Bp Roll for the fifth school February XJth is here Hmiitted. There is a marked Huenfc ever lust month, especutf Jpe work of the lower gi a les, crease of fifty-five new n.tmed is evidence of this r improvernen. Six of these pupii.s deserve mention for perfect attendance; the remainiu*> forty-nine are on the roll because ol improved work. The complete 101 l to gether with comparison of work with, that of last months follows. The A roll if for excellent work, attendance and eenduct; B roll is for vary fO(x' j woA, attendance and C i.nfr indicates simply a record of perfect attendance. Fir«t Grade—A: Albert I/esliaXUack Lilian Ruth Robersn, Charles Man Susie Mae Hamhill, Alton Ben neit, Hard Brown, Rachel Moore, Su*« T tel, Mary Clyde Wllium*, J a »v Williams . B—George Harrison, Jr., Charles Fleming, Mildred Gurganus, Earl Har t«, Shelton Daniels, Hubert Cooke, '■a rah Cooke, William Gurganus, May Belle Hardison, Sadie Hardison, Gen eva Jenkins. C—Albert Leslie Clark, George lteadah Smith. Second Grade—A—Mary Alioe Dun ning, Elwie Andrews, Johnnio Ed mondson, Mary Elizabeth Quesen berry, Ollie Marie Roberson, l.iuttne Bullard, Josephine Harrison, Gurganus, Nellie "lierry, Delia Warri son, Helen I'ugh, Magnolia Baiter, Ed l 1 ward GraVfes, Melville Wynn, Ehrii L Gurganus, Malcolm Simpson, Alber' | Cook, Buck Saunders, Grace JPnge. B—Garlan.l lleniM*tr~Wtit>"rt Brit 1 ton, Annie Mae Gurganus, Herberi | Cowen, Evelyn Hall, Lina Mir.eHe Ruby Wurd, Dillon Cobb. ' Alice Dunning, Elsie I drews, Malcolm Simpwufcr Jt*lU»ieJV> % monilMM, Ollie Mnre Puirr, Josrii>■ i lif- Hal' Dillon Cobb, Fannie Ray, Melville Wynn. Elsie Gurgnnus Third Grade—A—Mary Carstni pliei, Margaret Rogerson, Catherine Hardi son, Lillian Coltraiq, Edwin Peel, William James, Murphy Coltrain. Epima Cowan, Gladys Gurganus. Lucy Hardison Julia Ward, Whitley, Claude Clark, Paul Sihipson, A.'J. Manning, Jr., lfm»er' Bftmhill, Elbert Moore, Warren Everett. C—Lillian Mary Caii.tar " phen, Myrtle Glynn, Catekrine Har dison, Margaret Rogersen, .luli} 1 Ward, Grace Whitley, Homer Harn hill, Claude Clark, Edward Cox, Mur phy Coltrain, Alton Daniel, Willlan James, Carlton Liverman, A. J. Man ning, Jr., Paul Simpson, Edwin Peel, Erwln Smith, Ralph Taylor. Fourth Grade—A—Eugenia Mnyt Bobert Brown, Millard Ljlley, Rutt Peel,' Virginia Harrison William--Cur ganus, Hazel Edm.ondson,( France*- WilNams, Nellie Teel, Druluhy'oltrar _ B—Agnes Chesson, Lillie" Chesson i n l*hKie Wynn, Annie Mae Williams Mari»n' Cobb, Reulah Cherry, Hugh % Ch. Whitley, Darrell Price *i James Harris, Rayburn Joyner. , • George Hatton Gurganus, I/>«lie Teel j Alien Gravely, Jeffery Taylor, Robert B, Brown, Annie Mae Williams, Drulah Coltrain, Marion Cobb Ruth Peel, # Virginia Harrison, Frances Williams LMIIiTmI. , Fifth Grade—A— . Japies, Carmella Jones, Dorothy Thrower Beatrice White, Melba Wynne, Henry Maiming, John Wadsworth. 11-JKlla Mae Britton, Sophia Little. Jessup Harrison, Edwin Manning. C—Miriam Courtney, Elizabeth Gfavely, Susie James, Camtulle Jone •SAphffi fcittle, Beatrice WWte, McClelion, Melba Wynne, Asa Craw ford, Thomas Crawford. Jesmup Har riMNkEdwin Manning, Henry Mapntnr Kenneth Smith, John Wodsworth, * Wheeler Ward. -OP*EATIIF U i l ; ■ . - •' .» ; it . ' —THURSDAY JOHN BARRYMORE in "Dr. JEYKLL and Mr. HYDE" 86c and 50c —FRIDAY— '* " Bennett Cosaedy —"L'ncle Tom Withoat the Cabin" Patty .Arbuekle's pai-iner.BuNter luiwi ia 2 reel Special Comedy 'WW Fingers,' Episode No. 11 20c . end , Bta —SATURDAY— wfi. * "The Return of 'Draw* Eg an" SNUB POLL A lip in "THE DINER Bfi)UR 20e «Mia •• 80c Wfa Cross to I the Hi Rescui'bf Chtiiese ilUtf »" ' . i\ ,« Washington, Feb., 20—.Qperations of the American 'Cross incident !•» tie tcUei pi' r.'uurte'sikfeii ip 't • i »1 which /iclvVyt lim i.li.«lei were announce'd in detail today by knell, Acting Director bjPy ratios. 1 plaining the' of the Red (Truss in giving employment to thousands of Chinese and pajoient.fif these em ployes in food supplies, Mr. Bicknell said: "The American Red Cross has un dertaken to relieve fahiihe sufferers ia a certain sti«p of territory in the tile Province jf ShahtiTßg. We have at the head of the work, John Earl B*|ter, an American who has spent some jpars in China ami for a long "lias'bePn Tec Advisor toi the Chinese Government Railway Ad ministration. His appointment was recommended by Mr. Chailes Cramv the American Minister at I'eking. "Mr. Baker travelled through the famine district assigned to the A merican Red Cross and after con suiting with the highest and most re liable Chinese authorities and, lead ing citizens decided - that the best method of ahlinfrvthe famine sufferers was to provide them witj> employment and pay them for their work in fornl supplies. As there was no food to Is had ia that cowatry, mone) -voul.i have been uwl«M to these peopl" in the •••wrhn.'A tft The Ketl PiTis" therefore buys its supplies in Man churia er in other distant places, ship it to the-famine area and pays it out through a carefully directed coir.nu sary department to the heads of fa.ni lies who are employed on the publi.- work .the—Red__f'ross hasundertak ■ n The Chinese Government h:i* gi\e>; a right of way for a much *eo«Jed road 80 mil#*, Jong connecting fvn important the snnv time is helping China to construct a valuable nutdvyity of a perniaia nt character." Sixth Grade—A—Truhal Warn Page, Evelyn Harrison, Lucille Has sell, Cecil Taylor, Mary Melissa An drews, Paul Godwin, Bruce Whitley. 4i—Msqgaret Joyaor, .Martha gett, Mary Harrison, Arthur Britton Cfrutev Paej, pr>d ,Qiesson. James Herbert Ward, Ira Harrison, El Barnhill. "— Connie Roberson, Charley I'eel Cecil Taylor, Evelyn Harrlsoh, Fre" Chesson, Bruce Whitley, James H Wand, Mary M. Andrews, Martha I.eg gett, Eli Barnhill, Trulnh W. Page Norman Ward. Seventh Grade—A—None. B—Margaret Manning, Laura Or leans, Vivian Taylor, HITI Harrison, Fred Taylor, Benjapiin Courtney. C—John Booker, William Harrison, Proctor Jones, Fred Taylor, William Howell Williams, Nina Jones, -Mar garet Manning, Jessie Mannings I-aura Orleans, Vivian Taylor. Eighth Grade—A—None B—Velma Harrison, Carrie Ler Peel, Bryant Carstarphen, Frederic! Hoyt. C—Elsie Green, Grace Gravely Pattie Harris, Velma Harrison, Gladys Micelle, Sadie Perry, Bryant Catstar* phen, William Hodges, George Harris Gaylord Harrison and'*W#bM"t • Man ning. Ninth Grade—A—None. .v*t> B—Thelma Brown, Louise Crawfori Bonner Gurganus, Emma B. Hnrriss Elizabeth llassell, Esther Harrispn Martha Harrison, Minnie Robertson Charles Godwin, Herbert Peel C^—Louise, Emma, |t Bw|son, ifterthp Bm*- nson, Minnie KobertSfA, J4sfr StihWls Ethel Taylor. Grade—A- N^te.: Newt *—, I • /, tf.—Hbsß* Gladv Watts. Ele\-enth Grade->A—-None. - B—Sarah Harrell, Martha Hassell Minnie Leatherwood. C— Herman tb>weiu 3nine ~ (Xflfin. Solomon Orleans * t Moi4h / t-1 /irst gfl e of/sl* names; B—increased or 3 V>—decease of 1. 8 names. ■ w of name^'^^^H i 3 name:;; G, htMstfk'ni - WHr . Thjni Grade: A, jncrease of .1 iyime B, ii\(ireaae flr 3f C, increase of S Net increase of 7 names. Fourth Grade: A, decrease of i name; B, increa.se of 15; C, decrease -of 4. Net increase of 10 names. Fifth Grade: A, increase of g came* i B, decreaspHK 2 names; C, Increase «(, 7v incfease of 8. Grade: A, increasf of I- t s*fr#7■€,lkeerose of 2; 4le4inefcnfi* of 3. Seventh Grade: A, same; B, da- of 2; C, decrease of_l: Net ■^ENTERPRISE Williamston, Martin Ccnmty/North Carolina! Tuesday, February 22,1921 [SOME PROHTEERS >- !•". "" STILL- AT LARGE *» , llil IjLli u.) »L'«*» It J| i K«r the term of the war and much of the time since the question oTpVICe was seldom asked and people became slieh kMtls tfwfc* things, to sell fell 1 in their selfish weakness yd charged outrageous j)i > for jfagt things sold. The great tV" ui.ile v pf Tojay \v as ~T> b> profits, whjph were so en oriifouS ifiHo cheapen fcrtdrt.-and when a leal cum® in sight J§e profit over Sh idwoed' the safety-ami business •Was done *xrlusK'eiy for profit. The sh nijr 'and -tightness of tunes. wer« expected 1 to .cure this weakness ami brmg men back) to the poipU *»f fail pinv and legitimate dealing' and this ha - been done in m«ny . eat.es but oiuj in lustry seems yet to. have the wai K|nrit of ' greed and avarice. That '•tnivnewiir'the autonvobile . repaii business. Of «eu»se this rhargei# not universal-but franu'ewat observation 'it '-tenia to still exist. .» I'he writer recently had occasion to review a 1 bill for repairing a Ford engine arid after studying it ior a while we cease to wonder tb#t the .mintry is. broke and everybody in it We are -further convinced that there "is bat one-thing to do with a Ford uhen it fails to run and thftJt isto iunk itj The repair. t« the —ainc re ferred to took seventy, oqe Md.K half hours of labor at fI.OO per h>ur- ~ -• * * 1 "- - ' - Jl '» i SKXTtIN—HARDISON Friday afternoon in the pivsence of a few friends and relatives at th« home of' Mr."and Mrs. Sijnqn K. liar 'dismnv'-wMi.aolemniaved the marriag« of their Lillie Uelle \o Mr. t^ brideti anl\ B. J. Hardison ah | Best "Mam, The bride wore » blur trteetWfi'puit wiJJj blue aqcessories -in(l narrlr I white ii>se.s and lilje of the valley Soon after t|»o ceremony th bridal couple If)It fur Nvrt'olk and Wui|iiai;t«n. ,Se.ttyi "ilur it. .1 in the Willir.Hyton High Sch. el ai .1 at At -j ' limiiit '• W.,v'!' V in , Wilson She is if. \eet, pure type >f woman hood" &Al%as a large number if frien'i l in Caffelinu. ' itlV.* assistant Cashier on th« Bunk of ni»l it a prom ising young inuAa the business lif of that' town. wil Ibe a 4 hon,. | tft th l if"fVi«ids of February. >. NOTICE > -" - i--'- North Carolina Martin County Notice is .hereby given tl"" undei and by yirtue of a power tuineil in that certain Deed of'' -it executed by Chance an> wife piancfy to the undersiH** 1 , Trustee, bearing !ate of October 18fi 1020, and of record in the Pubfi Registry of Martin County, North Carolina, in Book G-2, at page '2S Said I'rust Deed hiving been given ti a bond of even date therewith and (iefault having been made in th payment' of dait bond, an«l the lations in sai«l Deed of Trust not "having been 1 complied with, and' at the recjliest of the nolder of said Bond thf l undersigned Trustee will, oh Sat the Il*fh day of March, 1921, at iV ers and Merchants Bank, in Everett"* North Carolina, offer at public sale to the highest bidder, fof cash, the following described land, to- wit:- - Commencing at an I roll stake » b%jf'ftv yard(Tfrt>in th« North Coi et the • walling of th» "house andioVrhatTtaid Jessie Chano now lives in and known ia the Hear Bonds house; thence i western!} course sixty yards (60) t» a fror, stob a corner; thence a wmtheml' course nearly in line witi the divi'l ing walling of said Bonds house am' the Henry Wallace houi&, one bun. dred and twenty five yai«ds to a iron Ft .rr cornft at the mdgo of th branch;' thence gn eastern I y (vrnrw paraffel/railroad to a iror jtoh thirtyUardar thence O northernl and -contain ing nearly two seres more or lefis. This the 18th, day of Febi-uai-y W,- , 5 i *■ J4i 2 R. N. GRIMES Trustee. PAME. W. b.uTTTT c TWO HOUSES FOR fcENTr frith six and seven rooms each. Geod wa ter. Electric lights. Houses in good location in the town of Kohewenville. N. C. For further infawnetion, applv to A. R. Dunning, Wil|fivaston, N. G y s WT.Wj \ 4 f — if . auk, Kttnf number of names, t ' %ntlVGrade: A, decrease of increase of 4: C, increase of 2. Net, increase of K. Tenth Grade: A, sent; B, samej 4 of t Net' iqcrease of L, iEMreertyj Gradei J^eWie;'Breame; ty, «creaAk of 2. NaTfacrease of ? lt- "—v " f \ »r 1 » •t\ 1 1 » t* * Local Hew. and. Personal Mention t« •Uii.ur'rm —i. Mr. and Mrs. 'Cicelofr of Stales v.He are visiting Mrs. Ciceloff'a par ents, Jtlij, and Mrs. J. 11. Britt. ... »/ \ l/i \ • A caj Dr. George Lay of eliaufort preach ed two very fine setaoUadilsrdcmfw ed two splendid sermons in the Church Adrwnt titmrfay and both ser vices were well attended. > ' - i t 1 ft. * Mr. R. J Feel, Clerk of the Superi or-Court'is in bis oft'ice again nl'tei a second attack of influenza. • • • • * Messrs. Luther Feel and C. Dt ('a*' starphen, jr., and -Dr. John D. Biggs ar6 iu ttelhaven this week attending the meeting of Group number one ot the North Carolina Hankers Asssoci atlon. - • • • • • Miss Eva Feel of the Oak City School facility spent the weekend al homo with her parents. • • • • Mr. Frank Margolis spent Sunday in, Plymouth the guest of Mr. A. li. Adler. • • • • Mr. Hubert M. Ballard of Washing i ton, D. C. spent yesterday in town on business. v • • • * L - .MI _ .. _ F . Mx. Frank Murgolis of Margolin Bros, and lliooks left yesterday after nuon for Wars(^*^ wht: ' e h !_ w '" ■fleet Mr. lirooks of tlTo" and both vi'l, l«mve for the New York market to buy their spring lunes for both store* Whrle 4way Mr. Mijr golin wiU vjslt reiayiyt a in New York and Philadelphia and MiPnP||^r on Mafcii 4 in Wasluncton. • • • * Mr. W. K. Newton, of the City Wa ter Department has reCurhed form .Chuagy, where he was visiting his mother. Mr. 'l'. F. llurrison left yesterday for Hutltimore, Philadelphia and New Yprk to buy spring goods for Har rison brothers store. Mr. Harrison will be joined in Hultimore by Mrs Anna Harrison who will purchase tin spring stock for the millinery depart ment • • • • Mr. It, (). Martin of Jumesvillr was a business visitor here yesterday * • » • Mr. 11. K. Kobersoii went to Wash ington yesterday for a few days. • * .• * Mr. Harry A. Biggs is attendiiif tliu Bankers Meeting in Belhaven to (lay f* * * Mr, iL C v Gpjlard is in Kaleig-h to day on business. • » « ♦ The bunks and post office have 'been closed today, February 2'.fml Blrttiday. ~Nhkin Mury Cook returned Hatunhi> 'rom Petersburg, where she has Iteei V,siting her cousin, Miss -Mttllie !ook • • • *' , ' - . V. and> Mrs. C. B. of StatAville ik, e | ivre this week, vlait ing SMelofTs parents, Mr. ami Mrs. .1. 'lMtt Mr. CB' Aao *«)"., Ot Jlu'v; *."i(OU Is spending a /aw days here with his wjfa \"-' J > . Mr. Noak 8, Godartß. has returne-J from a visit' to in Smith-, field. \ ••• • \ Messrs. J. G. Godard, 2nul, and Charlie Mobley were fniated \n tin Order of Klks in Washington FTwday 1 night. Several of their friend \ companied them on tbe trip and cV Joyed the fun. • • • • The river water is high anl worl on the highway has been for a few days. There has been no further information in regard to the bridge contracts but It is known thn'. Hoyle A Roberson of Washington, D C., aicepted the work. Miss Mary Louise Carstarphen i-pturned from Oak City where she ha* been employed in her capacity as n trained nurse. 1. ..a f, -t, * last weeka personals we neg lected to say that Mr. Jesße T. PryJ was in the party spending the dmU Washington Wednesday. Tt our intention ot forget "Jess,"jH M F.RNtST HARRISON ENT Earnest Harrison hj„ sixth birthday with about ffy of hi little friends fat Rttaadatre at the, hom# of hie parents,jMr. and Mrs. R. Q. Harrison. Th 6 Holiday colon of red, white and hlue were affecttw and the farors of little baskets filled wRh candy were given with refreeh ntant*. Ica peanut.i ware served. / , • jtr CAMPAIGN FOR SIGNERS TO PEANUT CONTRACT J. Finnk FuOkhp, secretary and manager of the Ovoperative Peanut Exchange at Suffolk, WHS in William , stftn, Friday and while here made (ra|iai*liois for lite piiiipuign fui signers in Martin County, which is to begin this week. Full announce ment of the opening of this campaign is contained in the following ctrculai letter, which has been sent to several hundred growers in ths ieuuiity: Dear Friend: C#rfr fin the growers ee.itaivt will begin in your county thi* Week ami \ye are counting on the growers of Martin giving tin movement their full support. Meetings will be held Saturday af temobn- at oclock at Williamston and Ifobersonville, and other meeting at various points in the county wil lie arranged and due notice given. \Ve hftve now over ~1.700 signers to the contract., totalling 900 bags and representing .'Hi per cent of the peanut grown in Virginia and North Carolina. Practically all these signers have come from the counties north of the Ro anoke river, and as Martin is.the flist county snuth of the Koanoke in which we have arranged for a thorough and systematic canvass, our success In your county will have a very import ant bearing on the future of this great Work. We are greatly pleased to learn that Martin is a county of home owners und that most of the farming in the who live « llJ>l*- is also very on UiUl in tunc |I>TS 'I oiV.Tbn tlitkm* are tlecidedly better in Mar tin, whoso fanners have not had all their eggs in one basket, than in most other counties of Eastern Caro lina. We are" enclosing you herewith-one of the contracts we are calling upon the growers to sign and trust that you will take the trouble to look it over in advance of our coming. Your protection is that it does not IttVoine effective until f>o per cent of the pea nuta grown ill "these two -'tales .arc signed up, and so after all its sticngth is in the number of growers who wjli isgiu Another great point in its 0 vor is that it is binding for n perloit ' of seven years, thus making the Fx change a business organization with I pormannency light, from the begin uing. For your own best intered we want you toattend the meeting nearest you and to give this mutter your -ser ions consideration. This movement i promoted wholly by the grower* themselves for ,their own good anil fur tile good of the.ir county and the state, an dthf men who come to pre ,-K-iit, tiiTiT~iiiatter i«i'jtrti""rnrne ai- iit rewentative.i of the grower.;. In ad ditiori to our own field men, the Ivx tension Division of North Carolim will have some of its agents, with lir to lend a helping band to put thi great movement through, as the. e ag riculturul leaders realize that the timi has come for the growers to organiz their own marketing associations itu » the more, profitable sale of the pro ductti they produce. We want yoi to join with yyur fellow growers iu i their efforts to niake for their futon \ NOTICE ■ H, \ quu'iified as ndtmnisti Ef the estate of Annie M. Purvis, lAI [of the county of Martin, all persoßß , indalted to said estate are htireflP notifikd to como forward and settle same at once. All persons holdir. claims against sani estate will pre sent same iro payment on or before Novemb*r ldth, 1021, pr thi» notice TfiH be (.lead In bar i f their recove- This J. 11. PURVIH. Administrator. D.30. 4t. r V; ■ ** i•» . , '_■ ( Municipal Election Time Not Far Oft lit tlje Nt> vein bur election th«i W" men of' Williuniiton voted solidly btil without the sumo regard, and -lu. 1 that we hope they wrill exhibit in tlie niunicipal election in Ma\. At thai time a Mayor and live Aldermen will lie elected tor a period of twp year . It is essential our women inter est them.selvxs in our town office)., investigate their policie- and slinl\ past results of the administ ration. Can wit improve on it? Learn the: sanitary conditions of theto\yn, ic member the stray atdck that tK.tuih ed our slumbers and detuned utn gardens la-st shimmer. Vrei I uin tin financial stnndinjv of the town. In Ciuiri* into the market situation. I n l whosa fault it is that our street - net dangerous holes. I earn who i receiv ing pay for keeping the town clean, at the Mine time i t ruy.paper and >; ir bage overwhelming 11-. There aie a great many thing > in this tow n re quiring: the direct attention of the taxpayers, the people. It will Inhume Us to observe the pre-out eVeeulue and give tUem personal and eiillm i astic. .support. l.e\ the lailie of t'i town in their Mother' . Cltib and al o the social clubs Study the que Imn a. a whole, appoint committee-, m ilu out a platform and if the present of fii'ej.s are satisfactory and ai'ieeahh vote for them. Ai|\iestion of benefit to the community is the public ceme tury. Present conditions! are seiieu and steps "should he taken to remedy this state Several irruveron the aide have euved^tiv> stones are cattle and pigs gXUK' there The town should own this proper!v and—we-m^e—suffr^ienll >' 11hlo to Ut ,; it up. If our women organize them selves into a really worth while hodv they could cope with the «, i vant pro blem, they could master the gimwine child's problems and make our town a better place to live in. Wo Inai housewives say that groceries are higher in VVillinuiston than el eivlu ie, if "that is MI, oi>;anr/e and re,jure the prices. However tin 1 ,pl lioil tiel'oie ua is the election in May . \ re. we go ing to liriinf in new .strong"!h, fresh force ami power, inslilute a piogre aive and economic admiiii lialuni aifl eil by the women or arc we going to let things go on in the same old lip shod way? We aren't arraigning tin pre ent executives, we jut advise them lo show a little spiiit in then woik if they are-to lie I lie honorarv representatives of their town. I'OI.A NKtiHI The attraction at the Strand I'liea he, 'luesduy night Maich the Ist, 'will lie ' i'ass-ioti, 1 ' a massivms»nntt*pnil sutler drama in which I'ola Negri, the famous Coutinenlal iictrens, i i.tannl, ll is said this latest screen pioduition of tin ult i a'tiig' clu .. i •i M . una I |iit. NOTICK If you don't pay your electric light bills on or beforo the Slot of Feb., aervico will bo discontinued. Fair Warning. We hojio to bo able to moveto our new plant on or about March the Ist. The ratea after we move up town will lie cut to*lsc ped killowat. W. T. MEADOWS, Tretuarer No T M I; North (Carolina rMaitin t'ounty Mury Kilk'bl'ow ys Ntiah Killebrcw - i The defendant above named, will titke notice that an action entitled a ibove has been cominenced in tin 's u pell or Court of Martin County, IJi ('arolina, to, ahsoluU* ■b; und the suid defendnat—M ■ take notice that he reijuir wiear before tlie Clerk of tliej kor Court of Martin Cotin«y* It Carolina, at his office in Wit ston on th® lit .day of. March* l!>21, and answer or demur tw the Complaint of tlj^,,l/Jpl"tiff in said aition, or thf> nuintlii will apply t&j Um> Court for the relief demanded in (he said Coin Thig the 17, dhu *{ Feb. 1921. & it rt^L'rlT- Elbert S. Peel, Attnrnev.' l i tie W. bd. TTPT 1 ! TOBACCO MB ABOUT HO^ 1 The 'tcmperaim it nt 'the lohaio I market remains ii.iiu|uil and each any la l'e\V. loads n l_J lk- a(*.hJ are brought in. ,I'nu' aie i.inguig. about the in i: inn l.' i-ti-ru Carolina, and Mar tin« iai m«i art- .-iiing their tobacco in Martin again. tl h possible that toe wiircimu ■ "ill hot cl>.*>s until aitut Al.ii' ii 'tin, til; way, and maj M main open liiiiinjj tin.- month oi .Vlaith. "idnth. V kmlei Ciawtoril, is in lini' 1111t .111> 1 tin- itiiuran, e "u nil" i flow, adviifi afefc* "a long . oason. 'Wld man Uack .Meadow* ia luiviiig JvJH |"i it at ui llje lytjaei o and 1. . Uiavw . i> 111t toUowiJn; aii , I in' :i\ giu'hi oi tobacco old i, ia, i. Mml ol tin* aea «/n't--ciojiiW.,. been, iuaili.l t• •I alteadj . IVOUIl V OUI Sl t nciH .1 V\ lull eliall »Ul ' ato)i,na. ,tfo •• 'l.out tin- ..icct. loss liy lore*' itrei? I In- i a i .lal'UVt' -iui' J ,»a lAIII on« i'ii who. i; aUfcViiVt* |f at dejieiMi. l)ur * 11>; the Ihi yeai iHH'iod I'll) iUU'.I to I'll I.: (tin awi.iftn nuirtlx i "1 lire., le ported |"'i jear in North Carolina I was (,13a. Tiieso Inc.. buiiwd ouch Iv en a'iout 11 ~>,i"Ki hch' ,at ai'Aiver- I am' 111 ~ ot jikiO.iMl'and t,\o lives. I hi> coat each year to. pt Iv-ato iudi iuhi.il.. id lic.htii'n llic.e lilea Was it- I lout i'ii ,; lUd should lie slopped, it I'n.ialljle, lea t fcuwitiy icdiiccJv', I In* -t uM by ■■pppmrio diiuir>^v^ "iTsJiii ai>i at this .u'li itli ot the jear, when tires are likely to m t out and "ipl'OUll. I lie in uiaiue ( Viiiiiii , mlici appeal tn —trrt —fit i/a'hi —M»*t — iHI t. 'Outtilde lire , on wind) d.iy. oi lease lllem to Ihi tanned into llamc.t ol' sp.ivad h win l;' ri iii>-; ilunnp the itijrht. Fire 1., ii .'d too pioiiii.euuu ly unit eai le. ly for burning ot' new lands lie nig- opened, u,"i wcH in utlur eel elei I with VeiO'tatlOlV Hunters, ti on tii ~ ami .Hiiokvi, - nui'-t exercise I nu'ie care Willi till II til'- and iiuitche I .'\il CI e ; ill i.uele ; a Well as In [ten-lional stalling? oi-tile.-t tlia.t dalle I ill' e laud - and lo|i' I . '' "1111 lhe re I |li 11 t• • i lo Ii '■ i t nil',. i I If* J. ( . 14,-lU llwV -Iti.l. hi.' 1 11 '.-u-l, Aj J and, where ll'i' eiiilriiie ja til, ll . I \ 11'oI on |>l eei lit 'oh ill 1 1.11 ll ' i ■I I lie 1,, ~ I i on, ill-, i ■ i aii'i'H iin ■ fI'I I ; 11.l • 111 !lle\i ll ; i 111 I eai ii >lll ISIJII.HT I I I 1 tii -l.lli: I \IK Mr. I rank \\ e i '.,1 I ~ toil, Mas will ai 11 \ e 11, o i aI \ tn I'll con ji iTtv with •rhf- Mtfiip -I'VotHy \ l«K^-IW-f»l ' • ll'Oiii t !.i . 'lil Lt.Lt l.ll'lit" lii.w al 111'' Mai 1,111 1 >ll 111 A | ai| 1" ttfi hfM in-fc A||'l lllll' I'll" "111 11 "111 I mhl "'N e» one el tli» " T,i 1 til S' i| Ml. | i'ln ' .ai 'I I -lit i lllll| 11.1'I'l I t. winl w;i -if'- ri.l let-he A oi'ialt.'ii la 1 \ i .ir. Me AN . \. i-'ioiu; wa ■ con Heeled Willi till Ili.W lllitil lat Veil I -and le- ie. t-I il liii-lilv. Mr. liaiik'ti ol' I-:.ih ie'.c vdial o 110 in Iflwn tin w• ek in I io- ml.'i I nl' tfio Fair and inn Jiit l- an tlial a '.'"ii I,l' el i III' will I"' I' el I by the hue, tor . ari l a Hpiv ill .ti lic'l i\ f prtrp-rafn made mil fop tbi' coming I i r tlii fall. li'MiM \V \\TKD—Wantrd to hrai - -I'lroui.. JUMni'U ol' flll lil ol" pool land lor ale Worth the pWce il keil. I , .lONF.S Itov ,V,I, Oln. v, 111 in | : TWO NI'W I'T>lil> TIRES liiiuo. VJlli:»m4oii and Uoberson \ ille. IMuni'to Ati.ii die ann receive ■ rewai.l." " 2-22 *«t | The 11 nek law i eirpctivo March I Mil, e I'.hn pared. VVe.li:>y« just re- Lreiv' il Two cat lon.l', ol' -w ire fpncinK, Pitl ji i r.'nload i.r NfnTTTniotliV hay. I ntid r.lili lih liH «>T I!iiH' m W-'la.v ~it I'o he mill wheap, for rash. C. I). Car lacfiliea IliifCNT I Ml TO SEfi . John I larrymorq IN "Dr-JKYKUV Mi:. HYDE" „ STKAND THEATER ''' 1 ''u- ' .3. -C yS ;,Tl)(irSday,Feb. u'. 'mil i) '. . t ' yicANli