LET ME DO YOUR JOB WORK If YOU NEED ANY— I.ETTERHE VDS NOTEHEADS ENVELOPES BILL HEADS STATEMENTS CARDS INVITATIONS i or any kind of printed matter, write or pl-one me. and your order will receive prompt attention. Prices reasonable. " SIMON LILLEY PHONE IfM WILLI AMSTON, N. C, DIRECTORS WHO DIRECT ) 'the following' iHM'hon.s have quali tied as director.-- f this bank. i'. I>. Carstaiphen, Treas. Martin County. VS. il. Crawford, Anderson Craw ford :.nd Compuny. (i. W. Blount, Merchant. Alonzo Hassell, J. L> Hassell and Company. I'. I'. Barnes, Pres. Wicomico Lum ber Company!* Wheeler Martin, Attorney-At-l.aw. John- I>. Simpson, Retired Farmer. J. (.. (iodard, I'res. Martin County Savings and TrusV Company. Julius S. Peel, Real Kcatate. it. \\. Salsbury, Pres. Bank of Hamilton. \\. J. iibdges, With J. L. Hassell and Company. A. J. Manning, Supt. County Schools U .1%. Roberson, Hai'rison Bros, and \ Company. 1 ■ • Javun Rogers, J. Rogers and Bro. Joshua L. Coltrain, Farmer. Samuel Rogerson, Farmer. John 1). Biggs, President. J. Eason Lilley, Ruder Lilley anil Son. R. (i. Harrison, Vice President. R. li. Everette, Baker-Newell and Company. Thfese men direct the affairs of this bank and your money is a. safe in Ihljir hands as anywehr in the world. 1 They meet mothly. FARMERS& MERCHANTS BANK Williamston, North Carolina We Have The Goods A LINE OF Al , Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes Mjiljh Men & Boys This is the world s be£t WTBf?Sk\ made clothes. Come to see Prices to Suit the —jjf iiLpi, Times , 9 »' * * Bros. & Company FOR THOSE WHO WANT THE BEST jAN ORDINANCE REQUIRING 'WATER & SEWER CONNECTION The board of Aldermen of William ston Ho enact: 1. That each and every residence, institution, depot or place of business where one or more persons reside, i !o !ge ir are employed, which is lo jcated tn a lot or property abutting : upon or adjoining a street or alley •along- which a public sewer is laid, si iti be provided with a flush toilet an,l in-' necessary' plumbing fixture.' to join and connect the same with , the public water and sewerage sys j U'Oi, provided: that a length of pri isate sewer line not greater than two huiuired feet and a length of private w.tier line not greater than three hun j drcd feel, shall be required to make lsuih connections- Provided., further: and sewer lines across private prop erty f some other person er person; in order to make such connections. 2 At the discretion and by the di rection of the Board of Aledrmen, tlx city clerk r.hall serve notice on th« owrter oi owners or the duly authoriz- Ed a,;ei'.t id' such owner or owners id' pi iperty coming under teh provision of this ordinance. Sail notice to In ei'.ner written or printed. In case ot iiiiy non resident owner or owners ol such property, not represented locally by • duly authorized agent or agents, police may Ik' published in five sue cessive issues of a local newspaper. 3. The city clerk :.ltall mail t every resident under section I and ol' these ordinances a blank form ot application, for the installation ol flush loilets and necessary plumbing fixtures as set forth in section 1 ol these ordinances, upon receipt of said application the owner or agents foi the owners of any property as set forth in sect! n 1, shall fill in said application anil file it with the Supt, of Water Works, M. S. Moore, within tin days from the 15th day of April, 12*21. 4. Non compliance with section I or three of these ordinances withii tilt days from April 1 T>, 19£1. Aftei receipt of publication of notice scT forth in section 2 of this ordinance and etc., shall constitute a misdc nieanor and subject the owner or own ers or the duly authorized agent foi the owners of such property to a tint of not less than five dbllars nor more than fifty dollars in the discretion ol the court. f>. All ordinances and clauses ol ordinances in conflict with this ordi nance are hereby repealed. LESLIE FOWDEN, Cleik If F. GODWIN, IWayor. FOI! SALE: BARRED 'PI V.MOL' I II Rock eggs, from pi iae winnin) stock. One dollar per thirtcun. I:,faction guaranteed. T. V li. ili •ley R. F. I), 2, vaimsville, Watch the luhul on your paper,* to new hp fori' your suhncription expires THIENTERHIUMit NELC'w TOO MUCH EXERTION Writer, Refuse# to Qo Too Deeply Into What Might Be Called ••I and Me" Problem. The lln«-, VLook what I-done for you ami "hi Hi nail ,tue," IS good American, liui better American, I believe, would he, "I.ook what I done lor him and you and I." This, however, writes King l.ardner In the Bookman, brings up a subject to which one ought be uhlo to devote a whole volume, but »nt- ain't gt/U>' to. One Is only golu' to state that mysterious rules govern the cases of personal pronouns In our language and one hasn't had time to solve the mysteries even since prohibi tion. We say, "lie cvnie «p to me In the club." but we also say, "lie come up to Charley and 1 in the club," or even "He -oine up to 1 and Charley in the club." Charley's presence In the club seems, for "some reason or another," to alter my case. The other night 1 was reading a play script by one of this country's foremost dramatists; mid recurring In it was the stage di rection, "A look passes between he and So and So." Bu\ this playwright wouldn't think of *"11™ or writing, "She passed he a IOOKT^ My theory on this particular point Is that when the common American citizen, whom we will call Joe, was In Ills last year In school (the *lxth grade), the teacher asked him how many lioys there were In his family, lie replied: "Just Frank and me." "JuM Ftnnk and I," corrected the teacher. And the correction got Joe hailed up. NO CHANCE FOR COLLECTORS Steins Now, Valuable Only as Meniere toe« Arc Kept Securely Chained to the Wall. Itwr steins, wine glasses tmd bar towels art' rapidly Joining the dust- mildewed relics of the days tlmt preceded January Id, IDL'O, when the prohibition law went Into effect. As the saloons heroine scarcer, bar room paraphernalia, from a relic col lector's viewpoint, become more valu able. One restaurant In the Hay Kldge section of ltrooklyn is taking no—chances .nn losing lis inefnentoes of the past days. The stained glass windows of the old saloon remain, but the bar has been removed to make way for the tables of the new restau rant. In the redecorated establish ment a shelf runs entirely around the room. All along the shelf are ex quisite old German beer steins, relics of former days and more valuable now HS mementoes. Passing through the handle of each stein Is a chain, which Is nailed to the wall. Unscrup tilous souvenir hounters, waiting until the waiter's back Is turned, find their designs foiled. What the old bar has left of the old regime It purposes N> keep.—New York Sun. Sleepy Sickness. .Sleepy sickliest! Is quite a different disease from the somewhat similarly named, but far more deadly, sleeping sickness, which Is a tropical disease. Sleepy sickness was first noticed In Kngland In litis. There Is little doubt that the causextf this mysterious com plaint Is a microbe. The microbes con centrate their attack on the brain, causing lethargy and facial paralysis, the patient lying for days In bed with motionless bead and expressionless face, like a mask, reminding one of the ertigy on a toiiih. Doctors are not yet definitely agreed as to whether the hic cough epidemic and the sleepy sickness are different diseases, or whether the one Is merely a symptom of the other. I'robnMy the latter ylew is the correct one, seeing that violent and prolonged hiccoughs were noticed In connection with the outbreak of sleepy sickness that ravaged Vienna In the early part of last year. Trench Children Make Toys. (•lit- (if the most Interesting toy manufactories of France Is nut u fac tory at all, but a communal school if I'uils, directed by nil amuteur design cr, who during the war Interested the clillilrcn in the making of toys after his own designs, which were NO orig inat tliut tliere was mi immediate de niand for thetn. Furthermore, the children who were iiihklnthe toys been me NO much Interested In the work that a large mini wax realized, part of which was turned into the treasury of (he iiiNtltution, - but a part wan spent In giving the work ers Home iliverslon. The business Is to be continued on a larger scale than ever before. Sun's Glow Changes in Shape. The (iegeiiaclieln, the mysterious midnight glow In the si.y opposite the HUH, IN not constant In form, t'rof. H, K. Harnard nnJs thut In early autumn It appears as a roundish diffused luaaH of noticeable light, sometimes 40 de grees or 50 degrees or even more In diameter. At no other point In Its path Is It ao large. Bui In ttelpher It becomes smaller and elongated, a change believed to be due Id th* mingling, of Its light w|th that of an auroral band reaching it at this sea son of tbe yeai. Fir* Water. "Fire water was the ruination of the noble red man." "Yes," repllel Uncle Hill I tot (let op "I never believed Injuns was as ro liuat as they've been represented. II tWv hud tried tbe kind of llekar now clrctt'aVfl surreptitiously the noble ret! man would have disappeared In IDS* than six weeks" For Surveying and Kntfineerin*? ( ivil & Mechanical See or write A. COREY Jamesville, N. C. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. P. 15. Cone DKNTIST Office in Farmers & Merchants Bank Huilding Hours 9 to 12 and 1 ta 5 Phone No. 9 Res. Phone No. 156 Dr. J .H. Saunders PHYSICIAN and SURC.KON Office at Saunders AFowden Diug Store Telephone Ntimln rs Pay M Nigh MO James S Rhodes \V. 11. Harrell Drs. Rhodes & Harrell Offices Biggs Drug Store and Peoples Bank 3rd Floor A. U. Aunning Clayton Moore Dunning & Moore ATTOUNKYS an.l COUNSKLOKS AT LAW Offices PeopTes Bank Builtfinr J. I). Slade Plymouth, N. C. Undertaker and Licensed Embalm er, Phone 37 Willianiston, N.JLL Elbert S. Peel ATTORNEY AT LAW Offices in The Codard Building Telephone 225 S. J. Everett ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW Greenville l.ong Distance Phone 328, (ireenville, N. C. Williainslon. Wm. K. Warren, IV! .1). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Peoples Bank Building Telephone No. 102 I>. A. Critcher IT. D. Critcher Critcher and Critcher Attorneys-At-Law Main Street l'hone 66 Williamston, N. C. Dr. G. C. Godwin PHYSICIAN Dunning & Moore's former office" in Leggett Building Telephone Nos. 101-2 and IGI - Martin Wheeler Marl Martin and Martin Attorneys-At-Law Williamston, - North Care Telephone No. 28 Dr. It. L. Savatf» of Kocky Mount will be at th' lan tic Hotel third YVedne.sd; each month to treat disea* the EYE EAU, NOSE & THJ and Fit GLASSES. B. York, M. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, Diagnosis Specialties OTfic over YorS r a "Uiraj"" Washington -Street Offic hours 8 to 10 a. m., ' p. m. Office phone 63-2, phone 63-3 We carry at all ti: Complete Stock Metalic and - Woo Burial Casket* Latest Designs ANDERSON CRAWFORD & FOUND: ONE CORBIN KKY IN front of York's Garage. Apply at Entvp rim ' * NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE | North Carolina Forsyth County. In the Superior Court Merchants Bank & Trust I vs ( Nissen Lumber Company, Inc. J. i Francis Nissen and W. E. Nissen. By virtue of an execution directed to the' tindersigned from the Superior Court of Forsyth County, in the above entitled action, I will on Monday the I 6th day of June, 1921, at 12 o'clock j M., at the Courthouse Door of the County of Martin, in the Town of YVilliamston, North Carolina, sell to the highest biditer for caah to satisfy said execution, all the light, title, and interest which the said defendants have in the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land | in Martin County., state of North Caro I Una, adjoining the lands of Roanoke Railroad and Lumber Companv. The Cetsinger Ib'irs, and otl#rs, and bounded as follows:—Beginning in Duke's llranch at Joshua KMis' coi - ner, running up said branch to the West prong of said Branch; thence | up the West prong of Duke'r Bianeli Ito the Charlton Island Swamp; from j thence up the West edge of said swamp to the Cross dtrancli; thence South If. Hast BIN pole,; thence j North H. r > 12 West Mi* pole - to the j head of Reedy Clade i.u Branch; thenc \ down said glade or branch IOK pole-; I thence South t» Mast M> poles; thence South HO West 12(1 poles to the be ginning, containing llO.'f acres, more or less, and being devised '>y the will lof William Daniel, Jr., to his three daughters, Mary E. Whitley, Sata.li M. Manning and Hannah J. t'orey, by I will dated Si>pt. 22m1, 1869, and iv I corded in the office of the clerk of Hie Superior Court of Martin Counts hi I Wi'll Book .'l, page *216, it being al n the same land conveyed by W . C. Man- I lung and wife, to John J. Corey and I others by deed dated August Nth, 1 191,' i, recorded in the Register's office of Martin County in Book E-l, oage 2ti;i, and by Hannah J. Corfy and j others by deed dated April Mb, I '.H i, j intended to be forthwith recorded hi said Register's office, to which reter " | once is hereby made. Being same land | conveyed by John E. Corey and other to Washington Beaufort I.and Conip any by deed dated April 17, I9li. j Being also the same land imlentitied land described by Map of Survey made iby Sylvester Peel, Surveyor, in Ismi, copy of which is attached to and made a part o ft he deed of Manual .1 Corey and others, to John E. Coi ev v registered in office of Register of Deeds, Martin County, N. ('., and '/.aid map is hereby referred to and made a part hereof foi the purpo c lot identifying the said land. Al o lie ing same land conveyed b\ Washing j ton Beaufort Land Company to J. K. | ( 'ox. by deed of this date to be re corded in Marin County Registry. I On the foregoing property is local I eel on Frick Engine and Boiler, one I saw mill and equipment and accessor ies, which wil lalso be sold as a part Educate For Business • Tl.r Tin Hini'KH Ti.lining nflci h a sin.ll, r.i-\ and inr\|n n*»i\r mitte to Practical v\ 1111 leading a M » 11II aln ins. Minimis .1 --1 |« I Im- hi Mlnal i»»iim. Kalrt of tuition and lioatd ver> it'UMmuJilc. I'd in 11 ,iii> time'., Write today lor catalog. i/) l.jrwj.j (p/frfis "In 1,,i:/It,i/ S. limit" ll.llrinti, N. C. (lli.il lot It-, N. IL FA KM LOAN o\v ready to make c. •d of u reasonable illiamston Nation- K-iation. See BIGGS K INNING . # I Crawford ■A' * I IN INSURANCE CALL PHONE NO. 49 "'} of said land and included - This the 18th day of A H. T. ROi r ""~ Sheriff, Martin County, Ni lina. Counsel for Plaintiff, O'Hanlo. ing, Winston-Salem, North & J. E. ALEXANL NOTICE OF ELECTION BO\ ISSUE Be it ordained by the Board School Trustees of Williamston, N. i that under and by virtue of authori ty in "if vested by an act of the Gan-,,, eral Assembly of North Carolina, en titled "An Act to Authorize the Wii liamston Graded School Distric m Martin County to Issue Bonds to A mend Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Five, public school lav/a of one thousand nine hundred and three" and being House Bill 8!i0 and Senate ISill 797, ratified on the 2nd day o£~ March 1921. Section I ' That aneleetiotv be and that th* same is hereby called to be held on the third day of May, 1921 for the pur io; e of aisth«yjziiij£ the issuing of not to exceoß SIIO,OOO Traded School Bonds, interest on same not to exceed 1 per cent,/tor the purpose of improv ing enlarging and completing the present school property and for the purpose o Miuilding a necessary durnii ton for saiil school district. That at said election the voters wh« favor the issuance of said bonds and the levying, of a special tax to pay .same shall vote a balot upon which (iiiall Ih' written or printed the wordtf, "For school bonds ami special taxes to pay same" anil the voters who are oppo .ed to the issuance of said bond* hall vote a "allot upon whhich shall lie written or printed tile words, "A gainst school hands and special taxes lo pay same". - By uniiLr of the Board of Graded School Trustees-of Williamston, April Ist, 1921. W. C. MAN NI Nt* Chairman C. B. Hassell, Secy. A DM INI STRA I'OR'S NOTICE Having i|ualified as administrator of of Martin County, N. C, all persons indebted to saidestate are hereby no tified to come forward and settle same it once. All persons holding cabins against said e tate will present same for pavmeiit on or before April 16th, 1922, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. I bis April Kith 1921. ■'. 11. HARRISON, Administrator. Black male hog about year old with nick in left ear, has been at my house for some time, owner will please come for Itiin and pay* cost. J.oe I'urvis, Williamstou. N. C. Kit It - MY • JI'ISM a m ful Antiseptic and Pain killer, cures in fueled cots, old aires tetter,, et! Believe i Sprains, Neuial gia, IPi uniatism.

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