Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 75 Head of the Peanut Exchange Begins Work llu n.u il. i>n.,,«ii v :, wi,'> i an i . ci merit •» i ijcial ii.a a,-:c. ol ti.e I e.l ..l t.Mifrtl, *i; .a,-, .-il ,er . ltd. II .eio 11 ll;. .e t ..III; Ii • us' otitclVi' 1:, '-II I I. law M !. » , and e, all 0.1 J> I I' . . 'ii ti.i; ••!. .... . , uit | uu..* l i tln- ir !• peanut ciop A*i l' •'' •• • lia- tne de', me ton i u ■ i that tilest- peami - tval mi.c !i» mi.' Weiglitd Jul In cum ,nfi-:i receivers a. tie 1 \.ai,inu- -hip: i 7 . ■ .points, ami T.-eltltniH:!. wittr tii.' glowers wit' Ii■ i\« to lie uiai.'e upon I weights ami I'liuli" v ' ,1,,-lai lory M iangcment - :;tt heiot r. f«• I'ui ' i.' ng oi fw. •" iinl 11 :i■ • *i:i ■' se' in-c \ v.-sli \ mo". i ). lading' o\ iv 'I • ■ pealllit t'l a.l it' t .rs as Winn as lea 1,. li-i iiia 1 !..l \ a Isoon lie i aaMjii'ti' !. I lie E.xchanee i- receiv iie? i.ati> •In lit; expi es.-'ull- , . eiPi;r:iti. .. t S ■»11 - II mil growers anil t;lis;rn -- it-en an it -ecuritig of Mr. Hudson/: . - maua >?er. '1 he Tidewater News, publisiieo at Franklin, edited by Mi I'aul Seal hoiough, suy.-: "Last week - announcement of tin 1 j'W'cLluu ofTtios:. 11. Bird song of SuF_ •oik Ci.r this position ha.*, a.-- we see it, deliiiitely settled the all-ah.-nrhing ■ [Ueilion a lo whether'the Exchange will ur will not be a success, and U:uil-. ij In make I lie uiuiualilieil state nlent that \ irginia-Nnrth Carolint. I'canut Exchange is starting at tin i *■ i > beginning of its perfected 01 gani station to function in a way that |>i!u. ises to the farnit-rs of' the peanut belt all that they have hoped for, worked for and planned for since the inception ot the movement several months ago. "We -could wisb at the outset that evi l; farmer in the peanut belt knew Mr. BlrtUoiig as wf know him': that they were ilc|Uuintcd wit lihis -pleo did business ability, tiiat they wen urn el'sailt witHl tile stlree„s.s lie ha, mude of his own business, starting a i» poor country boy and advancing within a comparatively short period ti one if tiie commanding posit KM, is N the peanut world, and that they eouli realise how all who know linn i Southampton, Inle of W igltl mid Nan .scmond counties ailmire and eiivii him' foi Ins integrity, bis standing a tilling his fellows and lo rthe eflectivt and untiring enotgy which lie npp-Sc to vver>thing in which lie is inten ted "It would be Kum; than -tiicida!*lt employ anini'x peril' lire loi iiieth let't man to handle the affairs oi tTte Fi change. The organization wouldn't I: a ;welve month- under such a hv.e 1 M,d would not amount to a pica) am under anything •-- than the besi man In the peanut holt as. its manager. A • 1 liirdsong possesses three rei|iii iU'.-. C" r-ittiiil Ih t.l"' limn - |>n knl to ' i«ii. die thi' peanut crop—l.e i? a goof hu . iness inan wlto b.u mailt' a signal » " (e; ;- .if every bu iness in yhictlTn '.-i i ,i-i bee a mtere ted, enjoying tne cnii iidence of the p.iblic ami of t' « finan cial institutions of thr» peanut as a practical fanner anil fanv. >i\. nei aial a- n expei i.'ncoi! buyer, he p>s .se-sj.l ;• a-thufuxuJi krowli'ilge ol the |, in jt business fu in the field thi nup' the factor}- to the ultaiMlte c.otisiiinei inn 1 iie is a 1111.1 umiik'stui iub.iv 11 lia' le and loyal to every ti'U-i ani oliliiration ever Hr |»ored in a' . 1 n .Ii r his.nianagcmi nt and wi'T eo ■r-jfei iii ion (if the farmers o" vhe (>e.. 1 it be't and the- wise coui -el of the boariV of directors, the Kxchanne can not fail to siicced. He is the litrlit man for the .ioh and is entitled to tin loyal and whole-hearted, sujiport o (•very ilienil>er of the KNchange. NO: ICK . • 1_ a (';i load wire fencing and nails al-o (irloa.l No. 1 Timothy lHv jn-t teecived. Cheap for th? cash C. li. CARSTAHPHF.N an I CO. ri' 1 ii .4 ...) . -STRAN I) t -TH EATRE —'I' III liSDAY— . ;THK INSIDE OF THE CCP" Adapted from Winst«in Church ill'n I n in OUH N6vel 'jjric . und _ '• B0(V —IUIOAY— BEN TI KPIN in "She SiKhid by the Seaside" HIU "V. COMEIIY 'Double \lv eature* —Epinode 10 o() C and 30c PARAMOI'NT SPECIAL— "TH EC ALL OF YOL'TH" if "V»ni*hinK Trail*" —Epinode 1 20c and -Wc ? 1 ■■■ .; s r- , * THE ENTERPRISE Farmers Digging Peanuts too Early ihe lietU'i handling, ut peaniit. w■ 1 i be one of the important tealiin . ol llie Peanut tiiuwers' Excliango, uhul. i i-pre ent.-. inure than , r i,otMl gruw ei ■■ in Virginia and North Carolina. Mr liirdsong, the general manager, on t\u. or three shon trips out in the rruui try this week has beon so unpie ei, that the growers whom lie futiinl tlijr- King peanuts are digging too eailv that he is {retting out n special cir cular lu each member of the Exchange cautioning tlieni against digging.tliei 1 peanuts before tin y are ready. In his opinion a considerable per cent of the immature peanuts will yet come to ma turit) provided we do not have frost within the next two weeks. If these peanuts are dug too soon, then there is a loss on this account and the prob abilities of further loss to the moii mature nuts from being dug too green. In this circular Mr. Birdson is also presenting to the growers the neces sity of stacking their peanuts proper ly. The loss each year through the careless stacking of peanuts is con sidelable und con be reduced, jf tin growers will only give tin; niatlei proper attention. Mr. liirdsong will follow thi - spec nil circular with another one soon call ing upon the growers to use great cure in the picking of their peanut? He considers it of the greatest 1111 portauce to the growers 111 theii el forts to secure better prices- for then peanut sthat they put forth their host efforts to preserve their full "\alue h\ protecting them agaim-t weather (lain age and then seeing to it that the' are properly picked and graded. II U \hs SATISFIED Willi EN FORCEMENT OF PKOIIIItITIoN Washington, (let, 1(1 I'rohihilion I otiiniisMoner llav nes, in a formal talement toi|a> dt'clared that aftei four inonths hi adiiiinistration of pro hibition enforcement forces, lie re gariled conditions' us "i.uost satislai lory." He asserted that the tide ol public sentiment ha. turned that the 'judiciary, legal profession, .state .com I v and 1111.111ic.ipal ollicei's and the prei*s are responding lo the voice of the pei pk>," ... keferring to New \ork, which' hi visited lust week, Mr. Ilaynes said In hud found federal prolntion. agent thi re "with a conrpleU- grip on the situation." lb- r«-jjirtt'il "gi^tHying proffers" of coopfsi at ion .111 the pal l of hotels and' other , ■lll' uf- wfioli have lie ell etnbara.-seil In al legixl violations. »TIIE TOH \LC OdAKKCI The Williamston Mi.!- t ohl- I (i-IM.oUU pounds o flob'icc' i*|i tn 0 1 .-t'l. The sales for la-t week wet'i pounds for j;;i,LS7.K',«. v 11I*.'- was an average of $-S!.Kfi. J In- pi•••.■• 011 the WrUiafiintuii Market 1 ea(-a-i favorably with -tho i- m tne laigei markets. " FOB SALE: FOKO TOL'BINti AND Roadster cari-. Harrison Wholesale Co., ADM INISTR A'l OR'S Si )'i 11 if Having (jualifled as administrator, (;. T. A., upon the etsate ol' Samuel Whitley, deceased, late of Martin nun ty, notice is hereby given to al! per sons having claims against said es tate to present them to the ni-ilnr signed for payment on or before the 13th day of September, 1922, or thi ooiice will be pleaded in bar of. tneii recovery. All persons indebted "o said (•Htate will please-make immediate set tlement. This lath day of September, I H. 4)I PKEU— Administrator, C. T. A., estate of Samuel Whitley. LOST k Childs blue hand knitted woolen cap. Between Spring Oreen (Ihurch ground and Mr. Luther Findei please return to Mrs. (Jeorge (.. Jen kins, B. F. D. 5. 2t. Pd.m FOR SALE: 15 SHARE OF STOK -in the Bank of Rohefsonville. Mrs. Cottie N. Sherrod, Enfield, N'. ('■ 2t> NOTICE OF SALE f will sell at public auction, for cash on Friday, September lfith, at 12 o'- clock M., in front of the Post Office in Everetts, one 6 par.seriger Ford car, known as the Louis Brown ear, to satisfy a lien for labor and Te-~ pairs made on paid car in January. 1921, in the sum of JfiO.Bfc. This August 23rd, 1921. Btf i- C. H. CLARK. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE J Williamston, Martin County North Carolina, Tuesday, October 11th, r>2i TO CHECK REPORTS OF VITAL STATISTICS Raleigh, Oct. lu. —in several coun ties of the stale the ot.ite Board o. uialin 1. m;titutiug an intei.S've ctieck on tlie report", 01 vital st:.ti tic., it m iiecea a ai> that a hitih pei ventage of birth., and deatJi. be ie portod in tin- Ltate to ie inain in the oiliiial ,ui-a. under the I ull-S ol 1110 Hlll'ism el tin iViiaU.s l'( rioiln checklli;; lire ie an el tn show eonclusivel) that -u'li |ei ceuUige js maintained. Special attention will he g' en t>. the reports of births. Tiie repott-. • -iie. (lis in,the stall' .He new pi ai I . I iHe liun.ll-e.lper cent I'n'le hill, reason 'o a i urn her of births aIV i u I, act i riling to the ,h-ae all tile states of the I iiion Willi the I i.-I est birth rate neaiiy i-I^ht. livt tiioe-and births lia ing- ''•.• ■» reciiiiled a is knoti i i.v.ite a birth is no. reported t.{ HEjHH icg strars. It to tlinl 111 ,-;,r ulate mora complete repoil , t'?l tie intensive ell H I' HI 111-II t" t(d. The Iliet'l-C .ll .'hei kin, n I nn- i ¥ recoiel'> '"I l.v Hi'' I • 111 ail ll' ■ eilsus. i, tie' .Ie: • : i i i v » c, l'eful c:t'i„r- i- n in' .1 i ie -1 g • i rnmeti: a■ - - . ■ . i • i ■I I. .....I n f ill hii.ln.i. s |il. I .. ffnill" l r p ients, »"iu hate he-1- '» n "i'i in tie past yv.i 11 .'an '•ti, checktii tga n-t the linte cml it.'e.s ftletl *\.tli t ie Uec-at al -it: 11 . tics ill '.l.e -| it.' lie.. '• I I 1e.,,J i• in the s . ■i• ti : : • I i iter t'l ' It- . i ', -ti i ~i !t|i is a in' • i ■ 1 1■ i a i "• r - .. i.' ii +ri Of im 1 ' ia i •!,! *,-1 . ;ilte|lllli|' ph>sician or midw '• to i'n:l u pina.|.t ly ieport to the loev mitstrni- am birth. The birth certificate • e-itain such necessary inforin.'itiaii i- iln iiaine of the child, tin,' name el 111■ parents, place of residence, and the, important information. A 'nrla mi tideate is a document that iiinv prove of the highest value, and i now rec ogtu/.ed a« the inherent 11gl11 of ever child horn in the'T-tale. It e the in tention of the State lloniil ul llea(l to ptotect that l ight, ami iit.- u e i H - even clrihl insofar as is pn-,s.!i; ( I' \( h IKH 11l l!\l li Sunday night iliont ili rtfi, Ilie ]. j, I. house of Anders ut ll'olln'i -' v.- 1 .1 cevered in flames, ~n l ti a • --o-.n I at ei' to the ground toiielln r tviih i IN imgiaileil tobacco. I »i; fi(11 raisi. hv Mr Haw on and Jim lie. I .■; !•. (ally destroyed I.'Xi e|it ,i,e I. i" ' nno ing • onsnler itil •|n iinll - i-l nihi l jicople stored in th" ' i.l lie i i ; litiriied also, The loss on (lie inii'diiej i i linfai ed at $ I,llltO.lMi w it!l : 1- ;r,ii on •11 u nm and on the conten' 1 ; a' /-*;!, 'Mi. i. v, ,i no insurance. '■ No reason for l!i ■ 'tic cat. I • ' e. no |M-i'son hi I liaen in tin hnili ing since Friday. 'I lime l-n l leei no file during '.he mi Si-ei, cat's had been pas .inn u■! mill, a let. minutes before the 'ire wi- I. c-.w ed n car passed along h t a ee H n " 'h bor's house going a* a vei > hi ; a - pi', and up, to now tlu; only ext.'ai:.,)i c is that it was incendiniv. ROSA LII.LEY Rosa, the 1-1 year old ilaughti i itf Mr. and' Mrs. KotnuluV Lilly, died oi Friday after a thnee days' attack o acute Brig-ht's Disease. - She had lieei . in feeble health for several niontK hut was up ami not thought to he ii any danger whatever. She was hur ied in the family graveyard. The I'uti end was conducted by Elder John N Rogerson. EARLY FROST * Thi frost Sunday morning vtlticl wfls almost a killing frost in sonn swti'nif" , n a the that we haw had in this section for 17 years. It i a very unusual thing fo have a kill ing frost as early as October ilth t A heavy snow fell in the mountain, near Blowing' ;.Rofk on Fj iilay night The rapid change in temperature am the sand storm here on Saturday ruts*, have "been the effects of the snow storm. " HARRY CLINTON BRI'.W 1 11 , Hary Clinton, the two year old "0" > of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee I Si-ewe,-, (lie/ Saturday from an attack > r Vein hraneous Criup, Bronchitis and '.on silitis. The child had slytwn 'i k n of. cold for several days. It tliiiuch l • lifiwever, that he only had »|w I cold" that children so freouen'.l! ave Thursday night lie. was taken vinle it fy ill and did not liv# M 1i0n... The funeral' Was held.^iA'.' V Joyner. The child wa-f hut'ie.l at th« Baptist cemetery on .s'liutay FORD FOR SALE: ABSOLI TELV Brand n»wroadster. See W. S. Peel ' ■- I Local News and i Bdrsonal Mention r Rev. L. C. Larkin ..ill be aw,ij this week "Rev. \\. C_ tensor. ,111 a meeting at Scloam church near Jamesville. • ♦ ♦ » Miss Louise Hunt of Green, boto is visiting in the home oi' Rt v and Airs. . L. C. Larkin. • » • » Mr I'. I!, t one and • luldien ait ■pending several days 111 Wilson vis iting her sister, Mrs. Fulghuin. Mrs. Zeno llurdy KosiT weht te At Inula yestenlai and will spend several . 11 a> s there visiting liei isti-i, Mr t'liapmati. . . Alls.-' linina Kehei Isnn who 1. ing 111 the Kinston Schools this year, spent the week end in tnvt 11 with lici pal ent. Mis, .1. ti, Staton left jestenlai to spend some time 111 lialtimore ami \isitiii glier sister. * • • * Mi. Wilson liriflin of liriiliu's town ship went to Raleigh Monday where he will enter A. and E. College to take a course in Agriculture. Miss Clara Ward of Bethel spent the week-end with her aunt. Mrs. J II l'aga. Rev.'J. T. W ildman is preaching at Peel's schol house this week and hope for a ibg attendance even night. 1 ■ - MEETIN(i OF MEDICAL SOCIETY The Tri-County Medical Society, composed of the physicians of Mar tin, Pit and lleuufort counties will meet in \V ill iamstmi on October l.'!th, HI2I, at H p. tn. Several g(Hid papi 1.- are on the programme and we are ex pecting some distinguished visiting doctors. We ail' asking every pit) 1 cinn to lie present. The local society will entertain the visiting members at a batli|Uet at 111:311 o'clock, I'. M. WM. K. WARREN, Sec. ' tWRI v i ,-M W 1\ t I tai. > I : . ti. Maa -ll,'. .11.1 1 M . Sinn.ll S. Lawrence of Richmoiul, \ a., wefe married 111 Washington, D. I'., mi Monday, October Kith, af 11 A M Miss Manning is the d. Mi. and Mr W. t' Manning, and fm everal years has been serving as tin news e'ditor.on the Enterprise taff. She has many I rietiils intliis section. Mr. f.a\\ 1 enee is" a pojiuhii Tiiliii'ii'l nan frnni liichinond, hut 1 mm en gg'trged 111 the auditing business with In- lii in id I 'lll leu and Henderson. flies went I Horn W ashmgtou to New Aot k, ii tul ning, they w ill Richmond before going lo Ituli'ii'ii tyliete tlte> will tuake their home i! t I.OSINt; Ot I STOCK ll i'lANOs Mr. E/ia W'yntt, f the Sliultz•(' m, pany, piano inanufacturers, of ( Il ea git, is in town ainl will be I'm sevi-ia days, lie is offering piano at a n bargain. The Harrison I'iaoo t'n"i pany is closing out their ' 111 - mess vimi Mr. W yatt who is an expert >l.l 1 mail i- helping tITTTITi. Ever) home should have mu n . There is no luxuly that is so ilieap a music. A piano cost- less than an automobile and is good for tinny jV.-n --without additional ex| ens... 411 ant ■ mobile costs high to .stal with i .axti worn out and worthie 's an I Ie on 11" is generally hi ti I with e\ pe|t. l e charges. 111 NTINO CI 1.11 OFF ON VN Nl' AT TRIP The Hunting Club left on theii liowe doat Saturday night for theii regular annual hunting trip and will be away for ten days. Those who were in thi- party wen W. II Crawford, K. li. Crawfont John S. Cook, T. Cook, Dr. J a •. .i Rhodes, J. (i. Staton, A. I Dunning Joseph (fUt'kiii, Eli lioberson, "iliggs and Henry (Triffi'ii. They i ,T iT!j hunt and fish Roanoke, Cashie, an Middle-Rivers and Hroad, Cut Cypre- Big Cahoodley-, Little Cahoodley am Cow Creeks. They are prepared foi all kinds of game fron. '.ear eov n . all kindS Of fowls Uut dll'il- e-nec ially, ami til kinds of fi-.i mai - V'n in fre.-ih waters. They" tlvM-y - fan good times during these oitlinr i ■— HEALTH OFFICERS REPOItT Following the number of eon tagious diseases reported to"the" dur ing tlie month of September: Whooping, cough, Ml. Diptheria, 4K. Typhoid fever, 7. WM E WARREN, County Physician I .ECO ETT—ROBffIeSO N Mr. lieddinK li. Leggett, of Beau fort county and. Miss Roberta Ruber son of Smithwick Creek were married last week, Rev. L. T. Ilolliday per forming the ceremony. •' ' -1* '.-;:. *'■..! STILL MUCH DIPTiItKIA 1 IN NORTH CAROLINA - i S The diptneria "bugs" continue t U I u more mtive in Nortn Carolina, i 1 have, iiiiised more children tn he ick in September of thi.-- >car . ep Idnhfi of 192 U. if there is thi u ual s inert a-'c in number nt cases nn, October, there* wilt tie aboiit I, ut l ui thi ill et e catu ieU o\ci the stato. e Ihe reason till'ls- are so n-.ills I a a-t. Ot thi-- is .iec.. I e the c' lien I a are not protect I by natiiie liaie tit til en anti-t i- in, which 1'le 0 >• Tii resist lip. -ti .a as the t,\ p-and 1 treatment protects neoi ai' iin- yplioid fi'M'l I wish to retniuii Uiose wtio- liavt t ken the toxin aot 'o\i|i t'eatineiit tl\.t' it takes six 'o -ic'it tyt'i k- foi ', iie treatment tn p.-inlute enou fa anti 1 tlsi 11 in one's h! »..l to cirihle lion lo resit them disease. I'he iirotectioti. In never, lasts .11 i-1i...,l all per cent ol tin cases I'm i-,- 11 ■ veai , p-i-i -'i 1 ' 1 fi» 1 '• ■ North Ca . in Sta'e Hoaul m '1 lin wilt ~ r * l : tax 11 -i !, 'on* .(> you'- t- 1 i i" i aim " tcr te'i e t. Ibi.tevi'i, each ' •) 1 an. must pi (tie physician I'm hi - professional service . \o is' an! 1 ait deny yourself of th • oppni tnnity to ' keep.your baby out of tlie gisne. Vur ve'y truly, vVM. E .WARREN, - , Cnntv nn oil,-. lIoME TOWN PAPFR WEEK ON NOVEMBER 7-1 : For the tirst time n hi tiny tl-.e I'niteih States,is paying tribute la that rural - * eonimun|ty instituting - the ! "Home Town Paper', during tlie weejc of Noveinber 7-1 After years of struggle the -out.' r;, editor is coming to be recogni '.ed is , one of the most important nieml vrs of his community and the Home napei as an iuMuence for agricultural a- well ,' as urban progress. (ionil citizens in every stai ' an asking themselves how they Would feel if they didn't have a limn • town paper, ainl thousands of them will pa> their subscriptions in advance be tween November 7- 15(21. AMENDED SECTION OF THE ( I M I'l I.SORV ATTENDANCE HW , r i7. r iS. Parent or guardian reiiuireil to keep child in school; exemptions Every parent, guardian, or other per on in the state having charge- 01 > >,. -trol of u child between the- ages ol seven and fourteen years shall cause such child to attend school contin umisly for a period eijual tii the timt wliic litht- public school in the district in which tlie child resides shall he in session. The principal, superintend ent, or teacher who is in charge ol such school shall have the right to , excuse the child from temporary a- temlaiiee on account of sickness ii». distance or residence from the school, ur other unavoihlable cause which doe.-' not constitute truancy as defined b\ the state hoard of Education. NO I It F OF SALE I tiller und by virtue of the powei of sale contained ill a certain deed u' trust executed to me the undersign!"' , trustee by '■. E. I'illis and wife, Hat tie Ellis 011 the l lth day of March, HI I it, said deed of trust being of rec old ill public registry of Martin coun ty in book A 2, page 04, und the stipe lations 111 said deed of ti t not hat ing been complied with and at the re (|uest of the holder of said notes se 1 cured by said deed of trust I will e- pose to public sale in front of tie court house door in Williamston, N. C., on the fifth duy of November, litiil 1 at 12:tiO o'clock M., for cadi to 'hv highest bidder, the followirilie. crib ed real estate. / Bebinning at a point at the ne,- 1 ol a sni il l I.ranch, lleury Kej 1.1 nei , on the road leading front J. 'iat I dison's Mill towards .lamesvi! l - tiienci r "Tunning north t — percbes to a point; thence -mutb .7' il-1 degress west 22.'1 perches ti 1. white oak; thence ; nQl'th I t degres. 1 west about 180 perches to Ctdleyls rui to the mouth of a small hritiich, wh cl floes into Culley's run ut ihe '.'d Moot Mill; thence said branch to tin 1 .beginning) containing 50 acre-, toon or lens. r Thin Ist day of October, PJ2I. H. DI KE CRITCHER, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE 'We will sell at public auction foi cash 011' Saturday, November sth, at 12 o'clock M„ in front of the Plant PIS and Merchants Hank in Everetts one r. passenger Maxwell car known I as the Kelly Lewift £fLT to satisfy 1 lien of labor, repairs', and storage. Also one ft passenger Ford tourinj • car, known as the Frank Edwards car This October 10th, 1921. I CHAMPION AUTO CO. f ■ ■ 1 1 f SLBSORIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE I Surtax Reduction of Rich 33 Times Greater Than of Others Sign-up Campaign | Ends October 15th lhe North Carolina Cotton Associa tion ->\ ili i'iom; i's .campaign Sa'tur day, October IMh, and on the Ifcth instant the organization committce will district ,the state for 11 »«* election of the ten direcors who will iiave A-hartrc of ho business of tK as. o. i: L . tion. Over 200,1*00 bales have dieadv heen signed up. Cooperative marketing i-- tin- wo.-i import n( economic e\oluti > . 11, a m»r v eratii i. declares Mr. 11. Y\ kilgoie, neaij ot the North Carolina A.kmci'l t'jral extension service, in a ie>icw of the m f/animation movement Over one hundred thou.-ar. i f inner* i'i ; ;i cotton belt his* ji'»iei tl.e agi cement for the roo|>e>al' e dime, el 'heir cotton, and all of the import an re. ton Rrowinß «tat-.»>s «»••* nov ei. carid in promoting cooperatne cot ton t'-'ociatioiiM," Kays Dr Kll no, in a statement last night. "i he states in whicl these agroe twu* are now beirti; -a rne 1 I m.i e than 90 per cent of all .lie cot ten" grown in the United - Of" Ki'i «re explained. " > la, J'c.\as| Mi i sippi, and Arizoi.'i v alioadv in "...ii /ed and-either sel'lnr" I In r- ip oi getting ready to. "'aid prices are he in gotten i'«>» the cottun sold through. these a- o nations, and it is being sot | inertly to tile spinners, the laiyt hi., • is. and lers," be continued: "hi the ca-r of Oklahoma, at least, cotton .noker fin certai ngroups of mil' ; have lo cated their offices at 111 - .same pla ai the cooperative selling UM-ociation, and ; re buying cotton direct . r l\>in the a. o iation for their mills, instead of prtnig it through man,, loe.u bu>ei> i Ii" etofore. ''ilelween 40,000, and •>(' l"'0 ti l>are -i'i\i (rs have joii e It'ic sell.r.f usso cilit ii f for thai rollectno or tiioi,| soil i.; of their tooacco in the state.. I \ \ iiginin, Nor.'n and South Caro Ima Tr.d Kentucky. Excellent progress is 11 i,ng made fir getting the niini m 'it i.umber of ij.'n« is representing or ,If of the tob iof these states ."or selling through their n-soei!ittnijs. "He I'eanut As. e'iation, i.iu-l ■i ■ 1111 tr the ("rowers of Virginia and North t'a iil'i i liumbei :ii, Uel-ein Y'.Wti ali i t'tJlU'i, ha* coiiiij! 1 i„.lLi -UIU.U.IZJ.tI.oI I. eii'i*.' it.T d 'I 'll • an i I'oiieial nan ,i'. v i«i, and is no .»i-i >i illine If,, ..p." KM.Mill |N religion, I mean the power, u /itejipr it be. which -iial-e. a mall choose what is hard rath'.'i than • r \ 'ind noble nth ei (in ii what is mean and el'i !.. li ; . pi ts courafe. • 111•. timounius "hf"• • i and gladne lot i i-louded pir • ; ii. .t con ''r i ' i in eiie , uiis |e ie. anil ni iippo'iit hien!, that ,•. - them |o i K .1 o. I u lr »n ...oil that i - * ■ ' i., lift*. o.en II l i.: 'he dol l •• I o .» t i ;; \ I -« »s tliei .'••• i : I ■ ler and imp i i relig ■" ' ; oil ;i Colleee * ri,i v Hen -1 i. NOTICE - Having ipialified as adn'inistrator ol the estate of Ira 1.. l'eed, late of Mar tin county, N. all persons indebted I to said estate are hereby notified to come forward and .settle same at once. All persons holding Claims against said estate will present same for pay ment on or before the 7th day of October 1022, or thin notice will plead in bar of their recovery. This October 7th, 1921. IRA 1.. PEED, Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE Wilder - and. by viitue.oft-lni po wi> I of sale contained in a certain deed ol trust executed to me the undersigned trustee on the 19th day of -October I'JIM, by John. Koberson, of record ii Martin county public registry in bool If-1, page 173, said deed of trbst ha\ ing been given to secure bonds of even date and tenor therewith and the stip ulations in said deed of trust not hav ing been complied with and at the it' quest of the owner of waiil bonds, 1 will sell at public auction in front of the court house door in Wi,lliamsW>n, North Carolina, at 12:iK> o'clock M., on the 10th day of Novemlier, 1921, to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate: Beginning at a post on the William ton and Hamilton road at west corner of an old graveyard; thence a straight line along marked trees to a gum, cor ner of Wynn land; thence along Wynn 'ine to public road; thence along road to the begining. This the 10th dav of October, 1921. WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee I 'A I IF . YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USB A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 Concerning the favoritism .'own I the rich taxpayer in the reduction of surtaxes in the Republican tax bill, [ Senator Simmons in his ma.terf il dis cussion of the measure, jaid. "Surtaxes have been reduced from i ti. r i per cent to 32 per cent. The/ have , conio down to the deadline in that . j way, and what i sthe result ? The , i result is that those 13,000 taxpayers I on the upper side of that line are to | get afurther reduction in their taxes, J a little stipend from the pwopla of j thn I'nited States, of $90,000,000 a I year, while those 600,000 taxpayers, earning between $5,00 and $68,000 a j jear by toil and investment and ail the efforts which characterise the miacel 11aiieous population of the country , get I a reduction of only $18,000,000 on ac j count of the surtax. "Kvery single solitary man who stands on the upper side of that line —this mobilized army of millionaires that has just finished its successful drive against Congress and the Na tional Treasury— r haa got his surtax rate cut. It has been cut more than one-half." THE LOSS BY FIKII | The total value of all farm crops in I North Carolina 1920 was $413,000,009. I That was a hundred millions short °t I the 1919 values. And the 1919 values were one hundred millions short of being enough to pay the United States dollar lire-loss bill for 1920. And the death loss irreparable. Fon der over it. If all the men, women, and children in the I'nited States could hurry by the seeting crater of Vesuvius at the rate of three persons a second, and if each cast into its all-destroying depth* a five dollar gold piece, and continued to do so day and night for a year, the money thus destroyed would near ly equal our 1920 fire waste of over $500,000,(MM). If,' in addition, about every half hour one of this rushing timing usually a 'woman or child— should fall into that sea of molten lava, the 15,(KM) lives lost, would ap proximate America's human sacrifice of lives to lire last year. Fonder over it. A FINE EDITION The Dunn Dispatch, one o fthe fore most semi-weekly papers in the state issued a 20 page Fair Special last week which is a credit to itself a» well as the towu of Dunn and the county of Harnett. The very spirit of coopera tion among the people of that sectloa is plainly shown in this edition. NOTICE OF SALE Cnder aiiit by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain de«d of trust executed to me the undersigned Trustee on the 19th day of May, 1917, by Soney Gorham and wife, Australia (iorhain, of record in Martin county public registry in hook M-l, page 425, said deed ,of trust having heen given to secu iv certain bonds of even data and tenor therewith and the stipula tion stherein not having been complied with and at the request of the owner of said ifbml, I wil I sell at public auc tion in front of the Court House door in Williamston, N. C., at 12:00 o'clock M., on the 10th day of November, 1921, to the highest bidder fy cash the following described real estate: Hounded on Williamston and Jamea ville road, also the public road lead in gfrom the above roa dto Daniel's and Station's Mill, A. C. L. railroad, Simon Fagan and others and being the same land or farm willed to Sam uel, Ida Mary and William Andrews h by Moses Andrews. Containing 250 acres, more or less. This the 10th day ofOctober,l92l. H. DUKE CRITCHER, Trustee. i i—i - STRAND -THEATRE— IK!NT FAIL TO SEE— "THE INSIDE OF; THE CDF' ADAPTED FROM WINSTON HIH(HILL'S FAMOUS NOVEL * -ON THURSDAY, OCT. 13 26c , and 50c A • \ , , '•

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