HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR SEASON TICKET FOR THE COUINTY FAIRF .i . ' L- —*• _ , • • ■ . r . - Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 67 VVilliamston, Martin County North Carolina, Tuesday, September 13, 1921. , ESTABLISHED 1898 Tobacco Prices on Local Market Show a Marked Improvement This Week V. lit ii the tobacco markets opened in Fastern Carolina farmers needed nu :u, badly anl practically all the i . ilets were glutted which brought uri io\v prices but since the weather i a.- tin led of fund "the rush is cleared avvu, pliers look much better. We li i> e noticed various averages i'or ah t';o surrounding markets as published ir advertisements. by warehousemen HI-.' then seems to lie little difference in them. For our own satisfaction w* examined some o lthe .-.ales on prim ings sold on the VVilliautston ifiarket opening sale and the actual sales show that: Jones and Sons sold a barn al $;>1).2l J. I!. Stillman 2li.i;» iiarnhil land Albry .''.4.(51 .1. I\. (jriffin 2'J.2l J. 1!. Wynn Hp.2.'. Oliver and Tetterton ' 29.21 Todd and Todd .'.2.4'_ Tbore has been a decided improve mtint since tlie;.e sales were made am. i.iv uoubt but the farmer who takes rnod care o this tobacco-ami avoid tin' fu h vvil Iget satisfactory price.-. Vou will find a few fellow* who ai. : pecjal pet.> on iure i'g11 market.- aim get a little something on the suit whooping them up but watch the eludes and the .prices and jou wi find that the Companies run aliou the same on all market . Don't pa. any attention to these people who cat ulw a> s get better pin es . timewlicn *lse. Certainly )our home town is tin place to patronize.-. \V All IIN A NCI* CORI'O ATltiN .The War Finance Corporation to • announce.! that it has agier.l li make an advance of s!,2iMi,(Mi(i to. ; cotton growers association in Ariz.iii; ioi tlie purpose, of financing the .1. UK' tic sale of cotton. ttThe Coipotation also anounces tlia. it has agreed to make further advanci ui to a coopreative a.-., lion iri C'aliforioa for the purpose o." assisting in linaiicing the expoitatim of canned fruits. * 1 lie War Finance Corporation to day announced tlia tit had made at rullgements fo rthe ailmini. tration. o Section 2-1 of the Agricultural Credit, .vet, authorizes the Corporatioi "to make advances to any bank, bank rr or trust company in the I'liite* .States' 1 ' ''which may have" made a ihames for agricultural purposes, in cluding the breeding, raising an , marketing qf live stock, or liiay liavi- discounted" ot rediscounted notes diafLs, bills of exchange, or othel ne goi.alile instruments issued for slid, inn poses." Agricultural loan agenoie have been created in. importanl agri cultural districts and these agent ie. •' will be in charge d local committee, emu posed of five repn sentaiv e hank er sand business r-rr'tr. I lie rnrrnhi'i of most of the c (imuittees all'ea.l,. hrive been appoinUs!, and their persoi ne land location *-iii be announced sii'ni as acceptances a.e recei\'e«l, t Ihe cemm ittee.- will receive ann li.tss upon applications front bank.yl e'l 1 ers, and tiu.'t oiiipanie.- locate. iu their respective torritofies for ad ' v atii es pursuant to Section 24, am v. li initke appropt ate recromeiidatiol to the War Finance Corporation a •V.i.shington. In ojetler to avoid Un' d ie delay in the handling of appl * at n.ns, three members o fcacli com i ittee have been selected fropi tlif it;, or town in which the headquarter i,f the loan agency will he locate.. All applications for loans submitted 1 ti. tlie agencies ml the in triplicate oil roTTfrs pvovldf I • frrr that ptrrpnsr " by the Wa rFini ee Corporation. NOTICE OF SAIL 1 nder and by virtue o ftlie authori ty cotiferre*! in a certain deed ol tun executed to me by C. W. Keith on tin 15th day of April IW2O and of rerm in Martin County Public Registry ii Rook A-it, Page fnID, securing certan bonds of even date and tenor the . with and the stipulations thiHejn hav ing not been complied with i*ntl a' the request of the owner of said w>iuh 1 will expose to public auction ill fi'.i. of the court house door in William.stoi iit I2:(K> o'clock on the 14 day o October 1921 the following describe • real property: Being a certain hou.V and ml in the town of Wjlliamstoi commonly known a sthc Tucker pro adjoining the lands of F. Gi.-rdv, P. F. Apfel and John D. Hign> and Wing on the corner of Watts & Ha'' Streets and being the same land conveyed to C. W. Keith by W. I fiurganus to which deed reference is. hereby made for a more accurate de scription. This" the 12th day of Sept. 1024. H.-DCKF. CRITCHF.R, Trustee SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE THE ENTERPRISE ! Weekly Review of t the Cotton Market i I On Friday, September 2nd, Oet.u.e. ■ i utuies, in .New It)lk closed sliong, ' at li.bi*. New \ork remained cio-.it. 1 until iiic iuiluwaig luestia.Vj.-ou ,u ■ count ot Labor L'ay Holidays. I.IHI' pool nceiiH'ii to realize on Monday ma. .lie Aliieiican cotton crop Was, real I.\ a very .-inall ohe, and that jiiarkt. ' advanced bl English points whiiii Aci i orK was closed. Liverpool tirade lUt ilier sensational gains iluring the loi ■ owing two da,v s. New ork respond " eil to this advance, and continued t. soar until September 7th, when Of lober touched 21.f>-—ami the Spun, ' uioiillis went above 22c. Spot cottoi stilt I as high as l-2c to 22c basi wiiitlilliug. At this level a wave o prolii taking set in ami futures luokt sharply, tlctobei. touching ISi o I'huisda). Tiie marke lis now Hut tilatniK between IN I2c and 111 I lit , with an advancing temleiic.v. The gisinci V report publishe.. ' ui Septenibei Mb, showing that Is I, i>K bales were ginned up to Septeni ner Ist. J his. was more than the pie viou-. hut I|K,IMIO bales less than the ten year average. Ihe ollicial agtires were as follow.-; (iinne.J to September Ist: l!*2l 481.75S bal..- ' I!l2'l 351 ~r i Ml bales. I'M!) U2;62f> bales. I'.IIS - I ,(i;:w,tr,h bales. . 11M7 (ill,7B'i bale.. . lillf. Kfi(l,t>ti,K bales. leu vear av ; »'iage, tiiitl,iido bales. Ol K I I N ANN OCR MORALS Must we depend upon the immoral ist for our fun and the harlot for oui fashion , Ftttt) A i buckle has engaged the attention of old ami young thru out the country for marry months Men- have laid aside business to set Fatty Arbuckle. Women have left ol) important home duties to see Fntt) Arbuckle. Children have neglected lessons to see Fatty Arbuckle, win is certainly an imrnorali-t if not a murderer for*whic lilie now stand charged and abides in a prison cell i San Francisco, •We- are too ready to follow 'fun. no matter what, the source," 1 irml v\ may not be careful enough liliout wh." we are setting be fort; our olFspiinp The play that has a little blemi.-h ol vulgarity or immorality may not b. of harm to most of. us but it mil) In set in motion an davvaken some o the evil t in others of u ••ven those whichifliave hitherto bee overcome anil suppressed. We are not careful enough about the appearand of evil. Can we Ive real people long as we pretend to cover ourselvei in the fashion set by the commonest women of Kurope and fil lour minds vyitli the thoughts and suggestion given us.by a hunch,of immoral devils" who are otily appealing to us for what they can get out of us. And yet we are frequently making, casting and molding our minds according to some "star" which we have chosen to guide us through life, some one of just this class of people. NOTICE OF SALE I'n.der and by virtue of the powei of sale contained in a certain deed o trust,executed to me, the undersignet trustee, by L. M. Martin and wit. " Fi aVifes F. Martinr snid deed nf frus being of record in the public registry of Martin County in book A-2 jiagt 'JB, and stipulations therein not having been complied with anil at the request of the holder of the notes secured h said deed of trust, I will expose -t« publici auction in front o fthe coui" house door of Martin oCunty, n William.-ton, N. C. at 12 o'clock M. oi the 17th day of October l!i"l, to tin higliest bidder for ca.fi, tlm followiir described tract of land, to wit- Adjoining Mrs. Aliue Harris and others. Rounded on the east by .lame, A. Rritton ami on the south by H. 1 Harris' land ami on tjie west by R. E • Harris' land and on the noth bv Anron Mizelle's land, containing I'd acre more or less, it being the late L. M Martin home place. This the 12th day of September 1921. R; fl. HARRISON, Trustee SHOE REI'AfHING . | For first class Shoe repair work: Come to the Kxpeif Shoe Shop, on Washington Street opposite Atlantic Hotel.. All work sent us by Parcel Post will receive prompt attention. it E. C. IPOCK, Proprietor. FAIR WEEK IS TIME TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS . Occasional)- some hide-bound bigo.t rises to proclaim vociferously tliuJ the tair is IT'thing of evil, because .oiesooth, it oluers the public some entertainment features that a.i culatetl to drive dull-care away ami | uiaKe one lorget for the time lieitiK the races of over) -day life. And oecause the aforementioned bigot is vociferous ami noisy-—as most pests aie—the unthinking may possibl) give heed to his vapoi-ings. To _ thousairds,. however;. .yes, to.l hu>itli\>tls of thousands, the fair i one of the brightest spoio in theii existence, and anything that give: real joy to the multitude cannot" hr ■evil. -Faif time is a time of renew ing ohl aci|uaintances ami making new; of gleaning new itleas, broad emng the muni; of n«-ttinn avva.v foi a day o rtwo fro in the monotonous giintl ami enjov ing onesself to the full. Au editorial writer iu the llii i iiighum has given a vvor.. picture o Itlie fail that ruins true "A 'other State Fair," lie says. " l b. 11.'• I thing amohg nation. , and one of the best. It i i iginated vvlie'i men's baiter and sale consisted ol the actual exchange of giHitls, sheep ltd t 0w... cows for sheep, goaP- loi c'otli an ilcloth for goats. I lie t t! 1... were brought to a common tie pel, where each came to'dispo e oi .'•2 l. " Kid ertailimeilt followed poll tai'e .usly. \\ lietieveV crow.l ol liti I a. I gathered they seek lo j• i:11 il'\ all tin l human inslincts. II e olt fails attracfed the strolling nicer ■the traveling mountebank:-, the for las e tilers, the minstrels and tin whole happy go lucky crew o,f tin univ erese. "Men ami women, the husines that brought them together disposed of, disported gaily with one unollie Friends, apart tluring the remaimle of the year, renewed fellowship \ ouhg nine courted and young wo men sigheil with tender emotion. "The fair of today i same thing. (Jons are not bought ami sold on the _spot to a great tie glee, but baiter and sale arise Iron , the exhibits. The enteitainmen' differs, hut iT is just as much th spontaneous concomitant of the lai as when Punch and Jud> were o the schedule. "There are no opporti mtie sujtetl to commingliiiK— of titv an. cmirffry friends as fairs, becaii ' each is-' tm familiar ground, the on. with live stock and field product the other with the manufacture.f ,n titles, 'Each can leawn fioiu the other, Tlie> aie on an equal I'qot ing." Fiar Dates SEI'TFM ULK 2» 21 !2 2.'!. . _ SEPIEMRKR CORN RKI'ORT Raleigh, N. C., Sept. Id. The lai TiieTs of flu- coastal and inountaii ' counties of North Carolina have m conception o fthe hard times tha; those in the middle or piedmont are; are experiencing, even after rcadini of the water bhortages in many town and the hydro-power pljints. I'lie best coiulitions of the state' corn crop in found all along the coas and in the mountain counties. The state's crop averages 72 pe cent or 12 per cant less than a niont previous. - While jtx grow impovei ishell, the national crop average's on. per cent improvement, according t. the I nited States liureau of M. and Crop Estimates. If it were not for the high transportation rates, tin hard hit North Carolina farmer would be more interested in the na tinnaf rivprafrp jfrire td abtmt f>> e»-o4 pel bushel, W'ltiel the state aveiage !»5 cents. The state's corn crop is increase in acreage, hut ctmsiderably ponn than last year and tlie price niuci less, it now averaging but 4'! pi t cei i»f the $2.19 price of a year ago. Th total crop wil Ihe worth hut ''i. r ipe. cent of last year's production. It j*, suggested that the farmer the more fortunate counties menlione get in contact with" he (leva led n and help each oher by direct m.u 1 ing. The same oppoitunity is t.fleie w'itli other crops. TEPTATIONS • Even baseball lias its temptation' Things looked vrry clean in the Vir ginia League until the tovyi;-i id Rocky Mount and Wilson in theii great enxiety to win just jumped i little too far ami played unfair ar. 1 fcr that sin are about to lose ihe goal It would, have heen«-better to havi never won a game than to have got * ten it wrongfully. FORD ROADSTER for sale at .ir»,i fico. In A No. 1 condition, can be "sejsn Atjantir Hotel at any" tlm?. HUGH G. UORTON 3 09 Local News and i Personal Mention Mr. Miniei: Jlostettler uh.s returned ' from a business trip'to Washington, I>. C. ♦ ♦ • • Kliler Wyatt of JSelma ami Mrs. W. I L. Keddick ofßobet'sonviHe were thr KUf.st.-i 01 Mr. ami Mrs. John 1.. Has i selT Sunday after attemling* the meet ■ inn' at Skewarkoe. ♦ ♦ » » Messrs. S. Collins I'eel and Hutfl Horton spent Sunday in Creswell witl • • • • Mr, \\. 11. Watts of Norfolk spent Sunday here with his parents, Sir. and Mr-. ,h W. Watts. » • ♦ • Mr. and Mrs. (', K. I'ukc '--pent, Sunday in Stokes with iVfatTWST — Mr. Joe I >a\ ill Thrower at lived to , da\4> from Portsmouth to visit hi-- lamih here for a few_ days,- » * • • Aiiioiik the young men. and women ol \\ illianiston who are leaving; ioi College this week are Mr. William Oarstarphrn and Mr. ttruce Wynne, going to 'l'rinit-y in Durham. ,\li:se,- Martha Slad • II asset I and M: rt!i:; Cotton Crawford to Salem College in Win don Salem. Mioses Sarah llnrell and Nellie Wvune to St. Mrry's in and Miss Fli/.abeth Hurra-. In the North Carolina State Normal in t J reonshoro. ♦ ♦ ♦ » Have you your chance on the Foul ear the Fair Association i givitie a way ? Mis. A. It. Dunning, Mi J \\ Manning, Mis* Daisy Manning and Mr. It. M. Jackson motored In Wind soi Saturday in the interest of tin art in County Fair next 'week. Messrs. li lt. Harnhill, M It \\,,tt ami Jack Itiddiek of Scotland Nect lie to attend the horse races at tin New. Hern Kail tomorrow . • • * » Mi. 11. M. Jackson in attending t)>• Fair in New Item today. • ♦ • • Mr. Hai •y M. Stuhhs anil son I Harry, jr., have returned from a visit to relatives in (told horo and Wake Forest. « • • # Mr. W. It. Marshall spent the week, •ml in Itolieisonville with Ids family • • ♦ » Miss Mildred I'm vis will return to Kilt iel I tomorrow aljler visiting here a few days. ••• • ' Miss Stella Ward leaves tomoi row lot Italeiyh- where she will .att.euo. I'eace Institute.- , * * » « The ladies can now feel at home ;.l Margolis' .store with a co/.v puic.- t powder the-nose and adjusi 11■ i• 'air ii'everything. °•» • • Messrs. 11. M. Wo isles and J. Itoss of Oak City were business v isit ors in town yesteiday. / • • • • Mr. Thos, Mattox was in town > terday in the interest of the Kmlow iiient Fund of Atlantic Christian ''o' lego. 9 * * • lluy tluit season ticket before thr fifteenth, il nniy costs $2 4o for eighl admissions and you may p'l a car. • • • Miss Charlotte Fagan of Kdent ti, is visiting her neice, Mrs. S. It. 1 1• km jr. at her home on Watts Street. • • • • Mr. Itohert llogart of Washington was in town Sunday. » • * • Mrs. Fagan of Kilenton i* visit inr hei daughter, MI s. S It. Hiiflfs. ir • • • • Those chic Tin dresses are lieie a train with their graceful line urn beautiful |iialitie.s at prices lliat liiadi Mal'froli.s' store head(|uartci ; fm' la die ityf ses, n'everything. ♦ • • ♦ Don't forget \ofir • eason • lil-ki I t' tlie fair. Take a $;!.&0 th.uict i.ii Ford touring car. _ - , t.i—-iranwif df .. j' no ricF. The orn« im-ntplant and flown -l.ow dopa ti it id at the. Fair next week promises a very fine exhibition and it is hoped that Wl the county women will ii»ttii tneinselves of the opportunity t- w .n a prize by sending both their pott.'Jt»plants and cut flow el. . Mrs. Sa He A. Biggs, Mrs. C. M Lanier and Mi . Maurice Moore are on the' iecei\ing committee for the flow era and tepoil that they will entei cut flowers according to rule but will be very ghtd to receive them ,for ex hibition Tuesday morning Following is 'i list of a few o fthe flowers prizes wi>l be #iven on: Chrysanthemums, palms, ferns, all Vim's of potted plants, roam, a|J_ lc : i d rof cut /lowers," begonias anil buib ; . ■ • ! r — I ATTORNEY-GENERAL NOT A CANDIDATE Attorney 'ieneraJ J. S. Manning has , boon 'le.itiue.y eliminated as a proli able successor to Justice W. R. Allen on the Supreme Court bench. Judge Manning announced in Charlotte last ■ night that lie hail refused to allow friends to v resen* his name as a camli date lor the . ougeship. It was stated here, yesterday that Judge Mann.i.g hail already committd himself, in wnting to a friend in Ua liegli to the effect that he would net accept a{ipt ir tinent to the Supreme Court bench. Before this it has been stated 011 almost as good authority 1 that tiowrnor Morrison had tentative ly offered the appointment to Judge Manning but the latter has declined. .i«»*rnor Morrison himself voic,'d his belief last week that Jutlge Manning would not care for the office, . and then lie added the expression of hi. own views that the office ought not lo lie cheapened by tendering it where it would be refused. This leaves Jutlge W. t. Atlanis as the outstanding candidate but his ap pointment is not yet assuretl I lie score id other.-, who are either themselves or through their friends &*i'ing an active light by mad ami telegraph loi thu ap ptiinlinent are making the appoint mont difficult, anil the new- came from Charlotte last night that tiovei 1101 Moiri-on would not announce In appointent fo 111 week. A Raleigh attontey clo-e to the Mm lison aihniiiistration yesterday late that Thomas 11. Warren, of New Hern would be appointed to ucceetl .lustici - AI lon,—but—while the—day iippnreiitl) added no new entrants to. the lists, there is enough active campaigning. 111 those who were already in to make lb - eselecl ion embarrassing tv» tin 1 ioveriuir. Those who are the firmest in tin belief that Jutlge Adams will weai er mine of the high court are not for getful of the past. They reculj. tlia among the many it was conceded earlier iu the yeathat A. J., Max well won 14 be named of Revenue until the bomb fell \in th esliape anil personality t Watts.^ ✓"Sir. JAMKS MIZEI.I.i: DEAD \ Mr. James Allen Mizelle of the Itrown Springs sectinn was stricken with apoplexy Friday and died Sun day morning at four o'clock. Mr Mizelle was living on the farm upoi which he .was born seventy eight ) ears ago, having passed, the sevent) eighth mile post in life on the seventl of August. lie was just an htinoiable facmei who lived a life of usefulness to tin ,111.pie >0 fthe enmunity in which lit livi'tl. lb' bail liei 11 i.u'rrieil thre* t.'iies, first to Mj*,j Coburn, jv|m ihed many years ago jeaving one son, V (Ivliii 11. Mizellejo' W illiamston, lit next married Miss Anna Itrown an.l after her death he married Miss Luc". Winl vvlin with tl.e one son sei- ivc.. '.int. He laid beeit i member of ih : I'rmn t've ll.iptist Chuii'h at Skewarkee foi forty years, always prompt in attend ing the services. He was Juried in Monday afternoon at his limni'. Tin uieial service was conducted by Kl one 11. S. (Jowiig. X' FOUND UFA I) IN RED f 7"" Mr. SIIIIIIK-I Whitley was founil dead in bed Sunday morning at tin home (if Mr. J. S. Whitehurst where he resided. » n Mr. Wh'itley marrmd a Miss Peel early in life and moved to Texiu where he lived for many years ami raised a family of nine children A fier the " death "JIT iTis wTfe liT lef'l Texas, came back tn North Carolin; and married Miss A man.la .Colt rain, who with the—one child left of hot lisH.ll survives hint. Mr. Whitley wa seventy-two years old and uppurentl in good health when Ire went to hei, ,Sylu I.lay uight at the usual time, in jknore'wiis knrrwii nf him until Sumla> when he was found dead an.' cold— lie hurl evidtlltu been Kti icken with heart failure oi' apoplexy in tin early night and died without a strug gle. He was buried at the Moblej cemetery ami the funeral was conducß ed by Filler Jno. N. Rogerson. m POLICE COURT 3. ' Only three cases have been triei" 1 before the Mayor this week anil they are all for the sameoffense:, 1 Oscar Ore breaking the speed law. Fined $5.11(1 and, CO: t . Mitchell Edmond —breaking tin sjjeeil law. Fined $5.0(1 anil cost. Walter Simmons —breukmg i the speed law. Fined fb.lM) and cost. Car load wire fencing and nail?, also carload Nfl.. 1 Timothy Hay,, just teceived. Cheap for the cash. ; c. D. CAKSTARPUEN ami CO. i •• •" - L ; - - Graded School Opened Monday The Graded School opened yester day with the following teachers und pupi's in the respective.grades: Miss Spruill, first grade; thirty-one boys, twenty girls. Mrs. Williams, ■second grade: 181 boys, thirteen girls. Ai,>s Craw I ord, thud grade: . ine , boys, t.v,-fit) three g' l ls. Miss tirigr., fourth grade: 'wenty live b'.') ;. s item gfi-lr. Miss layler, fifth -gratle: eleven bn) s, fourteen girls, i .M s VaugWan, sixth grade, ten bovs, eight girls. ' Mi. Moye, seventh grade: fourteen boys, nine girls. Mrs. Hurrell, eighth anil umth: "f.ftoen boys, twenty girls. Mrs. Joyner, tenth and eleventl grades: one boy, seventeen guls. Ihe total numbor of girls is one hundred and forty and the total nun. Hoi of hoys is one hundred an lour. The first grade has lifty-tivi Ut.l cent more boys than girls and (lie tenth an.l eleventh grades have one boy and' seventeen girl which would serve for food I'm i parents- and guardians. It there is any good iea on why graded school .should start the lirst grade Willi a class of boys til t) livi, per cent greater than guls und end up with seventeen hundred per cent ni in e girls than boys in the eleventh gratle we fail t usee it. • 1b« outline of the plans foi the year's work was briefly stated b) Supt. Davis and Rev Joyner read it Rev. L. C. A line spirit ol , j'Uopcj:ut ion was shown, by a few fathers and many mothers of the Dis trict ami the schorl "has a bright out lookfora splendid session. N. C. II VS RIUKST CROP OF R A HIES Official I Inures prove that North ( aml ina has laised the biggest, bum per c rop of billies the last 12 month.* in all its history. Lirth anil death statistics for tlu*" first six •noii'hs of H»2t compiled b) the I.u tod'j of Vital Statistics of the \ State Hoard of Health, Dr. F. M Reg gistei, dire, tor, indicate and increase tnf mule tha i 3,tMM) births over tin -an e period last year, und deaths have decreased by more than two thousand I he same ratio for the year will givi the stale a net gain in population ol r,7.:uc. During the first six .months there wore 44.2GS babies born i nthe state, while li 2 ,peique were dying. Dur lii gthe same period last year then were 41,01.2 babies born while 1H,07b people were dying. The ilecreaset' death late foi the present year is at tributeil pinliy. to the fact that ni ii.fluen'/.a epidemic was alilnail during the earl) month so fthe year, as wa th e.'ase in I'.iili. .Tune n pea is It. be the uinntli most fuvored for birthdays by the newly ariiving babies this year, with a total of 8,lll(i, but hist vear the new citizen.* preferred April, and in that month set up a yet en 'mken arrival for births— Fel l e iiy of last year so fin holds the.record for deaths when 4,002 people died during the recurrent epi Hemic nf "luflnenza. Deaths this yeui readied Vheir highest peak for the pei ion in June, with a total of • 11,114 reported. NOTICE OF SAI.F Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Moses Moore to the utlersigned Trustee, and bearing dale of September 211 th I!M9, and of record in liook C-2 at page 1..42 id' the Martin County Public Registry, ffuid deed of trust having been given to se cure payment of certain note of evsn date tlierewitii, an ilthe teiurs and con ditk>ns therein contained not having been compleiil with, an.l at tiiil re quest of the. holder of said notes ,the undersigned Trusteewil, on Monday the 3rd day of October 1921 ,at 12 o'clock M, at the Court house Dom - of Martin X-uunty at Witliamslon, N. C., offer for sale, at public • aiittion to tiie highest' bitblei for cash, the following described property to-wit: All that certain tract of land lying situated and being ill the County ol Martin, State of North Carolina neai the town of Everetts, N. and being tract No. 16, and containing ft4,oi> acres more or lean on plat of lund formerly owned by Wynn and llarn hill and known as the Italian! Farm aa surveyed und platted by C. M. Credle, C. E., plat of which is on record in Martin County Public Regis try in Land Division Rook No. one at page 487, to which said plat reference is hereby given for a complete desci'ip lion of saii! land. This the Ist day of September 1921. A. R. DUNNING, Trustee ** SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE •. • -- . IF YOU WAKt QUICK C' RESULTS USI! A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE COOPERATIVE MARKET ING OF TOBACCO PAYS FARMERS OF CANADA (For those who are in favor of Co operative Marketing—others need not r-'ua this.). On July 2)tt, 1 sent the following qjystionnai.e to Mr. John Coghiil, orendent oi tise Canadian Tobacco > irower's Cooperative Company, King* % * 1 Ontario, and he answered the as follows: U- —Wh.ifflid it cuxt for i our company io redry/RtflFjpjk ttr - *" bacco? A.— Cost of an i i Mcking, cent-, per pound. '■ —Di«l any members try to br.»ak 'km i im , n act >Ai.tN ne to speak of. ' • "™' ' , • vi.—To whom was the tobacco sold? —.Some to Canadian manufacturers uiilance to export trade. V —V (•> can become members of >" 1 ' associati in '/ A.-. —Tobacco grew ei'.s only . C - r id I lie Canadian government wmk out your system of grades, or Jul \oui company work them out? A. i omp; ny set its own tcrade -i !>o you have one set of grade* loi ili farmers and another set to us* .vliii -cl'ing tobacco? In other words ■Io y.i i r«»grade the farmer's tobacco I ailt'i it is placed on the itooi V A. —We regrade the fanners' tobacco. 0 —V. liat per cent of the 192 V crop d:«i yit.r company handle? tliiid of the Ontario crop. I'iii the company lease, rent or liuy houses aiul machinery jß— preparing the 1920 crop? A.- BoUght everything, factory and machinery. (j. the speculators or others try to break up your company ? A.— Yes. y.—lf so, in what way? A.—By spreading false reports. y. -How much did nuii-members re ceive for their tobacco of the same grades that you have? A.—Hurley growers, 2 to in cents per pound; itue cured from 20 to 40 cents per pound. (j.—How much did members of the Cooperative Marketing association re ceive for their tobacco? A.—From 40 to 90 cents per pound. The throe lowest grudes averaged 60 cents 'km pound. (j.—Now that your company is or ganized, do you anticipate a large in crease in membership this year? A. -New memberi every day. Q. —Is poor tobacco penalized that is, does the company settle with the grower individually wlieu his to bacco is of fxccptionally low grade? A.—-A poor crop is paid for according to grade,' higher grades the same. Very truly yours, 0.-F.. McCRAUY, District Agt. J \ILI\G THE INSANE Kuleigh, .September 13—The notifi cation of courts in some counties by the superintendent of the hospital for the insane at Morganton no more patients could be received ut that in stitution, because of crowded condition now existing, has caused much sympa thetic interest in the situation. Ap propiiations in recent years to the asylums for the insane at Morgantoit and Kaleigh had been liberal and poo pie hoped they would never again hear o fthe jaiing of these the county jails. Of course the legislatrue must give this subject renewed consideration and increase the size of the hospitals The state is constantly growing aad thrre a-iI I be a proportionate increase in the number of these unfortunates to he cared for us the years advance. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue o fthe authori ty contained in a certain note execut ed by S. S. Ibulley, bearing date June 14th 1920, the conditions in said not having been complied with, the undersigned owner of said note will on the last day of October, 1921, at the Court House door, in the town of Williamston, N. ('. at 12 o'clock M. -offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the follow iriK described personal property: v .Note in the sum of 1400,00, execut ed by W. F. Harber( dated November 7 1916, due January Ist, 1924. Note in the sum of $400.00, execut ed by W. F. Barber, dated November 7, 1916, due January I, _ 1925. Above described notns being secur ed by deed of trust on real estate. This the 7th day of 1921 FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK v By WHEELER MARTIN, Atty. NOTICE lhave taken up a heifer about two years old, color red, ear mark, crop over and under bit (a right, smooth crop alit And under, kills loft. - Owner can get same by paying cost BEN SCOTT, Willinaataa, S,»4t pd.

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