ArfvelttaiTWitl Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 6j THE TOBACCO MARKET OPENED WEDNESDAY R| ]. The local warehouses wer*. filled to their capacity Wednesday morning when the tobacco market opened with a large orps of buyer;; piesent. The tobacco in general had an average color but in most cases w,as poor in texture, the poorer grades predomi nating. The average a farmer received depended upon what 'he had, some averaging over thirty cents and some under ten. Prices ranging ./rom one cent ti sixty cents per, pound wit han a\eruge ol about fourteen cents. The weather was hot and the houses wer» so badh crowded the .sales were slow as a re sult. All the Companies were represented und several independent concerns b.\ buyers. The peopHKgenerally and tin buyers think prices would have beei better jf the weather Jiuil been coolei and the floors not so crowded. The lirick Warehouse did not sell as the other two houses consumed the en tire day. One thing is certain, that is if the farmer rushes his tobacco, the buyer is jiot going to ruifli bi.- price so if the framel expects a good price he may as well take good car of his tobacco i'.nd not dump it or the market so fast that they buyers cannot handle it. Nothing breaks ;i jnaiket quicker than a glut. If reports can be relied upon t • tobacco crop is extremely shoil and —there is no reason whatever fur price., to go down if the farmer will owh """ refuse to dump it, in which case he will get about what is coming to him, which is nothing. HANKERS DAY AT EXPOSITION Charlotte, N. C. Sept. B.—At least one day o fthe Made-in-Carolinas Ex position will be of great interest par-, ficitlarly to the bankers and business \ men o fthe Carolina*. That day will lie Thursday, September 22, whe»> (iovernor W. K (i. Harding, of the federal reservenioard, Chairman Mr I r; n of the war finance corporation' and Senator F. M. Simmon*, of the date, an important figure in taxatior t,witters before Congress, will df'ivei JFidi esses on financial atffl commercial' Jeoblems o fthe present time. Two thou and bankers and bti 'nc - executives o fthe Carol in us were ex fended invitation by l tier to he pre . Tnt on this •orrnsion, it wawMnno'inee-i ai executive offices here of the exposi lim Word 11. Wood, president'of 'hr American Trust Co , of Charlotte, al • issued invitations to a very lul'ge Ti T' of lenders in lite business life >l' the ("iMidinas to attend a banquet at one i 'i lock that day at the city auditorium i.s guests of his bank. (lovernor II 'l'd ing. Chairman McLean, Senator Sim . toons, and several prominent Charlotte business men willmakeshort talks tiller the dinner, it WTS announced I ut the principal address of the ih\\ wdl be delivered by Governo" Haril iag at 8:30 o'clock at the ex.tosition ttiid' mi. Senator ■Simmon.-, and Cnatr ivan McLean also wil speak u! the exposition. In addition, !be ;sual aftei no in musical program bj the offici ti Sew York City concert band, fuor r.i t able "" vocal i»ts and one violinist, wi'l he rendered, When the financial interests of *he ('.(tolinas are considetcl, Banker's f;av wil I probably be the most impor ;'cnt o fthe 19 day* oJCjthe exposition, vhicli opens next Monday Septembei : 12. CHURCH OF TIIK ADVENT Services the 16th Sunday aftei tin it y, .Sept. 11th. Church School 9:45 a. m. » . Morning Prayer and Serri .-'i 11:00 . m. Evening Prayer and Sermon 7:4fi . rn. A cordial welcome to all services. ALTER 11 CI,ARK, Pricst-in-charge I® T R A N n H|J THEATRE 1) I ' - l| . —FRIDAY— [J BRYANT WASHBURN in "BURGLAR PROOF" ' H i "DOUBLE ADVENTURE" n _ hvtirdA.Y— N H DOROTHY DAI-TON in ! ROMANTIC ADVENTURES*' i Jb , RUTH OF THE ROCKIES" if, . THE ENTERPRISE Value of Fair is [ Never Doubted As to the value of f;iirs or exhibi i tions, thereare hardly any conflict i ing opinions. The highest Ideals E> and best results in almost nil ut, f dertakings aie attained through i competition, u::J competition the - very essence of exhibition spit it. I They perform the yvork ol an e luca -1 tor in nearly all brandies of human ? effort an educator by practical dem ount! ut ion, patriotically, comnier > ciallj, industriully r.rid otherwise. As an institution' they are a con-, crete expression of the districts. iSt nation's material existence, a s>VN ■ bOlization of the spirit of the peo ple, a tangible expression of the tut I tional culture and life. Because they are for the people, by the people, they stand, perhaps, the most domi nant monument »o our democracy, the flpreseene of our social, industrial «nd educational evolution, and pren -1 nially improve and expand with the nation's ever quickening march of progress. And so, therefore, their ap peal is ever increasingly magnetic, compelling. In them are fused the interests of all classes.- They are all things to all, men, women and chil dren, "a complete exemplification of human development in skill, industry and' intelligence." Take just one brunch of effort agriculture—which they say is the basis of all porsperity. Live stock is - essential —t-o—permanent—agriculture, - the backbone of the industry in fact. Who wil dispute the statement that fairs have been the biggest factor in perfecing the various breeders and dealers to produce the proper types? "What would have been the pres. put status of the li vi«4pek industr) if there had been no f&irs in the 1 last half century, no oportunity foi comparison of animals, no real guide to the proper type or essential qualifi cations?" a leading Canadian breeder was asked. some-times approach ing chaos would have existed but for the education and amelioration influence* of fairs," was theimraed iate rejoinder. "Each breeder or own er would hnve contended that his am mills and methods were the best, anil there being no higher court of appeal, the matter would have remained un sttled. One great benefit of fairs has been Ibe unwritten adoption of cer tain "standards" of excellence which have been accepted and judging thus' reduced to a;i almost exact science. Exhibitions have I wen the groal testing stations an ill lie very lie-H in centive to the dealer, ho ■continued "It's a question whether domestic ant mats could long maintain a high, standard of merit without the stimu Ills und example of fuirs and exhibi tions. When the country is strong it' live stock we see development along other lines. Hence the ramification of fair scan hardly In conceived o ilttwn the line ii to the varrme branches of farming und the an.-wei one receives to the question us to i whether fairs are of value to agri- i culture is equally emphatic as th;'t given b ythe live stock man just quoted If it i.s grain husbandry the farmer finds his best lesson and in spiration at the fair; if fruits are I his specialty the same thing applies. 1 If he warts to see the practical He- ' monstration if the latest" thing in i labor seving machinery for the farn I equally useful is his fair, local or I otherwise. In short there is no branch i of endeavor that desires more benefit • from fairs and exhibitions than> the i fanning element. „ ,i Yet note the inconsistency of the i attitude of the agriculturist. It is the farm press, in Canada at least, which invariably leads the chorus when the anival begins to rin>r out the old I old story of the decadence of fairs j through the alleged prominence or , dominance of the amusement end. SMALL BOY HI'RT t ———- _ ■ Hubert "Hritton, the smefl son ->C" Mr. FranK Hritton on tfte Wheelei Martin Farm, was very hiwly hurt Weilnesday afternoon while playing around u molasses mill in operation. The child was caught between tin sweep and the wheel and his head I and face were seriously bruised. A 1 slight fracture of the skull w by X-Ray but attending physicians think they will be able to care for it successfully. SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHURCH A. V. Joyner, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a; m. Dr. P. H Cone Superintendent. Sermon by the pastor 11 a. in. Subject: "A Man with a Great Heart" Sermon by the pastor 8:00ji. m. Subject: "Barnabas a flood Men." i Prayer meeting 8:00 |>. m. Wednes day. * ______ Yoo are""most cirdiilly invttjxi to Attend all these services. SUBSCRIBE TO THE £NT£&PlUfi£.. tVilliamston. IMurtin County North Carolina, Friday, September 9,1921. WILLiAMSTON SCHOOL ' OPENS NEXT MONDAY The W illiamston Schools open Mon day, September lJih at nine o'clock a. m. Parents and patrons be sure to have your children there on time. I n less the child reaches school on time he is handicapped. Children, except first Kraiie should bring promotion card and books used last year, also_ ;V tablet and a sharpened pencil Lessons will .be assigned (or Tuesday . Parents and patrons will please see that pupils stjluly at night. The vara lion is over. School time is here. The teachers havo pledged themselves to do their part. Several of them arc local ladies who of course have mud pride in their own school. 1 shall do everything in my power to Iri city the best school it has ever had. Will you do your part? It is a demonstrated fact that cigarettes are harmful to school chil dren. For this reason tobacco in any form cannot be allowed on the school grounds. Parents please note thir fact Suggestions or criticisms front pa trons will be appreciated by the faculty. The school shall ouen to all bona fide residents of the' Williamston Graded School District between the ages of six and twenty-one years. 2. l'uplis must have reached the agi of six years by the last of Decembei of the school year in which they enter 4. No absolute begifuter shall lie admitted-to the first end of the first mouth. 5. The daily school session shal commence at 9 a. m., and shall clo. c ;rt ;t:4f> p. m. 6. No grade or pupils may be dis missed before the regular lime ex cept by permission of the superintend ent. 7. There shall be a recess of not more than If) minutes in the fore noon and a noon Mcess from I2:8l to l:UO p. m. for lunch. All pupils who live near neough are expected ti go home for lunch. K. Monthly reports of scholarsbi| and attendance will be sent In pai ents, and these must be signed bj the parent 'or guardian in charge of tin pupil and returned at once. MARTIN J. DAVIS, Supt. MARTIN COUNTY FAIR VMLI. 11l OF GREAT BENEFIT TO ALL v WHO ATTEND Mr. IL M. Jack sun, llu ne- Manag er of The' Martin County I'air ? oci ation has returned front :i very -in cessful trip to Norfolk and he prophe cys thut the 1921 Fair will be of Ire mentions benefit to t'v» people of Mat tin County. A car lo td of the fine, I hogs in the world willai ' tce here next Tuesday, it is said thut tli s her 1 ha won prizes all over the I'n■ te«'. State The race horses will arrive next SatUi day from New Hern iml allilie seven ly five-,Jj;rse., in lee Ninth Camlini Fair Circuit will lie here. New record are being made Ibis year and a «ieai er interest in the racing will lie lak en. PA K HOUSE HI RNS /Last night the pack house ninl slock barn of Mr. N. It. Manning it, Grif fin's Township was destroyed by fire. The bam was used as a gracing toh'ac co house by a colored teaai.t. No one bad been in the house during the da> however and the origin of the fire is a mystery, It wa •. discovered about eight o'clock but had too much head way to be quenched. Tile loss is about SI,IMHI.(K) with a very ssall amount of insurance. NEW CASHIER ARRIVED Mr. John 1.. Hassell who wa? temporary Cashier of The People/ Han has returned to his work with J. L. Hassell and Company and Mr. R. M. Riddick, jr., has taken his place as Cashier of the bank. Mr. Riddick is from Gatesville, North Carolin: and was for thirteen years associated with the Hank of„Gates." For the Tast few years he has b?en President ol The Planters Savings Hank in Gates ville and conies to as with s.tlemlh recommendations. Mr. Riddick will bring his family here soon and will lie a helpful addition to the business and social life o ftbe town" NOTICE j All persons are hereby forbidden from constructing any dwelling house, store out house"or other buildjng with in the corporate liniits of the town of Williamston without first securing u written permit fro mthe Mayor and Building Committee. Anyone violating this ordinance shall be fined s2f>.oo. Each day that such building shall stand without the owner thereof se curing a permit jiball-conatitute ascju rate offense. ■x FORD ROADNTf*tt~fnr Tahr irt -acri fiee. In A No. 1 condition, can be seen at Atlantic Hotel at any- time. HiaiiLJi«JJQ£XeK 3 99 * '« * ■ * Local News and ; /Personal Mention f Mr. and Mrs. Jim Peel and family jpf Everetts were here for the tobacco 1 opening Wednesday. • # • % Air. R. L. Davis, the new supctin tendeat from Warienton, has arrived ami begun his duties in perfecting . th eschool organization for the open ing Monday. ♦ ♦ * * ' iIU. J. A. White and -on, .lame*, ji ..f I'itMoton are herevisiting ielstii»t I in' u few day s. ♦ • * • t-iiends of Mr. Moiiiniei Ham on of Danvi|le, \ a. anr Mr. Ltaneis Loth nl Wayucstwro, \a., a re" ft lad In leant I hut they are on the tobacco market again this year. * • * * Mr. Marry M. Stuhhs rettirned Tue.- day night from a business trip to Raleigh. * ♦ * * Miss Mary Little of Greenville is visiting her noire Mrs. J. 1.. IVel this week. • • • • Miss Martha Louise Anderson .left for Greensboro yesterday to continue her, course ofs tudv at Greensboro College for Women. * * • « .Mrs. Jane S, Moore went to Kaleigh yesterday for a visit for several days. « * ♦ ♦ Mi's. W. J. Ilullock who has l>eeft» visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Peel and her brother, Mr. John l>. Wind, for some time returned to her home in Sufolk yetsterday. * * m » Mr. Thurman Cowper Jies returned to his home in lialeigh after recover ing from a light case of diptheria at the home of his Sunt, Mrs. W. II Harrell. • • • • Mr. Hubert Warren* of Durham, buyer for the Liggett and Myers Tobacco Company is on our market again after an absce.nce of a year and his friends are delighted to have hini back. * ♦ ♦ + Miss Millie Spruill, of Itoper one , I the teuchers In the primary' grades this year has arrived and is making lei home with Mrs. Oscar Anderson. Miss Lucille White has returned t her home in Scotland Neck after visiting Jxrr enrrrrn, Miss Fthel Harrr for some time. Mr. Thurinan Cowpor left yester ""lay tTVT tTaIT TflTlg'p WtTeri 1 "lie will en er rhool lor Ihe fall term. • • • «■ Mr. Lawrence Mose of Faiinvilb' l aclier of mathematics In the Hie ieliool, arrived yesterday and is mak ing his home witli Mr. and Mrs. .1. (' YawlV'l on 11 anghton Street. I l.'ive soil bhuglit yocv -eii'.ii" licl> !o th;' h.'.ii 7 II is_ only f!2.r>l) to sec ■verylhing attlie Lair nl secure a chance on a l ord uutc' iohile. Don! Mis's It. » » • « Mrs. J. L. Williams spent Wetlnes day night in Griftoii with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Larry Chupmun. » ♦ » • Mr. Minier llostetler went to Ifich mond Wednesday in the Interest of the lloyle-lidbertson Const ruction Co • » • • Mr, Minion Inge is in Wedon to day on a business trip ' • • • • Miss Mary Cook is visiting in Win ton this week. • • • • Now is a good time to drop in and renew your sulisgribition See us cir cus day, tobacco i ays'or during Fai.i week, we wil Hake renewals or new subscritions .on any of those dates. • • • ■ The sale of building and loan stock in what is known the lOth Series and which opened September 3rd up to this writing is, greater than usual. Five hundred and fifteen shares have been sold, a-large p?t»|H>iti(»n ni flreing hoght by new subsribers who have seen the benefits derived from Building and Loan Stock by theii business associates. This Is an op portune time to take a few sham; The Series will close in I)(ycjiil»'i. f MISS COOK ENTKKTAINS Miss Geneva Cook and Mr. Jim Cook entertained last night at their home on Fast Main Street complimentary to Misses Mary .Jessie Gregory und Julia Turner of Weld"n, the house guests of Capt. arid M is, C, J. Khem. The ypnger set o fthe town were pre ent an denjoyed dancing 0,11 the porch bofore refreshments of ice cream and cake were served at eleve no'clock. CHRISTIAN A. J. Manning, Pastor Morftfag *&-fvtee, 11:00 a. Wl, ' Fvfning Service, 8:00 p. m. SUBSCRIBE TO THE UNTEWRIS* 1 r , * 1 CITY FATHERS HOLD ■ MONTHLY MEETING An active meeting of the town com mi. sioners was held Monday night vviih the folowing gentlemen present. Alonzo Hassell, S. R. Biggs, \V. T. Meadows, H. S. Courtney, Gemge H Harrison, Elbert S. Peel, C. F. Page and Frank Gurganus.. MH*was ordered that the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. bo notified •to have the seven raiU Jin \\illiamston be evened' ami lived Villi plank at once. All trains arriving in Williamston i|nust pull, tip past the box ears be /fore pawnvei will he permitted to alight. The old buildings back of Margolis Bros, and Hrooks store have been con demned ad will lie* torn down at once. Two electric street lights will be placed on the school grounds. Three overflow water places for team will be installed. One of these round iron fountains wil be placl'd back of J. 1,. Hassell and Cos. store one back of Harrison Bros,, store and tfhe at the warehouses. A committee was appointed to in vestigate conditions at the Williams ton cemetery and confer with the present owners t.i.d managers to tie vise some method of improving it foi the benefit of everybody. A special call meeting of the Com * mi,-.sioners will be neld Monday night September 12, 1921. MUST HAVE LEAGUE HE POKE DISARMAMENT SAYS SEN \ IX>R McCI'MHER (Rep.). While the League of Nations maj or may not figure in the debate With Germany, Senator McCumber (Hep., S. I).), ranking Republican member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, has' revived that subject in an exclusive statement to the Inter national News Service, iu relation to the coming conference on disarma ment, the substance of which is that before we can have reduction of anna inents of nations boun I by a wrttoi. contract to prevent Wars of aggression anil to compel arbitration of inter national "disputes. "Just to the ex ton I hat i'le-inent Harding is alifeto con -aim mate such an agreement bet wee i lite powerfu' nations," said Senei >• McCumber, "just to that extent will J»c> able to decrease the bu: lei • f aroiameiiTs." A" agreement for a reduction id' armament! would be futile, aceiiiilii.g to the Kontb I );lkl; I a Sepal'"' 111> MI such a league of powerful■ • >ri both lo pre,'en' war and compel ar bitration that Is to U e finer wh'er ever necess'iror inore sperificallc speaking ,u Le-.' eite lo I nloiee Peace. Whether n nil Harding adih.nis tratiou wou!d,consent to such a league 11 i not be I Afetold. Its IS a •aiust anv not el' inlei rationalism n d Ibis is inlei oiuili-m in the lit!; degree. If tin., nr.lter is taken up ils a con dition precedent to disarmament and the Far ivistern diplomatic problems j. ierted into the subject hle al-o to be solved prim to a disarmament conference will be far from the simple matter contemplalwd under the Horali resolution. Vet Senator MeCuniberV position finds many supporters who ask, "What Is the use of a disarma ment agreement if there is no way to enforce it?-" (THE PROPER SPIRIT The confidence expressed by Un people of this county has helped to keep things in a good healthy condi tion. The people have been, they hfjye stood firm ,they have not shirked and run over. They have paid their bills so far us able anil now when tobacco money has commenced to stii they are depositing a larger percent age of their checks in the several banks of the town than they have done for several seasons. There is no doubt but that our people have fully determined to travel tlie safe road and spend their money for something worth while instead of throwing it to ,the four winds for gaudy toys. We predict that in a short time the pain of the panic will have passed a*vuj and that we will all be feeling good. I will sell at public auetloij, for cash on Friday, Septembei Kith, at I'J o'- clock M., io front of the Post Office in Everetts, one 5 passenger Kuril car, known as the lirown car, to satisfy it lien for lalior and re pair* made on said car in January, '1921, in the sum of sfio.BK. .- THi« August 28rd, 1921. JJtf ' C. 11. CLARK. I SHOE REPAIRING For first class Shoe repair work: Come to the Expert Shoe Shop, on Washington Street opposite Atlantic Hotel, —■ - ■ — All Work «ent us by Parcel Post will receive prompt attention. - 4t ! . _ E. C. IPOCJt, Proprietor. I Regular Session I Recorders Court 'i lie Martin County Uecoidar'a t Chi rt com ened Tuesday," SeptOmbei . t> iyji with Judge Cii;vin C Smith '■ pic: idinir and Attorney If. Duke Ciitcher prosecuting in beh.i!" of the p Siati. I. State vs S. F Hyrum— Violating i-' 11cli ;uni enure law. Syta runtiiiU' I ed tdl September I.'!, I'.i.'l. 4. Stale vp F. I*, Guthrie -Driving I c:u with another' license. Defendant plead guilty. Judgment suspended up i m payment of the lust. State \ Kelly M'nore I aiivnv ' and receiving. co p linued ' fur defend ant till September 1."!. l;i:M under same bond 12. State \ a William Johnson and Mury Johnson. Disposal of mortared • property. Continued tdl September I.'! 1!I'2I under the same bond. IH. State vs William Johnson and • Mary Johnson. Di-posal of mortaged I property. Continued for defendants un ' td September I "I, l!fj| U ndi '■ the I same bond. 11. State vs Henry Binvon. Crui lt\ to animals. .Sentenced' to Count; jail for a term of eighteen mouths to lie ' assigned to the authorities of l\.lge combe County to be worked on public loads of said county. ■ 14. State,.vs Henry Uowen— with ileadly weapon. Sentenced to' County jail for a term of six month to be assigned to the authorities of county to be worked on public roads of said county. >. State vs June Jnnes-- t -Violating search and seizure ,aw\ Not guilty. ii. State vs Henry Jolly Violating search ami sei'/.ure law. Not guilty. 10. State v.i Asa G tiffin— A.-fualt with deadly ' ".capon Not guilty. . 7. Siate vs June Jones— A. D W. .Sentenced to county jail foi a te;ni of sjx ii" ntlis ?o be assignc I to iln authorities of Edgecombe County to be worked on roads of said county, from which judgment the defended! accepts and appeals to Superior Court Appeal bond fixed lit if 100.00. Charles Pugli, colored of Jame 'villi l ' was arrested and held in Police Court Wednesday for disorderly conduct on ■ the streets of Willinmston. Fined 1 $.'1.00 and the cosl of action. * 1 • North Carolina 1 Martin County W. G 1 'eel - vs harlie Spruill L lu!l:.t -iXul Uv V illllM l»l i(u V directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Martin County in the above entitled action I will on Monday the Ilril, (lay,of October, at 12:00 o'clock M. at the Couit House door of Martin County at William, ton North Caridinu the highest bid. _ der for cash, for tin' pui po -e of sal is 1 fying .said execution afl the light title and interest which the sail Charlie. Spruill, defendant has in tin following described real estate jn! personal property: to wit; One Ford touring car, 10 bu. hol \ corn in shuck. One certain tract or parcel of land alloted to Charlie Spruill in the Cliarl Spruill, Sr. and division ot being lot No. 3, and of record in the. Clerk'. 1 office in Land Division Hook It, page 40 containing 25 l-f> acres. Dated this 2nd,«duy of Septembei 11121. 11. 'l'. ROHEKSON Slierif fof Martin County. NOTICE OF SAI ii Cniler and by virtue o I'the authori ty contained in a certain note ex"cut ed hy S. S. JJ|iRWy, bearing dat June 14th 192nJ the conditions in sail 1 not having been complied with, the undersigned owner of said note wil on the last day of October, 1921, at the Court House door, in the town of Williatuston, N. C. at 12 q'cldck M offer for 'sale to the lyghest bidder for cash, at public Ruction, the follow 1 iflfr de fieri bed person* t property: Note in the sum of $400.00, exec.ut 1 ed by W. F. Barberf. dated Novembei ' 7 19J6, due January Ist, 1924. 1 1 Note It) the sum of $400.00, execut ed by W. P. Hurber, dated Noveiabei 7, 1916, due January 1,1925. A hove desc rifled notes' being~73>cTTr~ ed by deed of trust on real estate. This the 7th day of September, 1921 MERCHANTS HANK Hy WHEELER MARTIN, Atty. * 6 * f ADMINISTRATOR' NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. S. Grepp, late of Martin County, NT C., All person* indebted to said estate are hereby no tified to com eforward and settle sahie at once. All persons holding claimr against said estate will pret-ont saa-o i for payment on or before September ■ 3rd 1922, or this notice will be plead ill ba rof-fcheip recovery. - t This September 3, 1921. t * E. JT GPEEN - Administrator. 1 , .- ; r. ' ' - IE YOU_WAECT. QUICK ~ttSCWfiHO«Rf Want AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 189* CLOSE RACES FEATURES OF WEDNESDAY'S CARD At the Fair Grounds Wodntrtiay afteynobn an old fashioned race be tween local Horses was held. Dr. W. L. Warren, John Cook and Sheriff Tucker of Greenvilfe were the judges and Dr. E. N. Gordon acted as Jt4rt er. The tii't was a match race far a s:iHuii> purser and had the following entries: (Name of horse listed nwrier second, and driver last.) t ittle Benjamin—l. W. DarJll—F. Dun 'tan ' f- Golden Guy— Whit PurviJ—-Whit I 'ui \ i . Martin J. * 1!. K. Uarnhill—B. K. Harnliill Martin J., acting as the'"dark li"'se in the race, to the surpriiie of both his owner and Ins rivals-came out victorious in the end and now wears the County chahpionship crown which Little Benjamin had been hold ing for. two years. It was not only a light between the two horses but the .kill oi the drivers, Harnhill and Dun-tan, was on trial as well.. Tin' second race was for a $200.00 purse and carried the following en tries: King George—J. I). Harnhill—Barn lull. I hicamauga - Dr. Thivpen Dr. , Thigpen. Daniel's Bob—l. W. Daniel— ? Whit Purvis, . - F Dun stan. Kllig George won by a small mar gi". It is interesting to our people to learn that these horses are making - a decent appearance in the races this yeai unit wil lailil to the Fair races sortie local color. "THE MICROBE OF LOVE I he' Microbe of Love, a clever musi cal comedy given Tuesday night in the school auditorium by local tsl-- cut directed by 4ljss Caryl Bingham of the Wayne P. Sewell Producing Co. of Atlanta (ia. and under the auspices ot the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church, was a genuine success and furnished innocent amuse ment for a large audience. Mrs. John D. Higgs, jr. as "Prucillu I'runes" made a very effective Presi dent of the Spinisters Club. All the spiinster cast were good in their regalia and deservid the reward of a husband. Mrs. Louis Bennett establi shed a reputation in the first act as i fini bed dancer, tempo ile'j&tz. Miss Hi ightini a.TT"MaTTru'ii Cupid Tiiaue ft " cnarining Madam t'upiil. Ihe Bachelors built up a ,trong de f"iise for themselves but their im pregnable hearts were succesafully bo bar ded by the "wiles" of woman aided bj' Cupid herself in the guiso ■■l lit 1 Margaret Kogersun, Sarah -G-w-gHniiS{ Billy—I .tsffrtati Hogn —' flatten Gurganus. Ten chorus girls colored the entire performance and made :» lovely baek- I'round for each "'scene. Harry M. Stubbs and Mrs. Warren Biggs ware ju t about the happiest looking Mr. and Mrs. Henpeck you ever saw and the "Three Old Maids From Lee" act ed their | art perfectly even if they didn't look like -forty year sold. Th» ni'u. ic was especially good and Mi** Laura Orleans starred in a Chinas* love song. If moiti entertainment »f 1 this character were given in Williamstim the taletvfcxQow ly'tig dormunt among us would beS^discovered and much pleasure could ho received both by indiviilinrt*JThcl the public at large. NOTE OF THANKS ; The Ladies of the Methodist Aid Society wish to thank those ladies ami gentlemen who took part in our play —The Microbe of Love —We deeply appreciate the interest and earnest effort on the part of each in the pre paration and the enthusiastic spirit which wfts shown throughout. We al so want t« thank Mrs. Williams who -udde nliM'd iiiutaiiKsliidshrdlshrdUhrdd added so much to the success of the play by her untiring assistance at the piano. t s Mrrf HCNTKK, PRESIDENT. NOTICE OF SALE Fader and hy virtue o fth»s authori ty containeiT fn a certarn note exeeiit ed by S. S. Hadley, bering date Janu ary 2nd, 1920 ,the conditions in said not not having been complied with, the undersigned owner of said note, will onthe Ist li«£ of October, 1921, at the Court House Dx>r in the town of ,Williamston, N. C. at 12 o'clock M ofefr for sale to the highest ladder for cash, at public auction, the follow ing described personal property:; (5) Five notes in the sum of 00) Four Hundred dollars each, dated November, 7th r 1916, executed hy W. F. Barbel l , rfffe January Ist, 1921, 1922 1928, 1926 and 1927. Said notes bftfcg |ii iliUkil (if I nitit iku ma! aiiiat* ~M M *' t tI Ul UUBt UTI rVBI QMIIvC This the 7th day September, IMI. FARMERS A MERCHANTS BiMTK B. WHTTT fg M MiUlhaifM-.

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