Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 74 Martin Countv Fair Stock holders in Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Martin- County Fair Association was held in the Admnhstratiou iiuilding on the I'an (.roundsoorn r Woduesdav, Oc'jber Ctn. A large majority «•»' the stocknolde wee present. The n feting wa* i died to order by the president alTd JoliTf I . Ua-ssell, the Mscie'iii'y and i:e:isi.r er made his report sl owing that"thcie hau been 588 share* d stock .* I I a 1 il (,\:;ng to the talkie? to *e!l rl.c t •ii amount of stock there wa- . sUl 1 all i.i.oehU'ilnessC of sll IMlll.rtll / outstand ing. I'he association ib'cided t » **iU?*nt licidot preferred stock to pa,, o'f all indebtedness. This stock >*i.l can; with it a 7 per cent guaranteed niv i liend, and w ill make a very attractive investment. It looks as if th«' standing debts will be taken care' '1 and that everything wilt make for a better fair than ever. Our j.vapl'. are justly proud of the results id the *i:st IMI tails held in this countv ..nil 111. * propose to make the next latter than those alieady held. All. nee I i* a I'i tie cooperation and ",ti\ ieni -pent on the fair will pro*' • l" >e a d investment. Everv stockliodci ll'l l "' "I V C i 1 1 "' n lioolil lie ;i IHIO. , i. V thing- l.'ii'.ls up -the spirit ol i-ood I la i miny, good housekeeping. »'d ' u i.l liilig, good stock laismg ill' re lliaa a good fair. We must pu*h forward with the fair. Everybody bu.\ a little 'preferred stock. Mr, 1.. I. Inwden was appointed to sell the stuck. The election of ofHcees wa a" I'd low*: J. li. Stalon, I'resident; Di. I K .Smithwick, W. U . (iriflin, Louis II I'eei, Joseph I . Holliday, J. 11. l'ur \ is, Henry D. I'eel, J. 11. Roberson, .It;., \ R. Tirylor, R. W. Salshur.v, and Oscar Council, vice-president-; John I . Haskell, Secretary and treasurer: Dr. I'. I!. Cone, A. R. Dunning, K. R. ( uawt'oiil, C. D. Carstaiphen, I . T Fowden, F. W. Host, F. W. (naves. If. (i. Harrison,^ J I. H'as*ell, V\ I Al;j,nnin|r, Wheeler Martin, Clayton Moore, J, 11. I'urvi,*, J. I . I'rice and .1. Stalon, were elected directors. After adjournment all pre-out mulched to the table* spread with bar becue, where all partook hoailily. It was fixed good just like Simon l.illev •always has it. AI left in lilt' pint and mt»*ss all srgn.* i'iii the l:iii will be the best yet. ;i\ F. IS A II \M> , Ftrr a long season filings have been gloomy in (lie business world and prac tirally every bu.*ine.*s aid everybody has suffered from it. N'« business has huiLa harder struggle than the new* paper business. We have Jiorne it pain and grief in the spirit of trying lo make things better. VN e hope we iiave helped some little. Wo blip*' that the influence of the Enterprise among the people has been for good. Wr have sacrificed Willingly and gladly and now that things have brightenet up sorinuch we hope to have our fam ily of subscribers to send in their re nevval*. We assure you that we ueei. it and will appreciate it. SKKVICKS AT HAITIST'CHI'tM'II A. V. Joyner, I'astor Sunday School, !i:4'i A. M.—Dr. r I!. Cone, Supt. Come and bring the children and enjoy the hour with us. Sermon by the pastor, -11:00 A. M. Sermon by the pastor, 7:30 P. M.— Subject: "A Discontented Youn/ Man." Prayer Mee f ng Weilne.*'las even ing, 7:30 P. M. You are coi iallv inyited to attend all these services. Car load wire fencing and nail, also euload No. 1 Timothy Hay, just Cheap for the ,c. 1.*«1 • —nr fATOTATrmEK-iiTT. t +-* v -STRAN |) —THEATRE— —MONDAY— f BLAINE HAMMERSTEIN in THE GIRL FROM NOWHERE* - >f)c' and . 30c —TI'EXDA Y Dorothy DirkMm, (Jeorge, Faw-- celt and Alma Tell in , "t'AYING THE PIPER" _i....2Ce ' • 60c-.-. . ; / W EI)N ESDA Y— VIOLA DANA In "DANGKKOI S TO MEN" 20c snd 30c THE ENTERPRISE Regular v Session Recorders Court The Recorder's-Court met Tuesday, October 4th>» 11)21, with Judge J. I. Smith presiding and 11. Duke t'ntciier prosecuting ofr the state. The following cases were di.*po*ed of: ■ No. 1. State vs. Willie Johnson and Mai v Jiijirrswn, disposing of mortgaged pio|(i;rt A v. Nol pros. It was ordered by the court that a civil calendar be made on the Monday before the first Tuesday in each Month at the clerk's oflic■ at In o'clock, A. M No. ,'t. State v .*. C. 1!. ltennett. As sail IjL vv it h "deadly w eapnn. Defendant plead not guilty. After hearing the evidence the court finds that the de fendant is guilt) of a simple assault. upon payment of the costs. No. -I. State vs. (leorge Williams. Carrying concealed weapon. Not guilty. No. State vs. George Williams. Assault with deadly weapon. Wc- I I'enihnit nlead not guilty. AI lei heal ing the evidence the court linds Uial ! the defeliilant i* guilty. Fined s2r>.un and the costs. No. (!. State vs. Levi Lloyd. Call ed and failed. Judgment nisi. *cifa and capias, j i No. li. State v*. Joseph Taper... A.* sauli. Defendant pleads guilty. Sen tence dto the Edgevoiiihe county load, lor the term of two years. No. 8. State Vs. Joseph Taper. Lar ceny and receiving. Not guilty. No. 11. "State vs. Joseph Tu|ier. ceny and receiving. Defendant plead not guilty. After hearing the evi donee the court linds that the del' I ant is guilty and sentenced to the the Edgecombe countv mads for I lie ter mof six months. • No. !t. State v.s. Tom llyma'ii. A* -null with deadly weapon. Not guilty No. 7. State vs. Cha Smith. At tempting to commit larceny f'ouiel guilty .by the court and sentenced I > the Edgecoinlie county road* tor the ierhi of nine mi nth*. No. 111. State, vs. WilWe- l'rice and LWind.sor Wiggins. Manufacturuit li ( |Uoi'. Defendants came into court and' pleaL»guilty. I'rayer for judgment continued to Nov. I fit h and bond in creased to $400.00. State vs. Press Peterson. The do fendant has faile dto comply with for mer judgment. The court nrdere I a capias issued returnable to Oct. I.'th M HAT OF Till: VII'Mi (ill!) . RAI 111 1..' 'in the Editor: W > hive noticed thai several preacher!- latel. 'ave a«l:eil "V.'hat of the yofn'ir :ian i••fening to the in* ano crimes c> in nutted today, the responsibility f them and laying stre n the ....' ii tlat ou rboys are >it 'o-iked :iite> projieryl . - '.'ley could al o u-l>, "What of the ~ 1,-j,-»j ,r t!, Rach •.' ' Sue certainl is i.i'i t, ci'ing he" fat 'n-! 'h llo( i% "ii'ii ihe i-i f ill at I! tivi > o'clock at ».» -I>. 'Ahqp ' av.a;. r ont the. ' ia i'ts of IU LI i i »'i auto. this com y i••- '* today i (~w 'ld ashio:> ia. that-know r. ■ v-t pafiei-, than ic 'St than ca I i« j li• ■ 1 I'iati divorces, ineeioi'.', ' ou*e* t 1 i. notion picture show Yes, we need the old-fahsioned mother and father, who believe in look ing after the bringing hp of thei' children instead of leaving it t'o so e organization like the Y. M. C. A., floy Scouts, welfare officer, etc.' Snm think it they pay into the organ!/:' tions they have 'Tdne theft- duty. Tlie e organization* are a power for »rooil for children whose parents are uii fitted to raise.them, Jnit nothing ;MH take the place of the counsel and gual ance of Christifin parents. If the world is ever going to lie l et ter, it must commence with the in ' dividual home. The- world will ne ei be saved by drives. If the Rihle wen writte ,-nas things are today on»» af the commands would be, "Parents, bbey your children, seek first society and all things else will be added." " Parents are willing today tf> sacri . fice the Jiouls of their children to ,'jet them into what is knokn as society —James Dempsey Bullock, of Wilson, News & Observer. / HAMILTON SCHOOL OPENS The Hamilton High School opened on Monday, September the twenty sixth with a very .large enrollment The faculty this year is composer of Mr. Frank R. Avcock/ principal, and Miss Effie Waldo and Miss Annie Mizelle teachers . A very successful year is expected. / >Villiamston. Martin County North Carolina, Friday, October 7th, 1921 SEVEN BILLIONS BE HIND COMING BOOM Personal Mention With money easier all over the try ami bankers once more beginning to coo|ierate with business men ami extending credit, man) investors an' curious to know exactly how rich the country is in "frozen" cqsli. there has been much complaint that ; a large share of the hard times wo have suffered was due to the bankers' unwillingness to go behind -business with loans and credit. That is true, but it is a+so true that much of the business activity entailing fiom the [Hist-war hiiaiM «as nf such an unsub stantial ami I banking support wa-i«ijf itie ques tion. We have hail i|iiite busi uses failures as a words, the unstable and twlty ed business enterprise haken out. and there is M due of sound business, the knock*, now beginning to receive lion of bankers The funds at the disposa lof bus iness enterprise, through the already now visible era of expansion, ai. uonnous. What the hank* can do in the vvav of going behind t Mound re vival of busines sis largely indicuti'il by the-funds in the hands of the l-eil rial Reserve Hanks. ~ Takin- gthe consolidated -tatf imot■ of the. twelve Federal Reseivo I tank as n basis wcj arrive at the following approximate figures as repn enting the money wealth of I nited State* down to date: i;>l I *tocks on hand s3,'Jf.>o,iHMi,>iMi,iinii Notes and bills I ,ir.(>.« Mill, I'.S. bonds notes and i certificates of in debtedness I ,»>."> I,( l( 1(1, IK Hl,noil I ncollected and out standing . C.2r.,000,1HH»,(»1>1l Total s«,}»: r.,1 MM 1.1 KM 1,1 MM.I The round sum of seven thousand million dollars in gold -or moie thai twice our war loan to Frame ma* he relied upon to-supply backbone and tain i i I:I to the epoch of prm-pri it v. which is already now I»t inninr In dawn.' I\MI IIM; s)i WHILES IN-:FORI: CONGRESS 'l'lii'ie- a re" two great i|Uabble- he \iie Congress now , one the new I ni iff. Rill.-jinil the otlyr tfie p,opo*cd 'leiinan Treaty. Itoth of the e i|iie tions are tormenting th«v Republic;!' leaders . They don't know in I witii horn of the ililema to grab hold of llut they do know that hotii of (best subjects are too hot to arouni. sych combustibles as voters. Ihe ole Republican honored protective tar-ill do hot suit banker- whose only hopes' of collecting from liojtxig' customer sis a good, wholesome line of imports. If they are hailed the cannot be expected to pay. Il w-> !• lie the same thing as having a cm too poor to milk or a lien too ptio' L lay. Well, the Herman treaty -tide us as being one of the most ill grace ful things that our country has done | Hereafter when w eare called I rami "we will hafo to hang our head* am' take it. GIVE KKDIT AMI YOI"I I. IIAIIN II Don't hesitate to express your up preciation of the other fellow s niei it. It will please him, an ilit wjll raise you in the estimation of other* Try it. If you have men working under you, speak up and give then credit. Don't wait until they maki mistakes and jump on them. It make bad blood and causes little ogod. Try it for just one week. Stop find ing fault. Be OIJ the lookout for mer it in your men. Hhe chances are yor will find something to praise. Am' .just keep op giving credit for a whob we'ek'To 'tTie'Vn i i'i" yn|l" ha'«-r'--tTt-f-n--fW*t-- ing feuLt with hitherto. You will have all the men on youi They will do better work and more of it. Incidentally you will be come popular, and eventually yom men will give you credit for handinp it to them, says Sugarman's In jjcutor I have taken up two 'Jersey year ling". One a large black with whit flanks, spot in forehead, marked S. M right ear shallow "forked, left ear twi .small crops. Smaller beast not mark ed. Owner please call for them at' once and pay expenses. J. W. Our ganu*, R. R. Watts old place. LOST: Wednesday afternoon b"t\"eei Critcher's office a silver card cam jvith engraved ii iti.nJ-> 0-3?- *'• upot it. Finder pleas ereturn to Mr-. It. A Crltcher. - NOTICE Ca" load wire fencing .and nails also carload No. 1 Timothy ITav teceived. Cheap for tM cash 1 C. 1). CARSTARPHEN an J CO * [ Mis. U. A. I!r,\ an of Stoddard, Ari ' /una, was the guest °f Mrs. 11. 1.. Meador ni Thursday of tliis week. • * . » Slu'i ill' Rolicrsun, Thoo. Koberson T. I'erry, .1. W. drowning attended the Richmond Fair thi.-- wnok, rt'lurn inn last night niul reporting a »';it time. .... ivll. VV. S. Rhodes- ii llannlKin v, a in town yesterday. . . » M ,Vr. Il.on.iy tiiay, tli* hiind »?«.«> ,-i.,n lin ■ boon in town thi- wok tun ng I i.inos. Mr. (iiay is (mo Mi ..I lur can take * piano down no, ■> l>\ njece \er\ quickly-and put it had. :n ti'-l class shape, anil is «-i>:ii.!«• ■i• i i vci\ ri i tuner. .... Mrs. A. li. Munniug, Mrs. Klhert S i IVel, M iss Daisy Manning. Messis I l.lulius I'eel ami 11. Ihike Critchci wont tr» Norfolk ami Washington st • • ti'i'ilny where they wil Ispeinl a fi-v days. toii \cco iik.m— i:\ i;m ltH|>\ SMII.INt; It is a refreshing sight to wall through I In* tobacco warehouses tlicsi days and see the higlr price being paid fur all grades. Looks snniol limp I liko lit Hr. except tlic people -ooiu to li.- cool. They arc not wild like the;, wore then. Itut they ate wealing ion'- ulistantial snhr'r smiles anil in a shon time the Robbery I'anir of 1I will he past hisjory. f visitim; in town/) t Kev. A. ('. Went/., of Roper, lr» spend inn the week end with his daughter Mrs. I!. I*'. (Jodwiii. Mr. Wenlz is now 8s years old and is hale and v ino otis. i 110 is very clear and bright, liotli on present topics and past events and 'hears every mark of the tvpna old Southern nenl lonian. I'm inanv wars ho was an active minister ol the ( hristian church hut lor flic pa'! several years he has given up the ac tive niinislrv. WOTIIKK STILL RUIHI) C. 11. Jenkins, Sheriff Robei-on no Mi puty SliorilV Kdinnndson raided, cm ii lirpior still near Ik'lhol Sain 1 day'. The plant was located in M i im county hut from all indicat on. was operated from I'itt County. T'o I hint consisted (if a lW galTiiii ioti still completPv about ji do/on for mentors, about id' Seer about I gallons of corn ih|UoiLand a In.lit Ml pounds of sugar. I'rim al! had beef opor alodyfiir a long pomid of 111115/ 'MI 10 plant was hoAbiit hud lieilti given and the ghwv had lioen hidiVn around- and a negro was han■_> ing iiftuind on the lookout hut w'lol the slielilf'- party arrived upon tli scene of action h" oi the trail .1 1 • mill diappoareil .1111-11,' t'o tall Inn 1 or. A IK) I I A l\U I I' WKhK? ' Suppose the county al largo ••.Tioiltr have a pay-up week ? Wouldn't il lie fine? Perhaps at least half of tin peoples debts could lie paid by 1 pro cess of cancellation. Kvoi ybmli could pay a large part of what the,, owe if the people who owe them ,voutil settle" up. Debt is a peculiar luny- It is au oppressive thing anil wo coidi; I eliminate a largo part ol it if Wf would got down to business. It i very likely that our county doe, nit owe as'inuch as our i n vest men t • a mounts to. If A pays II and fl pa>/ C and so on down the ore nAt debt we would not ow eso muc!i. Now I is a good time to pay debts and foi those who oil not owe anything t> TWO STORKS KOIIIIKI) IN ROI'KI 1 week. | w ." nien broke /m tin stoie of Mr. Hassell in Ro|.e an 1 stole a considerable amount of iici ' Thoy wore soon apprehend e«l and taken into custody when .the; . Were bound over to the Superioi 1 Court.,. It also developed that a Wat chman was-on guard for them and hi was sentenced to the >*osl'l lor on year. 1 Later in the week the store of A.' Ham Blount w;as broken into and a bout three hundred dollars woiTji id goods were stolen. There has been ' no clue "to the./persons peneiat ing th robbery as yet. For some i«e,-tson there seems to l.i a growing and even an al.ll o inif :f mounted ftoing on. con ' dii'i'n soeniii to obtalh practical l ) ovorywhere. It must lie thai there are too many boys permitted to cnri gregate on the streets and smoke cig arettes and run automobiles low ar6und gum I. ling. , ; FOR SALE: 15 SHARE OF STOCK 1 in the Bank of Roberaonville. Mrs. Cottie N. Sherrod, Enfield, N. C. 2t' ONE DAY'S INCOME FOR THE ORPHANS To the Editor. Dear Sir: At a recent meeting ol the North Carolina Orphan Associa tion a resolution was unanimously a dopted expressing to the newspapers of the State the grateful appreciat'o:. of the organization "for theii liber, Ulity in presenting the needs of the fatherless ones to the public." Tin vvuts not simply a fouuauty. but e> pressivo of the actual feel in got' t n Association. Another Thanksgiv ing season i ap pioaching, and the association earn est I v desires that it shall be a frait lul period for every child-caring in stitution in the State. The Associa tion expressed the wish tsat the usi il campaign I'm voluntary contribu 1 'on* lie conducted, and designated the tin dot-signed as members of the Public ity committee. Nou are doubtless familiar with lin plaits hitherto employed in the on duct o I'thi* movement, the succes - ol ;hich must ye" measured largely bv ie extent ol the C"'i|ieration show i, by the daily and weekly ol the State. The I'oi.uuiltMM .ipine ciates the fact taut tl:» editor ol io,i papers arc frei|ucatly imposed •i. on with propaganda f.i,- various ami - in illy objects, but I'e-I '.hat the v. ill not object lo again lulling n th. I'lVlOl to Sllfl»fr||.:i|.,| I 1,,. ] 111 ~ 1,.| ~, li,, State's orphaned clnMrin thnnig'i th. a|iproaching vvnter. The Committee is *i king I'm om day's income from every citizen ol the State on or ueaii 'I I anksgi.'ing Day. The inconio of one dav out o f Mllfi is reasonable, and not one |n>-isoi, in a liiindred is irna'ile to contribute of their income to (' at extent ai l all can aid in br.nging the maltei to the attention of the | eople. Tnose who respond are asked to I'orvvai-I tile amount direct lo the orphanage 'of hi* or her choice. Or t!.l n.ay lie through chui 'h, Sua lav JCIUHI}, cen munity organization ,or fraternal m | dor. The Publicity, Co,njcmttl;e.e ~h.ill dies no funds. Its labor is "a laboi J:-:., ,,,. f The Publicity Cummitlee make it first appeal to the newspaper*, lire it is through their columns it niu.-t reai n the people, if they to he reache I nl ill The Cominittee vvilT"approciate : II oc iasionaf kindly inentio nof the* mi nt iu your paper. The call is m gent, and it is our hope tliat few , i mil,, will this year hear il in va o TTfoli*ands of bi"g r liearled""NiD'ttf*l l :rr oliiuans have been generously re-pond, ing lo the call. We believe lhe> \ ill again oil so at th • appointed time.. Please carry .tbi-t message to youi leaders at the earliest convenience lly so doing you >vil.|render a se.vici to society anil aid a class ol' little folks who are unabse to tain" car.' of themselves, Very respectfully, (Signed by Committee) : M. I •i' , i| man, chairman; Slacey W. W.M'e »V I' . Evans, .f. 11. Kerry, Annie Trn.i- Uvingstou Johnson, Daisy Den im. \|U lOR THE KAII.RO VDS V NLI -nit; iti si SESS" Uitli only two 'ninths of iin* e\ t ra- M'.-sion of ('oie/ress yef to MI i il i predicted the tax' revisnu lull : ad the separate peace .treat- >■ 1 in u|iy about six- weeks of the tii. i vv' : 'ii augus ill for tiie balance i' t' i AI|I ii.istiation's li'.jgrnin, ineui. /i) tee ~-called Railroad Funding camo ~-flaged titla lei a hill lo I iai the railroad* to the $731,0011,0011 I hey now nv'e Im iovernment. The administration programme a! so includes the bill for funding 'hi foreign war loans, giving the Sec re tary of the Treasury blanket au'li n jKy to do this in any way he may sei TIT. i " ' There is little opo-itioll to the I'liil road lull compared wit lithis measili' for the handling of $ 1 1,00(1,01 Ml,l UK I l.v one man witbogt restrictions of ahv kind. Senator t ndervyood, the Demo cratic leader, and Senator McKellai (Dem., Tenn.,), one of the most hril liant debaters in the Senate, have al ready exposed the ninister and dang erous character of such a measure which will have practically uiianimnu.- opposition of Democratic Senators ami strong opposition from the Republi can side. Under this bill Congress is asked to relinquish all authority over the funding of these loans, and to trans fer it to the Secretary of the Treas ury. Some who favor this transfei ;of authority accompany it with tin impudent assertion that it is only nec essary. for the funding methods tji hav'e the approval of the great finan "cTar ihtcrrsts. —— ■ IX)ST Chibl.s blue hand knitted woolen cap lletween Spring Green Church ground and Mr. Luther Findei please return to Mrs. George C. Jen kiwi, R. P. D, 6. 2t. Prt.m Weekly Review oi' Cotton Crop and Market Condition Two Big Issues Before Congress Washington, I>. Oct. 7. A sep arate peace treaty with (ieiiiany | which Senator Lodge said "wjukl I Itr:' ii« lus with everlasting rtt>-horror "4 a ia\ revision lull which Herbert iloover's paper aid was o -cj ici-i caled as lo "111 ikt its const Miction ' ii.ore the work of iV Philadelphia law- j jei' and impossible to the n\oi,-e business man' 'aiv dividing-t!i,„- alt'', t in nf the Senate at this w.itifi",,| Meanwhile .the Km-.,* >ey Tariff mil, li.ej civnnmic joke of the age, is in i . t lie o> suspended anil,>At ion. 'l'he House continneil to ke"|» its feet on its desk nailer a three-dav -id- ' i>iiri'iijent plan until Octnbci ttli. In the matter of lav revision ihe l>rm"erats will a.C..i strive to So '.cln tnl by introducing weeping con.-ti ml- I ''ive i.nienilments le.ignetl to'ej ' 'as discriminations from the fill, an.l particularly its favoritism of invc | corporations. No' ee to this eli'oct Wis served by Senato .Simmons (X. »'.i tfe ranking Democratic member o' the I r nance CoinmittQO. whose ) il was "to strik • out boldly on now j line .sin.steud of TnTteFTnjv w'Mi and I try in;., lo repair a i.achine v.usl created lo meet « ll,er circumsl' and conditions." lie denounced th. lull in its fi fin as "the m t J I orrible and unju;t proposition if tax ation tjiat has ever I een piv.-ontod m litis chamber." (>p|Misition to fie bd lin it pies ent form is by .10 'aeans confined to Democratic Senators. It is opici Pd b\ i,e| übliealis of the uylicultural bloc, whir hincluoes many proniiii 'i't i.ii west Senati rs, just as it wa. up ••ed by man c western I{ 'ircseu lativo- 111 the House. K\STEKN \ROLINA SECRETARIES MEET The secretaries tif the various ('ham hois nl' Commerce and representative.-. ..I' tin' varied interests in Eastern Car 1111ii:i including Hoards of Trude, chants Associations, Hunkers, Land owners ami Manufacturers, will hn'n i\ meeting in 11m* Chamber of C ,uk: n«>ice rooms in (ioldsobro Octobei' !.l, fur tin' purpose ul" |.erf«**t inn a pi i maneut organization wTticfi slialf i.r known Us the Eastern North Carolin i Chamber of Commerce. W. A. Me(iirt, tiianugty of the N. C. Landowners Association, who endon- eil the movement at theinitiiil meet n;( which was helil in (" a short time UK" will 1 he present. lie ha done-a wonderful work alone the lines wliic lithe nAv organization intends to pursue. It is an oiganiz.i lion which will lill a loin; felt need an will prove of great vain: lo the far liters and manufacturer , merchant and banket of the coa tal plain re Vfion. The State Agricultural 1 tepai tnient will have men present who have en diseil the movement and who will giv« their time in aiding in the organiza Hon work. They reulize what it will mean to this section o ft he State.. Practically all the secretaries of the Eastern part of the State have culled thei ror-ganiasations together and ex plained the matter in full with very atisfuctory result*, and the ' f trig to be present in the meeting will their presidents and boardi ol direc tors. Mr. Kenneth Koyal, president of the (Joldsboru Chamber of Commerce is acting chairman for the proposed or ganization. Mr. Koyal is very anx - *OUH over the new organization am having realized its value hits constant touch with tly* movement* and progress, made by those win. have in charge the publicity end. Every busfnesifTHTntr m a n tifwt.ifre-i'.- f a inner ami bunker in eastern N Carolina is invited to attend this meet t*g. Al lcounty farm demon trators are urged to come and bring the far mers of this section. - NOTICE OK SALE I will soil at public auction, for cash mi Friday, September 16th, at 12 o'- clock M., in front of "the Post Office in Everetts, one 5 passenger Ford car, known as the lxiuis Brown car, to satisfy a lien for labor and re pairs made on said car in January. 1921, in the sum of $60.8 K. This August 2.*(rd, 1921. atf ■ C. H. CI.AKtf •J |„.. LOST lietween Wiiriamston and Kvoretts Hlack Handbag with handle broken. Finder notify and receive reward. H. G. SIEGLE, Rocky Mount, N. C. Watch the label on your paper, b* sure t orenew befort your aubacrip tion expires. fr -.'T, ANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1896 Raleigh, N. e„ Oct. I.—The cot ton crop has experienced record con ditions this yfcar in drought, heat, re duced acreage, boll weevil damage, de cieased usage ol fertilizer, early mt tunty and shortage late and top crop. Although conditions were favorable 1 for the early harvesting of the crop I theiv has resulted the shortest yield and lowest production in history. I i.rades sluiuld be good | '"llowed the largest carry ofer of ; cotton stocks perhaps ever known. The crop report released on the 3rd, j covering North Carolina, shows a to ' tal production of 489,000 baler, fore- I casted from a f>4 per cent condition based on 1,156,(KK) acres at 192 pounds per acre. If the price a»erages 21 cents aiul it should average more for this nop, the total value will be $49,- l(Mi, (Mil) as against last year's crop ; reckoned at Hi.2c per poiifed, $41.50 ' 1 per acre value, this year, is lesg than j last year's and -only 40 per ecnt of two years ago. Ihe acreage is found to be about | 7(i per cent oflast year, the condition | 7!) per cent in comparison; the yield .0 per cent; production 5.'! per cent j and total apparent value of the crop, | 7(1 per cent compared with last crop, j I lie decline in condition of cotton | within the past month was K per cent and 14 per cent in the past two months | Last year there whs an increase con dition ol a per cent in tjitf same period. I In IUJ«». the yield par acre of lint | was 275 pounds, and this year, 192 pounds. The late reports show that there is perhaps 6 per cent less acre age than the earlier or preliminary ic.iorts showed, which means that there is almost a third reducti ,n from la-1 year's harvested area. ol_Per Cent Picked 'I lie latest reports indicate (it pel cent of the crop is pick-d, with (ier haps 95 per cent of the bolls open to date. The average picking wages of seed cotton is 70 cents per -1 1 tied ;i Mini Is. Report s show 13.4 per cent of last year's crop still in the hands of fa liners. The United States report show- Vir ginia with O.'l per cent condition and lO.IMMi bales forecast!-1 crop; South Carolina 40 |ier cent and *>44 m>( balev' vieoigia :t.'t pev cent coiidition and 72 1,000 bales; Texas 18 ih-i cent and l,8fii?,l)00 bales; with the ual onul av e iigo 42.2 per cent for. casting tf,537,- ■ iif-il- bales --as- coinpare-l- *-. th a Cnal ciin.'ilioii last year, of u'M ,i'?r* forecasting 1.1,4:19,000 crop. 'I he Sandhill section ot Moore and Mi otgomery and the are-i to Gaston ci unties have conditions abo'it 65 per cent of normal, is have t'.e northern uastal counties . Thl.- locates v/nere the best conditions arc found. The In"' condition areas are in Brunswick .in.', f.oithern Piedmont co'n'..e: wkei* l'• i- average is below ;ll per cent. The m I".iters' estimates to tin* North Cai j •>) 11;■ Cooperative Crop Reporting Sei' i vi.e for October first are hn>e ion r»- i inted observations of over 1!',00) farms. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified us administrator, ('. T. A., upon the etsute of Samuel Whitley, deceased, lute of Martin caun ty, notice ifc hereby given to all per sons having claims against said es tate to present them to the undor- Higned for payment on or before the Kith day of September, l'J22, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate set tlement. This l.'lth duy of September, 1921. J. H. D. PEEL, Administrator, C. T. A., estate of Samuel Whitley. m HSCKIHE TO THE ENTERPRISE ——■ ■ S S T R A NJ) -f— ---TH E ATR%- Tuesday, Oct. Uth "Paying The Piper" A gorgeous drama of life and • the lights of New York. As if Uie very soul of Broad way danced, laughing across the screen.j Alluring, shimmering, flushed with the pleasures that drtve uway care. ' with DOROTHY DICKSON, ALMA TELL, GEORGE FAWCETT, and ROD LA ROiJl'E