| I ITIT1 711""" II " «IN" ■■' llll IF YOU WANT QUICK I RESULTS USE A WANT V\ H N TN THIS PAPER ," J, . .. VOLUMEXXU NUMBERS I constructing tin fill is being doa* by «*e :SUt,e using convict labor, and ia well under way. Kji 1 Mape tec tttf-Oteduct and bridge Dreoarad bv ths Hriiiire PIISSIIBH NI u i u*e bridge aver CaalM » IU approaches, but with IJifc' the HeaxMln bridge proper and the Conine JC reek bridsj ia an earth ftU Creek bridge of 28 SO-foot | ■ ttpftn.s, then 8 35-foot sptms ovt|f t vß* Creek, and finally SI 20*3 foot r it l fl * *"• routs® tW| * • u V 4 ♦' | lan > 111 of a dear roadway of 18 ftft Tj * 11 t L: Ji Sh 11 ; v. 5 v . ti*e present geueratta* mtm have to i«at people 9s ai a cor for as far bade as history goes, either iaUy, were engaged in many contests •liptKlag physical fltanhood and en durance • And baseball ha» grown so popular in Ameiiea that it ia now «i« nominated the Rational Game."' figure promiM in the uplift of the community, than to bring Homething In that will tear ft WttMttton, Martin County. North Carolina. Friday, February 18,1921 lliembcr the street warranted closer buying and higher prices lor farm piodMta, farmers and business interests would prosper move. M ia the. ■koplio or the. pes simistic class, who would have ua re tor Varaer's bill simply proposes that yeai ta.securad thru the tut listers, and publish the after the crops are harvested. Thia was tried voluntarily and very suces sfull fo rtwoyeara by 93 counties. It has been approved by all who ua derstand it aad tennara want auch information as will aid them ia plant tag for their next craps. The ttea of ecoaomy ia prevalent ia this bill. The blanks aad tabulations are paid for by tbe Depsrtmsat of Agriculture aad the tac listers have lo t.e paid any way. The final inform fra* uth*«wt»Nflf»«*iaß» wabble what other counties, as well M hi own, |» doing; nywkets for baying and Mlliag an located; aettlers are ties; and teacher* caa instruct intel tigti.llt.. inent aid* white ignorance retard* it 10 .V «*■ * >.. >ti Listen to this: A-farmer sijfUl that this information last yeai save 1 him over |BOO. it i* outlaw**! Jf.,#**! in five per cent better price* w> the farmers aad lewar pricei u> the con sumer; but even at one per coat In craaae.ta term pries a, it wo«M mean over M.OOO.WW raved annually to the North Carolina fanners stone. A good investment HUI, isn't It? j ' HEKVICES AT BAPTIST CHUBCH fak f. A. V. Jeyasr, Ps*er Sunday sehoal, 9M A. M-Dr. P. SuptCome, bring the chil dren and enjoy the Sunday School servkd with ua Samoa by the paster, 11:00 lorw» Wife, or Jacob soil ««W." ! -fwetice coming. jLo pal News and : rtraoital Mention Dr. aad Mrs. i $. Saunders aad Mm J S. Rhodes, Mrs F W. Hoyt « aad Miss Daisy Manning spOat Wed 1 afternoon ja Waahingtoy. « Mrs; John Cook and little daughter * left Tuesday afternoon for Greenville t to visit relatives. JR*?-'"" » • • I of the Automotive Sup- 1 ply Company of Kacky Mount spent ' Wednesday here on business. • ♦ » • i Mr.. W. T. Hunter ox Fayettsville is speeding the week-sad hare with 1 his family. s » •* ♦ • « * Mifts LUlle Bella Haidlson was in > town shopping Tuesday afternoon. 1 e A ' • • I Mr. W. B Watte wa/ia town Wed nesday. v I • * e • '*:■ i Mr. R. E Roboraoa in ia Washing tea this week oa business • • ' Attorney Julius Grimes Of Wash ington was in towa W»ine»lay on ' legal business. _ • • • • Dr. aad MM John Biggs, Meadames F. U Barney B. 8 Courtney and J. W. Andrews motored to Washington 1 Wednesday . f • e • • The Ladies Aid Society of tho Methodist Church will sell cheoken salad, piea aad cakee at Harrison's risno Store-Saturday morning at rea sonable prices. . • « • o- - ■ I Mr B. F. Jennotto of Elisabeth CRy was la towa Wednesday night • • • • Miss Mary 0 Smith who has hod her toasilsremovod at Sara Leigh Hoapitel in Norfolk tela week is rap ported to be Improving. eVe « Messrs. John L. Hassail, A. R. Duaniag, J Lassl Wynne aad J. Q. Staton apent yesterday aftemooon in Washington. , .- . •• • e Mr. Roy L Ward of Rocky Mount will arrive Saturday to spend the week end la town with friends. •• r • Mr. Graver Bardison gad little Mine Mary Davis leave Sunday for Petera burg where Miss Hardison will vlait her aunt, Mrs. Fabius Mings, while hsr father goes to Baltimore oa bo»- Insst '• '&-'&}- e • » ♦ Mr. Julius S. Peel who hai baes> in Aahoville and Hot Springs, Aikan sas, for the part moath is expeetad home Sunday night eme a 0 Messrs. Sam Hawaii, Jr., aad Boyd Hight spent Wdenesday la Wishing* Mrs. L J. Hodges, Miss Sallle May Tuttle and Mr. Gariaad Hodges of Washiagton www ia town yesterday. I Messrs. Kadar B. Crawfrd, W. A. James aad Joe Taylor motored to Waeblagton Wadaeaday. • • • ♦ ' j Mr. W. C. Manning is ia Greenville t|>day atiesdlag a church confeien. o. • • • • I Buy your Sunday desserts aad aal id from the Ladies Aicf Society at, fcarrison's Piano Store Satur&y. ■? - • • • ♦ l ' Lj(g4s|M pAvaM aai|| IjfavUfAA/l Pnivars IVVRWI VU|OII BUU iwywwu AUgCII went to Washiagton Tuesday on bust- E.N. Gordon hogs in the county froe pf charge *1 fall lifiM tin anil kim lam- t ■ URII II'III UP AIIU FIVE IIIFYI YOUR VNITI II . / I GCIBWN—DILLON I mt tin marriage of their d»Ußht«r ' I 81 Mr. QfVfiV u&fi Dillon IMS SUMMARY OF TOBACCO CONTRACT At the request of the North Car slina Tobacco Growera Aaaociation, V. Brown, chief of the N. C. division of Markets, has prepared a summer.\ of tM marketing agreement And con tract now being signed by tobacco K rowers ia Virginia, North and Sout. Carolina. The contract, which is based upon the results of successful growers' cooperative marketing as sociations in California, pfotides: (1) The Association la strictly co operative. (2) Only tobacco farmers belong, the association belongs to the far mers. (3) There ia no stock and there are no 'profits. Proceeds are paid back to the farmers after deducting all ex peases of the association. (.4) Ail farmers are treated exact ly alike—no partiality—all sign the sains contract. (6) Good tobacco gets a good price —poor tobacco not so good. (6) The Tbacco Association is not trying to fix the price—but to get it for the termor. (7) Farmer agrees to deliver for live yeara all of (ho tobacco he raises —but he may from time to time grow more, less or none aa he, himself, chooses. 8) The contract is binding—there is no way to dodge it when once ef fective, do not forget that—but it does not become effective until the growers of 60 per cent of the tobacco sign up. Thus the Aaaoctetioa will make a substantial advance payment ~t# tiw-e.rower at SJj£ i'j^of^Wlverv. (10) will pool alf tobacco and sell from time to time in largw lets. Kach grower will got his share of the proceeds for the year regardless of the price his particular tobacco may bring. HANDLING THE CROP (1) The Association may, only with the consont of the members, organise a warehousing corporation in any dis trict or community for curing, dry ing, storing or otherwise handling the tobacco for its members. (2) Only members may hold the common stock—and the oommon stock controls the corporation. ' 18) Preferred stock, having no vot ! lag power, may bo purchased by any one—and may be retired later by the .corporation. « - (4), Corporation will bo organised for tho service of the Association —on a non-profit basis. ORGANIZATION . • (1) The Association intends to in clude at present the Tobacco area*- qf Virginia, North Csrolina and South Carol ins. (X) This lobaceo area Ml bo di vided into twenty-two districts. (8) The Board of Directors will con sist of one director from each district —and one each from the states of Virginia, North Csrolina snd South Carolina, appointed by the Governor* thereof, to represent tho general pub lic—twenty-fiyo cosgpOl tile Association—Head quarters (4) The tobacco farmers, members of lie Association, at a primary elec tion, select delegates to a district meetiag. These delegates ia each dis trict meet, organise and elect A direc tor from each district Each farmer member has one vote—nr more—this is aeeoMing t the best experience In such asMo ia tions. '-VjJ'i':' | Tho G. E. Conkey Co., wWch fcai long been known aa tho makers oi excellent poultry OBdiS* ing to interest the fanners fad ttu "cratch Grabies. They are claimed U tto?n t the company will mall free, on r» questman "egg Record aad I bulletin on how to pick oat fopd hew snd oull out the non-la yew. A post card or to dls trp-, 481 Union Street, Nor is all that is necessary ft em. It Is slso doshod tha doalors whff are wflling ft .mall amount of tho feedi in stock eomaraakate with thorn s tho same address. I service- will he disoootloood, 7aJ II TTii iilni I 'L. rti I The No-fence Log! Cause of ConqH Much concern over no-fenee low The No-Fence Law seems t* be giv- 1 lag the Legislature mock concern, t Doubtless many " sections are very t much in need of it, an dan th* eon- trary there era many sections that do I not ne*d it shd wll sustain a gnat v less from it if it le passed. . « It really looks hk* there are many I vital questions which should receive \ the attention of one hundred and > seventy Seaatora and Repreeentntivee ■ before so much attention la given to t a matter of so iitde lmporteare>. The « p*op)e should have at least a year » to change from the present method, t Those who have no pastare prepared will be forced to go to onomoue en pense in fencing and feeding aa well as in the sscriflo* of stock which te . not in shape for market. RECORDERS COURT 1 The Reeorder'a Court met Tneaday, i February IS, with hie honor, J. 0. Smith, presiding and Solicitor B D. » Critcher proeecutlng on behalf of the state. There were only four cneea en docket. No. 1 State vermis T. M.Keal, dis posing of crops was till February 22,1921.. 4 Number 2. State venue Roy Godard removing crope. Guilty, Judgment , suspended upon the payment of the , costs , Nunjher Th|»a |l»f" versus Reubin apea a female. Gull- C'.reen. La 5X| ( judgment suspended open the pay ment of the costa / HAMILTON PERSONALS Mr. Peyton Mosa of Charlotte spent the week-end in town. Miaa Nancy Lay of Greenville waa the guest of Miss Pattle Sherrod for the week-end. Mrs. J. P Boyle was called to Phila delphia Monda on account of the ill ness of her mothee • Mr. Wi{l!ama of Greenville spent Saturday and Sunday In town. Mr Gordon Hinea has accepted a positlion with the road fdVce of Ber tie County.. Mr R A Edmondson waa In Wash in on business last week Miss Codie Purvis attended the fun eral of Mr. Cplumbua Mayo near i'arboro Thursday. CHURCH OF THB ADVENT (Epiec*pal) ——- The Rev. Walter B. Clark, Priest in-Charge. Services for the second Sunday in Lent, February 20th: * Sunday School! ft 45 A. M. Harry ; Morton Htubbs, Superintendent w Morning prayer and emnon—11:00 1 A. M. Sermon by the Rev. George W,. ' Lay, D. C. L. of Beaufort, N. C.— "Christian Edccation 1 Evening Prayer and Sermon—7: 80. ! Sermon by Dr. Lay, "Solid Service— The Work of the Church in the Com ' munity." A special invitation to all who an 1 interested in Christian Education and Solid Service. • Choir rehearsal, Saturday evening, 7:80, in the ehurcly—Mrs. J. H. Saun ' dare, Organiat and Director. / NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Martin Count/ , Under and by virtue of the authori f ty contained in a certain Deed o! t Trust from O. M. Lilley and wife , Maud Lilley to the undersigned trus- I tee and bearing date ef 17fh Decern . bar 1919 end recorded in" the Regia , ter of Deeda office for Martin Coun , ty in ook A-2 page 829, executed, to , secure payment of a certain bond ef , even date therewith and the stipula tion contained in the said deed of . trust not having been complied with | and at the request of the parties in ! tereeted, the undersigned trustee will . sell, for caah, to the highest bidder, » at the Court House Door, in WiUi . smston, N. C 4 at Twelv* o'clock, on - th* 7th day of March 1921 the fol o lowing described real p»«arty ,to s month of Tar LwdingJßoad ne%r^S. invaded th#KmesVtiUi playl Lhi* afternotgi wd gave theif^j good lesson in basket ball teH l'here was no need for hasuH funis playetl bet>ven otrains, a 9 »Hs pep enough and to Hitdoor Held was a little uewß iK'al basketeers but they maaaH pile up a wore of 38 to 14, Tat- I'ille team shows imprevemeitfH ulnce the game- here last \W«ll titers In pleasing spirit of tali* between# the two teams nakes the contest* real pleasure* f>i w the boy*, the lineup waa «s follow*: V Williamaten Dook LHleyl it.a Edwards ... Britt Booker Kitdlfl R.G. . ■ Griffin SextS L.G. V Field Uoalai Williamfton: 7; Britt, #; Bouker^jL^*WLJTJTifr■ Davis, X( Lift*},lt) Worthlngton, I.' , , Foul gouts: Wiiliumaton: Edwards, |j i: Jatnesvilie, 0. , -JM Substitutions: William*ton: Bowrifl for Edwurda. Jamesville, WorUJfl ton for Sexton. Score by halves: 28-8; Time: Two 20 halves. fIH Referee: West >C Will JBj OF RESPECT Wheseea, Wn, the Ladiea Aid of th* Christian Church of Williamston. U* ed out of th* hpdy to be *t home with th* Lord on the nontfafc *1 February First, That w* bow in humble submission to th* will of our Heavenly Father who hath called. Com* ye, bleaaed of my Father, In herit th* Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Secoond: That In the death of de ter Everett, the Ladies Aid hae loat on* of its moat faithful and conse crated members, on* whoa* long life of aervice in the Master's Kingdom " here, whose faith and loyalty and ear vice meant so much to us, That, We shall sorely mis* her inspiring and uplifting presence, her meek .and gen tle life, h«r words of coftneel and deeds of kindness. That, In the pass ing of this lovely woman w* hare all lost a genertus and .true Mead, The home a saintly mother, th* chnrCn " a faithful christian. Third: To her sorrowing loved,eat* | we tender our si nee rest sympathy ivl commend them to the consolation a# >■ the God of Love. Fourth: that a copy of th**e,jjgjj||j| lutions be placed upon our mIMMb j [ a copy sent to the pteae and a eepf be sent to the family of the defiilippl MRS. JESSE PRICE. ! | ' MRS. A. R. DUNNING, | ; f MRS. A. J. MANNING, [f I . •_ Commrn*. f NOTICE OF ELECTION North Carolna, Martn County. - ? Under and by vrtua of an o*4N> the bo'rd of Comuusuionera jjjfiJHj theiriegulat' cession on the of Febqiary, liki, notice isnfiHl given that an election willb* the usual voting place in B*as QUO 1 township, Martin county, on tjHDM|u day of March, 1921, lor the of taing aanee of the qualifltt£jH|jfl of said township,' on the whether aaid township "Stock Law or no Stock Lan&Sjj^H At said election those quanHH *ra who are la fevor eCeakjSß tion, shall vote a ballot on wtMfl b* written, or printed the wolM Stock Law," and thos* opposfiH proposition, shall vol* a which be printed or written "Against Stock Law." m| Said elactio nto be held at -tini and place n&resaid by Nathan Bogerr Ayers ud Cowing aa jd|b &t election, awl un der the rulee sM regulations as are provided for the election of the Gen eral Awesnblg, under the gneral elec tion laws of m State. If 'j}', ,1 Vl 3*y*Boifci * X' '! | "* "

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