Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 55 County Commissioners Hold Regular Monthly Meeting . On Monday, August First The Hoard of ('ou#f .$- Coiiimis-iion-' eis of Martin County met' Monday,' August 1, at the Court House in \V amston. The entire Hoard consisting of Messrs. John |,. Ilassell, Chair:ii.! , i, Henry, Hreen ,Joshua L.. Co'train, Henry D, I'eel and l)r. I!. 1,, were present. The following bu.-ine yvas disposed of: Ordered that the Treasurer oo authorized to boriow $15,000 for general county purposes if needed al a future date. Ordered that Mr. J (i. Staton I" relieved ot taxes on 5,'i5,0(K1 yyoith of timber on the Hill Whitley land in W illiam-toii Township, timber being cut.. Ordered that "Mr. V\. W, (iriffiji, Chaicnian of the Williams Towiirloii Roatl ('oinmittee tie -notified to have vvoik begin oil the load from l-oggetrs 1111• 1 ;i«; to CardiMTs Hi idge.'saiii _.voi k to IM ;rui. oil oi lie lore Monday, A■: 8, and said load to he p u in condition to be taken oveiy by the ■t ale Highway Coininissioli. Ordeie 1 that tin' Hoard of Count v. ('onimissjoners secure money and lee.l it to the road trustees of any town ship in Martin county, which are working roads on special tax, to the amount of • ixty per cent of their i road tax to, be deducted when col lected wi(h the same rate of intrest the county has to pay to secure the money. Applications must be 'made the Hoard of Commissioners by the Road Trustees; ; Ordered that Alpliin llunn Ix* paid the bum of $250.00 for installing water in county jail. Ordered that* Hoard discoutinui furnishing tiling fro roads unless by order of the Hoard. Ordered that N. A. Hurrounh he relieved of taxes on sSfioo.o(i impio * perly lit#*!. Ordered that Eugenia and May llyde t/e allowed $4.00 for one month COLORED HERO HI R1EI» * Dear Editor: The body of Van Rhodes, (colored i was brought by a white soldier from New York, July 2.'trd and hurieil Sun day afternoon at three o'clock, in the Rhodes cemetery on the Astoria Mil l Road near Janiosville in the presen,. of i; large uuinher of friends both wh tte aad colored. W. C. Moore am I ('. R. l.eary spoke at the giave of the past life of the young soldier an praised him for his good charactei and .standing. S. A. Statun. f). VKalk er, Jack Archer, J. W. Winston, S Morrus ami J. P. Hooper were tin pall bearers. 'The choir sang "Mj Country Ti:> Of Thee'' and "The Stai Spangled Ranner" ju.-t before the in H'liment. Rev C (' Roberson, pa-to of the A. M. E. Z. Church read tin benediction. \ an Rhodes was the son of Carrie Pligh, an| waa born near Juine«\il North Cai'f.lina. lie volunteered imi after was w«.\ declared and was as signed to Co. H. No. ;(W Regiment (colored.) He was gassed during :i battle and sent to a first aid hospi tal where he died soon after. W. C. MOORE, Jamesville, N. ( GRAY—SATTEK WHITE James I). Gray, (colored) who Ikc run a pressing club for several years and Mary J. Satterwhite win has seiveil as general supervisor of the domestic science depart n'ent oi' the colored schools for tin' ounty foi i a ti umber of- years- wet-e-n an h.s 1 at • last week. PI RSCRIRF TO THE ENTF» |IHIS E |0 T R A N n (Jthehieu —THURSDAY— HRYANT WASHBURN in "A FULL HOUSE" 20c- and 40c —FRIDAY— HAROLU LLOYD in "Gel Out and Get Under" BIG "V" COMEDY— "HIS BACK YARD" 2Hc, and aoc I— SATURDA^P^ MABEL NORMAND i" "THE SLIM PRINCESS" , •Ruth of the Rockir*' —N®. 6 26c and „ 30c TITE ENTERPRISE ' * : - ' JE TM ! hit. J. J. TAVLOK of L»\utKl>t>. K>., who Hill begin a Kivisal Meeting al fhe (lirisiian (burr It Here on Sunday, Auk. Ulh. NORFOLK FAIR TO BE BETTER THAN EVER To take care of 120 ln'ai! of prize cattle, 100 swine and 5(1 she.op that are to lie exhibited he It* ril Septemhei I pens ale undeq construction at tin Norfolk l air (irouiiils, vvlieie the an nual exposition will tic hel>l under tl auspices of the Norfolk Agiiculli] ami Industrial Fail Association. Htiihlings for the' industrial exhih it are being elected under the gland stand. All will he completed befoi tin* middle of August and -will lie put in shape for the immediate reception of the live stock and industrial ev llibits they will hold." The live stock display i\t the Nor folk Fair will In the largest ever *eei. in this section of the State cattle, lion's and sheep are to lie sent here from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, at Hliickshurg, which i known all over-the country foi ii high class cows and porkers, f Thi* re'eluated 1 > idere l> m v. il have all exhibit ci high ->-ri .•nd' others tff le presettle I • .1. (lorni an ill I ' anoke, \ ' • vvil send two carloads of prize chickens; Murray and Murray, with prize New Hampshire hogs, the Corn ProTlujC Rcfiinng Company, of New York; Ar moui and Couipuny, of Chiriigo; and Hill liroUier.s, of New York. The Fail" Association is offering Id,- (Kid premiums for the live stock dis play and many of them are very hand .some and valuable. Cliifrles' !•'. Niv'oi and Harold I' Tompkins, of H ashing ton, both with national reputation will judge the poultry. pa. M A KIM \. i: LICENSE I SSI' Fl) M arriuge license issued during tin I liTrinth of July hy Regi-tyi of llced.;. Mai tin county. VMIITK Walter ('. Drowning 2H> Hessie Want 22; l.onnie AI ford 21 Fannie Stephenson 18. COLORED William Finch 60— I.ucy Drown .'if!; James Sulsbury 20—Alice I'jirker 18; Neal llrown 24 —I.ucy Maker 18: Le lioy Andrews 21—Ollie Little lit. There is a noticeable shortage ol IllHlTiage issued in July. We do not know whether to uttribut" the cause to the hard times and scarcity of money or to the extremely hot weather, , —. -k, " • North Carolinia Martin County Tie People? liank, a corporation, p'amtil'", as, | wnnie C/Taylor. I'nder ai.dby vjilue of an execu tion ihreite i to the. undersigned from TlfT'"nrprnrrr" Court rrf Ma 11 i n -Cou»- ty in the above* entitled tau-se, 1 will on Monday, the Oth day of September, 1921, !*t 12 M., at the court house door of Martin County, at Williapiston N. C., sell to tlie highest bidder foi cash, for the purpose of satisfying said execution, all the light, title, ant(l interest which the said Dennii' Taylor, the defendant, has in the to)-, lowing described real estate, to wit: One lot in the Town of Williamston N. C., locateed in Watts Grove, being lot No. 22 in Klock 11, of the J. W. Watts land division as shown on map of record in land-division book Ns. one at page.s22 of the Martin County Public Registry. ■ •' This the 30th of July, 1921. /H. f.* ROHERSON, Sheriff of Maitin County, N. C. - r , ■ . —— — FOUND: Oije bunch of keys at J. M. Oakley's mail box on Hamilton road. Owner can get keys by apply; ing at The Enterprise office. Williamstoiv. !\lartiirG>unty North Carolina, Tuesday, August 2, 1921. MAN FOUND UNCONSCIOUS Mr. Chits. \\ . .Mathew s of Iticl# inoiiil, a innnrr lierlie Couttty "man, came to town Saturday afternoon from \\ md or and made all ctlort to bu\ I'aregoiic iroui sevefaj place al'li which te aw l>r. .1. 11. 11. Ixnu h , who pve ciilu'd a mixluie of two grains of morphine and two bundled . no lot tv". grains o.' -Choial r.ioini.'i. ( otiipoutul, making sixteen da e , vvhieh*\va sto he ' iken one tcipeon fill every two to six hours accoi.ling lo need. Maltliews took iilie dose* aliil say lie did not take another until the ex piratiou of two hours after which tiuu he knows nothing, lie was found h Harrison liros.' back lot by Chid Ppgi about ten o'clock in an uncoiirciou condition. Doctors Rhodes and Sauli dels were called and they, with abou a hull" dozen other pKoniiner.t ci t i /ens ministered to-him Saturday night Sunday and Sunday night. Matthew seems to he doing fairly well ow an.! it is thought that he will be able ti go on his way in a day or-o. .czetai p on- hi* way in a day or two. .1.1 was found t)iat he had taken tile, en tire contcns of the.bottle and it r i surprise to ateiiding physicians tlr he ddi not die as the choral w r ficient to kill eight people. MattJiews seems to be one of tlio unfoiluiiates who are too weak to r. -I st temptation, lie was well i and for year preached, —serv iiig —-— the Cedar liranch t'hiirch near Jame \il le in Martin cuUnfy at one li Since then lie has held pastorates Tennessee and Virginia. The dn )■ habit fastened itself so tightly upoi him that for a number of year.- In riot attempted to preach. He ha; taken treatment) several times, Jli says thAt In- had no idea of humiinv himself when lie took the mcdicim supposing it only contained the inn phia and some simple vegetable coin pound which was harmless, /lIAMII.TON NF.WS ITFMS { Mrs. T. li. Slade and Mi . S. I' nlatthews are visiting Mr Matthew daughter Mrs. FT A. Coum il at Mine head. I'. 1.. Sjilbury has returned from : visit to his sister, Mrs Avers in N«i .llern. Miss Dora Miller tfc visiting h sister Mi.-s Flla Miller. Miss Mattie Van Kodgers of 11-n derson is visiting Martha Salshuiy. Kit on l'erkirn of (irei iiv tlh* wa Here Sunday. " Mrs. J. A, Ravenport has return's from Koeky Mount where Tie spinl several days with her daughter, Mi 1.. K. Kverett who i in a liospila there. James Avers of New Hern i vi it irig Carl Salshuiy. Mr. and Mrs. I'. 11. Davenpi.i' spent Thursda-y in Kocky Mount Itev; • atid Mis. I, C. I.ark in weie the guests of Miss Fannie Slade wliih in town. Mrs. Mina (sray, Misse Katie ami Williams weri' the guest- of Mr- Codie I'erkin.s Wedne day About fifty people from here spent Wednesday at Rao's Heach. I'OI.ICF (Ol IM NKWS State vs and Moses ('oltruin. Hound over to next term of Superioi ./'oiirt under a $H(l(l.(MI ('"bond each. State vs Harry Meadiiw. Violating ordinan i• No 1. Selling beef within ocrpoiate limits without liien e. Fined S2JiO and cost . State vs J. O. Manning and Wheeler Rice —Affray. Hound over to Recorder's Couit under $fiO.(l(( bond each. ' " . 'J~ State vs John Henry Fdwards Violating automobile law. Fined Sl.O'i and cost. J State vs Fannie Chavis. and Janie Rascoe. Affray. Fined $2.50 and nee half of the ..cost each, , .—StaUr U:i liandy Ore—Driving aato mobile without license. Judgment suspended upon the payment of co.^t NOTICE TO THE MEMBERS (II PEANUT EXCH-ANGE You wil| soon receive notice of » Stockholder's meeting of the Ex change to he held iq Suffolk about the Middle of August. This letten will contain a blank proxy. Prior" to the meeting in Suffolk there will likely be a county meeting for the purpose of getting proxies for the general -"stockholders assembly. If however you are unable to attend the meeting at Suffolk or Williamston, be sure to .send me proxy promptly' in oredr that the Suffolk meeting may lie hejd according to the terms of the Charter. It is best to appoint Dr. John IJ. Biggs for your proxy n lie will be at* the Suffolk meeting. Respectfully, • "WTmo KKTNn { Chairman Campaign Committee •- j • Local News and Personal Mention Mr. T. A. Grimes, Land Apprm-11 for the Chickamaugua Tiu ! ( o ol Raleigh -has been in the coiiiU> this L .week with Messrs. Critcher and ( 'lit.h er appraising land fro loans. ♦•. » - I Me- 1 llai ry W. Stubb , V, \ | J.ime-, and lleiil.v T.ivlor liiivo re ' turned after a yvef*k |.ent a- \ , Head. Mr .and lit>. Cha '( iceloff went to Giectiville yesterday. \ .... v Mr. Charlie Un 11 en Cafiieu el Plymouth spent the weekend HI town with friends. - Mis. |;. J. I'ee| jind soiu I 1 .HI, 1 have returned from Noifo|k altci spending week, tlieje. when- Fiancis received'medical trwitineiit Mrs. I'. I''. Apfel went to Noit'oll this morning. » » * * Miss Minnie Orleans r*t 111 ■)**■ I to In 1 hoine in New Yoik Saturday night alter vi.ding her patents, MT. ;u„| -Mi™. Natlnin-Orleans ifor tvvo--w^^.k Mr Perley Perry aril veil Sunday ti spend some time at home. • ♦ » ♦ Me M-. Julius S. Peel and H. Dula ] ('ritcher have returned from a very pleasant trip to Virginia Reach. • ♦ ♦ ♦ Mi*- —Hilda —Krlpatnck —leturned —t,. - tier homo in Smilhficld Friday after visiting her aunt, Mrs. Albert I'errv. • • • • Mr. J. \V. Starr returned Saturday 'TOIII C'resyvell where he had at the bedside of his mother, Mis. J , .Starr before her death. ♦ » • » Mrs. |{. 1,. Gravely and ctfihlrcii have returned from Wliitakers where they had been visiting |\| 1. (jravcly who is at work there. ♦ * • . Misses (irace Holmes and Ihii-y Shaffer,. guests of Miss Kva U yiiiu returned to then, homes in Lynch burg and Norfiflk respectively, Mon day morning. • • ♦ • Mr. and Mrs. At wood Newell and children returned to their home in l.oui.shurg after visiting Mr. and Mi J. It. Simpson .for a lew days. 1 # ♦ ♦ Miss Eva Wynne left yesterday for Norfolk where she wil Itake up her work for the coming season at lie t' 'on ,*i valory. Nliss Wynne will teach' thr-to-y, hurmolly and sig ht-sini;Ulg.—, • • . • Mr. I.ymoii Cox of Rocky Mould -speid Sunday in town with friend , ♦ * * * Mr- W. S. Harris, MissPs M'.il'n., It tul iiid I'at Harris and Mis- Mary White, Me si . Joe I laiinlloii, 1111 •• I I 011 ..11, l.ynion Cox ami Minnie Ho. 1 teller enjoyed a luotoi boat liile day afternoon. ♦*• • ' • Misses I races and Kiigenia lloyt are visiting Mis.e Jo ephille Nichol I and Maiy'Whil Matthews in Wash inpto ntlii week. • » • • t" Dr. John l> Higgs has returned ' from Suffolk wheie he altended meeting of the Directors of the Pea nut Exchange. > SI MMER S( IIOOL CLOSES The Martin Washington County Summer School will close it .ix weeks session Friday i'.ftei a very siiiTes-ful season's work. A .Wide range of übjevis have been and exuminations are being held this week. TO HOLISM EI. S ITVt;- HERE Dr. J. J./Taylor, of Ix-xington, Ky., will begin a meeting at the William ■ jitflj.' (.'hri itian Church Sunday,-- Au gust 14th. Dr. Ta \Tor "is" Well kmrvn in this he having preached at this church before and also at several other places in 'this vicinity. I>r. Taylor is one of the old fashiotiei kind and 'does not indulge very much in the Evengelistic style. HOY DROWNED ' "Sunday afternoon, Paul Rogers, jr. a colored boy about seventeen year old in company with several other 1 boys Went" down to Jacob's Landing " in Sweetened Water Creek near the l.eggetts Bridge to Rogers and ■ another boy wePe in aT>o?lt from • which he dived into the water. Hi only rose one time and called foi • help but none of the hoys could ren , der assistance. He failed to come up the second time. This is only another case of fool . ish cawlesstiess that men ami boy* : commit so often. Parents should take ! more time to warn their children a ' gainst such ifangers. ' tifc oline, 25 cents per gallon at C. L>, Carbtarphen A Co. t THE LIQUOR AND THE DRUG HABIT For many yea i s some of out -people have been working to remove all the useless and dangerous drugs in tin country as well as alcohol and various | laws have been passed to regulate | the sale of these drugs, many" ol j !of which are fairly well kept. Two forces are workihg however whiih tend to keep the traffic alive, one ol these is the .natural taste and | of man for drugsi, of course that ap lilie- only to tim e who know tin ' craving, for people do not dosiie things they know nothing about. This class ure_cntitJod to sympathy. -T he second class of people who an I spreading the drug and lit|tttn habit are time who are profiting from the manufacture and salt- of it. Hotli id these classes should be le trained, It i I'rekueiitlv said that you can't leiri late auaiiist a man's taste hut has ever claimed it wrong to l gi ■ late against a fellow who tries to taki ad\antage of' Hie vveakn.'ss ol'a neigh hoi by lin 1111 i 111: up a trade that 1 • duces Ills lo J il alllt V . disgrace ad death. Some people ot tltifik thTTt thls-mrty applies- to-the { inaiiiifacturels and dealers of lii|iior but it can't lie any worse to make drunkards than it i- to make "fiend .." The town of William ton 1 110 e\ e'eption when it comes to This da-vol' I traffic. We can see topers and doper hovering around certain places daily ! 1 penple not only from Williamston hut 1 other places standing ill lie waiting the next turn. And it is "stated upon gmod authority thai there are white families in tliis territory who send | their children even among the color I'd pisiple to beg money with which to buy dope. Wluit the country needs i an holiest cooperation among all the people to act with his neighbor "and obey the law, then the liipior and drug habit will begin to die out but a I as so many inftney hounds- are try ing to growrtch out of 1111 unlawful traffic we will have trouble enforel.lg tlieni. The Town Fathers may lw able to help us along this line and they should not spend all their time looking after the liquor law lireakcta. The /Irug traffic is more dangerous. DRAINING HOCK ()l ARR\ With the expectation that itme 1111 canny and iinportant revelations will be mad" 'ii revealing some "my ii ie i bygolio yea's, the draining of the deep wall 1 old Rock Quarry is bcui,'. iindert'ik '.l by t *i.' S 1 iti 111 i week, lifter tli' cit„\ iml ei.inly had ( i.i sed tile buck to the Cou.l 1 ,iT ST ie . The Mechanical eirepment for the work which will n*,| cie niore tli.'in a '. ei-k lieen pa ,ili ' ; - tion In "till ."lute I'. liway (' u l .' is.-ioii and skill ed won 1 en of lb ' CMm I oil are directing tlie vvrok which will utilize a considerable number of convicts form the Slide Prison. It ill known that other automobiles than the five already tken of the deep hole, into which they were do liberately wrecked, some of them stripped of their'iiio t valuable parts lii. I, . oiiie of' which were stolen and 0.110 of which bail been lepoitel a ■ ",-t Ti 11," a'al carried insurance aie sidl ill tlie deep .oil quill ry. What [else i,. there, jill oils of rumor r.voiihl indicate dark deed-, from 1 ase of lii|,ior dumped, from or ill vuliii le closely pl'ilsued by officers, tie victms. of foul play and cold bltmilod murder evidence that may clar up so* far unsolved criminal mysteries in these parts. There is, heroic rc.pflF these purls, therefore, great intrest displayed in the dreilgTng li'id great throngs of people gather as near as permitted, .a guard has bej'ii tation ediltt. pm' lie I've ordur. It will the end of the week J-wfore the iliaw ing'off of the water is likely to reach the point where revelation- will be forthcoming, NOTICE Notice is hef'eby given that th»- paitrTer : TiTjr"vrr" Shuders—and- Fnw«len composed of Joseph 11. Saunders ani Leslie Foyvi.len, has dissolved, I.e lie Fowden havfl(g bought out the interest of Joseph 11,. Saunders, and assumed the nhHgalWfts, of the par tner.ship. AHn|»ers 1 nk indebted to the firm of Saunders n will settle with Leslie FoW«* This the 22nd day of July 1921. JOS. If. SAI'NADERS LESLIE FOWDEN N^IICE NOTICE 1* you want a nice tombstone *1 mi riiiment as a memorial to some de pi. rted friend or relative see LEON E. STALLS Agent for the famous Georgia Mar ble Monuments :— • 3• .• TAKEN UPr ONE RLACK SWAL . low eareJ*hog. For same apply ti W. R. HarrUoik NO PELLAGRA EPIDEMIC IN "OLD NORTH STATE" The general warning of a wi!» spread epidemic of pellagra in the Southern States, and especially in tl.i Cotton belt, issued by the C. S. Hublin lloalth Service is not applicable North Carolina, according to stati 4 tlr ; on tile \yfji the State Hoard >t Health. I'ellagra i- notjin-portaide di-ea i in North Carolina and there is, there lore, no way of checking the numl" of except through the IIIIIIIIM of deaths reported. For the tir t si> months ut' 1921 there was a decrease of thirteen in the number of deaths from this cause in North Carolina. \ dec rase is shown for each month u| to June, which latter showed an n> crease o rfottr. The total number of deaths reported for 1920 as havu been caused h\ pellagra was 297. The total number reported for the first si\ months ol' l!»2l was lit!. If the same average is maintained for the remain* ing SIN months of the year, l!»2l will show a net decrease of sixty five deathes from this cause. 'Vlla'gia is a nutritional di -ease and the 1 • S. I'ublic Health Service has attributed the increase in it incidence m the Suuthern States to the poverU ol diet that has followed the trenien dou depression in the prices of farm products. While North Carolina li.i been alfected from this cause just a have the other Southern States, yet report.-, to the State Hoard of-Health the resulting poverty of diet that Would indicate that there ha- lint been might have been expected. Fruits, flesh vegetables ail milk, when form ing a large percentage of the diet prevent pellagra or will cure it when jt has been caused by a deficient diet FLUSH WDSIMUIT (Ily W. H. Orleans) In the early days of the human race, when man had not laid hold of the true of knowledge, nor searched deep ly into the mysteries of life and the universe; when, with eyes closed, he followed his natural impulses, which guided spontaneously his physical and spiritual powers, and satisfied his simplu wiikK. without undue exertion; ill days his two battles were | waged by two different forces—by Reason and In Imagination. 11 is I Will-To I.ivc controlled these two forces, and made them work for his well being. Heason discovered the chain of caus ation HI things, and thus taught him how to obtain Ins desires and remove ■obstacles. Imagination fulfilled its function iti the inner life; it brought film comfort in trouble, anil", the strength that is horn of hope; it kept j lion from faltering, ami prevented a despairing (light, from the battle field. Heason was the general, directing his forces in their work; imagination was the priest who accompanied the army, strengthening the weak and the wounded, and administering sweet comfort to tßeir souls. Wheiiexei Reason was unable to lead the way to victory, Imagination could lead the way to rest, by refashioning the chain HI cause and idled, and could shed a cheerful light in every circumstance iiid every event, good and evil alike When the thunder peals, and the blinding lightning Hashes play, and terror lays hold on all living things, man, too, leaves his work in lielij, and forest, and hastens, r junking with fear, to hide in some rocky cavern from the anger of a hidden god, when hi: Imagination comes to his aid, and shows him Jupiter, sitting on the ol Olvmpus, and hurling his lightnings' ami his thunders upon the heads ol liis enemies who have sinned against him. So man calls on his Cod, ap peases Ilim with an offering from hi flock, and. returns to hi.s work with a tranquil mind, to struggle fol'Til.s"ex r isteiice against his .external eiieeiniesj under the generalship of Reason. Fven in the face of death, when he sees that fell destroyer.Tftp Hi I -devouring, all consuming, and knows that upo him, too, must come the end of -Hes.h r even then his desire ofr exist eiice does not desert him; even tin lie does not succumb to-despair "and hatred of life. Imagination has power to open the .gates of hell heforehim, to show liim life and well-being, even there, under the earth. And it is not a different life, of' a strange, spirit ual kind, that he sees there, but just "a simple life of body and soul, where in eevery man liven as he did on earth; Wherein the small remains small, •• t great-is still great; wherein the Master Is master, ami the slave i" not free, * This marvelous faith which scietific research has -discovered to day among various tribes in the stage of childhood, is still being preached by Elder Dick, the "Black Sam Jones," in his theme! "Black Will Remai' Black." fiAAcures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe, or money refunded. IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT AL) IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 OVERTHROW OF MORALS AIM OF YOUTHOFTODAY \\ ashington, July 30.— Chaperon* for young folks ami especially fuj those who take part in what Inspec tor Li rant, of the Washington Folic* Department, calls "jazz auto rides" are being strongly advocated her#, with Mrs. liile- Scott Halter, presi dent ol the District of Columbia Con gress ol Mothers; leading the way. - Inspector tirant believes that the automobile is the "greatest medium ol vice," and Mrs. Rafter declares: "The elimination of chaperons is one ol the causes of the decline of molality among the younger egnera (ion—too much freedom will spoil tb« best of hoys ami girls." " 1 hen tendency today Is u felling" of i epulsioii against restraint, and the Kills and hoys are doing pretty much as they please," the police official say*. "It would he well if the mother "or oinc responsible person could accom pany the young couple on aome of their rides, and perhaps the jazz ,iuto riding and wild parties would stop "Women, it would seem, are enjoy lllK their tirst taste of real freedom. I hc.v are like a man who takes a drink lor the tirst time, lie says to himself, 'Oh, one drink won't hurt me.' Hut then he takes another ana then another, and finally becomes in toxicated. —" That—H- the way with wwilfn and their new freedom. They try all these new fancied things. They think if the} do it once they won't want to do it agai'n, but finally, just like the men, they become intoxicateed. And these thin*™ l may he anything from jazz auto riding to >p'i,it?ing." Mrs. Rafter thi"i'-' that the Amen can irir lhas 'too much freedom.' "''.'lie parents p. lone are to blame," ••lie Miys. "If the girls wear »kiri> that nre too short, rotige, smoke spend ton much money and Hilt it is their Ijuent's fault. Tiny allow them too i inch freedom. "I have always lieen a tir lie'is.'er in pmper chaperoruge. The parent* ■ hoiilit know w iat their daughter i »■* I'uii-K when tin y are out 1 and \sho their associates are. Too much free ilom will spoil the best of boys and girts." SI Al l: I AIM I'HOSI'KCTS Raliegh, Aug. 2. Mrs. (Jeorgo W. Vanderbilt, of Itiltmore, N. C. wlo is president of the "Great State Fair" tlu year, is taking an active interest th thP success of the" St::te Keir-to lie held in Naleigh this year, the third week in October, as ti.sal, and has personally offered two additional medals to school children lor the best drwaing, pencil or otherwise, by hoy HI KHI under eighteen, a" the other for the lie t specimen in clay draw- Colonel Joseph Jv I'ogue, secretary of the State fair, has returned from a visit to Western North Carolina. At Itiltmore he had a conference with Mi Vaiiderbilt. Mi Yamlerbilt is enthuiustic over tlie prospects of the Fait, and has been active in the, interest of exhibit* from the Western part of the State She has secured pledges for many fine industrial exhibits fro manufacturer* and stock raisers. She is showing un usal interest in the industrial develop ment of the" State currying on the work of a 100,000 acre forest pre serve, started by her husband, the late tieorge W. Vanderbilt, a pioneer in the forestry movement. Heretofore the western part of the State has never lieen closely identified with the Fair because of its remote ness, hut Secretary was as iurefl; ott hi* recent trip, of many fin# exhibits ami many notable visitors, who wouhl come fofc. the first time to support Mrs. Vanderbilt in her under taking.— - __________ The chief marshall for 1921 will be announced at an-early date. President Harding has been invited Tiy the No it h Carolina Agricultural S.ociety t ospeak at the Fair. This in vitation was endorsed by the Press Association at Morehead City last wee Mi s. Vanderbilt will extend a person al invitation to Mr. Harding through the North Carolina Senators and Re presentatives. She will probably be in Raleigh some time before the opening of the Fair, and wiM be in the city during the entire week with suitable head quarters on the grounds. Secretary Pogue said that work ia progressing rapidly at the F&ir Grounds, and many needy and notable Improvements will*be found by pat rons thiij fall. All people who worf for hire on, automobile* or trucka must pay a license fee of 910.00 or be liable te the law. 1 H. T. BOBERSON, Sheriff