* - 1? £ M —Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 150(1 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 82 Andrews Maintains Air Of Stolid Indifference Bonnie Andrews,.a \ oung white man of this founty, who w ill face trial foi lift in criminal court here tomorrow afternoon for "alleged "*Ubductio - i and .criminal assallt of Ks telle Briloy, I - .year old school girl of the Stokes sec-1 t manitained almost stolid indif-1 to his fate in his cell at the county here today. In fact, it is I apparent the young fellow is just be- ! filming .o realize" the seriousness of j the crime he is charged with commit ting.'and will face the court tomorrow' j afternoon unprepared fo. tiie jrieatl old' il before'trim. It the meantime ,the \ i;tim of t'v j h( iri.us clime with which the voting fcih 'v is charged, is confined in bed rt i the ■.time of her parent, ,! S. Kriley.l near Stokes. Mr Briley wa.- iu Grcen'j villt this uiorning, .nil said the child | was gertin gaiuiig as wel .a-' could K i expected but h;.d sufl'erei. great 'pain | tiny Monthly, wlieii 'he v.'us spfitied ) awuv froni scnool *b> Andrew iUitl cuii.eil to Wn.-i'ingtoii. K telle Bril'-y was in (ireor.x ill > with .her fit he l ' \ usterda} afternoon.- .vhf e she appeiuvd befene .he I'l'ain 1 j jury, pending Andrew's a raigmueut. She appeared \v>\ik and la'nt and was returned home as soon us po >.- 'bl, where she wil (remain until tie- hear ing tomorrow alUvinoon: .Whijit appears to be the -..n1) -traigh lorwurd accnuti'. nvailabli since t+rr assault occurred came from .lie lip.-- ot Mr. hrion Vlio remain a' the court house today to ir Ip officials get ev ery thing in rendiness lor the hearing tomorrow. Andrews, who j*. a married man with children, i- said to have hung around the Briley home several days jnvviou.s to .he disappearance of gh Id. Nc.ighbu, - mentioned his fie tjuent visits to the father and warnen hi in 10~ be . caret ul, as the young fel low had a bad reputation and could di him nor good. Mr. llrilov reUim«i home the afternoon befrye In ciiilC was kidnapped arid found the young ordered him away lind usked him not man tliere again. He immediate!; ti.i be caught there agai«. The next morning, it.i-- said, An drews went to tiie school and called for .he child, who i* about the si/.c oT the average twelve *eai old gnl School was in session at the time, bn. slu- simn appeared a tthe car and con versed with 1 Andrew- a few seconds He asked her to get in the car with hprti arid When she refused, grasped her by the arm and pulled her in .lie cm beside.him. Ho immediately sp»l away down the road liefore the 'ilanr could lie given by children who raw what hail happened. It was between Stokes and Wash Irtgton that .he assault is said to have occurred. According to the child's statements, Andrews threa.ened to kil. her if she declined to do as he com innnded. She said she was at'raa. not to do like he told In r, as he had a gun and threatened to use it. Urilgy aitid the Itol.c l ■■IIV'IU I by.- cian that examined he child lv clan 1 evidence itf an assault v.u plan. , riiVu 'h. 'I his strengthened a pri . mii t xamination iri^Washington. |.' .-ling ovc i the affair I.a- mc'fii"- i,| j .I'atly since first report.- uaiie-il lireyiation, but'mob violence N no" feared th ough reipjes. of Mr.. Brik) that the law he permitted to tale us cour e. The speedy trial orm red > Judge 1.y0r.. ha - also helped to clack the . lob sp.iit a)id when Andrew- en ters the conr. i mm ton. rrov alter nqon his fate w II rest entirely the v erdict .. .he jury, to he chosen from the sneci.d vonirn of one liun dred ordered 10 appear foi the heat inK« . , M. K Blount, attorney for An-'rews appoin.ed.by the court in the arraign ment yesterda yafternoon, was hu > -ST HAN D— — THEATRE —MONDAfIr— . »»*.•. "REM ORS BLESS LOVE" ELAINE HAM MERSTEIN in ~ » 20c u|)d 30c —TUESDAY— ' DOFGLAS McLEAN In a five-rell Feature Comedy— "CHICKENS" 20c and 30c **- -—WEDNESDAY IH STER KEATON in "TIIE SAPIIEAD" 2fw and 30c THE ENTERPRISE Nitrate of Soda &■ - For Farmers The following is a letter received ! by the Enterprise and there was a like i copy sent to the chirman of any agn j cultural society that there ought t iin this county, from the Hon. 11 S. i Ward. As we have no such SOCK-'., | in thin-county anil at present no farm : Demonstration agent, tiie only way ti 1 get any of this nitrate of soda would 1 be to get a group of men to sign u) i for the required amount at a prici j they would bo willing to pay anil make ! a bid. | Following' is the letter: ! My dear sir:— j I have notice from the Wor Depart 1 merit today that the government n.v | sJ,iMX)- tons of nitrate of soda for sale | located at ten different points m thr j United States, ihe neaiest point being I Hopewell, V i., whole here ate f>o,- | Hy.T lung toils. J'he iiietl /il of sole i- by scale i bid-.. One hundred tons i.. the small est bid to be accepted. l)o you think you have sufficient organizatioh or c-u ope rati >n to make tlii.-. matter intei esting to you? If so, write me a' once, and I will send*you forms t\ i bidding, and the government's report ed condition of the nitrate. I.et me hear from you os soon as you can. Bids will fn open oNvember the MO.- Yours truly, 11. S. WAKI). "HOMETOWN PAPER WEEK" Don', forget that "Home Town Pa per week" b».«ins Niqpmhcr the VU wliie his next Monday. This i» to re mind the friends of the home papei that a check will he greatly nppren ••d. i'he Knterprise ha stried to belt its friends and patrons by letting iht subscriptions run as long as the) wan ed them to and we feel that evervbedy wants to pay for their paper but ihey neglect doing so, but right now we will heartily appreeio.e a check and want to remind you that it wilT he very v.el cyme. During the war we cut olf soon" of oui subsVrHiers who were behin because „we were compelled to do si" by the government on account of 11 paper shortage hut we have not .ci olf any since for that reason. Paper moiling and pulicaCon is costmtj-u- s mueh now "that if "is quite an f 7 fforT for us to sentl the paper verv long withftu your help so please come along and give us a small or :ut-> thiii|. that you have that we can use. REVIVAL CLOSES TOMCIII The revival services which luui beer* in progress at the Methodist church will close this (Friday) even ing. Rev. 1„ I). (layman, of—Weldon. who is assisting the pastor, ha.. .Jr lievered some very forceful and search ing sermons. We regret thai we cei riot continue tlii.-i meeting for a Tew doys hut owing to the fact that tin rolso of our conference year i.s . ( neaiv Brother Dayman must retirn to hi ; own charge Saturday. We.ap preciate the cm peiation of our siste, church, their pastors and people arm trust thot the.se .-services have be much help to thein and to our town. The church doors will be opened Sun day morning at eleven o'clock for an; wh omay desire to join the Methodist church. * Epworth League Notes The. KpwoC-h league of the Metb odist church will meet in the League rooms at the r.M'ulai hour, 7:30, Mon day P.- M. Rev. Mr. Joyner will spoaV to the league ot that hour. All mem bers, please come. 1., C LARK IN. CHI mil OF THE ADVENT Services-for the llitn Sunday aftei Trinity, November *,th: c Church school, 9:15 A M. - Mr. H. M Stubbs, Seperint'n '".it. Holy .Communion ll A. I*l. Mr. J no. (i.liragaw, Ji., of Wash ington, N. C., will lie the speaker at this service. Mr Braeaw is one of the strong laymen of 1 Fast Caru-ina has a message of great importance for the present time. Evening prayer «and service, 7:20 Sermon subject. "The Great Commission." A cordial invitatioii to all services. CHILD DEAD Henry, the three-year-old son 'f Mr, and-Mrs. Willie Bowen died je-terday after an illness of one week wit Bright's Disease. '• ' today piecing together all possible ev idence, and although forced to work hurriedly because of the short V'-ix allowed by the court, will bfe ready ti represent .he youn gfellow as ably a.' possible.—Greenville Reflector. BAD COPY- LIGHT PRINT Williamson* Martin County North Carolina, Friday, November Ith, 1921 PEOPLE FED UP ON FALSE PROPAGANDA i'he most damaging thing to Dem-i t.cracy today is false propaganda. La-/ week ttie papers ol' the country werl tilled with (flaring headlines, "Uailioa-r Strike." Everything that would tend o frighten the public was publ'-hed Stocks' went down, tohpeeo'slumped and other calamities came-to our peo pie. Practically every thinking nan in America knew there would he no strike. Who is responsible for so inue'o false propaganda ? Is it possible iiuit it is some force working" to ,rv to create a gpod market to peculate on Or was if for the purpose of try 111! to create hatred between "the folks and the people?" Yoti had no trouble in hearing trom«wcry come Trash re marks agains. unions, and laborei Everything; said seemed to l>e for tin purpose of creating a bitterness ol feeling. Vou could nowhere tind u railroad employee who wanted to strike. This npplie sto yll classes 01" railroad workmen so far as we k> «>\\ in this section of the country. Another lin> of false propaganda .hat is always being put before the people if- the old imaginary 'ti'oublr lietwoen the I nited States mid Japan The onl ycrowd interested 111 keeping thi* idea before the public ire thr makers of warships, ai nun, powder* and-numitions of war. the dy'ek Iti hi. ous assemblies was cecently referred to the House Judiciory Committee and \Vas reported favorably by a strict') party vote, with the exception of one Republican who voted with the Dem ocrats. ~ . Of course every state in the union has plenty of laws against mob law ond violence, and riots. There, wojlo seem to be no reason why the t'niteii States Congress should meddle with such things. The proposed law .-uiiliets a penalty against any county in which uii> per son may lie killed by a mob or in i' riot. It alwj loys heavy penalty or any county through which a hunch o rioters may pass. It is hard whether 11\ want t break up rioting in Chicago, Washing ton City, Hast St. I.oui , or some pli:c m Pennsylvania, or whether the) w si to break up lynching in Genryia. I it is the hitter we can offer o eheapei and surer rdre for lynching. Ins' stop assaults- tipoo the wmn;ii o Georgia. Nothing else will top lynching The people of Georgia do ii'.»t like lynching but they like it just as wel as they like assaults upon innocent women. THE TOBACCO M \KKET- The local tobacco market U still holding up to the high average estab lished a few weeks m;o. T.ie price are a little better for the me hum am best grades and the lower gi tide - ar still holding their own. Fveiyone ' pleased with thn sales ami (joes honn ni|h the biff checks in a iiiii'hn; gone humor. "Uncle Huck" say- ibal tl-ey go home ami Rive tlrii, wise a kiss and their part of the. money. LEGION CONDEMNS II \UVEV The American Legion al its recent meeting in Kansas City passed a I oluti'on condemning Col. Ceo. Harvey. American Ambassador to England, fot his' slanderous speech at the Day Banquet in I/ondon, eaily in the year. This was expertcit by ever) body ioi | all good Americans know ilii.. stale ment vva sfalse as we I la > si. nderous and the fellow who crossed lln Wato arnl foil (flit for an ideal woul I not I *' the insult pass unnoticed. DO I WANT A «.OOI> IIOMI PAPER? If so, help along. Subscribe, A• I \ • > tise, Send Spine News. EL XOTICL .iil -SAIJ, , Under an dby virtue of the author ity contained in, the power of ale ii a certain deed of trust executed I me the undersigned trustee by. J. I Robertson en the 10th day of Ap'i 1920 and of record in Mortin Count Public regist.ry in book A-2, pare 5 i saiddeed of trust securing rertaii bond of ev.en date and tenor there with and the .stipulations therein no! having - been complied with and at tlrt request of the holder of said- he will expose to public ouction on Mon ilay, December f>th, 1921, at o' clock M., in front of the court hous (JoOr in Williamston N. Cthe hiKh est bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate: . _ Adjoining the lands of Will Little Jim Roberson,_Gus Roberson, WarrcL Whitfield and others, same being lo cated in Cross Roads Township. Man tin County, North Carolinn, containing 40 vre* rpore or less. This 3rd day of oNyember, 1921. iy-H' ER MAKi N, Trustee. Local News and personal Mention Dr. J. R; Nelson of Rober.-ioQvilie was he*e Wednesday morning attend ing a meetil got thr County Meiin /"• • • Drs. J. K, ami Veniou Ward oi Robersonville attended the meeting o, the County Medical Society v> day. Mrs. Kiizubeth \\ ooJhoti.se is in Hal eigh this week receiving medical at tention. She was accompanied I>> hoi daughter, Mrs. K. 1. Lindamo > i, w 1 returned Stindu.\ evening. « * • • "i Mr. C. D., Anderson is in Norfolk or business for a few days. * * • * Mrs. Kitzhugh of Washington H. I' is visiting her husband at the H'itt Hotel. • » • • Mr. Msrriot Hritt is in I'a11« this week attending the Fan u, I ilu Marshall's Ball. ♦ + ♦ ♦ Mr. 11. A. Gray was a lui.ir'is • i itor here Wednesday. • » • » Mr. Harry Faulkner of New Uern has been her ethis week attending to business. • • » « Mes.-rs, A ■ Cr.m loin. II A Hi.ii> .-. 3 Hassell, C !) t ai'.starp 1 en Dr .1 D Biggs |i(tei..'e.l the T.I. 'I I I [•'air yesterday. 0 » • * Mr. J. A. Mizelle of Kohor>oi, viJl, was here Wednesday. • » » » Supt. J. W. Harden and Mis. tiro Phelps ftnd Slaughters of I'Kinoul spent Thurtday in the City. • * ♦ • Mi', and Mrs. Clayton Moore, Mr t'. 1). Carstarphen, Mrs J S l!lio ' and Mr C D Carstarphen, Jr.; un to the Tarhoro Fair Thursday. • m • • Mr and Mrs Atwood Newell Mid ohiWren nft* Visiting Mr. N('well's father, Mr John IJ. Simpson ami Mi>. Simpson for a few days,. v « • # • * » I Mr. Simon Lille?, Mr. S C |(ay, Mr. Albert (!. Griffin and Mr. I| n (lurkin attended the. Fair in Tarboio yester day. • • • • Klder I'. M. Snipes of ton district will arrive loninrVtw ti hold the ipiarterly conference at tin M. i:. church. WJule in. tuw4-.luL_.-vil. be the guest of Rev. and Mr I . (' I.ark in. * • • « Mr. J. I'' Jock,son of Hani en -i + t visitoi in town todav Mi. W. V. Hoyle of the I\ 10 Hub ertuou Const ruction Cnmpanyi* ot Washington, D. C\, was here e tei laj to inspect the work being di.iie .■ the bridge across the river. • • • • Mr. .1 A. Muelle of Kann.ule 1 in town visiting friends foV a fe\ day's. t t * Mr. S'l Jackson.of JainisWl'e vva a bnslnes visitor here Wetlnesil >yj iti(,(;s—no»; un f Mrs. Samuel komulus li.ves reijuest the honoi; of your pi ii ncc 1 at the marriage of her da ic'itcr I'ent'lope lo Mr. Iloberl Courtney Hog. 111 on Tui"day Uftemoon, the twenty-wc ond of November al half after four o'clock Church of the Advent Williamuton, North Carolina There will he no cards in town Miss Higgs is the daughter of tin late Mr. S. Koine Higgs and Mrs. ria • lie Smallwood Higgs. She is a young woman much loved and admired by the whole community. Mr. Hogavt u the son of the late Colonel and Mrs j I)ave Hogart a 1 i7T* is 'very~pbpulai' iTTj Ids home town, Washington, N. C.J and throughout Has tern Carolina. M MKTHO HI ST CHI IK II Sunday, November fith: Morning serv ice at I I A. M 7'! he, doors of the church will be opened for the reception of new member* Evening service at 7:30 I*. M.—ltev. K. M. Snipes will conduct the .moan ing and evening services. Services and Quarterly coril>r.*n"e will be held at Vernon at P M. r Hev. E. M. Snipes will officiate. COME ON—BIJBS RIHH Home Paper Week, Nov. 7th to 12 th —This meons new folks subscribe, and for old subscribers to Jwlp canvas.' thenf, also for old subscribers to i-e --:iew and help boost their [taper, their neighborhood and incidentally, them selves. * . BIG DAY IN WASHING TON NOVEMBER 11TH Every thing is progressing just tine for the Armistice Day celebration in Washington on November 11th. The different committees are busy on theii job and i. looks like it, is going to lir the biggest send off in the history ot Beaufort county Thousands of visi tors are expected to be here ami the committee is determined that ,he ex ercises will not bo disappointing. Don't forget the fact the Woman'.- Auxiliary of the Legion is very anx ious to give the ex-service me naivl .he old Confederate soldiers a dinnei they will long remember. Old Beau fort county barbecue will be the sto! lar eats. The ladies are asking of t'-e citizens tha tthey contribute toward this barbecue dinner. Several ci.izenti have almady K'' l| ir ously contnbutod a pig forVthi* din ner and it is to !H> hoped that others wi 11 follow. Those who will Kl\" r pifC for this worthy-cause «m i\ot f; Miss l.ida T. Koimun, Mrs. .Ii li MooroVamt Mrs. VV. P Hnu^hum. The committee* of urtanifementf yesterday comple.ed the fyi. the day which is as follows: i): 30 a. m. Kxercises at eourt house lawn. Wrestling match anil hand con cert. 10. Registration of all e\--ervm men at American Legion Home. 11. I'arade formed. I I Exercises at New Theatre p. in. l'iiuier served at Legion Home to ex-service men. p. m. Relay race, star s in front of City Hall. 2:30 Kxercises ut Flemin Field— Hoys Scouts and Fire Fighting dem onstration^. 3:15. Football name. Washington vs. Kinston. sp. m. Volley ball game, Aijuu ican Legion \,s. Washington "All-Star." 8. Street dance and band conceit-- Marke. street between Main and Sec ond. MM. AMI MUS. DIINMNC I.VIKK TAIN Mr and Mrs. A U. I>imiii"g enter tamed at bridge on last Tu.-vluy tven ing at their hum eon Main 11> t. in honor of Mr anil Mrs. O. I. Head i f Kentucky and Mr. Nad Mrs J. F Striek land of Danville, \a. Tie pretty liv ing I'ooin anil music room VVCM,; dec orated. with lavender chr\ santl 'ii,iti n and in tin- center.of the (li'iimv iiium table was "a centerpiece of lovely v yel ; 4«w -e+Hysa+dhemttitis -mi.t rVnir. -A pleasant evening was sjient in« progressive bridge ftixl at Hm' end "f tin' game it was found that Mi K. W lloyt hail made the highest sco.ie. Mis Dunning assisted l»y Mis K S. I'i*i*l .served delicious sandwichee, fruit salad and hot chocolate. 1 "* '1 he ifuests of Mis Dunning der ».red that thin had been one of the n'n.vt cha lin ing parties of the present s«aso»i.. Those present were: Mr a -1 I Mrs. J K Strickland, Mr and Mis. ) I. Head, Mr and Mrs I'M' II.11111", Mr. IncJ. Mjfs I l ' W llojtj Mi and Mrs K. I. Crawford, Mr arid Mrs. Is S. Peel, nil Messrs. Hubert T Warren, I'iai ri ,oth, W Mortimer llarrisi.i,, .1 111 uS. I'eel and A K. Haxton. mciICK 01 SAI,:-: I'ndei hud by virtue f the ; 1111 In 1 ity eontaiiied in the power ol sal* 1 1; u certain deed o ftrust executeo to eie the undersigned trustee, t John S Sl.nle oil the fitli day of Nu>" iber,. 191 SI, and of recoid in Maitin Cuant., I'll• *1 it" registry in book A-'~, pot' Fuid de«l of trust securing a ''eit.iiu bond of even date and'tenor ith and the stipulations therein nut hav ing been complied with and at Me iv f,uest of the holde 1' of said bin I I v ill exp.tse to pub'ic auction on the l'ii't day of November, 1!)2I, ac I'MM 0 r'ock M, in Iron' of the four liu.ihc doc of Martin county the f described real estate: Adjoining the Kinds of Nxu') Klade Sain Wynn and others and bounded oh ITiif Kcuiitr -un it3outhwesr"ny~tlnr run of Mack lir tnch, on the wts.it by Sani Wynn, oil the north by tin l (lit here tract of land. Containing; H acres more or less and leing the .wwe iniiii conveyed to said John H. Hhiile oy I B H. Kriixl.t. This the 12th di.y ofJDctobei, 921. H. A. CHITCHIW, Trc.ste© North Carolina, Martin County, Personally appeared before me, this day J. D. Coltrain, and repotted the following stray gilt taken up at hi.s residence in WilliaiSston town ship, about one half mile from Wil liam.ston, said gilt is about one and one half years old, color, black and white spotted ,rfnd will weigh about J25 to 150 pounds. Marked crap off of the' Teft ear and split in the right ear. The owne rof said sow wtM call and claim same ,or i will be disposed of according to law governing strays This the 12th day of October, 1!»21. 8. 8. BROWN, Hanger. Haste Necessary to Make Up For Shortage of Cover Crops Examine Yourself For Tuberculosis On> bright, sunshiny morning u few years ago a young man was sit'inK on a cracker box in front of tin* only pharmacy in his town, "chewing the laur,'' witlt several of the town's lead intr citizens, when he idly picked up u bulletin on Tuberculosis issued by the State Board of Health, which was ca pering around a this feet in response to the whim of tho wind. The young man WHS not ill; .it least x ht> didnotappear to he. The d'ght occasioiia Icough he had always at tributed to to> much cigarette sn ok ing, and the lethargy which pos.- es.sed him was ciWtted to tho rlimaUv l-'olk. called him lazyXand he had about mudc up his mind that they hint diagnosed his condition correctly. Turniti;; the pages of the bulletin, he found this question staring him in the face:'"Do you tire easily?" Yes, certain)! he did; that Was just hi> trouble, fie »vas. always tired, not lazy. Seeking to justify his \tiredness, he read fur ther ami was amazed to find that "an unwouted sen.* of tiredness" w.i like ly to be a disease, ami a very serious disease if not cured. As he read on and saw mention ol "hoarseness" and "absence ol a keen appetite" he began to believe they "were writing about him and settled down in real earnestness to ascertain if his namo were written there. Sure enough, there it was a.-> plain its day. Every time he saw "wean ness" he liecame more tired: He jumi>* ed on the scales and found he had lo.it six pounds in the last two week. The dinner bell rang and he did not make a mad dash for tlie table. When h« came to "blood spitting" and "persit e.nt pain in chest" his hope revived somewhat, for surely he had never oil"any blood or had any pain in the chest, or anywhere else for that mat ter He was, however, sufficient)! in terested to follow tin* most va'uablo advice given in the whole bulletin, which said: "If you have any 01 the above symptoms, do not delay but consult a reliable physician at once. It may mean saving your life." lie saw the physician, told him all his troubles, trials, symptoms, the hi; tory of his life and hi* ancestor- foi three generation, WHS stripped to the waist, pounded, thumped made ti whisper, whistle and sing. At tin 1 tmf of opproximately two hairs of such methods, the reliable physician pre nounced sentence. He said: "Aty MIH, you have bug ." The young man nut knowing whether he meant under lln hat or under the shirt, or both, re quested him to phone for the u'fi' . taker to come at once ami , " measure, for he had never known any one to survive such o diagnosis foi long. The doctor, however, would not listen. He told wonderful tales o.f t place located in the sandh'll; o: Noili Carolina, where the weary would la made energetic, the weak made trorq.' and the "bugs" put to death. This wos a reliable physician and what's tho use of having a reliable physician unless one follows his ud vice? >So tho young man journeyed to the State Sanatorium and there commenced his fight. One Would think fighting tuberiul losirt in a sanatorium a wear, dreary, soil o forcupation; but it v.u not True, there were "blue tla) but they are found in any climate un der the sun and the happy days far oiitnumbreed the blue ones. It wos no quick job fighting back to health. Hut though slow it un sure and today that young man is well back to work and earning more than he ever did before he hal tuberculosis It is useless to die of tuberculosis; it is foolish. You have no right to do it. You owe it to yourself ami to your family to livu and.ba well. Bud you can do it. Check up on your con dition at regular internals andtif VOM have any of the symptoms described in this orticle, consult your reliable physician or write the Bureau of Tu berculosis, Sanatorium, N. C., for a > engagement fo re'xaniination. SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHCRt^I A". V. Juyner, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 A. M.—Dr. P. B. Cone, Superintendent. Sermon by the pastor, 11 A. M. At 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon the pastor will preach at Riddick'a Grove. - II YP U, 6:45 P. M —O. R. Holder, Leader,> ; > Sermon by the pastor, 7:30 P. V —Subject: "A Yountf Heme." • Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evon ,ing 7:80. 5 - 1 You are cordially invited to attend all these services. IP RES wo* A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE Now that we have had rain laiwa should make haste to get •uver crop» planted, especially clovers and vetches Inoculation and lime are necessary to success with these crops Many thousand* of dollars have been lost in this county on account of failure to inoculat« and lime legumes. We would advise those who have inquired about planting pastures that it is best to plant as soon as the prop er preparations can be made. A3 tu preparation it is not advisable to plant deeply at this season of the year as the young plants will not have time enough to reach deeply and get firmly rooted in the solid under-soU, hence the necessity of shallow preparation in tho late fall Oats, wheat and rye may be plant ed with some some certainty of suc cess all through November, these, too, are safer planted on a shallow but well prepared seed bed at this season of the year. We are writing this on account) of the many inquiries had during the last few weeks, and a few days given to the.se crops now will greatly reduce the liability of In-ing without hay and grazing for the stock next spring. Appier oats is probably one of the safest varieties to plant Oats, Kad May Wheat, Hairy Vetch and Crim son clover is almost a sure hay mix- crops for hay and a permanent pas ture for summer grazing. A few good hogs, a cow and poultry for eggs and chickens for table u.-» with meat, milk and butter for the family are the re sults of a little work of the right kind and at the right time Only a few days remain in which this can be done or we will have to make up out - minds to do it next year. "Money Saved is Money Made." Man\ thousands of dollars may be saved on fertilizers by using lime and legumes on the land in winter. There is only two pennies difference between the man w ho is a success and the man who is a failure. One saves a penny and the other loses one. Sureyl * little effort to make one more notch is highly commendable. Here's to you for a great successs in 1922. l.et's start right and we are sure to end right. J [.. HOLLIDAY. HITTEN BY SPIBER Mr. J. W. Ward of Jamesville was bitten by a spider Monday and came near dying. He had fits for some time and wos under the constant attention of Drs. Smithwick andMcGowan of Plymouth for a day an dnight before ho wa,s relieved. His condition is now all right if no appearance o fthe pois on oppears. NOTICE OF SALE t ( , I'nder and by virtue of the power of .sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to me, the undersign ed trustee on the 21st day of Septeui l>er, MM6, by' W. K Jame*. of record in Martin County Public Registry mi book M l at page 24'!, said deed of trust having been given to secure cer tain bonds of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulation* there in, not having been complied with and tit the request of the owner of aald bond, 1 will expose to public auctioa in front of the court house door in WilliamstoQ, North Carolina, at 52 o'- clock, M„ on the 14th day of Novem ber, 11)21, to the heighest bidder for fash, the following dtMcribed tract of land; Ileginning a the foot of the Boston road, where it makes into the Free t'nion Road; thence along the Boston road 68 poles to a corne rof lot No. 8, thence east along the line of lot No. 8, 123 poles to a post on the Daley I road; the-nce along said Daley road to where Free Union road makM it the church; thence west along the Free Cnion road 78 poles to the be ginning, containing 3? acres and being part of lot No. 9 lying on the weak side of the Daley road, of the Stew ar tJames land division, registered in public registry of Martin County to land division book No. 1, at 'page 17®, et seq. " This the 11th day of October, 1921. WHEELER MARTIN, Truatee. NOTICE Having qualified aa administrator af the estate of J. B. Anthony, deoeas ad, lata of Martin county, this la to aetlfy all persons having elaima a gainst said estate of said deceased, to uhibit them to tha uniUnlgaxl at Hamilton, N. U, on or before tka tot day of June, 1922, or this notice trill be pleaded in bar of their reeetraiy. All persons Indebted to said eatoto will please make Imiidelate pifMri, This tha Ist day ef Joe, IN). F. L. GLADSTONE, A4^pMMtaV

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