r* YOU WANT Qincs RESULTS WSE A WANT AD IN reiS PAFfcß^- VOLUMK XXI—NUMBEK 10] V lUE NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL . kitom is WW ill SESSION MOREAUT rtt'RK OF luUN» AGENT Economy m a way-. be carried too far un l prove a waste. You ran in tha nam* of Having a ibtj kill t}ie goo se thai lays tee golden, Without entering a storm of crfti-j •■ism against the a?tioti of the of County 'Co.iimissy iu 1 .: for th failure tu continue their Farm Dim ' onstration we \vi;h to utter y word of infill critiusui which s liu- d upon the tilings we have olioetved ii 1 connection with said work in Marti and other counties. Some t>. opi claim that e hwork is not woitl anything and not piy but tho? who have reached rtut and taken ,»! ' Vantage of the it has given a.y ~ j (juite different in their estimates. You can And at every turn of the road the j "Wise Gliy#" who knows too Tun j to loam more of comae U»e work doe not appeal to them and perhaps, the | are just as Larch £'"factor to r i i with as if* the man ftllo'd with prr>J j dice, certain' l ' they are immertl I worse than, the hard down ignorant. Of course t'ie development of a far | mer is not a qV(|Ji process, it tak-* | hard ytprk n'iA* •in'? knowledge i | 'the bent v'Wjl to apply this was' ! There arc gr'i' number of farm t who rd uni' yet, i>evr s,j j ceed of knowledge ii \d tv t j just a wff h. In they mi l.t improve j There W a heavy lo * in Iw'h l-i 1 ami fertilizer every yen* tjocati e 'r j ure mi«appltod and ihe b'tst way ' , cijrreet the error i bv civin-r th* , farmer the le-nefit of the |.e-t ':«ov : ledt'c pained by people who lia\ """ and tested method in (o*.«'i.elt» > various crop,'.. -- Critics may come and critic r (will) jfo, bnt the ccm"tv of Mn has learned many v.iluti>l" .jo.gpn. that have already been worth, mnn- Mines the cost of the Work and the l«e,-*i part of it i,s that the work doe not die hut poes urn throurh evoral irenerntions. Valuable Vnn\vl«!«?e. a'ni'j helpful ideas wlji he cnrrle I'from ma to mnn, comm nity to ommir ite attained through contact with t' j Farm Demonstration work.. No class to "'mei'ft sideratioiT tbnrr th»- f nrmey-frftd -fax thnt) renson anv m( viri'Tii i ••qn'-fn-L. nsTlttle to fl "tece it rn do "- t.h" Coun ty Farm Demonstration work shouh' he, supported. WTCF OF SA I F Under and by \ntue of the au thoiity conti rreti in tin pow roi s..i contained in a certain deed oi tr : executed to me the uoiier.-UF.eti trust eby John Willirm., Oil Bio Efii Hi of October, Ifcltt. ha d died of uu t being of rec. rd in Martii> county c iatry in boo.. M-l, - stipulation sthereui not uaviu glee complied wi.h and at t'ue requesu the parties interested, 1 will expos to public auction in font of the COJJ house door, in W iMamston. Noitl Carolina, at 12 o'clor w M. oi the 'diin day of January, 1921, tae followi.i •ledcribed tract of Heine: t»n hous« and lot sitositei in the Town of Williamson. Noit t '^ii)lina L an I adjo the lui"' Kobert .lolmson, Ransom" IWifS •AftnieTTeScWnnd ut ers.--fio iteini -H iih-half (1-U) acre moie or less, 'fids the 28th day of IXcemlu 1920 B. DL QRITCHEK "V-> Trpstei 'POSITION AS «TEN T on raiiher-, by you»(f lad just o.tt o approved bu>:ine«s college. A' die "Stenographer," care Enterprise. It i . ftmmnaat. -smm« 4ora? . i air" & TR AN n| jjJ THEATRE U "Ti. T— •jf «-f»KOC!:AM FOR TOTsTfiflTT j | LAHRV SEMQN t> ' | il "THE SIMPLE LIKE" \i ■» 1 Mark i '".. iV GOODNESS" j 4th Epit ad* of "Vtlvct F n-itu'' I NOTICE The nktttre ..how prill ;t r I nt 7:15 tor.ipht, inutnal of ?.? jj ;j ai> Iwmstoß', in enter tlwt F jpakt'nni* fan «o to (he M> v bell frame betveer WiUiamston « . /i'iv>.**vr.!Ch slui-t i:n Till-; ONTO RPRjSE The wis-e men fjrom ti'.e east a' wvst hurc assembled themselves i:; ' our in our Capa I Cit.j' ar u are preparing themselves to jleu*i , the* folks at home. ' ' > . ' ' l'ho H>'-.dit'i(tti-"""ate prndt'cally j. , ,as I'Key hate ii'wa.is liuin, IK Ii! . - ! wunt such laws us will permit t i to do as they please, as much as po,- } ntile but would like to have laws to I v Strain the VHwr feHow. •''t.iv J»= ato lies Hin en for its oiliciais aVI ■ j and honest ment ;'nd the House ht | elei ted H". P. ticier, Speaker and its several eiifcient V-lerks, MI T.II" nothing- to prevent the "Old Mi;T\ ■ Wheek>" turning with a w.iir. One of the first tiling:; for cosiaide.- at!on will h•tn c neit'ase of tiw.ti.ov einor's salary and oth.-t- Stale oaitia. VVlien ilies Welti clamoring' MI liar for the nomination .»iininiei, looked like lhe> wfluld gladly s f" , i free, and behld! in thio short t.lnu the great inauKuration. i l b. in« . •*- j up to give the iA'K'islatuio t in. j pass a bill increasing salarit * Vi I see if the lull its not pn-1 II'III IOK t i inauguration tli»-> ;inuoi draw t, • U ' j created pay durii.g the coniu ? | for the Constitution says salaries .•:« • I not be increased during a term in [ ftcc. Here is hoping the Leg si The edutationai program >s l.y fa> jl it i t rver prohwnUil tt» our lior i oral Assembly. It call* for e^Me.;, j n.diioii'dollars d. rin, tuft coi.;i m ti *• I niiiM ta be expended " in lb* ixl .Uioii bi:ihli«yjs and i-firijii*' 6 * l ' I the Univiiwity, A. and L. iTn- I ill |C s hUtt? IfHl'llijlK . \V«' I we need them all very badly, but v. . e;ul souietuinK ilse in 1 u; eiMrut o Fftl program more. The- Inv.,. vj_ I ') nemiv killed the mhuli coojury s. !.> hlurint? the past ti\je year*. The Jui. -i K.i i■ \ m*t in 11111, 0 a d j'.;' j thing, w • nwdid, but WJUI I not w. , undet t-ie strange conditio'' w' , I - '"I us, tin-refute about i 1 • 1 fil th of the whoni, in N»>t i Cu'roT could n« t procure teacher*. hit- •: j ha* no « la>4tlcity, no allov .. ce c*>u' b- nuulo, the High l 'P v i! could not see the cond'tioe.s which ' , |;istx din the hackvvoo.U and lb r-to: jdiey could n!»C have, si-hoof V« | there w iv not enourh t u.-m" y. | certificate to ko around. o jQf courw it-will work mu h i ;'l •> | ■j'jf, r,f u koo I law ' 1 ' 'l' " normal times I*ut the Le lT,| W ub !k ve more authw-My o .* II home folks in to'mlnn an! s'liet j teachers and above all shou'.d not • ler' the k ''ool tax «hd ckti'V it a' ! to Raleigh to be returned to the ro > | ties latrr. I Mos-tli C rn l !' #is notid to hoy • ' i mors trama laws than any othei v | t it- > in t,e U."ion They- are t T ri j six -»lifferent open Reasons for si j ! i*K df-or in the State a-tfl w Tin 1 fourteen different deer lav sin > j • j djoninc counties. There n;y f I different laws r*'(?ulatin>r the time -which we may or may nht kill i _! j i.i;|rt or «r"tl W' thrre nre 1 innumerable reculr.tir.P' l ee 'es ! huriting. In fact, we have ho r ! tf ame l.'W- Hut no one re.?" ft* one of them. The Lop sWur" h wipe out all these .pre'enses of ; nn dtiav a f ftW rr ' 1 f,,r , l 1" ! te tion of fjame in tho state. j l 1 ; | from the Iroirt o r tV * j j that is a wise me-sure b! Hi I' 1 ' ( 1 autre ha.- not the manhood to tr | it. . i The demard for n ;-t te wid-- *• I Fence Law seems to be fitronic >ir ; »»tT*ic,a of the w ; '> p j turned to bi(trer thines and dool>M « , • nothing will take place to lonn- nes»' rro«° - £r«3tn -oamin"-. tM, ;1 forest a« w 11 a- t " v I Th'- iilterest rate w'll nl'o he f " I «ome consideration. The present ret ' of six per cent is perhanß, a "» | | j n-.-eretre'rnte ef but I, ntr 'of frt«»rest v -e a I 1 r Nothinp else so far ns we Vnmv [, 'nr.ins the same price rw*' }H |) tnnpb' ard F'lf tW '* n I «.»r money fieqtumtly 'leaves H*>" f Onrollni to neek in*e«tm»nt ! n Ar l - L which allow a hirh"t rn'.v A c nf". ■ shrtttW he mode i* omi- lVter m 'w- E "i>s -yjT ti/nUwW . ii P feretft whor tbe -ml 'irr'r o* g deorr.ssed conditions Herulrii! " p Monfv, like evcrv o*lipv ew">, »'«• ' , worth more when.Urn «upp!v la >-; N | est. I £ Th- ft»Jrtlnn ~,n* wll most V e ■ ! rooufve the most enrefa' en "H *r"' o i, of the 's a new ro- ' •' B ' The movement to lav oot nnd ' |i - new astern « »n 4 « hi^wa ■ to meet t''e *»>prnvl of the '• • | hf. lv by' the StM" shoii'-! *"•» P (| nroner l»w« ave ras'e-' nrd thp v"*' B "o ftrrWfVi Ft on"o. ■I * or rourse the eld tax will no* B- tiuH the General 1 fh* | on by the voc' of the are most j liefclv to io their b»at on a new tj» Wlllianistori, INtiirlin County North Carolina, Friday, January 7th, 192# ANNUAL REPORT OF ihfc lOUiVIK AbtiVf, !Th ework was carried on through i.. ounty organization, to tench cooper thrnt cooperative buying and u atjig unt etc. Pou;riit cooperatively 36 car load.- i "a! limu at a saving to farmers ol app roxiinatvly $3000.00. CoopeiaL i ,-. .>. e ear load of cover ci ),i seed at a saving ol approximate itioO.oO. Two thousand pounds oi 1 usture seoii ut a saving of $200.00. Sold iyi' lariiH is fifty head of live itock. Kept a bulletin board advetisii.g .things for sale and things wanted, .isiabli.shed a system of marketing .i..roughout the country, using bulletin ln,uid.. in all tha main community > eaters. Hai forty demonstrations in corn average of reports 72 bushels pe: | acre. Average yield for the county 2t> busitols. Have advised with approximately '.HiO farmers on better farm methods. Eighty por cent of corn fanners are improved methods in corn grow ing, representing around 2000 farms. Fifty acres in cotton average yield iOOO pounds seed cotton per acre. tSrvehty per cent of the cotton farm eiM are using improved methods In cotton growing. , Good -results wen; obtained from th i us, of uround limestone' on tobacco lands. Splendid results have been obtained from early fertilising of oats on nearly nil farms in the county.. Estimated acreage planted to covor i i'opv for praeing and . soil buihlinK I'OU ithousapd, , - Demonstrations wiwth oats, Harry Vetch .and Abruzzj. IKo were very t! renlts are thai, this work is in c e tseit over one hundred per cent this season. Increase with Crimson '.'lover is estimated at .60 per cent. Unti hundred and fifty deinonstra tiuns with old and new pastures are' all that could be usked lor. We saved to the farmers plant ng pictures two dollara on all acres p|a.n ed,b\ makiiiK a special visit to the seeiiiiian and asking foV it. Those who had already purchased received tlw reduction ulso. Soy bean's are grown on nearly all llHim.. Whereas five years ago when when demonstration work stalled in tin- county they were scarcely grbw n at all. Now they furnish nearly halt tiic grazing amj. hay for j!toek. W'M have pruned an? spifTy • d ten home orchards. Some orchards planted in the county have matured rtiii two years from the bud. Four .praying outfits bought tkis year. Number of trees cared for around Oil-. llave cooperated with several oiti' southern farm papers getting pious of the Martin County Pasture Work before their readers. Eighteen comities in Eoastern North Carolina are using our methods in pasture work. Some Piedmont farmers ore al so using our methods, also many In* iiuirieii have been answered from out ' i state farmers. Keport on this work was. adopted by the North Carohaa 'State Farmers Convention at We-T- Kaleigli this sumnrjr and its publica tion ordered in the Progressive Farm er by the president of t e Conv. ntion j. Fifty lioad of pure bred hogs have b en purchased for breeding purpos es. At least two hundred finare pi cuilivatgit paatures for tin jiut;-, iiiuny say they coii the -nniy way to raise hogs— I Over one hundred farmers are pre jiar.iiK grten growing crops for poul -1 t'rj with very satisfactory results. I Hogs treated against cholera 2700. ! Hog A treated for worms, Uce, mango ! ami Hemorrhagic Heptifc*fiiiil upprox | i mutely 10,HOO. Some seven hundred farmers co i oprr.it'iil in tue us.' of fertilizers ■ (com ) and others. 160 farmers are cooperating in the ! use of farm manures. Estimated a ! mount of farm manures raided in th | county 40,000 ton' Approximately three hundred farm el's cooperate in the use of lime esti ; m:itcd profit per a era $16.00 I Fifteen of our farmers have install ! ort light and water fcystmes. i Estimated -cumber of farmers plant | inp cover crop 3 2,000. ' Emrr year* ago w induced one of 1 our Implement dealers to put threr broad cast fertiliser distributors In ! stock, the result* are that all dealers hundte them now ;.nd It ,js without j doubt the choice of at least two thirds of lhe farmers especially in the Eeust ! eru half of the county at there is , where ttr -was first introduced. , A Total number of visits to fnrmar* I (n l others 1393. Tot.il number pf meetings held 4 r ». : Totul number attendance approximate tUf* wiH be approved b»* tax t ayets Of coarse they w'H !> iii i!>le ti make it perfect but the ar- in dea l earnest when it row*? ♦' . ena«ti|.g a foo4 tax law. Local News and Personal Mention Capt. and Mrs. ,J. C. Khem have re turned from Til I cry ami Weldon where they were visiting relatives. * » * * Miss Martha Simmons Mizelle has returned from a trip to Richmond aim VV ashington, D. C. • Mr. Clvdo D. Anilarwnn him rati.in. «HI from Norfolk where he and Mrs. Anderson have been visiting relative.- » « * « Miss COrinniVe SmftTf of PiyfflSWf is visiting her sister, Miss Mary "far,jut at the home of Mrs. Caroline Mar in '- ( Tf - * # Messrs. K. (J. and C. A. Harrison have returned from a business tiij to UttieinJi. » ♦ * » Mr. AIOII2O Uassolll went to l!i Hi more yesterday on business. » » * » Attorney E. S. Peel has move I In ollice from over the Karmens anil Merchants bank to the (iodurd build ing. All clients are invited to vis " him at his new establishment. ♦ ♦ • • Kev. J. T. Wildmun, Pi-esbyteria Evangelist of Martin county, w i. pieucli at the Methodist church iu\t Utinday night at 7 30. The public i ttordiully invited. » » ♦ » MI'SJ. ('llbcrt tVri —of —Stukt-s hit been visiting Mrs. J. W. Manning this- week. » * * » Mr. John D. Lilley ol' Juniwsvd wtts in town yesterday on busin*s . - • * 9 • Mr. and Mrs. 11. O. Holmes midair T. li. Hodjfes were in town yesteri ay visiting Mr.-.. A. J. Manning;. Mrs Holmes is remembered here at .N . Esther Hodges and she. has nun friends and acquaintance who luri i glad to see her, Mimy people, both and id throughout the county f.tli oj' January as liny. # * * ♦ This is more than news Y.ou can now buy, while they lust, Maiihatta Shirts, guarantee 1 fast colors al hul price at Margolis Bros'. & Itronk These prices are less , than the cosi of product inn. I'AKKS— I.KCtiKIT The ('oi.ul house became a sci.nc.o alien MIs.T"TTn7 aheih Liggett of Bear Crass and VI» Vivian A. Parks of Tille-v Were qu et ly married by Mayor H. F. (iodv in Messrs. S. S. Blown, K; J. Peel, frtrr Mattie Waters! and (i. C.. Howell w -r tKp only persons present. morning Mr. W. II 1 b ei'sWfi married Mark Clark anil Mar ffirown (colored) also in the co"H house. IIHTTKR 'l*l MKM ( OVl|\(i V .'iiitmston financiers see a i' ii the ibndti and prophecy a vis.il. "Silver lining" soon. January Ist hi passed, the banks are withstan■■ , n> attack splendidly, pe i l are >lo\vly paying their obligati■> ' cotton has risen $5.00 a bale, tlu; i hacco market reopens January l'tb and everybody has gone to work wit I ieneweiT vijfor anl resolution. KPWOKTH LEAGUE MEETING ' fho Ep worth Eeague'iiiet ,Mond«! ■ evenii>Ki —January—Urd,— M'i Geneva Cook at her home on Ka» Main street. Ti.e Society was cp'l i to order by the president, tlun t secretary, called the roll and read t minutes, which were approved. KV Kmmu Belle Hurris reud th* Pc ture next. After the business m ct inK was over, those present en' a pleasant social hour, at the etn: of which the hostrss sarved ►; i wiches and pickles. The meeting t adjourned to meet again Junuai at the home of Miss Loujse Cm ' (Emma Bell Harrison, Repoiter.) INSTALLATION OF OFFK FIM , POSTPONED Due to the fact that several of tl. officers-elect will he out of towji » Tuesday night, Jan. 11th, 1921, t' installation of officers and scheduled for that night at flkcwn.k ' l.ndjre No "f>, A, F. and A. M. wi 1 be temporarily postponed. *' - ■ —* ly ft.ooo. Number of circulars printed for m by the state prami 20, total numb* 1 copies 3,000. Number of fanners reporting I 1 full, or in part 310. Number of na*To demonstrations 1 Number of acre* 85 Number of boys In the Com ClubS total profits $2,985.00 ► Number of boys in the Pig Club tqftal profits $384.00 \ Respectfully submitted I J. L. HOLLIDAY cUu, *«.»*•% ROANOKE BRIDGE TO BE FINISHED IN 1921 Mr H. G. Harn on has be.cn to Uali igi- :his wceK iu the interest of I tie hill to allow North Carolina St-etej hanks to charge an exchange «i i checks. This bill i .-to he introduced, in the nest week and Mr. Harrison jireiicts a' swift passage 01J it. The Legislature is busy this week | mhliif. 11 pppinti lL l, committees and getting aeipiainted. Business wdll nut begin in earnest uitd after tiie ioauTuration of the new Governor ai«i J "1- ie >'t"ilrY»lt tidVT'l HOT nert j in Raleigh, Mr. Harrison vis- Tt-ed Mr. Frank Page, Highway Coiu-J mi sio- ei, and to m?K gtowing Ve|jort-I from huii'. Mr. Page says it is an 11.1 j . .sured thine: that- bv t'hri-tma , "ltJJil, • we Will be crossing the Uojinoke llive j bridge. The -contract for "the steel! bridge and all ronorete vvotk will l> ■ | given out by January .'st+th. Aildition al t|uipni"nt i arriving'each day'.i three engines for hauling diit and! I material ate alreads ou the ground | Mi-, l'aee to.coiiie to V\'illi«iii-1 ston in a short while t» tiew the worl. now beinjr done. RKCOKDKR'S C(H Ki' .. —TUo Court of Marti 1. I'ounty convened Tuesdav, January 4th, with Judge .1. t'alvin Smith pre-1 sidinu: and Attorney B. l>uke'Critcher| prosecuting «in helmlf of the State.' The following-cases were itiy|»o.--ed of' 1. State vs. Neal (io lard. Assault Defendant comes'into couit and pleads j prnilty. '.lndgemrnt suspended u]ionj payment ol the cost of..action. 1. Stale v. A Askew As f -1 sault N Hefendaut corne4- into court and pleads iriu'ty. .Indnnienl sus • pende I upon payment of the cost o" acli'in. CI I II MF.ETIMi | Tho Tmliroidei v t'lub .met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John I). IlipKS, Jr. The club members "and invited guests enjoyed th • hour , spen' ; '• with Mrs. and their work. Re-j fore the end of the meeting the host ess served a deTieVtixil sulad iiiiiisfv-j 1 Those presint U-side- the , lu'. inem-| Iters were Me.darnes t'anie I! \\ I limits. Wheeler Martin, Jr., I . \\ I tjruves, I'. S. Courtney, Mis. Panm-i 1 S. */Riggs, Mi . Caroline Mait'n, Misses I'attie Thorne, Rosa l-'eltoi. and Ruth-.Tohnmni. . > the Rt. IN v Tbom; -• C. l)qist, IV ■ in \V ill iamston from Motnrdny -bnij' Monday morning,-at-fn- home of Mr. ' and Mrs. lie v. i'i cor hut ei;vices r at th»~ niurcti ~of the tHp s copal) Sunday mornini.' at II ami Sm day evening at 7:4 .. A!' a'-e eo^i-dl * invited to both 'service.. Seatsjtree? U ell if old lvajser llill wa s-nd •nn- oiit Income' Tax blanks inst-ec. of.otn I'ncle Snm I we \>-o'i! he CU: ''tngt louder than We f.o tin- \ would In- much bigger li.in.nie tux re|mils are to b • mad ih rhe same manner as last- ye Sirgle person?, w tli an income abov ' SIJ Of and married |lersous no t" fl '■( if; aie r«i|uirel to list. Report nms' be trade prior to Maich Ifrth, ,PJii 1. h _ HASKKT II MJ,' CAMP TONIGHT (FRIDAY) WILL! AM STON VS. HKLIIAVFA * AT'THE IIRICh WARI'.'MH SK (, AMU CALLED \T »:»'• P. M. Admission—Jar end .V>c . fAKMKRSI KIRK [ASSOCIATION | TO MKF'I' The Furmers .Mutual Fire Association of hjartin County will hold its annual j meeting Satur lu\, January Bth at thirty o'clock in] tbe Court HoU.«' in Willi(im*tonj Kvery, rnrmljer of' the- AWOPIHUOW i*i I requested to be a full stnU - i mailt of the feus'new of t'u» Comimiv will he made and officers for thf c in | I Tig year will be (dtttel , VV. C. MAN NI N; t Pre*. v J. L COLTRAINT Becy. STOLFN: FORD TOLItING CAR . new moHIc, self *t;jrting ; Motor numb»M- j ♦3(57120. Fiientono tiros, Liberal raward leading to arre t or riruvory. T. J. Maoril, Wellington, K. _JL 11.1, . I ■ _'•* ij-st ii eg l' N North Caroliau, MatAin County I'rrnonally apeared before Jamea t.. Terry of Bear Township, who adverti.Vw the following a.ray Heif er Yenrling, rßut, Header!, Red and wjijt;- spotted, jirftut- 2 yearn old, and will weigh aURft 40 pounds to the miult' r, maik'-d crap off of the right oar Sujd heifer was taken up about D*e. Ist 19ai- The owner of add hcifor will call -and claim lama or I wllT Uiapo.* ot same aeeordinc to gfrvemng Tht* the Bth day ofjgp^ery^im.l THE NEW YEAR AND ITS RE LATION TO MARTIN COUNTY (By JULIUS PELL) The beginning of thi; New Year of liftjl finds the people of Mart ID Martin County amply jn" ■ ided with mo.it everything: necessary in this day an.l time, except money. We have bounteous crops, full smoke hiiu.se.s, plenty t7> wear delightful weather, and the greatest of all tilings Health. The Physicians of the County state that the people are in fine shape physically, but the Banks are auytliing but eutuu:;iatic over our yaying abilities. The secret of our present misfortune is Unpropardnes.s. If or the past three years we have spent our surplus iu riotous living, and ventured ebyond the boundary line of moderation. Tlu- question everybody is What has become of all the money. There iu more money in the United States than evor. before, but it is not al present in circulation. The state ments-ol' the Dunks of the great money c'?ntors show a greater accumu Nation of actual deposits thm. previous ly existed. This money has been bor rowed by great cliques of financiers, and is laying idle uwaiting for the proper moment to arrive. Every-day millions of dollars worth of liberty bonds and good stock securities are being sent to these money centers r.inl sold ut big discounts, the -same is likewise true of farm produce. "We are not able to hold this property, because wo are Unprepared, and it will be sold at prices far beneath the true values. With other New Year resolution), let us above all things resolve to get Prepared for such conditions. We have over invented in the luxuries of lil'e*and get-rich quick schemes, and saved out nothing liquid for ent conditions. It is all right to spend, and wo I must keep on spending to keep the wheels of commerce movii.g freely lloe.nliiig our reserve.-* can produce slagnut condition.': just as surely us i overspending. We are living in n progressive ago, l ui .I we have got to keep on moving I There. is nothing io mutter with the i Country-the trouble lie§ with our selves»We tiuvo. suddenly struck a big Knag, but the thing ti» do is to Ret on ranothor road, which may be a little ! longer towards our desiivd goal, but one that is surer and better, j—pwt throw yoaßa—wa-tuutu. ] gotten fabulous prices for our labor I and products but the most of tht* extra money haw been invested in property which in not liquid. Statis tics show for Martin County that during the three years just mentioned 'i we have spend for, ) Automobiles and Meter trucks Kxtra Living $1,000,000.00 i Huildings and Improvements'- Auto. Accessories and repairs Worthless Stocks and gambles i Alcoholic IJeverages and Waste of Time $400,000.00 Luxurious Traveling $100,000.00 Showing a grand total of ever five millions of dollars, an dthen we Won der. There ure few families i'i Martih County but what will he affected by otie or inure terns mentioned above. ! We Were entitled to indulge to a -jtol'iajn extent in a number of these kut .\Ssfl were UNPREPARED v4»n the pendulum swung back. If | oui hank weie healthy, and ;,uV obligations small, we could set ) Cotton and other farm product* and I dispose of thein just when we HO J desired, and no doubt that is die ] goal of the Southern farmer to-day I to be able to Nell at his pleasure. Too libei al credit i* very conducive j towards UNPREPARDNESS, ana when the day arrives that we have j to pay cash for what we get, then | and then only, will wo over attain | sure independence from finnancial ..strain. buying on credit breeds ox ! travagance, and causes many unseed ed things which we could get along without just as well. WJe should all live economically, but not economically* it ia natural for all people to indulge in luxurlen, and such things help to make lift happier and pleaaantei -but it seldom that Wi know ju«t when wis reach that golden medium. Above all things, do not make any resolution* for the coming year that II wUT unnecessarily stint yourself or your family, for that would be miserly and unprogre :sive. Put yonr money In the Bank, work some and play . some give to charity and make your self and your family happy If you can- in other worda be moderate for ■moderation is one of the MCMaary things to attain PREPARDNESS. Do not work yourself into poor health aW>u all things coraidcr your health j first and your pocketbook . econd, and j that the year 1981 will bj J veur tuibDieat and moat aoundl" • )»ur IW"" " nu ' ,u y -T~T~ AtiverUacr* WUI IM Ov Column* a Latch Kay to UN •f Martin Onaljr'i lam ESTABUSHED 1898 NEWS FROM IN AND / AROUND OAK CHY Miss AltaMines returned to Drivers Va„ Monday wteefe she *""| mVTBt her study in the school there. She spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. HiSes. School reopened on Monday mern ing. The genera lmeetinc was . at the Hall. Several townspeople at tended the opening. Mr. W, H. Harrell and Mr. Brown, iraveling salesman from Norfolk wet. in town Monday. Miss Marie Jackson and Dr. E. E. I'itlman motored to Itooersonville on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Bo Wen Of Bur gaw spent the holidays with Mrs. J. J. Long. Mrs., Cherry of Scotland Neck ha> been spending some time with Mrs. T. C. Allsbrook. Mrs. Vickie Bunting lias home from Blackstone, Va., where ahr has been spending some time with her liaughter, Mrs. M. S. Hyman. Mrs. J. F. Lynch has returned froui Farmville where she upent the lu. da%'s. Mr. Julius Smith has left Oak Cit» and is employed at Farmville. Messrs. E. K. Harrell, M. H. Savage and Durwood Smith attended tiv Shriner's meeting at New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor of Rob ersohville spent Sunday with Mrs. rt. S. Kverett. Misses Jiessie Worley and Essie llagetta spent Sunday with Mrs. T. W. Davenport. Prof. H. Q. Barbee went to Hope well \Vdnesday and returned Friday. Miss Margaret Hood, of Selma ami Mrs. W. I'. Sumner of Robersonville were the guests of Mrs. F. Q. Barbee last Wednesday. Messrs. B. L. Johnson, J. B. Harretl an 1 N. M Wcrsley attended the ser vices at Mt. Sion Sunday. A number of the young bov.-- and girls enjoyed a very pleasant e\en •'rg at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. ■; limes last Thursday niht. , Misses Beatrice and Dare DavtC, and Virginia and Margaret Hine: en n rUiiiied the older boys and fcirl the home of the latter on Friday Mr J, D. Kay of Scotland Neck spent 'Sunday in Oak City. Mi'sfes Millie Koebuck and Eva I'M ! spent Sunday with Mrs. B. Fat'y. •» C -. Wildman held his sei ic ut the Hall Sunday night . Hi iiiencs are glad to know that he is ■l'l.e to be out after a serious illn«s> LAND SALE y Under and by virtue of a Deed of Trust executed by Henry Cherry to the undersigned, recorded in Book H. 2. Page 50, of the Martin County Itegistry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedne*-. therein secured, request ef the beneficiary, I will on Monday, Febru ary 7th, 1921, at 2 P. M. at the eourt luius? door in Williamxton, N. C., neH at public auction for cash, the fol lowing described realty: Situate in Goow Nwt Township, Murtin County, State of North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of J no. Bar rel!, George Harrell, Dick Jones hair* and others beginning at a pine Jno. Hearrll's corner running thsnen aa Easterly course 60 poles to a chap ped gum, thence Northerly 288 pole* to Dick Jones' corner and Jerry Brown's line, thence a westerly aurw along Brown's and Galtln's line to th» old original front line, thence down said front line to John Hamlft Una. thence back along HarrelTs lint •• Easterly course to the begiaahff, containing 286 more or laaa, and being the tract of land shown , whereon Nahan Knight and wife once resided, and described In a Dwd to said Nathan Knight from John P. Boyle, recorded in Book 000, P»|* 149, of the Martin Registry, to which reference is hereby made; also Nm the identical trnet of toad coovayetf J in the following deed*: Nathan Knight and wife, ft—ir Knight, to W. 8. Clark and ta Boole It 1, Page 176, W. 8. CU# Sons to Frank Andrews and ty Cherry. Booh 16th. 1916, Henry Cherry f Matilda Cherry, Frank -M ' u . wife, Isabella Andtw Clark, Trustee, Book | Martin Co. Publi which was ry Cherry by * to which de . made. " y " This. '* • „ W