Advertisers VViIl Find Our Columns a Latch Key to l. r >(MI of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER «4 Tt>ba ico Market Opens Next Week; School Week After; Then Conies The Big Fair The Tobaccfl Market will open next week thousands /f people will be bere some to sell, others to see, but all witt lee good again. Week alter next on the lUth school wil lopcn and boys and girls will be tufiling along with books ami bags to Keep from being late aiid many youngsters will go lor the first tiniei to itait an educational career. We do mi think so much about it but it i.> a great day in the. life of a child to staii school, it means launching a life. COTTON MARKETING CXMtMh.N PASSES A. UAL Forty-thousand bal's ef cotton, uvi'i and above the 2ity)"u ijua; set in the mopeialive niarkeUui; sign up .am paigu in North ( arol'jj hu.e been placed under coinuct ai d by the end ol Hi : time limit !, 19ii, e, e.y indication is tint t!u goal will be douided, i.coi lii) f\io a "vet or) statement" is.v.t "d here today by a .core of North Carolina Virgo, iu leaders in the coupci/ati ve mo e inent for the marketing of iVtton and tobacco. While equally satisfactory progiess bus. been made in the tobacco earn paign, the .Ttutement deflates there e every indication that the goal for to bacco wil be reached weeks before the date set out in the contracts. The thirty days between September lii •■nill October Ki will lie "Sitrn 1 I Month" for both cotton and tobacro and it wil take the form of a uniiei driv etliroughuut Ninth Carolina. The statement, was issued by a com mittee consisting of l)r, J. V. Joyner, Dr. I!. W. kilgore, A . Swain ami |)i. t larii ie Foe, following the ad journment of the conference 1 liurs duy morning. TKNTH SERIES OPENS TOMORROW Tomorrow is the opening of tin tenth series of the Martin County lluilding and Loan Association.. You cannot make a better investment foi yourself any your town than to buy building a:'il loan ■jtock. The t'.inc to lin is to take enough to strain your fell. Keep it ill milld Biol take care of your cash. CIKCI S |)AV What is there about a circus that thrills the'blood o fa healthy person? What is it that makes vou redlis and land up on yourltocs when you l„ it... j ( ig ftp, the st iilayino that nunc with a »wmg and vigor of)ly bi■ lin a circus ban.i Tou say lb HI ctrru ?ssr are nH a 1 rk" r. mf ulicn you have .-a en oi.e vou have -ren the mall, but sil-! y»u walk la t oi .en ,lun- -light .'i tli rieal of the day in order nut to nn on •ou of the tllj t''flatlllK —stieut—p naile WI.l Iu ynu do it? Tl ink it over Then you will i> i tothol o.v "just to take the iiilifii" or possibly Ins in.-e youi v»'l n i! ted on goini, and you did not to dis| 'ease bet. It's all right to all 1 yourself almost vi y body has done the same time and t• irSp again,'s ail lie human wliei: lie \Valter 1.. Mih 'Fashion Plate ,iivv. are in. W ill/i'iiston and have a i time. G.irl ('reuses do not •, i. e often and they Are not expe i sive" LOST: A ere sent pin set with sap phires and pearls. Finder please re turn to Mrs. Louis C. Bennett. Car load wive fencing and -nail-, also carload NI Timothy Hay, ju -t received. Cheap for the cash. C. I). CAR.' TARPHEN and CO. PI R AN n U THHiKI U —MONDAY 'S ETHEL CLAYTON in "SINS OF ROSANNF" > y.»c and . _ —TUESDA.Y— HILLIE RL'RKF in "FRISKY MRS. JOHNSON" " 2f>c •• — and ' 80e -WEDNESDAY WALLACE RKID in "ALWAYS AUDACIOUS" 20c and 80c THE ENTERPRISE Regular Session Recorders Court The weekly session of Count. Court convened Tuesday, August 30, 11)21 with Judge Calvin C. Sniit.i presiding and Attorney U. Duke Critcher prosecuting in behalf of TH? .state. 4. Mtato v» John DuKger, jr. Kailuiv to list property for. taxation. J.ulcJ inent suspended upon the payment of the cost of the action. IT) State vs 1 oren/.o Clemmons, failure to list l)roperty for taxation. Judgment of court that defendant pay a fine of $20,110 and taxes for TasVl five years to getlier Willi interest on said taxes anil the cost of action. lt>. State vs Joe L. (iodanl, assualt. I'lead guilty. Judgment suspended up on pay ment of the cost. 11. State vs Ceo. W. Smith. I sing one license on two cars. Plead guilty. Judgment suspended upon payment ol the cost. K. Staty vs Huck Ronner, assualt Plead guilty. Judgment sus|K"nded up on payment of the cost of action. State vs Huck Honnej-, assu il Judgment suspended upon the pay ment of cost 10. State vs Johnnie Wallace and Margaret . Honner, fornication and adultery. Found guilty. Each of de a tei«nr,of one week and end of de fondants chalked \\ ill one half ni the cost. t>. State vs Monk Itagley, as.ui'it. Plead guilty. Judgment suspended up on payment of the co.t. .Stat evs Louisa lirvant, fine he let o fore imposed was siiicken ou and de fendant charged up m the payment ol 17.State vs Gu- linight, operating automobile Without license Plead g liltv I irie 1 S i.OO jlilfl cost !9. State vs J.mic." Iluwai I. ing automobile without license. Plead guilty. Fined $5.00 and the cost ol 12. State v.s J amen Howard. Cany ing concealed weapon. Plead guilt\ Fined $l(l.(M) anil cost. 7. Wtate vs Joseph 1!. liodgerson, failin gto list property for taxation. Crtnitnueri till September I.'!, 1921 under the same bond. 2i. State vs Sidney Hinton, disturb ing religious congregation. Not nulll>. 14. State Vs. Sidney liintoo, u>i juu eomeuJed weapon.. Not -- la. State vs Walter llnssell, sediu tion. It appeared to the court. thai had been loanied. Ilefendant di-chary ejl upon the.payment of the cost. MAKIMAt.K MCKNHK ISSI Kit l\ MONTH M AI (il S'l Will I K I .est m Bullock 21—Ora Shaw H Rosebud I liah Roherson 'is Curiie Louise Andrews 18. James Wa'tei .Uuines 24—Matilda .Marie Haibei I* . COLORED William Keyes 21 —Lovie Keyes !S. Alexander Hines 21 Helen Fisher is. Iluvid liigfis r«0 Jane .Rogers -18. ■Falter Ormond 22 Annie li. Sl'.del n'rnes' Pug It 2ft —Annie M le Wiru IS. I'll; 1 liurko 24—Jane Caller 211 Floyd Burke 24—Jane Carter 2.'i •Simon Rage ftG—Jane Carney 4(1. William H* ssell IK—Amanda Amliros 18. Fred Huff 2f>—Carrie Mayo 2(1. NOTICK 'Having qualified as Administraioi upon the estate of John Rogers, jr., deceased, late 1 of Maitin County, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned for payment jn or before the first day of September 1922, or this notice will l»e pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please .make immediate payment. This the Ist day of September 1921 CLYDE ROGERS, Administrator WATCH THE ADVERTISING Special attention is called to the line of advertisements, i nthis When we see business peftple pushing thigs, two things are generally cer tain, firt they are entitled to succeed second, they do succeed. Some people say it doesn't pay to advertise .and therefore never spend anything J(n that line but they live in progressive communities built up by people who are willing to pull thfe plow as well as eat the fodder. It takes a great amount of energy, courtesy and sacri fice to build up a good community. Monjy alone do it. We vouch for our advertisers and commend them to your confidence. Willianiston, Martin County North Carolina, Friday, September 2, 1921. ALL GOING WRONG IN COTTON FIELD Washington, Sept. I.—Cotton grow i ling has jiyt suffered the most disas i tiou.s month m it shistory. The indi cated crop will be the smallest in the ! last thirty three years, while its con dition now is the lowest ever record led iu any month in the' industry's I history. Ravages of the boll weevil are principally the cause of the se v'ere decline of the crop, amounting to a loss of 1,116,000 bales in pros pective production since lastmonth' lorecast. The Department of Agri ■ culture, in announcing today its fore cast o fa total production of 7,037,(100 ebuivalent 600-pound bales, based, on a canvass made August 2f>, declared .everything seemed to have gone wrong with the crop." Near to Record of IttHtl An acre yield of 127 pounds to tiie acre i siniticated for the country a - a whole this year. Never in lw la I fifty-six years has the yield been u lon. The nearest >pproach wa> I2'.i piuinds in IHSCi. O iv '.II per ce'jt of a i lop i.- promised is some counties or Sowth Carolina. P.nts id' OVahoin.i will not have more Oinnlfuit'i cent of a crop. /VI out i ,'c-third d a crop oi less will be p'liluced in i l or o! Texas South Carolina and eorgin. A half a crop orbetter may be pro i. iced in Mississippi, northern Ala baina, northern tieoi'gia, and northern South Carolina. States on the north ern edge o fthe cotton belt may have about two-thirds of a crop. The statement^says: "From 40 to SMI per cent of the bolls- are affected in southern South Carolina and the proportions run Georgia through Alabama, Missis sippi and Louisiana to Texas am l Oklahoma tin' weevil has multiplied far beyond the usual experience. In Oklahoma, notwithstanding heat and drought, it is worse than ever e\ perienced. In Texas it is the chief cause of deterioration. Mild Winter Had Inlluence "The mild winter is held respon sitile for sparing an unusual numbei (if weevils as well as other insects, which have multiplied beyond meas. ure and are devastating tin* now growth in practically nl Ithe area of its present range. the army worm is present in large numbers* tliroug out most of Arkansas, Tennessee and north Mississippi,"but the defoliati-m of the heavy growth i- not looked up on as an unmixed evil, lioll wonn anil the usual pests are present 11 greater numbers than usual, lint theii damage is small compared with tin weevil. In North Carolina and Vir pinia the long has heen ;l mii t as destructive as the Weevil eTsewEeTe, /T4VIMi--«N M VIN STKI iri vlnfiirmation at hand that the con tract has been li t for coucrute pa\:n>- of the sidowalks in front of Adeison Crawford and Co. and ManninK llio- Department and Grocery establish ments on Main Street. This will be a decided improvement and will add to the general looks nl the busines section of Willianistiri. A The Commissioners ure aulhontj for the Statement that Main Str-'ei will undergft a, ureu t number ol changes in the near future, provided laws count for anything. Wooden and decayed sidewalks "must frame sheds, relics of our yesteia days, will be condemned holes in the pavements must be attended to ,anil within a short while contracts will'he let for the entire paving of Main Street. ' The Hoard of rs, atony with the Mayor ,are putting out a (rood municipal admirdstration, and their efofrts to make order out of chaos, and to have Williamston a greater, better and c/eaner town is steadily advancing CHURCH or THE AItVKNT Rev. Walter H. f'lark, Priest in charge'. Services for the ]sth Sunday after Trinity, September 4th. Church .-jchool 10;00 A. M. Holy Communion and Sermon I I rfx". A M. Evening Prayer and Sermon H:00 P. M. Morning Subject: "Opened lives.'' Evening Subject •, "The Story of n Saint." FUNERAL AND BURIAL OF IT JOHN W. HASHELL The War Department has notified Miss Clyde Hassell that the body of her brother, the late Lt. John V Hassell will reach Williamstori on Saturday, (tomorrow). The funor.r aml burial will be Sunday ftftei noon. The.service will be held by Rev. Morrison Rethea of Wilson and W. H Clark of this city. Lt. Hassell was the first Martin County boy to give hir, life for his country. Local News and (Personal Mention I Mi. R. iVI. Jackson,-toinncss Manag *r o fthe Fair Association spent the | weekend in Fayetteville with Ins family . ♦ » ♦ ♦ Mr. aiul Mrs. O. is. oj Wfliioii aio tho of Mr. anti Mis. VV. J. Haiiiy I fYI s \vei*k. ♦ ♦ # # Mrs. l»scai and son, Oscar jr., leturmHl yesterday from \\ b> Beaiii wheie thoy liavu hoen visit IIIK tl lf lids. r • ♦ • • Mi. (ieorno Hackney • i was a bus.- ness visitor heie yesterday . *T • * Mr.'R. L.'l.indamood spent seveva days this week at Willoughby Heacli. . . • . Mr. S. K. Tlrown ha; retimed from Rii linioiul. • * » • Mrs. I Hoberson has returned fi.nii a business tlip to llaltimore where lie purchased a full line ol I'.ouil tiles lor the fall season for 1 iiei millinery establishment. The first, display of new hats wil be made h the near future. ♦ • • • Miss Irina Woodhouse returned yesterday from Wilhnighby Heach where she had bwii visiting her sister Mrs. Ida Mae" Moore. • • • • Mr T. 11. Slade, jr. of Hamilton was a I u-iness v isit,,: in town vester lav. . • ♦ * • Ke\. W alter H. Clark has returned from Southport whree lie spent his vacation with a party of friends. Miss Sallie Harris has returned, from a visit to relatives in Scotland Neck. ♦ • • . Messrs. l'erley Itrown. K. It Craw ford, J. G. Staton and Dr. II 11. Yorl have returned from a successful fish ing trip to Ocacoke. It is reported that Messrs. llrown and Crawford were indisposed owing to seasickne-s h good part of the time while away . ♦ ♦ * . M«*>si (jarland llainliill, .1 >lu Hardy, l(. A. Taylor and Louis llnilev of KverPtt were business visitors lier yesterday. * ♦ • » Mi e Mary ami Lucille White ;mi' Mi.. Allan White, jr., an- visiting Mrs. Myrtl«» Harris this week it bet iioin on llaughtnn Street. * » * # Mr. and Mis. li. 1., (iiimes uf |{ob i toiiville nt a few lioiro in tow n ye.sterday. » • « • Mi. .luiiies Kdwin .llin nil with &(4iiUb I !iii»u.'fnr.l l liar rell ailtl Nell Wynne motored to Wall Hi ki tiui -Wednesday. * • • • V'i>.He. I.uuia Orleans, Kvel\n liar li .on, Velma Harrison anil Margaret Mantling, nl Mr. Nathan Orleans -tiniiMr-txl to Washington Wednesday. _ —* —« -» — —— Mi. ami Mrs. J. 1,. Williams arrived i WBilnesiluy night after a brief bridal ktour. Mrs. Williams neitts no Intro rduetion to Williamston society for In taught in the schools here last ear anil lias a whole host of friends who are glad to have her as a perma nent addition to our town. Mr. William* has been associated with llai risoin Itros. for several yearn and has established a reputation of high repute here. They are making Uitfir home with Mr. and Jir. John 1.. Koger -on on Main street. • "#5 • Hi ss Thelina Brown has returned fiom a visit to' relatives in (iieenvile She was acomjianied home by Miss liruee Tucker who will visit here for .several days. # * * ♦ Mrs. Myrtle, and daughter, Miss Myrtle Woolard Urown have re turnei! from an extended trip to huiiiam, Charlotte and Abbeville. • * « * MrM. (I. W. Yelverton is visiting relatives in (iohUhoru, *l." Mrs. .lacksie Danies I brash and Mr and Mrs, ,I. K. I'ender of Tnrbon. motored down Tuesday aftnTtnrm tj> visit the scene of construction of tin Koanoke Highway. While intown they were the guests of Mr. Harry A. IligKs. Mr. liiggs was host at a vers delightful tea Tuesday afternoon in their* honor. /" JiOHN 'To Mr. and Mrs. John A. Manning, a son. September 2nd, I '.2l. % ■ J CONTEST S The li test contest i;i between auto mobiles and airoplnnes. The problem is to see which ran kill the most people. Up to the pftsei>t writing the contest is too close for a decision. It in admitted however that both are Meeting with wonderful juccess andj the g»me is still ranging. WHAT POSITION DOES DEMOCRACY OCCUPI 111 th«* ivivat |*a.->t Dtuuot ih* > nearer the surface of the World's great armor of lU!v than at any time since the years of Jubileo. pracln e. by tli** ancient ftillosvers of trnd When Uernuiny thought herself alih to grab the world by the tl.rt ai ; nil l'ui'ce her imperialistic principles ol thought, laws and religion upon num kind, civilization revolted and should! as did Israel of old and Germany w.i crushed. It looked to the casual th i k ei that the spirit of I oace on Faith and Good Will to Men, vyoidd ,noi. reign over the nations of the vol Id. This idea swept practically nil people of all nations, excepting a few Ameri can money sharks whose influence was soont-seen and felt. Tho first thing was to begin the spread ol false propaganda. While the wai was going on and while the country was drunk with prosperity and pleasure they laid deep the foundation of noliti cal lies ami falsities. This plan was to cause a financial panic which would burst the country and starve the pooi er classes in to line. «*uch v a" condittyu never fails to cause a revolution a inong peoples. Such was the cas,' when Israel denounced Moses and cursed God while matching -to tin Promised Land. So when the lurney kings forced a panic they then had the country by the throat. I'liey boast ed and gloated over the ilcfe.-u of the league of ations and of course they knew that they had a band- of body servants at Washington who would do their every command. Then war was fully declaieil by Capital against Labor. One of the TiTst things iione was to make freight " aiiil passenger services the highest, ever known in any country siuce I'v invention of steam. The same was true o fthe other industries. The tende"iic> was to hold up the price of commodi ties produced by the wealthy few mil to put down the price of commodities produced by the many. The man who works for the institutions favored by the government has only suffered a slight, cut while all other labor lias suffered a heavy cut. There are about (1,000,000 without any job at all. We know of no business that could not pay good prices if the government made good all losses, and guarantee a nice profit. If it true that war has been deehued by Capital against Labor? Y'ejf the •M II Trust sof oNrth Carolina have alu'udy been blessed with soldiers-and have asked for more not to break up lints but lo intimidate the laborers. Again we «wee President Harding sending American forces into the ipal fields of West Virginia to force pom people to accept the terms laid ilow n by the coal Karons, whose policy has ever been to amass wealth from both the man who digs the ton I and the man vvbo bit ens it. Tito country does not get the tail in cases It) uny means, The Itaron.s are »lwity,s on the spot with press agents whose! ttistness -it i» ♦*» {•« that the people get only the fury distorted so as to foil the poor people. It is hanlly possible for the poor I'd low who has only u body (his soul is not his) to get the true statu of affairs. II one takes a long journey through these coal fields he sees the railroads lined for many tulles with cheap houses..lf a miner would take :>ne step out of hi huck door he would be '(0 feet )tik' l and i' he should lake a step out of his front door he would fall 20 feet.lf you look out at the bicak of day you «?; miners disappem in holes in the sides of mountains ieseinhle iii'i l.r;o biles ina unci hankor a kingfisher hole in the si o f.t n.ill dam. (Itvie for. a day 'ri m wife and children, fro n good sunlinht to take chances between life an I death, not knowing when a.million tons of mountain will fall between him and his famiyl, blocking his only means of escape. Vet they arw not permitted to have a voice in' the oper ation of that great industry of which they were such a vital part. They must bow in obedience to some million aire who happens to have had the good fortune to have been, left the coal mine. Render unto Ceaser that \aTucTTTs~ Caesar's,"" but whfle y.otr are rendering unto Caesar also rend er unto God's children that toil and Lweat, suffer, bleed mid die. } Hown ran he help himself? The [k'un.*, the ammunition, the government 'the armed force of America, of North Carolina is in the hands of the man that seeks to own, to boss, to handle liime as a ehuttle. The public cannot get into touch with this situation. That wu,n demonstrated when the In ter-Church World Movement .struck Pittsburg two years ago. They were about to uncover the ciyil and religious condition of ike working people in the Pittsburg Stee. District. The word went to New York and the finances failed at once. Wheie then is Democracy? It is tuffenn gthe greatest pressure for a Musical Comedy Tuesday Night Miss Caryl Brigham, representing the Wayne I'. Sewell Producing Co., of Atlanta, Ga., is here to assist in putting on the play, "The Microbe of Love" to be given by the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church at the Graded School Auditorium, Tues day night, September 6th. This will be one of the best musical programs ever given in Williamston. The cast is as follows: Madam llymen Cupid, Mi a Caryl Brigham, leading ludy Accompanist, Mrs. Came Bigg Williams, SPINSTERS -- Priscall I'runes,* Pres. Mrs. J. I) Biggs. Lovie Long, Miss Mary Smith. Ima Fraud, Mrs. Boy (iurganus. Wanta Man, .Miss LJuisi .Manning. Lillie Lonesome, Mrs. 1,. t' Hennett. Sophia Sweetgum, Mrs.. A. K. l»un ning. ■ Samantha Loving;, Mrs., George Guiganus. Arabelle Antique, Mi. I.uwienee I 'ee I Iva Chance, Mrs. J. K. lhi»'|ien BACH l\ I.ORS Billy Bachelor, Mr. M. 1» V\ att| I . 11. Careful, Mr. Hubert I'eel. Simon Shy, Mr. W It Orleans. \ i'ry Bold, Mr. Joe Godard jr. Nevei Wed, Mr. J. K. Pope. Can't Catch, Mr.C. U: Car tarphen, J'' Bobby Bashful, l)r. I' It (.'one. LEFT OVERS Piney Melting Heart, Man Clyde I.eggett. Ever Beady, Mrs. .1. W. Watts, jr. Tillie Come-;, Mrs. Oscai Andeisoir — A PAIR . Mr. Henpcck, Harry M. Stubbs. M>'s, llenpeck, Mrs. W'urren Biggs. SPECIA I.S Tis'a Pity, Mr. Jordan Ward. Cupids, Billie Liverman, John Hat ton Guiganus, Sarah Guiganus, Mary Elizabeth Guiganus. Ming Toi, 1-auia Orleans. Frifi, Fvelyin Harrison. Old Fashioned Wife, Mi«s Vellal Andrews. CllOßl'S GIKLS Martha Cotteh Crawford, Kthel Harris, Sarah llarrell, l.ydiu Cook, Elizabeth Hurras, Margaret Everett, Annie Clyde Gurganus Veil a Andrews] Coles Sykes, and lima Woodhou.-.e. J ■ z/ Id POUT H>u MO?. 111 >1 \l Gl SI Septic siitcd l iiit Hamilton Town slip 1. Scarlet fe\ A i''i. m»loil I. Bo ei simvillo Township I Typhoid fever, Goose Nest Town hip 'i. Bear Grass Township I, Town of WilltamsVon . Whooping cough, Town of Wiliam ston 2, Cross Roads Townslup 1 Rohersonville Township TZ~ Hiptlieria, Town of William.'ton Ml. \\ illiamston Township !• ville Township 2, Griffiils Township 2, Williams Township 4. Thej« -are suventeeli homes piny carded in Williamston Cor Hiptheriii and I hope the people of the town and community will continue then hearts cooperation in trying to prevent i more serious epidemic of this terribh disease. All children, specially !>•• tween the lines of *lx months am six years should i»e Immunized b> tjh« toxin-antitoxin. It is painless and harmless. Ask your physician about] it. / WILLIAM E. WARREN, M D.J long season and because of the Igi.or ann; of the poor oppio&se.d 111 • > aie groriul down until they revolt. While if. objdlence to his sense of duty to a starving and ragged and sick family le oversteps the law, he is classed as a rioter and an outlaw and is shot by a brave American Soldier." And when enough o fthein are shot the others are coerced and to sayo themselves from starvation, to bring the coloi hack to the cheok of a sick wife, to satisfy the hunger of a child who is' crying for food, in ored to exist not live, thlpy once more accept the desti ny of fate and the ,yokt! of the coal baron again falls into place upon their bruised, scarred and humble neck. Th'erfi is' ffowethliig "SeitUHßty wrrmp The man that doe* the work, tht> IJIUII that .sweats, the man tiiut labors doe;: not g-ct the benefit of his labor. The few who own the properly gel all I lit; rewards. * , The call of America today is to find a solution of (Tit* problem. The Demo cracy of America is crying for a lead er to lead them out of the trials and tribulations of an Egyptian bondage into the beauties of a Promised Land SHOE REPAIRING For first class Shoe repair work Come to the' Expert Shoe Shep, on Washington Street opposite Atlantic - All work sent us by Parcel Post will receive prompt attention. 4t E. C. I POCK, Proprietor. IF YOU \ RESULTS U. AD IN THE i ESTABLK SHOWS EXAGGi A LITTLE TOO MUCH IN THEIR ADVERTISING Baruuni said the ptople wanted to be humbbuged. But it seems to us that not exactly willing to take ay bitter a dose as some of the modern circu:;es are futuyg up to the people. We notice posted on the barns tenves and trees ot every highway and byway advertiscinvj of the Walter L. Main Show whrrh vrfl be in Martin County on the 'Jt.i and Howes Great London Show which will exhibit at \V a.shlngto i and Plynfouth about Sept. 12th. 1 hey have deliberately covered up large amounts of the Fair Association Advertising matter. Thin pi actio? not generally tolerated by decent people and only a few snider wil do it. One ohtre habit shows have id to send wild cat news articles to country newspapers acocmpanied by a ticket or two, and the newspaper:, too often tall for a tree ticket and something to fill up with and gorge the dose down to b eread by the innocent public, only to he induced to come to see the great things -that aro not there and many times to lall victims of some black hand swindle. We have not a word to say against the circus or the menagerie, but warn our people a gainst the side shows and the grensy games, for they wil clean youup too quick ami they do not elevate the morals of people either. One clause ot the advertising mut ter oI the Howes (ireat London Show says that ther are 1100 people, 660 horses and 400 zoo animals with the show. This means that it will take at U asl cars to" carry the people and 22 cars to carry the horses and we cannot estimate how many cars to carry the animals u.s they do not say what kind of animuls thero are. I his all may be so hut it soun«is like a big lie to us. SWIMMING POOL STARTED TODAY I'he State Highway Commission ha* started the work of continuing the claying of Main Street from the rail road culvert, and finding the clay ut (■ardeii Terrace the only suitable and | convenient kind for this work, ar rangements have been made for the use ofthis cl.«f , which wil Ibe dug out in a basin f>o by 100 feet, just back of the Filling Station, and this large excavation will lie concreted and modernly finished up as una of the choicest swimming pools in tha state. All modern improvements, sanitation, fresh and *alt water, spacious dress ing rooms, Jiow'er and needle bath* Will IKJ part ot tlje equipment, and Mr. .Ktank.iL "''eh fates authoritatively that the people of this section will find all of this waiting their pleasured at the coming spring. \ real swiHimitiK pool i* .something that will u| > | >t-a I to old anil young alike 1 itii'l wit furnish much wholesome ex ercise, fun ami fwnu*emunt to many thousands of people Ucafed in ami ' around Williamston, ami the promo ' ter; of tin* project huvo the hearty ,'ood wiahes ami cooperation of all liti/eni o fthe town. SKKVICHK AT IkM'TI.HT LHHttCti A. V. Joyner, I'unlor. I Sunday School U:4fi u. in. I>r. I*. H Cone Superintendent. I If you are not any other 1 Sunday school why not come and join our classe*? • Sermon l>y the pastor 11 a. in. At 3:80 p. m. the Sunday school will he re-organized at Higg'" School House. Every one is invited t« attend. Services Sunday Evening 8:00 o'- clock. The Philuthea Class will hnvo charge of service. Come and bring: your friends and you will enjoy this nervice. -(Ml C SEPTEMBER SET) 7 j§l JL!£r SPECIAL PICTURES SPECIAL PRICES JOIN THE CROWD

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