Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 71 LOCAL MARKET HAS A FULL CORPS OF BUYERS lJepying to the statement tluit the V\ iiliamstati market is not represent ed by buy ei £ from the big companies, we have taken, the trouble to make caielul investigation and liinl the fol low mg: t. \\. Graves buys for The Imperial loliacco Company, and every body knows that lie i&und has always been a stlong buyer. The Export Leal* To oacto Company is repiesented by W. 1 .Meadows ami no maiket in Last ern Carolina has a mole faithful buy er than "Old lluck." Ihe K. J. Key nolds Tobacco Company is represented by Mi. O. L. lleail uml while tin.- i. iiis (ii-h year on this market no buyoi lia.- ever been on this maiket with a higher recommendation than Mr. lleail 11. 1. Warren buy s for Liggett ami Meyers and he buy.- lip to his limit a> he has always pulled strong foi tile Willianiston market. Mr. .1. T M rick land buys lor Ihe American loliacco oiapany and taking what tneii own head oil ice says for .Mi. Strickland we know him to he one ol then very best men. Mr. \V. M.llarn son buys for .1. I*.Taylor Tobacco Company, Mi. Harrison's reputation both as a man and'tis a buyer is un ijiie't loiied. I lie aho\e Companies are know n a the liig Six and that is the only llij.; Silx there is in (ireenville, Wilson, Durham or Danville. We also have represened the following large Inde pendent Companies; (ialloher OTnTteiTol t ileal frntlo'i. ■ anil Ireland, John K., Hughes and Co , I'. \porters, Suhling and Company. T * porters, Cobli-tJynn and Co. Kxpmter's Ihbrell 11 ros. and Co. Also t lit- follow trig independent buyers. I zfell and Co., J- T. James, V.. A.j James, J. (■. Staton, I). I>. Stall am I Co., K. 'T. Crifl'm and l!ro., tin; lin and Curkin, J. W. Might, 11. L. M t 1,.i and !•' 1.. Ifoone. Ml MCII'AL WATFK SI I'J'LIFS IV NORTH t AHOLI.N A / * Impel Hill, N. ('. Sept. Tin' present drought has brought home In the responsible officials of tin l ■ iti• .- ami towns of North Carolina. 111 •' duty of providing adei ( uafi supplies of pure water for the use of all residents and the requirement of all industries. Few municipalities when installing water works look fai enough ahead to provide for the n?i tural increase "of population or I'.h an exceptionally dry reason. As a re suit the health and the business o l ' the town-I suffer; .Some of our middle North Carolina towns are within a few ii|ijes of some river large enough to cleanse ilsell of impurities. Such towns should take advantage of their opportunities to secure really adetjuate supplie-. Oth er*. however. must lie dependent upon smaller streams. Surh w;ttei siripli". can lie kept pure and regulat ■ I • that the flow is. almost con.-tUut by keeping m forest cover on the watei shed. Many of our mountain town iia\e already found out the pdvant.-ige of 11w11;ng their o\v,nwidershed so a 'ti ai.i abundant supply of pun v.a'er without the cost of fttierini* it or even iof pumping it, At Iras' ten of the most* important Western North Carolina towns now count th'° lan dincluding this watershed as the.i most valued and profitable pns^'shiott .Vshevile owns two adjacent water heil* c«fii prising acres, both o; them thoroughly forested and adei uat ly protected from fire. S sLeen iiiiic of pipe connects the intake with the city reservoir. Marion rfwes -ix "miles to a pure mountain stream, its" pipe line across the Catiwbn Kiver. It owns it wate»*died o, 1,000 acres of forest rami, around w Mih it has cons tructed a fire line. Following a recent fire in Marion, in which a largo whole sale store was burned out, the mayor upon investigation found the water overflowing the reservoir after every available hose had been qlnying on the fire fur nuiie than tow hours. This shows one of the advantages oi a good supply of water. Other towns which own their water' shed, and which maintain a good forest coverfvtheeon are: Canton I,' Hit acres; Waynesville USO- acres, Tryon 7W acres, Andrews 44u ai'res, Murpm 208 acres, Salura 139 acre/. In all these cases the intake is a t a hlghei elevation than the town sothat the water flows through the pipes by : wiavity system Winston Sal Gneenslipro both own cons areas oftland in connection with their Water work*, "though cbmprisin more than a snmll percentage of the tola I area of their watershed. Land is always ti 'safe investment, and when a municipality can secure a perfect water supply, nd at the same time grow a crop of timber, criticism would more justly lie against the bon rift* faldermen that .held back rather than the one that moveth for ward. THE ENTERPRISE Weekly Review of The Cotton Market Cotton has advanced ovei 1 cent per pound siuee last _ Friday , and , seems to lie fairly steady around the ■I 20 cent level. The trade is now guess ing what the Government's Condition | Figures will be on October ;ird. Most I of the estimates are between .'lB and 40 cents, while a few are as high a -42. We know that the yield will lie - small; that spinners' stocks arc low; | that cotton is not being marketed rapt ly» and if the official Condition lie port proves to be helnw 40 we may see | higher prices. American consumption last season, amounted to 4,.557,8!1.'l bales. Kx ports last season were, fi,724,. r iS4 hales. Making a total of, T0, 012,477 ! halosfl. If the 1921 crop proves to I"', ti.fiU»,ooo j hales and American consumption and ' exports e(|iial last season's figures, j it will be necessary for spinners to I buy at least 4,000,000 hales of old I cotton in order to fill their require ments. While it will probably be the p ilicy of the South to sell judiciously when 20 cents and above can he obtained, | we think they would stubbornly re sist any important de- line below ; hat IT, ore. Meanwhile, with an in.diubio.l si. mI supply tnwiiig, to the prac'icd |I. dure ol the crop, the spo ownei I ho'; - the whip handle and \> e ,-dioi.M see 2.'! cent to 2. r i cent cot! et liefori i Cli. Ist was. 1 ! ___ i ntn'KKl)l\;s IN TIIK SI I'F.IIH ill col HT, IUMIN VI. TIIKM. SKITKMIIKIt 1921. State vs Alexander Taylor, seciet ussualt. Nid I'ros with leave. State vs Me. K. Weathei ington, cai breaking. N'ol pros. State vs I'*. C. Andrews, car break ing and larceny and receiving. N'ol State vs Henry Jolly, car breaking and larceny and receiving. N'ol pros. State vs Sain Moore, operating car while, drunk, pleads guilty. i&fi.lKt and ""costs. State vs Floyd Wynn, Sam Mum 1 and Moses Coltrain, committing nuis ance. Defendant Floyd Wynne not taken, Capias as to Floyd Wynn. Me fuulnnts Moore and Wynn plead not guilty. The jury, finds Moore guilty I i'.i d Coltrain not guilty. Defendai ! j M oil- cl.argetl witlr costs. Slate Vs I .in wood Fwell, rariytii" 'concealed weapon, Capias"and conlin i i edi State vs Chris House, assaiilt tv'fli «' '.any weapon. Judgment N'Ui, Sci l a. j/'.ijnu.s and '"con) fuuC'i. State vs Jesse Hopkins, bin e | breaking and larceny an lioeei . iag. | (iiiilty, twelve months oil lue lead ol KdgeiHimfie county. Stole vs Arthur Nicholson, ItMirptir aty larceny. Not guitly. State ys Kelly Moore, (i rover ! Wynn and Daniel Mizelle, larceny and receiving; Capias and continued. State vs James Haywood, tempor aiy laiceny. Not guitly. "State vs Thail Moore, operating au tomobile while intoxicated, guilty, sen fenced to jail for the term of three months with right of hire out. State vs Toney Everett, carrying concealed weapon. Guilty, fined $50.00 and costs. # State vs Raymond Koberson, hous breaking. Continued for two years. De fendant' required to give bond in the sum of JSIOO.tHI for his appearance for Iwo years to show good behavior. State vs Jesse Rogers, farger.v. Pleads guilty, sentenced to jail for six moiiths with leave to be hired out THE ST . I E FAIH Raleigh, Sept. 27.—The early advent of October reminds thousands of Ra leigh people and many other thousand that the annual Great State Fair just around the curve in the track, beginning October 17th for one wp"k. The reunion of North Carolinians each year at the State Fair is or" of the most enjoyable and pleasing of annual events in our State. Men and women "from Currituck to Cherokee'' meet each other and renew oUlfriend ship* only at the State Fair. Thous ands of them see each other at no oth er time or oceassion, and maliy of u d'o not know whether we will eveh inee again even .there. Colonel Pogpe and Captain Denson, tlie active executives of the State' Fair, say this* years ex hibits and attractions will surpass that of a,ny previous time and are ex pecting fully 100,00(| visitors during the week. The grounds have been "n larged and the parking space for auto mobiles greatly 'augmented. NOTICE A white., sow with a dark sprt be tween ears that tvill weigh about rBO pouiids Tias Ikvn 1h my pasture -iiliQ'jj three week-, marked in 1 oth ears. "Owner ~leaNe come for her. J ' OHN PURVI* Everetta, N C. Willianiston. Martin County North Carolina, Tuesday, September 27, 1921 YOUNG MAN KILLED BY Local News and A.C.L. PASSENGER TRAIN X Personal Mentior Wilson, Sept. 25.—\\ bile attempting] lo board a.'mavnig nothbouml A. C. 1..| passenger train hero this afternoon James Thomas, a Wilson plumber, fell uinlei the train anil was instantly killed. lie Was hurrying to get to Willianiston to finish iu rush job. lie was an ex .-ervice man, a illemhei of Company l\, of this city, and a on ol Cray Thomas. This young had been working in \\ illianisto nfor scveVal months and was liked by all who knew bun, The young man steepped on the 'bottom steps of the car platform ad-some one who had hoaj'ded the'train came down the steps to get off and Thoioa swung around topermit him lo p.i.j when lie lost hi shold and fell between the cars, his head striking the mil and before lie could he pulled out tin slowly moving train had cut his. head off. IIKSF.KTJI WftFfc AMI I \MI IA , I' > LlCfc' Altli l)N TUMI, ( Kli/aboth Chf Ilk4tpeiiileut I W. M Jones, lUI median ic and proprietor of mi the corner of |{oad .•« street, has disappeared f(M|IRe city, taking with him a Koitf Wntomohile belonging to A. W. Lane, taking with him also the Mises Klsie and Iv telle- Lamb and leaving numerous had checks and unpaid bills, lie honided at the Southern hold with his wife' and —two children ami leave- a hotel hill if nearly SIOO,OO. Jones disappeared from Lli/.nhi'lh City on night last week and has been traced to Tayettcville, N. ('. I iil'act, the Misses Lamb write to their mother in this city from layetteville, saying they were there on a visit to a friend ill a hospital. Hut when the Fayette \ illo-police were put on the case, Jone.- hail departed and is believed to lie somewhere in the vicinity of t'hailottc K. 11. Spence, proprietor of the South em hotel, is sure Jones will lie apple bonded and brought hack to Klizahetn City if he doesn't get in Worse trouble elsewhere. Ilesides heating Ins board lull. steal ing, A. W. Lane's Ford. deserting In wife anil low children and taking lw other women from town with liiin Jones cashed numerous wen llilnj-. checks anil left many lulls in,i|il Geo. ('. I'ul|>'lllr, 0110 of his innnrenl victms, figures that he Is out in i s17f> in ra.-li ami is'stilLim'an appear ance bond of sfio, for Jones in-- tin Snperior court. HI ll.dim; I \Di i.\% \ Ar i 11 r\n i;«sirv ha|«H Hill. .'i I 2(5. Willi tin iN'oi li ('arolin i • 121*1 i I n >! » »n 111 cliaiyi*, th»* emm-i. tunc •»! V," I■. >t. of t'le ii" -' Ij_iil'l■ ri• •|i" iv .1" I Tot (lie I'nlvpr- iv tr\' the l;i-f l«:;t — I I ure- vf •i 11 In- 1.1 I W"|i|Osil;i\, (I In I- I ll ill be a re!Mi •• • • r !• « •>o ! :\i ii ' style, • flic e .1 ■! in.. !•* .11 »■ !>ich w I rii-i'ile t'«« i ni> 1 .i 1 v I 1 take rare of hundreds f Ninth Carolina youths who are. nu>j Ke;»i Mil of thi» State's own institution lie cause there is no room for them there The (!i'H|nl Iodtfe members will come from Kaleiifh, will be met at Durham l>y automobile for the rross country trip to Chapel Hill, ami will marrh through the campus in full re Italia, preceded by a hand ami fol lowed by the student body in proces sion. They will be thf; quests at a luncheon after* the ceremony. The building whose cnrneVstone vvip be laid Octobjßr 12 is one of the foui dormitories that, will shelter 12(1 :-tu dents each. These dormitories, to tfether with a classroom building and an addition to the eating hall now so badly crowded, will be -finished in a year. The second year will see the erection of another classroom bulldinp a building for the Law School, and at least one more dormitory. At the re cent rate of growth the Cniver it; Will have li,""" students in five year if ir can provide accomodations foi them. awrfartushnllshrta shnihs«li Mcnif«m The annual meeting o ftlie Stock holders of the Martin County Fai' Association wil bp he 1.1 Wednesday October sth at 11:00 A. M. at thl Administration RuildiHj? at the Fail Grounds, J. G. STATON, President. ■INO. I/. HASSKM., Secretary. NOT AS HK KNEW I I Marshall Joffre (lined recent!-/ w itli some of his wife's relatives who own a country house near Meai'V. on the reif> to Chateau Thierry*. Coffp wa - er\ed on a terrace that overlooked a pietty, winding river towm'l which the lawns of the restate sloped '"What Is that water down there''" asked the marshall. - • "Thpt," replied his host, ' i the Murne."—L'Eclair (Paris) Mr. C. D. Curstarphen leaves to J morrow morning for lialtimorc. 1 j » » « • y 1 | Miss Corine Smith of I 'ly mouth spent several days here with her sis , tor, Miss Mary Smith and Me-, i). js. > Anderson last week. i , Misses Mayo and Annie l.ainb ar- Jriwti totlay alter sjHutliny, several weeks at I'oeahonta ■. \ i Heaeh, \a. Mr. \V. 11. fai's'tai plicn of Trinit\ >. ( arri\e«l totla.s I«» sjumul several 1 i|a> s uilli his paunts, Mr. ami \\> i. I>. t 'arstarpheti. 1 Mr. AI »e Atller nP I'lvmonl Ii \va .n i town t«»«I a \ on business. ♦ ♦ ♦ * Mi si's Daisy Manning, Helen W0,,0 .Mrs. ,1. S. Rhode,s, Mrs, A. li. Dunning' and Mr. Julius S. I'eel motored to Hobgood, where Miss Wood took the train for Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Orleans 10 turned today Iron) Norfolk where Mr,. Orleans lias been in the hospital lor the past six weeks. • • • • Miss Carrie Sexton spent last week in town wilh her brother Mr, II I>. reel. • • • « friends of Mr.'Jno. D. Ward will regret to learn that he is not so Well _ off at this time 2 _ • • • • 'Mr .and Mrs. Karl l.eggotto are spending time at their molln'rV Mrs. Martha IjCggett, • • • • Mr. 10. T. I'orbiyi of Greenville was a business Visitor here today. • * « « Mr. 11. R. Jenkins of Rohersonville, one of our oldest subscribers, was a pleasant caller to our office Monday. • • • • Mr. Iten Mr. Manning of Griffin caled today and renewed his subscrip lion to The KNTKKI'KISK, • • • • Mr. Harry Mct'l iron was in tow 111 shopping Monday. • ♦ • * k Mrs. I tuna Cunningham of Pinovile] lias arrived to spend the winter Willi her son, ..Mr. 10. 11.I 1 . Cunninghain an 1 Mrs. Cunningham at their home in Watts (irove. • • • Mr. Dillar.l of Richmond was n I business visitor liere yestenla.v. • • ♦ • M t.JS. r l\ Jackson of Janus vHU« 111 town yesterday afternoon. ♦ t ♦ ♦ Mi.. J'ol-k McCiaw uf Tarhoro visit «l ln-r 'mother, Mi>. Mar\ Iv I'eol Mm in el li*' fail. • • • • Mis Helm WOOll ul' Norfolk pen! 1 In- ken«l willi Mi I Manning • ♦ • • M i s. ('oilin llartterrfof is. visit me lier si.;teu # Mrs. J 11. Saiin I iters. /f » • • ' • Mr. J. W. Watts has returned from Winston-Salem where he took his daughter, Miss Mary Cladys'to Salem Academy wlieie he will study"'tills winter. "V." • » • « Miss l.iniise Harrison returned lo Atlantic Christian College in Wilson yesterday afternoon after spendingthe weekend here vvitli her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T„ F. Harrison. • • » • Mr. Justus Kvorett of (ireenvltle at tended Superior court here yesterday. • • • • 'N Mr. J. M. Riddickjr,, acting cashier of The I'enples Hank spent the week end at home with his familly in (iates vllle. . • • • Dr. John 1). Iliggs left this morn ing for Suffolk to attend a meeting of the Director's of The Cooperat'w I'canut Marketing Kxcbange. . • * • Mrs. C. F. Marks has returned. t her home in Tillery after pending several iliiys wTth ('apt. and Mr . Rhem, » * • • Mr. and Mrs. Marion Inge spent tin weekend witli the formers sister, Mrs Carr at Old Sparta, 'I'OIIACOO AVIOKAfJUS The Willlamston Toliucco Market averaged, above .'{f> cents ycnterduy and pi ices are stil fsoarlng. Thi- hreak was good and a general air of satis faction prevailed. A fine grade of to haceo predominated and 70 cents, ho cent and !»0 cent piles were numerous. A few pijes brought over a SI.OO ——f NOTICK There wil be Sunday School every Sunday afternoon at Higgs Schoo 1 House at 3 o'clock. On fourth Sun- 1 days there will be services conductor by Rev. A. V, Joyner, \)| those who i can are earnestly invited to come.— | B. S. Courtney, Supt. [I SUGGEST EAST CAROLINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Whereas we, representatives jf th various commercial organizations, in clliding Chambers «f Commerce, Hoards of Trade, Merchants, Bankers, Landowners, Railroad representatives .Manufacturers, meeting in Golds bo ro, after v a general discussion of the lensibility and desirability of unity of el tort and of conceited movement Which would result in the rapid de velopment of our unlimited resources, agriculturally, industriallly, believe t-lvat the inaxiinuih result can be ob tained only thru a united effort-fond we. therefore rospectfully huhmit fin ron.-ideriition of all commercial organi nations of North t'arolina lor their approval or disapproval, the fol lowing program, which must be eon idered us only tentative, on which to huilil a permanent and alsting or nanization. Ist. That an Kastren North Caro lina Chamber of Commerce he oigani/ ed to unify all constructive agencies in advancing and promoting the best of K.v tern North Carolina. 2nd. I'hat this organization shall embody the following counties: Chow an, I'yrell, Dare, Hyde, Washington. North Hampton, Halifax, Wayne, l.e noil Jones IVinler, Duplin, New Crav en, Carteret, I'ilt, Croon, Wilson, Johnston, Nash, Kdgccomhc, Martin, llenuforl, I'amlieo, Hanover, llruns wick, Columbus, Itladen, Sampson. Kohorson, Onslow, ('uniherland, anil Harnetl. Currituck, Cainedon. I'a mm "tank, rei'(|Uinians, Mates, llert ford, and liertie. ' • ird. That the program include all things essential to the peace, happi ness and welfare of our people andj the develpoment of this section of 011/ commonwealth. 4th. That we will support in a most enthusiastic way any movement ii State and Nation for improved roads anil highways, better health, better schools, extensive drainage, improved transportation facilities, cooperative marketing, diversified agricultural program, promoting a live stock in dustry, the development of our manu facturing possibilities and the adver lising of our great resoruees to the outside world. Respectfully submitted H 10. BARLOW W. C. DIONMAKK II V. SCO IT. NOTICK or SAI.i: I 'niler and by virtue o ftlu' uuthori ly contained in a certain note execul ed by S, S. Dudley, he ling, dale Janu iiry 2niF, 11)20 ,tlie conditions in said not not having been complied with, the undei'signeil owner of said note will onllie I t day of October, P. 121 it the Court House D ior in the town of William, ton, N. C; at \'i o'clock M. olefr lor Mile to the highest biddci lor cash, ul public auction, the follow ing described personal property: (f>» I'ive notes in the sum of (S4OO. 00) Imiiij' Hundred dollars each, dated November, 7th, l!»l(i, executed by W. I''. Itarher, due January Ist, 1(121, 1f?22 l"i(2i and 11127. Said notes being -ecureil by deed of trust 011 real estate This the 7th day .September, 1921. :fakm 10 its & merchants hank It.- MARTIN Atty. NOTICK 'have taken up a heifer about two years old, color red, ear murk, c v op over and under hit In right, smooth crop slit and under bit in left,. Owner can gei same by paying cost. WON fcOOTT. Williamston, B,!>4t pd Buy the Magic Metal Silver Clean ing I'eut from the Dealer and save all the Rubbing. The No-Rub Silver and (iold Cleaner. Buy from I,eslie Fowden Drug Store. CAR FOR 111 KK sDiy or night Of fiee phone 12.'!. lies phone 244. Price CITY TR A NSI'KR COMI'ANV I.eon Stalls, Mgr. Ch r' load wire leiic jvn.d _naiL. also curload No. I Timothy Hay, just ieceiveil." Cheap for the rash. C ('. CARSTARI'IIKN and CO. pt'UAH fok a.hi'l'Kiinm a rr;i( I-V1.1'4 Maude—"Miss Oblum Itiirrk . t>al hotel clerk Just lovely." Ktliel—"Why so?" Moude—"He wrote opopsie her name on the hotel register, 'Suite I,'f —Pittsburg F'ost. LOST 'Between Willramston and Kveretts — Black Handbag with handle broken. Finder notify and receive reward. 11. G,-SIKGLE, Rocky Mount, N. C. LOST Child,! blue hand knitted woolen cap. Between Spring Green Church ground and Mr. Luther Leggett'.s. Finder please Mrs. George C. Jen kins, R. F. D. 6. 2t. Pd.m Is Tobacco Bus iness Straight? rhis question is often asked and can lit' answered yes if men who huddle tobacco use the same rules of honor and truth that they dv in Other lines of business. And as a lule pust as good" people manage the warehouses and buy tobacco on the warehouse floors as are found dealing in cotton, wheat, merchandise, farming 01 an> other line of business. Hut when com petition gets eljse and men an\i ous there is k't*ut temptation in (hi tobacoc business, so much in fact that al kinds of unfair things are said and done. False propaganda can be heard fil ing the rounds, for instance there lias recently lieen circulated the false re port that Hits Williumstou Tobacco Market was not represented liy buyers I ruin the principal tobacco companies. Dl course these statements are circu lated lor no other purpose than to scare the fanner who has tobacco foi all'. One other false method which is Ireifttf ntly used, is to advertise averages of*sftftta- a*nl>HM}Jy.„u ;e pi ices of the lew highest glades.V\V liei. warehouses and buyers resort to lalsehotid* and unfair methods to drum trade it will eventually weak en thei rown market. The lug markets nl course Jiave mole sales to choose from, hence can find more high sales than the smaler markets can and the line of argument that big markets pay more tor the best grades natural l> cause many farmers to carry the poor grades to the smaller' markets and the best grades of weed to the big markets. This gives better aver ages of course. r H'FICERS ADM COMMITTEES OI THK WILLIMSTON TOBAC CO HOARD OF TRADE President, W. T. Meadows, Vice- President, H. I„ Meador, Sect, and I'reas. J no. K. Peel. SALES COMMITTEE W. M. Harrison, 11. T. Warren ule James. ARBITRATION CO M MITT E K F. W. Graves, J. F. Strickland, t) Head. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE J W. Hitflit, J. (;. Stuton, 1). I) Stalls. , BASKET COM MITT Fi- 11. L. Meador, W. J. Tavlor, J. W I light. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE U. T. Griffin, W. A James, II T Warren. Sl' PER VISOR OF SAI.FS K. it. Crawford. "'~ \ I HE DISTRICT t HI IM OI THE UNITED STATES I'W llii- Kaslcrn 1)i >t rict 1.1 North Carolina, in tlu' mutter of If. A. Kd mondson, bankrupt. To the Honorable . Il.*tj. Cuiiiior, Juilxf of the District Court of the Cniteil .States for tin- Kusti'in Dis frict of North ('nrntinn, If. iA. TMinotid son, of Hamilton, N. in the county Of Martin and sta,te of N. ;. in sai l District, respectfully represent : 'I hat on the 14 ilay of I'Vbru.iiy, last past, he was duly adjudged hank rupt under the Acts of latiriK to bankruptcy; that lie has du ly surrendered all his property and lights of pro|ierty, and has fully c im plied with all th 4 "requirement., of said Acts and of the of tin court touching hin bankruptcy. WIfKItKTI'ON UK I'KAYS that he may be decreed by the court to have a .full discharge from all debts prov able a|(:>inst his estate under sai I Itankrupt Acts, except such ilepts a.s are excepted by law from such ili.s- liarge. Dated this day of Sept. A. I> l»21. R A. EDMONDSON, Bankrupt. Order of Notice Thereon Eastern District of N. ('. ss Un this 20 day (if September A, l> 1921, mi reading the peti ti'.o. it Ah OKDERKD 11Y Till COURT, tliut a hearing lie hail upoi the same »n the 7th lay of Novemhei A. I). I!21 before said court at Itu leigh in said District at 10 o'clock in the forenoon; ami that notice there vf lie published in "The Enterprise" a newspaper published in said District , and that all known creditors and other persons l,n interest tpay appear at the same time and place and shov cause, if anyjthey j)jive, why the pray er of said petitioner should not be g ranted. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED IIY THE COI'RT, that the Clerk shall send by mail to all known creators copies of saiil petition and this order, address to them at their places of residence as stated. Witness the Honorable H*. 0. Con nor, Judge of said Court, and the seal thereof, at Washington, In said Dis trict on the 29th day of Sept,, A D 1921. A. MAYO, Deputy Cletk. IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USB A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO COTTON GDifiERS , There are a number of cotton gin ner sin the State who have not yet applied for license to operate a cot ton gin during tliij season. Their at tention is called to th» efact that th« utst seasoa o fthe legislature passed a law requiring that all ginners make application/ for license to the Com missioner of Agriculture an d that uch "Sfinners collect for the next two >ear sa tax of twenty-five cents per bale on all cotton ginoer, remitting this tax monthly to the Department of Revenue. | Ihe law imposes u fine of five dol lars per day un all pinners who wper ale without securing State license. Therefore, it is directed that ginners who have not yet secured their license to operate write the Commissioner of Agriculture u farm of application for license, which should be filled out and forwarded immediately. As a matter of information 1 de sire to state tax referred to constitutes a fund which the integrity of the warehouse re ceipts issued under the State Ware house System, and that nine-tenth* oi this luiul will be loaned for the construction of warehouses, the in dividual loan not to exceed fifty per cent of the total warehouse cost. The attention of your readers id called to the benefits which they may obtain l».v availing themselves of the pro visions of this law either in regard to the operation under it of existing warehouses or in borrowing money for the construction of new warehouses. \\. A. GRAHAM, Commissioner of Agriculture. GIGANTIC FEATURE IS ADDED TO HIG CIRCUS With Europe's biggest trained ani mal show as one of many splendid I leatures, the Ringling Brothers and Itarii'im and Bailey Combined shews will exhibit afternoon and night at hock , Mount, Satin ay October 15. This marvel circus of 192 i offeix the greatest congress of attractions in history. Without eliminating: nny i I the thousand shrills produced by hi.. tired a of the most skillful men and women performers, the Ringling Urothers have added, without addi tional charge, the most sensational of wild beast displays. Not only will you si k e the artists who occupy the three rings, five stages, the great hippo drome track and the aerial rigging iu the tent top, but four spacious steel arenas filled with wild hearts as well. I igei'H riding peacebly on the backs of elephants, black manned "African lions springing to and from galloping horses, great troupes of polar bears walking ropes or playing at see-saw, leopards jumping through hoops of lire these are some of the marvelous things that these wonderful animals do. While these beautiful creatures are under absolute control, they are presented only in great arenas of steel -Elsewhere in the main tent you Will see camels performing much after the fashion of horses—an act never before presented naywhere. There are five troupes of trained seals, whole bevies of remarkable dogs, i, onkeys, pigs and pigeons. Twenty-six elephant* will perform at one time. Others will do tricks at the top of high pedestals and others circle the entire tent, kick ing footballs as they go. Splenditl 1 groups of trained stallions, Shetland* and menage horses form another (•At ure. Aside from the dumb actors are fully 600 men and women stars, and nearly 100 clowns. A gorgeous tournament opens the program. The menagerit, which is entirely separate from the animala used in the circus performance is the biggest ever travel ed. ANOTHER SiISTITUTE One of the Texan friends of Repre sentative Cooper met him tho other day. "You smoke, don't you?" he asked. , 1 "Sometimes," said Cooper. , "Take this," remarked the Texas. "This is sumething like a cigaj\" Coupe rtook the weed, lighte I it, and puffed three or four timer. "Yes," he assented, "this Is thii.g like a cigar. What is it?"— .N't w Orleans Lawyer and Banker. COTTON GIN NOTICE My gin is now in first class condi tion and I am prepared to handle your cotton at any time. Price for finning, including two and one fourth peund bagging and ties, all bales up to five hundred pounds $4.00, all over five hundred pound bales at the rate of 50 cents per hundred- Trice of seed today 67 cents per bushel, subject to change of market. Wring m eyour cotton. Yours very truly, . , J. G. STATON, tanner. _ Watch the label on your paper, be sure t orenew before your subscrip- „ tion expires. • i i„. . ■

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