Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 62 Peanut Exchuiigc Held First Meeting of Stockholders In Suffolk Wednesday, Aug. 17 The last step in the perfection of the Peanut Grower's •Exchange, Inc., was tukcn at the initial stockholdres meeting in .Suffolk August 17, attend ed by over 7(;0 growers in person, and J Bwith more than 2,. r »(Mi additional rep resented by proxy. The 19 directors nominated in the! district meetings of the signers to the Krow«f's_g»ittract_fogld July 6th were duly confirmed. H. R. Everett of I'al -* inyra, N. C'., nnminutail by the l>ean of Agriculture .of North Carolina, and Hon. E. Frunk Story of Franklin, Ya., nominated by the Dean of the Col lege of Agriculture of Virginia, were also elected members of the Hoard to represent the interests of the public. The by-laws were then adopted the changes made in the grower's con tract by the organization committee Were ratified. Dr. H. W. Kilgore, I >irector of Ex tension of North Carolina, in a In jet talk assured the peanut growers id «. the continued cooperation- of the ag ricultural forces of that state and made a vigorous appeal to the grow ers to press forward to final victory. Immediately after the stockholders meeting, the board of directors met and elected W .J. Story, president; M. * C, Hraswell, vice-pi esident; and J. —Frank—Fooshc, secretary Mini treas uier. The special committee pie viously appointed to make investiga tion* us to men and plant's was con tinued. This committee consists oi M. C. Hraswell, - Rattlebum, N. ('., J. H, Alexander, Jr., Scotland Neck, N. J. O. Cutchin, Elwood, Vn.j Dr. C. J. Hradshaw, Carrsville, Va.; A W. Holt, Wakelield, Va., togethei with the president and secretary.. AN interesting feature in connec tion with the stockhodler's meeting i that I mle Nail) put his band.-, itit• the grower's treasury and got nut at one grab $227.(Mi for revenue ( stawp. on the 2,275 proxies that were voted at this meeting. This-"may account in part for t'ncle Sam's most favor abb - attitude towards coupci at i\e v oi " sanitations of f>lowers. SEASON I'll LETS I OK I Ml: Niiw ON SALE u Mr .It. M. Jackson, Hu iness Wan aiger of the Martin County Fair A ciation is gullinj' everything in re.-.I iness for the Fair. • Season' tickets .lie -being sniff "forf-if/.oii, -which :.entitle.-J on/' |.erson to each day and nighl a'j , mission, also to l*he grandstand, whienj is about one-half price, for genesnl admission. The purchaser of each ticket will be entitled to a chance tu get the Ford the boldei of uiel number diawn will see the Fair and own » Faril for 'S>2.mi. Ticket'" ..n --' now on sale at: Williamston: Peoples Hank, I'.n mers & Merchants Hank, liainhdl'. «■*ragV, I'Vwilen Drue. S'oic Robvrsonville; Hank ol R>b'r..ou ' vil le. I'arnuie: J F. Stoke*. Bank, Hunk of Flymouthrdluetaioii ei Fly mguth: Washington County Dank, Hank of Plymouth. Washington: J. M. Hodges at Har J ' ris Hardware Co., Worth & Elilridgv Drug Co. Jamesville: Hank of-Jamesville. TlVey will also be placed on sale at, several other place ssoon. Now is tin. - time to get your ticket. NOTICE There will be an ice cream party at Vernon church 1 day night, Aug ust 26th, for the pi pose of trying to raise funds to finish paying for church organ. Everbody invited to come an' help a worthy cause. "- * M. G. PEELE. QTRAN n (J THEATRE U * —MONDAY— ELAINE HAMMEILViEIN' in •MIIt.VCI.HOI MANHATTAN" 20c. and 40c —TUESDAY PEAK 1 !. WHITE in Win. FOX SI 'PER-SPKCIAL — I "THE WHITE MOI.L" ,i 2ftr "N> and W)c 'i 1 *£*■ ' t - Y— . . | , HEM' IYTF.LL in "TIIE PRICE OF 7 - WCOEMFTtON" £ —— 20c ~ mtd 40c % ' THE ENTERPRISE Another Big far iff Fraud One of the most arusing protective tuiiff schemes palmed oil on the pn. pie ol the South in several genera lions was that lalse conception fraud ' ulently conceived assembly at Greens iioio ITist week, called and held fot-ntr i other purpose than to catch the jieo ple unguarded. 11 was nothing less than the old wai horse out ti.-hing. They used nice bait and covered the point of the hook with much cunning. They come to folks, yes business folks ,and ask "them i> they do not want to get into the game of protection. The report shows hie* of the banks of the county apyiuvn. those crafty resolutions, which is very regrettable. It is never"iTght to job"' I ones with, a wrong principle even though it may appear to -offer some financial advantages. The burden id the tariff argument for fifty years has been the argument put out by the great manufacturing interests claim in)? that it would help labor, ili have kept lal>or following along' in these promises for this entire period. Hut, alas, where is labor today? A poor and dependent as ever. Where is rapital today? Clothed in. political power, the libe of- which bias never l»een surpassed but few times since the history of man has been written •Nothing has done more to centralize wealth, fatten the few and milk lly many than the American Protective Tariff. Of course they don't need the South to help them now, They know tlieii business. They know that this sys tem can stand for only a season. They know that a new fight will come up and that they will go down in defeat Consequently they are entering new territory. They ure making their up peal to the Southern business maq, and they are throwing out much ''pot tage." They are seeking the birth right of the people in the hope that when the battle line is next drawn they may have many recruit--, from the, ranks of the enemy of ye.-terycar. They are trying to get the house ill viiled" against itself. ■ We should never lose sight of th fact that practically all of our pan* . and hard timeshavo been thrust' upn us by the baron* of. Wall street,'win have fattened out of the substance t. the masses. The more we study tli present situation the more certain we i are that we are paupers and. beggai - > because they will that we In* ,-uch Like the see-saw, their property ha gone ifp high in-value while the v;rh ue of our products has decreased. Yes, they have the cheek to romi down South and tie up our busines.- inen, including our bunkers. Well, wi are eliteri 11 i'u very dangerous gaitn led by a very dangerous bunch. It i sail-that we have formed a partner ship with our oppressors. #REHHYTERIAAS ON The KlI lITII f' SI NDAY Rev. J. T. Wiidman will preach on , Sunday morning at Tarhoro, and at night in Parmele. Sunday school at Roebuck School at ten-thirty in charge of A. C- Wild man. Sunday school at. three at Par mele in charge of J. H. Roebuck Sunday School at Peel School at foui i o'clock in charge of A. C. Wildman i The revival going on at Parmele has ' been well attended and considerablt interest has been shown. Rev. A. J. will preach Monday and Tues dty nights, and then on Thursday night a commission from Albemarh ' Presbytery wjll come to organize ;i ' Presbyterian church. I Jft MOONSHINERS SHAKEN I P ( __ ! Last week C. A. Jenkins qhtl dep uty of Tarboro callejl Sheriff Roberron and Deputy Edmondson for a hunt in Goose Nest township and upon exam ination found several gallons of li quior in the residence and outbuild ings of Mr. Z. Whitehurst. Follow ing this clue thej* searched the ad joining woods and found a still and considerable evidence of mwork' Iteing donerecently . The officers then went to the lard farm .in Poplar Point, where My | walked upon a hot still, bei.ig oper ated by Omar Rrbwn and others, the ' names of whom are being withheld ai £ present. The still, several jfallpns ol i-. liiipor and come other equipment were Whitehurst furnished ~ i cash bond in the sum cf $300.00 for iThia aijpeartuice before — t State's Court. Tlie other parties will p lie taken before the Recorders Court. Villiamston, Martin County North Carolina, Friday, August 26, 1921. CLEAN-UP SQUAD COM- | ING TO THIS STATE' Heginning Sept: 1, 11121, tl ere w i'f lie 'ondiicled, jiintty by the t'urea.i •>'»* War Ivt-k m.. nana 1 , the I', i'ub lie Health ' Sei vice and tin- Leai.l a Clean 1 pC. out tie -late of ith Car dina. t here will be a Clean t p Sijn • • -on a.-Ling of a ;«u eau of War K -I lnsurame iepic-- •ntative, a mednn l exuioiner, a rejireM i.tative of the Fe ; cral Hoard, a >ep r.-entative of 11-.I 1 -. Red l ios.- an! a lei ;eselitative of t.l.i Vinerican Legion. These s|iii)i|s wil appear a\ d l!:>rent points over tin state, rej 11atnitig. Jit .ench poijll for pen-1' ot several days, during which' time all men in this section will navi an opportunity to present their claim to ti e squad and request their assist ance in the prosecution of same. The purpose of thi« squad is to fully advise all ex-service persons of tin ii rights under the Will' Risk.lnsurance Act, am! the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, to assist disabled ex-service per sons in securing compensation, nted ical t reatiutnt and hospital care, to inform and assist all claimants re garding procedure necessary in filing claim for compensation and insurance, to assist those whose claims Tire penil ing, in securing final action, where , ditional evidence is necessary to con nect disability with the service, or other data requested by the HUT eau of War Risk Insurance or the I'edeia' Hoard, and to provide for immediate physical examinations where necc -ar\ also to assist men in liTTng an I ap pealing claims for Federal Itoari' t raining. The headquarters of this campaign for the state of North Carolina i Charlotte. The Red Cross, Aifieric'an Legion, Disabled American Veterans , of the World and siinilur or gani/.utions throughout the state of North Cnrolina w-ill be furnished with detailed information concerning tbi: campaign. Aacli en gsuiizirtion will al so be furnished with detailed in for mation showing the temporary quar ters o fOie squad for their section, t gether with the dates upon which tbev wjrH appear. In hav'ng this .Clean I p Sqinul t. appear at designated places Ili rough out the state, it is designed to pie vent undue delay or trouble" on th. part of the applicants and n enaldi those applicants to reach tlii-; qn.-f and present tin ir claim.- in person T)ie- location at - which the Clean I r Squad will appear, together with thi -tales, will he announced in all local papers throughout the state siiilicient tT ' tR advance to- enable all -ox ; ei • men lo repoit for examination am' conference. • , • ' _ FAKE SOME STOCK IN 'l'llE 11. K I The attention of our readers is a uimii called Co the iiclverti-enient iT 11 the Ruibling and Loan Association' on • ■ .age two. The tenth series of stocl will be placed on sale Saturday, Sep tember !lrd. There are lew peopb who are.too poo to take a' few hare of stock and there is nobetterplace '• save your money. The rich can fiin no safer place to invest so it rs gom for all us an investment, besides that it helps a community perhaps mod than any other institution. A few pen i nies put in Huilding anil Loan stocl. each week by a child \Vill send bin to College when he gets of proper age Don't forget the date of the opening of the tenth series. See Asa T. 'ra-r ford or Wheeler Martin. Did NKEN MAN SHOOTS Ml LE Last Sunday Henry Howen went ti the home of William Hidlis in Pop lar Point and took from stable his mule and buggy. He then went ti the house and got Hollis' gun, al without the knowledxe of Mollis and proceeded to set out on a wild reck less' driye abound th ecountryside. i After several hours of hard drivini ' he shotflthe mule, two loads of burl t;hot entering the mule's hips am slanting forward. Attest reports tin mule was not dead but was though to lie ruined if he recovered. Bower immediately took to th ebushes 'am has not yet been captured. It is jusl a little puzzling to the human mint' -to know how degraded and low a fet low can become, and if Rowen is cap tured, doubtless the force of the law will he- felt by him. / ANNUAL PICNIC Mr. Frank M. Edmondson of Oal City gave his annual picnic Thut-lav at his home. Mr. Edmondson lias sev ' eral deaf andf dumb children whot al tend the Deaf and Dumb Institute a' Morganton and every ear iie gises ■ jpicnic and invito* all of I ,e children i defected that way in toe conn'v. Messrs. F. M. Edmondson, 11. T jftoberson, A. R. Dunning, F. \\. Ho I R M. J BcV«orTand i. L. Holllrtay v.'rre also favored with an invitation. i Local News and Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simpson and •Mr. Julius Peel left yesterday by mo tor for Morehead City. • * • Miss Mary Clyde Koberson, of Ply mouth, is visiting her cousin, Miss Margaret Manning this week.i • • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Cehatli am oil Richmond are registered at the At lantic Hotel this week. M |> Clieat is a representative of tin- Im perial Tobacco Co., and will be asso ciation with F. W. Graves in buying I'm them on the local market this sea son. • • # • Miss Mildred 'l'ayloi of Kin-ton is the. guest of Mrs. Lucy Hardison this week. Miss Mary Louise. has returned from Oak City where she lias been iu teh capacity of a nurse for some time. ♦ » « • Miss Marie Hodges and Mrs. Humes of Washington spent Wednesday night in town with their sister, Mrs. Ar thur White. v • » » » Miss Cowles Sykes returned yester day from Aulauder where she has been visiting relatives for some time. » • • • Misses Mary Alice Dunoiug and Jo sephine Harrison spent yesterday af ternooii in Plymouth. 1 * * —♦-—• Mrs. L. C. Robertson ami baby are in Norfolk this-week. From there, Mrs. Robertson will go to flaltiinore, to buy her fall stock of millinery Mi's. Robertson has had some ail yanceil styles on display for- aoni'e time. I ••• • 1 Mr, Walter A. Itrown atid dftugh ter, Miss MarguiH liruwb of Haiti more are visiting relativeyp town. • M Mr, Silas Ri ISP of (ioldm pro is vis I it ing his brother, Mr. Z. ffirdy Rose, al tin- Atlantic Hotel this week. • • • • Mi Ktliel Harris has retqrneil from a visit to relatives in Scotland Neck. i » • • • Mr. Joseph A. Mizelle of Farmville is a \\ eli'onie \i. dor''inoiir town this Week. Mi. Mizelle has a large num ber of friends in the community win knew liiin well in both business and socially before be left lu re to make Ins home in Farmville. • ♦ • ♦ Mr. I H. ilanisiui and duughtei \ll-- Evelyn 11 arri.-rfUi are few day in Richmoml. ♦ » » » Mr. Wheeler Martin left yesterday or W asifinuton, |(.- ( '., to visit Mrs- Mart in and son, Wheeler, Jr. i Have" 4 beefi VlsitltTg Mrs. — -Stallings for several weeks. ♦ ♦ » » Mrs. Ilostettler and daughter, Mis; Kinogen Ilostettler have returned ti Iheir home iu Washington, D. af ter visiting Mr. Minier Ilostettler at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. V\ lirowu. * * * * Mr. I(. W. Everett, of Clio, Snntl Carolina ,is in town visiting relatives • * * * Miss Lalla Wynne left Monday mvi'ning for Silver City, New Mexico where she will touch in tin- City Schools. • • * « Miss Velma Harrison has returned from Hattleboro, where she has been visiting Miss Elizabeth Hraswell foi three weeks. Miss Hraswell aecom panied her home. * * * • Mis.*-Jennie Itoyle has returned tu Hamilton after u visit of several weeks to her sister, Mrs.. Alex 11. Smith. 1 . *»• » , Mr. 11. M. Hullard, of Washington I). C., was a busiue.-s visitor in towi Tuesday, ♦ ♦ * • Rev. Mr, who has lieen awa; on his vacation Will return home Sat urda.v and will hold services at tin Methodist church Sundayanil Sunday night. • • • • Misses Mary Jessie Gregory am Julia Turner are visiting their grand parents, Capt. and Mrs. J. C. Rhem. \■» • • * Mrs.-jJ. W. Wattw, Jr., is visifinp, her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Albert Wab*worth near Cove City. • « • « -Little Miss Jane Cheshire of Tar boro is visiting Miss Mary Davis Har , dison this week. Av ———^ TEA IIERS' EX AMI NATION^ An examination for teachers vill Ix held fn Williamston oir Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. .'!0 and 31, lU2I. A. J. MANNINC. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY THAT IS BEING WASTED The following is taken from an edi torial in the Washington Daily News of the 25th: "Washington is the logical mar ket for all farmers in Heaufort, llyile and Martin counties. We can make this part one of the best in eastern North Carolina, if we will all work to that end. The largei our markets arc, the more we will be advertised. Then let us all get busy." Well, we commend The Dail News,, Washington has the right to buy our farm products and sell us our good-?. Yer, -she--hits -the- right t-o absorb us;- dry us up and blow us away. And by tin' way, sum eol' our people are help ing her out by sitting down and growl ing, complaining, cussing and fuming about dull times, while the money folks of our county ure oing to Wash ington and spending their money. It '• is a common sight to see a large num ber of Martin county farmers in Wash ington every day and the merchant; may be sure tlia tthey are spending ; their money. They do their time trade in their own county but go away to buy for cash (they say it is cheaper). '""Beaufort county is now building ; great road into the heart of our cout. ty and if we don't stir ourselves, ere long we will be forced to shut up ti shop and our only amusement w ill he watching the eager thrones as they riileJiy. Oh yes, we can turn the tide! whenever we exert the proper fore. - for us, theyare loyal, | they will stick by ua, all thing ing equal, such as roads, prices, ar | coinniodations, invitations, pleasant words, smiles and a glad hand. Let us wake up. WHAT AUDI T PRICKS? Editor of The Enterprise, Williamston, N. ('., Dear Sir: . I have an opportunity to sell my to bacco ungraded and know nothing a hout the price. Please lot me know if you have any information about prices for this year's crop. i Yours truly, Jame-viUe, N. ('., Align-1 'JI, l!l'.!l Ails* er Mr. - .lainesville, N. Dear Sir:— Voiir letter of inquiry to hand. I know nothing of the price of tobacco for the coining season. That is some, thing that will lie fixed by a very few men and they never ■ toil- .us. any thi In; iu advance. The people who raise to bacco' have nothing whatever to do with making or miming the price ol it. It is said that there is a supply of old tobacco on hand, whicl is extremely doubtful. The present crop of all types of to bacco from Carolina Hirght Leaf to Kentucky Hurley i.- short, first from a reduced acreage, second from tin extreme dry weather, only a few places having good crops. 1 should be very cautious about selling too soon. Willi reasonable business conditions, prices should be good on good grade , If your party wants to buy lie ha. some evidence that prices will be good or that you have very good tobacco Generally the best thing to do with a crop of tobacco is grade, it at home amrput if'on the -warehouse floor. Very truly yours, THE'EDITOR REPORT RED SNOW IN THE ROCKY MOPNTAI N> Washington, Aug 24.—Although tin purple cow, famed in lyric has yet ti appear, we now have red snow; witl us. The national park service of the Department of the Interior stand.' sponsor for this statement, Red snow* has attracted wide at tention in the Rocky Mountains this summer, the park service stated. The coloring of the snow is blamed upoi the presence of jirotoccus nivalis which it seemed is a microscopii plant thriving in snow. Red snow is not only pretty to 100 l upon, but it tastes like watermelon the park service states. SNAKE IN CABBAGE: Mr. Dick Wynne bought a cabbagi from one of the local grocery store.- one day this week and found a snuk enclosed in it. The cabbage had been on'cold storage and yet the snuke wa alive. It was, of« course very small or there would have been no room foi it- Talking about prices being -high-"- . I why you haven't seen or compared those' of Margoliu Bros.'— Why cloth ing for this Fall are at least .'l4 pei 1 cent cheaper than that of last year! Ain't that grand news?—N'everythine else in wearing apparel at Margolis store imp marked so the poor man car sport wtU the 1920 feeling at tin. 1 1921 prictss. &'*■ y. » • Regular Session of Recorder's Court The Martin County Court convened in regular .session Tuesday, August 211, 1921, with Judge Calvin C. Smith presiding and attorney B. Duke Crlt cher prosecuting in behalf of the stale. The following jury was empanelled: W. J. Hedges, A. H. J. Dan iel Higgs, \V. K. Daniel, K. Ci. Sex ton, .1. Robert Fverett, Simon Mi'.n ning, W. A. Perry, Jack Mills, Je*:,e Ieggctt, (Jen. H. Harrison and .1. VV. Hight. IM. State vs. Kd Walston. Fail ing to list property and poll. Judg ment suspended upon payment of cost. —K; State vjfr +Vhtr-St aton. -- Failing to list property and poll Fined s.'>.( ( anil cost of action. 11. State vs. Columbus Howell. Failing to li t property and pull. Fined $5.(10 and cost of action. 12. State vs. Charles Williams - Failing to list property and poll. Fined $5.00 and cost of action. t>. State vs. Richard ilrown. Fail in gto list property und poll. Fined $5.00 an dcost of action. 7. State vs. F. A. Modioli. Full ing to list property poll- Fined $5.00 and the cost of the action. State vs. (iuilford Purvis, Si. I Failin gto list property and poll. Fined $5.00 and cost. 5. Stat evs. Lester ilrown. Fu inn to list property and poll. Fined I $5.00 and the costs. •I. State vs. Press l'atterson. As sault with deadly weapon. Sentenced Ito County jail for a term of thirty days, fined SIOO.OO and costs, togeth er with the doctor's bills and expensed of the prosecuting witness during the of his recovery from his wounds and this wbso is continued till Tues day, August 30th, 1921, upon the de fendants entering into bond in the sum of $.'100.00 for his personal ap pearance on said date. State vs. J. W. York and Mrs. Sue Lynch. Fornillcation and adul tery. Defendants plead not guilty,' whereupon the following jury was em panelled: J. W. Hight, R. (i. Sexton, C. A. Askew, J. Daniel Rigg*; A 11. Ayers, W. K. Daniel, who returned ;i verdict of not guilty. It!. Stat evs. Loving (Joud Modioli. Attempting Robbery. Nol pros. 14 State vs. William Hell At lenrp+tng -Robbery. Sentenced to the County jail for a term of six months lo be assigned to the authorities of Fdgeeomhe county to be worked on * • puhlje roads of said county. 15. State vs. John Lee. Attempt ing Robbery. Sentenced to county jail for- a term of three months, to be as signed to the authorities of Fdge combe county to be worked on the public roads. This cause is continued I ill Tuesday, August 80th, 1921. 21. State vs. Johnnie Wallace anil Margaret Runner. Fomification and adultery. Continued till August ."Kith, 1921, under the same SoniC 19. State vs. Ruck Bonner. A sault. Continued till August Moth, 1921, under the same bond. 17. State vs. Monk Ragley. As -.ault. Continued till August 'loth, 1921, under the same bond. State vs. Louisa Bryant. Not ap pearing as a witness. Culled, failed, fined $40.00. Instuntu Copias to,is sue. Stat evs. Lola Ragley, Hester My man, Naomi Bonds. Culled, failed lined $40.00, ' 'Copias to Issue. MKRVICKS AT HAITIHT ('HI'KCF A. V. Joyner, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 A. M.—Dr. I' 11. Cone, Supt. Sermon by the pastor, II A. M,~ Subject: "Cod's Call to His People." There will be no service at the even ing hour, but the pastor will preach at Reddick's drove at H o'clock. Everybody is cordially invited to at tend all these services. NOTICK I will sell at public auction, for cash on Friday, Septemlier 10th, ut 12 o' •lock M., in front of the Post Offici in Everetts, one 5 passenger Furi car, known as the I,ouix Brown car. to satisfy a lien for labor and re pairs made on said car in Janiwtq 1921, in the sum of IttO.HK. This August 23rd, 1921. Stf C, H. CLARK. NOTICE Notice it* hereby given that the partnership of Sunders and Fowdei composed of Joseph 11. Saunders unc l.eslie Fowden, has been dissolved, Leslie Fowden having bought out the interest of Joseph H. Saunders, and ssumed the obligations of the par iiership. All persons indebted to the irm of Saunders and Fowden will ettle with Leslie Fowden. This the 22nd day of July 1921. JOS. H. SAUNDERS LESLIE FOWDEN' SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A #ANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 50 PER CENT SWEET ' POTATO CROP LOST ; IN N. C. EVERY YEAR 1 Statistics show that 50 per cent of the potato crop in North Carolina is ■ lost every year due to inadequate cur ing and storage conditions. This loss lias been reduced to less than two per cent in those sections of the state where curing and storage plants have been established. The l". S. depart ment of Agriculture has perfected a sweet potato storage house that is used generally H u over the South with almost perfect results. A large house of this type has been built at ! Kocky Mount in Nash county to take care of the potato crop this year. Nash county also has quite a number of • smaller houses of different types. 1 Mush county has the record of being the first county in North Carolina to organize a cooperative marketing as ' socintion for sweet potutoes. The large house at Kocky Mount belongs to this association. ' Since the boll weevil will soon be here and since there is so much inter est in sweet potatoes in this and other ' counties, the Extension division is planning for a tour of farmers to Nash county on August 29th to inspect ' the large storage plant at Kocky Mount. The tour will start from New Bern on Monday morning the 29th, ' arriving at Ireenville about 10 o'clock A. M. At Greenville the delegation will he met by other farmers fiu«i 1 -Onslow, Jones, Lenoir, Pitt and Beau-' 1 fort counties. From (jreenville the delegation will proceed to Kocky Mount. Monday afternoon will be ' spent inspecting the storage house at Itoeky Mount and possibly a number of smaller houses on yie furmt) of *. Nash county ,if the farmers wish to see them. From Kocky Mount the delegation »ill go on to Italeigh to attend tliei Farmers' Convention which begins on Tuesday. County agents should fur rush farmers will all information in connection with the Parmer's Con yen tion. Before attempting storage on a coin ' nii rcial sci.le, 1 feel that every county agent should educate his fanners in • regard to producing disease-free po tutoes, ami to care for them proper ly.* This will mean that a number of -.mull storage houses wil lhave 'o be ' built over the county before the far ' in,'is gain sufficient experience to go 1 into potato storage on a commercial scale, r- Connty agent Burroughs, District ' Agent E. W. li'aitliei, and the H,cre taryol the Kocky Mount Chamber* of 'Commerce have kindly agreed to as sist in making the i ceasion a success. ' I'leusc have a notice of this tour print ed in your local paper at once, and if ' possible, send me a list offarmers who ' wish to go, not later than Friday of ' this week, me u. n » jou to see every farnte ruiterested in sweet tato storage and get him to go along with the crowd. The time is short so we must act quickly. (). F. McCKAKY. ' I>i tiK-1 Agent. Washington, N. C. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Martin County: In the. Recorder's Court. 11. F. I'eel vs. Charlie Spruill The defendant above named will take notice that summons in the a hove entitled action was issued against the above defendant on the 28th day of June, 1921, by It. J. Feel, Clerk of the Kecorder's Court of Martin coun ty, North Carolina for the sum of ieven hundre dand thirty seven dol lars and fifty two cents ($737.62) due , suid plaintiff by account which lum mons is returnable before the Kecord er's court on Tuesday, the 2nd day * of August, 1921, and that the defend ant will also take notice that a war rant of attachment was issued by said K. J. I'eel, Clerk of theßecord erV Court on the 28th day of June, 1921, aganist the property of said de fendant which warrant was return able before the Kecorder's court at E the time and place above named for tho return of summons when" and where the' defendant is required to appear and answer or demur te the complaint of the plaintiff or the re ief will be granted. This the 30th day of June, 1921. R. J. PEEL, Clerk of the Recorder's Court. f lhave taken up a heifer ahout two years old, color red, ear mark, crop ■ over and under bit in right, smooth » crop slit und under bit in left. Owner can gel same by paying cost. I BEN SCOTT, Williamston, 8,94t pd. t A dark colored candy colored low I about three years old marked aplit in right and crop off the left ear has been in my crop on Joe Leggetts farm for about a week. I now have her enclosed, 'owner please oom# tot tier, at once. James Outterbridge. A. IT. 4t, pd. cr '

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