IF TOT WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT .4f> Pf THT3 PAPER VOL. XXII—NUMBER 2 UGIIT PLANT AM) WATERWORKS hiUJtlf AKt ABOUT COMPLETED We vitited the new water and elec tric plant thia week and ioan.l th. ' iiouse . i Older' and Uie entire woi-i. e..rir:g oom,>.et.on. It is a tremeu i.aus and one that wu shall fee; 1 rouii o». The in ~.ar»;e, Mr Janes Piddie, took as L .ougi. tho lii'jit ux, laiued. in detiUi the var ious lines anil eompn* tineuts. We Arid that thece has been !ni in the stieets of Williamstui six mile of sewer pipe witi> the n&Ciyisuty ■. man Holes «>. flush tank; and alsiut riv» ! and one half miles of water mair. > with .he essential fire hydrants ar.e cut ol» valves. One large septic tan! | has been cohiplete.l for the lispo.-.i. of sewerige matter. A combined engine and b 'iler house 56x98 1-2 feet has been Aaihsed ami ia it are two large boilers of tw. hundred nnd fifty horse pbwvr each one one hundred and eighty -five horse power engine, a generator and an ex citer. In this pump Muse the cemeni foundation fo rthe engine and gener ator now in use at the electric plant at the river has been laid and when the wires an l current are connecte at the new plant these will be moved The two sets of engines and genera tors are of the same slie, style nn: make. Two centrifugal pumps witl. motors attached an dtwo largo Sul iivan air compressors with motor; have been installed in this build ing. Who nail are in place there will b a coifti'lete duplicate sot of all ma chiefts, - hus providing against any accident or dependence uyo . a sin el unit. We are having sub titute nai ijhlnoS not o'tly for convenience hu ire do so by the laws j he fit* insurance compamea, Oniti.lt the building an>l in the lot re three wells, eacli four hundred a-.i evepty feet deep, six inches in diam ter. Tdese wells Jmve been tastee nd fotlid to eb of a hundred gnllo opacity per minute, earl of goo-1 (Uie char water. A seventyfiv. housant gallon capacity still tanV, no humid and twenty-five feet in leight .ia; been crated to give a nzzlo ( res sure of forty-1 vo pound t the iW hydrant. A re .iforced ce lent r«'.-ervoir of 250,000 gallon ca l "- city h:>: been finished. Irto the rea rvoir the water from tio wells ia ,lown by of coni| ressed air lid frcn it numped into t a tail: ar A-atet "■ n a'ns. All of ths machiees, ank and rcorvoir are of the latcb design aid the best of their kind. T work b no« completed with the er ception of the steam connections o' fioijers an I engit.es, con ecting t)' •veils w ; th the air omT.r-esors an he pumi.' with t».e r ser. oir .tnd tar —this work is Williamson will soon hive a m>s complett and up tp date water ami e|ect .-ic plaiit. NOTICE 10 ALL CONTRACTOR This is to notify ypu that the open ing of bids on pur Projects Nos. 86 j and 81 been postponed from Jan 28th to February 8, 1021. Yours very truly, w. a. FALLIS State Highway Engineer 1.25 4t STOCK LAW NOTKE This U notify all persona living in Go«»e Nest, Hamilton, Roberkon vllle and Cross Roads Towaships, the districts recently voting on the Stock Law (juf stl r >a, which was carried, that the (nw affeclmg stock law territories will gp into etfect March Ist, 1921, and (his notice Is given to notify all persons of same, so that they might übiite by the law: ' Thii| the 20th day of January, 1921. By order of the Boai !of County Cominj^slonei*. " S. S. BROWN, Clerk CIR AN n OTHEATKE U —THURSDAY— IIWtOTHY GISH in "Mary *Mrn Cornea to —FRIDAY— AL ST. JOHN in "CLEA NIG IIP" •Fickle Faney.' S«nnHt Cowed* Vrl/et Fingem,' Episode Jfo. 7 I —SATURDAY WILLIAM 3- HART in 4 . -THE BBVJf.'S Dp'JßLfr gnu l ) pollard an' 1 Little ftaiabe In "FIND IQE GIRL 1 * THE ENTER FRTSE WILLIAMSTON GUILDER MAKES COOb t.£CORD The follownig was cliop.d from the Scotland Neck Commonwealth, and tells of the gooi record made by Mi. R. L. Gravclcy, of Will M.jston, who was the construction .superintendent, of the building mentioned: The new home of the Scotland Nee! Motor Co., is about completed and will soon be occupied by them as soon a? the new mechanical equipment or br ed for thia modern garage ia rec-i .rd. Thte building is one that does c*.edi to our city. It is a two story press brick building containing a quarter of an acre of floor space ant! deitlgnen and built exclusively for garnge pur pose*. Mr. 11. E. Dodge, the popular own er of the Scotlnnd Neck Motor Co., i.- to be congratulated on putting thro : an undertaking of the magnitude in these strenous times. Tha contractor for the building was Mr. J. M. Sinoot of Roanoke Kapi Ik. N. C.. Mr. R. L. Gravele, of William ston, N. C., yrai construction super intendent in ch.irg« of the work. These men have exert-;d every effori to rush the building, and at the same time do substantial work It is onl> four months since the foundation war laid-—a very good record. The first floor will contain, office display room, stock room and stor age space. Thft second floor lini m columns and will be uf.-kI for n wor' room. There Is an electric el.-vatm of four tons capacity to carry ears up to the second flour. This floor i unusually well lighted «o that a ni v irnyin of daylight will bo available fo doing accurate work, mjh as thn she is noted for. NOTICE OF .SALE jttfa Under and by v rtue of tho uuIKmH ty contained In a certain .bed of tru executed on tho 15th day of Decern he. 1917 by William Wl it'c ami wift, Sylvia Whitley and registered in th- public registry of M: rti. > County i' Book M-l at page 4R5, to -ecure the pa. ment of a certain ',on l o fever edattherewith; and th- s'.ipulation in said deed of trust not 'l iving beer complied with, and at h request ot the parties interested t ie undersignet' trustee will on Friday the 25th day i( Jan. 1921, at the courthouse door it the town of Williainston ut 12 o'clo.'l M- offer ut public sale 'o the highest bidder for cash, the fc.!!owi.»g descril ed real estate:- Adjoining Blokl Plock Street o Poar Street on the rorth last Willi amston and WnsHngto r >ad, pn th r t>outh Henry Sherrod on the inuth west uiid Carolina L itham op t'v north west containjag (1 2) (>nr hat acre more or less, and be in if turn land conveyed to William Whi: I wife, Sylvia Whitler by deed froir W. ff. Biggs, H. H. Cowen at il B. A Critcher and more commonly kunwn as the Sprwill Lot This the B|st of Jan. 1921. WHEELtR MA RUN T i"uatee. NQTICi OF SALE Under aad by virtue ot the minori ty coatained In a certain deed ol' trust to the undersigned trurteu e*f cut»d by Nelson Mason and wife, Mittie Ma*>n, dated 2iad day ui Nov. 1913 and of record la the public teui try. of Martin County in Book D-l at page 468, to leiuwr the fjinewt M said note of even date and tenm therewith; and the stipulations in said deed of traet nai havii«r been coropliod with and the uuder.jigne.l having been substituted as trustee un der and by virtue of a Judgment date>' 6th dev of Jaa. 1921 and ut the requ est of the parties interested, I will or Monday tjie 7(h day of 12 o'clock M- in front of the court house door in the tywn of William ston, North Carolina offer at public sale to tho highest bi.lder for cai v the following described real t.Aat'*: Beginning at the 'nteiaection of Chritcher Street and tbe Washington Road, • stob; thence oloag Critcher Street to J. R. Mobley's corner on the lot commonly known a* the Re>* Sprnlll lot; thence at right angles a i along J. R. Mobley's line 89 feet to a stob; thence at rlfyht angles witt the last name Inline parallel with Critcher Street to Wa-sM igton roal;- thence along Washlnuion road to the beginning at Criteher St. and contain lag one-half acre mtr« or leas an being that lot bought from Peter | Davis and wife by Net tie Cowea on | the 10th day of Nov 1818 and of rec | ord in th# public regl ttry of Martin i County in «ooV f-l at i MO. Thia tho Wi day of January 1921. WHttLfi* MARTIN, Jr. Williamston, Martin County. North Carolina, Tuesday, January 25th, 1921 NIGHT RIDERS WARN |. TOBACCO GROWERS Ky., Jan. 23.—Night rid-| ers Saturday night visited farmers in] Bat.i and Fleming counties and worn ed them not to haul any more tobacco to market unt I were higher, (according to reports received here to night. The reports eceived rfiom Mt. Stirling, Carlisle and Flemingsburg, said that the growers were warned that thei rbarns would be burned.an that they would be dAilt with severe ly unless the complied . The band, consisting of twenty-five or thirty masked men, visited farm re near Sherbourne, in Fleming county, 12 miles from Flemingsburg ann Bethel, in Bath county, I*2 miles from Carlisle. In all, about fifteen far mers were visited, although the name of only five were disclosed by the au thorities,. T. B. Robertson, wealthy farmer, i neur Bethel, was called to his door at 12:1!0 o'clock Saturdny night, accord ing to a report from Carlisle. Fou men standing with their backs to him warned him that he was not haul an> more tobacco, neither was he to rent any of his farms to. tobacco raisin? nor raise any v The warning was accompanieSt b threats of violence to himself am' his porjerty, if he failed to obey. Thomas Croath, Jake Boyd, and a farmer named Stevens were then vis ited and the warning repented. The band next showed up neur Sherboum in Fleming county and warned two farmers named Shields and Tomlin They are known to have visited three other farmers but when the occupants came to the door they laughed aiv 1 said weree "looking for a do tor." SIDNA ALLEN BAYS UK IS NOW OUT OF I»KH Win-ton-SalMi, Jan. li>.—By muk bur cedar ohndfc to recreation hours at the in Richmond, Va Jidnn a sen bm for taking part with the Ale- »«v the couit at Mils County, Va.. eight year I money to of 1 II A wof ac turin ir pom pan in Winston-Snwn offered to r leas him from a debt as a Christmas pif tp his family, but the offer wfs de dined. and the debt paid in full ah n with interest. Allen wrote that tlii Was the last dollar he owed in, th world, and that nothing could satisi* him so much as the knowledge tha it had been paid. NOTICE O FSALL CnHer and by virtue of tie authori ty contained in a certain d ed of tru executed on the 15th day of Nov 1917 by W. A. Milliard and wife, an refiistered in the public registry o Martin Cpupty in Book N I at pa 471, to secure the payment of a cer tain bond of even date therewith, an' the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, at the request of |he parties it.ter s K ed the undersigned trustee will on Monday, the BIhK day of February l!»21 at the Courthouse door in tli town of Williamston at 12 o'clock M offer at public sale to the highest bid dor for cash, the following describe real estate! Adjoining Simon K- Harilison the north; N. S. Peel on the ea south, the Hoaii leading from Williai> ston and Jamosvillc on the west, co lairing l«o acres more or fos move commonly known as the (iroor place and being the same land pur by us from said I'. P.Hudley. This the 10th day of Jan. 1921. - WHEBLEIt - Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au>h>r ity in a certain deed pf trust execut ed on thp 2tttb tiny, of Awn t, 10U by J. A- Jones and wife, Moliie Jones omi regisetered In the public registry of Martin County in Book A-2, page 84 to Secure certain note* of even date therewith; and the stip ulations contained in said deed of trust not heving been complied with and at the request of the owner of said notes, I will on. Monday, 7th (Jay of Feb. 1921, at 12 o'clock to ut the courthouse door in the town of WilHamston, North Carolina offer for sale to the highest Irdder at pub blic auction for cash th*- followihi described real estate: Being part of 3. W. Brlley Farm in Cross Roads Township, Martin County, North Carolina, and being farms No's 2 & 3 of said division as made by J. L. Moye, C. E., sai divja op of plat being of record in th public registry of Martin County Ir Land Division Bopk No. 1- at pag 416 and being the ?ame land this day conveyed to taid J. A. Jones by A. L. Raynor and wife. This the Brd day of Jan. 1921. WHfiJJIEK MARTIN Tnwte" Local News and Personal Mention | Miss Ethel Harris spent the week end in Wilson with her sister, Miss J Sallie Harris, who is in school there. • • • • Mr. Ben Perry of Everetts was in town yesterday. • ♦ • • Mrs. Clayton Moore spent the week and in Raleigh with her husband at the Yarbo rough House. • • • • Mrs. S. S. Bailey of Evefetts is .nr. town visiting relatives.' • ♦ » » Messrs. Wilson G. Lamb, Jr., an Luke Lamb motored to Wilson venter day. ♦ Mrs. Mirk Ballard of Hamilton wa In town Monday visiting the dentist ♦ • » • Mrs. \Y. S. Harris, Miss I'att ■ liar ris, Messrs. Collins Wei anil Boyd High motoved to Wilson Sunday. Mr. Harry Murt Stubbs wont t Raleigh Saturday to visit his father Senator Harry W. Stubbs. • ♦ ♦ • Mr. Andrew Clark of Everett s was a business visitor here Monday. Mr. Julius S. Peel went to High I'oint anil Raleigh this morning on n business tl'lp. , • • » » Messrs. B. Uoswel land S. Boswt ll of Norfolk; F. A. Wnde of Richmond, and \V. C. Cannon of Avden are reg istered at the Atlantic Hotel toil a v • ♦ * ♦ Mrd. I". F. Apfel Is in Norfolk thV week, • » • • Mr. ami Mrs. F. W. Graves and children motored to Woldon Sundit' to visit Mrs. Graves' parents, Mr. an Mis. Clark, ♦ * * « i There is a town ordinance that says attle shall not ryn at Itirge ivlthii the corporate limits 6f William-ton uiwl yet CALVES are seen on the •drcet* every day, ( MINTING f'OSTI'ONKK / The meeting of cotton farmer: to have been held at the court house. Januurv '26 th, has been postponed a the organizers could not get heer m that time. y SMITH—DA KiTRIDGE On Thursady evening, Januar., 2 1921, a marriage of interest to theii many friends took place when Mis Annie Daughtridgc of Oak Ci y be cainß the bride of Mr. Heber Sni t Rev. T. J. Crisp, officiating Tho bride is an attractive ybuni lady of fine character and ploasin) personality. She has taught succ s fully for several years in Martin coun ty. The,groom is a popular young man in his community. Many friends wish for t|ie young couple a happ> life. BASKET BALL GAME WEDNESDAY NItJHT, JAN. 2HTH HKICK WAREHOI'KK AT HiSO |». M. WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL —vs.— WILLIAMSTON HIGH SCHOOL HE THERE—ANI> "ROOT!" MRS. A. T. CRAWFORD ENTER- TAINS Mrs. A. T. Crawford entertained on Thursday afternoon for the second time lust week at the home of hoi mother. Mrs. Fannie S. Biggs in Jslew Town. The Social Hour Club was tin -oceanOTr nf her ho'vpitntity- thfr-t-mrr and a large number of Mrs. Crawford friends besides the club mernbeis en poyed her charming reception. The following program was rendered. , Instrumental duet: "Shower o Star ," Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Bigg; Current Topics: Miss Annie Lamb Vocal Solo: "Ml Loved One Rests,' Mrs. P. B. Cone. Short Story: "The Right Map," b> Mrs. P. F. Apfel. Quartet: "An Indiu i Cradle Song, Miss Mayo Lamb, Mrs. Williams, Mrs Jr., »nd Miss White. Vocal Solo: "A Memory Mis' Martha S. Haasell. Town Topics: Mr*. Williams* After the proynm and exchiyijY books the assisted by Mi Williams served refreshments cot: si -t alad, sandvvifhm and relishi - '*» ——K Do you want to live better and cheaper? Wq can ahow you how. Our cash Grocery enabltf you to purchase your groceries front us much cheaper than you are npw paying. Come in and let us show you how. Next door to Anderson Crawford and Com pan . 4. Q, MANNING A BROTHER W\NTE.D 10 BUY: FIVE HOGS weighing about 100 lbs. each, drear ed. at pnee, Addrens 8. Collins Per'. N. C . J 21 tf COOPERATIVE WORK GRADED SCHOOL HONOR ROIL IS A MONEY-SAVER FOR m SCHOLASTIC MONTH During the last year a farmers ex change in lieauiort Counly, N C , sav ed its members and tivo farmers in the community between si's,tio(f an , SIOO,OOO, according to a report 10 th i- viitiM ME»tes Department of Agri- ! culture. The organization, formed to aid po tato growers, has shown high profic iency- in copoeration. Last season its activities were confined to the parchEE inir of branded barrel covers and the - selling of potatoes. Thirty-five things and barrel covers were bought at a saving of S7OO, and 126 carload lots >f potatoes wen* -old w th a «avinir of $60,000. A great growth in cooperative mat Keting and purchasing, ha* beui one of the outstanding results of exten >ion work iiv the South. County a gents, assisted by marketing spec ialists, through marketing demohstra tions and by instruction an «lad\lce, have aided local and county tiohs of farmers in the. cooperative -elling of many kinds of farm pro duco and live stock, and in t ie co .* operative purchasing of a gre it va riety of farm necessities. Farmers have gained knowledge of methods and acquired confidoTio uv their ability to do buslne* son a co operative basis. They are beginn im to. undertake definite business on.i:- izEEtions on a county-wide and > en Stato-wide scale for the niarketirn of their main cash crops, su h as col n t. tobacco, and peanuts. Owing to the cooperative worl. in .cotton gnu ling, classing, im+l—s-WpUng— and information given given as to the murket value of the various grades and staples by extension workers, it is estimated that between sl,ooo,imo and 000,000 wore saved to the cot ton farmers of Texas during the yem In in creased returns. REMEMBER THIS When Abraham Lincoln v a 'a young loan he ran for the legisl tore in 111 jnois and was Iwully swampi il lie next enteit d buiiress, f ~ile. tind spent seventeen years of he It , paying EEP the debts of a woitbie j partner. lie was in love with a beaut i l ' yoEitig woman to whom he became en gagevl—then, she died. Later he married a woman \v a constant burden to hua. Entering politics lvs-* i-i ii fo 1 Congress and was badly defeat' then tried to get tin appointment t • j the United Stat(rs land "office, but la J J etl. I He became a candidate- for ,i- Cii'ted States Senate, and was badl j defeated- In 1H56 he became a candidate f..• j the vice-presidency und was again, feated. In 18f>K he was defeated bv Horn? las. One failure after another—bad fail- j ure» —great set-backs. In the face of! ill 1 this he eventually became one of tho country's greatest men. When.you think of a series of set-j backs like thin, doesn't it make you [ feol kind of small to become dismal'- j aged because you think you aru havmu : a hard time in life ? f Sing Sing lltil- j | let in NOTICE or LAND S VI.E ■ Hr virtue of u mortage exi culei, to the undersigned on the l.'lth d iy oi January 11)19, and legistered in It"-' page 23, and thit condition-. of .-aid ( mortage on the part of William Svke wnd»" wife Alliee i.Syke-, not- havum, beein complied with, 1 shall sell to the liliro.st iifilitei ror rii-lv at the > oe,rt House dor in Williawai n, ut Nooe.; Monday February 21st, the following described tract of lanvl. Beginning at a white oak at tlx•. northwesterly corner of the tract o' Harry Tweedy (now Richard Davis on the road leading from John liar I i ington's Milr to the Jamesville and | Washington road: thence running S 6 Weqt 51 perches to Cevlar branch j thence westerly 60 purches down bald j branch to a branch or deep ravine; ] thence northerly up said ravine 381 purches to a point high up'as the mill I backs water;' thence N 10 West '6O j purches to Thomas P. Moorc'„s corner 1 on the above named road ; thencE' east i v.-ardly along said road 71.06 purche to beginning; containing 30 acres., i more or lass, excepting and resen ing during the natural life of David Slu l ! rol, Four acres around his houso, one | acre cleared land and about three j acres in the woods. And tyat tract of land: Beginning at a post, Jordan G Griffin's comer on the road leading from John Warrington's Mill to the to the Jamesville and Washington road; thence easterly down said road 20 1-6 perches to Cully's run on Moore Mille pond; thence down said nm or pond to tKe mouth of a branch j thence up said branch to the begin ning; containing 18 1-4 acres more or NEWS FROM IN AND AROUND HAMILTON Hugh She noil ami T. I!. Slade, Ji , went to Scotland Neck to see a show W I'.lni'-iluv Mi>. .1". P. l)o\ lc, Mi. anil Mrs. .1 11. Purvis aniJ daughter spent Sunday afternoon in Williamston. ennie Boy le is spending -niti tniu' in Williamston with relatives'. Miss Annie lee Anthony is vi-il IIIK >n Giecnviiie ami llubgnMl. Miss Miu y Koberson nl' Oak *ll \ -pent the week end hole. M. Perkins spent Monday in Greenville. Miss Fannie was showered by her friend* on Thursday night al the homo, of Mis. Sullie I!well. Mrs. Nate Bellaijiy s|)ent Monday in Williamston on business , G. E. Hincs and Miss Ruth Pippin * motored to Williamston Sumlav Miss Mary, Stuart Roddick of Spring Hill spent the weekend with Mr--. Robert Roebuck. Tliad Lawrence was called to Koiky Mount Thursday to lie at the bedside of his jiiotlver. who fes very ill Park View Hospital. F. S. Gladstone, .1. 11. I'urpis and I F l'i|ipm spent Wednesday in Wil liniiiston on business. Mr and Mrs. C. 1) Carstarphen an children'and Mi s Anna Crawford ' Williamston were in town Suildfrv. \t the home of Mrs 'Sullie Kw• II a pretty wedding took place SatUrda night at eigth o'clock \vhen Mr. Jaine Moore and Miss Fannie Beech, dautfh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beer': were united in marriage, Rev J K Henderson preforming)the ceremon\ ( Tin' bride was becomingly attired i ■ ! i suit of blue tricotine with but and gloves to match. The attendant.- wer- Mr. W. J. lloecli of Kinston. and Mi>- \l uy Sullivan and Mr Mac Iteech witl Miss J.uhl Stokes. The out of town g Mr nnd Mrs. Tom White | way of Roberso?lvi|l( . \OTICE OF SAM I'ndor and by virtue of the" authori ty contained in a certain Deed of Tru-t form G. K. Roebuck and 11. | Godwin to the undersigned trustee. ( hearing duto of Dec. I t, lt'lD, and uf , record in the public registry of Martin County, in Hook C 2 at pages 171! a"d l'l7H, said Dwil of Trust- having law* I given Co secure bonds' of «ven dat" j and tenor therewith, and the stipulat i ions therein contained not having been | complied with, and default having j been made, and at the request of tin I bolder of said bonds, the 1 undersigned j trustee will on Monday, the 28th i'a; of Feb. 11>21, at 12 o'clock, Noo I tile Courthouse dooi i Will amnion 1 N'oitb Carolina offer at public auctio to the highest bidder for cash, tin- fid i lowing dc.scrtbe.il tract of land to u'i All those certain tracts of land I? I inr and situated and being i ; County of Martin and state of Noi.ll, j Carolina, near the town of Fvil'l' land being traits Numbers Nine I'M, "Ten (Id), Fleven (11) and Twelve ! (12) on ylot of land formerly own ed by ,1 G. Staton and known us the Mallard Farm as surveyed and platte I try ('. M Credle, C. F. Plat of which is on Record in Martin County Regist er's office in Hook One (ll page 4K7 ( in winch said plat reference is here by made for a more perfect desciii I MIII Tract no. !• contains 41- and Ho one hundreth acres. Tract lO contains 41 amT *KH ni» ; " hundreth acres. Tract no. II contains 42 and !!H one hundreth acres, j Tract No. 12 contains H5 and one hundreth acies. Being a total of 170 ami *»> one hundreth acres, i This thp 24th day of Jan, 1921 A. R DCNNINf! | I Trustee | j Jan 24th TTTT i less, Tiiis 22nd dav of January, 1021. i . J. E. BREWER Mortage*. S. J. EVERETT H Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTKT 1 Having qialifled ns administrator j of the estntr of George W. Martin ! Into of Martin county, North Carolina all persons indebted to the said es tate are hereby notified to pay same] Immediately and all persons holdlnr cla'ms against said estate are hereb ; notified to present same for paymen within one year from thi» dote or thi' notice w'll ho pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 20th day of December, 1!»20 j R. O, MARTIN, Administrator | | SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTORPRISF AdrertiNri Will IW 0* Coloaas * Latch la? to 1M of Martin Craty*a Mmmm -ESTABLISHED 1898 —_____ Houor rool for the grades of the Williamston schools for the month ending January 14th. In the smaller grades a much larger per centage of pupils made the honor roll average than in the higher classes. 4t will be found that none of the pu pils in the seventh grade made the A honor roll and in the tenth grade there was neither A nor B roll. Too ■ many movies and good times and too little study are the causes of this. A roll is for excellent work, B roll is very good and C means perfect at tendance. First Grade— A —Edith Peel, Chas. Manning, Melvin Wynne and Albert 1.. Cox. It —Hazel Brown, Charles Fleming, William Gurganus, Lillian Ruth Rob erson, Hugh Gurganus, Susie Mildred Gurganus, Susie Mae Barn hill. C—Sarah ;Cooke, Mark Chesson Geoffrey Gurgarius, George Harrison, Jr., Lewis Harrison. Second Grade—\—Mary Alice Dun- * nmg, Elsie Andrews, Josephine Har rison, Buck Saunders, Magnolia Ba ker, OUie Marie Roberson, Johnnie Edmundson. B—Grace Page, Hubert Britton, Paulinp Ballard, Herbert Cowen, Dil lon Cohb. C—Fannie Kay, Joseph Godard. Mary Alice Dunning, Elsie Andrews, Josephine Harrison, Buck Saunders, Magnolia Baker, OUie Marie Rober son, Johnnie Edmundson, Grace Pag*, _. Hubert Britton, Pauline Ballard, Her bert Cowen, Dillon Cobb. - Third Grade— \—Mary Carstarphen Margaret Rogerson, Virginia Gordon, Murphy Coltrain, Edwin Peel, William James. B —Catherine. Haidison, . Claude Clark, Paul Simpson, Carlton Liver man, A. J. Manning, Jr., Julia Ward, Lillian Coltrain, Homer Barnhill. C— Warren Everett, Grace Whitley, Gladys Gurganus, 'iSorn Summerli®, Edwin Peel, A. J Manning, Jr., Carl ton l.iverman, William James, Alton Danu.il, Murphy Coltrain, Claude ■Claik, Homer Barnhill, Lillian Col train, V irginia Gordon, Catherine Har dison, Julia Waixl. Fourth tirade—A— Gur ganus, Darroll Price, Nellie Teel, Mil dred Lilley, Frances Williams, Eu genia Hoyt, Virginia Harrison, Ruth « Peel, Hazel Edmundson, Agnes Ches son; Robert Brown. (--Robert Brown, Agnes Chesson, Dulah Coltrain, Marion Cobb, Virginia Harrison, Eugenia Hoyt, Ruth Peel, ..... Darrell Price, Nellie Teel, Teel, Daisy Whitley, Annie Mae Williams. Fifth Gride —A —Susie James, Car mella Jones, DorothyHirower, Melba WynnP B— Ella Mae Britton .Sophia Little, Beatrice White, Jessup Harrison, Ed win Manning, Henry Manning. C—Henry Manning, Susie James, Carmella Jones, Dorothy Thrower. Beatrice, White, Melba Wynne, Asu Crawford, Thomas Crawford, Wheeler Ward. Sixth Grade— A— Trulah Ward Page, Evelyn Harrison. B— Mary M. Andrews, Mary Hkrri son, Paul Godwin, Martha Leggett, Cecil Taylor, James H. Ward, Charles I'eeel, Bruce Whitley Ira Harrison. C— Mary M Andrews, Eli Barnkill. Freil Chesson, Evelyn Harrison, Ira Hlfrrison, Mary Harrison Martha L*g gett, Trulah Page, Charles Peel, John Garrett Sykes, James H. Ward, Nor man Ward, Bruce Whitley, Cecil Tay lor. 1 Seventh Grade —B—Benjamin Court ney, Proctor Jones, Fred T'aylor, "T'rsm" TTTvyTT"Maigarel" "SISJBfttfT Laura Orleans, Vivian Taylor, Mil" ; ! dred Wulters. C— John Booker, Benjamin Court- I ney, William Harrison, Proctor Jonea, ! Fred Tavlcff, Frances Hoyt, Niwi j Jones, Ruth Manning, Margaret M«a- I ning, Laura Orleans and Vivian T*jr ' lor. j Eighth Grade—A—Bryant Carrtar* | phen, Frederick Hoyt. I B—Velma Harrison, Carrie Im I C—Mittic Brow* Elsie Graan, IW -1 t»c Harris, Velml Harrison, Ca>pa Lee Peel, Sadie Perry, Bryant Car j dtarphen, George Harris, WUHaao Hodges, Frederick Hoyt, Robait Mm- I aing. Ninth Grade—A—Either Harrison. B— Thelma LcttJpa Cl»p^ ford Emma Bella Harris, Jarth* | rison, Minnie Robert wa, ChaiWxhe w'n - ' _ t C—Thulma Brown, JLoulM Esther Harrison. Martha HarrUon. ! Minnie RoberUon. Tenth Orada—A-»( Neaa.) B—(None.) C— Ruby Barnhill. Eleventh Grade A—(None.) » B—Elisabeth Burras, James Grif fin, Sarah Harrall. i C— Louise Harrison. 'j I Two Carloads Wire Fencing at C» D. Custarphan's dke«|> far