Will Find Our Column* a Latch Key to 1500 •f Martin County's Home* VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 83 County Commissioners Vote To Build Hard Surface Roads The Roar dof Commi.saioners of Mar tip county met in session at 10 o'- Monday with the following mem >: "bit's present: Ch>' an .1 L. Haskell, 'Henry "C(jleen, ""'Jii-y 1). I'eel, Dr. 11 I. I A> in' an J Josnua L oCltrain. It was• order**! by the Board tliat the sheriff l>e allowed 6t>c per dey for feeding and keeping prisoners un til further notice. They also ordered that Jim Nichoi tan tie allowed $4.00 f>er month, Jar iSkylcs be allowed 's.*l.oo pei mot. Ji and Foi re«t Braswell Ik> allow ed $.1.00 per mouth until i'urtlier no tice. It was ordered that LuUier Hafdi 80n be allowed l.trtH) feet of lumber tor bridges in Jamesvdle township. The following' motion w,\s made b\ Dr. Ixrng and seconded by Mr. Henry 1). I'eel. it was carried unanimous!) by the board: * Whereas, it is the sen-e of the Board that for the best of the county that we loan to the State Highway Commission the svne of to build a hard surface I road .'rom V.'iliiamsUm to tlte Poaufort County line atlil te appropriate not to exceed S7S,(M>O for a sand-clav road from Williamston to t.ie Halifax coun ty line near Hobgood, running thmuiih Hamilton and Oak City. mit.UUHCH GOOD ■.G BOADS PROJECT / Messrs. J L Husse'l a.".d Clayton Moore left this morning by motor f"i Baleigh. They Wii Ibe joined in la;- boio by Mr. W A Hart. inc> are going to make arramieurents with tin StaW Highway Commission fur leed ii»g the money and to find out how -•oon the road can be started from Wil y liamston to the lteaufo't 'Joiint; lire. 80TH DIVISION'S HKI NloS-/ Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 6.—After a day feautred by the election of of ficers and adoption of resolutions, the Thirtieth Divsion reunion dosed Inst night with social events, the chief of which wus a military Kull at tlie Belle Meaae golf and country club. The Old Hickory Veterans agreed to leave the niatter of a -meeting place next year up to. the new execu tive committee, thus making it pos sible that the city hosecn will not l»e announced for ,several weeks. Besides the resolutions concerning Senator Watson's. charges that Amer ican soldiers were hanged in France without trial or court-martial, one ex pressing "the. earnest hope" that the ocnference on limitation of armaments would "tend towartT* a permanent peace," was adopted by these veterans who took a prominent part in break ing the HindenbuiK line. The annual reunion of the Old Hic kory Veterans is an important, bit of history for it is conceded to be the division that did most toward break ing the Hindenburg line by tin' whole United States and for that reason will always play an important part in hi. tor.v. It is regretted that none of the Martin County boys rouW atfcmo foi some of our very own played great parts during those few immortal day* some of them ad for life that we run into contact with daily. Others are sleeping beneath their na tive heath after leaving the ponpy covered fields of France where they slept for many months. WANTED: MKN OR WOMEN T( take orders among friends and neigh born for the genuine Ruaranteed hos iery, full line for' men, women an J children. Eliminates darning. We pay 75c an hour spare time, or a week for full time. Experience un necessary. Write International Stock in* Mills, Norristown, Pa. 10t* -Lg T R A N I) -THEATRE— —THURSDAY— PiramountCoSmopolilan Special THK PASSIONATE PILGRIM' 20c an«l ' 40c . —FRIDAY— Vitagrapli & Sennet t (omudi*# 'Double Adventure'—Episode 14 , 20c and 80c , 1 , A-SATURDAY— I ' '>• DALTON in r-THE IDOL OF THE NORTH" | "Yajuaßfet Trail#*—Epiiod* 5 I 20c ' and 80c V THE ENTERPRISE REGULAR SESSION RECORDERS COURT The Recorder's Court convened on Tuesday last with Judge J. t' Smiih presiding and in the absence of the State's attorney, B I) Critclier, Clay ton Moore was appointed to prosecute the docket. State vs. Albert Coltrain and Mon fort Coltrain. A 1) W.- Albert Col train plead guilty and "Was fined $lO and cost. Mmfort Coltrain plead not guilty and upon hearin gthe testi mony the court found liini not guilty. State vs Dave Melton and Karl Ilii ley. Larceny and receiving. Defenil and Melton plead guilty and defen dant Briley plead not guilty. After hearing the testimony the couil also found Hriley guilty. Prayer for juilg ment, continued until first Tuesday In December and each defendant repli ed to enter into bond in the sum of SIOO for appearance at said term of court. State vs J B Knox. Violating the Search and Seizure Law. Found guilty and fined $25.00 and costs. State vs. Jack Purring. Larceny iu»d Receiving. Found guilty. Con rfflnued to December Ist for judgment and onbd of SIOO fixed for his ap -peanmre; —• ' ~ State vs. I,ee Purrington. Aiding and abetting in larceny and receiving. Plead guilty. Judgment suspended up- on payment of costs. State vs. Alonzo Wynne. Assault Plead guilty. Contniued for judg ment until January firtft. State vs. Alonzo Wynne. Aban- donment. ol pros with leave. State v'Sr N T Leggett and -Staton Violating Liquor Law.- In case of N T Leggett case continued to, June, 1923, under .same bond and conditions as imposed June 7th, 1921. As to Staton Leggett, judgment sus pended upon payment of half of cost. State vs. Staton Leggett. Violat ing liquor law. Fined $25.00 ami cost. RIVER CLOGGED Willi I/EKHIS AS RESULT OF HIGH WATER Last week the bridge construction was held up for two days on account of derhis coming down with the high waters from above VV'illiamstoi uiid ■getting jammed against some piles and logs that were being, used used about the bridge. There was a plan about a liundred yards square covered with brush, sticks and even good sized logs along with the other derhis that high waters gather along the wa;. The only available way to remove the obstruction after all manner of prodding' had been tried, was to use great amounts of dynamite .aid blow it out,. j"ii/»is was administered Ifi Messrs. Halla'd and Youirt and most everybody in town witnessed _iin ex plosions. At first they only rsed i».V sticks of dynamite, at a shot, b\it the progress made was*so slow that th«>\ finally used 150 sticks at one tir.i". (t 'was very, fortunate that none of the spectators weie hurt for from ui e ex plosion a log, about *2 inches in diam eter and si xor eight feet long, fell about two hundred feet or so from the river and went through the top of the blacksmith yfjop and st'icl: up in the ground. One of the • black smiths usually stoo i in exactly th same jtyot that tl.e log struck but on this occasion he had gone out to see the explosion and decided te step things cleared up.shi dlloafetaoahrdle over in the carpenter's shed until it .cleared up. it took one whole dav to loosen the derbis and get it out sc that it .vou'd go on down the ri«er and hindered the bridge force to no small degree. STORY OF THE COUNTIES- ol NORTH CAROLINA We ar» in receipt of Co. Frei A. Old's "Story of the Counties of Noith Carolina." It is in a neat "Jprin of 64 pages an doemes from the presses of the Orphan's Friend of Ox fold Col. Olds made a State wjde tour Ret ting his information jir-t-hand. Doiib'- le.ss many Willnvnstoi people remem ber that he spent several duys heie aliout two years uzo getting hoiuP facts about our county which he wrote up some time afterwards in the Or phan's FrierwT. The pamphlet coil tains a short history of every county in the State, alf-o, sotne other intei esting bits of history of the "Old North State," and should be in every school library in the State. TtrfUCCO MARKET CLOHI'D \I-.XT I FRIDAY The- Williamston Tolm.vo Murket will be closed Friday, Moveri'kv tl, f!\ recognition of the third uimiverary of the signing of the Am ist'.ce that ended the World War •. . V • SVilliamston, Martin County North Carolina, Tuesday, November Bth, 1921 BETTER PROSPECTS FOR LOAN BANKS The following is a letter from Keua ro:;entativo 11. S. Want to Vol. J( Bryan Crime:,. It will be of great to rest tu those fanners contemplat ing getting a loan from—Uwr-t'inks. My Dear Colonel: Vour letter of a few days ago on this subject, was forwarded to Mi. Leaver, anl he did me the honor as n itvsponse to it, to call at my office and I have just had with him a very uleas ant and instructive chat. 1 must cur dense the information a sfollows: Because of the strong preso've on all the 12 banks, their Presidents were called together in Erec tions given that they Their applications to the quota of fund then available, by directing the loco l branches to hold back application." The resources of the banks were then less than $40,000,000. Thi sordev was obeyed by all of them except our bank at Columbia, which failed to obeervc the rule ami permitted' applications to go in far in excess of the available funds. Since then an issuance of 00 million dollars has been floated ,ani the Columbia bnnk is "doing business, at the old stand" with "II possible activity. There will be approximate ly f> milion dollars for lending in the Columbia district, of which North Carolina may expect, one million, two hundred, and fifty thousand anil this will be dished out, I ha\e reason to Tljese activities are intricate, trouble some anii slow. Not only must thi title be examined carefully, but « classification must be made with groat caw to ascertain whether the appli cant is eligible. For instance, from 40 to 60 per cent of . tln'iu represent men who ire not primarily nor prin cipally farmers, Lawyers, doctors anil meracnhts who run farm* as side is sues for, health, fun, speculation and other-secondary purposes, are not eli gible to approach to this bunk. A merchant has a little faua, and R> it behind in his mercantile business an" wants a loan on his farm to pay ot [his mercantile debts; he is not eli gible. A lawyer or doctor living b\ his practice, buys a'farm for specula tion, puts a tenant on it to keep dowi the weeds unti Ihe can sell for a prof it, wants a loan on the farm to hold it off the market until his profit gets fat enouKh to satisfy him-; lie is not eligible. These loans are not withii the scope of the benefits intended t' be given by this bank. After tfiis~conversation, I am sat isfied that every eligible application in my district will be reached durini the coin in gwinter, and that when [ I oral branches have been held up, tln-j will lie in a few months diiected move on. There was loaned in North Caro lina in May, $38,000; in June SHK,OOO; in July $240,000; in August, $3K7,- 000; in September $4(11,000; HI Or tol>er, $240,000. The suggestion that thi bank itu. ceased activities is erroneous. It will soon reach Pitt county, exact'y when I cannot tell, but to the farmers win. live by farming primarily and want to enlarge or improve their fans* and appliances, it is for the future in a larger measure than in the past. "The hope of Zion and the consolation of Israel." Sincerely yours, H. S. WARD. NOTICE OF S.\y^ Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in the power of sale in t> certain deed of trust executed to me the undersigned trustee by Ashley Cromwell and wife, Sarah Crnmwel on the 24th day of February, 1020 and of record in Martin county pub lift registry in book A-2, page 443, said deed of trust securihg certain bonds of even date and tenor there with and the stipulations therein not having been complied with and at the request of the owner and jho[dM'of said bonds I will expose to public auc tion on Monday, December sth, 1921 at 12o'clock M., in front of the court house door in Williamston, North Car olina, to the highest bidder for casl the following described land: A tract of land in Poplar Point township, Martin county, where Ash ley Cromwell now lives, adjoining tlx W. M Ballard farm; James A Everett Don Johnson and the Spate farm, con taining 226 acres, and being the ;am land Ashley Cromwell purchased of B A Critcher and W. I.Hadlev, For full description of said land see Mort gage from Ashley Cromwell and wife to the Federal Land Bank. This November 4th, 1921. B. DUKE CRITCHER, Trustee NOTICE: I HAVE 10 HOGS, (,fepr Oct. 13, .1921. 1 black and I red sow, and 2, shoates, marked f rap and split in each ear and 6 pigs. Findei please notify Henry Jones, R F D 2, William i- tufi, N. C 2t I Local News and Personal Mention Mr. Luther Haniison of Jamesville was a bu-ineij visitot teen here yes terday. • • • • Messrs. Twodoi* Kotiersor., Nher iir Robcr.on Deputy Sheull Fdmond son ami Mr Luther I'cel motored to Greenville yesterday. • ♦ • « Mrs A. li Dunning and daughter, Mary Alice, Saturday in Kpb ersonvillc." * w • * flfissK'ai" I-yda Cook ami Margaret Everett returned from \>if>® Satur day. * • • * Messrs. JllO, I- Kogerson, A. U. Dunning and Wheeler Maitin spent Satuiday in Wili-on attending to bus iness. ♦ • • • Mr. Kiddick, cashier of" the Peoples Hank spent the weekend with Ins fam ily in Gate»ville. ♦ » * • Miss Jewell Burnett, Secretary to Critchw and CriU'her, spent tlie week end in Greenville as "the guest of her sister. • • • • Mr. Itryan Jones of Raleigh .pent Satuiday and Sunday here visiting friends. • * » • Mr Jno YV. Harden of Plymouth spent Friday night in town. m —* —■» —» Mr. W. C. Manning left yesterday for Greenville to attend the State Con vention of the Christian Church, of which lie is President. •' • * * Mrs. Fannie Carstarphen returned Sunday night from Tarboro where she' spent the past month with hei son, Mr. Martin Carstarphen and Mn. Car starphen.- While away ahe also vis ited friends im Rocky Mount for a few day*.. • * • • Mrs. Addle Hardison of keuly .vas in town yesterday visiting her e.nilc, Mr. IC J Peel arid Mrs. Peel. ♦ • • * Mr. George Gurgnnu* of Norfolk, but formerly of ton was a business visitor here Monday. • • • • Mr ami Mrs. I tick llegg-ie and child of Kobersonvilie were shopper* in town yesterday. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Watts, Jr., arc now at home with Mr. and Mis Jm: A Manning, at their home. » • # • Mrs J () Guthrie left this morning for her home in Raleigh after : pend nig a month here a. the guest of hei nephew, Mr II M Ntubbs ami Mrs Stubbs. ♦ • • • Messl's, J II |l Peel, .losliua I. Col train, Henry C Given and Dr. It I Long were in town \r.terday to at tend the Commissioners meetirt;-. • • • • Mrs. J (i Statoii i- at I M •in" aftei la month's—visrt. to friends and rela lives in lialtimore ami shopping (rip to New York. Kr. I! I ol.ng and Mi. Jno W Mar tin of llnniiltoti were here \esiidi.y, • •« « « | Mrs. A T Crawford and Mrs. Carri'.'j I Biggs Williams left tin mofiiinir foil Norfolk to spend several days. M I'RAYFK SKRVICFOV FRIDAY IN STEAD OF WFDNKSDAY The Methodist Prayer Service will be held on Friday night at seven thirty, of this week instead of Wed nesday. This service will be held for s|)ecial prayer in the interest of the Annistice Conference. The doors of • lie chinch wiil be optimal thia ser vice for the reception of members. 1. C. I.Alt KIN. 1 / ARM HROKKN HY FORI) ' Mr. Staton Roberson of 1 Griffins township was kicked jjy a Ford Hun clay afternoon and his arm broken. He was brought to Williamston and the arm set and dressed by Dr. Saun ders. ANOTHER FIRK A'l PAKMKLE Friday niglrt about, 11 :.'io the garage of Mr. .1 T Stokes was found in flame? Before assistance eould be had the whole building was consumed. In the garage were ,iwo cars, a Ford belong-' injf to Rev. J T Wildman, Presbyt (/•Han minister and, an Overland l>e- t" Mr. Stoke;. The residence of Mr. Stoke* was save/I l>y heroic fighting by himself and friends-and neighbors. It is the general opinio nthat the fire was of an incendiary origin. Mr. Daniel Roebuck who lives very near and who first «aw the fire, states that it> was in full blaze on the outside when he first discovered it and that there was no fire on the inside at the time. Mr. Stokot had no insurance on either hii, ear or garage. CITIZENS OF VVIUJAMSTON I A PROCLAMATION Friday the 11th-of November being the Third Anni versary of the signing of the Armistice by the a miles of the Allied and Central thus ending the greatest war in history, and it is fitting that we commemorate the deeds and glory of our victorious Army and the valor, courage and sacrifice of our heroes, both the dead and the living; now Therefore, I, K. S. Pool, Mayor id' the City of VS'il liainston, do proclaim Friday the 11th a holiday, and I earnestly resuest all business to suspend for that" day. l-et lis not forget the omnipotent hand of Clod, who rules the destisy of nations anil individuals, and where possible, meet in the respective places of worship to praise and bless Him for what He has done and is doing for us every day. Done at th« City Hall, this the 7th day of November. 1921. K. S. PREI„ Mavor. Attest: C. II HARRISON, City Clerk. Copy of the Dyer Bill De signed to Prevent Lynching NEW CONCERN SOON READY FOR BUSINESS V\ it.liin a few weeks the Farmers & Builders Supply Company will for mally opo nforesmeshnllueta-oihrmfe maily o|K>n business at (larden Terrace near Williainstqn, N C. The main business of this new con cern wil Ibe a full line of building and farm supplies, including brick, tile cement, lumber wood, coal, sash doors and blinds paints, oils builders hardware, shinnies roofing paper and hundred of other builders articles, also a K«tu«ral agency for coal fertilizers hay, seed, and grain of all kinds. These supplies wil Ibe handled in carload lots, and purchased direct from the manufacturer, or producer, and will In; something that will ap|*tfd to the great multitude of buyers who have tn leave town in order to secure such merchandise.. Many prominent farmers have vglun tartly expressed then approval of sue I) a (■onrern ami have assured: tile man agemcfit of their support Ami gopil will. A.s a Mile line to tins hu.sine.ss, Mr. Julius I'eel, one of tin 1 promoters wiH have installed in the Main building a meat market and grocery establish oient, while in another part of the hoililiiiK a place Jor lunches anil K (> n ••ral meals, as well a.s, irfreshment.H, cigars, tobaccos, etc. This cafe ilepurt iiKMit will gradually take on a full n-; mount of business, catering in the sum liter to the hundreds of daily potions to the swimming pool, as well as pas sersliy. A first class gasoline ser vice station and a truck farm will IN put in operation along with the other departments. NOTICK til SAI.K l.'nder and by virtue of the author ity contained in the power of sale in a certain deed of trust executed ti. the undersigned trustee by W K Whillej and wfie, Minnie Whitley on the Ist di*y of February, 1916, and of rdcovil in the register vf deed's office in Mat tin county in bonk M-l, page 128, said deed of trust securing certain bonds of even date and tenor therewith and the .stipulations therein not havihg been complied with and at the rei|uest of the holder and owner of said bonili, I will expose to publi cuuction on Mon day December 6th, 1921, at »'- clotk M, in front of the court house door in" Williamston, North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing deacri bod land: First tract: Adjoining the pasture Neck tract of land on the north, W J JR/hitaker land on the east and south, and oCnoho creek on the west. Con taining 375 acres, more or less, and commonly known t»s the S A Whitley tract of land. It being the name prem ises upon whic hshe lived a tthe time of her death. For further description reference may tie had to deeds of rec ord in public registry of Martin coun ty, Hook XXXX, page 64, same book, page (i.'f also books KKK, page 619, A-l page 72 D-l, page 184. This 4th day of November, 1921. tl. W STT'HBS, Trustee. STRAIGHT SALARY': *:»r>.oo PER week and expenses to man or wo man with "rig to introduce Eureka Egg Producer. Eureka Mfg. ('n., Fast St. Louis, 111. FOR SALE: 30,000 CAHHAOE plants. Ready tot u»e. Price 2Bc per hun«T#ed. Jo», L. Holliday. r ' N - - Editor the Enterprise: Your readers wouM no doubt i-e- Kuixl it mnuic most astounding news ever coming out of Washington that this thing has actually been favorably reported by the Committee of the House, every Republican voting- fiii it except one, every Democrat against it. H. S. WARD. Enclosed bill read: "A Bill, to assure to persons with in the jurisdiction of any State the equul protection of the laws. Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unit ed States of America in Congress as sembled, That the phrase "mob or riot ous assemblage," when used in this Act, shall merui an assembly com posed of live or more persons tiding in concert for the [impose of depriv ing any persons of his life without authority of law as a punishment for or to prevent the commission of Mime actual or supposed public offense. Sec. 2. That if any State or gov ernmental subdivision thereof fails, neglects, or refuses in provide ami niaiirtain jmdecUon to the life of any .person within its jurisdiction against a moli or riotous Assemblage, sQch State shall by reason of such fiiilure, neglect, or refusal IH> deemKT to have denied to such person the ei|uul pixv lection of the laws of the State, and to the end that such protection as ii guaruntecdto the citizen* of the Unit ed Stiit.se by its Constitution nuiy be socured it is provided: », Sec. Thai any State or munici pal officer charged with the duty or who possessed the poww ror authority at such officer to proteit the life of any person that may be put to death by aiiynioh or riotous assemblage, m who has any such person in his chaige as a prisoner, who fails, neglects, or refuses to make al treasonable effortt to prevent such person from bomb so put to death, or any State or munici pal officer charged with the duty of apprehending ou prosecuting any per son partiripatiiur •" such mob or riot out assemblage who fails, neglects, 01 refuses to,make all reasonable efforU to perform his duty in apprehending or prosecuting to Anal judgment un der the laws of such State all per sons so participating, except such it any, as are or have been held to an swer for such participation in any district cout ohetfUr fCI-fl estharod district court of OM United States, a* herein providel, «ullly of u felony, and upon conviction thereof | shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding five years or by a fine of not exceeding or by both such fine and impriaonment. Any person who participates in a mob or riotous assemblage that takes from the custody or possession of any State or municipal officer any person held by such officer to answer for some actual or supposed public offense anil put such person to death a pun ishment for such offen.se, or any poi son fho participates in any mob «jr riotous assemblage thut obstructs or prevents any State or municipal offi cer in discharging his duty to appre hend, prosecute, protect ,or punish any person suspected .of or charged with any public offense and put such pei»- son to death as a punishment for such offense, shall be guilty of a felony and on conviotion thereof shall be im prisoned for life or for not taps than five years. ''*■» See. 4. That any person who par ticipates in any mob or riotous assem bly by which a person is put to death shall be guilty of a felony, and on conviction thereof shall be imprisoned for life or for not leu than five year*. IP YOU WANT QUICK - RESULTS USB A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1306 SCHOOL MAKES GOOD ATTENDANCE RECORD The Willianuton Graded Schools have been about two south*. Possibly it will be intereHimg to the } i ieads an ilputrouj) -to know *i~ •m 1* £iing ot what we are doing this year from an attendance point of view. I nfortunately d i pttte ria and scarlet fever have kept many children from coming regularly. The oooperatioa of the patrons has enabled us to keep the school running, We hnvo over 3IKJ on the roll bat *oniy arc still out on account of coo* tagious diseases. On Wednesday, No vember 2nd, 298 pupils wnre expected at sch'ool. Of these 2'Jfl reported and only two were Urdy. The following in daily reports werv tiled in the «Om at the oio.se of school that day: Crude Hoys Girls Total Absent Tardy I 3« 27 . S3 1 0 is 14 32 n 0 ;i 14 iic 40 0 0 ' 4 25 ir» 40 0 Q • r ' 12 . 14 2»i » 1 t» 11 8 19 0 0 7 l.'l 11 24 l> 0 K 12 , 11 2."! 1 0 V * H 12 (I I H> 2 12 11 0 0 U 0 3 3 (t 0 147 14!) 296 2 2 Tlus is our best day's report. Let's hoc if wo cant keep up this splendid record. Your cooperation ih app»e elated by M. J. DAVIJi, Supt of Schoola Sec. f>. That any county in which a person is put to death by a mob or riotous assemblage shall forfeit SIO,(MK), which sum mfiy be recovered by un action therefor In the name of the United States, against such county for the use of the fajmily .if say, of the person so put to death; if he had no family then to his dependent par ents, if any; otherwise for the ue* of the United States Such action should be brought and prosecuted by the dis trict attorney of the United States of the district in which such county is situated in any court of he United States having jurisdiction therein. If such forfeiture is not paid upon re covery of a judgment therefor, such court shal lhave jurisdiction to enforce payment thereof by levy of execution upon any property of the county, or may compel tlio levy and collection of a tax therefor, or may otherwise com pel payment thereof by mandamus or other appropriate process;' and any officer of such county or other person who disobeys or fails to comply with any lawful order of the court in the premises shall be liable to punishment as for contempt and to any othev pen alty provided by law therefor. Sec. U. That in the event that any person so put to death shall have been transported by such mob or riotous assemblage from one county to en other county during the time Inter vening" between his capture and put ting to death, each county in or through which he was so transported shall be jointly and severally liable to pay the forfeiture herein provided. In construing and applying this act the District of Columbia shall be deem ed a county, as shall also each of the parishes of the State of Louisiana. Sec. 7. That if any section or pro vision of this Act shall be held by any court to be invalid, the balance of the Act shall not for that re*se> he held invalid. NOTICE 0 FSALK Under and by virtue of the power v [of sale contained In that certain title retaining note in the sum of $775.00 executed to Tucker-Clark A Company by W A IWiley 011 the 27th day of November, 1920, and of record in Mar tin County registry in book F-2, peg* 110, and the stipulations then*la aoi having been complied with and at the request of Tucker-Clark A Co., holder of said note, the undersigned will ex pose to public auction on the! 23rd day of November, 1921, a t!2:00 o'- clock M. in front of the Couit House door in WillianMton, N.C., to the hifh est bidder tqfJeaa honf pair black mare mules. ff This 3rd diy of November, 19tl. ' .DR J F THIGPPN. ; NOTICE North Carolina, Martia Count#. Personally appeared before fIM, tide day J. D. and reported the following stray gilt (sow) tekem up at his residence in Williamateß town ship, about one half-mile from Wll liamston, said gilt is about oae aad one half years old, color, bledk and white spotted .and will weigh about n 126 to ISO pounds. Marked crap o4 of the left ear and split in the ligkt eor... The owne rof said sow will call and claim same or i will he dispeeed of according to law governiar *tieya. This the 12th day of October, Ittl. S. & MOWN, laager. % .- ' - "'.Mfc" *"»' -jy - • k .iV *' *£ •. rMlrJih, A