Advertiser* Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME xxn— NUMBER 42 PEANUT GROWERS GO OVER THE TOP S ~X lhe old saying that the farmers can rf not organize has been proved falsi r by the peanut growers of North Car olina and Virginia, a majority of whom have bound themselves to mar ket their peanuts for seven years, col-, lectiveyl. It may be that many farmers sign ed more for a trial than because ol u real faith in the Association, hoping that it would be no worse th; method in selling. It really mean, far more than this however. It meat'., that.for seven years a laige part ol fche peanut crop of North Caroluu Utid Virginia will not go into the han.t of the Peanut Trust but will be tie;,, ed and sold direct by the farmer: themselves and they will get the full price ol their product less actual cost Of handling. There are a few of It. skeptical who yet believe that i» he .ils o*i the great companies w ill put *Uic farmers organization out of bu iue.-s but that possibility is out of the que.-tion for the bossmanshtp ol Ui pettiiLi has passed I'l'd in the presenl tru. t fang Jorever. The people nn learning that the man who producer aif i thi man wh.i consumes must stand togittiei. And if they do this trie ch .U' cj are, Uiat the producer.* Will aiv,a\s got a living price for then goo.i.- and the consumer will alvuys >W n LIT., to get something to eut with out toml feeding a greedy tru«t. ~ " INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY * ' y Yhe industrial situation in this coun try continues to be uneven ami on tho whole without pronounced develop ment. 'lhe industries making goods ot common consumption, and in which depression has existed for practically • full year, such us the manufacture of clothing and shoes, have oxperionc ed a revival, old stocks having been depleted to a point where dealei* arc obliged to buy to supply current trade. Hides and .leather aro in better de mand and bringing better prices. Wool purchase*, by manufacturers have not bee A in "proportion to the orderfe' for cloth on their books, but they have been buying continuously and the tone of the market ban been better, altho prices are not much higher. Utah ' growers are reported as contracting at 17 Cfnts, against G.'t cents a year ago. The consumption of raw cotton by the United States mills fell olf from 437,- 953 bale* in Murch to 41>K,882 bales ia April, but the latter exceeded the consumption of any other month since September. The consumption of April 1920 was 666,914 bales. SIGNS OF PROGRESS An observer on ltoanoko Rivor can now see signs of an early completion of the bridge across. Roanoke rivei. The piles have been driven from the fill at *he other end down to Conine creek Practically all the raw ma terial been unloaded. We may hope before long to get breakfast here and be in Norfolk before dinner. SEH\H ES AT BAPTIST CHURCH j A. V. Joyner, Pastor Sunday school, 9:46 A. M.—Dr. P. B. Cone, Supt. Sermon by the pastor, 11 A. M.- ~ Subject: "Our Greatest Problem." Sunday has lieen designated by our, church as Family-Go-To-Church Day.J Every family of our church and con greegtion is earnestly invited to at tend church on that day ami if pos sible, sit together. Visitors are most cordially invited to attend thin service. Sermon by the pastor, 8:15 P. Mj- Subject: "The Master's Nobility." Pifjrer Meeting Wednesday even ing, 1:15. v Yo« are Coridally invited to attend all thew services. cm an n (J THEATIE.iI • ' —MONDAY— CONWAY TEARLE in THE BO AD OF AMBITION" 20c end 40c .. t —TUESDAY— FOX SUPER SPECIAL— U"B LI N D WIVEi" .' and 50c —WEDNESDAY— pCETRO SUPER SPECIAL THE MUTINY OF THE ELSINORE" 20c and 40e ■ Of • . ' *.■ THE ENTERPRISE MRS. J. B. WATERS / SUDDENLY STRICKEN Mrs. Evelyn Caroline Waters died at he rhome on East Main street last night at 11 o'clock Ttoin apoplexy, only about twisty minutes after be ing; stricken. Sirs. Waters was bom at Dardens, September 26th, 1846, anu married !»Ir. James B. Waters June 20th, ISCo. Her married life lasted 56 years, lacking 4 days. She leaves h?r eMPwar veteran, who will be 81 years old Oc tober first, and six children, Mrs. Liz 21e Wooiiitouse, Mrs. L. C. Roberson, Miss Mattie Waters, William H. Wa ter* and Clyde Waters, all of.Wil lianiston and Mrs. Ida Mae Moore ol Norfolk, Virginia. She also leaves four grandchildren. She lost seven children, all young except ona son, who lived to manhood. Truly a good woman has gone. She gave a full life of service and nevci had enemies because she was a friend to all. She gave clo3e attention to her home and performed the full meas ure of her duty as wife and mother. At the age of fourteen she united with t ' lfi Methodist church at Ply mouth and has ever since worthily counted as one of the bright jewels of the church, her life measuring up to the high standard of a Christian. The funeral will bo conducted at the home at four o'clock by Rev. L. C. Larkiii, her uastor and Rev. A .V. Joyner, pastor of the Baptist church. ROOK PARTY M iss Mary O. Smith and Mrs. Oscar Anderson were joint hostesses at a delightful rook party Wednesday after noon in honor of Miss Elizabeth Wads worth of New Hern, the house guest of Mrs. J. (J. Godard, at the home of Mrs. Caroline Martin on East Main street. After the game it was wound thnt Mrs. G. W. Yelverton and Miss M iry Louise Carstarphen had made the highest . score, upon drawing for pri ze Mrs. Yelverton received a lovely cubage of sweet pens. An ice course consisting of frozen banannas with whip cream and cherries were served by Mrs. Anderson and.Miss Smith be fore their guests departed. Those en joying their hospitality were Mes dames Leßoy Gurganus, J. G. Godard, Carrie U. Williams, G W. Yelverton, C. I). Anderson, Maurice Watts, Wheeler Martin, Jr., J. W. Manning, Misses Daisy Wynne, Lalla Wynne, Elizabeth Wadswortb, Currie Dell White, Mury Ixiuise Carstarphen Mat tie J.ou Anderson, and Inna Wood house. _ - ' yVAKMERS' MEETING FRIDAY I The representatives of the cotton and tobaccogrowers' associations will hold a meeting in June 24th, at 3 P. M. cotton aiW" tobacco glowers oMlp 1 County are in vited to be present. The plans of the organization will be presented and if properly supported by the growti the County Will attempt to perfect an organization. The farmer is begin ning to learn the importance of sell ing his crop as well as producing it •ind the mora he the question, the greater his wonder how he stood it so long. . NOTICE The following officers will be elect ed for a term of one year by the town commissioners, Monday night at eight o'clock: Town Attorney. Chief of Police. Superintendent of water and lights. Night Police. All sessions of the Commissioners are open to the people of the town, anyone having any suggestions to make for the good of the town will he welcomed.. , J. D. BIGGS, Mayor. NOTICE OF HALE State of North Carolina—County of Martin. I, F. L. Haislip, Special Road Tax Collector for Hamilton-township, have this day levied on the following tracts or parcels of land and will sell the same at public auction fojr cash be fore the Bank of Hamilton on the sth day of Juiy, 1921 at 12 M. for road taxes due and unpaid for the year 1920, unless the taxes and costs are paid on or before that date White J. W. Crisp, 160 acres of Johnson land, taxes ■ : *24.96 Mrs. W. A. Fleming, 3H4 acres of Beat land, taxes ... S9IM J. W. Griffin, 66 acres of Briley land tuxes sl2.6' L. J. Davenport, 174 acres of Cor bari land, taxes ..... $17.92 Colored Van Chance, 2 lots in Hasselk, taxes 49c Staton, 1 lot in Hamilton, taxes - .84r F. L. HAISLIP, Special road tax collector for Ham ilton township. Williamston, Martin County North Carolina, Friday, June 17th, 1921 ANALYSIS OF CITY WATERGIVENOUT For the benefit of the public we are giving the analysis of our town wa ter as it was sent to Dr. William E. Warren, County Health Officer, from the North Carolina State Board of Health: f Analysis of Water No. E 371. Sent by Dr. W. E Warren, 11. O. location, "Williamston, N. C. Source: Komi pump. 220 feet. Marked: Williamston. Collected: 6-31-21. '* Received: 6-1-21. Reported: 6-9-21. Sediment: V.SI. Color—Platinum-cobalt standard: SI. Turbidity—Silica standard: 0. Odhr, cold: 0 Odor, hot: 0. Alkalinity (in terms of calcium car bonate): Alkaline. Chlorine: 103. Nitrogen as nitrates, 0. Colon bacilli in 1 c. c.: 0. Colon bacilli in 10 c c.: Present. Total number of bacteria at 88 de grees C. per c.c..: 3,000, Total number of acid producing bac-. teria: 0. ' Sjnce there has been found colon bucillia in the water, Dr. Warren ad vises that people drinking city water boil it before using it. The tank, whic' ♦emu to he the cause of the will he emptied, flushed and refilled Monday. Another specimen of water will be sent after this has been done to the State Laboratory of Hygiene and the results will he given the pub lic immediately. GET YOUR NEW LICENSE Automobile licenses expire on June 30th. It will be unlawful to'run on any of the public highways of North Carolina any motor vehicles beginning July 30th, unless the machine has a state license and a license number showing this fact. These licenses are issued by J. Bryan Grimes, ,Secretary of tate, Raleigh, N. C. Any person can get the necessary application blanks by writing for them. The li cense fee is $12.50 on Ford, it runs cense fee is $12.50 on Ford cars, the fee varies on ether models of cars, de pending upon the engine power Which governs the cost of nil automobile li cense, the license on trucks is graded on the capacity of the truck. f MRS. STATON, HOSTESS Mrs. J G. Staton was hostsss to one of the most elaborate entertainments of the summer yosterday afternoon at her lorely home, "Magnolia Place, ' en Main street in honor of Miss Irene Smith, whose marriage to Mr. CjHin Karnes of Murfreesboro, will taVe. place in the Church of the Advent on .Tune 29th, at eleven A. M. About jeventy-flve of society's representa tives were present and the time, from five to six o'clock, was spent in open ing (he packages of beautiful and useful gifts the guests had showered rpon the bride elect. The hostess served first dainty sandwiches will mint flavored tea, followed by an ice course. The out-of-town guests for the afternoen were Mjss Sara Vaughan or Murfreesboro and cousin of Mi'. Collin Burnet and the house guest of Mrs. F. U. Barnes, Mrs. John Boyle, Mrs. R. L Long and Mrs. T B. Slade, Jr., of Hamilton, and Mr*. Atwood TTewell of Louisburg. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS The time has been extended to each and every property ownr in the town of Williamston for 20 days to file his or her application to M. S. Moore, Supt. of the Water and Light plant of this town for sewerage connection with the town sewers. If you have not complied with this notice with|n the 20 days unlaw ful card will be placed on your privy which requires sewer, septic tank oi a sanitary privy to comply with the state sanitary laws. This the 10th day of June 1921. J. A. McLEOD, State Sanitary Inspector. NOTICE OF SALE I'ndei and by virtue of the power of *aic contain®*! in that certain note executed by J. T. Taper and bearing date of February 9th, 1920, the under signed will on Saturday the 18th day of June 1921, at the court house door of Martin county, North Carolina, of-' fer at public sale, to the higheat bid der, for cash those certain promissory notes bearing date of May 18th, 1919, and executed by Milton James, said notes being secured by a deed of trust of even date therewith, the security therefor having been exhausted. These notes will he offend for sale as if said deed of trust had not been given. This the Uth day of June, 1921. ' BANK OF JAMESVILLE, By Dunning A Moor*. • » . Local News and Personal Mention ' Mrs. Vance Bunting and baby, Miss Sa'tie Wilson Bunting are visiting rel umes in the home of Mrs. Albert 1 i'ei ry this week. |** * * Mr. and Mrs. Claud Tettcrton and j children of Plymouth were in town yesterday shopping. • • • « Mrs. C. T llayes of Webster, Flor-, ida and Miss C. L. Hunt of Bushnell, Florida, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. L. B. Wynne, this week at hev home on Haughton street. * • * » Mr. J. Rufus Carson of Bethel was hi town Wednesday shopping. • • • • Friends of Mr. Thomas Ni;al, ol Louisburg, were delighted to See him in town Wednesday night. Mr. Neai is playing his old position as second baseman on the New Bern baseball jteum tlus year and the Williamston fans are always glad of all opportunity to see their old favorite in the harness again. •• r • The recent habit of sprinkling Mam street on hot ami dusty days is cer taily an improvement to be thanklul for. We do not know who is respon sive for this act, whether it is the new administration or the merchants 1 but it is a mighty good idea. » ♦ ♦ • Mrs. P. U. Cone and children left yesterday for Wilson to visit rela | • » • • Mr. li. V. Joslyn of Raleigh was in town this week inspecting the work on the Roanoke Highway He express ed himself to the Enterprise repre sentative as being much plased with the progress being mailt. » • » • Mesdames U. S. Courtney anil Ar thur Anderson spent Wednesday in Rocky Mount » * * • Miss Mary Robinson of Hamilton was in town yesterday shopping. * * * • Mrs. Clayton Moore has been in Raleigh this week on professional bus iness. • • » • Mrs. John Phillips has returned to her home in Portsmouth alter spend ing several weeks with her sister, Mrs. S. R. Biggs, Jr. * * * * A man passed by the other day gigumbling about file hot weather, but he could hardly be understood for- l.u was hoarse from grumbling about the cool Spring. It is doubtful whether proper provisions huve been made to fulTy satisfy such characters as these-, in the world to come. Some think that it will be too cool for them While others are equally confident will be 100 warm for them. We are wondering whether an ideal Hell I'm sucii people as These would not be place where they could never lirtd au> thing to grumble about. * » • » Fix in your mind September 20t to the 24th, the Martin County Fail '(Tales. If the farmers will save some oT tTie he At of tTietr crops and brim a'ong some nft'e livestock, and the wo men will bring their nicest poultry, canned goods and funcy work we will have a good' Fair. >» • • * Do two things: woik for Fair ami talk for Fair. * • • • Miss Mary E. Robertson of Hamil ton was in town Thursday. • • • » Mrs. Arthur White returned home Wednesduy from n two weejea visit witk her parents and other relatives in Beaufort county. • • • • Messrs. A. S. Roberson and J Rawls of Robersonville were in town Thursday afternoon on business. • • • ♦ What"have Governor W. (5. P. Hat ing, Admirel W. S. Simm*, Geor> Harvey and Henry C. Lodge cost Amei*MT Wi measures of cash .an. !£*Yacter 1 • * • • Wonder why Governor Morrisor took' a pass at Josephus Daniels ? Cai it he that spmewhere somebody i: trying to plant entanglements t throw the people off their watch. Esther Gluyias of Charlott* h v siyng Mrs. Myrtle Brown at (.«> h . i e on Church street. SUMMER SCHOOL 4 joint summer school for the coun-. ties pf Washington and Martin will begin in Williamston on Monday, June 27, at 2 P. M. It is important that all teachers attend. If you wish -to teach the coming year It is very nec-, essary that you do attend. It means better woA and more pay. Accomo dation* for all who come at reason abla rates. Be present at opening ses tfona aa» remain until the dose. LOAN BANK MAN EXPECTED SOON The inspector ler the Federal Farm T ( un Hank of Columbia, South Caro lina is expected to arrive here ut any tm.c now. The Farm Loan Bank nas been unable tu operate for some time, due firfst to litigation in the Supreme Court of the United States and when that litigation was settled due to the tact that the b ink was unable to sell it- 1 bonds. C.mgress is making prep aration to come'to the reicue ot tin !*Snri T.rtan Bunk and it is hoped that Hay \\TU begin to put out money in , lew days. If the farmers are en abled to get money at the low rate of interest charged by the r'fii m Loan Hank it ought lo help some tu making th (financial condition of the farioeis tettd. REPUBLICANS FALLING DOWN ON PROMISES Extravagance in appropriations, lack of a program and the failure to mak egood election promises are the chief characteristics of the Kcpubli can legislative situation in Washing ton at this writing, ton at this writing. The charges are: The Republican promises to reduce Federal taxes, but are increasing them. They promised to make a speedy technical peace, but the peace situa tion is up in the aif. . They promised to revive business, but there lias been constant dP cllno in foreign trade anil continued depression of securities. They promised a reversal of Amer ican foreign policies, but have ad hered strictly to the policies of the for nier administration. These charges are made ami the proof furnished in n large part by Re publicans. Take, for instance, the statement of Senator Horah (Hep., Idaho,) in discussing the Army Sup ply Hill. He said: I wish to ask our Republican friends on this side of the Chamber whut are you going to do about the question of ecenoiny'! What is your programme? What is your plan? There* i« no provision anywhere for reducing expenses or reducing taxes. There is no programme to that effect. ... 1 should like to know, in view of the constant discussion of the ques tion upon the part of Republican lead ers that the taxes are now unbearable I>llil that they must be reduced, when and where are they going to reduce them .' Where in tho programme ? Senator King (Dem., Utah,). iutor iopted to say: -"'lhe senior senator from Utah, Vr. Hinoot, (Rep.) stuted that there would be an increase, so 1 say to my Re publican friend from Idaho that hit pa ly will not only will not reduce taxation and not produce economies. I'Ut increase taxation and will increase tl e expenses of the Government." "That is not the kind of doctrine I wanted to hear, but I am afraid it is true," replied Senator Boruh. lilt; DAY IN BERTIE ON 28TII Tuesday, June 27th, will be Hectic Day in Windsor when good Hpeaf£rs will address the people on the road problems. Martin county is invited. If you go you will have a good trip. Let's all go, join hands with our here tofore fartherest neighbors and htd| to get bridged together. RECORDER'S COURT The five cases in Tuesday's Record er's Court Imrught before Judge Cal via C. Smith were continued till Tue day, June 28th. The June term ol Superior Court will convene next wee' with Judge E. H. Calvert presiding. GOOD SHOW ON TUESDAY "Dlind Wives," a drama both inter esting and eduoational, based on the great stage play "My Lady's Dies will be shown at the Strand Theatre Tuesday night. This is a William Fox production nnd promises to be a pic ture of bequty, richness ami variety More than that it is a story that will touch every household. We advine you to see this picture on the coming Tuesday night. NOTICE I am directed by the Secretary of [state to notify all persons who oper ate motor cars or trucklN«f any ind 'that new license most be June SOtb. The law makes it a mis demeanor to operate with an old li cense and applications jhould go in soon in order ty get license on time. Respectfully, H. T. ROBERSON, Sheriff. - v > * First Nursemaid —Yes, the father is Krench and the mother is Spanish. Second Nursemaid—Well, Is t' little one a Frenchman or a Spaniard ? First Nursemaid—Who knows? H hasn't started to talk yet. GOV. MORRISON AND DANIELS DISAGREE A very unique occurrence took place at the University of North Caroling on Commencement Day, June 15th. One hundred and twenty-six members of the graduating class, one hundred trustees and professors and distin guished visitors and an audience of three or-four thousand people sitting complacently in Memoriul Hull were witnesses of perhaps one ol the most unique forensic ambushes m history. tor over an hour Secretary Daniels, 111 nuiking tile Commencement Ad dress hud called to the youth of the state to determine for themselves what was right, what was the truth, to stop following blindly in the foot steps of their lathers and blaze foi themselves new pathways; to turn tnei rbacks upon the past and look to the future. After delivering the diplomas to the graduating class Governor Mor i ison stepped forward and stated lhai he had something to say to the depart ing class. He then took issue with J-ecietary Daniels upon every mum point ol his address. He admonished Uu> youth of the statu to accept tin existing order of things and put the burden ol proof upon the one win would have tham deny it. Seldom, if ever, has the Gn. ol the state taken such an opportun ity to address tlie members of the graduating class. Never has he tak j en advantage of his position to chat li-.ige the remraks made by the main immense audience present were sur piited is putting it mildly. THK HEARS LEADING New ltwrn seems to have the edge on the other teams of the Eastern Carolina league. New Bern has in its lineup the best members of the I Carolina team for the past season, n now looks as if tho Carolina team will w r another baseball championship l.its season. The Caorlina team h.. >in enviable reputation for coining from behind a lead and winning the i;iiiiu by hard and opportune hitting, in fact it looks as if there are too iirmy innings (ji a game to beat the New Item team. Monday Greenville nail a lead on New Hern but Ipst out in tiie lust few innings. Y -mteiday, the same thing happened in.Wt.Mldng ton. 1 -«fty Wilson has pitched tw« good games so far, holding die kin- M.inians to one measly hit and let- j 'ing the hard hitting Greenville ag g ligation down with two hits, l.ew elljn has replaced I'ollock in twc. paries when the latter hud a'lowed f.i II to be hopelessly pounded anil k;.s hi each game held his opponents v. i' out a run. To one who does nt know much baseball it looks like a cane of foo much New ltern. We don't know how long New Hern's winning .vtrrak will IjjMt, bnt we expect it will laht until the complexion of the other leums change. yus. DAISY HOWEN Mrs. Daisy Howqn, wife of 11. It. Kowcn,' died May 28rd at her home in Hear Grass township. She was stricken with d terrillic pain in her haiil about ten o'clock at night after spending the day In apparently good health and died before a physician could reach her. She leaves a husband two little children, a mother, Mrs. Z. Howell and four sisters, Mrs. W. S. McKeel, G. W. Howell, J T. I leach and Mrs. Jim Meeks, and one brother, Mr. H. T. Clurk, of Greenville NOTICE Nwrth Carolina, Martin county. Th'e ePoples Hank, a corporation —VB Dennis C. Taylor The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the n bove entitled action was issued against the said defendant on the 13th day of by A. T. Crawford, a Jus tice of the Peace for Martin county. N. C., for the sum, of two hundred dollars with interest thereon from the first day of November, 1920, due said plaintiff on account of"a certain pro missory note executed by the defend ant to the plaintiff on the first day of January, 1920, which said summons is returnable before said Justice of the Peace at his office in Wifliamston, N. C.""in said county and in Williamston twonship oh the 9fch day of July, 1921. The defendant wil Ifurther take notice tha ta warrant is returnable before the said justice at the time and plage above named for the return of the summons when and where the defend ant is required to appear and answer or dtfinur, to the complaint or the re ftef demanded wifl be gl-anted. This the 18th day of June, 1921. ASA T. CRAWFORD, Justice of the Peace. Watch the label on your paper and Mi in your renewal before it expiree 1 IF TOO WANT QUICK RESULTS USB A WANT AD IN THE EMTESTKISS ESTABLISHED 1898 STATE SANITARY 6PFICER IS HERE Mr. J. A. McLeod, State Sanitary Inspector, was in town Thursday. The sixty days allowed for the property owners to Ale applications for water or sewer connections or build sanitary privies are out. After conferring with the town authorities Mr. McLeod has agreed to extend the time for twenty more days or until the 7th day of July 1921. '■ - umf , " The State Sanitary Laws provide provide that every property owner within each incorporated town provide tor each residence a sanitary privy, water and sewer connection or septic tank. This law has been enforced in every county in the state. 'Every town in Martin County has been placod un der the operation of this law except Williamston. In view of the fact that Williamston was constructing- a sys te mof waterworks the property own ers of Williamstoh were exepted from the operation of this law. The syste mof waterworks has been completed and the state authorities say that if within the next 20 days the property owners of the town ol W illiamston do not file applications for water and sewer connections that the state authorities are going to take hold and enforce the law in William stou. 1 You have got to taks one course or the other and do it quick. The fil ing of the application for water anil •ewer connection exempts the individ ual property owner from the operu- Nupposo you fail to file your appli cation for sewer connection within the next 20 days. What will happen? The state sanitary inspector comes a round and placet an unlawful ca*d • pun jour privy, which requires you win u a certain date (16 days) to • uake water or sewer connections, c«/* ,-iUuct a septic tank or build a sani tu• > i rivy. If one or the other of these is not done within that time you will bo indicted and prosecuted under the laws of the jta'e of North C uoi la. The (itate authorities are t-yug to cooperate with the property owneivof the town. They that it will take time to connect all the I o i'ly owners of the town of Wil iiaiiirtcn ..with the water and sewer lines. They have agreed to exempt t«cl property owner from the opera tion af the privy law, that files an ap plication for water and sewer connec tions within the next twenty days, lint the imo re it Is not a question of the property owner cooperating with the state authorities. The property owner has got to do somethinf. If you have lost the application mailed you by Maurice Moore, Super intendent of the Williamston Water und Sewer Works, write out on a blank sheet of paper an application substan tially us follows: "I, or we, hereby Ale application fn water and sewer connections to my, or our, residence or place of business, No. ——- street, Williamston, N. C., according to ordinances adopt ed by the board of commissioners, on April Bth, 1921. Yours very truly, (Name)" Write out and sign an application such as the foregoing and carry it or muil it at once to Maurict 8. Moore. CHURCH OF THK ADVENT Services for the fourth Sunday after Trinity, June 19th: Church school, 9:45 A. M. Harry M. Stubbs, Superintendent. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 A. M.—Subject: "How an Exilo Longed for the Temple Services." » Evening prayer and sermon, 8:00 P. M. A cordial welcome fo all. Choir prac tice Saturday, 8:00 P. M. Rev. Walter B. Clark, Prieet-in- Charge. • STRAND —THEATRE— "BUND WIVES" The greatest of all modern - society dramas. A picture both » men aad women should aee. Do not miss this chance next — TUESDAY JUNE 21st MAE MURRAY H DAVID POWELL *|| "THE RIGHT TO LOYE* S—O—O—N I

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