Aiivertig«*rs Will Find Our u Latch Key to 1300 ol Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII - NUMBER 56 Tobacco l'riccs Improving - on South Carolina Markets According to Latest Reports a, (iooil news 1 rum a number of South ( ; ioin.a tobacco markets has leeently !>* ii received. Lake City, the lai'fff.U inaiket in that .tate, .sold 32(1,IHHI pounds in one day at an average jf !j>lh.2o which is very pleasing to the I aimers. Tobacco buyers who are ac quainted with the prude mark- say that prices for pood tobacco are really pood. Every farmer should strive fur • jrood urades, toping is passed but il is not too ' late to look after >ht r suckers, keep off the worms, cure it well and prude it so as to net i?o«Ht profits. HIE ( A KOI.I N \ EXPOSITION Charlotte, N. AUK. 4.-—Hack of the Made-inCarolnias Exposition IK lieen definitely thrown the full tienpth of three of the leading or ganizations of Xorth Carolina by ac twin taki n within lae pa t few days, according to today from tli.". executives offices here oil tli' 1 exposition. These organizations are the North ('ariißiia jrii»Ks Association, the North Association of Commercial Secretaries and the Woman's t lull of Cbailofte, - with a membership of 600. ' uanimity characterised the action of each body, the statement added. The Charlotte Woman's Club voted to undertake the task of organizing a great exhibit which will show tjie part the women of the Carolina- have taken ill promoting the industries. ~'l lie club took an option on : least 1,000 s(|uar'e feet of exhibit space, which irf an arcn a- large or larger th:n any other exhibit, Mrs. C. C ilook, retiring president of the North Carolina Federation of Woman's Club*-, was appointed In Mis. Euge"' Keiley, president id' the local club, as executive in Charge of assemblying this exhibit, in which all of the num erous women's bodies of the two states will bo rordiallv urged lo co ,f liN "v operate to the end that no opportuni ty be overlooked ami vviji for the women the full honor due the part ,of great importance the) have tak en in the development of the Caro lina Industries. Such an exhibit will be of historical as well as educational and artistic inteiest, M n.Hlk pitnfrtt' out, bf r "" cruise of the wide variety of products the women in former days assumed full responsibility for manufacture. The present day woman gives part of her time to the manufacture of a great* range of articles of beauty and utility, including the products-of tin canning and similar clubs, all of which v. ill help make up an exhihi' that should prove one n ftlie most attractive to be seen at the exposi tinn, Such articles as the old ed homespun clot hand the processe of anil equipment for manufarttile '"attract Oiese" days the keeti Interest of those whose* knowledge, of them consits of what they have heard tlieii elders say reganling the things of Civil War days. , If TEACHERS MAY OPERATE SCHOOLS Miami, Fin., Aug..''— Because of a' large deficit in the treasury, the county school board of this (Oatcl county has authorized the teacluVs in the public srhoots "to op-rate lh schools as private schools-until such time a sthe hoard shall 1 •, able, to finance the schools." Sliouli 1 * •* teach ers take over the school.:, as wa* taifgesfed by many of them,' they will be permitted to charge tuition. fifif,cures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Pilious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe, or money refunded. iffRANn | U theatre LI —MONDAY— I MARY MILES WINTER in "AI.L SOI L'S EVE" fi - and „ , 4(lc f —TUESDAY— p v CHARLES RAY in j 'AN OLO FASHIONED BOY" •>oe and 40c —WEDNESDAY— MOHOULD A WOMAN TEl.l ?" MWltli ALICE LAKE »nd 40c THE ENTERPRISE REPUBLICAN GOVERN MENT BAD, AS SOVIET Has it ever beert dawned on tin average mentality of the partisan who craves "more politics" that we arc reall) getting precisely the same "wretched sort of so called govern ment actually misgovernnient, which now curses Russia What real differ ence other than in names exists be tween our monstrosity of trying to run our affairs for the benefit of poli ticans and the Soviets running theirs foi the benefit of the proletariat in both cases running the body poli tic itito the ditch ? It may come as rather aSsurprise to many who like puitisanship to get actualities into their knowledge boxes. The expert I ment is, however worth trying, and after comparison it m;iy show them many points of resemblance, likewise ] how little profit there is in allowing politicians to urstirp the functions 0.l our everyday matters. Just consider how it has affected us in dr\ laws, blue laws, tariff, e\ ei) thii'g. t li.rt —goes to —make l+fn either bea.rable oi as most things arc now, unbearable, When we take re suits, which are the only" test of an) form' of goveinintnt, how much have we got on Russia Our personal liberty is •• iI. our tiade gone a: tray after strange gods, our foreign af fairs balled up very badly, Atl foi what? "Moore politics." This may lie very satisfying to those Who may may honestly dilfei as to the wisdom of taxing our selve- to maintain high prices here while we tel lour products at hall the home costs to foreigners, or'as to the ivisdom of living to make nm s"l\cs health), wealthy .and wise by law. Hut from the cold blooded basis of piesont results we are not fat a head of Russia. Our merchants wle banked on "more polities" to produce prosperity are sorry- good and plent) but what good d ics that do them or can it do until they jret iig down to lnuss tacks and tall a spade a spiule, and also politiesva very cosi ly and foolish "overhead," not worth the powder to blow it from here to " ITaTiTax? *""" From close observatio'ii among men off large affairs here in New York 'w ho were hot for the change last fall there has come a very great differ ence in feeling. Now they realize "ym canYT-at \ourrfake and have it," noi ran prosperity come from the general wrecking of things for "issues."— Auti-I'olities. , The foregoing article signed "Anti- I'olitics" addressed to and published by the New Ymk World sounds some what as if it might be a "decoy." The kind of politics that hurt are such as move in the silent channels, open discussions andr—hard fights seldom hul'st aus hd How that the eyes of the world are gazing down on the "imps" that have shackeled us wtih troubles, they are glad enough to di vert the attention away from things political and not uncover anymore skeletons.' Politics are nothing more than the rules that associate people together in social and busuiess life and after cultivating the or spiritual side of life, the next in im portance is politics, that science of life gives us freedom. And we can not afford to be shut off by a smoki screen from those who would belitth politics tp divert others, from" the field in order that they ma) rule with out molestation. REVIVAL AT JAMESVII.I.E VERA SI CESSSFFL The open air Evangelistic meeting at Jamesville is drawing Targe crowds A, Corey is doin the preaching am' Mr. H. H. Stine and wife of Kentucky are leading the singing. The people seem to be giving their support to the meeting and a fellow ship exists,, that- the community has long needed. 1 NOTICE f Notice is hereby given that partnership of Sanders :ind Fowdei composed, of Joseph H. Saunders an, Leslie Fowden, has been dissolved Fowden having bought out t.'ie interest of Joseph H. Saunders, and assumed the obligations of the par tnership. All persons indebted to t(ie firm of Saunders and Fowden will settle with I.eslie Fowderi. , This the 22nd day of July 1921. JOS. Hr SAUNDERS LESLIE fOWDEX AH people who wcrf for hire on automobiles or tracks must pay n license fee of SIO.OO or be liable tr | the lsw. I H. T. IiOBERSON, Sheriff Williamston, Martin-County North Carolina, Friday, August 5, 1921. |MAN CONFESSES BURNING HOTEL (ireenvill , Aug. .'!, Com .lack-on former tobacco auctiouet i and farm er who, recently confessed his sins and began preacliing throughout this sec lion, .suntlay night created Coirsider able excitenient i» Ayileii when lie de blared that he burned tile Ayden hotel o i lit -i veil years ago to get the insurance from a building of his own which adjoineif the hotel building. He side makini>' this startling assertion before the ilarge gathering „f |n-opIe who had assembled on a principal street of tjhe town to hear the "al leged confessions" as previously an nounced from the pulpit of a naerb) church, Jackson laid bare his entire life and sot forth a number of deeds that eithet' subject liiiu to lifetime I confiiietueiitl in the penitentiary or a minor scnltence whichever way the courts may "decide 'the matter follow ing his arrest and coin idion'upou Ins own evidiMlce. Jacksoil who is about years ol ate and a mUi\ • of I'ilt I OII'IH, WAS ieii\ertet| at the Mcl.emlon meeting in this /'ity last summer, and since that tinii*.has been preaching in vari ous sections. It iss ai«l he became so enthused; over religious that he decid ed to laj\ bare Ins life's worhsjiefore the public ami announced the fact at " services ncai A) din last do ■ ■ dared that his conscience tortued him beyond endurance and 'demanded thai a confession lie made, lie set the date for tin* confession for yesterda), and as a result a large crowd gathered m the town to attend his serviie-.. lie was refused pernn sioii hi hold services in a principal church of the town and immediately stationed him sel|'_;on one of the primnpal streets. I'lie crowd soon gathered and experi eiieed thrill aftci thrill as he told a career a,s condeinming as any could possibly be. In .decribiiig the fire, which wa one of the most dest iuctive A) deli had in years, Jackson declared that In didn't mean to destroy so much prop erty, but set fire to his own buildine which adjoined the hotel, men I) foi. the purpose of getting the insurance "I slipped to my place that niglr armed with a shot gun intending ti kill anybody that intei fel led with me, he told the crowd, "buf'thank good ness, I didn't see a single, soul ex cept a doctor who appeared at lii ; ol' fice for a short-time and then depart ed. T Waited " a few' T>l iniites tf> se7 if anyone else came tha I way ami thei applied some gasoline to rag in tli' rear of my pressing club." He said lie ,tll(in slipped silently away to hi* home and in short timi hi aid screams of fire, fire, fire frim direction of his" place of lui-ine. . 11l looked out ami the entire town wa lighted b yt he flames from the burn ing buildings. 'Che fire had been dis 1 covered just in time to save person sleeping in the hotel, two or three n which barely escaped being Inline alive. The entire section has hen arous (d over the confessions and there i considerable speculation as to vvlia l action will be taken .".gainst Jackson Many people believe the man got In idea of publicity confessing bis sin; from Mcl.eni«fC" who told a story o his life in the series of sermons here It was intimated in c/Hirt circle here this morning that he would In • awejitjed and placed on trial for burn ing the hotel", and he tmty he placed in jail here during the day. 'Che criim r is by lifetime imprison ment or minor senter ce, which evei way officials decide. • * THE EIHTOH'S H ARDEST, JOH 1 - - ■' ■ The thing an edjtoCevei has to do is to say something about i' ,-ome fellows when die after, In lies been watching them through life. r It is a large task to think of some - thing good suitable to -ay. Hut nil! 1 tors are charitable enought to tlvir i neighbors that they usually discard one) of „the Commandments on such r occasions and say something good any > way. K ' - SERVICES AT HAPTIST ' UNR N A. V. JON ::ER, Pa •I" Sunday School, '»'-l. r >. Dr. P. I!, ('one " Superintendent, t Sermon 11 rOO A. M. SeA'ices at Reddjcks Grove Sunday I afternoon, 3:MO. ■ Sermon 8 :T*. M. d Prayer Meeting Wednesday even ■- ing, H:00.. " '—. e '— You are cordially invited to atteiul II all these services. NOTICE The local doctors will (five you the Typhoid Cacein'e, and toxin, antitoxin againist diptheria each Saturday, n Hours 9-11 A. M., 4-6 P. M. at their a offices in Williamston. Those that r not been iin three year* hould take vdfl KX A • M Local News and Personal Mention m. M i.t. N'e\ rllu of \W-li ion iriuii:. ( her homo > c>U'i «la> it) i*i vii her sifter, Mis. \\. li. 11, M Jk w » has been ill at hei 1i0n.% «i: Snoot lor .e\ »la\ . Mis. I K (ai >lai phon. .VI. . \> ... zo Hassell, Messrs. I .oni i I.« t ami William (ai stai ph«-n poiil i • iia\> in Littleton I Ills week w 11' i >i J A. While who has just letuimv v« h»*r home there alter spendine -ov. months in Ilen«leison\ ilie. Me -i s. A>a .1. ManniKK ami ' ! Ma mil n Rale in Oak l• t \ lo«!a\ in • j I lit« lest ol the sehool- tin U , I i'lielnU of Mi. .1.., in i>. \\;11 t \\i«' | r» fciet to Irani oi In 11 Ul i po *i. • 1 ei k at hiti home on \\ e I M. in I Mnet. Mi'»h. Aloii/o Has.-,ell, i I.i> l-n. J A!o re, ( . I). lai.• ta i plan , n «ai \o I i.. • on, Jolill I. Uotfel nil, l». . v La I [ oi, I> i. «l«» 11 hll I>. Ili}'i;>, nml I'i I 1.. t oiie alleililetl ihe In J gillie |»t• t\ ei'i in lai l»o| o " Ml lee 1 ul'olo enloiri I' -e \ Molina llasohaJl league. I! « lae w a between l.'oi k> .Moui. | . ul Tarhoro. blisses Mahel anol l.elia- Kia.w»H. ••I Koanoke Uapnl* are \ i i'« ,| e 11 «• '» i ■ ."'I, Alls. J. 11. Ih 111 1 t 111 Week. L Mi. ami Mrs. John lias ell Mi. a',| j % i I has. I la-sell alio ?.' i Iheo.lonj Mi* «ir nioioreil to Wil o»i \\ nlnr ia* I Miss I* ranees Neal of I .au 11 nhm e . a,ul Mr. Thomas Neal ol tin \» w llein Haselmll I earn pent M«»mla\ in r to\Mi with frieihls. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Wall*. jr. 'uiv. letnriiipil I rom Virginia Ih-aeh ami an making then home lor the pn « lit j with Mrs. lall ohh in Now I own. M i . J. 11. Unit pent la t w elk • •ml in larlioio \i itine liei >lauelit i , Ai i Mark Unf fi". • • • • Mi Them lore Ila ell of \a lia ill.' j Im* it I a lew «la > at home tin week, lie mn»>t of hi blather .Ml. . I«»T 111 I Ha -sell. Mi > ( at.lmi im- 11 a i«I i on wont to . I'«• t♦ • r hn» thi morning to vi.-t hei aujil ~Mj Kabul* Minea. ,*% • * Mr. Jack Ttiggs i- in Richmond tin ' week nil. a Im.,jn.vs.-. hip. • « » • I'.lclrt Sylvester llassell 11; i nliii" /■l from an extended visit I.» friend anil lelatives throuhout tin* centra anil western pal l-i of I lie stae Mrs. Wheeler Marin, Jr. w: i - call, tn Washingoli City this week til villi her sister''Mr.s. Lawrence Stalling u hose husljailil will s.mli III nineteenth opeiatnui mi his whirl was piiirticallv mutilated in tin m cent war. • • • • • Mosul's. J. ti. (iu.laiK and* \\ heelei Martin made a tup .to )ali • ity yesterday through the country. Mr. and Mrs. 'lias. Ilessell have n turned to their home in Washington City after visiting Mr. and Mi. I I llassell for two weeks. * * ♦ ♦ Mr. 1.. I!. Wynne went to Norfolk Monday to have hi eye treat.-'l In a special 1.-.t. • • •' * Mrs. J. S. Kliodes and on, Jim jr. and Mr. I tick Taylor motored to Nor folk this niornirm where Mr . lUio.le j wil I visit, her sister Mr . I'rank at her home "Itroadroff" i ll Allintfi|uin F'ark. • • • « Mrs. jS. |{. jr. and hahy ha\'e returned from 'Kdenton where t liejj viste.l relatives for several - week . m f ; FALCON OKl'll \N \(.K The SinKint; Clans of the l-'alc in i Orphaiiajfo will he at Williamstoi N. C. in the G railed * School Audi tori im, AujfUfit K at M p. s. \o I . for a imission, hut an offeripp . •. ! ceiiteil.. . ii" - come :id hear .l,^- .> fhjh' l 'n \i'i' anil lefit* 1 . It W!l do you ii'u-. 1 artd fjive sou an oppoitunity 'i learn soiw thing* of tji" lii-iif ut ion in whim tliev arc cared for and tr tim l. COUNTY'S HKJ W»'i:K Septeinher 20—-21 I 'Take a week off and come to the 'Fair. See all your frriends from where. Take in the amusements, briny the chihlrei), show them the fine sto. 1; poultry, uf;ricultural products nrid v other exhihitu to he found in a first T -e4«-s fjur. Remember thei;g are hun r and hundrgds of. pj'emiums of t fei*d for practically everything you i> ever saw of use. Take along what you may have and you may get a prise. PUBLIC HEALTH SUGGESTIONS Dur public health pioblein 'i in make mall eager ti, IM.- "lit In live" .1- we* slit reeled 'i-i .-oldiei ' eagei to be "ill i.« fii;l,t." C mil iol oi ,ji ea c depend - open ' I I onw inu I bat il i xi 1 I'iev l Ut lilll i tbe 111 t line of .1. tense against .It i a-e. ' Much di-ea-e i by ' 1 -| illltig ami com.ln>>e. lie who has h.allli has hope, audi' 'I e vv 1.0 1,.1 bope 11.i - i*v ei v tllllle. tloml health and treed oi e ine.tvV.i ' jof lite'.-, e I e.ite t hie --i lie s.' ' Clean citizens make a clean cilv. I | Ihe (iieate I eni'lny to (lie liiiin.ili | lailn.ill i ace i • vene la I i|t ea e . j Ibe trouble-with I'atetrt Medtcinr--j | i that'the il el 11 eijiieut I y rvpm | l„ loi e Ibe p.ilei t . 1 Protect the I. d'le . thev can't de ' 1 lend them-elve Invr>lnirhl j11 |»;i> In- t ili\i j.1.T.1 .. 1 If :i\* • i. I iii ■,i f. In- 11 ••lit* .in.! ' clean. It i - * % ; i iri , lu'tli i :knll CIHMIU i t. I'!. \fill 1 li:iit In i HI • tli-•*;» • I In- pn \ fin i.»n oi' ih c:i i• i th Im*\ note ul* IIIOII.'I II Iil»'«lu .lii* \ foul .111.1 In - 11• ■• 11 li |>;t i ' v a, m|i;iny \"ti I \ plioiil ( .imp ii.' i Lhi l i iiiip.MiMi t I \ |»l>n> 1 li• \ J ;in«l .li|»t 111 iia IM IM-cii on .inc 1 ' Iho J.1r.l ol* ..I ul\ I'l>.' i»*11011 lToi ' ii. \ a i 1.11• I , I lif coii' I \ |>ll\ ician Ilia- Im'i'li niu t riu oiiimc i in*' th"'i anil ' i .» I »\ inv IM i n \ : 11 cma'i il u 111 lio il 1 jicMill fl»ni ;ili\ \l lln i it y it wtl! no' l»o m.'inx \I ■ i « i t * | itx>i. - ' Ill*\ i • i aii'l 1111»111 • * 11; iw il H"t I-. Kn.,wit ' in lln count \ 11 i to I'.- 1 1 ojh'«l t Irii I l»i' 1111 o the clo i' i\i'i\oiii'l Ivv ill t ajx«• ;;«I\Ti Ml a;*.' tft th • licat L I mrnt . | Ylonthlx . lijHi I f lit'. i »*Tt Ml' 101 l • h i a iln i inv nini.t hol Iu I \ \\ 11 oi ipi n i • ii»ill • 11 11, \\ pfioi.l f |V\IT Ihptlioiia Vl»a lo- ISi ii li-t l. voi I \ 11111 hi a nf ea i cpni t «I 11 \ |»! i \ i i . -an II;. nijinlici ol' e.i • iipm t r-l, •"h 11011 i holn I - v .. P '.nijlter e t > M pin t J«'.| I»\ t» ichel I, 111 in 11 M-I lii *II i h"l'l | ! placanleil I 7 There i no pollai' i;■ in th« coin tv. will I \M I' V \I:I:I \ A I. ('o 11 aln• i -w t»i»tr I•'p n I, iin i'f i i. \\ i:i k i i \i»M NOI i:s Fannerr'ai e vvTfT :i«l\ ,tni'i'.l wiM ' iiJieii' wolk and ill mo t an .i have l»ni 11 *m I his 1111' hv cl "|i Ihi' i) ot n| j I'oa.l nromain i reiir t on ol' some of the coa I;J conntie | Ah i tin i'ol' ( at we Mai ket mi' A (•ciation, aie cheihilei! in -. \eial conntie , lepoit iinlicalini' the « fei)«'i at ions aie ninkiiU' e v eel h lit pil> " i'li* I here h;i heeli no mati-i !«• If fit il e of fit i i li'/.e r le pile t lie n «1111• tmn in price. "Ihe colli clop of tin- co ii II ti V avei .'l!'.■ I'oftil to I vci'lli lit . eVcept when |t! i• .ill nil*!'lit coiit'llhie ;t \* 1 lie I e ••oft i in 1 hv the I'nitoil State i'nt mini of Ai» i icul Lu i-e lor .Inly i I I hi- hiiii' ol' winti-i whi at i nlioo t ♦ •-♦nrpli't ii I in tho central tale . tli-I Ivii'hl i 1111■ 1111• ahi.ut aveiaj'e. Il.ii vi ! { !in i» i v - pioi'ie iin r in ! lie lar ur !.•' . Mates. The oat- ci op is I nine ha i M toil in the cent l;J I -la!e>, return > | in u an an v joor yiehl> •i> * • I much lij'hM l/rain. Ihe recent w.'inn v oat her h heen favoiahle to till', o\v 111 ol the cotton crop ami ha temleil to chei k tile iiv ijm' i»l t|a hull vW;e\ 11. The I nitoil State llepaitment of l- ALf lie 1111 II l e li'l'oil a ever ilmni'M ill the liol't lieriF nf'tlii pllHie, e piiiaHv | heavy i" l-aiiope ami linha In ea tein ' Canada the principal rn»p have nl , fried hut the outlook l- rejradied a ! fa\ oahle ill the we ten KioV jticc Acreage figure for winter wheat j show a decline roiiipan d with r»"n .• . hut the yields an* e timated to he | I Wither provided the diou^lit I lines fin in I liifw , the I nited Kinj/don 11 (jormanv, Spain, and It.'ily ha .toodj up well i|e pifo the dry vventhei Spring wheat prospects are not o j fount ii'* , the rtat. Clop i peeled to • Ii• helow a\ ei a«,-s N\ (M l) MII.LKfCS i - ~ t '• M v :i• 11 don't he a lazy mufti J • ' Jive oar to this adivce: ' The | .oi 11 will '• freeze the water, hut] —*7YmrTim t eut the iri*. - ' Now on, you'd hotter fhink a hit I f \ou would MUe to eJii; ? 'The l.onhives rain and nunshlne, hut have to sow the wheat. " i "And son, if up life's stream you'd J"'./ »• I fhin't think thaf"you ran float; I The l ord will send the breezes, hut YoiiVe yot to the hoat. \ H Ho, son, don't he a \fiy mutt, i If you'd leran my miller's art; t The Lord's a good provider, hut a, | • You have to do your part."f Christian Advocate. RED SPIDER ACTIVE IN ! FEW PARTS OF COUNTY . . Ml. •! I 1 I«• 111«1:1 V-, uim forme. I> ■ m «•«! J"i tin- *•«» ill it \ a . f.ii in (It-in mii ti.ilm, w.h called l»y* several partie-J t' I wei-k In l« ,'k o\ el l t l.ei I eotlell I I It'lll >.\\ll It it MH.Wr.r -av' ,ls of Mlllli I h»a IIMU> inject.•. Il«- fuund o ntlu I 1 ! ihi «»t Mi llyman Wuih-ii ;*imM «•! I»i faimelH almm I titdd IVmt ami the iann d Mi I I I I•. 1111 h 111 .it K\« relt . the 4 Itallai t| t'ai.l * i l ' I'»»|»ulai INnnt ami tlie tann ol I Andeisnii 111 •»-.. neai \\ illininst o»\ the trouble «ii- the" led >|»nliM " A nutuhei ol the liehl- . had 101 l -aili'i jtlde w heie tile cotton v\ . I'i ;icticall\ dr.i I, looking ;i il it hid heen -truck l»\ or >«*»»rched I.n 11 re Ihe Usually tait on p"ik 4 i'eil .id ioiiii h i• the cotton l ielil- and al I'olk Word, .i well ;i weeds of othe» I no! h">uld lie ( leaned |'| mil t lu ll ••( I ' . i lid (hull hark A -pi a\ of lone and 1111 •11 u t 11»I X t ill e Will de tio\ lli- pidiA and all in I octet I tie' I hi ■uii I h:» \ e |»rot 11111 attention. V i II 011 id a \ Will take pleaaue in ei\inr ■ U in I'i i fill at 101 l |to - tide 1(» all \ unf ile i»in>• il > i v 11 ton it.i \ »:\\ s i i: n \ h liahefh. Aul* Plan I'm the \ e riciilt ill al IaICII imi hmldinr to he elected a.l Stale ( mlloit will he coin |»'et ei| l>\ t , Mini ;i \ \ : eUon. ai chitert " tlii and it i . prohahle -11 rat i 'Mind will lie hi ok ell I'oi the eoli> t i i let 101 l wol k 11 v Ihe Ia 11 e I | a I t of the inolith. Il> I \lell OUI huiidinj' W ill he loc i «•! on Ac i icult in al Mill the • '.i I ado ot the Irolit |ii.ul ianc le ill the i'i(lllp ol" agricultural hiiilduio al- I' -(In i oinpleted", authorr/.ed or pla' l |_ji• I. M> Wl oil' office.? lias p'otted !I'• • ( oin( inplall (| » oil "tria l imi to Im .Ii » ..ted on thi.% part on the caripa . ; rid Hie lie J\,» the IniildfTlc * o lie wi ( i ted diiiinc the next i-'-neiati ai • ( all ea(l \ i "dual ed oil a de 11. I- map. ' lir 1. 11 • t ail.lll mil 'i 1111 * 'ii' I I lil i :.l i' i( iu |» will he Ii I I'eet I»\ •S | i ( i el . three toi ie Inch, wit h.i I ill ' I , NN ell llcht •' 11 h. eillCllt, luaklll/ 111. ei|iii\ alei»t ol foui done». The M i ( Mi 1 \\oi k ltd he iei ll forced cull |( H'lc and the esleniii pies ed. In h U !t. iii.mde Willi lime tone and trliii I tI a It NNlll lie I I |l'|H oof llllon-'Olll ■'{|. appio\n 11 aI e co t .1 SLMMI null. AIK ll ( oinjdeted the I \ten 101 l U4-U— 1i e ' III' nil | ..i Idi ce' llo\\ hoil ed ill I*lll ♦ i'i -oil ' •I. • •"'(I will pro\ nle adifit k nal '.i 11 mii i and' lahi m atone fm m«:ti\ i»l I 'h- .tm M*llll in al coin e . I .il IV fall nnill piohahlN see Work tailed (ill III! ot He i pelinainVt 1111 11• 11, i|inrnt ant IM? i/nl hy •h# r last r ;r-1 iTirt —i-nil.l \ . I. In* n iin 1 1m K' I In"' • • il. 11 i-iineiit of thr ilnuiilic hall, the completion iif the rla loom unit ol the Mechanical I die ian cnni* a doiniitoi\ to accoinodae !?• MI IMI il.-iii , and i J.iumli \. w Tin- 1111- nil dinning lull will lir | lu|ilicati'il iiiiiiu'diiiti\l,\ in I In' n'Ui "I 111 -11 |> i ..iii litirturi ami llir k-ilclii'ii I will In' i nlaiK'''! '»> «•«• 111111111"!-• tin' "lit I scrviiiir pant rv aHI I kilrlii'il. Nnv -.«• l \ ihjj pant l ir, , lai (.'i l \ rla ri'i'ln - I I. will In- limit "ii i arli ili' nl lln klti'lii'M liiakilln tlif I'lllalyril lili ■■ ill^t liall Trint, M-at in>' aliout I Kid, in tin . I I'm iiml an 11 T\"i, iH'w ■ J111mitiirii'N, iircniniiiliiliii(r I*|ii iiii'ii, will In l n'.aih at 11 hmi pi-n 111 ! r i 11 tin- ■ I'l.l ll't'l' III' \ t 11111111 11 . ( 11II ' liuil'linr wa hi nilurinir tin' Sum i iiii'i Si'lhhil anil tin* nllicr' 1 1IT .•■litis lu l u I'liinpli'ti-il Tlu' v a it 1 nf 111. ii 11 -1 n ' cull 11 lir! i"ll anil liirati'il ..utll .if tin- nlil "I'iiui til Mm , in it "I v." * lii'palr work mi al I.llllllintr- 11: i iii")'ir ill 111 . il\ lu lllie tin' iilllmi'i Month-, tin- fx11• iii• i vviiiiijwnrk "I •I'ai h I'i'r.'i\ i iik f i iiat nl paint I main' of I In' inti'i ims hi'iny ii nil. rlli: I l{li:\|W NEVER.' SEE \ i(.innl tin' ciiinfr I liavi' a .frii'itil, , In tin- iM-iil I'itA' tliat lijtf- mi und. | Vi't iln> s |f«i li.v an.l w ci'ks rush (in. Ami I kniAv it a year i> »fiino; ! Ami I in 'vp r m■ i' my "I'l Ii if'in I '.s face. Fur lil'i' i a wil't ami ti'l'rilili' I'ari lir kiinw , I like liiin just "as well As in the ilttyn vvlii'n I 1-iing tlii'.hi'll ] A'nil lie iatip miiic. NV'i- \vi 4 if yootwer Lf thi'fi, A rill iinw \vp ai i' liiisy~ tii'Oi| men > .| I iii'ii with pla\ inu . a kUiiic, rl'iri'il with trying l«> innki' a nunio, I '-'To-uinrvow," I say, "I will rail -on I > J' m > i Hulto-nini''l'nw al'il to morrow II joes, Ami tin" distanci' Iwtwi'i'n us throws and jrcowii. > -J I j Around the y«»t-milpH away* "Here's a telegram, sir." Jim died to day!" ~ t And that's what we get and deserve in the end— . "Around the corner a vanished friendJ —Selected. * M IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT Al> IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 URGE NUMBER CASES BEFORE THE RECORDER Ihe Kocorder's Court of Martin i.'Uiitj convened Tuesday, August 2, I'.'-l with Judile Calvin C. Smith, piKiidiny: ami Attornty'Klbert S. Feel m behalf of the State in tlii; ab.M'i'iicc of li. Dvike Critchef. The l/llow imk rases were disposed of: I. State vs li. li. By runt —Violatinv search and seizure law. Continued till im -1 I'uesday in September, 1921. »i. State vs Will Anifrews—Assault deadly weapon. Judgment sus peiule.l upon the cost of the action. a. State vs Jesse Kodgers—Kesist ing Continued for defendant till August 1921. s. St m- vs Kerry James—Assault Willi deadly weapon. Judgment >us pemled upoll payment of cost. II State v.s J. O. Manning and Wheeler liice Affray. Defendant .1. 0. Maniimr plead guilty and defend ant \\ heeler liice plead Hot guilty. 11111u1111■ 111 of cort that defendant liice i not guilty ami that judgment upon defendant Manning suspeialed upon payment of the cost. I.'l. State vs Kmma Larceny ami receiving. Ihe defendant a minor under sixteen years of aire the cause was remanded to the Juvenile Cum t. : In State vs l om llardison. Ahaudo -11 ii •nt I''mi in I guilty, I'rayer for ini'iit. I'rayer .oiitinued upon pay iiient of cost and the defe'idant enter i ini' into bond in the sum of .fKHt.Oil I'm his appearance on tli." first Tues Iday iii December, 1921 ami show to the court that he had paid to/rthe clerk ol the court s4.oi| each week for tie osf benefit his tliife chil dren. ■I Stat evs \Vill Staton Assault. I'rayer for judurinet't. I'rayer rontinu eil till lir-t Tuesday in October upon Defendant's entering into bond in the 11m sMl,lill for his,, appearance be fore the court on said date and porve to the court that- lie has paid the cost and a fI He of s:i.t)l) hereby adjudged . ai;am t him. State vs Xorman NVilliams.— Assiialt with deadly weapon. Dead rvuilty. Fined $15.(11) aJ'd the cost of action 2. Stale vs Henry Howen and wood NVhitnker A. D. W. Found Ktiil'ly. Juiljfnieiit suspended upon pay niellt of cost. 12. State vs J. I). Ma\well Resist ii)e officer. Found guilty. Fined s'smi uu a"it cost of action. 111. State vs Will Smith olTiier. Founil guilty. Sentenced to jail lor a-term of ten days and fined $25.0(1 and cost of action, t' rti Standard Oil oe. vs J. W. Peel. \lter th evidence is jriven it is ed by the court that the defendant is indebted to the plaintiff in the sum of #ll.()ii lor poods sold and delivered with interest thereon from October 29, 1920. The defendant is ordered to pay said amount ,to plaintiff. s ('arrow' Crawford and Co. vs Theodore knherson and wife, Lucy Ilobersiui. After hearing all matters in the controversy it is agreed by the court that the plaintiffs recover of the defendants the sum of $450.00 to gether with interest thereon from February 4, 1920 and cost of action. The execution not to lie issued before January I, 1922. Approved by 11. M, Stuhhs, attorn ey for the defendants Critcher and (Til. her, attorneys for the plaintiffs. 2:1. National Hiscuit Co. vs J. F. Ila rilisoii. It is adjudged that the de fendant is indebted to plaintiff in the sum of $57.65 and ordered that the plaintiff recover of the defendant said sum with interest thereon from January I, ,1921 and the cost of the action. NOTICK North Carolinia ' MartiirCuunty ™ ~ li e 1 copies Hank, a corporation, p'aint'T', \s. Dennie C. Taylor. I'nder ami by virtue of an execu tion dhviti i to the undersigned from 1 lie Supcriui Court of Martin Coun ty iji the above entitU'l cause, I will on Monday, tlie sth day of September, 1921, ;'l 12- M., at the court house door of Martin County, at Williamston N. C., sell to tht' highest bidder tot cash, for the purpose of satisfying said execution, all the right, title, and interest which the said Dennie C. Taylor, the defendant, has in the fol -1 lowing described real estate, to wit: One lot in the Town of NVilliamston N. C„ locateed in Watts Grove, being lot No. 22 in Hlock B, of the J. W. . Watts land division as shown on map of record in land division book No. one at page 522 fit the Martin County Public Registry. This the TOth day of July, IMI. - - H. T. ROBERSON. Sheriff of Martin County, N. C. n SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE