r devoted to the Interest of Martin County n General 8c ViltinSoa it) Particular VOLUME XX -NUMBER 24 To the Farmers: i "Be Ye Steadfast"! An Opn Letter to the Farmers and Business Men in the Cotton Terri tory from Bradford Knapp In April more acres of land will he ' planted to crops in the Southern states tiian in any other month in the year of 1919. A great campaign for a reduced cotton acreage and increas ed production of food and feed has been conducted by all forces. Not all the cotton reduction plans, not all the newspaper publicity, not all of the speeches made on this subject have ~ exactly 7 suited everybody, butt Hat is not the main thing. 'The main tiling is ARE WE GOING TO STICK? All the talk will be of no avail unless tile object is accomplished. As long as the world thinks there is plenty of cotton and as long as its movement is. still interrupted by war conditions, we shall be in a difficulty wiikh ought not to be increased by. a too great acreage. The answer to out troubles will be given in the montli of April between the ploy han dles and the seed box of the planter. Many of us have said "Reduce the acreage und feed yourslf' When it was not half as poulur as it is now. We are interested not'only in this year but in the future. Our one am hitiop is to see Southern farmers per manently prosperous. That prosperity depends almost entirely upon a well balanced, permanent system of agri culture with the eternal cotton gam bling cut out. Every farm, big and little, should be on a self-supporting busi,. and the minket system must be re-arranged so as to supply the Sou thern town and city population with food products from Southern farms. No fanner should forget* either his promise, the sue redness of his WOJHI or his good faith in this huge under taking. The plan depends upon mu tual faith und co-operation. April will tell the story. Do not forget the acres of corn, buy, feed for" cattle and the / hogs, and a good garden. Our safe farming piogram our ticket for home our permanent insurance against spec ulation is as follows: First—A home garden for every farm family in the South to supply the home needs for the maximum number' of days in the year with-a sufficient surplus to canned, stored or dried for mture upe, including an am ple supply of Irish and sweet pota toes and wherever possible a small patch of cane or sweet sorghum to produce the home syrup. Second—The production wf corn on every farm sufficient tto maintain the family and the livestock in ample food and feed for a year. In western Tex nsr and Oklahoma grain sorghum# should,be substituted in place of corn for safety's sake. Third —Produce the hay and forage ' necessary to amply supply the live -stock on (lie farm for one year with an eouess for the sake of safoty. Spec ial attention should be given to the summer legumes, velvet beans, cow peat, :oy beans and peanuts, espec ially for feeding purposes. Fourth —Produce the meat, eggs and .Jilk for every family on the farm. This means the production oi hog.-., ctittle and poultry and the care nnd keeping of good family cows Livestock is necessary in order eat up the otherwise waste product* of the furm and convert them into cash. Firth —Produce your cotton on a moderate acreage, well prepared and well tended. Secure the best eed of the \ory best varieties. • Sixth—Plan to meet all family and farm expenses from the surplus pro ducts of the fare outside of the.cotton crop, and to have in the fall of 1919 a go ill supply of laying hens, at least two milk cows for every family, hogs the lot to fiH the family smoke house during the winter, potatoes ei ther in the bank, the or the stoerhouse for winter's use, canned or dried vegetables and fruits, und a bar rel of molasses for the family; a crib of corn sufficient to last until the next crop is made, with good storage facilities for protecting same and am ple hay and forage for the livestock. Yours very truly BRADFORD KNAfT. ' Unless your taxes are paid by the Ist of April the law requires me t« collect by force which means an extra charge on the tax payer. I shall, re gret to have to make an ext i. against a single person. Respectfully, J. H. PAGE, Tax Collector. A car load of wire fencing just re ceived. C. D. Carstarphen k Co. If The Enterpriiie desires a corre spondent in every section of the county If you desir/ to take up this work, •write us and we will stnd you stamps and stationery along with instruction. If you do not want to take up the work, won't you send us the name of some one in jour section who will do so? Pay your taxes by April Ist. Sher iff 1 H. Page. tf THE ENTERPRISE : Graded School News and Notes of the Week MA ANI) PA—(By Radge) Ma and pa are getting old now and the present generation seems to think they are ha.-; heena and that their idea of how to live and act is foolish. But Ma and pa are happy and love each other and the modern mas and pas do not get along so well. Ma said that when she was a girt her ma~apd pa didn't let her run wild and she was not allowed to run the streets at night. Ma said her ma was careful with her and didn't let go with every 'i'om, L>ick and Harry. 1 guess thkt's the "reason that pa married ma, be cause pa w»id that he picked a good K\Vl for hi* wife and that ma didn't get hint in debt by buying a new dress every week. Pa said that ma would nevCT let him spend his money upon foolishness but told him to save, it because some day he would need it. I like to hear ma and pa talk about •the days when they were young. Pa said that when he was a bay his pa usied to make him mind and that he dured not disobey him. You know pa said it looked queer to see >oung boys on the streets at night, because When he was a boy he had to stay at home, but pa says he guesses th> nuui and pas of today don't like to stay at home themselves so they let the bo>t' run Ihe streets. I'a vain he u*od to go to Sunday school and church on every Sunday afid his pa and n.a went w-'th him. l'a saw some boys pluyinp football o»i Sunday and said: "l'ooi mothers and fathers! If >ou couc dip into the future with yuir human eye you would change your tactier." I don't know what he meant, but he was disappointed with the present generation. You can't imagine how I used to like to stay at home at night and talk to ma. She in a grand old lady and she is my sweetheart t'xlay. Ma used to tell me hbout herself nnd how she acted when she was u girl. She said she used to help her nia \v.ilh the housework and that thi> •A» rt grear. chums Her ma dit.Vt let hoi go WHh the boy* uml she was sixteen and ma says ,vte is glad that »te didn't, because if die hud gone >*ith them earlier »ii- would never have finished her schooling, Ami she would have been like most women to day—all on the outside but nothing in the head. Ma has a peculiar look in her eyes when the modern dress exponents pass—"Jim, why do they weafthose dresaes so short.? And why do they wear furs in the sum her and practically nothing in winter ? 1 always say—"Ma, that is the style," —because that is the only excuse 1 have ever heard. After thinking the thing over I be lieve that ma and pa have placed a few of their old time but wise ideas into my head. 1 can't get used to the modern way of doing things; especial ly the modern styles and the modem control that the parents have over their children, but what is the use to worry ? Their business is their busi ness and mine is mine, und uftiffr all some will enter the narrow gate ami some the broad gate and then life's journey is done. Tis a long, long road to the land Fure-ye-well, Perhaps to Heaven perhaps to hell, Choose your path while you live For when we die we all must go To the land of Joy or the land of woe. WANTED COLUMN Wanted—A clean, useful poulation in Williamstofl. Wanted —An orchestra in Willlam ston. Wanted—A baseball team in Wil liamston this .summer. Come to the Lotus Club Tuesday night if you are interested. Wanted —A little encouragement for our school."' If the lßsme rate of inter est was paid by the government on Liberty bonds as the majority of the people take in oUr school in ten years the holders of the bonds would owe the government interest. Wanted —All to know • that last week was "Visit the school Week." Number of visitors—l. Quite encour aging to the teachers of your chil dren. Wanted —To know when William ston is going to have a clean up week? The entire state has had a week of cleaning. Shall we always be the tail enders? Wanted —To know whether or not the people want a lyceum course for next year. Wanted —A welcome to the Martin county heroes who have returned from overseas. Let us show our love and aprpeciation of the boys who f fought for us by giving them a good time. Wanted—A man weighing ninety seven pounds to walk down Main St. with a woman weighing 300 pounds, in order- to create some excitement and bring a smile to some faces we know. Wanted—The Beginnig of a Perfect Day. Wanted —All men to read the fol lowing poem before they snore for the night: If you feel yon wartt to snore And it makes the family sore, Saw wood! Saw wood! r If you Hjhidl* thru your MM, Williamston, Martin County, N. C., April 11,1919 County Agent Holliday Writes About the Fly The Man, of the House Will Do Well r to Look After These Things—The Mother is Always Looking Remember the old adage, "A warm winter makes fat graveyards?" Ac cording to Mrs. Kate Brew Vaughn, this is true especially when it is ap plied to the welfare of the little chii fren of our land, since most of their diseases are caused by germs. We are >ure of an early crop of flies this spring, since we have had an over mild winter. These most fllthv vul tures are coming out these warm, -tunny days to begin their deadly work of destroying the young of our land. Surely we would stand guard if we saw big dangers coming. But, alas! The most dangerous of all come of ten without our notice, and entqr our nomes and begin their deadly work. He enters through broken- screen or pane, let us repeat, to begin his dead ly work again. A death dealing lion -is he and the only fort we need is made of screen. The gun we need is one that puffs, the sword a fly swatter and a depend able disinfectant for his breeding places. These scavengers are now ready to bring to us the most dreaded diseases which choke out the life of so muny young children. We all know the truthfulness of these words. Hut, neglect, neglect, what a sword! lis ten! Our state board of health has emphatically declared that thousands upon thousands of our little children lie annually from the source above mentioned and about which We are now writing. That these diseases are preventable is without doubt. Which is easier? To fight the dis ease or the cause? Let us put some of our money in fortification now be fore these buzzards fly oyer our trenches, und do their deadly work. Heod is a God-given blessing. Save the state's greatest asset—it's children., J. L. HOLLIDAY, County Agent. Mr. Merchant you have the goods. People want them and need them. Aa an evidence tlpy are going away ev ery day to purchase from some mer chant far away because he advertised. i+. ~ ANOTK* - *.. 1 will sell to the highest bidder on Saturday, April 19th at 3 o'clock, in front of the market In Williamston, one red poll bull, 8 1-2 years old, also two good milk cows. JOSHUA L. COLTRAIN. And the door they want to close, Saw wood! Haw wood! if your wife wakes you up Saying "You sound just like a pup," Reply! "Weep no more my lady, We will sing one song for the little cabin snore, For the little cabin snore, good night' LOCAL NEWS The Knowlton Banjo Club gyye an enjoyable entertainment in thft audi torium last Wednesday night. The singing was enjoyed by oil present. rphe music class of Miss Helen Maynard gave their semi-annual mus ical In the school auditorium Thurs day night of last week and those in attendance thoroughly enjoyed the various selections. On next; Thursday night the A'henV ian Literary Society will hold Its hi weekly meeting. An entertuining pro gram has been arranged and the p\iT> lie is cordially invited. The Little Citizens' Creed i am a little citizen of the United States and I believe in my country, my school and my flag. I believe that I can serve my country best by at tending school every day and by en deavoring to become intelligent, hon est and efficient. 1 believe that my country gives to me the same rights and privilege*. that she can give to anyonye and tltfit it is my duty to cultivate my talents and to enrich my life in order that 1 may better serve her interests. I believe that my flag stands for honor, truth and justice in all things and that God is with E. Thompson. / ODE TO SCHOOL (By Mattie Lou Anderson! Ding! Dong! Rings the school bell, Calling us all over hill and dell, Teachers and children both together, On through the bad and snowy wea ther. 1 Many a cold morning we have stood "Wishing wo were home chopping wood But on to school we must go Whether it rain or whether it snow. If some of us-were left alone, When the weathel-'s bad we'd stay at /"* home But we should put on coat and hood, *nd go to school as it's for our good. Along in a string come the exams, And often hits us with very hard slams, And when we fail we begin to grieve, But proud are we whan the diploma's received. HMH THE QUINCY MANS. ON,, QIIINCY, MASS., BUILT IN 1033. America's classic example of a chipboard tiulldliig preserved for ovei two hundred years by cureful nud frequent print lug ll has secret panela, chimin* staircase and biding places, unlit to have bean teed by smugglers Later th» home of great atntcsnieu anil of the famous belle, Doroiliy Qu'uef Local U appenings Pergonal Mention Mr. JtiSAlbn, of Jainesville, has with the W'il liaim4Pr Telephone Company, Mr. Allen was with the A. E. F. telephone division in France and has had splen did experience in that lino of work. Delbert, the two year Old son of Mr. and Mrs. D. I). Stalls, fell frHrt the running lioard of a car Sunday and had the misfortune to break his unn near the elbow. The aln was Im mediately set by Dr. J. H. Rhodes and die little fellow js doing well, ttuv.JJ. N- Snipes, tho-presidintf el. ■ler of the Warrenton district, will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday morning and evening. Come and hear him. t The session of the luarterly conference Will be held on Monday at 2:30 p. m. Let all the of ficial members take notice anil gov ern themselves aeoerdingly-. The Camp Firo Girls entertained the Boy at w picnic Monday afternoon. The scouts trailed the girls for several miles by scraps of cut paper, finding them nt a delightful ipot in a deep ravine which has liwn selected by the girls us a camping ground. A primitive stove has been urranged and a gopd spring makes it an Ideal place for tlx; coming hikes. Three new girls are working for lion ors to be admitted Into tlio .•'Camp Fire Club at the next ceremonial meeting on Wednesday, April 23rd. CAUGHT A STILL Sheriff Page, Deputy Taylor aed Chief of Police Page made » double ■atch Bonday. 'Phey made a anarch at the home of Will Knox in Meai Irass and found him making a still, which was almost completed. It. was ,1f genuine sheet copper and woulj! have soon hud u firo under it, if Mr. Knox had not been overtaken. The; alvo found around his premises it iciy gallons of rum and various in sti'Uments and sundry equipment for the making and retailing of tFe aid •nt rum. After lining up all these articles they proceeded to the field: and Woods anil found nearby n lift; gnllfin still running full blast wit' leveral barrels of beer, but no liquor carried* away by the operator win It was thought that the liquor wn proceeded to make his get-away wher the officers got about fifty yard* from , dm. 'The she rill was unable to rec ognize him Didn't I Inderal and It was4lie custom in the village for well-to-do inhabitants to make good the loss which any Villagers might ustain through the' death «f live stock. The retired manufacturer wh(j had only recently settled in the vil lage was igr\orant of this laudable practice, and was considerably puz zled by the visit of a laborer's who *he had lost- a P'B , x \ "Well, I haven't got it," exclaimed the bewildered newcomer. "What I mean, sir,-is, of course, the pig died," nervously explained woman, "It died suddenly yesterdaj^" "Well, what do you want me to do," cried the thoroughly exasperated man. "Send a wreath ?"—Tit Bits A car load of wire fencing just re ceived. C. D. Carstarphen & Co. tf Young men's suits, latest model 'and best quality at very low prices ui jW. R. Orleans. Mrs Henry Crawford spent Uwt week in Norfolk shopping, Dr. W. H. Harrell, U. S. N. R. F.j left Monday for Philadelphia. Rev. J. F. Carter is spending the week in Greensboro with relatives. 1 Samuel Gurdber, who has been in Suffolk for some timo is at home again. Rev. J. F, Carter wil preach at the county home Sunday afternoon. The publle is Invited to attend. Dr. William E. Warren is in at tendance this week at the meeting of the North Carolina Medical Society at i I'ineharst Mrs. Fred -Gardner and her mother, Mrs/ oJlmson, have returned from Suffolk where they had been visiting ■ Mrs. John WilHamrr: • - - Mr. ilurry. Fagan, assistant rant ior of tlie' Farmers Banking & Trust Company, of Tarboro, spent Sunday in town with relatives. Messrs. S. I!. Etheridge, E. Dav i enport, (lailand Hodges, W. E. Oau ; gham, George llland and F. 11. Jor i dun, of Washington, made a business visit to our town toduy, FUN AND FANCY Well, Naturally The hobble skirt, Seen on the street , Makes Ntui and Myit, ixiok uiastly feet; ' Tbey have to hop 1 Onto a car, Then off they flop Then there tbey are; Some day they'll "Bing!" And bite the dust. And then something Is gonna bust. M Another iVctim "That rotten show cost me growled a man in thnobby.™~3 "Cost ine thirty thousand, the stranger. "Who arc? you?" \K "The producer. .lour • * * A Hunter "Is that your dog you've.got tied up in the yard, Sam?"'i ( i "Yes, nab. He's mine, all right." "But he's pnly got one eye part of i tail and rutls on three legs, Sam." "Dat's right, suh." "What kind of a dog is it, Sam?" "A huntin' dog, sab." ' "A hunting dog? does ■ h«' bunt? Babbits?" "No, sah. He don't hunt no rabbit" ' "Does he hunt bix}s, Sam." "No sah, he don't hunt no birds." "What does lie hunt, then, Sam?" "I reckon hes' huntin' trouble most 'Jo' the time, boss."—Yonkers States ,. - Cnnrtunive One night nt a theatre some scenery i caught fire and a very perceptible odor of burning reached the specta,- ' tors. A panic seemed to be imminent when an actor appeared on the stage. "Ladle? and gentlemen," he said. , "Compose yourselves. There is no ' danger.- 1 ' The audience did not seem assured. "Ladiefc an d gentlemen," continued ' the comedian ■ rising to the necessity ' of the occasion, "counfound it all— do you think if there war. apy danger ( I'd be here ?" The panic collapsed. Rev. H. M. Eure on the Methodist Centennary In 1819 the first American Metho dist missionary society was organized. This ft Ist missionary society', known as the "Parent Society" wis organ ized in New York April sth, 1819. lip until this date all the work of Ameri ciTh Methodism had been home mission work. The membership consisted of only u few thousand but they heard the great commission, "(!o ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every peature," These heroic men ami women were determined to Ttnve a representation in foreign lands. At this time there was not a passenger train, or a steamship, or a telegraph line in alit he world. There was not a college for women in the world. At the end of the first year of this only society the income was only S7OO in this year (the last of the centennary) the church will raise $7,000,000 for the snnie purpose, an increase of ten thousand'told, or a million per cent At the meeting of our board of mis sions in 11)16, a resolution was adopt ed proposing that the church Approp riately celebrate the centennary of American Methodism, that the Metho-. ilist Kpisco|utl chureh r North be in- ' vited to unite in a joint celebration and the invitation was accepted. The centennary commissitffi, made up fron» both churches, undertook a survey >\)f the fields we occupy in or der to determine the nature ttfid size of onr providential task and what was tieedd to put the church abreast of her world program. This ctMumis sion after much prayeyr and utiow, agreed that Southern MPfcotl ism should celebrate this centennary of Methodist missions in a way wor thy of her past uad commensurate with her present, ability and respontfc bility. That commission first laid emphasis MI the spiritual resources of the church, with special reference to intercessory prayers, followed by a program on stewardship. The mem bership of tho church must be brought to realize that they are stewards of liod ami tho practice of stewardship is incumbent upon each and alt' It was a thrilling and historic hour whe> tho last general conference of our church, after pausing in its business for an hour of prayer, gave its unan intous endorsement of the centonnurv —that we celebrate by raising in thu years $36,000,000' ac tron represents the high water mark of missionary enthusiasm and calls the church to Its most daring "enture of faith ami consecration. T he report of the committee which was unanimously adopted,is a singing call to the church. It contains these stirring words: "The hour has struck for mighty things, tTie hour Is at .taut) when the church must step forth with power anil with holy enthusiasm W»t u pea I to all oftr people, small and great, to rally t» the centennary movement and demonstrate that the church of God has been established for the healing of the nations. This task is great, but our great leader deviated that all things are possible witli (Sod. Sinco the first of January much of the time and effort has been preparatory foi the drive which will begin May 18th and close May 26th. 11. M. EURE. t'HK SOCIAL HOUR CLIJB MKKTS Another very delightful occasion In the social lifo of Williamston took (dace on Thursday afternoon, April Kith when Mrs. I!. H. Courtney was nOstess to the Social Hour Club. This club which in proving, tife. be o popular is giving pleasure, to the invited guests as well as the mem bers. The program, which delighted . ve'ryone, was began by "Til W« Meet Again," a vocal duet by Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr., and Mrs. Carrie ' Tiiggs Williams. "The Furnished Room," by O'Henry was read liy Mrs. Carrie lliggs Wil liams. "Concert l'olonaise," — instdumental "nolo— Mrs. Warren Biggs. - "II umotTSi|ue-S wanee River" —vo- cal quartii(K—Misses Mayo and Annie l.aml>,,Mr* Carrie lliggs Williams, Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr., and Mrs. Warren lliggs, accompanist. The invited guests were Misses Ur- Miilar Vinson, Flossie Tilley, Deborah Fleming, Mildred McDaniel, Thome, Mesdames John Chitty, W. J. Hodges, Crover llardison, C. D. Carstarphen, K.ailer Crawford, A. R. Dunning, Ar thur Anderson, Arthur Barber, John llasscll, A. T. Crawford, and H. B. Jones. A salad course, sandwiches and celery were served. fl'he next meeting will be with Miss Annie tami> on April 24th. THOMAS W. MILLS DEAD Mr. Thomas W. Sill* of Palmyra, •lied on April 4th with typhoid fever I Mr. Sills wns sixty years old and had 'been one of the leading farmers of hiseetffion for years and was the old est member of the church at Williams Chapel. He was buried at Conoho, the funeral services being conducted by his pastor, Rev. H. M. Eure, of Williamston. Brussels rugs 27*60, at $2.90 at V - R. Orleans. Advertiser* wil U oar ColuniMaLatoli Key to I 100 Martin County Home*. ESTABLISHED 1898 The Fundamental Question —Taxation After This Year All Ta*e» Will Be Listed us of January First With S3OO Personal Property Exemption (By A. J. Maxwell) After this year the state goes to the calendar year as the official tax year. Personal property will be list ed in the usual way this year, as of the first day of May, and the revalua tion of real property for 1920 will be made as of the first day of May of this year, but the listing of personal property tor 1920 under the revalua tion act will be made as of the first day of next January, and annually thereafter as of the first day of Jan uary. There were many considerations led to this change. lr lost impotrant was the very de cided trend of all business affairs to the calendar year as the basis of an nual accounting and' reckoning. The "' tendency has been in this direction for years and the adoption of the calen dar year by the federal government as the basis of' reports for corpora tions and individual income and ex cess pro tits tax reports has made the practise of using tho calendar year as the basis of accounting almost un iversal. It is tho day of settlements ami the one day on which everyone should have the most accurate know ledge of his assets and liabilities. By adopting this date the same sys tem of accounting will tit both state and federal income tax requirements. It will give more time for the list ing of property and more timdlor the more careful and accurate making up of tax books. - At the same time the calendar year - provision goes into effect—January I, 1920 —there is made effective the full amount of exemption made effective by the constitution —three dollars of personal property to every tax payer. The articles of persolfcil property entitled to this exemption are: "Wearing apparel, anus for mus ter, household and kitchen furniture, the mechanical tyul agriculture/ im plements of mechanics and farmers, libraries and scientific instruments, and provisions." This change in tax listing date without soibe remedial provision would have encouraged the early mar keting of cotton, tobacoc and other farm products. fphis provided for by permitting farm products held temporarily for market on January 1, on storage in warehouses, in the hands of commission merchants or agents in or out of the state, or in the hands of original producers anil held temporarily for market," to lie treat- Trt~Tur"so I v rT[te iv I owner nitty deduct from the actual value -of such products any debts owing by the owner," etc. If the owner is not in debt his tax liability will not be fecteil by the change in date nny way.tfcir if the property were market ed before tax listing day he would have its equivalent in money or other taxable property. Bear in mind that none of the changes mentioned In this article ap ply to this year's listhig of personal property but the revaluation act, anticipates that as thoorugh effort wil be made to get all personal prop erty on tax lists at its actuul value in 1920 as to get all real property valued at its actual value. Under the radically icduced tax rates that Will apply under the revaluation in 1920 there will be no excuse left for evas ion and the same officers who will make the revaluation of real property are expected to lie as thorough in their efforts to require a full disclos ure of all personal property and they are given complete authority of ex amination under oath not only of the own*i' but of anyone having knowl edge of the ownership. The revaluation act is not aimed at any one, two or three classes of prop erty, but seems to be ample in its provisions to secure the listing and revaluation of all property of all kinds by the one honest rule of ac tual worth and under a guarantee of a square deal in the matter of tax rates in return. This article completes a brief pre sentation of the main features of the revaluation act. The "Several articles on this subject have not been intend ed as propoganda or preaching, but to present In the form of newspaper stories the more important provisions of this most important law. The Cat's Alibi ' "Who ate the salmon?' " r Phe cat, I guess." "Bosh!" * "Now, my dear, everybody knows a cat likes salmon." . "Yes, but a cat can't manipulate a can opener." Black and Green An old colored man was burning grass when a wise guy stopped and said: "You're foolish to do that, Un cle Eb. It will make the meadow as black as you are." , "Don't worry about dat, sah," re sponded Uncle Eb. "Dat grass will grow out and be at green as you aw." —Boston Transcript.

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