Advertiser* Will' Find Our CotUmns a UHi Key jfc 15M •f Martin CMW(/« Homes VOLUME XXn—NUMBER 48 PLANS NOW BEING MADE COUNTY FAIR HELD THIS FALL r The martin County r air wiiicn 'will open % gates for the second be September 2U th, IV2I, hav ing wonderful success tiie first year the small, group ol" men interested in the operation, now open their books to inspection of any one who desires to become morally or linancially interested. Tins offer and we might say, appeal, is extended throughout tue emtio. Koanoke-Pamii co Section oi North Caroline. "FAIRS" are a mei-ns adopted througliaut tlie world calculated to stimulate a Holing ot friendly rivalry .. among lanners, merchants aud manu i'acturers, and as n dvertising nieriuin "i it is considered, the best, in some i states the people look forward to lair /week as Trade week, because it serves as a great trade stimulant, ■ £ greater success however, has at tended Fairs whose government has been semi-municipal und whose stock holders were many in number and who considered tho return on their invest ment only a secondary consideration. A Fair on this basis is what the of ficersof the Fair Association are tr)in gto establish in Murtin Count> and they esk for your coopcMtion. It your are a merchant, manufactur er, fanner or citizen of tlio Ronnoko- Pamlioo Section, you should feel an interest ia the Martin County Fair for it has a recogniaed fact tluti a Fair is very beneficial to a community and you should lot this feeling tssert itself by your becoming morally am financially interest and offering tin Fair officials your help in building uj a better Fair. This is a direct epepal for cooper ation and coupled with the request goes an expression of our hopes thui the citizens of Martin County am the Roanoke Pamlico Section of Nortl Carolina will lend their aid to tin officers of the Fair Association in th establishing of a Fair in Martin Coun ty that will become tho greatest ii thy State, ami which will attrac many thousands of visitors to tlv Martin County Fair every year. SKPTEMBER, 20. 21, 22 and 2S. .... ' IH CUT URUING AFFRAI M High Point, July J. D. S.ttorsoi prominent High Point inorchunt, wa badly cut with a knife and K. A _>>lwt»rds, hi* store partner, suffers S severe bruisos on th* head who* th two men engaged in an afray in thei stase building in til* downtown sectio: of High Point shortly before noon U day. Sitterson is a putitne in a loci hospital and it was stated tonight tliot h»* would recover, -The encounter is said to have beeii the climax of ill-feeling existing lie twern the two men for the put* sev eiaJ weeks. Edwards gave his version of the af lair today. He says lie went to breaf fast and yvas qui al>out an h»qr. Upon his retarn he found that Sitterson ha. changed $1.16 to his account. KdwaiNh (Warding to his statement, asked Sit Muagn for an explanation, whe«tupon the latter replied *iiat he was "dock ing" him for bemg out so long. Ed wards said he remonstrated by stating that he was a member of tlie firm ami that at this juncture Sitteiaon struck him on the head wih a stick. Edwards said that after being boat en several times, he drew his lulife fl on? his pocket and was forced to use it on Sitterson in defense of his own life. Sitterson received three sevei cuts about the body.—Raleigh News and Observer. Editors, note: Mr. E. A. Edwards is a native oi Williamston, but moved with his fami 0 T K A N [1 0 TH.EATIE u —MONDAY— BEBE DANIELS ip »YOt) NEVER CAN TELL" RaUn Cassedy-r-'LiUI* Miss Jsn' i|oe and , 40c —TUESDAY— Pr WM. S. HART ia •THE CRADLE OF toURAGE* 20c ''■-• and 40c —WEDNESDAY—" NAZIMOVA ia THE lEAr 20c ad ■ ; ** THE ENTERPRISE AUTO RACES ON 15TH NOW A CERTAINTY (Julius S, Peel) Williarastun is to have at least one great midsumer celebration. This not only for the benefit of the local citi zens, but' to bring from many mile*. yfnuiKl the whole of Eastern Carolina ■ a large asseblase of people, who witi no doubt be glad to visit Wiliamsto. again, and others Who will learn loi the first time what a delightful little City we have down here, neailed a long the banks of the Roanoke. Fully three thousand people on Friday afternoon, July l. r >th will wlt -1 ness one of the most thrilling and daring automobile races ever staged in Eastern Carolina, 1 These racer* arc well known thru out the larger racing centers of the ' Atlantic Seaboard, and wfth their high-powered racing cars the compe tition for the handsome prizes will be worth while to every spectator. ' *Thrils aplenty wil be the topic of the day, and with the Fall fast ap proaching and the harvesting crop*, most everybody wil take advantage of~a day off und come to Williamston on the 16tli. The price of adniiosio will be with in reach of all, and very likely a base ball game, barbecue and entertain ment at night wil be added attrac tions . Willamston is prepared to handle the crowd, and with the wonderful facilities offered at the Martin County Fair Grounds the people wil have every opportunity of (feting their money's worth. This wil prove a biff lay for Wil liamston, and large numbers of people from all over thie section of North Carolina wil spend a delightful day in und about Town. ! CAMPAIGN IN COUNTY /TO PREVENT TYPHOID l >Kdut this time trftfiK year typhoid fever begins to make itself notice > able. ififrre and ther all over the i. county clinen appear. The summci d months, June, July and August air € the. bad months for typhoid. Septein ir b*f is little better. Flies furnish- t n mighty easy method of transmitting to have an opportunity, this numpier «1 d The Hoard of County Commissioner! getting protection again hi typhoid lbt iliwaNM from family to family. The people of this county are K«TIVT ma«le arrangement* with th( State Board of Health for free dis pensaries to Ik conducted in coaven tent placet* the county. That typhoid fever can be prevented, haii been amply proved right here in North Carolina. In 1914 there wen* 839 deaths. Improvd sanitation and vaccination are the reasona. Typhoid feveip •" ths mot «a«ily prevented of all the preventable dls eases. Anti-typhoid vaccination giver protection for at least three yep in and may he taken without inconvenience or fll effects. That i« why the county commissioners have arranged for the free dispensaries this sumaier. The treatment IK harmless and prac tically without pain. It causes no soift arms or upleasant after effects. It will not atop a person from engaging in any ordinary work. The treatment must blsasiroiaEJld shrdlshrdldwwyy is given hypoderoiically in the lefi arm. Three doses must be taken to be efective. A person so vaccinated ia immiiwft' from typhoid fever for at ieust three years. The Board of commissioners have a ranged with local dot-tors to adminis ter the treatment in this county. The anti-typhoid vaccine is supplied free by State Board Of Health. There will be no charge made and all people young and old, white and black, rich and poor are urged to take advantage of the opportunity thus offered. The place and time of each dis pensary will be announced at an early date. ly several months ago to High Point Mr. Sitterson is from Washington County and for a number of years was asociated with Julius S. Peel ir several business enterprises in West ern Carol inrf. .NOTICE If you want a nice tombstone 01 imnument as a memorial to some de parted friend or relative see, LEON B. STALLS ||gj Agent far the famous Georgia *,ar ble Williamston. Martin County. North Cat-otina, Friday, July Bth, 1921 COMMISSIONERS HOLD MEETING fhe Board of County Commissioner! of Matrin County met Tuesday ir. the Uourt House with the following mem liers present: John "J* Hassell, Chair man, B. L. Eong, Henry D. Green, Joshua L. Coltrain and Henry D. Peel. Ordered that James D. Casaell's al lowance lie discontinued from uate. Ordered that the Commissioners of Washington County be informed am. requested ttf act with the Commission ers of Martin County to repair Ward's bridge, dividing the two Counucs an, having be*i reported in bad condi tion. Ordered that Lizzie Puwis be al lowed $2 j>o per month from date. Ordered that C. D. Carstarphen b. relieved of taxes on property" value, at SBOO.OO, eror in listing Williamstoii Township. Ordered that David Close' allow ance be distinued. Ordered that George Bowers be aliowed $6.00 per month for three months. Ordered that Register of Deeds be instructed to purchase a County Home Book in' which to keep a record of the inmates being recived and discharge. Ordered that the fill be made at Yarrell's Bridge. Ordered that the Bridge at Daniel and Statons Mill lie repaired aad fill be made at one. SW>.OO issued to C. B. Heddick foi listing taxes in Cross Roads Town ■hip. 90.00 issued toPleny Peel For TM ing taxes in Griffins Towiudilp. 1126.00 Issued to T. H. Johnson foi listing taxes in Goose Nest Town ship. Motion made by B. L. Long, second ed by H. D. Pael, unanimously carried that Chairman and Clerk to Board IK authorized io L|rrow SBO,OOO for thi Boa id of Education pursuant to i Resolution passed by said Board. Ordered that Etephan Roddick hi i relieved of tax on SI,OOO. Ordered that Roanok Peanut Co bo Relieved .of $6.08 taxes improperlj listed. Ordered that Mrs. Maggie Floyd b» relieved of sl,lll taxe> i yip roper I; listed. Ordered that J. E. l»e re lieved ot $4.40 uixus Improperly list ' el. ' SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHI'ItCH A. V, Jnyner, P.islor Sunday school, A. M.—Dr. P H. Cons, Sgpt. Sermon by the pastor, II A. M. Sermon by the pastor, H:00 P. M 1 I'niyer Meeting Wodiiot-.lay ve.i h« 8:00 P. M. You are cordially invited to cittumi ul these (services. You will enjoy tlx music, and the paiftor wil try to bring you a helpful message. CHURCH OF THE ADVENT Rev. Walter H. Clark, Priext-in-clviigu - Services the seventh Sunday aftei Trinity, July 10th: ("lurch wheel, 9:4 ft A. M.— Harry M. Stubbe, Superintendent. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 :00 A. M. . Rrening prayer a'od sermon, HiOO P. M. A cordial welcome to all. TOWN COMMISSIONERS IN REGULAR MEETING At the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Williams ton Tuesday night, Mr. W. T. Meu dows was reelected Treasurer of tlx town for a term of two years. A water rate of $6.00 per ten thousand gallons was levied This a mount includes sewerage and metei charge and will be collected quailei- I r * The cellar of Peel-Criffia CoV building was reported in bad condition i and offensive to the town. Chief of : Pblice ti. F. Page and Or. W. fcJ i Warren, Health Officer were iastiix t ed to look into the trouble ami l!nv the fill cleaned oiA or covered. In the matter of day current the question was given to a committee composed of W. T. Meadg*/H and 8. R. Biggs for investigation, their report is to-be given at the next meeting. i 5 FOR SALE: At a bargain am 2C 1 horse power, Intel national Mogul En " gine, burns gasoline or kerosene and one 80 inch Meadows grist mill. J. A. AUSHAN RFD 1, Robersonville, N. C Jyß4 r Hemstitching and picoting attach ment works on any sewing m tchine easily adjusted. Price $2.60 with full -, Instructions. Oriental Novell y Co. I Box 11, Corpus Christi, Tax* , J Local lieivs and Personal Mention Y Miss Viola Walle| of Norfolk and Mr. Robert Collier of UiAporiu are visiting Miss Martha Simmons Mizellc • • • • lira. R. J. Peel toek her son Francis Peel to Norfolk Wednesday where lie will receive medical treatment. Mr. Clayton Moore has returned from a business ti/ip to Raleigh and Greensboro. • • • • Misses Lola Wynne and Daisy Wynne entertained Tuesday evening with a dinner party at the heme of their parents, Mi. and Mrs. L. B. Wynne .Their guests were Mrs. Harold Clark,. Mr. Willie Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Couch. • • » • The Philathea and Baracca Classes of the Baptist Sunday School enjoyed a picnic at Daniel and Staton's Mill yesterday. , v •e» • \ The members of the Melhodist of the Methodist Church are building an annex to the Church for a general class room for Sunday School aud for Epwovth League purposes. • ♦ » • Mr. R. M. Jackson of Fayettevillc, Secretary of Tho Martin County Fan Association is hi town this week at tending a meeting of the Association Directors and beginning preparations for the Fair which will be held Sept. 20-84 th. * e - • • • Mr. Burras A. Critcher went to Rale igh yesterday OIJ a business trip. • e • • Mr. J. Rufna Carson of Bethel an* 3. A. Carr ot Bethel have ret in to their homos after visiting then Mister, Mrs. Trulah Page. • • • » Miss Dorothy Dixofc returned to her hotne in Elm City this week by way_ ol l'urboro after visiting soma time in the home of Mrs. C. A. Harison. » » « • Dr. P. B. Cone has been attending a family reunion ia Spring Hope this week. He wil return Sunday night accompanied by Mrs. Cone at si chil dren who have been viaiting relativus upar Wilms for a month. » .# > * Min. J. G. Staton left this mom -tag for Virginia lieuch Where she will lie a guest at the Joy Cottage for MTV oral week*. • » m m Mr. nines Kdwln ltarroll spent the weekend in Norfolk. + ♦ • * Mr. and Mrs. Chilliie Fraley ami Mr. and and Mrsr John Fraley of Tarboro spent ths fourth with Mr. and MIH R.lohn L. I^igerson. » • • • Mr. Jolin Wadsworth of near New Hern is vi tiling his Aunt, Mrs. W. T. Hunter. •• • • Wti hav« noticed in the state (tapers Unit Senator W*. f{. S. Bur Kwyn of North Hampton County if in Raleigh this weak landing the ai. of his i'lni|u«ncn and personality the WIIII* uf Chowan College in Mur freMshoro at a Convention. Mr. Bur gywn visilod our towa recently anil convmeet*! us that ha is a powerful ally f'oi a good cause like the ahov« mentawed and we are sura that th •ampaign will be a success • • » • Mrs. Sallie A. Biggs is fitting ir Washington this week. • • • • Mr. ami Mr«. Albert Jones, Mr. am Mi*. Aithu; Couch ami Mr. Wlllii Jones returned to their home in l>ui mm Weiinesday by motor after ft ing the Fourth here with friends am relatives, . , • • » • Friends of Mr. I,uke I .anil) will b interested to know that he has beei appointed Chief of Deputies in tin Revenue Department at Raleigh am reported for duty In June. Mr. laml is a man of unusal brilliance and at i tainments and will lie an addition t ' his Deps itment. MI: I'IIKSBV I KHIANS ON THE HEtOND SUNDAY Kev. T. J. Wililinan will preach « | the Metliodist Church in Williumsto on Sunday morning ami at Mia ' school house in Popular Point in th afternoon and night. Last Sunday we had plenty of wan j weather, .but the Sunday school i Paremle broke the record for attem I ance. The new Sunday School und« the management of A. C. Wlldman I Roebuck's school house Is getting fine start. We need more teacher I He** is a splendid chance for consi crated one to lay up treasure I - Heaven. 1 666 cures Malaria, Chills and Fave , Bilious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe, l 1 money itfuisd. DAY CURRENT 1 --PROPOSITION /(Julius i>. l'eel) ' The matter of day current for ] Williamston is now the chief subject | of conversation in the business cu - . cles of Williamston, ami as this is one ofmueh importance, the final de cision for or against will haw a vital I effect upon the Town. " A large number of petitioners here, representing the leading commercial and professional life are very anxious that with our magnificent new power plant, we fully utilize same bv in stalling day electric current for the great benefit of our various shops, factories, garages, private residences, and a further inducement to outside investors, many of whom would de mand such facilities to reside or make investment here. The petitioners in this day current will be a paying proposition, and as a matter of fact it would be better to have day cur rent and tarn off the electric lights at midnight than to hive things as I they are at present This is a popular line of argument, and quite a reason able one. It would mako for a great ei and better Williamston, and at the same time be a saving con venience to a large number of people here. The Town Commissioners in their argument state that they have studi ed the matter carefully, going ex tensively into the facts and figures, and the udditionul revenue would not be sufficient to cover additional ex penses, — The Commissioners as a whole state they would like to see the day cur rent installed, but with a depleted treasury and the Town's liirtuice in a critical condition, they cannot consci entously add greater burdens to the Taxpayers I*r the present at least. The Commissioner*) report that even now the collection charges fer night current is quite a proposition, and with additional charges to private residences for the use of fans, wash ing machines, electric irons and other luxuries the matter of monthly col lections would still l«: a greater col lectiun proposition, and thai the vory few factories, shops, otc. to install day current is insignificant a* com pared *Mth additional, cost. The Commissioners are trying to serve the best Interests of the Town, an dthls without remuneration or thanks to themselves, and already several on the Hoard are threatening to resign. Kven now w« are threaten ed with Injunctions, und other court procedures by past due creditors, and to tuko any changes of adding a further debit to the City Treasury Is indeed -poor hueiness administration. With Hi" coming of a reaction from tlio pi*sei,« acute financial condition of thin immediate section, and a settle- itu)iii somewhat of .tin fiaancial af- s fairs of Wllliamston, then, anil then , only, can we in justice to tho tax- | ,Hiyur» install thla extra current when t all tho ptesent figuros show con- | cluslvely it will for the timo Imi a | lotting prupustion. I Above in submitted imparlially both | sides of tho ffueation. Tharu ale lead ing l>usliiebs man hers IMJIII in favor anil against the day current, HO it it a matter not for the individual to div cida without full Investigation ' BEAUFORT TO PAVE i WASHINGTON ROAD , —_ / On Wednesday the Beaufort Coun Ty Road Commission acting with the J Stat** Highway Commission opened bids for the construction of a hard surface,rouil from the corporate limits f 0 f Washington to the Martin County n Una a distance of 10.6 miles. Nine * bide were submitted. f Tha lowest bid was mado by W. T '' Hadlow of Jacksonville, Ha, at a lprku of $2.90 a square yard for i%n --' Irate and SB.BB for asphalt concrete. / This bid for concrete e|UulH $82,400 -r per mile and- for asphalt ooncret- ( $U6,000 per mile. The Commlsioh has recommended to the State Highway CommUion that ' it accept the bid for asphalt concrete. " and the State Commlslon Is expected _ to pass upon flame within the next few day*. The bid calls t»r the com pletion of the work by July Ist, 1922 m and the contractor stated that he would be at work in about three weeks after the binning of the contract. The lowest bidder on the bridge* 1 and culverts was also W. T. Had* R at a total price of $81,907.60. ' n NOTICE I I forbid anybody housing my wife, Jennie Brlley, under penalty of law if, unless she will agree to give me s »r divorce at once. J. W. BHILEY. RECORDER'S COURT IN REGULAR SESSION The weekly session., of Recorder's Court of Martin County convened Tues day July 6, with J. C. Smith presiding and B. Duke Critcher prosecuting in behalf of the State. I 2. State vs S. E. Bynum—Violating March and seizure law, scifa continu ed until Ist Tuesday in August, 1921 * 3. State vs Henry Bowen and Hay wood Whitaker—Assault deadly wea pon, continued till first Tuesday in August, 1921. 6. State vs J. W. Briely— Assualt, Prayer for judgment. Prayer continu ed till the Ist Tuesday in July, 1921: upon payment of cost. 5. State vs Sylvestqf Brown and Radar Brown, operating automobile while intoxicated. Plead guilty. Prayer for judgment. Player continued upon payment of cost till first Tuesday in November, 1921, and defendants en tering into bond, each in the sum of SIOO.OO for their apearance on said date and show that each has paid sum $5.0.00 as a fine. 4. State vs Levi Lloyd—Carry concealed Weapon, plead guilty. Fined | $50.00 and cost, given until first Tues day in Ooctober to pay fine and aost uopn his entering into bond in tin sum of SIOO,OO to insure said pay ments. 7. State vs Thad Moore--Operating automobile whUe intoxicated. Sentenc ed to public roads of Edgecombe Coun ty.. From which judgment the defend ant appeals to the Superior Court. Ap peal bond fixed at $150.00. 9. State va Charile Jackson- Non support #f wife. Sentenced to Edge combe County roads for a term ol ninety days. 8. State vs Thad Moore—operating automobile without licence, plead* ijuilty. Judgment suspended upon the paymont of cost. ' 10.' State vs Charlie Jackson —As- sualt with deadly weapon, sentenced to public roads of Ldgecombe CoUnt> for term of six months. 11. State vs Theodore Rogers—Non support of wife, not guilty. SUMMER SCHOOL IS VERY SUCCESSFUL TJ»e combined Summer School of Washington and Martin Counties is proving itself a success. Theiu is a large number of students enrolled from both counties. Miss McFayden of tho Greonvjlle Training School, Supervisor of this District, organized the work before Wvalng yesterday, for Red Oak to attend a school there Mrs. Summerell of Edenton is instruc tor In history, civicti and sehool 1 management. Miss Iedu Tripp of Ay -1 den (s teaching mathematics, reading and Knglish, and Miss Kmraa Robert Hon hi giving primary methods • anc writing. Good progress is beirfg made tha local school building is com for table and even in tha excessive h*at for the puplis ami pleasant home* have been found for them. The fol lowing program was given on the Fourth by the members of the class: Song: .Star Spangled Manner. Histroy—Facts leading up to Dec. 2nd, Miss Christine Hodges. The Meeting at I'giiadelphia— Mrs ,Sexton. Declaration Of Independence— Bead by Miss Kstelle Crawford. Life of Adama— Bi is B. Williams. l.lfe »f Jefferson —Miss Irene Smith Results of Declaration of indepen dence — Mr. Manning. Song- Battle Hymn of the Republic Song —America. Announcements made by Mr. J. L. Peel. NORTH CAROLINA BONDS FOR BALE—BUY A BONDI Bills opened in my office in Raleigh at 12 o'clock, Friday, July 16th. For building god roads and educa tional and charitable institution North Carolina i» issuing bonds in de nominations of SIOO, S6OO and SI,OOO. rYtott can boy a SIOO non-taxable 6 per cent bond for SIOO and accrued in I terest, which amounts to $100.21. Thii beats a 6 1-2 per cent ' vestment. Bids for S6OO and' ' bonds will require a check for 2 per ' cent of the amount bid. With a SI(M bond no check is required. There h no better way to Invest your savings. ! Aply to me for further information. » B. R. LACY, State Treasurer. NOTICE All people who wort for hire p n automobiles or trucks must pay e license fee of SIO.OO or be liable U the law. H. T. ROBERSON, Sheriff / .. —— i C 66 has more Imitations than an] other Fever Took on the uaifcet, bul ho una wants iadtatfoaa « IP YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USB A WANT AD IN THE EMEIFBISB ESTABLISHED 1898 PEANUT GROWERS IN ENTHUSIASTIC INEETINGTUESDAY The Martin County members of the Peanut CJrowers Exchange met at the courthouse in Wiiliamston on Tuesday at 3 P. M. Before the beginning tike session Mr. Abram Roberson, Chair man of the Cotton-Tobacco Organiza tion was called to the chair and stat ed, that a short session of the Cottoa- Tobacco farmers would be held for the purpose of affecting an organi zation. Mr. Joseph Swain of the Cot ton Growers Association of Raleigh was introduced and made a rfiort but interesting speech filled with much valuable information relative to cotton and then introduced the teams who are to hold meetings during this week ad next. Mr. Harry Waldo then came to the front and made a cracking good short speech on the peanut organisation and gave in detail the plan for elect ing a county director. Mr. Waldo ap pointed W. C. Manning secretary of the meeting and Mr. J. A. Evaratt of Palmyra and Mr. C. A. Askew of Jamesville as tellers. Only two names were put before the meeting, Dr. Jno. D. Biggs and W. C. Manning. Tha vote resultd in 29 vots cast for Dr. : Biggs and 16 for Mr. Manning. Upon motion by Mr. Manning tha election of l)r. Biggs was made unanimous. A motion was made and uimnimeualy carried call ling a county masting to be held at the Courthouse ib Wllliam ston on Tuesday Oct. 20th at 2 P. M. for the purpose of discussing the pea nut situation. Then Mr. Waldo was asked to finish his speech on tha peanut situation, which Va* did briefly, Among other interesting things mentioned by Mr. Waldo was that In the opinion of the peanut authoritiea Wiiliamston and Windsor take lass care of their pea nut crops than any other communities in the state and that they loaa larga sums of money each year because of such lack of care in handling their peanut crop. One othor very Interesting thing that Mr. Waldo mentioned was tha fact that in the opinion of peanut ex perts the l>est peanuts in tha United States are raised around the town of Wiiliamston and that the soil and climate of this immediata vicinity is better fitted for raising paanuta than I that of any other part of tha Uattad ( States. The organisation of the p4hnnt a»- [ sociationa means the passing of tha peanut crop out of the poaw »f tha ' trusts. And though they say that It requires both money and brains to i It audit' the peanut and that the farm ers havie neither, they will sea. SALE OF LANI) FOK TAXES North Carolina Martin County I, H. T. ltobernon Sheriff of Mar tin County have this Jay levid on the following tracts or I'arcaia of land and will «ell tha same at public auction for cu*h before tha Court Houaa door of Martin County on tha Ist day of August 1921, for the taxea duo and unpaid for the year 1920. Wnleae tha taxes and coat are paid on or before that dale. This the 6th»day of July 1921. H. T. ROBERSON, Sheriff. Williamaton Townahip Cowen and Godard, 1 town lot, tarts 7.88, cost 2.00 total #.83. Manning Wn. L., 1 town lot 2.98, coat 2.00 total 4.tfß. Teel J. A., 1 town lot 2.20, coat 2.00 total 4.20. Colored " , Hodges Dailay, 90 acrea Rea. tuai 66.14, cost 2.00 total 68.14. » Croaa Koada Township Meek s D. J. 7 arraa wooda tend taied 16.88 coat 2.00 total 17.88. Colored . ' Little Fernando 42 acraa Roebuck land taxes 29.04, coat 2.00 total 81.04. KobereouvilU Township 1 Whichard J.' Henry, 1 towa lot, I'ureiule taxea 8.65 cost 2.00 total ' I 0.&6. **:::■■■■■*>- _ ■ *--• Hamilton Towaaklp Mallard M. W. estate 8 towa lota Hamilton taxes 29.67 coat 8.00 total 81,67. ' * - r Notice ia hereby given that I dull demand a d*!e dfrom the town tax tel> K lector of the town of Willi aw at aa provided by law for that lot of land ' sold to ma on the 7th day of June, 1920, by C. F. Page, Tax Collector and being Helen Whit'a later* m one town let ia Williamaton (or the 1 taxes due and unpaid qp anid lot for a the year 1910. Unless Redemption ia o made aa provided by law. This the second day of July. Ifßi. JOHN H. MinCil ff. f TAKEN UP: ONE BLACK SW4L t low eared hog. For MM apply to W. R. Harrison.