THE NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION is now ready to make .loans to farmers. ' ' ' .-r If you are in need of a reasonable loan, call on the Williamston Nation al Farm Loan Association. See JNO. D. BIGGS I ' OK W.C. MANNING TAXES MUST BE PAID Unless taxes arc paid by April the first 1 shall have to levy and make additional expenses and costs to the taxpayer. I hope everybody will see me promptly and make settlement. Remember, the law forces me to make collections and I have no power * to extend the time. Respectfully, H. T. ROBERSON SHERIFF. NO TICE - ■ ICE! ICE! ICE! On April I t, we will open' nut be House and Factory for the coming season and will appreciate tin patronage c»l the public. We have just installed a lot ol new Ire making machinery and a complete distilling plant for makiny pure i rystal ice Ironi distilled water; Therefore, this >ear we will furnish our customers with only PURE 'KVSTAI. Hi: (n«»t white, but c lear. We shall endeavor to give ms quick and satisfactory ser\ice.on our deliveries as possible. Owing to Condi ti)o> tills yeai it will I»«* absolutely impossible fin us to carry any ice accounts on our book^ or extend any credit. 1 here fore, we shall run same on strictly CASH HASIS. ( a h to one and all. No ice will be chargvd to anyone. I.)ONT CIIAIUjh. Oui prices will be one dollar per hundred or one cent a pound. To help us realize read) inor.ex and also give our customers the advantage of cash buying, we are going to -ell a limited ijuafititV of Ice Ticket Coupon Hooks, at the following prices, FOK t ASH ONL\ : * YUuipiin Itmik, jSavc you $5.0" J, (KM) lbs. Coupon Hook, £ 7.f>U Save you s?.7>tl 600 lbs. Coupon Hook, $ 4.00 Save \eu SI.OO 260 Hit*.-Coupon Hook. $ 2.00 - Save you $ .60 If you have thr.M coupon bocks you wtll l»e -ore of your ice when' hot \yeather comes a)id ice i~> scarce, as we shall take care of our cus tomers who have taken care of us. Th&nking you fur youi past and future business, we beg to remain Vfery truly yours, Williamson Ice and Fuel Go. Have You Ever Tried an i v ' ENTERPRISE AD? —lf not, you don't know the meaning of "Results" OLD-TUCK COLD CUBE— . DRINK HOT TEA! | Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tublespoonful of the tea, put a cup of lieiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It i» the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, aa it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking up a cold. »■ • Try it the nert time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe aud harmless. RUB RHEUMATISM FROM STIFF AGH NG JO NTS Bub Sorenen from jointa and muiclea with a imall trial bottle of old Bt Jaecbi Oil ' Stop "dosing" Rheumatism. it's pain only; iot one nuu-, in fifty requires internal treatment. Kub south ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right on the "tinder spot," and by the time you nuy Jack Rooinson—out conies the Ilieumatio pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" is s harmless rheumatism cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. It taJies pain, soreness and stiff ness fi.»m lung joints, musilea and tuiif-s : »tm iatica, lumbago, backache, neural^iti. l.iuilwr up I jct a 35 pent bottle of old-time, boiicat "St.* Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and in a moment you'll be* fr« from pains, aches and ft-ilf nc*s Don't suffer! Kub rheumatism Hot Water for Sick Headaches 'Yalla why avaryons should drink hot water with phoaphate In it before breakfast. lieadacha of any kind, Is caused by autointoxication —whiclr means self polaonlng ]>lver and bowel polsona [called toxins, sucked Into the blood, [through. ■ the lymph ducts, excite tJ*» heart which pumps the blood so fast jtliat It congests In tbe smaller arteries and veins of the head producing vio lent, throbbing pain and distress, called headache. You become nervous, do upondeut, sick, feverish and miserable,, your n>eals sour and almost nauseate ; you Then you resort to acetanlllde, 'Aspirin or the bromldea which tempor arily relieve but do not rid the blood of [these irritating toxins. A glass of hot water with a te isooon ,ful of limestone phosphate In It. arauk . [before breakfast for awhile, will not tonly" wash these poisons from your sys 'teui and :ure you of headache but will gleanee, purify and freshen the entire Sillmentary canal. Xak your pharmarlst for a quarter 'pound of llmeatone phosphate. It Is In expensive, harmless au augur, and al most tasteless, except for a sourish twinge which Is not unpleasant, jir you aren't feeling your best. If tongue is coated or you wake up with bad tastes foul breath or have colds, [indigestion, biliousness, constipation or sour, acid stomach, begin the photf* phated hot water cure to rid I your system of toxins and poisons. Results are quirk and It Is claimed that those who continue to flush out th* stomach, liver and bowels every morning never havaanj haadaciiw or kue w a miserable moment, IIEAW MHIFSIBB ■ m sum mes Eat leu* meat if you feel Backaohy or have bladder trouble—Taka glaw of Salt*. ■ No or votniin who eats meat l*f»u lariv con iruii-i' a mistake by flushing tiie kidneys ocin-MniiiiUy, says a well known authority. Meat forms urio acid wlach exeili'H tho kill in*) s, Uiey Iwcoilie over worked from the ft rain, get sluggish ami fail to filter the waste ami poiso .a from tho blood, then *e get sick. Nourly all t lieuiiuit i. mil, headaches, iiver trouble nervousness, ilnuiness, sleeplessness audi urinary disorders eouiu from sluggish kidneys. ■The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi ment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meait an>l g«t about four ounces of Jad Halts from any pharmacy;- -take a taldespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast and in a few days your kidneyw will act fine. This famous salts is ma/la from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has beeu used for generations to flush and stimulate the kidneys, also to neutralize the aelda in urine so it no longer causes Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. * ijsd Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent ! lithia water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the ' kidneys clean and aetiea u4 the blood pure, thereby avoiding aerioua kidney AN ENGINEER— DESIGNS STRUCTURES, SUCH AS BRIDGES, BUILDINGS, WALLS, ETC;, FOR SAFETY FIRST —THE SECOND CONSIDERATION IS LOW FIRST COST AND LOW MAINTAINANCE COST. > CONTRACTOR— V* "CONSTRUCTS STRUCTURES AS DESIGNED B* ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER. A CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER IS ONE WHOSE TRAINING, EXPERIENCE AND ABILITY QUALIFY HIM TO DESIGN^AND^ R. L GRAVELEY Certified Member American Association of Enfineefa CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER - -V- • ' ' . WILLI AMSTON THE ENTERPRISE - CREAM FOR CATARRH . WENS UP NOSTRILS Telia How To G«t Quick Relief from Hod-Colds. It's Splendid I In one minute jour clogged nostrils Will open, the Kir passage* of jour head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking,' muffling, blowing, headache, ■ dryness. No atruggling for breath ,at night; your.cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a tmall bottle of" Ely's Crtam Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of thia fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air paasage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes in stantly. It's just fine. , Don't stay stuffed-up ■with a cold or niuty catarrh-»»iUih pomes so quickly. ' IF. SKIN BREAKS OUT BURNS AND ITCHES APPLY THIS SULPHUR Just the moment you spplj | M cut ho Sulphur to an itching, botn ing or broken out skin, the itching stops and healing begins, aayi I noted skin specialist. This sulphnl preparation, mads lato a pleasant cold cream, rives such a quick re- | lid, evea to fiery ecxema, that noth ing has ever been found to take its place. • Because of its germ destroying pro perties, it qnickly subdues the itch lag, cools the irritation and heals the eczema right «p, leaving a clear, smooth skin m place of ugly erup* tions, rash, pimples or ronghnoi Yea do not nave to wall for im- | provemeat. It quickly shows. Yon can get a little jar of Mentbo Stib phqr at any drag stuf% UOIESIM rows, DARKEN GRtf ill Uae the Old-time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Will know. Orsy hair, however handsome, d»- notcs advancing age. Wo all know the advantages of a youthful appear ance Your hair la your charm. 11 makes or mars the face. Whan it fades, turns gray and looka streaked. Just a few applications of Saga Taa and Hulphur enhances Its appearance a hundred-fold. Don't atay gray! I»ok young' Klther prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug atore a bottle of "Wyeth's Saire and Sulphur Com pound," which Is merely the old-time recipe Improved by the addition of other Ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this prepara tion because It darkens tfla hair beau tifully, besides, no one can poaalbly tell, as it darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or aoft brush with It. drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time Hy morning tho gray hair disappears, after another application or two, Its natural color Is reatoied and It becomes thick, glosey and lus trous. and you appear years younger Wyeth's Sagt and Sulphur Com» pound is a delightful toilet raqulalta It Is not Intended for the cure, uiltl gatlon or prevention of disease. * NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONA t'ROHKKTV __ ■ I ndcr and by virtue of the authori ty conferred* upon Hie undersigned trustee by a certain deed of trust ex ecuted by Levi Uiddick and wile, Evelyn Uiddick, executed on the 10th day of May 11(20 und of recoid in the public registry of Martin County it 1 look A 2 at page 67f> to secure cer tain notes of even' datt; and tenoi and the stipulations con tained in.said deetl of trust not huving been complied with and at the request 1.1 tin- uVWli'l of t>aid note, 1 will oh the 2nd. day of April 1921 at 12 o'- clock M at the court house door ip the town of Williamson, N. C. olfei foi .salt- to the highest bidder ful c:t.-fi the following described personal property : 2!) beds; 29 mattresses; IS wash stands; IX bureaus; 47 pillows; .sheets; 29 bedsprings; 20 druggeta; 15 small stoves in rooms; 28 counter pins; 10 tables, in rooms; 66 chairs 18 washboards 18 pitchers; 1 porch swing; 30 comforts'; 39 blankets; 1 book case; 1 writing desk; 1 large stove in lobby; 6 tables in dtnniag room; 39 chairs; 1 china closet; i .refrigerators; 1 cook stove; 1 oil stove; 2 side boards, also other artic les of every kind and description of personal property not heretofore en umerate*!, used in connection with run ning the Atlantic Hotel. This the 2nd day of March 1921. B. Dt'KE CRITCHER TiruSWr " —— Mi F An ordinance authorizing the issu-i AIICC- of 410,000 electric light bonds of the Town of Hamilton, North Caro lina , and providing for payment of j the principal tner.eof and interest | | thereon. Be it ordained by the Board ot Commissioners of the Town of Hamil ton, North Carolina. Section 1. That negotiable coupon j bonds of the Town of Hamilton be j issued, in an aggregate principal 'U mount of |IO,OOO, to be known as Elective Light Bonds, for the purpose I of establishing a system of electric j lights in said town and for the use! of said town, and to beowned' and controlled by the town, the said bonds to be in denomination of SSOO each, to bear interest at 6 per cent per j annum, payable semi-annually. Section -2. t&A sufficient to pay the j principal and interest of said bond* j shall be annually levied and collected. I Section 3. The probable period of' usefulness of said limprovements is thirty years. Section 4. A statement of Debt of the Town of Hamilton has been filed with the Clerk, pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, and is open to public inspection. Section 5. The assessed valuation of property subject to taxation by J the Town of Hamilton for the yea» 1920, as shown by said Statement, if $400,000. Section 6. THE NET DEBT of the said Town is nothing. Section 7. This Ordinance shall .be published in Enterprise a news paper published every week in the town of Williamston in Martin Coun ty, in which county the town of j Hamilton is located, the same to be i published one® a woek for four weeks Section 8. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its first pub lication, unless in the meantime a petition for its submission to the voters is filed under the Municipal Finance Act, and in such event it shall take effect when approved by a majority of the voters of the town of Hamilton at an tlection as pro vided in said Act. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the first day of March, 1921, and wa; first published on the 11 day of March 1021. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of said ordi nance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. H S. JOHNSON Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE •-Having qualified as administrator of the estate of George W Martin late of Martin county, North Carolina all persons indebted t> the said es tate are hereby notified to pay same immediately and all persons holding claims against said esta«e are herein notified to present same for payment within one year from this date or this notice will he pleaded in bur of their recovery. This 20th day of December, 1920 R. O MARTIN, Administrator LISTEN!! It Has Come--- A Tremendous Drop of 25 per cent in Fertilizer making it within reach of all farmers. You know you can't raise a crop with out it. I have what the majority x>f farmers and the Agricultural Depart ment consider to be the best fertilizer made. Some one to wait on you every minute at No. 5, Storage Warehouse. 1 also carry the old time cotton seed meal-—the kind you can sow in a gu ano sower. Not a feed mixture for cows I HAVE THE RIGHT PRICE ON EVERYTHING AND CONSIDER QUAITY ABOVE PRICE EVERY TIME p Lei me, do busihess with you. Phone 53 p «■ . LESLIE FOWDEN WILUAMSTON . . . NORTH CAROLINA LET ME DO YOUR JOB WORK IF YOU NEED ANY— LETTERHEADS \ NOTEHEADS ENVELOPES BILL HEADS STATEMENTS CARDS INVITATIONS or any kind of printed matter, write or phone me, and your order will receive prompt attention. Prices reasonable. SIMON LILLEY PHONE 184 WILLIAMSTON, N. C. The Finest Thing Ever Said of This Bank » It w>a not in praise of our great strength— It was not in praise of our system, which is. most modern— » Nort was it in praise of our growth, of which we are very proud— No; it wafc in ui our "huinan ness" if we may use the ierm. p "I enjoy the same intimate rela tionship with the Farmers & .Mer chants bank," .said our friend, "that 1 enjoy with my closet friend, HI my business associate. Invariably 1 have found sympathy and kindly counsel lir-st, later if needed, translated into terms of material help when the rules of good banking have warranted it." We Believe Nothing Finer Than This Can be Said of any Institution "The bunk where you feel at home." FARMERS&MERCHANTS BANK Williamston, North Carolina