IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT 4D FN THIS PAPER |UfME XXII—NUMBER 19 ENFORCEMENT OF THE Local Politics Tßl-COUNTY MEDICAL Local New F. & M. BANK HOLDS 'WOMANIii LAW IN WILLIAMSTON Undercover SOCIETY IS Mention IIS ANNUAL MEETING; At the Churches TOBE BIGSIH^WBKj Reports show tnat for the yea'i Who's Who in the municipal lace With a splendid attendance of ph\ -W Mrs. J. H. .Saunders, Mrs. F. W. ' l,e ul,llual «" the Mo v k SIKV'HKS AT BAPTIST CHURCH ' i>» Tftl frg ly s * of 1920, there were eight thousand for Mayor and town commissioners, to sicinns from Martin, Pitt and Beau Hoyt and Mrs. J. S. Rhodes spent ll,ll,u ' ls l '"' 1 «v >l. i.ai.h, oi A. V. Joyner, Pastor Schiol people killed in the United States b> be decided at the polls in May, is fai ,olt counties the Tri-County Medical Tuesday in Washington. v. ilnahisi.ui,' i. i„.j , „i. M.n.'ay School, 9:45 A. M.—Dr. P. ti..n U» he gfvcu motor vehicles. f rom being a cut and dried affair at Association was organized at the .... V\edne.Mtay alien.t, t .i, at two .I>• t> P.- Cone, i'upt. Our school is grow Socittt# Itcswill be a mircale if someone in present time. chamber of commerce 190 ms last night Mr. J. W. Manning spent this week tl ' l ' oUllt 's on the .eioiui it,>or 01 ing in inteiest and in numbers every \\ >jiu^^M|^Veddiiig" Williamston is not badly injun-d 01 jhere is lots of back-room talk go followed by a banquet at the Pythian, in Plymouth in the interest of the 1 "'" k aiding. Sunday. We want you to come an.l ot acton MKS killed if the present speeding is not ; nK on( am | seV eval local politician hall. Williamston Telephone Co. " K ' u "t tailed to order by bring the children next Sunday morn- gjfl discontinued. have signified their preference—but The business session was featured • • • • Ui. John t>. liigg*, ihe President, irg. 3 Here of late, Main Street ha.- very q U j P tly and of course conliden by interesting papers and also a fine Mr. A. J. Manning is in Greensboro alK ' ;lt Ulc ' loli lil " a large majority .sermon by the pastor, UA. M.— boen a popular racing boulevard by t ially exc.pt to their closest political address by Dr. C. Oil. laughiaghouse this week attehding a County Super •" 111,1 >L " lk and a .Subject: "The C.lorified Christ." bitly will b« a number of auto drivers, both male friefuls. A number of individual- of Greenville on tlie value of medical intendent's meeting. gieaur numbei ot su>. klu.l.ie. s writ At three o'clock in th eafternoon, jj r _ j o j, n and female, These ddrivers not only have signified their willingness to run cooperation. Officers were elected a. .... pic.seiil in person that at an"> piewou. the pastor will preach at Higg, alul happy young Eseter til endanger their own lives, but the with a little persuasion, and other- follows: Mass Mary Smith will leave Satur- meetings. School hou e. Mr. Lewis Bennett, an nfl lives of pedestrians happening on the hj4ve announ ,. e( ( CUSU ally they would President, Dr. H. W. Carter, Wash ,|ay for Plymouth to spend the Lastei • 'e.-ulent ic.ol out. ami pie Sermon by the pastor, 7:45 P. M glooln nr. th „ prinic pel pel street at the time of their approach, a curu ii,| at > if So and So *«- mgton, holidays with her parents. -ented .ucl. tocKiioldei witn, to. Subject: "Con.|ueiing Faith." and are well supported by anM they also cause an unnecessary a can didate—meaning of course that Ist Vice-President, Dr. W. H. Har .... 1.11, n., i,t of .1. . t and hat.inn. -ai , Pray 01 Meeting, Wednesday even uj - fl ower girls, ushers, sol mount of dust, and last but nt least they were opposed to such a person roll, Williamston. Mr. Clyde Anderson is home from ll "' li '' ' 1,1 bu.-ua. on Alauh 'ng, > •!>■ musicians and friend* of thraj they show their disrespect for the being elected. 2nd Vice-President, Dr. B. K. Pace, Rocky Mount. ushall -trive to make each -er Mjss Curttin, an mtiij law r . >y; 0 p U hljc announcements have yet Greenville. .... I 1, .fi ium ot the statement wa vu 'e , spiritual and helptul to all who ( ,| f r i elM j bride since rhlsn It is much harder to er.force law heen authorized for publication in thi Secretary Treasurer, Dr. W. L. VSai Miss Cromartie wdljeave tomorrow caieuilly explained in detail, and attend, and we extend to \>>u a cru hood, will not forsake her even 4t>the * in a small town than a large one, li p a p eri an ,i likely will not be foi ren, Williamston. for her home 111 lireenville. conip.n at i\e c tuuale made. 11 wa- l '' a ' invitation to worship with lis. all ui', but will be Maid of HooOraflU the laigei places it is merely a mat couple of weeks or more. the banquet, Dr. J. t, . Rodman e, . . . • lyiiiid t ii.it loan have I u,■ 11 inateiially " " Miss Sallie is in hopes of catting the ter of business, with no pei-onal hin | t j s possible theie may be somt presided as toast master, w..icli capac Miss Helen Chapman left tin alter 1 dined m.e la. t tall, wlin li mean 1 IHb. AD\ fc.X 1 bride's roses, which means her *1 ranees. In the countly, the people political swapping, combires or dou ity he tilled excellently. Many speak noon for her home at tirifton to vpeiid "I com e a iedu lion in the lolls pay (Kpiscopal) marriage. aie more like/ a laij r e family, and t hie crossing, and a candidate today ers wree called the principal the holidays with hei family. able. Ihe amount ot ca li on liano \\alt"i 11 ' l.uk, pnest in ehaige. Aunt "Jo«! Pender" the fuaay little bring in some local offender of any may , M . a |, as on tomorrow address being made by Congressman .... an.l due n„ m hank wa" how at- SeiM.es for Raster Day: mother o fthe bride who Zi'Si prominence before llis Honor, the Tho |.;„ t erpii.e is anxious to st e H.S.Ward. I'lie occasion was a joy Mr. J. I. Williams will lea\ e foi I •l»"e 1-l'liN, and piv .age.' a "it Holy llucharist, the I'.aste, tu| . |M j thu ', Mt i g) Judge, is to possibly make a numbei th( , cjti^ns Us a who |,. R( .t together ous one, and was attended by a num NMfolk Sunday to spend a few day i«iad oi tia».l 1.. i the hank .lining I ommunio.i, . :l*» A M Or.lei ..I 1011 ( of I3SJL -IjißSfc of persona! personal embaira'sslnonts. elections. Are we going to wait doctors. The banquet was served by * .—• w • pieviou ly appointi.i to examined m VNelconic Happy Morning Sullivan hand alt excited SI However, we ha\e got to get out f,, r „ ur i„e a ) politicians to dictate who the Home Kconomics t lub in their Miss Ruth Johnson will leave to to tlie al.ty .. I the loan.- made ami y h>ne Hainby hrdliant iftarriaure of htr of this "Small Pown Stuff and t. to | () , t | m naxt municipal officers? usual good style. The menu was an ~,OIIOW for her liome near Italeigh. lavol able iepil, ~wju. h showed that tdona I ibi Vlule an.l tha entire avmnath^^hWke do this, it is the duty of every citizen ,p| lp | a ,|j,, s „f the town are begin elaborate'one uml left nothing to be .... t h,- loan, and .fis.-ount .of Hie hank ( ''atias I ihi I'leyel . KU#S willaH to aid and al>et the Police Officers njnK to sll ow signs of nervous in.le desired. Miss Kelton of Ihe Cra.led S.-hool it - very hie blood, w. Ie oh lantial'! Sanctii. d.-ar for and Court Officials in uphol.lding the ~ ov ,. r the coming election. With Williamston was selected as the f a . u | (v js spending the weekend ni and w. II s •cured. lln will.mi it sell t-'ona In Kxecelsi.s law, and there is no reason why any ((|M , (|f their own sex as a candidal' next meeting place. Rocky Mount with her sisiei. wa- an out landing mallei of uupoi N,ul " Dmiiltis ' one person should have rights to vio f,„. milyori w |, a l are the ladies going The Tri County Medical Society wa- .... tance f..i Ihe soundness of the bank ye Paithful" Sullivai, , lltte th *J" W an '' f ot aWf y W,th rt ' to do-are they going to vote for 11 KK organi/ed alter much delilwrat let. 1.11 Mj s „ Pattie Thome will sp.n.l Ila 1 alway . 111 the security' .d it . loan . Sunday School Raster Service, 9:4f. .. tBfV ... . J any more than another person. « r will they vote for HIM This i- ,„nsulUition on the part of tne var t(l| j,ome at Aiilie. 'l'lie I'n" .ident jnade a >er> mteiv t A - M Hairy M. Stubhs, Supelintend . ' MtaikuJrwl The I own Commissioners an. te qujte a weighty proljem to decide. ,ous physicians in the tliive counties. .... mg" mute talk on the butanes- ,| lule |y uuon U» May 01 of a town mni'a\ ma e wiii | w j|| no dou lit cause many rest- They decided that such an organi/.a The l.adies Aid Society of the Metli condition of today a tliey ullecte.i ' l'.*«'nin|{ I rayer and S»r- j () a |j ar - local 01. inames, >ut t use - a> ] >o * n less nights. tion would be ol Ix nelit to all the doc o ,hst church will sell chicken s dad, banking., the function., of the l.aiik m "" driuoing number eatitladk"Wfcv Did t ement o tinu in. u«m tail. g 'lbis pa|>er wants to se- a strong tors in many would he ot , akes and pies at Walts tlrocery Sal the duties ol the I hie.lors-tlie luiiiX' Seiiin.n Subjeil. Ihe I'.ustei \ic y,i U Make Me a., oom to always uphold an.l pu .icr -on tj( . kot ()ut a|)(| , hp | )f>st w j n a| ,| vatu e to the profession. I.ast ur j a y. policy ol hank all of which proved lo| >-" ' idetion of the c.remony KHle Ml^ v T influence Th '" W " nt , «" Hie successfi" „, K ht's meeting proved this to be true .... highly instructive an.l interesting. Ordnr of music: _ Duke C,itcher, her eontmltO, 1 W. I candidate get busy and put the low.. lin .l the dm tors are looking forward Mrs. A. R. White left this nflernaon A motion w a sinade an.l seconded, I 1 ocessional Hymn, lie Is Risen „ „ " 3 ™ "Krz:™-r r'lr "• - »•» - - „ ~ f«.™ Beginning with the new .i lministra , Ut "" l'i A.lmin.sti,itn.r |, amst „ n . , nenr Washington. of the bank upon lite,. business 111 Magnificat 1 ° U ' ! ' Kowden, will offlcfato at the i|Ur, BM JL Beginning with t should have the support ».f evervyfil .... tegritv and stifegui.ling of the bank .Kencdict, Annua Men Dunks will make thla turn, >t unf the e jien ()f WiMymatori. " CITY HKAI TIFCI. Cl.l'll izens of Willials , The Knlerprise d«a>jHit talce pleas Now that the ladies have equal suf season will be placed with Wind ,01 The President further stated that Ollertory, Duet Mrs. Ja. S. Rhodes un ,t,.d ' - W 'Tri to the Town '«** irtieers, and it i. ""T | ,r next lay night, at toe Uriel, the l*nk Irnrl endear™,! to be fan Martin, Jr. (I , r(rr!t , „„„ w#rthy « M la absolute duty of the oTwn's of but 9 representing h. Itt) ,jes not equally resp.ms.ble for th. v H| ,, rioU se. „u, and root, ihe and „ 1 partial lowanl, all its borrow "ark, ark My Sou. - Harry Rowe ||ot „,. ( UI1(1 wl|l show a decid . " • ficers to see that the laws are enlorc Vhas to make no,o enforc of the aw,, the making sta(ls at eight oV.ock ers, ujl.d not to cause o, w| Ka ,ter blend. , Of events and who are ....... „f w> w laws, the election of public of .... ruin ly foiring pavment' when such Hw-essionnl, Hymn Alleluia Sull, T l.e Kriterprise will donate aa «, wdl ' Cnless there is co operation there "S U '*« Utr th " " uh,l ' W "' «,'rs. the upbuilding of ( . „ si „. loff U .f t ,/ay.„L. was only p„„ ible by a sacra van ding gift, the marriage I,eras, to a.y can be no success. We congratulate . . . . ~ ' ,ty * "» are the 111. |0 male vo . , foi Kalelgh, where he will spend sev f, i: e T.| real estat r .oiial proper M, - s - aund.i s. 01 gainst. otber voung couple who desire to be tl" present administration in " Wn T "V? ""'"'T TP 1 Jays. u n busing ty. I lie. Mockhohb,, tlus r~ „, a directly after this cimm* IIM p.estnu or her vote at this municipal ehs' whether the ladies should share tin \ . . t. « I~f ~ sPI'.CIAI, AI Mhl IttHMSI «rrj what they could fo up 10. tie avv: t i on , and as a rule the majority an responsibility equally or not w. Messrs. W. 11. Caistarphen and fn en.« for the' l.ank and also pi., t 111 Ht II KASTKK SUNDAY """ Kl \ y " UI * of the town, and tle J ° *' al " u '' " * ,] L n ""'""''l'" :l • los, ' x, ' ! the next administration will automat | or themselves- however, we do stig ,„g from Trinity College, Durham to 1,11 itis nient ' "toniing and evening services of mon > ,l H '' l '"'V' n ?. '"f, ' thej' Have noTTS'eiC "rntrrrty ***** Tcaily have the ful because we have Us, much per maj „ rjtj . , )f of ll)e town clubs and other soul uplif organic „ A , J' t especially «tl^l. sonal feelings in the runnings of W.I IllH j sl pn having an active Mav or tj „ ns that we have a City Heaulifu .... • us.illy V •• , , , . , «Jll— audience, and it will take only a few liamston. ono whl is not han«!jcappv«l «»i al iai« (*|ul» WIWH il rtiriii- to hoauty "an* Mi>H l.oui.sr KohcKHun is " n M R" l ' «. 1 ' \.ST. .UAUTIN'S ( lll'KC II ininutvs to tle licertho. OP •• This paper will give any ad.nH.stra (o onfor ,, ~ ;ll|o| . mn ,, lt , thiM j M truly the woman' this week in Windsor, the guest of V. .- "" ' .. (Hamilton) a,lv,s " us and all of this ' ilim " Ul -uppOJL i..n tLii.n - a -H,>rtrdnf , l i wh. wiLli. the wninaf) her, brother. Mr. IjU. I,ee Robertson. ''' V' 1 U ". " ' \ \\ altei 11. Clark, priest in charge. w ill be aiianged. : endeavor lOVarry out the law and to have the intorests of the town at he,, ■ herself, exten.hXnce to her Jio.oe .... - eU-ttH, af ,-.. ,o.u, ' |L,,. .ouhl suggest a you,ft Operate the nuinicipal affairs ol V\ il j n> j s t on the commissioners appom ,1?" onward 'to - the rommimily i. Mr. and Mrs. 1. I. Robe,"son spent ."fairs Tlie WiTig H.uuple, but fa. Is, it- for thia paptt liamston in a systemalic manner. in(f a Director of Public Works an- which she lives. ' Sunday herewith Mr. Rohcrson's par vva " a.lj..di md. "rhrist the ls.rd is Risen Today "• l " " ,ako " tiU Kß«' Bt,onH wh,ch Such positions are not popular, and Tn , asu| ,, r colnbi „ c d, as outlined i, Williamston couhl he made .. ye,- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1,. Koher on. 1 ;i1 ' 1 lllls »'• « ' ' w'il'lws m,;an M> " lU,ly litl,e future it takes a man or woman u.inundful a pnfvjoUK art . rlp lM . HUliful spht. and all we need i, .... n.oHmg ot Ihe Directors was l.el, . Uur ' P« s «,, vfr " Rea.l Jul > ttH of criticism and ,»*rsunul feeluig to You may prefer to-have the someone U. take this personal i.de, Messrs. Ilugl.lt Anderson and Ihe usal r.L me husiness. was all. nd - Von IJoskerch / —^ («. a personal servant of any small officials stay in oHice, or vou may pre est—so we-nominate the ladies 1.. lie Jule Purvis, jr. are here from lime, ed to, Uie sLne officers wore re-rtwt ' J)unks AVATKR TI'HNKD ON IN ■ town. Julius 'Peel. feV to have a new set that is. you, job which is» nothing very unu u.il Creek Academy lo spend the week ed l»r the eisu.ng year, and the I Our brand new system of water / , ~ «iuniTV P«'» v l« , »f p --hut whoever is elected for such dubs exist in other nhd mor. Pn ' l - ing was thert a« jouine., lo me. tm M j (Watia-. Pleyel works, which is one of the best and ✓TKDt'OCNTY MMJIAL SOURIY lrt . s inhjst w , ou , „ f tl(i passive towns. ~ „.**. *.. . ~. . "V* 1 ' rV" '""c ' • • . ' f "Small Town Conduct of Public Af We suppose that sue himprovement " w, ' ri ,u' H V " Sermon Subject "The Triumph of wi " '«'«« | y for use now in a few The physicians of the counties of fai| . s >. a|l(| e> | al)li>ll ou'rsidves in k'eej should start at home that is, HM ''"V-"'" "'"K from ( hapel 11,11 to lally w,V en.bus,as.ica ly * •«» 'U' This plant has been ex,^n«ive Beaufort, Pitt and Martin met ~, wit| , th „ town.-Julius Peel. f, yard of your home should ... J"''" 1 ' ' aV . Y i ' M "" H" Merlon ••Resurrection" Neyin »»ut it was built to take care of the Washington Wednesday t, form a J a place of beauty and joy to you sell father, Mr. WM. ..an,b. both ,I.V .oeeting and allei- m i ' ( . OUn Harr^rSa a un.le"Tork A.n J I,AM,tTON NKWS ,T, MS »»'« then the man s of (;il ,„ nvill( , -nrl., ..i,i ie ()m SurhUlll Corda Canton Solemnis «f the town, an dthe commissioners Warren of Williamston M,s - Johnson has return.-, unsightly spots throughout the tow. l)PeninU)Wn this week atU nding ~oil, North Fu\ W,M and South Sanetus ~ ,l op e r are to be congratulated on their fote- r KK s ** 4 to her home in Scotland Nfck al'tei should have yoursi'luh attention. court ' i \ 1 * i I toned ictus Uui Venit Moiley aitfht along this line, and their faith- K. M. l-ong, of Hamilton. I ittnum of VJfi j linjf her daughter, Mrs. P. 1.. Sals A woman is moL certain to fulfil' tOU,t * .. . , - "-lures during N o w' Moni fulness through the changing timw. Oak (ity, V. A. Win. an. anmng ()urj , her aims an.l designs than a man.and Mr. Harry McMullan of Washington tl ''' J ,ust hlx "'"'X .'""'H (Horia In Kxctlsis " has been no small matter to float of Robersonville and J - • " ' 1 M rs. and Mrs. C. 1). Perkins lefi we are sure that if such a club wer w jn town yesterday on husirwss. I,ll ' wll ¥""' N |iu„jttis - hond issue, making the proper of Jamesville left on Wednesday aT Taps day fo. Richmond. properly organized it would prove o e. , , . . financial shock, a,.dWdli the com,r , Num ' *naus . contracts, and otherwise complete thi. y ternoon to ; be present an wpi.se an( | Mrs. P. 1.. Salsbury an. lasting la-nelit to the town in whirl Judge Calvert returned to his home >[ better tunes, th.Ahanks no dou .. ' S( .h„ o | Raster Service, 4biff undeilaking. / Martin County. children With Mteses M. B. and Oel|; we live. _at Raleigh Thursday afternoon foi will be the first such in, Mils Ktlie Waldo. Siineriiitend Some more good n« wa for Williy^ Purvis spent Sunday afternoon ii How about it, ladies?— Julius Peel the week-end- but 1 will return next proved Julius leo . • ' . M , (l p| e j s that the old reliable LOST: POCKHT-H()OK CON AIN- Scut|an(j Nwk week. / "* , enL ' Alphin Hum, Plumbing oCn.pany, has ing between four and five dollars M ias MoHie Moore is spending som« PF.ASI'T (HIOWRRS HOIJ) • * ♦ * / IIOSTKSS TO KMHROII»I.R\ I. II No'l'H'P OK SAI.K overcome the linancial obstacles to in silver. Lost between Mrs - K * A ' Li.,,., witl. Klla Mllfe.-. . ENTHUSIASTIC- MKKTINC Solicitor Allshrooks returned to l#j On Tuesday the meihhor* of the _J immediate installation of plumbing, Cdenn and Mrs. Fannie lUgg. , os J} MaU|ieWa k . ft M ond ij I)r. R. W. Kilgore and Dr. Clarence home at Tarla.ro Wednesday after- Rnibr.ddery t'hrb itmf serial fruxmd. ln ,|,T,. annhv virute oT a pn.wei -byliaving. arranged matte re so that on We.lnes.lay afternoon. in. to vjttit h( .,. ,| aUKhu . r> Mrs. .Edward I'oe addressed the Peanut growers anc »oon. ' of Mrs. (.raves were chaVming y en- |ft roWt^jnei , in tllttt certain lof they are now prepared to offer work turn and i.-.teve VKIM Council jn Morehead City. citizens of Jamesville yesterday, and * * * * f. i laine. ty ~. a ~ , I'tyi. in . w o W en Sprewill an.l wife, done, payable in the Fall, or on the Mrs. R. A. C.LLNN, . notwjthstar)( , jf|(f thp ~a jn poure ,| dowr Mr. C. F. M.Na.ry has been a /town.- On account of lAt .seven! J installment plan, and at pricea open . ... »,* fertiifctra un, ' a >' with Mrs. F. L. Haislip. in torrents quite a large crowd had business visitor ere la wee . J n,.,n er# vki, nwn_ iu ~ m trustee bearing date of December 4, to competition to outsideis . This In Taylor an ee Be r g Mr. an.l Mrs. 1.. R. Kverett and chil gathered at the school house at th. / vi7»7IAI 11(11 If CI llt '' tl"' 'l Mi'r'l v'the'ir hosU dren an.l Miss Martl a Council visit apponitod hour to hear the question .. uu i M t»d 1../ hßr little istry of Martin County, in book PPP home, find trying to aid its customer* . ■ *ed Mrs. Walter Rober.son in Rober- of cooperative marketing diseusse.H . fH " *' Shl ' " '- v t 4(i 2 ,i„, M i „f trust hav every possible way. The State San sonvilie Sunday. „ Dr. Kilgore spoke for half an hou, Mrs. Maurice Watts proved he,sell daughter, served a tempting salad j> t , e , tjn |m>im|s itary Department is only awaiting the Rog Slade went to Suffolk Wwlnes and gave a general explanation of tin 8 niost .eig it u os .ss wens ~ .oursf, con. is o c n , therewith, an.l the stip turning on of the water here to en -4 _ n > || UteL (lorwera'Cooperative Contract, what entertained the SIMMUI Hour Club ..., olives, pickles crackers, salted pea th ,. rejn .. >lltuinot having force the sanitary points to the ut- ' • I T D 1 U I \ Jack Sherrod of KnfieUl M|M>nt last it means and how it operates. i m.'i" i' "'-in '"r' ir ; - hee.n complied with, ain I default hav most, and no doubt the Comeiissloeeri I lltf\ Ml II I week here with his *on, R. R. Sherrod Dr. Poe then in a short talk e'm- residence o is. i.. .1 at in, . i ie o owinj, a. n vv. i. ui. i M . pn at the i-equest of will be forced to enact a law naaMaff I | | ' Miss Pattie Sherrod and little Mist phasized the nee«l of cooperative A spirit o gaiety pievai .. . uiing .. tii a . moon. .s. am. . . an holder of said bonds the un.lei every home install water within a m (T II C ATDP II Frances Sherrod expect t> spend Has- handling of crops and made niai.v evening and «air '' " " " ~ !'. W ' " , signed trustee wil on Thursday, the limited time. With this great, expm- AI II IntAlnt IJ ter in Norfolk with Mr. and Mrs. R splendid illustrations of the poor ma. »* wt '" tt ; s Mrs - ot,M \ r K " B. Sherrod, Jr. " *' tteting methoils of farmers. He e enjoyed the event to tlu* fullest ex Helen Chapman. / A. M., at the court house in Hamil- also ingoing to prefer that there ba BP_- " • ■ - F. L. (iladstone, R. A. Edmonds/.n plained the selling of the farmer tent. Mrs. Watts came to North :u, . /„ ton,. North Carolina, offer at public many users of water in the city. - «nil Don Mathews spent T.res.lav in no, as it is now done. The f .rme, olina from West Virginia an.l ,n tl„ For safe fertilizers, cheap, calf on Thill is not sn adverUsemant, but 1 Washington. ' is the only person who nevr frtots-i B ! 10rt time that she has made hei Taylor and I eel. f o n ow i n g described tract of land, a fair, impartial talk to the citinfca —MONDAY— M| . s p H Davenpolt( Mrs. J. P. cost mark nor a seling l.rice on hi> »•«•«« ,n Williamston has become; / ~ DOBART BCSVORTH in Purvis, Mrs. J. G. Edmondson an.' products. The only the farme. l-e»'»nanent addition to the Social lif. / Martin Umnty produced 7,.171 bales A|J certajn twt |aj|(| (ir?wn Heft al)out their plumbing baeds at •BELOW Tllli SURFACE' Misses M. R. and Annie Jones were loes with a cfop is to ask what th °^f ie . W " 1 by Pethana Sprewill in the division once either from the local compaay I ' n Rober?lonville shopping Saturday, other felow will give, and the middl e ( w " ren. en. pi ..gram was a > ' j .. (1 of her father's land, the late Luke or oever they may prefer. John Darden of Norfolk visited his man does the pricing, grading and fololws: Jn 1920 there was loise.l 10,298 ( . ounc j| ( Ha j 4 | to co „t a | n twenty-three " —tLKSOAY— uncle hei-e last week, J. P. Boyle. - weighing. But when the farmer, buys _ Current topics -t s. .one. ga •», .ti gam o , >a es a acres more, or less. ' Having qualified as executor e the DOROTHY GISH in Mrs. Lewis Knox and daughter have he has to pay what the merchant ask.- Vocal Solo-Mrs. Lou is HennMt. sell tor snout »at4,»ts This the 21st day of March, 1921. estate of Elfta Porter, lata ot the "Remodeling Her Hubaand" returned to their home in Rock Mount for his goods whether it is much oi Short Story-Mrs. Martrn Jr. *713 500 less than the small cro,. k „ L SALS BURY, Trustee. county of Martin, all persona indebted - after visitoing Mrs. Knox's mother little. Vocal Trio-Mrs. Oscar Anderson of 1919 sold for. > ' to said eaUte are hersby nottlM to —WEDNESDAY— Mrs. Wil IShaw. ' The speech of Dr. Poe was especial Mrs. P. B. Cone, and Miss Mary White Farmers never get big crops an. TOWN TAXPAYERS come forward and settle Muna at o«ee. Ben Turpin in "The Sky Rocket" Mps. Roy Roebuck of Robersonville dy enjoyed by the school children Town Topics—Miss Mary 0. Smith, big prices the same year. Town taxes must be paid. It is em- All persona holding claima against Fox-Sunshine Comedy— spent last week here with present who had acquaintance with A delicious ice course was server r Don t ruise too muc this yen btrraaMing for the officials to have said estat« Vill presant sa»a fer pajr -ulvl'Tt ITTI EmBfiTER him through the Farmer, by the hostess. / Cotton may not sell at any price if regort methodg t0 m#|lt 0 „ or March 18> IMa> or _ XT l A WANT TO BUY CORN. SUte jiow Mr. Frank McCiitfy ' w 4,(0 much ls ralHel, / lect taxes, hut they must be paid thia notice will ha plead in bar of "Bride u, Kpi-ofle No.# much f#r M , e and price of Washington of See Joa Taylor and Jno. B. Peel ■ _ Ml?Dnrir criW within the aaxt few days. Let us have their recovery. HAYWOOD ROGERS, Williamston,; Gold#boro werefl I pent in the at tte amen Wanfcma. b«f«i« boy. Vward This ltonch l«th. lt2L__ N. . M.l. interest of the ing your fertilisers. Dr. j. s. RHODES r -jO. P. PAGE, Chief «# Police. JOHN 1* HASSCU* , I i • * - v.-- ■* ■ -i * «*. THE ENTERPRISE Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, March 25,1921 Ad Hi llwH wm.M Colassns a Latch K«fj ESTABn