The Enterprise - j A County Newspaper Published Semi-' Weekly at the County Seat of Martin by | | W. C. MANNING Editor and. o«r>:r. Subscription It ales: Ore Year SI.OO Six Months •• V Three Months -i-i Strictly Cash in Advance - ■'- i- ! j Entered at the Post Office at YCilUaiii- j ston, N. C., u.s Second Class Mail Matter Address all communications to T) l\ ENTERPRISE. Williams ton, N. C. _____ ! TI'BSDAV, APRIL 15, 1919 MBS. BK WN A WELL WOMAN ONCL MOLE Was Confuted to Ilti B. d and. Chair J'Or Over Two Years Before Tak.iag Tanlac " "Some '.raii>re tilings happen n, this world and the change Tar lac ha brought* a.tout in my wife's condition is one, of them." said J. 1.. In-own, a "T\ r v^: , Ttrr " *" "For over.two.year.- .""tie continued, my wife had so much trtiuhn with j her stomnch that she CHIMI hat'dy i lake any nourishment at i!! I■.i♦ a milk diet, and -she fell' off u: was little" more Clan a ,i'\ :: k: e •.on. .She • oi. . it-i ~l—i...xp - night, had no cm ij y at and v. so weak 'an :ov.". t .al »:.»»• t of .'.er time v.n? -pent, 'n 1.e.-' or ir. I i • hair. Hci skin wn «.!!ow S.ealtby 1c •!;ing so.. . tain i sei m to take an., intvu •*. a... ' "In fact she v.a a 1 .nit a IT j'.s she could be to i.r a. • v. i-»i s i : tarted to taking Tunlai umf ju.-t a lew bottle of this' worn Nihil moid —tint have made her -a well woman |" once more She ftow eat- - anything!, she wants, sleep.- tike n - Thrift; —hrr- i gained, twe ntj pound- and e able to ~ do all of her house work a.s we|l ys she ever did " Tanlac is sold by leading every w her The tine, t line of l.oy, ' sua.- ..1" J low prices at W. ;B. Orleans. NOTICE or SALE i t.'nder ar.d by virtue ot tin authoii ty contain, d in a certain de> d '•>(. « trust, date ! the Bth day d (n'toli* r, ' . 191 C, and executed by I' S 'lulbs 1. , tnd wife !.ila Bullock, and of m o d ii the public «»t Martin ou , ty, in Boot: H-t at ijage 4M, to si , cure the payment of a ferritin bond f , even date therewith; and the slipul .- ~ tions in san.l deed of trust not having ■ teen complied with, and the unde signed ti*u. tee ha*'ng been appoint* d truotee in the place and stead of • ■Wheeler Martin, the t--u. tee. there- n i amed, to act in his plan; an I -t ;i I, , l"y 'JUdgim ''lf "t-Trr-. 1 :11 if! WW!W —rr^ Ttii'itifl' Cii> lit.r"omttrr -Stt ytrn —TitV •April, 1 '.»}*.', sa.d i ideniel t bring 'of ' - leeord iii ni •I■"i i I'ifa Mai l n ' i ounty an- 11 . -'1 • 11.. i■ i> i ad t . eed pi t, . ,-t Hl. i n I• ■ . V... - , plied with, an 'ai IM i ' ' | lail ie in'. •i■ ■ti . r . ( -in*. •- • n . I I'li" ti'e \\ i I ol Ml l..'a v i ■ I •I. ii..\ ' • I May. I' the ■" i . I do r » I .dart-in 4i.taiit . u a;., \. \.j. ~ J .In'*?***/! • ' . • ot |.. ; I ,1 . to t, • , . «' ' Ie» • • tlie lolloW ntr i>;T«n I« .tl .» - ton N. t .. .. . ■ v\ illianist r ' * ;u • .r'nu' "at I • . I.' I.I" "unning t .!. !• • 1.. - . eet; tin i'e - mil i ■ -■ ' el lis !. et: t C 1.-et; fieli • 105 feet to the bef nning. ' "'a ae lailW c'UiN"e 1 , T.ilP' k i 'oy W M. t. il on an : v. ,U • - rv V.» . -on, by in»ii *. . vv -ill.l recorded in t> •• )• ' !•.•>.,. . . -Martin co.rnfy •; ' »V r>*e . being the hoo-e and !• : ■ - wit' ; the said V. S. lie".- ■-k a* This loth ia., oi y>| t fi . 1.-!" V HKI- 1 1 ' d.i • ii S. JK 1 ra tit. Plaiil h l-2c per al V,. It. (MleTtur. NO ! K K . Having t ualitiinl as aihoin-trat. ix ' upon tlie estate of the late \\. II ■Stallings, iiotiee is h reby fiven to nil persons having claims again.-! .- ild estate to (rresent them to (tj\e und i .signed for payment.op or Iji fore In 15th tiay of Apni; H»2O, or this notice will be' p I edit in bat of their" iwiv* i try. AH persons indebted t'o said estate are Srequested to make Immediate payment. , This April tlth, ,l«r.». DOME S'J'ALUNGS, .» — ft rl^Vat •■-•s. NOTICE.^" Having iualitiel as ' Administrator upon the estate of the late Lavinia j Lawrence notice"'is hereby giv«-h "to all persons holding jdaiios against said | estate to present Ihem to the under- , signed for payment on or before the j 16th day of April 1920, or tiiis notice | will be plead ih bar 6f thfflr.recov-] •ry. - All persons indebted to said estate ; are requested to make immediate pay ment. This April 11th, 1919. * SIMON P. MOORE, Administrator, ■. ; Ladies' gingham dresses, s2.2*> up at W. R. Orleans. - -J -rr ' . --i -■ ■ * Sale of Land For Taxes f . / • . '• 'NORTH CAROLINA—MARTIN COUNTY;— 1, J. H. Page Sheriff of aMrtin county, have this day levied on the fol | lowing tracts or j.a ice's of land and will sell the same at public auction for 1 cai-li ne."ore trie court house door of Mtrtlri county on the sth day of May, j 1919, at 12:00 m , for Utc taxes due' and unpaid for the year 1918, unless j UM> L~xeo and costs paid on or Ix lore that date. tlie llrd day of April, 1919. J. H. PAGE, Sheriff. JAMESVMLLE TOWNSHIP—White ! Name Des. of Land Taxes Cost Total Ange, W. W., 15 acres L. T. 1 >avis f1 24 SI.BO $ 3.04 Davis, ojseph, 22 acres, Browing 50 1.80 2.30 • Gardner, J.J. 10 acres Henry Shepard 1.76 1.80 3.56 JAMKSN ILLE TOWNSHIP—CoIored Boston. J. Henry, 10 acres S. Dempsey 51 1.80 Z.3f liosion, Robert, 21 acres, llrick Boston 3.08 1.80 4.Bft 1 Boston, Murinda 1C acres W.U.Cordon 400 1.80 % 5.80 ijo .tonr-Gei.ige, 44 acres, res. 8.50 1 1.80 *' "% 10.30 Cordon, J. C. est., 48 acres, res. .» 5.75 1.80 7.65 G r nan Ju:«}i k 30 acres, JE C. Davis 93 1.80 2.73 a'., . Annie, est. 6 acres, Y. d James 27 1.80 2.07 ."..'arv, -iii aires. S. rteddick ■j.l f> " 1.86 LJ • 4-96 ,vi . . i.oiieit, I ai-re>. lan.; 'J.S 1.80 2.75 J. S„ Ifi" a« r«k- /A. agan 13.91 1.80 15.71 - -IH'.IK-, .S.L, I-I ;; I . S-HIPBERD . 1.05 1.80 ~ 2-85 r.e-, \.iliii»ii , (15 ai ri. , re.-.. 13.95 1.80 16.76 w \ nn, >iai t;.a. iOti acre. , re.». 1.58 1.80 3.38 . vv vuten, Iw-nry, - acies res. 3 31 1.80 5.11 WILLIAMS to* XSHlP— white Kobersoii, Sudie heir.-., 30 a. Uober.ton 2.70 1.80 4.50 - ; VVi'LLIAMS TO\V.N.jHlP—Colored .'.Garrett, W. 11.. 23 acies, lladley 3.75 " * 1.80 5.65 "j i C"K ; rr.\, John, 25 acre .4, S. Brown, 2.82 1.80 4.62 j Lei , Charlie, 10 acres tdbson 3.25 1.80 6.05 l.i arx, 1 a;, 10 tti re.- l.lliert Knight 75 1.80 - 2.65 .'..wel, tieo V., .ad acres, Powell - 1.87 • 1.80 -3 67 l n!" , Jol it, Hi ai ie; ,IIS. 5.67 1.80 • 7.47 ~i.t . Jalt*', it> ae;e., Keddick 1.13 1.80 2.93 i ai.a y, CoitTelia heii, 16 at ie Keddick 3.0t) (litHT'l NS T) V\ NSHlP—Colored '!oinidon.s Tlio . 55 a loams bridge 75 1.80 2.55 , o..iar !, ;- w\e ter, 27 acres, res. 911 1.80 .» 10.91 W ILLIAMSTON lO .i NSHlP—White ,iaivmi, latjjdi K., .1 town lot Br7B 1.80 10.68 rl;"iudu»e Co., timber lantls 16.93 1.80 t '18.73 Swain heirs, IliO acres, 1 25 1.80 * 3.06. WILLIAMSTON l()'«v N.SIUP -Colored rtTTTgtry. A 2 town hrts U. 1.- 1.80 1i Mil t'tlciiy, Sarah est., J tow/1 lot 2.50 1.80 4.30 t'uinp, Webion, 2 town lots 2.50 1 .s;0 4.30 Cobuyi, lloyt 2 uteres, res, * I.W 1.80 3.50 Duggan, John, 1 town lot 1.25 1.80 i 3.05 llveri'tt, John, -2 tOwir lots -tj.B7 l;8t> -i8;67 Finch, Williams,' 1 town lot 3.75 1 80 • i.ufiranus, Henry, 1 town lot 6.91 1.80 • 8-71 liurganus, AIDIU.O, 1 town lot 7.26 1.80 9.06 .(.odard, Deacon,'4o acres John Moore 17.50 1.80 1 9.30 (•niiond. I d. 9 acre.- res. 17.50 1 80 19.30 I ortei, Idr/a S«ott, :;0 acres land LS.I2 . LBO 19.92 j l in e, John. I acre, res. 6.63 1.80 7.43 l i ifib k, Joseph, 1 town lot 63 1.80 2.43* ; jiniill, Abe. I town lot B.IW 1.80 9.99 £pruiU, Minnie, 1 town lot 63 1.80 2.43 Sbnle, Jonti, est., 1 town lot 5.00 1.80 6.80 j Madi-, Minnie, 1 town lot 2.51 i 1.80 4.30 1 oolurd, John 11., I town lot 8.75 1.80 10.65 V. ill lams, (.eorge, 1 town lot 12.25 1.80 14.05 Williams', Augustus, 40 acies, res. 15.76 . 1.80 17 65 Williams, Matilda, 1 town lot 1.25 1.80 3.05 V, ids.oir Etl., 4(1 acres, reJ. " 11.25 » 1.80 13.05 T Lawrence, Jos., 2 acres N. Johnson 1,88 1.80 " „ • 3.68 t BOSS KO.VDS TOWNSlllP—Colored Mmm" Stephen, 38 a J.B. Coffield 3.38 1,80 6.18 KOUEHSONVILLE lOHN,SHIP—CoIored Aiiii'i-ws Jane 2'.: a. W.G. Mathaway .'iii in res-. Joe' Cberi'i, ' * • 7.35' "*'- ~ 9.15 " ! Bo , i;li/.;i. i tnu ll lot . -"Ill 1.80 1.99 liana , Ceo. Ii town, lots • 2.62 1.80 4.42 ! i el! i. Id, Jiiini, I tort :> lot 22 1.80 2.02 I'l.eiiy. J I'.. 43 acres, l„ Andrews 17.50' 1.80 19.30 i ii H t. V> alter, 1 town Jot 4.88 1.80 6.68 1 L• c n. Antl ie"n\. f> acres J, T. Stokes 4.46 1.80 6.26 .'■ones I InioiliLJ tow n lot 2.10 1.80 3.90 i : uuc:-. Adihit, 1 .town hit 53 1.80 233 . Wit 1 . 2 town lots 3.68 1.80 5.48 IIJ,: I J., .'.5 acre-, Mooring 11.93 -1.80- 13.73 ■II ,\ 1111 a, V ti'\* n ii'l So 1.80 2.60 . .:•• •••'.' .a. it Vinning land '0.02 1.80 11.82 ** "I t \li lot 4.66 •• . 180 .6.46 poI'LAIi I'OINT I «)\\ NSHlP—White i." v . Jin' a. N.S. Stallings 11.25 1.80 13.05 I'OPI.AK POIM Tt>« N Sll IP—Colored . . !'• a i.r-- acre.-, Ilowen 4.99 1,80 6.79 HAMILTON UuVs NSHIP-—White \\ ain > .1, P. heir.-, I town lot 1 . §.65 1.80 8.45 11A Mll It) v T() WNSi 11P—Colored n, I i:v/.e. I town lot 1.31 1.80 3.11 , i". 1 town lilt ' 1.66 1.80 3.11 , I tl His, 1 I own lot 4 24 1.80 6.04 i . -..1 V, .Una, :;ti :i. Luke Council 9.14 1.80 IQ'!U ■ i..M. d. Aiden, 2s 12 a. Luke Council s.u'.i 1.80 9.89 ir;.. Ileiirj, IS2 acres, Purvis 7.6(1 ; 1.80 9.30 ■ ■ii., Etl., 10 aties, .1. W. Purvis 25.69 ► 1.80 27.49 Hookri. .Mil, 15 at res, ' , 11, Baker 1.44 1.80 3.24 I'IIIMS, Hilliard, 2 acres, Mitchell 3.33 1.80 «, 6.13 Sjke>,- William, 1 town lot 48 1.8t) 2.28 -Wind, I'h a art. 36 acres, Griffin 6.75 • 1.80 8.55'on. Blake, est., 1 hit res. 4.14 1.80 6.94 GOOSE N EST TOWNSHIP—White Hat ii'l, Mts. lift tie, lot) a. home place 4,50 1.80 6.30 lion.. Mrs. I 1., 135 « Savannah 9.95 1.80 11.75 Jtdtrison, lii becea, 70 acres, Mayo 7.50 1 80 9.30 ; Pittinan, W i.eelei 4 Burroughs 1 acre 75 1.80 —3 2.55 GOOSE NEST TOWNSHIP— Colored Bunch, Jo.-, 1 town lot r . 3.22 1.80 6.02 Benr\>'tt, Henry, 1 town lot ■ 1.70 I.SO , 3.50 Y Kborti, Amy*, 26 arfas Ebom land 6,(K) 1.80 7.80 j Kborn, Betsey, .26 acres, Eborn land ,f>.77. 1.80 7.67 j Priced"Gcoiitc. 6. acres Hyman ' 75 . , 1.80 2.56 l Williams, Sam O. I town lot 75 1.80 2.55 I Williams, Phillip W l ., 26 n. Williams 6.18 1.80 7.98 i Williams, Riley, 20 acres, Williams 5.89 1.80 '- —~ 7.69 - - - - -r-. " K. B. Crawford • • • 't Insurance of All Kinds Life,, Health, Accident, Fire, Hail & Lightning. Also Live Stock. I represetn many of the oldest j'and sti-onKest companies fn the world. tys, H Saundeis, M. ,D Phyiiciit> iiid Surgeon Day phone 53 - Night phor.c 4' Williamston. N. L. Wm. K. Warren J. S. Rhodet i)rs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons O 'ice in lirvn More 'Pboue 7s Hugh B. York, M. D Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X Hay, Diagnosis, Specialties >thce on Smithwiek St., reur Bluitnt Bio, Office hours, Bt p lo h in , 7't> ') (>. m Offic ■ 'phone b - Ni>'bt jilijjiip Vlieeler Maittn Whteler Maitin, Martin & Martin Attorneys-at-Law ■ A'illiamHtorr ~ North Carolina 'FUOMt 2J Money to botui on Real H*tale From One Thousand Up For Five to Ten Years Critcher & Crituher ™ B. A CRITCHEH H I> CRITCHER CRITCHER & CRITCHER Attorney-at-Law MAIN STREET PHONIC .. Williamston, N. C. Dr. G. G. Godwin PHYSICIAN Dunning & M«»ur« » lormer Otiicem Leggrtt Building Na. 16| .2 16K3 Dr P. B. CONE Dentist Office over Farmers and Mer- P-hants Hank Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 I Phone No. 9 Res Phone No IMJ| ' " ■ " " —- i A. R. Dunning Clayton Moore j | DUNNING & MOORE ! Attorney'* and CounieltoM At Law | Odi« «*» in the People* Hunk Building ] Williamson, N. C Phone I 35 j Come to ses jB. S COURTNEYr Solo Agent t>r 'j | EDISON'S PMONOUIMPHS New Records always ■ on hand When in need ot [TOMBSTONE or MONUMENT See B. S. Courtney J. D. BLADK„ Undertaker ami Licensed Kinbal iner ■ J Ply mOutli, - N. C I Pityue 37. Williamston, N,*C | (Jr. R. L. Savagt Jo Rocky Mount will be at the | Atlantic llotel fourth Wendnes ! Jay in each month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSB I and THROAT and FIT ULAbSEK NOTICE I have taken up in a lot on my farm known as the Old Me Mobley place, in Williamston township, one rel and dark spotted sow, about two years old. Ear mark of said sow is crap off of the" end of both ears. Sow will weigh about one hundf'ed pounds. The owner of .same will call on me and 'reclaim said sow, or I will dis pose oTTier aivonlfngTo law. This the 14th day of April, 1918. T. M. MILLS. A l)M I NINTH ATOR'S N( (TICK Taving qualified as administrator upon the-estate of Seth R. Hardison, deceased, notice is hereby given to liersons holding claims against said Estate to present them to the under signed for payment! on or before the 24th day bf February, 192(1, or this notice wil be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate ate requested to make immediate pay ment. (this 24th day of February, 1919. k LUTHER HARDISON, Administrator Shirtinp percale, 12c per yard W. R. Orleana. * k 9x12 rugs at sl4 at-W. R. Orleans. --■ ■ ; || 11 j Eaatw || Will soon be it is time that you were S I !v. _ $ :ij | thinking of the purchase of new w j l ! |! ' v ■ i i| ■MIL. sthtw, ■ -- - It III: . €LOAKS, L ill I ' " CAPES, ,;f 1| jj ||| DRESSES, : -yC '' Tal •. , «**>*"" .|p Hill' , • '• " 111 Our display of handsome new s spring styles I Hsj | is one of the most comprehensive ever shown in ! [w !»•." I Sktl I $R 1 1 Williamston and in it are embodied the season's !i Iwfjf ,;S ' ' j§js' ji j ft'. I most correct modes. : —j bBR, 13 w B 'I W: _ . ?? iIUMIH 111 I—l ■■lll || pmi I—l ■■ I——T 'T V&»- -J , - ' ' • - * • - y •' • * • ■ • '' - • ; i # I Reward! •'-" ' ' • i • ■ »- N % i . . 1- ... \... t y ii_j. li.. _-J .• ' j i ■ - . -■ - . ■" . i We are offering a reward of one dollar to those » j who subscribe for the Semi-Weekly Enterprise •' *1 before May Ist. From now until May Ist you can ■ v subscribe or renew your subscription to The En •' o J f.. f ] terprise at the old price of $1 per. year for as long I a time as you wish. After May Ist the price will be strictly $2 per year. We are giving' you a good paper now and we are arranging to Rive you a still better one in the future. - [I V - • v,, ■ : j You want to know the news of the county and the county seat, as well as the happenings from ' the state, nation and world and we are going to * give that news; so it win be well worth while for you to subscribe now and save that dollar. :. •. * v ; DONT PUT IT OFF UNTIL IT IS TOO I^ATE— i I ' • \~ '/ • DO IT TODAY! *. . , - ' ' •- .' T ' \ " i - •- , x • •• • • •- . - t ■.• ■ - ' II |

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