Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch KPV to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 59 Good Pros peels for Martin County Farmers to Make Money on This Year's Crop (Julius S. I'cel) The Martin County Farmer- has a fair chance of making some money on his fall crop, provided there is ut continuation of prize stabilization, mm at the present time all indication point to firm juices on all farm i• M> ductsfi provided the quality is ap parent. The writer impressed the idea i 1 many articles last winter the neces sity of higher grades of farm product not only ii utile raising of same I. also in the harvesting and today moM any produce buyer wil Itell you thai it is quality that will bring the nione\ this -full, l'oor grades of tobacco, \\ muggy peanuts, and damaged cotton HI sweet potatoes will not he worth the price of bringing to the market However a careful survey of crop conditions in Martin County show that the crop nuality is superior to last year, and that the farmers are goii, to take more precautions in harvest ing. The Wiliiamston Tobacco Market opening in a couple of weeks promises to have a full representation of buy «r>, and bj a niimber of local change-, the tobacco men claim thej hu\e comb tions of selling much better than last \?ar. One o ft lie loading tobacco buy ers on the jnarket promises good prices for good grades, and it is un understood that his Cotnpanj will g i the limit in this line. No doubt Willianiston will have tli- most successful tobacco season of i f history, and the prices will averagi higher for equal gradif. than >r. larg_ er markets. The greatest mistake of itcal farmers is to haul their tobaci IVJ.IIV miles away to a n-ut RAI vvaie lioiike where tnere is alre,i I. ,-i'ch ,m in a h tobacco there is no .•«>i»11 tton f r any- particular piles th * most tiie most logical thing in tlie.worl. that a .small market with a 'ul! |iioti. of buyers is the place to sell tobacco, fo • each buyer must liavo a ieitair itnii utit. and there is nine spiiiP;' 1 aiding. NOTICK The I'id of County Coinmi-'sionor.s at thei rregular meetire tin 1 first Monday' in August pitted an onlei to pay the railroad expenses of all confedeuite veterans in the.counts de siring to attend the State reunion to be held in Duurhnm beginning the 22, of August. All veterans wishing fo avail fliern selves of this opportunity should noti fy the Chairtriß of the floa-rd at once. J. 1,. HASSKI.L Chairman. * diiint \kki» thi: itisr W joung man living ovei in Kverett I ■Veil out to wink in ;he fields. I'll" I went out in the afternoon of the /'ifst daj' tn Me how the boy was mak ing it. lie founu him laving in thi shade 11f a tree, smoking a cigarette. "Tired?" a ki'd the Loss. "Nope!" answered the joung man, "Hain't :arie- nnthin' to make tire I Just a layin' here waiting for i|uttin' time Ko.-e I c'n come to supper." F. i the pa.;t two years a great man. 1 young and old men have tried to earn a living that same way. COLORED BOY II MIT A colored man -.working for the Raymond Concrete Pile l)i i> ing Co. .across the river was verjT bad/ hurt yesterday ui eVioon when a large beam fell tor im hi*qking Mi back ant! giving him several minor injuries Jle Aas brought over to I)r. Yoi;kss offices for X-Ray* to be taken anil at this writing it is hot stated whethei he will be sent to a hospital or not. QTtANII J THEATRE (J —THURSDAY— LOUIS WEBER PRESENTS— "TO PLEASE ONE WOMAN" 25c _. ami 50c . ' —FRIDAY— IM; 'V' COMEDY , , 'Double Adventure'—Episode 2 20c - and 30j —SATURDAY— * i ' "The Double Dyed Decejved" li'uih of the Rockies'—Episode 7 20c' and "')c Til 11 ONTERPRIS E National Guard Unit Organized The local platoon of the Plvmoutl unit, Co. I of* the Ist. North ('arorin; Infantry, Natioal Guahls w«a organ eil with l.ieut. Maurice P. Watts ii command and twenty six Williamstoi hoys enlisted. The third story of th. ('.arrow-Crawford building has heei procured for an armory, uniforms a.« equipment have heen ordered and tin .organization has ltegun work in earn est. This work is good training for on hoys and we are interested in thei further success. The platoon is coin •posed of: Jldgh 1!. Anderson, Clyde Ander son, (iarland Anderson, Jack llookei Simon lleach, l.yman llritt. Marshal Ileach, Jim Cook, William Carstnr phen, John Heny Kdwards, .lame 'lriffin, James iilynn, Iloyd Hiylit Charles Kniglit, K. L. I.indanuoil Claude l-eggett, W. C Mtpning, jr. Leonard Mohley, J'IIUI- Purvis, jr. Hubert Peel, jr., John Philpott, lia\ i ond Taylor, I. 1) Ward, jr., (' H'vi ne, Herbert W nr • The next meeting will be lieli Thursday. Aueust 18 at K I'. M. WAKK If'AIII WKKK Vol U SHOP PI SC. WKKK The Marchants and Manufacturer: Association of Norfolk a new organiz ed body of businessmen of that ctiy is' extonding an invitation to the pen pie of south eastern Virginia- am north eastern North Carolina ti "itiake l'air Week Your Shoppini Week" in the posters and the news paper advertising which the tion has sent out. The invitation i to "purchase in Norfolk the rise which you cannot obtain at hanu The object of this new is to tiling about closer trad.' rela tions tietween Norfolk and its rcarhv counties. Ac onling to ait'cle.i which .have been published io 111.* Norfolk j.apeis the association due- not pro pose to giali fill the hiisine - piissihh from tlie sAtiil'i v low i s lui', in lead, to create a so it of goodvVil! between i:s rur 'i ,e I. in i I ' > i nei 1,1 "i i .id itseiThe a ociatinn fi.oili'* 'states thn v i'f • ) ii;liun : e :- i f fi red in i s i i I t.\» i i i the ilul f the ci' i. 11 ■«/ 1' . ' tii* i lit lonage Ire I' li. in .IMU-I' ■' I'lie .1.- .softation lo l'iei -t..le- toil erause i f the fa t thai Xiot EU is est. city i' this ee'lon, it 'llVfs a l.uger • arnt, of mei h.ili H-e I'ha can be > in the in;ill l VM.S an villages , , 'l'o put it in other words, the Mei chants ant! Manufacturers Assncijiljinn practically says "buy it at home il you can—or else huy it in Norfolk." This appeal for patronage is exteml etl, of course for the wholesale ami manufacturing industries of Norfolk as well as for the retail stores. With the spirit of fairness which character izes their appeal art with their cvi tlent desire to secure the goodwill of their small town competitors by in creasing the' volure of small towi business, the efforts of the new as sociation will likely nioet with large success. During the week of the Kprfolk Fair, September 5 to 10, the business houses of Norfolk will offer specia inducements to out- of- town patrons There, will be a number' of special features offered by the Norfolk es tablishments in which that of low prices will paly a leading, part. BANK NOT SAFK ANYMORE There are two reasons why the ladies have given up the idea of carry ing their mtiney in their socks. v Their petticoats, ar eso short fiat there's no r own at tliP tup, and' ■tti i, fi i hosiery is so thin that the riafl/ porch climber can see whether the bank Ijas money enough in it to pay for' robbing it. Outside of that, the banks are in pood condition. ' Ihave taken up a heifer .about two years old, color reil, ear mark, cop over ami under bit in right, j>motith crop slit and under bit in left. ' ' Owner can gel same by paying cost. BEN SCOTT, fydliainston, B,i»4t pd. » - FOR RENT House and Ijot, including garaßfi & garden. Occupancy, Sept. Ist. Price SIB.OO per month in advance. JULIUS S. _P£EI. . I The honest advertiser knows all the time that he is not trying to keep the public from knowing anything they want to know about his merchandise. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE Willianiston, Martin County North Carolina, Tuesday, August 16, 1921. NEW SERIES B. & L. """STOCK OPENS SOON The Martin County Building un«l loan Association will Oirtho.'lrd day of Sept. 11(21 issue it.; tenth series of stock. This associatio is the one lon VSSKTT the town of Willianiston has. It is woilth more ■ towards' tin building up of Willianiston than one agency we have* One s'erTes oi the association matured last sprint anil the Stockholders were paid ."SIT, (•(Ml.(Ml. Another .matures this fall ai . will pay approximately S.'!(!, (KM), (Hi. The third matures next spring Iffo will pay sf>(),(HMl. If you owned H sha-res you would dru'v SI,(HHI.(MI. Tin association has loaned out now sllO, (l(M)iOO and practically, all of tlii- is ii buildings in the town of Willianiston To got people to come to our town \\ must make an attractive town. \\ • must have some houses for them ti live in. Some of our citizens are no\ building homes thru the local associ ation. Huying stock in the issue of the Building unit Loan Association is the one way you can show youi real'interest in jour town. Any one saying he wants to see Williamston grow anil will not l»uy building ami loan stock is to say least inconsistent. Every woman and man and child in tlie town should buy as much stock as they can possibly carry. Now is the time anil the building and loan'associ ation is the way for all to pull to tgether for u bigger and belter William Iston. Will you buy ? aTtlote handed in by one of our town's most progressive business man and oiu; who does not really need the assistance of The Huild ing and Loan Association as he i;. in (food financial condition but tilt's makes it all the mode important wheil such an indorsement cofnes from one whose only interest is to see t.own up lift and prosperity placed on a staple base, livery permanent family in. town should own their own home. The hav ing feature of the Ituilding and Loan cannot be surpassed. A small amount of your pay each week grow* from little sums ito a large investment. Now is the time to take stock. NKfiUO H KAI.TII Ol I I' Kl 111 Hi I Dr. E. 'l'. Hanson, colored, ul' S:IM'I orium is representing tin- Stale Bond if Health in (fiviriK health ami ediica ional lectures mi lubereuloci lo II oloied }•«•>|>li' nl' Mai tin ( ntijiU II lias fcivon five lecture* m W illiiun im ami .visited Everett lal ijight. Hi- w 11 lecture at Free V CiKin (.'liiiicli I«mi• I■ I a"t Jones' School Utilise 'Wednesday *night anil at Hamilton Thui'siTlij night. lie lias hail large attendance »a ill his meetings. 'I lie wtick is one the most import anl over ran ieil In the roloretl people ii Nyl til Carolina. 'I lie ifegro j hee owing to a number of causes has lii'en. ,n easy vietim (jf tubeW ulncis - now fui nianv years anil tinlos it i checked ly bett i care of the sleeping couiii lions of the negro t will continue n lavages on the race for many mou The colored population not in creasing fast in comparison with 11 white race In aYe ■ll announccmcrn of the populalio n>f oN'ith Curo'in t.O liureau of Censm I owed '.n..i v lo e the white poptilatinii incien i" 18 I per cent Iroi i I.HO to 1!(.0, tin •r.ti'io popula'n i miy increa-ed !i.l pt r cent. In I'/IO tnen wre ! Mii'.'tll whites in the f ; tate arit'l 1i!t7,4!»7 negro In 1!>20 we have 1,783,77!! whites am negroes. In aililition to the.-c two races ..we have 7,09!) foreign bor born parents ami 5,7411 who hail ont parent foreign born anil the other native. We also have 11,824 Indians *8 Chinese; 24 Japanese and one i> the Hindu. The ratio of negro population fe' off in 85 counties of the State ai gained in only 15 during the past tie catle. In Martin County the los. «va 2.8 per cent. / EDWARDS— MIZELLE ' Cards have been received in an louncing the fo'lowirfg ni.'rriiij.e Mr antl Mrs. LIKC Lanier Robersor announce the maniage of their ilauglv ' ter Be u I ah (Mr*r*Beulah Koberson Mizelle) Mr. Edgar Everette Edwards on Thursday, July the fourteenth nineteen hundred and twenty-one Washington, - North Cuioliiut Enclosed card reads: v At Home after August the fifteenth 103 North Virginia Street Goldsboro, North Carolina '■ lowa claims to have a rooster"that lays eggs. Syppo.-e the bloomin' chump got so accustomed to ndver tising for some hens that *he had to make good himself. The Enterprise always tries to make good -but w will not promise to lay an egg for you. LpCal News and /Personal Mention Miss Edith Kamev of Kichmond i visiting Sylvia I pton this week. Miss Kva I'eel has returned nftei visiting friends in Oak City. Mr. I.uke l amb ol Kalcigh sp/nt the weekend here with his family. ♦ ♦ * « Miss Sarah Kartell lias retirinou front Conetoe where she has been visit inn: relatives, She was accompanied home by her cousin, Miss Klinabeth Thlgpen of Oonetoe. ♦ • • • Misses Mayo and Ann it- l.amh lilt Saturday I'm Virginia lieacli where flicj will be nuesls at the Avalon Col tai;e. • • * • Attoiue.s, A. I;. Dunning and Clay ton Moore weie business visitor-, to Tarhoro >esterday. f » • « Miss Minnie Adams returneil to hoi home in Washington yenterduy at'tei visiting Mrs. ( lias. Flenilpn for a few days. • • ♦ • \ Mrs. ,1. \V. Watts in hi Not folk \ i>ill1ik her son Mr. W. tt. Watts. Mrs VS. I!. Watts is in a hospital there fot medical treatment. s * ♦ • * Mrs. Walter Orleans was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital in Norfolk this morning for medical treatment She was accompanied by MrJ Nathan Or_ leans and I'r. W. K. W|rren. » • ♦ Misses Messie l'age ;«i.l Carrie l>. White have returned from Wiiguts ville Heach. • • • » Mr. Jack Hunter has returned from a ten days visit to lilack' Moutnain. « • • » Mrs. Kdgar Robinson of Augusta, tia. is visiting hei mother Mrs. Trulah I'age. Mrs. Albert W adsworth and chil 111'11, Miss Mary anil John, Howell and Albert Wadsworth, Jr. of Cove City spent the weekend in town with rela tives i—- * • • • Mr. Watts Martin of Norfolk was the guest of bis sister, Mis. l-'aiioie Car-.tarpben last week. • • • « Mis. Sal lie A. Itiggs i • visiting 'iei . istcr, Miss Miirj Snuillwood in Wo-di tiiglon. • • • • i In' I'hilathea * la- of the 12a ( • I s'. .'i 1111: I \ Si'hool .Hl' eniovini' a oil uii a' 'lea's I leach today. Several nvited lin sts an: in the party. • * « ♦ Mr. A. J. Manning i in I tuck.\ Mount 'today dionl ma terials. - * 1 * * * ■ The War Hepartmrnt ha.-, notilied I lie family o ftlie late I .ieiili naiit John W. Ilassell, who was killed in France in .fuly MMK, tlmt his bod\ Mill reach New York on the Uf»111 ot tin- month and will ariive at hum. about September Ist. • • * # Hi. W. 11. Ilarrell, I niteil >State- Navy, sailed Saturday morning I'm i,iln,illar> in the Mi'ditei ianein\ or the I . S. Collier, "Mars." HORN To Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. Newton i| twelve" pound Rill, August 4, 1(121. (II \ I'M AN W I 1.1.1 AMS The announcement of the approach Jng marriage is received with great interest to the people of Williamston where both Miss Chapman and Mi Williams are-popular in business ; Hocial circles: Mr. :ml Mrs. I„. C. Chapman rei|uest the honor of your ure.-en • at the marriage of their daughter Helen Elizabeth ■> to Mr. James Ludlow Williams on Friday afternoon the twenty-sixU of August at four o'clock at their residence Clifton, North,, Carolina. Enclosed canl reads: At Home ' after Septeriber fifth Williamston, forth Carolina FAMILY KKIMON Mis. Mary K. Peel is holding H family reunion at her home on llaugh ton Street this week. Those of hei •hihlren present are Mi»s Feel, Mr ftferbert Feel of Charle«top, South ICarolrfia, Mrs. Grover llaidison, Mr; Polk McCrAw .of Tarhoro and Mr. and Mrs; Fabius Minga of Petersburg. TOBACCO HA UN BIKNS Mr. Herbert L. ■ Manning of Grif fins Township lost a tobacco bam this morning. He had some insurance but not enough to cov4r more than hall the loss. NORFOLK-SOUTHERN TRAIN KILLS 2 BOYS One of the saddest accidents re cently in our section of the State wa the kill in got' two young men at Plymouth-by a Norfolk and Southern train tfhich was backing from tin main line to the station. It seem tin' young men were heating » ritit from Norfolk to their homo but were discovered at Swains Station, '['lie conductor of the train through sympa thy lirouJjQit them on to I'lvmout! whole they were taken in charge li ! the police ami kept until the next ilay. It is thought that that night the\ went out on the siding ami laiil down or the railroad with the e.xpectati'M of hoarding the midnight, train as it passed on its way to Raleigh. Hut the train hacked in and the engine was top faraway to wake them before Jwu of the Ivors had been run over. Tl, third boy with was the youngest i. the three was not sleeping on tin track and was not hurt. The accident was not discovered until this hoy ►rave the alarm. The two buys who had been shuck b ythotrain were in an uncolisciou condition when found. They were tak en by Dr. McGowa to a W'ashinnti»i hospital where they died. One of the young men was supposed to he Ton' lludnins and the other Klmnrc Snu.ll both of High I'oint. They were about twenty years old and had doubtles. wandered from home lured bv the stories of greener fields ahead. Finn inK none with resources gone theii hearts were inclined towared home but not having friends or funds had to "beat it" and lost their lives. There is no place like iiome ami the kind and safe advice of parents. fH \l>Kl> SCHOOL OI'KNS SKITKMHKK l-Mh i The Williumston (irailed School will open September 12th. Every pupil of school age should begin now to plan? anil prepare for entering the first iluy fully equipped with hooks and mater ial may he necessary. (TO WHPhfne can operate sui'cessfu+JT until every part of it is completed and oiled properly. You would not attempt to, run nn automobile or a team Income* live without first making sure tlia* all bolts were lif>!it for fear of -oine dreadful accident but iIV sihiwl We usually open •M'honl, then ( liej'in to ret things in order and after a few week get the book i and other eipiipiHcnt, losing valuable time and demm ali/iih' the school organization. tf~ntt parents Tvitt rpqvnrr' ~thPTr children to got 'up their school hook . review .them anil get the school spirit revived. It will help the general work Very murh. Professor M. J. Davis of W:irrenlon will be the new Superintendent, ami Ihe corps of Teachers are wV'tl rcclr" inmcndcd anil from all indications we are to begin one of Ihe best years ill our school history. NOTICK North ('aro)inia Martip Count) * lie I eople: Hank, a corporation, u|i'iiin111 v I'emiie ('. Taylor. I I'mlei by virtue of an execu Lou ilireiti i to the undersigned from 'the iiipeina Court of Martin Coun ty in the above untitled cause, I will on Monday, the bth day of September, i't 12 M., at the court house idooi'of Martin County, at WilJiamston N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash, for the purpose of satisfying said execution, all the right, title, and interest which the said Dennie C. Taylor, the defendant, has in the fol lowing described real estate, to wit: One lot in the Town of Williainston : N. C., locateed in Wutts Grove, being lot No. \22 in Jilock li, of the J. W. Watts land division as shown on map of record in land division book No. one at page 622 of the Martin County i*uhlic Registry. This the ,'iOth day of July, 19)H.' 11. T. KOHEKSON, Sheriff »f NJartta County, N. tr NOTICK The public is hereby notified that thirty days from dateJiereof, appli cation will be ma'd* to His Excellency Governor Cameron 0. Morrison, for the pardon of Henry Newsome, tried and convicted of highway robbery in the Superior Court of Martin County, at the March term, 1917, and now sen ing a sentence of ten years in th" State's prise#. This the 11th day of August, 1!>2I. F. H. BEI.I, The baseball world isn't anl larg er than any other world. It just t.tke piore money to run it. The more fashionable the woman, the better advertiser seh is—unless she happens to be unreasonably how- Teg gear SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE Trading Company May be Organized (Julius S. Peel) number o f fanners .ml bigness men of Wijliamston ami \1 tin County asv at the present time planning to establish in VV illiam iton, a I a niters Cooperative 'l'lading Co., witl> sufficient warehouses ad yard to lake care of the needs of, sucli a organization. This Oi ganizuton will be strictly cooperative, and will no doubt lia\. the membership /of every farmer in this section, It will be operated undei the porteding wing of the State Hu reau of and with the /great State Aid behind such ami organiza tion, only proper management, local ly, is necessary to save the farmers of Martin County a hundred thousand dollars or more each year. The chief purposes of this as oci ation of framers will be to purcashe their frant supplies at a possible .av iuK of ten to twenty-five pre rent, each year, and to market their farm supplies thru contract channels which should net them from ten to twenty five 'per cent, more supplies, and at the same time giving: them strengti ina union of individuals, and strength hieans more protection, more mone\ and better farmin This Association is now being Warn ed into slui|M\ anl will appear before the public within the next few wevks The very fact that it will be sponsored byJJifi. State a a rea*on of the certain ty of its success. Similar organizations in other coun ties have proven not onl beneficial, some of them giving the fanner 11 profit of one-hundred per cent., but have also created within itself an or ganization standing for the tnv't in terests of the County at large, an I its upbuilding u'ld greater prosperity Every farmer should be interested in the Mai tilt County Farmers 1 i operative Trading Association jts it \vill be foi* his gieatel prosperity and uppiness. Wirflt ON WEEDS, ALLEYS \\l> / liAI KU rs The V'lif fore# in waging un active wui mi the vvewls, u I leys and bucklots of tin* town. Chief of I'oluice Page has invaded the premises of several of the most prom incut homes i nthe town found them wanting and iinmcidately rave warning. In tiie business section conditions were eve worse hut a thro ou-p'ht cleaing has Iteen given and with continued applications we h"!"' to erase soe of—the (liltki of m " iifrtmal heauty./Wnen individuals rtrent in terested enough in the health and ap pea lance of their surroundings to keep them in decent order it is the duty of the men representing the law in oni town to have it done. We have had -twice as many malaria carrying nm>- puitiles than usual even with the ex treine dry weather, a direct result of weeds, standing water ami mudholes.' Then there ure several old buildings behind the business houses that are useless to their owners because of delapidatioit and decay which make ideal germ hreuding place. It is the duty of the Commissioners to have these buildings torn down and the land cleaned an I utilized. The lots and premises being cleaned under order of the Commissioners are beii g done so at the expense of their owenif. yf,?ja now i sthe tmie for ail gi.od NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina—Coufity of Martin. I, J. Dawson Higgs, tax collector for the town of Everetta, have this day levied on the following tracts or par cels of land and will sell the same at public auction for cash at the court house in Williamston on the 23rd day of July, 1921, for town taxes due and unpuid for the year 1920, tudeaa the taxes and costs are paid on or before that date. J. 11. Uarnhil, taxes, $13.20; costs, $2.00; total $16.20. D. J. Meeks, balance taxes,'sLso costs, $2.00; total, $3.60. This the 23rd day of July, 1921. J. DAWSON BIGGS,, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Huving qualified as administrator of the estate of John R. Harrison, late jf Martin County, N. C., all persone indebted to saideatute ure hereby no tified to come forwurd and settle Manu al once. All persons holding colim: against said estate will present same for payment on or before April 16th, 1922, or triis notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This April 16th 1921. G. H. HARRISON. Administrator. FOR SALE: At a bargain one 20 horse power, Intel national Mogul En gine, burns gasoline or kerosene and one SO inch Meadows grist mill. J.' A. AUSHAN R F D 1, Robersonville, N. C. ....Jyß4 * IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS ÜBB A WANT AD IN TH* ENTERPRISE COTTON CROP WELL FALL FAR SHORT OF OFFICIAL ESTIMATE Savannah Cotton Factorage Co. The cotton crop continues to deter iorate, not only 4i Cerogia and the Carolinas but also in Oklahoma, Tex as and other states. If this deterior ation continues, the final yield will lull tar short of, the Government's estimate of K,203,000 bales. It is re ported that private bureau's estimate of the crop conditio nat this tira* is 51 ped cent, normal, indicating a yiel dof 7,4(H),000 bales, or nearly 1,000,000 bales les sthan the Govern ment's first estiate. Hut the course of the market will probably be governed by three factor* Whetehr or not the Federal Reserve Hunks will assist framers to market their cotton over a period of several months instead of being compelled to sell as fu -1 us picked; whether or not the demand will be sufficient to force prices up, or whether or ot the weath er will boll weevil conditions continue so unfavorable that the yield will be even smaller than than present con- ditions inndicate. It is unlikely that cotton grading from Strict Low Middling to Ordinary will decline much, if any, from the present level. On the other hand, there Is it good chance 'or these grades to advance, liecau-e the dif ferences in price between the lower grit dew- are uttH tmrwide. If the 1921 crop is picked as fast as it opens then» will lie few low grade.--, and this will result in a narrowing of dif ferences, which means that the owners of such cotton will profit matciially. Japan was one of the first coun tries to exneiience a financial crisis following the world war. It >'« interest ing to koiiw that this country ha? recently bought heavily of cotton in the south, and every one hopes that otheV Far-East and European coun tries will soon l>e able to enter our markets. If they are, no doubt Ameri ran mills will fololw suit, and we will to aother step near normal condi- UIVKRTISING i» Not NECESSARY A merchant in u nearby town told a reported the other da£_. that there was no business anyway, so wh> ■hould he advertise? And that reminds us of the hen who" quit" scratching because there was a scarci ty of worms; the he didn't see any if the wriggling varmints trying to lake themselves an honest m**U. for a hungry chicken, and the hen won began to have the appearance of a run-down fowl. Theowner noticed the run down ap learance, caught the hen, killed hek nil the threw the carcosa to the hawks'' and the moral la IM■ 'Don't let your busings get that un down appearance or soma of your best customers might get It Into their heads that you are- ready for the financial graveyard, and pass you up like u pay car passes a tramp." | Let.'* keep advertising. NOTICE OF MALE L'hder and by virtue of the power of sole contained in that certain not* executed by Stalls and Company, anil bearing date of Jahuary 3rd, 1921, the stipulation* therein contained not having been complied with, the undor signu will, ou Monday 18th day of July 1921 at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House door of Martin Couty in Williamaton, N. C. offer for >ale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following notes and securities to wit:- Two certain noteii of Stalls and Har rison, each in the turn of TWO HUND RED and FIFTY DOLLARS, and each bearig date of January 29th, 1921; One not of G. C, Godwin for the a mount of $1164.00 and bearing date of January 4th, 1921; One note of A. It. Lilley on which there ia due (he sum of $176.00, with internet there on from the sth day of March 1921 and dated July 80th 1910; On net* of Ellis Malone for $336.00 dated January 16th 1921, and endoraed by G. C. Godwin, with interest from Jauary 16th 1921; One note of T. T. Grimes on which there is due $700.00 with interest fro mthe 20th day ef June 1921, and dated, March 10th 1920 and secured by a title rtUUaJas note, on one Studebaker tourtnf oar No. 261647. This Hie 7th day of July lttl. THE PEOPLES BANK Having qualified as executor of the estate of Elixn Porter, late ft the county of Martin, all persona Indebted to said estate are hanby notified to come forward and settle same at sane All peru»M holding claliaa agnhut said estate will pre seat same for pay ment oa or before Match It, IM% at this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. •*hla Match 16th, IML - JOHN U HASSSLL, fframtna, -

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