Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key In 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 72 Garden Terrace Scene of Much Activity; Several Buildings Now Being Constructed; Others Will Be Built in Spring of Next Yeatr ■'» (Uy Julius S. Feell W'illiamston's newest suburb. Gar den Terrace, is fast taking on the semblance o fa busy center, and with the present plans of the promoter carried out, there ij. no doubt but ibis delightful addition to Williainston will offer a continuous source of a nm.-ement to pleasure seekers, ami a valuable business addition to the sur rounding community. Coder the management of Messrs. Frank S. Hitch and Robert Feel, then will be a WaySide Inn, furnishing soft « drinks and meals to customers, togeth er with dancing and other amusement on the second tloor, followed by loui months each year of swimming in i. brand new, luxuriant swimming pool, fifty by one hundred feet, completely ('quipped with all modern apparatus, running water, bath-room, showers. -* etc., with lawn tennis court.-*anij othei outdoor amusements in season. Mr. Julius S. Feel is arranging to have a railroad tiding and coal shute put in during tlie next few weeks, where will be erected large storage warehouses, and platforms, and with adjacent yards, and a retail depart merit on the roadway, Mr. Feel will hndle a complete line of farm am building supplies,.and will also build large or small houses at minimum costs to customers, or furnish any ol a thousand things handed by leading supply houses; .and it is here the far mer can gel real priceson all kind of fijrm supplies and receive the high est prices for his farm produce. Coal and wood, and possibly ice in,.season will also be handled. The bland-new gasoline service . ta tion Will be formally opened to tin public within, a short while, and tin will no doubt prove popular from tli' very beginning, as already nuinhei of people have made requests that tli opening be hurried along. (ial'den Terrace industries will l» a big addition to the business and ,-o rial life of this immediate section, an il is the purpose of the Dialing' nifni to continually draw trade which at tli present time does not come to V\ i! liam.-ton. The amusement seekers of at h-;r half-dozen neighboring towns ha\ given their."assurance of liberal at tendance at the.swimming pool dance . cabarets, etc., and this is a+vvH.v* + cash proposition, and the people must be amused. The farmer w ill have the opportun ity'of buying from carload shipment of all kinds of farm supplies, thu» saving money account of the bulk a mount, and also by the small ovcrlu \pciiH'. and -systematic way in whirl the business will lie operated. Tli' farmer wil I also have the opportunity of getting city prices on light count i produce, and-also a chance to sei direct to the mills his peanut.- jjn (•otton, thus giving him an additiona ten to thirty pel cent for his labour The building supply department wi amply take care of the wants of hun died- of people who continually de sire building material at the lowe-t prices, and who also desire estimate and ideas on buildings of various de seriptions. This department woill hav a designer and estimator, and will alsi build houses on contract or the pc way, offering the public mon for their, money than heretofore given along this line. The Enterprise and the people 01 this section generally are anxious'y •mvaitjne the •ipi.eing' up of opcvati'iii-' at Garden X'V'race, and unanimously it is predicted the various' ventures will meet with deserving success. I .VIIt STOCKHOLDERS TO MKK.'I The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Martin County Kai. Association wif he held,in tlvcr iiitnn. istration building at the Itair Ground «>n Wednesday, October sth, 1921,-at 11 :(M) A. M. All members are urgeo to be present aa some important bus iness is to be transacted. A barbecut dinner wil ll>e served to the stock judders, / V ADMINISTRATOR'S N>TU K Having qualified as administrator C. T. A., upon the etsate of Samuel Whitley, deceased, late of Martin ? fttn ty, is "hereby given to all, p-i» ; ons having claims against said e>-- tAte to present them to the under si;-ied for pajment uij ,or before the jrith day of September, 1922, or this notice will l>e pleaded in bar of their recovery. All pers»ns indebted to said tlemcpt. • • •• Th,iß tath day of September, M»2l. J. IT. D. PEEL, Administrator, C. T. A,, estate of Samuel Whitley. THE ENTERPRISE HUGE OIL TANKS TO HK BUILT AT GARDEN TERR U I. (By Julius S. I'ocl) Preparations- are now under way for the ereclioji of two. carload capac ity tanks out at Garden Ten-ace. ti lie used for tlio storage of gns'olirie, and, the sale of same to local sei viee stations and the immediate c.opimuti itv. The natural advantage sof (iarden retrace are many, as the oil can In jiut into the tanks by natural, grav ity, ami also withdrawn T>\ natur;;! gravity, thus avoiding considreable pumping. Hie Garden Terrace promoters ha\ already completed a modern tilling station on the premises, and- with the com in gof Spring will huild a large 11rick and tiled filling station in the heart of Willramston on a prominent corner,-double drive affair, and take rale of these stations direct from tlieii wholesale department. With the new state highway run ning directly' by (iarden Terrace, and such highway the direct route to all of Eastern Carolina north of the i{o anoke, and on to Norfolk, there >vTI soon be a large mount of motor.tinve| in this vicinity, and the Gard"n Xi-i rare Service Stations will lie - nvd;'- t. offer unlimited free service and popu lar prices. HOT I M l'. I . ANT I (lit i; \ • I»I.\ 'i' i:K M i: (By Julio* S. I'eel I Negotiations ale under way for the o|H'ration of a bottling plant at Jiar ilen Terrace, holt I inn a well knowi 'n an.l of fountain drink. \V illiamstoe at the present time is without Midi an industry, as the Princac-Cola poopli have removed their local plan} to Kd enton, N. ('. This line oj luh iness- i needed here and is a paying prnposi lion if properly handled. It i the purpose of the manage fiient. at Garden Terrace to in-tall i> Modern, saiiitary plant, and wilhout .being handicapped by overhead am transportation expenses, there is every indication that tlii sncyy plaid w-11 prove successful from the vip be ginning. There is a large amount of bottlei (roods consumed daily in am! noai \\ il ITfirnstoiT, and the demand for tin tun of mefHMiiidise is steadily iiirrea ine At present, (ireenville or Washingtoi !ind practically the nearest points e distribution, and the tran-pod>tjor charges make such botteld (rood higher to the retailer. NOTICE or SALE Cndei' and by virtue of the author ity conferred in a certain Deed of Trust executed to me by W. ('. Cha-nci on the Hist day of "October, lttlit, and of record in Martin County I'uhlic Registry in book O-l, page Mil, seeur ing certain builds of even date am l tenor therewith and the stipulation therein not having been conijilied will and at the request of th eowner o' "said bonds, I will expose to puhlit auction in front of the Court Mouse door in Williamston, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock M., on the 24th day e: October, 1921, for cash the, follovinj described real property: Situate in the town of I'armele, ad joining the lands of W. 1,. Staton, W. I/. Staton and others, and beginning at H. A. (Iray's corfler in centei of public road leading from I J armpl«> t«7 Bethel, N. byway of A. C. (...rail road Coal Chute anil in I'armele Train-, ing School property line; running thence a southerly course with said Training School lands line to a .-ornei of said Training School property and H. A Gray's corner; thence westward ly \yi'h said Training School property indTf. (Jrav's line tA H. A. T.ira", '.>• c ,"nei;, and* H.F. High smith's corner; th«nce southerly with said HighsifTitli line and H. A. Cray's line to VV. I- Siatotm' line, its various coursen tc center of A. C. L. railroad con; - >an> '►. truck, thence eastwardly and iiorther !y with said track and A. C. !.i rail road company's line hack to -..r limblic road, and the center thereof; thence northwestwardly with center of said public road to the beginnin-r. Con 'talfVinfi Wi acres more or les v and be ing the same lands this day coLvryed to- W.C. Chance by deed from, ! f. A. Gray and wife, Bettie Cray. This description shall be construe ! to include the church olto fihwret rofi to include the church lot for white pen pie on north side of railroad. \ This 24th day of September, 1321. J. E. POI'E, Trustee. WANTED: A GOOD STORFTTNTHE town of Wlffiamston for- y«»»M922.. "Hf" Care Enterprise. VVillianiston, Martin County North Carolina, Frid I KI CK I VKM FOR \\ II.I.IAMSTON I FEOI'I.E (By Julius S. Feel) Out at (iarden Terrace Films, | . ginning next year, Jilr. Juliu- Feel will'put into operation a modern and model truck farm, and on abo>.' I acres of land intensified agriculture will be the programme. The hotels ami private resid"jie.'. ol Williainston will joyously welcome this new asset, as it is a ways a mat ter of chance when one can secu>e fresh vegetables and at the propi i prices. Each morning of the year, ex cepting Sunday, the t.arden T-:ra-- , Earrt'ls" will deliver a full and chone | assortment of garden meats, furniJi , ing the housewife or inn keeper with | delicacies of the season. The (iarden Terrace Farms will ,d mi furnish the Wayside Inn, located ( on the premises with a full supply ol good things to eat, ami very likely a sanitary dairy wjll be added, ami tlii- ' J in formal —hmrhejms, dinners ImwP ™ at the (iarden Terrace Wayside Inn a , reasonable prices. i SIGVI F ( \MFAIGN NOW EM IIR \CES ( OITON, Id It \( to , \NI) PEA NETS lulling the next two weeks mi' o an- cotton and tobacco growers a-km ! to sign up and gel then neig' liei l i Sign up for cooperative murketui • but peanut glowers of North Cnmlin ami Virginia are also to eomlui t . I intensive two week- drive loi o-« i thousand new members. > ,'vime weeks ago it. will lie lo'.a-iu '• id the peanut growers' ore ii'.i lion reached its required all pel c a. of the total prod '(iton of Viiu' ai d North Caroline I i mediat. l al ici it arils, the .iibci* el u . a i e\ccedingl.v cnpa'il. pr • • 1 lioaro of direct o'-;. 'I i. e ni. to ' .' - llln been .1 f 'i-'ll i" tl \ 11- f 4 v iid Ihe >e t p si'.le le me . ■i I l iiancin :i ■ I nngMiiicot I lie •, •- 4 In mi bu ~ 1101 -*• .lie l.i-i tic \ .1,,. allow I -" -to In- lam j, i, I - 4(,t0 h-4-a^..'Cl. — .i 11 . 1-11 |i V I.ik till, they decided they liii' 'i.,!.'y found t' l "'hi man i"i e,'- e « i> aiuig ' Aii ! II I ■ l l l oi |.' i' idi i.t of t'u 11. id- r ■ t• 1111• i- 1 !m t. Ny, Suff N i'ifi'i i '■ 11 -• ■ • so g is a pro ii.i-Mi' ii" I tied- i•- um inan «•' i„e Inti ie-I- ai > iicrins work soon. 'I lie !inaii> m' 1 '•'i i;i'itee of the associati 'iv 'ri-''fn n ringed for loans for gro\.cs aeei', gating five million dollars, if so unci , is necessary. Now that the peanut organizatii i is already at work with a strong niai at its head, a capable-hourd of direr tors to assit him, arid highly favorahU financial arrangements effected-, then , is no reason why the most ronserva live peanut grower should longer lie | itate about joining with hi hiothei farmers in this fight for commercial independence. The five thou, ami i glowers who have already -signet- , 'should certainly be aVle to get anothci i thousand before October 15. every peanut growing l'rogres.-ivi Farmer" reader will help in this drive -r-The Frugressive Farmer. NKW FIGHT IS THE SEN ATI It now looks like we. will' 'ia* 1 fijfht in the Senate against th- se| urate Peace treaties with Austria ami Germany. The matter will conn* b" (ore the Senate about the 15th of Or tober. Germany is well pleased "it I the attitude Mr. Hardin# has taki i on this question but after all are wc dealing fttlrly amlliuneatly with nm-i nations who stood with us during'll » recent world struggle? There something radically wronp soiiiewhen It looks like it may be the influence' of the manufacturers of war materia! whd want to block the movement foi a real peace treaty. They arc evi dently at work in the United State Germany, Prance Knjfland ~V' " most o fthe other countries. TheU prfv r ate industries are dearer to them than the lives .of tli epeople. NOTICE - A white sow with a dark up' I be ears that, will w'eitfh about tfU) pounds has bo. n in my pasture abrtvt three weeks,, marked in ' oth far*. Owner lease come for her. X Everetts, N' C. . Car load wire fencing ami nail.', "also carload No. T Timothy If a;. - , just teceived. Cheap for the u.ii C". D. CARSTARPHEN and CO. Local News and Personal Mention Messrs. Jesse I'rice, Whit 1 'ni \ i-, and It. K. Kaiiilnll uttendo dilie Rocky Mount Fair Tuesday and Wednes'ay. « » * • Mr. T. F. Harrison went to Kalcivji yesterday. Mrs. M. E. Feel went to i'etersb'.iig Monday to visit her daughter, ,\l,. F. Miuga. ♦ • • • Mr. R.F.Roberson made a btiane trip to Rocky Mount Tuesday. Monday, Octidier liml, is the Jew i*-b New Year'and Mossrs. f Maigolis llro.-"" and ({looks' and \\ . K. U|lran ■ .--i-ue will lie closed ill celebration. Cieef was the general explosion made by the mothers who bouglr lln two pants suits. Still a nice range el patterns left to pick from at fthr golis,'. • • • October not yet here and nearly all the cotton open— something unusual. * • • * Air. Fdgai Honey lef tthis for h IK home ill Wallace where lie w ill spend his vacation. Mr. Honiiey will also spiled some tinie in Raleigh wliife away. Mrs. C. 1.. Hunt returned to ac Jwme in liuslinell, Florida, yestelua. spending several months with TWT sister,. Mrs. L. 11. Wynne: —.si,r wws accompanied as fSr as liock Mount by Miss Daisy Wynne. • * * # The Scandal—newest three strap patent pumps. At W. 1(. Orleans', . • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Knott I 'loctor ana Mr. Allen of (ireenville were liusine visitors her 6 yesterday. ♦ • • • Mr. I). Carstarphen, accompanied by Dr. ,l. 11. Saunders went to Haiti more yesterday to consult l»r. I.otn- K. Hammond. ♦ ♦ ♦ • Mr. Howard lli-rrick, Jr., reluricit \estenlay froni New York, where In had been visiting bis father for sev eral months. ' Mr. Derrick will return to the t diversity of North ('aiolin. while he will resume his stwlie- Im iln- following year. • • • ♦ Ntmiflll111illtlVrcul in f.» 11 im |#«* ° ; l \V U. Oi loaii.v'. ♦ • • • Mi. William r^irsta : rph*n is at liniPi from Trinity ( in Ihirliani t» \'l"sTt '"his""• f >a rrntsrr — — ——,— • # • • Mr. ami t Ms, I . I'. SLntr, ,lr., ami Mi l'rnHn|>o Slal* «»l" Mamiltnn wen in town lay. • • ♦ * Mr. S. A. Newell of l.ouishurg I spending a few days here on business ♦ • » • Mi s. ( >. W. ttm disnn and MIK- M:irr Davis have returned from an extend id trip to I'etersliurg. « • • • Now Suit (iiiiiiipe al W. It. Or leans'. • • • t Mrs. Anna Harrison will leave to morrow for Klackxhurg, South L'aio lina to attend the wedding, of lie: brother, Mr. I.awrence f-Hierer. • • # • Flder Sylvester llassoll 101 l t'ni morning to attend the Kehukee A; o ciation at Hothlehem Cliureh, i'yrrol County. The meeting wil Hast until Monday. > • * • • October tomorrow and no cold weather yet. • • • • The sun will, bo in an .eclipse to morrow hut will not be visible hero. Tobacco is selling high. l,ots ol sales going 50c, •>()(■ anil 70c average- Mr. W. W. Hrown of Spring fireoi sold !C!2 pounds for m-arl; i 75c net average. Try your home mar J ket. You can't boat it anywhere. J The .talk of the town is W. loans' footwear for ladies and ; o jng women. ' TOBACCO MARK FT'" The Various tobacco market ar now selling at Mile or a little above TKi .sis Ml per cent higher than last year but it is 40 per cent lower tluir iii, lUI9'. Fann'ers need not >?et it in mind -that they are getting too much tobacco ami the statement by sorrn wise fools that farmers are too much should not he appreciated by •ensible thinking people and by those upon whom the world depend.) for food and rafinent. Styles: "Who said this was a smnl ;iroe town?" - _■ _ Smiles: "Ju«t full of Smiles—Can >;et anything to wear at Marifolis' SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE lay, September 30, 1921. REFLECTOR PUBLISHES MAD ATTACK ON US On the 2Nth inst., the (ireenville Re Hector made a mad attack on us for a news article published in the Enter prise of September 2.'ird, regarding a tobacco sale made by Mr. Louis Feel. I he Reflector evidently forgot the im portant things—reason and thought, in (ireparing their article. They made no less than three Hag rant errors in their statement, hirst, they said that we stated t in pile ol tobacco was sold ten times for ten djfjeront pi ices. This i- untrue. We stated that one pile of tobacco was odl ten times for nine different prices. Again they say that we attacked the Greenville market, this is entirely un true. We did not say one word I'm or against their market. We only suggested that the present method ol marketing tobacco is one of the -most fooliosh thittgA- that farmers can do The next charge is that our article was a "prevarication and a malicious attempt to deprive this section ((irecti villel ol what it has So justly won in the production ami sale of bright leaf." Every word of this statement is false. Lastly they dispute the en tire statement and say that this is false. To this we say to the Reflect or: "Go Slow," for we had had both sense and honor enough to prove out proposition before we printed it Yes. all we said is true and we can estah lisli It at any time. The Kellccjtoi in fairness should also print this state merit. Sti.s RET FUN FOR EYEIO DOLLAR l\\ EST!•:I► IN IT ItERCI LOSIS WORK The charge of profiteering might well be made against the liurcau 01 Tuberculosis of the Slate Hoard ol' I leal 111 and the North Carolina T,: lieiculosis Association admits Dr. I. 11. Mcltrayer, Director of tile Bureau and Managing Director of the Asso ciation. This admission is made in view of the number of 11ve-j saved and cases of tuberculosis prevent" I since I'.Mfi, when active mca-tires I'm the control of tuberculosis were begun. Since that time live have lie n avd HI Noril. *'i c'ina. These lig ores are based on I lie supposition that the .same death rate would have oh IHi tied in 192(1 as in Iftlli if no preeaii liouarv measures had been taken but .there is'small doubt hut that the rate Would have increased considerable. Il has been derftotistrated that an active ease of tuberculosis who is careless will infect at least eight other pet sons and it is therefore stated that at least 17,(MM) infections have been pre vented. This represents" 'a ' saving in money to North Carolina of over slix, 000.000. The funds thai it has taken to ae complis lit his are derived from State appropriation and from the sale of Tuberculosis Christina* seals ami the approximate amount so expended dur ing the (i year period has been s},ooo 000, This amount includes not only nil State appropriations for tubercu losis work but till funds expended by patients taking treatment nt the State Sanatorium and all funds raised throughout the state by the sale of Christmas seals. It would therefore seem that every dollar invested in tuberculosis work brings an enormous return and Dr. Mcßrayer further asserts that with an expenditure of two dollars pei capita per year for one decade, te bereulosis can be practically elimi nated. Is this saving of human life worth [while? We think so. If considered from a financial tsandpoint only it means that an average of two and one half years will he added to the life of every resident of the state. NOTICE The public is cordially invited to attend a Sunday ScWil Rally at the liaptis't Church Sunday morning, Oc toiler JJnd, at 10:00 o'clock. There will he exrrrises bv the children, duets, "?fnjirtettes and readings by the adult clashes, featuring with u pageant by the Junior grades. All parents who have children in the Sunday School are especially requested to attend. There ,will be no preaching services al II o'clock, at the time wlil be con •limed by the Sunday Schftol ererc'ise-i. There will, he preaching that night at t,he regular time by the pastor^ NOTICE All blue ribbon and prfe"' winners at the Martin County Fair are asked to wait for their rewards until the A "ocifition books have been ad'usted and "onipleted, then checks will be 'sent to every one if them. _»_SS - (have taken up Ji hejfer about two years old, color red, ear mark, cop over and under bit in right, smooth crop slit amt"under hit in left, » Owner can jet, same by paying cost. BEN SCOTT, Williamston, 8,94t pd. 17,000 Vi Growers N* a •> 17,(10(1 ou" of til _' ',(KItl l»i --haocu glowers of Y'igiiiia have n*r oil '.I i I'.' e-yeai .1 arreting cent rai l ol thi' Tobacco li rowers' ( oopeiati\ >' Marketing Association. From L'.'i counties of the state, contract■» con tinue coming to the Virginia oHUe, :.v,'lading dally from ''(1,0110 t > .V.M 00 ) pounds ol pleili; ,'d tobni ca. In the face of tlu 1 opciiin givaiket every grower should rally to nn locai organization for aid and ailvi. e. Spec interests wil Ibring pressure «•) the growers thr>ii(.i the coming winter. Some hard• ives-ieil unw 1 s Wl '! in spair IIOLVW T' O po\er ■, aad utu >. pected profits u | tiiiriil othei. t i the need for uiui nled . O'orts n att~i.i the goal. V. h ie the cotton marketing as. o ( u' as are advancing to better time-, t'. ; ii growers of Virginia must hide (I • • 'inio in ' .«• t th. t • i.i r, In ilr work o' 'si;.' i,. . is soiell • e. i- i now in toe -tit^uidc i' "i" ( ship li'* i i' tu V*i «* i rci. t i'i' • 1 lie I- i' a'' \i ■n i t II fi" it- n hers i ' Ihi> 4 k ila •« t>it wei' " i>. >; live A- .. ;.t i •.ili'i the* hi>i' lOinpli '• , th. I > hmm lie C'Neil nnposs' 1 n ia v the nivaii ■ .it ii of a 1.1. elite ol toluiciat far n'crs in Virgin 4 within su im ni!.- I.e\ no wa'i ■ v tiirir I. ses HI tlieil P ■ ,- it-. or let a >• v* ni iii'l 'sin l 1i; • ' i. e with nyi .n nil i a nee at t'l.-i' fi ial vim -, t .'i n-.ti f «i'ei N o! Virj; 1 •!' will nil iti-M'ive that new p •,( ity. I • man" v n- (In i 11 aI. and si, «t I . i' » i ie ot her y»M y n the i ie' m . Ins lunl i I i|i' :.(■ —S. I>. !''••- ••' ; i ihe ii. (11" Is. e I ai mor. KM: DOI'ITU: ( liters PROGRAM The announcement tlia 11ho far famed Itingliiig Brothers and Harnnm & liailey Combined shows are to ox hil>it iit Rocky Mount, Saturday, Oct. H|jtli, has aroused no etui,of interest It would seem as though practically all the youngsters and grown-ups in this section were planning to attend. Twice each day for almost two months New York's great Madison •Square Harden was packed with thflse who thronged to see thi,'. biggest pro gram in .eirciw history. They saw scores of the jungle's most ferociu beasts, subjugated to sue ha degree that these beautiful minimi's len pis I to and rode on the backs of elephant and Intraes, jumped through hoop.-: i' (iff, opened their - mouths- that then men and women trainers .might I their heads and hands inside them, 01 leaped f fain pedestal to pedestal lik trained dogs. And these iMarvelou dumli actors are all on tour with the great double circus. The four im mense steel arenas in which they per form are set up in the mammoth main tent. There is no additional charge everything is on the one program Anil by "everything" is meant not only the wild animal displays, but the entire circus. Mole than 600 tnei, and women, embracing the'Jd' foremost arenic stars, , take part Aside from the ferocious beasts, the program includes thirty trained ele phants. Troupes of camels perfoim in the rings. There are live companies of trained seals, many dogs, bears, monkeys, pigs and pigeons, ''"id. sev enty tarined hurses anil Shetland* are presented. It is the biggest circio |.ingrain the world has eve,' seen, given under the largest tent and, it connection, is the famous combined Ringlin Hrothers and llarnimi und Ituilev menagerie. NOTICE OP SALE I'nder and by virtue o fth.> authori ty contained in a certain note execut e,d by S. S. Iladley, bering dnte Janu ary 2nd, 1920. ,the conditions in said not not having been complied with the undersigned owner of said note will onthe Ist day of October, 1921 at the Court Tlouse niof in the tnwn of Williamston, N. ('. at 12 o'clock M. ofefr for sale to the highest biildet for cash, at public auction, the follow ing described personal property: (5) Five notes in the sum of ($400.- 0(11 Four Hundred dollars e.ich, dated November, 7th, 1910, executed by W -ii Harber, due January Ist, 1921, 1922 192.'t, 1926 and 1927. Said notes being secured by deed of trust on real estate Thin the 7th dUy September 1 , 1921. FARMERS & MERCHANTS HANK H. WHEELEK MARTIN Atty NOTICE OF SALE ' - I will Kelt at public auction, for »n Friday, September 16th, at 12 o'- clock M., in front of the Post Office in K»eretts, one 6 passenger Ford car, known as the Brown car, to satisfy a lien for labor and re pairs made on said c#r in January. I 91' I. ill ttie .Hill of $611.85. This August 23rd, 19*21. atf s C. U. GA.AKK. IP YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT v AB IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 SMALLESTCOITONCROP ■' IN TWENTY-FIVE YEARS "i thi ltc»'ij Lf th# Bulletin of ti • onul .>!( ~f Cotton M .** i latturers jjrin-s a n.taih; chart w h appropriate 0.1 It says -1 h* nccjmpanying chat btings out graphically the small size of thi-i years American cotton crop, as fore casted by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, in comparison with other crops since 1900. Thi* chart is based on crops in terma of 500-pound bales, exclusive of liaters. The crop this year, according to tfle forecast of July 25, will be 8,20.1,000 bales This may be compared »ith liut year's production of 13,360,754 bales and the maximum crop produced in 1914 which totaled 16,134,930 bales. "It is necessary to go back to lS'Ji to find and American cetton crop as small as that predicted for theyeur," ays this Bulletin of the Manufactur ers, but it points out that since that time a great change has taken plaoe. "In 1H96 the American cotton munu f'uctuiing industry was les.s than half as large as it is at present, .laving i-nly about 16,000,000 spindles, com pared with U5,000,000 at present, ami the world's cotton manufacturing in i'us try embraced only 90,000,000, com pared with over 150,000,000 spindle now." We print above a narticle on the cotton situation and while many pen pie seem to he surprised that cotton has ever gone as high as 20c yet based upon all thecircum stances Surround ing us we need not he surprised to see cotton go to .'i()c before ninety days. The South is entitled to the value of the crop and if the Southern farmer sells too soon in the old fash ioned dumping method, then the spec ulator Will get the benefit of the .short crop. Marketing a crop is just in im portant as growing it. HAS FAITH IN AMERICA New York Sept. 'M.—Discussing the business outlook, John Wanamaker, the New York anil Philadelphia "mer chant prince" said: "I have more faith in America to day and ufore expectation of tho t'u ture than at any time in my sixty yeari in business life, in our store 1 ; we are expanding, rather than re trenching. 1 am asked 'Why are you putting tlne goods to the fore, such as jrwelry and silver from the Orient when business i sso slow?' My reply is 'I have faith in America.'" "There will be plenty id' work foi -all d we show out faith. It is a mis take to hold back, to relax to wear blue glasses, to hold money in our pockets, rather we should make need »d improvements, building and rebuild buy and sell, putting to work our money, energy and brains, everything we have to make the country busy and prosperous. "Instead of curtailing advertising our stores wc are enlurging it. In stead of standing pat we are making improvements which gives work to many mechanics both day and We mean to be ready for the good times just ahead. "France, Germany and England, hit harder by war than we are, are put ting us to shame by taking off their coats and getting to work. Money nuut come out of its hiding place, in banks aril homes, and ?e; ti» werk." COTTON (SIN NOTICE My gin (s now in first class condi tion and I am prepared to handle your cotton at any time. I'rice for ginning, including two and one fourth pound bagging and ties, all bales up to five hundred pounds $4.0(1, all oyer five hundred pound bales at the rate of 50 cents per hundred. I'rice of seed today 57 cents per bushel, subject to change of market, liring m eyour cotton. Yours very truly, J. G. STATON, dinner. ... ... LOST Hetween Willianwton and Everetts- - Rlack Handbag with handle broken. Finder notify and receive reward. 11. (J. SIEGLE, Rocky Mount, N. C. LOST Cliilds. blue hand knitted woolen cap. lietween Spring Grteen Church ground and Mr. " Luther Leggett's. Kinder please return to Mrs. George C. Jen kins, RF-D. 6. 2t. Pd.m Tho annual meeting o ftfie Stock holders of the Martin County Fair Association wil ba held Wednesday, Octotier r>th at 11:00 A. M. at the Administration Building at the Fair Grounds. , J. G. STATON, President. J NO. L. HASSELL, Secretary I Buy tCe Magic Metal Silver CIMIT ing Peat from the Dealer and aave all the Rubbing. The No-Rub Silver and Gold Cleaner. Buy from Lealie Fowdeo Drug Store.

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