphea 4 Co. tf Advartuei* will 6nd emr Columns* Lateh Key to 1100 (Martin County Home*. Established 1898 Graded School News and Notes WANTED COLUMN Wanted—The people /of William ston to clean up their yards this week and the town to have the trash car* ried away. W anted—A steam laundry a bak ery, a ladies' shoe parlor and some paint in Williaraston. Wanted- Main street free from all trash when Sunday arrives. It is hard to tell whether it is Main stret or the back lot. Wanted—Parents to realize tha» Sunday was intended for a daj of rest and not for football and baseball- Wanted—Good luck, happiness and health for all who live in our country, state and town, r Wanted—Every house in ( William son to be a home where love reigns and where happiness exists, a place to which a man or a woman can go when weary or heartsick and where he or she can And rest for the soul. W'aatsd—To see every man, woman and child in Williamston greet peo ple with a smile and a "good orn ing." As it is now you have to knock people down to get them to speak. Wanted —Life, real life, life worth while, a life for others, that is what we want Wanted—A building inspectdr in the town of Williamston. This is de mtnued by law in towns of one thou sand inhabitants. JOKES —lt-you-W®re me ami I ware you and we both west- someone else, who would you be? bather—Why do you want to leave school and go to work when you are so young? Willie—lt's this way, dild, - School is going to lie a tough place for the next few years. We'll have a new map of Europe to study and if we fall down on that the teacher is likely to give us the constitution of the league of nations to learn by heart. What Home Means to Tkeni To the small boy—The service of supply. To the young lady—The theatre of operations. To the young man— Headquarters expeditionary forces. To grandma—A rest sectorii, To the black sheep —an awkward salient. To the maiden aunt—No man's land. To mother—Tlie base hospital, sal vage depot and camp commissary. To father—Headquarters disburs ing office and adjuster of claims. | Safety First Rules Always remember that you must take no chaftces with gasoline. It is one of the most dangerous materials in common use. Gasoline must always be kept in tightly fastened cans, never in glass bottles.. Gasoline should never he uncovered within the house or at any point where its funics can travel to open flame, a live coal or spark. Do not use gasoline for cleaning il' you can get a safe cleaning prepara tion. Gasoline in ifuantity should be kept in underground tanks. , No one should be allowed to smoke while in a garage: No one shijuld be allowed to smoke in an automobile while its gasoline tank is being fdleil. Do not use water upon a gasoline or kerosene fire; use a chemical ex tinguisher or else throw dirt or sand upon it and smother it. Finis—Don't ignore these , rules. They may save your home and family i from ruin. i ■ 1 The Little Tkiwtn of Life On a cold and frosty morning The old school bell? Tossing and moaning with motion A hasty and awful message tells. Arouse ye youthful sluggards And with faces clean and bright, Try, oh! so very hard To see the dawn of knowledge light. The teacher stiff with dignity and starch The first thing makes them march, Then she sets them another task The reason why they do not ask. The trying day passes With much disturbing noise From sweet and pretty lasses And rough and boisterous boys. LOCAL Mrs. Jim Fearing, of Elizabeth City who is promoting the safety league movement was a visitor 'to our school last week. Under Mrs. Fear fog's supervision the school organis ed three leagues. The purpose of these leagues is to prevent loss of Ufe and property and we hofe that they may be of service to the public. The motto of the safety league is "Safety First" On Thursday night of last week Mrs. William Calvin Chilton present ed "Polly of the Circus" and those who could appreciate real talent en joyed her play. Mrs. Chilton took the part of all the characters in the I play and made it very interesting. The male student# of the high (Cctiaosd e. Twe)