Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1300 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 54 Ft leral Reserve Bunks Keadv • ' to Kxtend Credit in Order to Facilitate Marketing of drops In view of the vital importance of the problems incident to the Jtarv»vt ing and-marketing of the coming cot ton i iop, the Federal Reserve Board today held a conference -with tin' goveinors of the Federal Reserve iiank of Richmond , Atlanta, St. Louis, Kansas City, Italia-, banks j located in or brought in closest touch with the member bank.-, in the cotton rtates, for the purpose of reviewing liie credit situation in these states, and determining v>. lutt fuither credit will be needed to facilitate the harvest ing, and orderly mfiikcting of this crop » The FeJeiitl Reserve Boaid and the Governors of Hie Federal Reserve Bank-. anounee that the Federal lie eive Hanks, in addtl ion to credits already extended, are able and si iad ready to extend lurthei credit lot tfei; purpo e of baivesting and marketing the coming crop, in whatever amount may legitimately be required, either directly to their member banks, 01 undei a ruling now issued by the led i ral » serve Board, indirectly to lion meui'Vi'i banks acting through the * agency anil wdn the endorsement iT i iiem'-er bank. I hese loans wi 1 be upon notes, drafts an t biis of ex change issued or drawn in acciii.nce with the terms of the Federal Re serve Act und the r» gulation.- of the Federal Reserve Bond, fo rthe h-irves ing or orderly maike'-.:ig of tli.• coin ing cotton flop. * In onk'i, however that tit e d ■ discount facilities of the I rtl lal Re serve Ranks may be nu de fOtly effec tive it vvlll be necessity -b' ' membei batiks in the cotton st; to.' phlc 1 their lu.'.tiiiiK facil tie- I reel > at ibe dis liosal of cotton producer- and »letdei> in their respective locahno: with the knowledge and assurance that tin "••Federal Reserve Rank: recognize tin "urgency of rendering tdl pr.-per a sist a rice to these iinpo u.'it interest: during ucb abnormal time , Mr. Meyer, Managing Director ol tile War Firaticfl oi pot t.iio'i, who at Ten*li'il tin con ft .react icvicvCed the ftlie VV; i Finance Cot poi • ution in making loiiils for fina..rrng i cotton for imiiieibate and future. e.\ ' port, tiuvtrrnoi Stro-.g, id '.lie Federal Reserve Rank of New _Voi k, .and i e J presentatives id' tciU'.ili New York] iiu inbi f banks. w if al»o invited to r ytbe conference to discuss the nece.-sity or advisability of having vttriom menial banks through the country establish a fund lor the purpose of making loans upon cotton. In view ol -„,4be conclusions reached by the con • ferenee an to the idiility of the Federnl Reserve Ranks effectively ,to take care of all the legitimate iei|iiir Mnent of the'cotton interests, it was felt thai' that tin' establishment of -uch a fund lit this time i.> neither necessary noi 'advisable. Gov ( nor Strong suited;' howevei, thai he had received otur ahce» from a imniber of important banking in v titutior.s iti New- Vork City that if the facilities now offered-hj 'The Federid Revive Rank: and tin' Wai FiiHKiee Corporation shouhl jnjuv to be'lnadequate, they will co-operate in the e-tubrisliinent of a cotton loan ,'nnd in whatcvei amount the situ ition might demand. ' . Si MEDITATION How can so many people attend ■ lie 'Movies" every night owing noney like they do is beyoi d the omprehension of their cVedt'.oiv. We , ropuse they close the moving p+eture how until \money gets easier. It . '.ley* quit s]p#hding money every-night ik k' ev ' pictures they can at least ay pail of the interest on what t hey owe. QTR A N n 11?: THEATRE 1J ——m^rnmmm—mmmmm——— MONDAY— Fl All MMERSTEIN in r K "PLEASTRE SEEKERS" h. "-"JOc and 4(>c —Tt'ESDA Y A Cosmopolitan Production — L H E I 1 > 1 K O I' I '" ■■ 25c and Sjf* —WEDNESDAY— "THE HOPE" With an all-Star caM 8 0e and 4i)c THE ENTERPRISE WILSON MINISTER IS SHOT FROM AMBUSH \V iljoli, July Js. - I In' assassination of nev, hums feat sou, pa.slot ol Snt toil ctiuuli in la\ioi n tovvnsliip, neat tne -Nash county line, Tuesday after tioott between sunset anil ttaik, Wil; one ot Hit- most dastardly v't'itiie e\ e r coinimttei in tlson county. IHe deceased had not known enemy in the w oild. *' Al the coronet's inquest nothing was brought out that would lead W ibc incrimination oj the par*._\ who Committed deed, but the siipjio-ition , leads ti> the tteliel that.: Oiiic TIMIOET Inner in the ueightio: I ood is idle tor the crime, owing to Mi'. Pearson's frequent up pials to h 1 tolowiis to lead lieLLet •Inca and bleak up the illicit manu facture and s.ile of into> icallts in every foriti. '. Ins is the only supposed motive for tn.s'nood muir untiiiK'l) li king oil. Ilie II ye.;r old son of Mr. Peuisun I'onald, and In.-! son-in-law, liutoeii Rrantelyt neaul the fatal hoi iut at the tune tnought nothing of it, as. shooting in 1 ie neighborhood i.-, tmlh itig out of tin orduiary, 4 -.-ut hall hour after tiie "shot was hea'd and decea. i d failed to show up ' I snppei .Wr. Hrant»'\ and the ln> went to the hog pea and found lun lead' na\nig been slain I loin cliiliu. li. ill hack was literally pep|«re-1 with \o.. ■I slti't and several entered behind the bit ear which cause' in.-tant death. Theif-'s no tangible clue Mufl Witt leitd to the crime. Ml>iS t,l S Ht»sS M VIOOKD Aniiouncemeiit of the mat oj Miss tiladys Ross, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. 1,. 11. Ross of this city, was received yesterday in a wire to bet parents from I'dnt Mountain where Miss Ross was visiting friends, to t rain VV. Sltioot. Miss Ross and sistei Miss Amanda Ros left here Friday night loi Pilot Mountain, lire wire .did not state v\ iu'iv—tlii' mat I laf/e took place. Mis. Siiiool has bee'T employed as secretary to p. 1..' "Aftllley of. the city schools [or several yetti- ."*|'rioi to this she .tauKbt in schools of Mai tin county. Mr. Smoot was.a Wash mgton resident for a year and travel led for the Harris Hardware to, Jle r now travelling for it HaltmuiT - " • house.' It is not known where tin couple w ill make their home.- VS ash ington Dail News. 't he announcement above frill be e ' iutere t to the many flMluls of Mis. Smoot wlni knew her when lie taught in the Martin county schools. Shi! is , pt neice ot Mrs. A ,;i J. Manniitg anil " fra y r nuil(, r wo lira no til n usirlrhiten ete t J and attraction. SCO! T FROM V\ EI.DON PASS THROI i.H HERE Tile Scouts from VVeldon ' down the Roanoke to Ocean View i passed Uilliamstort yestenlay. '1 here.- were nineteen in tin- patly and they te,potted a very successful as .well as enjoyable trip so far. Their boat "The Vincent" was built by -them selves under the directions of tliei ' Scout Master and it was chi.stened and launched at VVeldon Saturday. It has an eighteen horse power en gine and can make good headway. * With the boys-are Rev. Hayman, Dan ' 1.. Byrd and Elder Snipes. The,i.r plan.' 1 are to spend two weeks cruising and ' one week at the View. Scouts Sam ' Rliem anil Curtis Gregory visited their Grandparents, Capt. arid Mrs - J. C. Rhem while moored here. ' TO REPEAL EXCESS PROFIT TAX Washington, July 28.—Repeal of the excess""profits tax, a reduction in the surtax to«HS or 40 .per rent and an increase in the income tax on cor porations is all the ways and means committee will ofer byway of tax revision, Representative ' Garner, oi ' .Texas, ranking Democrat of that committee, predicted today in the houae. ... CAMPERS RETI'RN ' ~ The Rea's Reach rampers returned Wednesday with a heavy coat of tan ■full of pep, and lots of enthusiasni ' over the trip. Not only did the boy generate- a lordly supply of pleasure and Joy for themeslves but were si. . thoroughly pleasing to the beach pio prietors they were invited to spenr another week at camp .free of charge In this day it? is truly nice to heai young people spoken so well of. -H Land Plaster for sale For good prices on Land Plastei m He, Harrjson Bros, and Co. ■ # " • . ! ' r- 7 Williamston, Martin County North Carolina, Friday, July 29, 1921. BETTER MARKET HERE THIS YEAR, Tie to have been pwi 1 out that the Imperial and some pthPr Tobacco' Companies would not have bujer- in the VV illiain-toii Maiket thi yeni That new- i- tal-e howevei a . the litiperml has a I read \ f»mtt:n l« with Mi; I'. V\ tiraves, who i, one of tin lii t buyers in the country. Ii ! addition to buy iiiK for the In pi i. Tobacco t'ompaiiy lieie Mr. tiia\e» .will aNo handle vast quallitie- of tl.e Imperial Tobacco Compayn's tobacco bought on other markets at the teait plant lieie. Mr. VV. T. Meadow- will also-be at Ins same old job buying for the Export for which Company he litis worked for for many years. In additio nto these t'oinpanies. Key nolds ' 1 iggett and Myers, "The A inencaii, J. I'. Taylor and Co., and several of the smaller Companies will he represented. The names of the buyers will lie given in a few week . From pi sent -piospects VV illiunistoii will have a larger.and better market this year than ever before in it hi story. I'll VI TAI tjl A REINt; DIM KIMI NATED AGAINST News despatches from Washington a few days ago carried the brief in qua Association had appealed to the Interstate Commerce Couiini»:,sion a gainst discrimination against them by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and other railroads in the matter of fares and 11 aiispoi tilt ion of baggage. A inn people hero are "much interested in the Chautauqua, and this-season have through this splendid enterprise en joyed some unsually fine entertain merits, The "Enteiprise" takes pleas ure in presenting the facas back ol the action referred to to its readers. In Railroad tariff, Chautauqua is classed frith theatrical companies and circuses, and these schedules call foi the free traiispliltatiou of baggage when there ure-lib or more persons in ■ the company traveling with it. This ' covered virtually every theatrical IroupM and circus. Hie baggage is thus cat l ied free even thoug,h handled ' daily for companies making one-night stands. The Chautauqua plan calls. I'm the shipment of its baggage and equip meat ahead, and the ilivihoii ol >1 ' entertaining forces into groups which vary llie VnTeffaiiiment eacb^''TtjnC'ftTT" it 'hautaoqua -eastin ot live days and night in addition to the' execotivi fotces, there are at least •>.'! enter tainei ot r l»o' and a hail times the ' liilllin'ililii tlieat I icat liuinbi I, .and the baggage is handled approv itivalely one each week iiisti-ad of every day, thoie by requiting About one fifth the sei vice given the theatiic.'il troupes. Because the huggagc is not caitied with the company , the railroad make 1 an additional charge (of Unity i> cent a mile to move it Chautauqua I does not object to. tills, even Ihoirgli I - - jtis t it-t-- w ottlil s«'i-to to tt-i|ti Hi lls free transportation. But what Chautauqua does most vigorously oh v .ject to' i.- the fact that in addition to this charge, it must purchase ten ' passenger tickets ill spite of the fact i that this 'many more than are need i, ed for those (vlio travel in charge of - the baggage. Chautauqua believes I that when it pay* the lluity-six cent; 1 a mile lot baggage trunsportatii n and- full fate foi all of its forces, whether with the baggage or not I I is doing all that can be honestly and ■ justly expected, and that the requii" - merit to purchase tickets it does not • need is an outrageous imposition. i 'This excessive charge amount; to f thousands pf dollars ill the course ol I a season arid in much more than Ch:tu- II tauqua can stand. It therefore l ues I the alternatives of .increasing... .C '-charges or lowering its itanlaids, and the latter it will not i'j Chau f ailT fii a" Tie Tie ve s tl i ;il"~wlT( r n Ti" " friends' and supporters are made fully f aware of the facts, iiiibiic setniintnt " will be flVoused to such an e/tent that il the railroads will he forced to yield and play fair. Canadian railways -lo s not discriminate, „nil in tli. s country * thp Pennsylvania and Southern Rail d ways recognize the justice of , the it claim and are willini" to grant it c but are prevented by t;ie other tail oads. CHt'RCH OF THE ADVENT 1,1 j n. Services for the 10th Sunday ■» Trinity, July 31st. 's Church School, 9:45, Harry M e Stubb.St Superintendent. o Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11 J- A. M., Sermon Subjects—" Reason in )- d Together." e' Evening Prayer and Sermon, 8:(W ii p. M. Sermon Subject —"Come ant See." Choir Practise Saturday at 8:01 P. M. ei Rev, Walter B. Clark, Priest-in 5 charge. I. ' i Local News and \ Personal Mention f~ —; r j Mr. Ihurnian Cowper of Raleigh i ' | visiting his G ratidmot her, Mi.-,. Jinny ! Moore. » » » . Mi. Rowland Cinwford have- i . j 'morrow lot Baltimore wlice lie wml, 1 la-j I lie VVetein IdeLUll'-Uoinpiiijj Mis Maigaiet Ala'ining i tunic.l j steiday Io I 111 Nut where .he | tia- been V is| t lUg Mi - - IC id it Kolicit -oi several davs. .... Mi-. Ji-liii 1., kogci-on ard -In 'lien have returned from Tnrhoin. I .ithei ( laik and Ins chddicn oi the I pi copal Sunday School enj.i,\e.i an old fashioned picnic at the Ifie •Mill ye leniiH. Everything tit the li.n d 10...1 l unn-i liu'k. n to watermelon 'and ice en am v\:-s lu'id and the day w is .pent in swimming and gunie-, l. i tin- children. A large nunibei m ont;\de friends were honored with an imitation to the festival and The Kn tei prisei epi esentative call testify , for .hcin all that the picnic was a genuine success. . • • • Mis Muude Hall of Eli/.ab. tli City i visiting Mr. and Mrs. John I. li.-gei sou this week. ♦ • • * Me is. C. IJ. Cm'.stuiphi ii, jr. and i "i te*/. tin .-n have returned'" fniin a tup to Virginia Beach. » ♦ • • tivving to several wrecks between v\ 1111 ii 111 ton and Richmond our supply d neu spa pel was delay ed in reaching U"*-4jm week and our Tuesday's issue me out Thursday afternoon instead ot Tne- day afternoon. ♦ » ♦ * A sin ill*' party are enjoy ing a Camp i' ii e iqqx r down tit the Fountain of Vnith on the Koauokc this ufternoon. 1 Ililse in tli party ate Misses V ada, i'.-.i and Nell Wynne, Miss tjcace Ib.liiie id I.y in lihurg and Miss Daisy Shaffer of Norfolk, tin l house guests ii Miss Eva W'ynnc, Misses Annie l.amli and Daisy Manning, Messi*R Jake Biggs, K. Haxstuii, VV. ('. Manning, jr., VV illiam Ciii starphen, Honey and Hugh Morton. ' i*» * « VI i . It. F, Shelton is vis||ni|. her brother, I >r. .1 !•'. "" ' v. ek. '. . . . Mi I I Williams spent Thursday meld hi Clifton vi ding friends. • • f • ~ "Mr "tfohni; IC; ttotiiT-on *an-l Mi - I inii-e ■Hairison i etui lied ye Icrday II "in Virginia lleach wehei they had been visiting at the cottage occupied 'u Mis 1 ill jla Wynne and Mr*. I'e.rley II row n. ♦ • • • Mi Stella Ward ha letiiined from i vei v plea: ant tup lo 11 iends in VV.i In lit* ton . \ Mr-. I.e. lie Eiivvden and -on, 9, -ie jr., will let 111 II tiililotloW flight i I roll' )teen when* tliey have been i visiting the loriiiei'ii t lei, Mr i ijoiivvill. In traveling one ,-ees the euliie i - millll y side in Martin county lighted i up al night by the fires of the tobacco l burns. Tin- samples of the weed on exhibition at the bank are -nice f pecimens of sand lugs arid the gen - era I quality of this season's average i good. More weight and a liettei t color aie predominant throughout the |»« « • I Miss Maitlia Louise Anderson re turneif from Rocky Mount Wednesday I where she has been visiting her cousin Miss Gladys Keel. i•* • » » i Mr. Stut/. representative of lllaw Knox Steel Form Co, of Pittsburg, .. I'a., returned to Ins home tins morning after completing his putt of the work t.rt "the Roanoke Bridge. — • ♦ • • l.igtning burned • severul—lines »f , the Williamston Telephone Company's , 6able on Main Street recently, Mr. I C'lapp of Washington - bai* lieen in ,1 town, repairing them. As a result of (J the lightning all parties above the Atlantic Hotel "have been without . telephone service for two days. • • • • Mr. J. C.' Gardner of .Turboroj ltistrict Engineer is in town today inspecting work on the Roanoktj Highway. . A ROAmjMPROVING It is very gratifying to the travel- I ing public to see the work now going on on the Cross Roads and Bear Gi'Rs.i roads. The dragging in Williamston g is actually improving our roads,. The Slperint*ndent Mr. J. W. M"i'tin cl it Tarboro has put some new. life in the tl Williamston gang ad they are now doing the best work they have ever it) done. The work referred to is being done by the' State. There! salso good l- work being done In Williams, Grif fin « mnd Jamesville Townships. J 1 . vX PRICE OUTLOOK VERY UNCERTAIN We hern many answers to the above ' questions and so far as wo have heard |no farmer has tiny information on I this subject, more than a guess. We | have been led to believe that tlie world I i tluuded with both cotton and tobac Ico mid would he ovi'i'iuii with pea j nuis just as soon as digging time -comes. There is some douln about' the truth o{ any all of these ate now saying that there is going to I i.e a cotton shortage very soon and tin- outlook now is that tli -re wilt l>. it lulu hundred million pound short age in tobacco. Aml why should v>a have tto hopes? Hood clops will sejl lot lair prices even this year, one of the mo't things to, do is to raise oiiietlrilig good. (ilHKtil \ I'EAI II CROP SI'RI*ASSES VI.I. RECORDS Shipments ol' peaches and water melons "for the !!>'JI season have sur passed all previous records. Accoid in g'.n figures compiled by the South em Railway system from ol'l'iciul sources, 111,'Jtil t'iii s id poaches had been .hipped from Georgia lip to July l!!_' iiiul tin' is expected to i iln above 10, fit 10 cars. In l!''2H Georgia shipped fi.tili.'i ears watermelons still to be shipped, Georgia has already passed the total for H'Utl. Iji ty July Tti Georgia had shipped Hi, 110 cars of watermelons, and shipments since then have run a hove IMi ears per day. The results show that there was no ground for apprehension expressed early in the season that the Georgia pcmliws and melons would not move this year. Prices received by grow ers have been quite satisfactory, The Atlanta Journal estimates the return received by Georgia growers from these two crops so far at ten mil lion dollars. Favorable weather Con tinues. Improved transportation fa cilities and better methods of mar l keting are among the factors which have contributed to the success of the Georgia producers. I I VSS OF ORPHANS COMING (In Monday night, August Hlb at the Court lliui-e the Falcon Dipl..ill ai-c Class under the supervision of Mr. ( 11. Sti irkln.i l, will give If rental goad program ~lld it is the i|d ' ot the town To id end their eiileiiaiti j liieiil, 'The T'alcon Orphanage i- a m n d--in >i 11 iii ;i tin ii-11 i I itiition and liinbor ami cares for" the unfortunate littb I ones regardless ril their caste or cieed Such Work need coopeial ion and hellU 4 .f It is asked why aren't the street f ol' William lon dragged. I beie is not inure dangerous thoroughfare m the Slate tban Watts Slieot, Simmon Avenue, Cluii#h Street tilid in fail every streit in Uiwii almost. It is di g listing to ride- tli rough our village ami have the life buinp"d out ol you afleit paying a inytch Tor taxes ii residences ot' VV illiiilnstou pay . One thorinigh scraping and dragging will at least make them, passable. Willi our City Fathers tf'y'it? J J FOR SAI.E One Henthah'peanul picker and an eight horse power Stover .kerosene engine. Will sell either or both cheap on time orf or cash. J W. GREEN, City Route one ANNOUNCEMENT Itev. I.C. I.arkin wilt hold his regu htr services at the Methodist Epi-co , ptil Church Sunday night at eight a' ; duck. There will be no morning ser ; vice as Mi I.arkin will be in llaini - Ibm then. Notice in hereby given that tli* partnership of Sanders and I'owdj'n i composed of Joseph 11. Saunders aim r Leslie Fowden, has been dissolved a Fowden having bought out the t interest of Joseph 11. Saunders, and assumed the obligations of the par tnership. All persons indebted to the Afirtn of Saunders and Fowden will I'lsettle with Fowden. M 'This iliiy of July 1921. f. ' JOS. 11. SAt'NDERS LESLIE FOWDEN —. i NOTICE All who worf for hire on atitomobileH or trucks must pay e a license fee of $ 10.00 or be liable ti it the law. e . H. T. ROBERSON, Sheriff t ... . —— ; e Stiayed; One dark colortnl sow, weigh v ing about 100 ponds, marked crop in r the right ear, has been at my honif g about a week. * » d Owner will come for same and pay '-j cost. . * 2j26p2f / JAMES OUTTERBRIDGE R F D 2 tr ' THE SIGN-UP CAMPAIGN FOR COITON GROWERS With North Carolina cotton grow ers Hearing their goal in the sign up for cooperative marketing, it is probable „|hat some of the larger cot ton producing counties will not be in cluded in the organization the first ' seasun,according to Campaign Mana 1 jjre! A. W. Swaiin of Kaleigh. ' Glowers i nthese counties yet have 1 • time to put on membership drives be- 1 lore September 1, but once the goal of UIKi.tHIO bales is reached intensive 1 campaigns will not be arranged from the headquarters office. 11 rowers Jiving in counties where local interest is not sufficiently a- ■ wake to put on a real sign up cam paign may find themselves on the • out.Mde once the cotton marketing as- i soii.ition is formed and will have to i wait until another season to obtain i the benefits that will be assured to i all member* when organized. I "It is now certain", says Mr. Swain i "that North Carolina growers who i have already signed up for cooper- i ative marketing will never have to i Mump' another crop of cotton on the i market after this fall. Their cotton will be sold in an orderly, intelligent manner and because of the waste in the present dumping system, coop- I [members will receive better prices than growres outside the marketing _ a? -octalurn." i ("AMI'S DISCONTINI'KI) John W. Weeks, Secretary of War has announced the discontinuance of all Army Camps except four. Those to be kept intact are in New Jersey, Kentucky, Texas an! Washington This decision gives a right fair distri bution, one in the north east, north west, south and center. Camp llragg in North Carolina and Camp Jackson in South Carolina will both be aband oned soon. The Government recently purchased 135,(MM) acres of land f r ( a rifle range and the Cumberland County people were hopeful that Hrag would be selected for that purpose i but the War Department took a ilif f ferent view. The best policy is to hold the land, think of peace and keep out of war. A N I'ISANCK The dragging of rope > and chains through the streets by automobiles and 11 ucks .seems to be rigli'. popular ail trcuks seems to he right poi r ■of Ihle. It semi?- that - a log truck will pass along instead of taking in the chains used in pulling out logs I hey are left free to drag along the .street, to raise a cloud of dust and - cut up the ilirt. An automobile truck will go out to pull a far in And will permit a long rope to drag and raise enough dust to stifle the travelling public. It would not be" uncharitable to take these ropes and chains In and people .should be made to it. SiwVHCS AT HAITI ST (111 Kill A. V. Juyner, Factor Sunday school, !l:4f> a. ni., I'l. I' ( H. Cone, Xupt. Sermon by the pastor, 11 a. rn. Sermon b ythe pastor, S- p m I l'rayer meeting Wednesday even I, ing H: o'clock / You aie cordially invited to atteud all the e services. , NOTICK The local doctors Will give you the , Typhoid Caccine and toxin, antitoxin againi-t diptheria .each Saturday. Hours 9 II A M , 4 ti I'. M at their offices in Williamston. Those that have not been vaccinated iin three . years boiild take this treatment. Wm. F. WARREN ; / NOTICK you want a nice tombstone ei mi nuinent us a memorial to some de parted friend or relative see ' I.KONK. STALLS Agent for the famous Georgia Tilar r „ ' ble Monuments II I Found: One black male pig about nix ~ months old .unmarked, has been at ,| my feeding pen for severul week i. ■ owner will please come for him and ~ pay expense. 2j26,i II J. K. JUNKS, R. F. D. 4. City. FOR SALE: At a bargain one 20 horse power, Tnteinktional Mogul En gine, burns gasoline or kerosene and] one HO inch Meadows grist mill. J. A. AUSUAN n R F I) 1, Rol>eiHonvllle, N. C. ~ Jyß4 „ • ( FOUND: One bunch of keys at J. M. Oakley'} mail box on Hamilton road. Owner can get key* by apply-' ing at The Enterprise office. Ii n Cflflcures Malaria, Chills and Fever, le Bilious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe, or money refunded. - ' V ' X. •y • • ■ ■ —-—— - as — !f» Ga*oliue, 26 cents per gallon at C. 3 D. Camtarphen 4 Co. ti IF VOU WANT QUICt RESULTS USE A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 FARMER WRITES HIS EXPERIENCE WITH PASTURES I lit: middle of August in about the end of the season lor preparing per iiiiauvnt pasture* and the farmers of 'OUT county should not allow this peri od to paas without making arange m.-ius lot the lutrue food of their stock. The preparation iheuld be I, follows: hirst break the soli deep, .*ecyad oioudcast all available barnyard ina Hire and then double cut with .uirrow twice. Fourth, broadcast twy ions of agricultural lime per acre, .larrow three times with mmything a a trow going the oposit* way each nun-. Then let it stand until tbf first good rain in September at which time run the smoothing harrow over it tw li e, harrowing opposite ways as Del ore. By tying a brick to the outside coiner of the harow one will be en ul>lel to mark off the land in streaks the width dsird to sow by hand. Sow each streak twice in ordw to get a uniform stand, mix the seed to be sown per acre with one bushel of dirt from some good permanent pas ture and one bail of cotton seed meal. In order to know whether) you are sowin ((regularly or not count the narrow .streaks and weigh your mix ture and find \1 e number of pound* to :'o\v per streak. After the .seed are sow u run a Halleck weeder one time mi I if possible to do so run a roller after the weeder, a roller ran vei; •msily be made by using u peice of r und wood alio it eight inches thick and eight feet loo. I.nst and most iliijioitint is to secure gom' seed from a tellable seed house. Si iv us much pcrniMent pastuio mixture per acre u> tlie seed man clip is it i»; 1 law* fiir me and a half a.'re.s and add to that twe and a half pound« of alsih* clover, two and a half pounds of rati clover and two and a half pounds of white clover. If these seed are sown and cttlti vnteu, according t.i the given tirect uins ycu may feel sure of a permanent |u L.iiu the first year ue dfor many ,ems afterwards. Thi mi\lc« is net f.-om u County A.rei r , neither is it i - 'in ll e Agricultural Depaitmcnt but fi >ii. actual experien •» by the writer. A Martin county tanner \THNDS PEANUT tiKOWKRH' MEBTINti Dr. John I). Higgs is in [Suffolk to day attending a ineeting/iftTlhe Hoard of Directors of the Farmers Cooper ative Peanut* exchange,. A general stockholders meeting will .soon be called for the purpose of confirming the recent election of the Directors selcted by khe County Unit* Mid every member of the Exchange should either attend in person or by proxly The several Directors selected by th» County Cnits will of course be elect ed and the reason for the coming meet inn >s to make their eleltion legal. Miss Minlue Orleans will leave to morrow for New York aiter spending two weeks rer? with her parents. i KAII.KOAD CROSSINGS Several of the streets of the town crossed by the railroad including Washington, llaughton and Kim are so rough that in driving over them with a car except in the very lowest speed one is liable to break a spring; burst a tire or rain a bock. The cro%- rings consist only of ties thrown down and the big steel rails laid a cross the street. • The town officers should reqnire the railroad to put the crossings in such condition that traffic will not be hindered anil subject to damage. KeveraLjjeople have suffered loss by injury to cars hnd other vesicles. STRAND —THEATRE— ■!* TUESDAY (August 2nd) A Cosmopolitan Production— "HELlOTßOPE"= Only a sprig of heliotrope! Yet it freed a man from phsoa, sent to a cell a blackmailing mother, and saved a young girl'e romance. Only the heart of a crook! r But 4 it beats through a tale of a father's love that has nevar been matched on the screen. I - .

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