IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT /D IN THIS PAPER * VOL/UME XXII—NUMBER 21 YOUNG MAN KILLS /SELF ACCIDENTALLY /Mr. Louis Clark of Cross Roads shot himself yesterday anil died instantly Mr. Clark took his gun to shoot a bird sitting in a tree and in stepping over a sill of a new house just being built it seems that in some way he must have slipped and struck the ham rner of the gun against the sill and fired it, the load hitting him in the upper part of the chest and passing out through the top of his shoulder^* Mr. Clark was a young man almul twenty-four year of age and married Miss N'ola Bullock a year and a half ago. She with a five months old baby is left. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Clark and they with several brothers and sisters survive him. DEATH OF REDMOND HARRISON After several months of suffering of blights disease death came to Redmond Harrison on Monday Marc!- 21, 1921, at his home near Bear Grass. ' He had been unable to he about hi work for some time but was confined to his bed about a month ago. He was the son of Redmond and Crissie. Harrison. In early life he married Hadriott Bullock unto whom five children were born. In 190fi he married Miss Mattie Roberson she with five children survive him. Those who are l"ft to mourn his lost are his wife, three daughters and two sons. jje was a believer in the Primitive Baptist Church for a long time but did not unite with the church until a year ago. His stay on earth was fifty four years. His body was laid to rest in the family burying frounds ' The funeral services were conducted by Elders ('owing and Rogersoft- Mrs. J. F. WEAVER. NOTICE ELECTION GRADED SCHOOL TRUSTEES Be it ordained by the Board—of Trustees of Williamston, North Caro lina that under and by virtue of a itlji . ty in it vested i>v an aCtof tie Co eral Assembly of North Carolina, en titled, "An Act to authorize the Wil liamston Graded School District in Martin County to issue bonds anil to amend chapter two hundred and nine-j ty-five, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and three," and being House Bill H3O and Senate Bill 797 . ratified on the 2nd day of March 1921. Section 1. That the Board of Graded School Trustees of Williamston do hereby call an election to -be held at-tlie regular voting pTaciT of • Witliariiston on the first Tuesday after the first Monday, the third day in May, 1921, | for the purpose of electing Graded School Trustees tofill vacancies on the present board. By order of the Board of Graded School Trustes of Williamston April Ist, 1921. W. C. MANNING, Chmn. C. B. HASSELL," Secy. CHURCH OF THE ADVENT Walter B. Clark Priest-in-charge. Services for the first Sunday after Enster, April 3rd: Sunday SchoAl- at 9:46 A. M.—H M. stubbs, Superintendent. Holy Communion and Sermon at 11 A. M Sermon Subject: "I will Fear No Evil For Thou Art With Me." Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:45 P. M. 7:46 P. M. Sermon Subject: "The Living One." Choir Rehearsal, Saturday, 7:45 P, — m— The Annual Convention of the Dio cese of East Carolina will meet in Edenton April fifth to the seventh. A numlier of delegates from tyis par " ish will be in attendance. Taylor and Peel sell right fertilisers right QTRAN n OTHEATREU . >* -FRIDAY LARRY SEMOND in "SOLID CONCRETE" | Hank Mann in 2 Reel Comedy 20c . and 80c - .j —SATURDAY— -2 ROY STEWART In "FAITH ENDURIN'" SNUB POLLARD in "DRINK HEARTY" H 20c and 30c THE ENTERPRISE Light Plant Not y Quite Complete Last week when the steam was a-, bout to be turned on at the light plant the big engine was found to beimprop ly installed and it was found neces sary to get a factory man to come here to overhaul it. It had been down with some parts on backwards and the main shaft was four inches out of level and yet it was supposedly in stalled by an expert engineer. When the engine was finally put in -prope rsliape the drive belt wa found to be about 18 inches too long and had to be sent to a factory to be cut. 1 - This all looks small at firsthand hut it is costing the taxpayers of the town many hundreds of dollars ever week. To pay the engineer for ser vice would seem a gross injustice to the public as there are evidently manv joints where either carelessness or incompetency has prevailed while the town is strained to the breaking point. FERTILIZER PRICES ( I T FIFTt PER CENT Columbia, S. C., March 30— A gen eral reduction of the fertilizer prices in the South of from 4f> to 60 per cent since' February has been made by the manufacturers through agreements reached between the big companies ami the national hoard of form or ganizations, Dr. H. E. Stockbridge chairman of- the special committee of the board to confer with the manu facturers with a view to getting a drop in the prices, announced here today. *v,. February 16, port prices on 16 per cent acid were $29.50 a ton and now the price is sl2, said Dr. Stockbridge, while the price of $47.25 a ton for standard 11.-3-3, fertilizer in Janu ar yantl early February has been re duced to $26.68. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF RFGISTR Alt AND JUDGES OF El r EtTION AND OF NEW REGIS. TRATION lU* it ordained hy the Board of Graded School Trustees of Williams ton North Carolina tlia| under and hy virtue of authority in*it vested hy an act of the General Assembly of. North Carolina, entitled, "An Act to authorize the Williamston (iraded School Distric in Martin County to issue bonds and to amend chapter two hundred and three", and being House. Bffl 830 ail.l Senate Bill 797,- Ratified on—the 2nd day of March 1921. "Section 1. That 0. W. Keith is hereby appoint ed Registrar and 11. M. Bunas and Jes.se T. Price ale appointed poll holders for an election to be held at the regular polling place in the town of Williamston on the first Tuesday after the first Monday, being the 3rd day in May, A. D. 1921, for the pur pose of receiving, recording, banvess ing and certifying the votes cast at said election. First upon the question: of issuing graded school bonds, second for the election of members of tie board of graded school trustees. .Section 2. That said C. W. Keith, Registrar, shall open registration books in ac cordance with the genoarl law govern ing the municipal election in the Town of Wiliamston and shall cause a new registration to be made so that all persons qualified to register under said election law may enter their names in proper form for said election By order of the Board of Graded School Trustees of Williamston, this the first day of April, 1921. W. C. MANNING, Chmn. - C. B. HA SSELL, Secy. Sealed proposals will be received at 8 P. M., April 18, 1921, by tin Board-of Comniisssioners of Hamilton N. C., when they will be publicly open ed, for' SIO,OOO 6 per cent Electric Light bonds of said city, dated April 1, 1921, with semi-annual interest and both principal and interest payable in New York, in denominations of S6OO. each, and maturing asfolluws: One on the first day -of April in each of the years 1924 to 1943 both inclusive. Each bidder must deposit with thf financial officer of the town, before making the bid, or present with the bid, a certified check payable to the order of the trgisurer of said city r upon an incorporated bank or trust company, or a sum of money, for or In an amount equql to two per centum af the face amount of the bonds bid for, to secure the municipality against any loss resulting fro tnthe failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of the bid. D. G. MATTHEWS, Clerk. Hamilton, N. C. I ____________ NOTICE The r Registration - -Books for the coming election for the Town of Wil liamston- are now op*n and will close on the 23rd, day of April 1921. ! You can find me at the store of J. L. Hassell and Go. C. W. KEITH Registrar, , April Ist, 1921. Williamston, Martin County- North Carolina, Friday, April 1,1921 WOMANLESS WEDDING WAS VERY SUCCESSFUL J The Womanless Wedding which has proven itseii so popular in many sec tions ol' the state made its appearance in Williamston on Easter Monday night. The event took place under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid So city ol' the Christian Church and was tnusi successfully directed by Mrs. Elbert S. I'eel and Mrs. A. R. Dun ning. ooine oi the most prominent oi tin town loos pail, many ol wiium ait Known inrougiiout Nortn Carolina, the audience, too, wa. composed oi prominent persons, among wuom weit jUitges, senators, doctors, lawyers ar}u business men ot all callings. : Maui ice V\atts, who is a skillful pianist, represented a tamous woman musician, tie made a very chic look ing woman, wealing his wiles black velvet evening gown. After his en trance came ".Solly" Orleans who was a demure little maid impersonating I'tftrova. Mr. Orleans was the accompanist lor the prima donna, Mr. Harry A. lliggs, who impersonated Kitty Gordon and judging from the way lie exhibited his back, he rivaled this famous- stage beauty. He sang "My Sweet Little Alice Blue Gown Next came the chorus, composed ot Duke Critcher as Eva Tanguay, who had the "I don't care," manner; next entered Frank J. Nlargolis, who wa« iippersonating Theda Bara. Mr. Mai golis' impersonation was very vamp ish, particularly when one compares his businesslike manner off stage. His figure was so grace!ul that it wobld lie tilting as a model in his own estah lishment. Oscar Anderson followed, with an ini|«'rsonation of Mrs. Vernon Castle, in a gown that would make this famous dancer green with jeal ousy. l>r. W. 11. Ilarrell came next us Mary Pickford whose beauty n» wonder charmed Douglas Fairbanks. Waller It. Orleans as Lillian Gisli, whose brunette beauty was a strong contrast to the fragile, pale lovlincss of the fatuous Lillian. The brides maids were Attorney Klbcrt S. Peel, whose recent addition id' flesh made him a very bad impersonation ol Anita Stewail; Mr. I'ee l iitCAHU panied hy C. I). Carstarphen, Jr., who was dressed as Beau Brunimel. Thesi were followed hy Attorney Wheel.. Martin whose grace awl chainr cause, the audience to gasp, as he represent ed Marion Jiavies; with Mr. Marti' came Luke Lamb, whos# silmness ol figure caused him Ufc-look like ex-1 ie. I.lent Taft. Harry "M. Stubbs wn.- next. whose-.»pirituul charm—tiUtfiKjii. Ed the etherial Ix-uuty nf (iaby Desly Mr. Stubbs came in -with dim Cuo!*.. whose manly figure suggested Jack Dempsey. Dr. I'. B. Cone whose, blond beauty and fullness of figure suggested the far famed Lillian Ru sell, came in with Jack Bigg'' who represented Eugene O'Brien, the per feet lover., Joe Pender, as the mothei and E. P. Cunningham, as the fathei of the bride, came next. These wen fallowed by Simon I.illey ami J. W Manning us th* bluck nwtfvtriy iii.i' daddy, the mammy carried little Jol.i Booker, who had to be refreshed with his iiill k bottle several times duimr the ceremony. The maid of honor W. 11. Guikin, looked most shy an. sweet, and Flora I'encli all eyes were turned toward her. Tin flower girls, Irvin Margolis and Fran cis ls-ggett as Jane and Catlierint Lee, two little beauties of the Amer lean stage, spread roses in the bridal path. All eyes then turned to the ten der,' blushing bride, whose girlish beauty of two hundred and fifty pounds made one sorry for the fragilf maid. Dr. John D. Biggs represent ed the bride. Louis Bennett's petiti stature made a strong contrast to th« buxom bride. The bride's train bear ers, Jack Booker and H. Carson West were very dainty and sweet in theii girlish costumes. The bride was fol lowed by Robert Manning as ring bearer, who suggested Wesley Barry . The clergyman, Iyeslie Fowden in fuli church vestment, came last and read the ceremony which united the happ\ bride and bridegroom. Mrs. F. M. Sliute and little daugh ter are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. 8 Brpwn on Haughton Street. J NOTICE / The Registration Books for a spec ial Board Election and Trustees of the Williamston Graded School art now open, and will close on the 23rt' day of April 1921. A new regiatra tion required for this election. Yoi will find me at store of J. L| HasseP and Company. April 1, 1921. C. W. KEITH Regis trar. Attend vhc Triangular Debate to night at the school auditorium be tween Enfield and Scotland Neck Our debaters have gone to these places and we know that they will be cordially treated and we want want to accord them the same hospl .tality' 19 im tiin Local News and , Personal Mention / i.'Misses Carrie Lee Peel and Margaret Manning left this afternoon tor oAk City to visit Miss Eva Peel for a few day. • • • • Miss Jannie Edwards left Wednes day for High Point where she hsa cepted a position withtheWachovia Bankiug and Trust Company. Her Many friends regret to see her leave. • • • • Mrs. J. W. Manning and Mrs. J. 1.. Peel attended the Baptist Convention in Rocky Mount yesterday. • • * * The many friends of Mrs. Fannie Biggs will regret to know of her ill ness at her home in New Town, and wish for her a seedy recovery. ♦ ♦ * Mrs, ('has; Hassell returned 'Tues day evening after a long v isit at her in Washington, l>. C. • ♦ • - Messrs. N. R. and Ben Me. Manning have been attending court here tin week. ♦ • ♦ » Mr. A. T. Griffin and son motored here from Goldsboro to attend Court this week. ♦ ♦ • • The Oford Orphan Asylum Singing Class will be here April the fourteen th. lell your friends to come, come yourself ami lets give the little child ren a hearty welcome. ♦ • ♦ • Mr. A. D. Iladley was a pleasant" visitor to our office yesterday. » # • ♦ Mrs. Cliloe Lanier spent the Master holidays in town. Miss Hilda Kilpatrick spent Easter here, the guest of Mrs. A. T. Perry. » ♦ • • Little Miss Orleans of Washington i.s vising her uncle, ISJr. W. R. Or leans for a few days. • » • • .Mrs. J. G. Elmore and children of Norfolk are visiting Mrs. Elmore's sister, Mrs. J. 1). Biggs, jr. this week. • • • • Mrs. Jesse Harrington ehapeioned several youug-pMwitta ut Washington over here to the daneo4hat was given Tuesday evening after the basket ball game. Among those attending were Misses Grace J ones, Athalie Taylor, Christine Bauglm, Adele 0,- Brien, Rene Rush aiuj Taylor, jr., John Keis Hoyt, Bell and Futrell. • • • • _ Mr., mid . Mrs. L. B. Wynne, Mr. Pi 11. Brown and Mrs. liallance will leiiye tomorrow for Dunn »n .> motor, trip. They will be the gut ts of rela tives and friendds for a few da#"k • • • * Mrs. W. L. Poteut returned to her home at Wake Forest after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wheeler Martin, jr., at her home on North East Main Street. • • • • Miss Mary Smallwood of Wr liing ton is visiting her af lei, Mr.,. S. I,{. Biggs, Sr. She wdl be here lm some time. t • • • The Woman's Guild of the Church of the Advent will give a silver tea at the home i/f Mrs. Clayton Moore, on Wednesday afternoon from •! to ti, April 6. All are eordiallv invitod:. '.♦ . . Mr.A. K. Ilaxton is in Norfolk this week on business. r' • • • Miss Essie Peel is in Tarboro visit ing her sister, Mrs. W. P. McCraw. » - «—* —• Mr. W. T, Hunter is spending the week in ttown with his family. • • • » Mr. G. W. Hardison returned this week from Baltimore where he has spent the past few weeks on business. He was accompanied home by his lit tie daugter, Miss Mary Davis, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. L. Minga in Pettersburg. • • • • Miss Sue Leggett returned to. Wash ington after spending the Easter holi days with bs*r parents. ♦ • • • Mrs. Harold Clark of Belhaven ha.' I 'been the guest of liee'r mother ant 1 father for several days. — t * »- » Miss Lila Wynne will spend the week-end here with her family. « • » ♦ Miss Arline Murrill hns returned from a visit to her home. She was ac companied by Miss Carrie Dell White. ♦ ♦ • « Misses Louise Harrison, Estluei Harrison, Mr. H, C: West and Mr. T F. Harrison left today for Scotlam' Neck in the interest of the High School Debating Union. ! • • • • - Misses Emma Belle Harris, Ruth Johnson, Jesse Stubbs, and Earl Gar ett left for Enfield where Mr. Stubbr and Miaa Harris will defend the neg ative side of the debating question. ••• ♦ i Mr. Herbert Peel fr. went te Enfield Ud#jr whera La wjli debate tonight/ ROANOKE WAREHOUSE CO. HOLDS MEETING The anual meeting of the Roanoke loUacco Wareiiouse Company wa . nelti yesterday, A large majority ui llie stockholders were present and the l resident's report was submitted and accepted. The repoit was not so g0v.,1 as that ot the two former years bin it was luund that the company hai sold during the season two a'iul one quarter million pounds ot tobacco an.l had made a net earning ol about U> per cent. A dividend of 8 per cent i was declared payable at once ami the balance cairied to undivided profits Mr. ,1. C. Matuii was re-elected President, Henry 1). Peel, Vice Presi dent, R. T. Griflin, Secretary and treasurer. The old board of directors were all reelected, except Mr. Don John on, who resigned and John J. Manning and R. 1,. Perry were elected to tilt the vacancies. A committe was appointed to em plov a manager and proper help to run the warehouse next season. The show ing for tin- past year was vei y gratifying to the stockholder present an.l the business is only one of the few in this section that made ail) pro tits during the period ol' de pression. ICE PI,ANT RKSI Mi:i> OPKR ATI ON In this issue >oil will find an a.her ti-ement ol' William .ton It'e an.l Fuel Co. The plant has been installed with hew machinery and will only make the best, grade of ice. The ice made by the plant last season was an inferior grade on account of a lack of iiiachin erv but. this year they are fully equip e.l nn.lthey hope not only to furnish ice for the entire town hut to do business out of town also. NOTICE OF FLECTION HONII ISSUE lie it ordained by the Board of School Trustees of Williamston, N. C. that under an.l by virtue of nuthori ty in it vested by an act of the Gen end of North' Carolina, en titled "An Act to Authorize the Wil liamston Graded School Distric in Milrlin County to Inmie Bonds to A iiien.l Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Five, public l school laws id one thousand nine hundred an.l three" and being House Bill H3O an.l Senate Bill 797, ratified on the 2nd day of March 1921. Section 1 That aneleetion be and that the same is hereby called to he held on the-third day of May,-1921 fn- lire purpose of authorizing the issuing of nil!. ' to —r\ct-r-rl- iit fele.f .Sii-Uiul Bontls, Interest on same not to exceed (i per cent, for the purpose of improv ing enlarging and completing the present school property and for thf purpose of building a necessary dorini tory for said school district. That at said election the voters .who favor the issuance of said bonds and the levying of a special tax to pa> same shall vote a balot upon which shall be written or printed the words, "For school bonds and special taxe to pay same" an.l the voters who art opposed to the issuance of said bond shall vote a ballot upon whhich slml be written or printed the words, "A gainst school bands and special taxe> to pay same". Ily- order of the Board of Grade.' School Trustees of Williamston, Apri' Ist, 1921. W. C. MANNING, Chairman C. I!. Hassell, Secy. Trustee's Sale ul Lund I ii.lck the power of sine coot oneji in ii lecd of trust executed to me b> J. A. Powell and wife, recorded in book V-l, page 230, Martin Count> Registry, Twill sell at the court house dooi in Williumston, N. C., ut public auct on to the highest bidder for cash, on Tuesday, April f>th, 1921, at 12 o dock, noon, the following describe., real estate, to will" First tract: Adjoining the lands of Moses Harrell, deceased, Joseph Ilarrell and others, contaTning Bi. acres, more or less, being the tract of land conveyed to T. 11. Combs bj Alex 11. Smith and Wheeler Martin, Commissioners, by deed recorded in book FFF, page 300. Ssecond tract; - Adjoining the lands of T. 11. Combs, Margaret Staton un.t others, containing 60 acres, more or less,'* being the identical tract of luntl conveyed to T. H. Combs by 11. B. Howell and others, by deed recorded i» Book MMM, page 198. Said two tracts of land being the identical lands this (January 1, 1918), by, T. H. Combs and Annie Combs, his wife to the said J, A- Powell, and reference'is hereby made to all said deeds for a further and more particular description of said lands. 4- - February 28th, 1921. W. A. HAKT, Trustee. If you want good and at the right prices, dont fail to see L*»- tli® Fowden. | ( In Memoriam— * R. D. Woolard God's finger touched Hobert Daniel Woolurd I ue.iday iiiKiuiiig March 22 ut one oc clock uud lie slept, "behold in.-, irtunl is o high and lu.s witnesses are m heaven." Mine July 30lh, lStili, he had been permitted to gaze upon ilie beauties, ol Uod's handiwork. In ileal liiass lownshhip near Macedon ia church, he runic us u gift to Ken ueth and Millie Woolurd. Keured by K>'dly parents with ehistiau enviorn meiit.v e\Vr his, no wonder it is that those who loved him best and huve lost ino..t aa they ;it ueui the shadow ran rise up und call him blessed. He was a modle and obedient child, a devoted husband, a loving father, a charitable neighbor, showing good works by acts lutein than by many word.*, and ho entered that narrow vale that lies betweenf the barren peaks of two eternities, leaving re cord of the kind of life that is worth living. His wife was an open book, a living; epistle known and read of all men. lie Ived well, well "and upoiihis book of life may we not lie privileged to write, "Well done thou good und faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many thing; , enter tliou into the joys ol thy Lord". Although for ten long weary years the bund of affliction rested upon him he never complained nor njlU. mured at his lot. Gentle as a woman tlilough all the varied vicissitudes ol disease lie could say with Job of old, "Though he slay me will I trust Him" and he did until the "Black Camel" halted near lilii* portal. For one yeai and seven months before he wrapped the mantle of his couch about him" and stepped into God's chariot, Mr. Woolard Was confined to his home. Here it was sitting by the fireside with wife und children did he spend life':i evening and here it wax that his consecrated life shone forth in all of it's beauty and fullness. llj believ ed in doing unto others as Im would lie done by. He held his right mind until about ten hoods before he fell to sleep. What a ble sed privilege it is to know that lie was permitted to so joun us an earthly pilgrim, yet he so jouned with i.liis escutheon un tarnished and unspotted. Ho knew God's promis * to there who kep the faith and he followed the teachings of the lowly Naitarenh with a confi dence indeed beautiful to behold. He nnvV rests in (iod-s chamber in peace ful slumber awaiting the summons - for -«■ jwyous- aAViikeiuug. ill that da y for which all other deys were er&ited. -tin May hlipiiib married to Miss Emma ). I»eggett, daughter of Willium and Louisa Leg gett. And an a resut of this hajfyp union were eight children, Magnolia, who lived only two years, and,,infant son passing away veryyoung, Mrs. J. S. I'eel of Kveretts,. W'. 11. Woolard of Greenville, Mrs. (i. 11. .Harrison who departed this life two years three months and six days before him, Mrs. J. I l '. Wynne of near Roberson ville, Jodie 11. Woolard of Williams ton and Kssie L. Woolard of Kveretts. A broken hearted wife and five child ren survive him to mourn their loss besides one brother, J. A. Woolard and four sisters, Mrs. Jno. W. Col tiiane, Mrs. I.awerence I'eel, Mrs. W U. Leggett and M(;s. William Wynne of Texas*, and eight grand children. After his marriage he settled down on farm in Cross Houds Township where he became connected with tlx Christian' Church, becoming member at Christian Chapel where he remain ed a faithful member up to the time of his death. On account of failing heulth he was obliged to giv- up hi? farm work several years ugo, und in 1914 sold out and moved to Everett where he lived and was un invalid the latter part of hit* life. The funeral took place Wednesday r March 23rd at 2:30 o'clock at the Everett Itaptit Church, the services being conducted by tho Hev. J, M. Perry, pastor of the Robersonvillfl Christian Church. A large number of sorrowing friends were present to pay their last tribune of respect and es . teem to one who hail gone in and out, amongst them for so long, ane whose life wus every worthy emu lation, for tfljenow him wus to love him. The floral tributes were profuse testing the high and exalted esteem of one worthy of such a tribute, rbatadaßhhetehec shrdlues shrdl shrd He now rests sweetly in the bosom of the soil he loved so well in the quietude of Pine Hill cemetery in Everety, there to sleep until the resur rection 'jnorn when he goes to meet his Master face to face. The following •icted as pallbearers: J. S. Ayers, V. 1 0. Taylor, C. B. Roebuck, B. G. Bailey I I. A. Ausborn, S. S. Bailey, W. O. James, B. P. Perry and Of T. Peel. Thus all that Is mortal of Robert Woolard rests beneath the sod, a map whose mission was completed is a way to command admiration and re spect from all whose pleasure it was to know him. He loved life, he loved Advertisers WIO IW Ov Coluatns a Latch Key to 1M of Nutia Cermty's Im ESTABLISHED 1898 AUTO AND GARAGE DESTROYED BY FIRE Last night about 9:30 the garage of Mr. J no. L. Kodgerson was found on fire and a few nunutes after the fire bell sounded the fighters and spee tutors had assembled but nothing could be done as the building was in a muss of flames. The building was totully destroyed. Mr. Hodgerson had just driven bis car in the garage and it also was des troyed. The fire is thought to be caused by a leakage of gasoline from the caubreator. BASEBALL!—FIRST GAME OF SEASON HERE TOMORROW The Williumston High School base ball team will meet the Washington Collegiate Institute Saturday after noon at the Fair Grounds for the first real game of baseball played in Williamston since lust summer. The hostilities w ill commence promptly at three o'clock and inasmuch as Wil liamston will not have league base ball this year, it is to be hoped that the local people will lend their sup port to the High School aggregation. Don't forget tha day and time— Saturday afternoon, 3 o'clock, Fair '* Grounds at W illium.slcn. MISS MARY MELISSA ANDREWS HOSTESS l.ast Tuesday evening from eight until eleven Miss Mary Melissa An drews entertained, about thirty five of her little friends ui honor if her thir teenth birthday ut the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrews. The home was beautifully decorated wita spring flowes und everything was done to muke the guests enjoy them selves. I'rogresivu Conversation und Hook were engaged in and the time passed only to quiokly. The hostess assisted by her mother served delicious cream and cake and candy - with roses as favors. Miss Mary Melissa is very popular umong her friends und this was at tested by the great number of lovely presents that she received. MRS. NANCY CHERRY DEAD Mrs. Nancy Cherry of Everetts died yesterday ut the home of Mrs. George Holliilay with whom she resided. Mrs. Cherry hu«| reached un ud • vunced age in life and had been in feeble" health for about six months, . SINGING CLASS OF OXFORD ORPHAN ASYLUM The Sitiging Class of the Oxford A.lyum will give their regular an nual conceit at the Graded School" Auditorium, Thursday night, April the fourteenth. Remember thl.4 I SB good cause and a good concert. Also remember the ilute. SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHURCH A. V. Joyner, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Dr. P. 11. Cone, Supt. , We have u place for everyone, it matters not how old or how young. We shall be happy to see you Sunday morning. Sermon->by the pastor, 11 A. M.— Subject: "Why we need a Revival." The pastor will preach at Reddick's Grove. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor, 7:45 P. M.— Subject: "The Right of Choice." Prayer Meeting Wednesday even .ng, 7:30. You are mosj cordially invited to attend all these services. his fellowman, he loved his God. May the same hand, that has wounded be the same hand to comfort and succor his devoted helpmeet and his devoted children as they watch in the twilight, the vacant chair in the corner so long occupied by one whose life was always cheerful, kind, patient and enduring, messed be his memory.—Contributed. NOTICE OF SALE • , I'nder and by virtue of authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 25th day of November 1913, to the undersigned trustee, by W. F. Tynor and wife, Nancy J. Tynor und of record in the public registry of Martin County in book D-l, page 346, to secure the payment of certain bonds of even date and tenor there with, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with and at the request of the pairtiae interested the undersigned trustee will on Monday the 4th day of April, 1921 at tha laurt house door in Martin ''"UMjMjJilliumston, N. C., at 12 gjflfc/ffer at public sale to tha bidder for cash tha following described real estate adjoiatoc Jamee Nicholson and others containing three tracts adjoining each other, contain ing 60 acres mora or lass, reference to deed from J. R. Mobley and wife to W. P. Tynor, d**|L January 7, 1894, and of record In ifattln Oeanty registry. ■ , °'■ Wy LOST: NICE RED DUROCK SOW; unmarked. Reward for rafcm. Dr. J. 8. RHODES ,

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