HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR SEASON TICKET FOR THE COtiVfY FAIR • • "1 ', - ' ---J 'Wi» _ '"- --"I.. .. "\ - "" • 1 —r, .r+num.-. -U VL r~'W ** "S ■' 1 fl Advertisers Will Find Our Culumns a Latch Key to 1500 * of Martin Count.v'n Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 68 Martin County's Soeond Big Fair Will Open Its Gates to the Public Next Tuesday PROSPECTS OF LARGER CROWDS THAN IN 1920 The big Fan- starts Tuesday and is our last, oppoit unity to uige our people to bring a.i exhibit. There arc more than a thousand piermuins of-1 Lttred and everbod} lia .-an ei|ual chance of winning. "A few potatoes, a few cais ot turn, a pig ot a chicken, in fact practically everything }ou| have in the home or on the fulfil stunds' a chance to win prize. Hou't forget the entries close Moil day at six p, in. You niu-t nave }oui exhibits here by then, livery resaoii- I'.lih care will be taken liy l ie otticei'j 0 (the Society for the piotectlell ot exhibits aAd special watchmen will be mi guard daily. We.- t's llriglil I Light Shows will hold the mid way next week and comnient son these I shows have been most favorable. Tin tree attractions c'olisist of lady high one.-, circus clowns, aeroplaus stunts, lire works ,etc. Two big brass hands will furnish music. day's racing will be a feature within itself. The ! best oa the North Carolina 11 ack will he here. Seventy-five horses have enteted already* ami the name; 01 horses and owners may be seen in ad of this is. uo. i Mi. IJ. S. Anderson is Chief Marsh | all ami the folowuig are his assistant ■ Koy Hampton, i'l) mouth; Ijo}i! Iloiton; llcimaii I,arrow, llerlierl I,oiu»er, Wasliington; Jack Keuduk, Scot lain I Neck; Allison Mcljowell, Scotland Neck; W. VS. .Sulsbury, Has set's; «• H. Slade, Hamilton, KoUcitl Kverett, l'ahiijia, M 15. Worse!/, \V I), t ouncil, Oak 'ity; Carland itarn ■titH, Lvfielts; Herbert Lille}, James ville, S. 1. Jackson, Jamesvil|e; \ aim Hunting, bethel; Mubry arhoii. Don (iilliain, larboro; C. i pop r, It. M. t'laik, Madison Mcliowan. (ireeuv ille; Dan l'arker, Clyde Kverett Kobersonville; Dr. l.egg«M.t, Hobnood, Cl}de 1" rceiiiaii, V, indsor; A. Iv. Ilav stun, W. Iv. l'arker, Dr. J. D. liiggs, 11. A liiggs, I'.. S., l'eel, J. ,S I'eel, Jy W.'Watts; jr. C. D. Carsturjilien, Jack Hunter, C. A. Harrison, ll! Duki ('ritchA'i Wheeler Martin, V\ ilhanistoi, TUtSDAV, CIIILDRKNS DA* Air tnvrttrtron h«ti l»d»in -»ixtuiuie i tir all school children under fifteen .sears of age in. Martin and adjoining oun ties to attend the .Martin County l''aii free. Tuesday, Sept. 20th.. The same invitation is extended to the colored school children under fifteen yens of age on Friday, September 2'lril, lSilil. J.very child should take advantage ( I this ojHipitunity. MARSHALL'S HALL The Marshall's Hall will lie hehP l-'iiday night and music will be furn ished by the Olympia Five, a com pan v tourin gthe South. They recently play ed in the Kimball Hotel, Springfield Mass. Foil. I'itt Hotel, I'ittsburg; Pa. They are enroute to Florida where they will find a mid winted enga;r'J iiient at the famous Gold Dragon Ho tel at St. Petersburg. SKASON TICKF/I DRIVF, KXTEND-j ED The period fo rselliftg season tick ets to the Fair has been extended to Saturday- night, September 17th which means that you have one mort chance to purcliasce ai nission to the entire Fair and at the me time gain a chance on the For diouring car he ing given as a prize. All the loca banks and dioig stoces are carrying these tickets as well as the bank throughout the county. They are good for grandstand as well as general ad niissioi^. t .lt can be used for four singlt admissiqus.. It is not transferable am will be fcrfeital if presented by any one other than the one whpse nann is written in ink on the ticket, lla you w:ii» buy as many tickets as»yo. wish, rftain the number of tickets ii your natne and write the names (jl the paltjes whom you wish to havt the exclusive use of these tickets. To rovM|H.,your lust chance, don't mis it. No »season , tick«-ts w ill I*' sol. after night, September 17 GROOM (IN SC RKS A G AIN ST ,WATN ON WEDDING DAY HartfBtl, Conn., Sept. 15 —An in suranee fclrdicy for ssf>o against un favorabll weather on his wedding day was req&tly issued to a Boston man, a local 4jiuranee company stated to day. In bridegroom had declared he wished to avoid ftctra expense should rain alter the carrying out of a fiance- - ' merits. The company found the risk a trood rinu* as the iuut ahone on the bridal couple and the stars twinkled as they left on their honeymoon. *. i THE ENTERPRISE FAIR PROGRAM % 'l'ueday, September 2lllh, 1021 CHILDREN'S DAY 11:00 iu in.—Grand Parade. Fair Olhtiiils, Marsh.i lis, Hands and School hildrcn. School Children. March from School Grounds lo Fair grounds. 12.00 M.—Formal Opening. I.d.'i p. in.— Rand Concert. 12:30 p. m.— Free Attraction)*. I :00 p. ni.— Races Called. 1 ::10 p. in.—First heat 2:2."» trot. 2:00 p. ni.— Free attractions. 2:l-l p. in.—First beat 2:14 pace. 2:30 p. in. — Second heat 2:2."i trot. 11:00 p. in. Lady lliuh Dives, etc. 3:15 p. in. Seconil heat 2:11 pace. 3:30 p. ni.- third heat 2:2 a trot. 3:l"> p. in. — Hand Concert. 1:00 p. in.—Third heat "2:14 pace. 1:30 p. ill.— Free Attractions— Aeroplane Kxhihit, etc. Wednesday will he Farmer's Day. Thursday Will he 1". very body's Day. Friday will he the Colored Chil drcn's Day. The proKrams for these days will be published in our next issue. EVERYBODY GET IN M 818 PARADE „ tia' land jiai.nic 01 the 1- all W'il i*igin at the Scnool grounds I uesdaj i n.ioiltg at eleven o'clock. All ailtomtj wilu owners are asked to please ileco rate their machines lot litis gall event an dtake part in the procession i at .VI iii a professional rlecojatoi in town and vvil jjludly assist yoi ill both materials ami designs loi i aeiniiial urn. Two brass bands, mount ed -nai.'halls and representulive (joUti aiII heip make Hie pai'tnle a surensa i 11oi assistance vvil leertainl} be ,ap preciateil. OSCAR S. ANHIiRSON hit f Marshall. " j SH I A I ION STILL FAR I ROM HE l\«; NORMAL v Atlanta, (ia., Sept, 10. The won normalcy was put in its proper plan IteiY- hy: Sanniel • tioinpei s, - if tlie American Federation of l.aboi "I looked It up when they Wist be gan using it," said the labor leader "and Webster said it wa's obselete.' Compels declared faith in the forth ooming unemployment conference. Hi coining unemployment .cgjiJjprenre. Hi expressed the lielief that its V'H'; meeting will instill industry with con lidence. Ttie present depression, he said i due in a great measure to the cry o "getting back to normalcy." Hi charged capital interprets the phrasi hs a reduction in wages. "I know the reduction in wages i iargely responsible for the present stt uation, which, I am sure, is far froii noirtiaf," he said, ifoOSEVELT ATTACKED l»Y INFANTILE PAKALYSD New York, Sept. II Roosevelt, former assistant Secretar; of the Navy and Democratic cundi dutg- for vice president at last year' dec.tion r is suffering from a mild of infantile paralysis, Dr. George Draper, announced today According to Dr. Draper's diagnost made imediately upon Mr. Roose velt's arrival at the Presbyterian H->. pital from his summer home "a New Ilrunswick, he i slowly nearing recovery after . ulfei ing from the 'malady for four weeks Power to control the affected in'us -fles of ih elower leifs und I'eet I>i Drupe ■ s lid is beginning to retur i an Mr. ttoosevelt's general condition air spirits are good. LIMIT DICTJONAKY REAUTTtV , l ■ Y'. rk. — New Vorkel's ha v e df velnped such a passion for readiiii the dictionary that a time limit o three minutes has'been placed 'in 'I. peinsers at the New Y'ork Public Li brary. " " A librarian is posted at tho .lit tioflary shelf to keep the line nfiov ing. Library officials are my, t f'e I a to the. cause of the sudden w :essio of interest in dictionaries, Lt't v set they will to arrange for e>Ki "beds'" in the liook hospital if th crush continue*. ► * . ■ i ii Car load wire fencing and nail also carload No. t Timothy Ha; just teceived. CTieap fOT _tll« i«al I C. D. CARSTAitPHJCM and CO. -BAD COPY -* LIGHT PRINT Williamston. IVlartin County. North Carolina, Friday, September 16, 1921. TIME FOR SOMEBODY TO START SOMETHING \V usliington business houses aid •beinjc urged by some of the londiK citizens oi that town to make a »UuiTk advertising drive lo'r Martin Count} 11 they make a vigorous campaign for Martin County trade it means that ..hty will ceiUiilil) gel collie and wha ilie> net Martin County towns will 10-ie. Tiie ordinary tactics used in wai is to return the fire every time;, tin enemy charges but we cannot blaiiu business men of Ueaufort count} W. lake us much of Martin county'.- I trade a* they can get and If it pay; a Martin county citizen to go away to buy ami sell who has the light U kick? Our only reason •for making .Mention o ftliis condition is that when lleaulnrt county has built her system i f good muds to our count} line and invites her friends over and when hv Ilie convenience ol roads, modern busi ness methods and other indueunirnts that appeal to and draw people- the} go. We can't blame our folks and farmers to come to our town once i year to pay taxes or to serve on the jurj occasionally a«id we can't pleno ignorance. 11 means that our folks must be up .111* I doing. We mean all people, some are doing fine Work for Martin count} now but a few merchants and t>u -i ne.Hs people cannot put the job a cross, it takes all of us. Now is the tnut' to start something.. HAMILTON II I:MS •!. I>. Council of NcW York spent last week here with his mother, Mrs. Council. \S. F. Ilaislip spent Tuesday in Williuiii.stou on business. Mis. Harry Waldo ami daughtei Itave ivturned from a visit to relative, in Norfolk. Miss Uuth Sattci white of Wash ingtuu is spending some tjinu with Mist Uuth l'avenport. Mis. I), ti. Motthew .-./"Muses Mag gie 1!. and Annie Jones have .return ed iioin Kitlin'mnd and Ocean *\ lew. John It n enpii i and I). (■ Matthew left Moiid.i} loi lialliimne. I W. I' , tluislip spent the vveekeu., fin Not folk.' Mi ss l.oui. e Sattei while oi I'ai'ohi U the guest of Mis. 11.I 1 . 11. Davenport | Miss Martha Council, Mrs. I' i Matthews,, and Mis, Clair Ouveiipon were in Kohei MiiiVille Monday. Miss .Mii lih' Mi IW lia.s relume I (i I'ocky Mount- a ier spending - '•:**«« lime hellh her 11intilei. Miss lilancli llellahiy spent Monday in Ilus»cll. Miss I'attie Sherrod is spending sol no tin iu in Norfolk. .Mi r>ses Helen Council and Annit Anthony spent Sunday ill lloligood. Mrs. Clara Kverett and childrei have returned fruni a visit, to rid a tives in Norfolk. Miss Mary KobersOn has returne from u visit to Norfolk and Ureal View. Mis. Walter Itoberson and daughtei are spending some tilne heie. 111 1.1.D0t; ATTACKS AM) IIITRM OWNKK Howard Taylor of Chocowinit}, vva. attacked at his home Wedneday bj a bulldog belonging to him ami ten in two places, 'l'e dog made a vie ious attack on Mr. Taylor and had l be by members of Mr. Tuy lot's family before he would let gi his hold. The animal was killed am head sent to the state health depai. • nmi'i, at Kaleigh for analysis to fim out if the animal had hydrophobe Mr. Taylor came to WusTringtori ti [take the I'isteur treatment. COTTON I'HICKS Cotton is see-sawing wltlch is only natural as the advance iu price cami just at the time that new cotton start ed m the market ami many peopli who had held to old ootton rushed ti sell as soon as the. pritV went abovi fifteen cents. The crop will in usually sfiort This year iittdTTif - World is liable to he in the grip of ; rotton shortage before the season i over and if trade relations with for eijrn countries can be properly stalii lized cotton is liable to reach the high est price for many years. J - CfH ItCH OF THE AOVKNT Services for the seventeenth Sun day after Trinity, September 18th. Church School 9:4f» a m. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11 :(M a. m'., sermon subject "Running thf World Upside Down." Kvening Prayer and Sermon 7:4~ p. m. Subject "The F.ntranre of Th} Word fjiveth I.ight." A cordial welcome to all, \VALTFI{ B. CLARK Priest*i it'charge FORD ROADSTF.R for sale at ~cii fice. In A No. 1 conditUiD.cnii In reen at Atlantic H«tel«t, tmy-Uim-. HUGH G. HORTON 3 Hi) Local News and Personal Mention f All. »l I»u .lie*-- v \-nor Hi Cuwu v t-.siei . * ♦ * * Mi. . liallaiU nu."> puiCtia>ou aiivi iiiu\ea ui me uuum- kvciHi* oc ci4pieil 1»> An. Jiuiu.> i i'» i ana m. aunt-, Alls. Jenny i ui it'll. a\iis. Vw.. Al. l.unici it*ll t ilm iut >441 \IMt -»i I . ililHl 1 V Vtm t W ll) lit*- .I'lu lii AtUvU VNiK'lt* 'lie will vt dull tills t'Ullllllg Wllill'l. Mi—r-> .viiim' v i\ui' 11 ilui Wikkl liiui-i and Alt. 1.1 luiaiianUi u an il iiii: Louu .' Ki . a-' Tili .» a l.i 1 ut'stla> ni|*iu unci. ua fnioilc lu-.4 , Jhzalciii C'liy t» i i>t' n an tctl. i^lis. Ailnnn.' lMilnint lia icinrnci, i loin lit*i mimic! \ iicH.llon at \\ i illl villi' iW'aili. • * t « ,S "-P ivii. \\ . 1,. Mucr ul N«'\\ was tin I ot 1 his NM^-k. . . . ali. »Suki I>. Kay lias 1 lit giotri) >tnic |»re\ itiu.sly uvmuml antJ l»\ Mr. ,1. K loltuiin aim na.v All. liny u |H>|niiar in low n ami \vu» .">ut»n liavt* a |nnlliable buMiicss cstabli sllt'll. Mr. I'. K. lluilgt's has rcluinctl limi. a trip lo Haltiinoic. f ♦ ♦ ♦ Hi. A. li. llarkt*!' of New Uctn, CfO|»ciali\e Markcitng organigci Wii in luwii yc.stcraUy cnrtmtc to lit r lie ( omily. Motlieis! The thought, of bn> ing •clothes l«>i your school boy is oh yoio in.ml. Lei Margclis show you lla* new Kufts with twt pairs oi pititl.s at less than the prce ol single J»ant. uits. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Almost |iet'.suat!eil If* thai sea . am lickft to the I'iui. i Alnio>t hut it will stmiii be 100 late, j *1 • * Mi. ( . N. Wilkinson, Insurance I Sufvf> or for the Sanborn Map l omp any of New York City is hen; survey ng the town. Mr. Wilkinson's coinp I my makes these map's for'lill the fire ii aiiuiMf coiii|iames in tin* count ry. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I hoe .lumpel iht s-e's are I .ni* if po|M»lar, li'i>;o'is lias t*ieai 1 oil want them, in an . hade-i, lit |incef ■/. ■uy u r/liiiuFy wTTI. 1 • Sli.vs Mary llelle llancll has n liiini'il from a visit to relatives n Kirli iiioi 111.' » ♦ 0 ♦ Messrs. Jay iiilli)i ainl Krancif j Maiming motored to I* a 1111 vi I Ii- tin. afternoon. * * * . Mr. KI mi'l of Uenr (irass is in town this jweekr » '» * . r The season ticket selljng |nrioil lies tniiiorriiu night, 'l ake ailvantagi ill' its last day of life before it is too late. * • • • Mrs. .1. I\ Thigpen and children an I visiting relatives and friends in Ahoskie. « • • • Mi. John Lilley el' .liiimsv'ille was a husinj'ss visitor in town this morn ing. .... The first graih* in the public prhoid wat closed Thursday and today m ju-couufc i>J diptherii (juarantine nu! .i-ll o|>en again Mi iiday. .*. * - /•I Ithe school, in Martin Count,* art ai»kcil In man n ni the Fair pa raJe Tuesday and dl chool cliildici under yeai s of .age and '.hen leiichers are admit' ?d to the Fair 11 that "lay free of iliaige. • » • • I'elix Craves, K.n|,. acconipanied bj Messrs. Iliiljert V\'a\'eii\and Juliiii ,S I'erT motored to I'niham and Cieeu linrni. leaving toda' . . » . • « Mr. John W. Manning went to Tar lx.ro yesterday for the electric transformers for tile Fair A,.socia tic-ii. ♦ • « » Mr. Asa J. Manning attended : meeting of County School Superin Undents in Kaleigh this week. • • •••., h7r. Klhert S". I'eel is spending to day in Oak City on legal busine s. * • • » Have you bought your season ticket to. the Fair? Just $2.&() and -4 chanci on a Ford automfibil.e. 1 . . . . . "Pat" is with us again. Mr. Murphy m le for himself a host of friends last s {,* i - at the fair who are glad to hav» (I>e sunshine of his smile again. Puf Mle ises the happy of making us forget our troubles not only by GOOD ROADS MEETING ON OCTOBER 11 & 12 The -Ist Annual Convention of tin- North Carolina (ood Koads As.ocr aU»n is to Lie held in-' tiieensniiio, October 11 ami 12, in the Li u»'torn v'ount) Courthouse, with fieadquari ; i> in tne O'llenry Hotel. ' Much has happened since uui last convention in Asheville ami you max well* he proud of youi orguuzatto'i, It has accomplished a stupendous in getting enacted law the S.ule Hig-liway Hill, c«»i i > nig ttu appropn ation of sf>o,iKlU^WW—for the construe turn and some two million year loi the maintenance of a State System l State const ruction, State uiaitciiaucc. and Slate control, were all TlU'oipoi ated in the lass. Much yet remains to he done. At tliih convention such questions a-- tin oigniixation of the new State High way Commission; the principles upo-'i which it is I outing the State High ways; its plans of organization ;in> administration; the location, const uic lion, and maintenance of the State system will he discussed. Me. I'agr Miigineer, will discuss these topics, and will he prepared to answer any questions tho di-h-giites may wi-;h ask. Another major topic Will he .1 di cosaon of Count) ICoad Problems, in eluding changing fioiu town.-lnp to county unit in count) road adniini ti i tion, selection of count) road system county road const i net ion; s\stems of county —roud—maintenance;—el c. . , Remember the .dates, October ! I and 12. (let up a big automobile paM) and leach (!iee'ish'i,io hy the evening of the tenth. Make your reservation eal'ly Accoodatioii can lie had at the O'llenry, tiuilford, Cleeg, am! Iluf fine Hotels. I>» HI I V—KKS A marriage of quick anil snappy, romance . was soleniuiz.ed Tuesday, Septeniher l.'itli in Klizaheth fit) w hen Miss-t'owles Sykes of Willianis ton and Mr. James Dm lev of Nor folk were married hy a Methodist minister of that city.. Mrs. Durfey is the daughter of Mrs. Carlton l.iveruum and is very popu lar among the youiigei set with whicl she has grown up since coming -ti Williainston from Aulandcr sew-ial years ago. Mr. Durfey, son .of Mr. William uml Mrs. hjannie Durfey, is an l-lngi neei in the Merchant Maniie-and ha.* visited his uncle, Mr. .lames Watei Jn j'e several times,. Mr. and Mrs. Dur fey will he at home to their TTTeniTf in Norfolk. sri'KKiou t >t IM \ l:x r \VI:I:K The fall term of Superior Court will convene Monday September liltli, with Judge OliVCi H. Allen presiding The criminal docket is light, only one casi ol importance, that of State vs. C II (iodwin, which is an indictment of t in hezitlenient, keeping false records making false statements, whereby he lelrauded The Peoples Hank of in in;, thousanils of dollars. lie is making a very strelious fight in the cirse,-lia spiead much in opiigineln ami h i n big array of legal-'talent from a-l joi'iing countie he.lutilying our town with colors hut I y his Simon I'me good nature. Kealiz' ing that a holiday air makes a succesf we trust that nil the liiisiness'-liouse.* and private evidences in town'wili "dress" up fin the occasion. • * * • Mi. Unbelt S. Iliggs went to Uicli iiiiind Wednesday ami retuiiieiT in a new Kuril automobile which lie hough! while away. , • • • • Mis. A. it. Dunning spent tlii. morning in Hobersonvilln shopping. ♦ ♦ • • Mis S es Varina ColiUrn and Auuie Mae; Koebuek of Uohersonville have been . visiting M is.. Sliei rod ( ore) in Grilling this week. . . 1 w- » 1 ' •m -J Mis., Sallie Harris penl_ VVedne day in llocky Mount. • ♦ • Mesnrft. T. Jones Taylor of Holiei 1 sonvilie and Paul Salsbury of llannl ton' are business visitors in town to day, • « » • Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Iliggs, Mr. ami Mrs. 1.. C. Bennett, Miss Mary O Smith and Mrs. Carrie Iliggs Williams attended the show "The Microbe *ol Love" given in Plymouth las! nrght ,♦« ♦ • Ml\s. J. W. Manning and Mrs. Mvi tie Brown altended the New Hern Tuesday. • ♦ • « Mr/Marriot Britt spent Wednesday 111 Rorky Mount.— • • • • Mr. John L. Ilasseir, Trapmirej- n - the Martin County Fair Associatfoi attendeil tiut N»w Bern Fair Tuesday; * Regular ession Recorders Court Ut.vonU i'( ouit of Martin Count.* to. Xt f.i'u lui. Mia), ."npiembei iii with Li. Puke "Critclier pi osc'cuting jll l>« naif of the >tate i. Mate v.-» S. K. U> iuiii -eauli and i uuiV law. Sella di.•>- viiai>;«il| upon the pa\nient of tin co>t ol the >eila. #Nol pio-» with leu\» t»i mi action. State vs \\ 111144111 lit nut* larcen.- >tml ii-i i'i\ 111. Sentenced ti»- C«»unl. t jail ioi a trim ol loui months to t»« • a t»» tin aiUlioiitie> ot IMm t oini.t' iouiil\ t(* Ik- \\oike«L *»11 puhln • oa.l ol - aitl i ount > . l» Stati' v> William liiim*"* lancu, ami inriMiig. Sentenced to count) jai. lor a Iciiki ol tour oulh> to he a> ml t^» the authorities ol 1 ,dK«'Coml>« count), to !>«• worked on pul)iic road ol .aid « ouni) I I State n •\\ illiam iiifne> I. ami K. not L'uill y. I State \ Will Mi/elle Lticeii) and i ecel v Illy,. Mel i'lident plead nudt> of iMieihle lie p.t . ■ Judgment ai peiided upon payment ol tlo oi ul ion ami s.'».imi tin tli pin editing w itne.i.s. State \ (iio\er Wsniie, Kellx Mom «• ami All liu i liaw I lai i• n i'le.ni i'iiilt \ I ,;u Ii ol delrmleut • llii ( ed |.1.1M1 and one tlilld ol co.it id tin action State \ Jo eph li. .oil failing -k» '" s t lase-., Nol pio. with leave. ___ J. Stat.- \ Je •.e UnR-prs officer. I''iued IfJ.i.oo and co>t. I'Vojii which judpjueiit defcmleut except and appeals to tli* Supeiior Appeal homl fixed at $;»0.UO. 11. State \Io n Nlcholv killing 1141r lels -in closed .Judgment >u ponded upon payment of the cost. 1-U. Stat«' vs John Daniel Yarrell - killing Mjuirrels in closed season. I ui ed and cost of action. h. State \s Lector Kverett assualt I'i.ivoi foi judgment Prayer continu ed nnlll the fn.-t Tuesday in January, li>lT2 upon the defeiulent'.V entering into hond in the hi appeal am«' on >anl date ami te In an to the coll 11 that he has hoei of }'ood \elia\ioi and ha» paid the co -t ol action. I.{. State \s lohe llopkinv laiceny and lece I\ i nff. Not guilts. n State v* \\ illia Johnson am. Mars Joliiimhi of mortal ed property! ( ontinued HIM lei the .anm Iriuid. 7. Stale \ , Willie. Johnson and Mar> .lolillm>ll |)rspo inp* irt .mortared pto jirrty. t 'mttntw*d-»under. the. hund 'J'J. I.M\on I tart h tt Co. Inc. \s II have. (hdered tJiat defendet pas plaintiff coinpaii) the miim of r i2. the aount of Ills indebtedness to it and the interest on thai amount from Doceliilici I, I'J'Jli. 7. State Vs June A. l> W Tlni luTPt'oforr rendered in this cau e on the fith da> ol Septein her, IH'JI is heiehy stricken (ut and tin* tlefHiulent Is hereby ente.nced to county jail for a term ol te i da> mill fiut*.l ssti.ny iniif ciisl i> fill!' .litinii iiirljulintf jail I'its. I' \f \n l( \ M (.KOS Kl \ (il l Willi MIIMO IIK »M S'KlllK I'almsia, Sr|il. 11, NVlirii ll II Hani son startiil In rinse Hit - stnuj til Haki-r anil, Kvi'M'tt, tin- other night, two lU'gioOH ialr.l to IUIII to o|ieii the *i|oor a.s tlicy wuntcil to purrliasi' some iiiii' of.tho higropn some k oo 'l*> the nthi'r ,sli|i|ii'il around and rifled the inoiii'.v drawer, vslnrli had previously liei-n in a drawer of his desk. The nefrrn had ,'niie liefore Mr. Hal' risnn knew the money was 'l'he iiegrn well red ahnut s2ll in mnuey. Sunday iiinrriinn' two other negroes atfein|ited the .same trick without &ur ■•ess". 'I liree negr«i»'s > u jiecteii of hav ing been guilty o ft We ruhlier) have lifen arrested. 'KIHA( ( » I'l'llll I S Tnliai rn |ii ire.i are till good. The general averages are good and good grade:! are high, many farmers i.seran ing forty cents for first priming-, Minte-going above fifty. The prospect} for prices to remain high are If the farther- will take good ctire if their tobacco, grude it properly atlfl ; sell slowly prices will remain high. The nop ih very light in all tobacco growing, sections of Nofth Caroina. " g * NOTICB II \\ K YOt'R HIGN.I AND CI .OTH UAMNKRS DONE EARI.Y. WE ARK AI.I'I'IADY ON THE GROI'ND IN Tin: MAIN THE PA I ft (JROIIND. , ATTRACTIVE AND CORRECTLY on MR SIGNS FOR AI ; L EXHIBIT f'l' RI'OSES. ! . . YOL'HS TRI LY, PIKE THE OFFICIAL PAINTER>| 1 ' T ■- IP YOU WAI# QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 189& SIGN-UP MONTH FOR CO-OPERATIVE MAR-! I KETING STARTS 15TH 'he day is here. The hour, had * t struck. The battle is on. Am "- > yov4 ? ! ready to go in the Fight prepuruit ta j win the number of Signers to '•THLiII liOt'K," that was assigned to you at I i >' n u l county meeting, a - one of the l l ' •>e.eial thousand volunteer workers 4j .lui inv this month i,f intensive drive. || I i en, thi sdav until the last hour M ui tl i - drive the eye's ofthose whj me * I c\t einely intere,t"d in the succens ol'; * tl.ie ampaign will be upon us und will wat.-|, with deep concern th«j results i' a' nn labtHs. Who is so intensely jn tcre*: >l t hose for whom o ir for- i 1 lieai - suffered, Bled and Died Those loi uiiom we would dit if uee«l be- 1 our I'jud women and uepemlerit little (I li!• en. Mi i' VN'e hava --I'd We would do this lob, but let me give yon (/.is f » nrvng unless we are willing to pay ! tli ' p • e, which is that of vefry hard work, it cannot be done. We must | look upon this as the most important ii.', before us. And we must also reci i;ni/e the fact that we can not ji In ~ II d come out as decent and itspec ! j •M« as when, we went in. We niu-tykeep in mind this fact; i I'he thing we ar edomg is Everlasting- j j ly right. We are doing no more than any other respectable and successful | business has done in the past and is doing today; Organizing ojjr busi ness, which i sthe biggest of a*y uiher •ni> earth, upon The s&me bu ;ine; principles .that has made other bUsi - nests uccessfjil. We want to urge every one who has agreed to help in this cause to keep everlastingly at it to the last hour or I tiillil every one in his territory ellegi ble to done so. Now for one lid day drive. One and i and all talking, Thinking, Dreamtnj Singing, Preaching, Writing and work ing for COOPERATIVE MARKET INC. COW It TS KSCAPP. Twenty one convicts are reportel to have escaped from the Beaufort" county mad gang since the first of June. Five made their get-away dur ing the lust four days. All of the men who escaped were negroes. County authorities Me determined to put a .check to ibis wholesale method of escaping anil « additional KUurtU will be employed from no* nn. Search has ben made for the :;i who have escaped but no trace of tlieni has been found ami it is be lieved that they ahve left the county altogether. I'lll'ltCH CALENDAR B.AITIST ( IICRCH, A. V. Joyner Past or. Sunday School ut 11:45, Dr. P. B. l iuie, Supt. Morning Service at 11 :tit) a. m. Evening Service at 7:45 p. m. Vou are cordially invited to attend. NOTICE OF SALE t inter and by virtue o fthe authori ty conferred in a certain deed ol trust executed to me by C. W. Keith on the Ifitli day of April 1920 and of record in Martin County I'ublic Registry in Book A-iJ, I'age 638, securing certain boh.ls of even date and tenor there with and the stipulations therein hav ing not been complied with and at the request of the owner of said bonds I will expose to public auction in fronts ' of the court house iltior in Williamston ' at 12:11(1 o'clock M. on the 14 day of October 1921 the following described real property: Being a certain house and ml in the town of Williamston ' roiiiinonly known a sthe Tucker prop« , ty and adjoining the lands of E. V tjnnlv, I'. F. Apfel and John D. Biggs and being on the corner of Watts A Itny Streets and being the sme land ' conveyed to C. W. Keith by W. F. (iiirganus to which deed reference is hereby made for a more accurate de script ion. - This thn day ol Sept. X 921. H DUKE CRITCHER, Trustee i NOTICE OF SALE I 'rider and W virtue o ftho autiiori ty contained i|| a certain note execut ' ed by S. S. HMlley, bering data Jlanu f ary 2nd, 1920 conditlens in laid ' not not having been complied with, the undersigned owner of said nete, 1 will onthe Ist day of October, 1921, at the Court House Door in the tow* of Williamston, N. C. at 12 o'dock VL cifefr for sale to the highest bidder 1 for cash, at public auction, the follow ing described personal property: J (fi) Five-notes in the sum of (>400.- : 00) Four Hundred dollars each, dated Novemhef, 7th, 1916, executed by W. ' F. Barber, due January Ist, 1921, 1982 1 1923, 1926 and 1927. Said notes being .secured by deed of truat on real estate This the 7th day September, 19S1. FARMERS A MERCHANTS BAN* . a wrmiii M 'wm mt