Advertiser!) Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 87 Commissioners To Have Public Hearing About Good Roads 15c it remembered that the Board of Commissioners* of Martin County met in special session on Friday, Novem ber 18, at 12 o'clock p. m., in the Court house at Williamston, N. C., the followng members being present: J. L, Hassell, chairman, 11 C Green, H 1- Long, 11 1) Pewl and J L Coltriiin. Mr. W. A. Halt of 'l'arboro, Highway CointnissioneivjVr the First District was present am? olferetl to build a hard surface road from the Count) seat of Martin to connect with a hard . urface road at the lieauiort County line, provided, and upon condition, that the County of Martin pay one i.alf the cost of constructing the same. Mr. Hart stated that the road from the county seat of Martin running til rough Fvoretu, Uohersonville and I'armeU' to the Pitt count) line would he a hard surface mud, arul that il would be built entirely by the stati without cost or charge against the county for constructing ,>ame. Mr. Hart also stated hat if the county would build a dirt t'oad from the county seat of Martin o the Hal ifax county line, near Hobgood, that he thought the state would in the future take over and maintain the same. Varous citizens addressßdt the board rw|Uewtin glheni—t. e,accept the prop ositions as outlined by Mr. Hart. 'l'lic- Board went nito executive ses sion, and after much discussion, Com missonci J 1,. Co I train moved that the Commissioners meet in special sion at 10:00 o'clock a m., on Wediic day, November 30, at when time all interested eitzens 111 the county would •je invited to address the board foi or against 'he propositi »n, .e tn • Jiethe tor not Martin count,, vso ild pay one-half the ocst of c->'structing a hard surface road fro mthe count) seat of Martin to the Beaufort Count) line and tile cost of const curing, the dirt or gravel road from Uiv counts seat to the Halifax county line ftee m Hobgood. Motion was seconded by Commis sfoner B 1. Long, upon roll cull,bailie wa sunanimously adopted. There being no further businex, the tyoard adjourned to incut again on Wednesday N'oveinber*3oth at 10:00 o'clock a. ni. NOTICE '" T*he .ißtiarrl trf ComiMtaaijofiftits -of- Martin county will meet in the court house at Wlliamston,, N C. on Wed neday November .'tilth at 10 o'clock a. in., to determine whether or not the county of Martin will accept the fol lowing propositons: . 1. To pay one-half (1-2) the cost of constructing a hard surface road from the county sea tto the Beaufort county) line 1 , when' it will join tin hard surface road now lieing built from the county seat of Beaufort to the Martin county line. 2. To build, a sand-clay or gravel road from the coupty »;at to the Hal ifax county line, terminating ncai Hohgood, N C. All citizens of the county are in vited to present their views upon the prbpositions at the time and place above designated, J; L. IIASSKLI,, Chairman. Attest: S. S. BROWN, Clerk. *" - t> CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEET INC. A special meeting of the Chamber of Coin me new 11 he held at the Lotus club rooms Friday night, Noverrjbei 25th, at 7:30 o'clock. Matters of vi tal interest to all will be discussed We want every merchant,, farmer banker arid professional man to lie there. New officers will also he elect ed. R. G, HARRISON, President —STRAND— —THEATRE— * - • • • * —THIJRSf \ Y - "Vanishing Trails"—Episode 7 "WHAT'S WORTH WHILE" ▲ WEBER SPECIAU and 30c ■i • BIG sENNEnSIHHh* "Yellow* Arm" - "pi wxfe 'VJp 2 ' 20c and —SATI'RUAY— , BILLIE BURKR in "FRISKY MBS. JOHNSON" fOe ami % 'l 4(k- THE ENTERPRISE SHERIFF CATCHES A CHECK-FLASHER J. F. Killinsworth was arrested last Friday at Jamesville on the charge of forgery in Madison, Georgia. He hadpresented drafts on New York, supposed to haw been isued by a bank in Salisbury N. C., and drew .f«SO.tH) on them. 'l'his occurred oh the 12th of November, lie immed, iately left ami on the same afternoon information was received from the New York Bank that tlk* drafts were not good and that no such';hank exist ed in Salisbury. Detective 11. 1.. Taliaferro, repre senting the American Bankers Asso ciation was put on the trail Monday. He found that Kllingsworth had gone to Hamlet and from there branched offhand gone to Dunn, from there t Goldsboro- ami New Item and thonae to Rocky Mount where he had pur chased a ticket to I'armele and there tin; trail ended. Hut later Detective Taliferro received information that the same party as was descrilied had continued to Jamesville by paving cash faio on the train. When la' found out these facts from the rail once wired*the Bank of Jamesville fo: information as to his whereabouts. At.the time the message was'rovfiv ed Killinsworth was in the bank get ting several travelers checks cashed. The hank cashier Jackson, called sheriff Roherson to the scene and h was arrested and carried, to jail. Tin fact tjiat Killinsworth carried a vio lin with him made it easy to follow him and enabled the detective to catch him with very little difficulty. He had about $75.00 in currencj when captuieil and no checks could be found at first but a strict search re vealed $160.00 in express money or ders in the hem of his underclothes. , Kllinswortb was raised in-Beaufort county and is well connected but hi? whole causer has been very disrepu table. He is .'!! years of age and mar ried a Miss Pelock of I'inehurst N C.. a German girl, about eight years ago She their one child are now liv ing on a farm near Madison, Gu. .Hi has paid very little attention to hi- wife since their marriage only li\ inp with" her for n." slmrrt ~ti me i?t th rer different intervals.- He claims to l,i u train engineer and wears tho bailee of the Engneers association. He i> evidently a drifter and in suppose! to bo a member of a gang of outlaws On Saturday sheriff u ceived a telegitlm from Meridian Miss., asking him to'hold J. E. Kit lines worth for the authorities then upon the charge of false pretence hut officers arrived from Georgia an he wa staken hy them to Madi. on where he agreed to go without extra dition papers. MIL HART SPEAKS TO COl VH COMMISSIONERS Road Commissioner Hart of Tarboro came down last Friday to explain an error in an article recently published from Bethel to the new bridge would in the state papers,th at the highway a "graded road" when the article should have read "graded road which wuodl later be made a liard-sujtface road." lie was very clear in his ex planation and those who were alarm ed at the statement published wort entirely satisfied. Mi'. Hart as State RIIIKI Commis sioner made offers that it would seem wi-Jr- to accept. It is pretty clear thai I the State nor the National Govern nients are neither one. going to build anything except the through road and the counties must build tlu> other* Now is the time to tro forward. Tin cqmmunTty ttTat hiritrh; go>4 roads wilt hikve nothing to for thr*y an always worth the cost, and more. ANOTHER STILL GOES Ol T >l , BUSINESS. Last Friday Sheriff Roljerson > »n 1 his deputies made a little hunt in Pop lar Point township in the Mills Sciioo' house section an dcaptured a still run ning at white heat. There was u small quantty of rum alerady run and sev eral barrels of beer. When the sheriff came in cose - range Archie Mobley and, Harvey Pa rue made a dash, for liberty run amp off down the branch but Chief Page was closing in from that side and hi caught Mobley but Barnes outi un them aU and made his escape. Mobley wam taken to jail but v.-a? released on Saturday for his ippear anc* at the next term of the Record ers Court. Carload of ground alum salts just received. Cheap for cash. C. D. Car ■tarphen ft Co. Williamston, Martin County North Carolina, Tuesday, November 22nd, 1921 HONOR RQUFTTIF GRADPSCHOOL The following are honor rolls for the second month. Those on the A honor rolls made 95 or over. Those >n R honor roll made SO or over. Thoss on C honor roll were neither absent nor tardy during the month. No hoe or rolls for the first grade ae pub lished this month. M. J. PAV|.;. Supt Schools. Second (irade: A: llaze! llrnwi, Susie Mae Bnrnhill, Fliza Hoard, Mary Hardest)', Rena Forest Jo\uci. Flton Bennett, Albert Leslie Clark, Charles Fleming, (leofgs llari son Jr. Charles Manning, Ralph Nelson, Fail Harris, Geneva Jenkins, Susie Teel, Mary Clyde Williams. H: lleulah Smith, Annie Beth Hog ersou, Sai'ah Cooke, Mildrsd (iurgamis Robert Cowen Joseph Gotlard Hugh (iurganus, D U Stuhlis, Andrew Sum merlin, Carl Wynne, Julius Roebuck. C: Carl Wynne, Andrew Sumnier lin, Julius Roebuck, Albert Leslie Clark, Geneva Jsnkins, Mary Hardes ty, Sarah Cooke Charles Manning Karl Harris, George Harris Jr. Mary Clyde Wiliams, Rena Forest Joyner, Fliza Hoard, Hazel Brown Susie Mae Barn hill. Third Grade: A: Flsie Amhlrews, Magnolia Raker Herbert Coweti Ma Alice Dunning, Aoliun •' Fdmundson, Myrtle Glenn, Norma Perry, Grace Page, Ollie Marie Robertson, Malcolm Simpson, Joe Roberson Jr. Dorothy Modlin, Melville Wynn, Garland lien nott, Ruck Saunders. II: Elsie Gurganus, Annie Mae Gurganus, Hubert Britton, Helen Pugh, Fanny Ray, Nellie Cherry, Al bert Cook F.dwaril Graves, Lina Mi zelle, Elizabeth Peel Elizabeth Gur km. G: Dillon Cobb, Ed want Graves, Mulcom Simpson, Buck Saunders, Mel ville Wymio, lilsie Andrews Johnnie Edmuudson, Myrtle Glenn, Annie Mae Gurganus, Elsie Gurganus Kuby Gur ganu, Josephine Harrison, Evelyn Hall, Gladys Moore, Grace Page I'll'/, abeth IVele, NormalVi ry, Oil it* Marie Kolvrtsnn Fanny Ray Elizabeth (iur kin. I'uurlh tirade: II: Elbert M oore, Margaret Rodgerson, Edwin IVele, ienrgo Gaynor, Carlton l.iverman. (': I')llK>it Moon, A J Manning, Murphy f'oUraiit, Claude Baxtiy Clarke, James Whits, Homer Julia Warit MargitTeT~ Ewelt, (ijni'i Whitley, Margaret Rodgerson. Eilwm I'eele I .eon Walters William Roebuck Lillian Coll'rain, Kmma Cyde Cower Gladys Gurganus, Cntheriro llunlison George Gaynor, Garlton Uivs'riitan, Mary Carstarphen Warren Eveiet't. Fifth (irade: IS: Ruth I'eele, Eu genia Hoyt Parrel Pi ice, Fiances \ViI liam.s, William Gurganu.-v C: Ruth I'eele, Wltolei Ward Durrsl Price Annie Mae William Nellie Teel, William Gurganus, lla/.ei Kdmundson, Dulal) Goltiaia, Robert Brown, Mario, nCobb ljes4ie I'eel Daisy W'hit!«•>•, Theltiw Cooki' Sam ilrnwn Hilda Burroughs. • Sixth tirade: A: Dorothy Throw er, -Carmelle Jones, C: Royborti Joynet, llenry Man nitig, Thomas Crawford, William Cook Asa Crawford, Jessup Harrison Cat nudle Jones, John Sykes, Miriam Courtney. Seventh Grade: A: None, B: Charles I'eele Cecil Taylor, Iliuee Whitley, Lucille Hassell, Mar garet Joyner, Hutli Manning, Trulah Ward Page. C: Eli llarnhill, Lueile Has.'sll Fred Chesson Nina Jones Paul God win, Margaret Joyher ( hailt's IVeli Mail ha leggett,'Bruce Whitley Rutl Manning, Mary Anderson Evelyn liar rUon. Eighth Grade: A: None. Br Benjamin Courtney. . C: Benjamin Courtney, Bill Hai rison, Lon Hassell, .Proctor Jones "Robert Manning, W. T. Meadows p'iv>d Taylor, Pattie Edmondson Saial B. Ix-ggett, Margaret Manning, Jose phine Sykes Mildred Walters. Ninth Grade: A: Bryant Carstar phen. - B: Velma Harrison, Carrie Bel! Manning, William Hodges. IC: Elsie Green, Pattk? Harris, Vel ma Harrison, Bryant Carstarpljep Gaylord Harrison, William Hodges?^ Tenth Grade: B: J-ouise Crawford Emma Belle Harris, Thelma Brown Esther Harrison, Elizabeth Hassell Herbert Pecle. C: Brown Louise Craw ford, Emma Belle Harris, Esther Hat rison, Martha Harrison, Elizabeth Hassell, Minnie Robertson, Myrtle Wynne, Herbert Peele, Jesse Stubbs Mary Leggett. Eleventh Grade: C: Ruby Bam> hill, Ethel Harris. If your children arc* going away t school or college thi* year, he sure tr send the Enterprise to them, so they I can keep with the new* at home. Local News and Personal Mention I Mrs. J S Rhodes returned Saturday aftervisiting In Norfolk for two weeks • • • « Mrs. Jesse Melsun and little daugh ter have returned after visiting Mrs. Melson's parents in Aurora for some time. * * * * Mr. W C Manning, Jr./ of Atlantic Christian College spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W C Manning. • • » « Mr. and Mrs. J L Rodgei on and daughters, Misses Margaret and Mar) will leave Thursday fol" Richmond to visit lelativcs until Sunday. • • • • Mrs. Frank Rollins and sou, Frank, of Washington were here today at tending the Uogart-lliggs wedding. * * » • Mr. Roy (iurganus left yosterda) morning for St Vin vent's hospital at Norfolk to'receive medical treatment. He was accompanied h\ Mrs. Cur ganus. • • • « Mr. and Mrs, Walter Bogait and daughter, Miss Vivian Hogart, of Nor folk and Rev. and Mrs. 11 It Sea light and daughters, Misses Kathleen and Alice, of Wahsington urn here attending the Bogart-Ujggs wedding. • • • ♦ Mrs. Myrtle Brown and little daug+i visiting relatves. • * • • • Mr. W C Manning spoilt yesterdax G remivrile. • • • • Mrs. Lawrence Peel left Sunday to visit her mother in Suffolk who i extiemely ill. • * * * Mr. and Mrs. C C Hatch are here visiting Rev. and Mrs. L C l.arkin at the Methodist parsonage. They iitade the trip from Sanford through the country in a car. Mr. ami Mrs. Clayton Mont nm Miss Vmlu Wynne left this morning for Raleigh where Mr. Moore .sill at tend to business. They will motor t Chapel Hill to atteml tin- Virginia [Carolina game on Thanksgiving Day « ♦ » ♦ Mr. Herman Carrow S theguest ol Mr. ami Mrs. J G Staton today. Ht /and Mr. Pete Uurbank are here to take part in the Itogart-Riggs wedding • • • * M i:. T T" Harrison tetii med fmni Baltimore Kridity afternoon whore hi hud been oni a purchasing trip foi the firm of Harrison Hros. & 'o. Tin business has exceeded all expectation this fall and it was necessary to re plenih the stock of this store as \M I lis tret the advanced mid-winter style * » * • Mis II H Robinson and Mi -es Tru lab Ward Page and ai ga ret .loyu'ei left this morning for Raleigh Jivhere Misse Page and Joyner will take part in tl*' Spelling contest. • • • • Mi ss l.e/etto (fanliu'r of England was in. town yesterday visitin;; friend' Miss l.e/.etti' was for three years en gaged in war work during the Anile war and sincp that time has beon with the Xwarthmore Chautauqua • • • • Mr. J W Harden of .Plymouth "spent last night in town with Mr. A .1 Man ning and he and Mr. Manning left this morning for Unleigh by automo bile tu attend the annual teachers' assembly. -r « • • • Mrs. W II liarrell and Miss Hstelle ('rawford and Mr. M .) Davis will II'UVH in the morning for Raleigh to attend the teachers' assembly and Ml Harrell will visit her daughter Mis.- Sarah llarrel who in attending St Mary's School. « « • • Mr. I.ester Rogei . w;r in town Tuesday on business. IIICGS-lIOGAftT WEDDISG K At four-thirty this afl»-rnoon Mir.' Penelope Itiggs became the bride o ( Mr. Roh#it Hogart of Wn hingtim, at the church of the Advent, Rev W aitei l; Clark officiating.. account of the wedding: will be pi.'li-lied ir Fri lay's issue. ■ •, . THANKSGIVING SERVICES There Will be a Union Thanksgiv ing service Thursday--morning, 11;(H o'clock at the Mothodist church. Rev A. V. Joyner-will preach the Thanks giving service. ■ / The offering will go toward th» orphanage designated on th«* envel opes turned in. The appeal of tin orphans should find its way to th« heart of everyone The members and friends of all de nomination* are nivted and urged t«i attend this Thanksgiving service. L. G. LARKIN. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE THE PASSING OF ODIN RY J. K. HENDERSON' Tho war-shouting spirit oi Odin i* passing, The glory of fighting for conquest is gone Anil greatness no longer is seen in the massing Of armies and navies anil war-chanting song: "Great fleets on the waves!" 't follows "free men" are slaves, And jingoes and grafters where good men belong. The world is Impatient for peace-loving people To frustrate the building of forces for war; Preparedness move's. That our manhood Is feeble, And friendship and faith hardly worth waiting for. Put friendship has faith in what the Lord saith, And conquers in salving the enemy's sore. And friendship and faith, with a God-given manhood, Would make more secure our national fame, Than all our wealth-wasting physical force could, And ward off invasion, and shield us from shame.; Would ward off invasion without preparation To enter the savage-horn, barbarous game. Ihe conquest that works "Not by might nor by power," Hut by the spirit of [>eace and good will, (lives glory to Christ, and condemns the crude hour When Odin was ablo to quicken the quill: When Odin was able in truth or in fable To tire men with purpose to pillage ami kill Those countries hereafter that arm like a cowatd, - ' Refusing to climb to the cleft in tlm- rock, Must wreck with the nations where bombshells art; slioweivd. And bark like a dog with a chain and a block: And bark with a raving and swagger, while slaving A weight to the neck with a chain anil a lock All peace-loving peoples must join in a love-league lo Hold up the standard of peace and fair-play, And boycott the country that eaten to intrigue. I ntil she shall learn the "Mole excellent way;" t ntil she-discovers that (,lod is above her, And scorning His favor is courting decay. Wliv must men be marched out to light for _thu iioauv And riot rather wiest from the war-dogs a corner Where crime can he kept out and peace may abide? Where crime can be throttled and battleships bottled, And bullies be handcuffed, whatever betide? The light of tho jingoes to ravage the water, And ruin our commerce and kill our kin, Can never be granted; but carnage and slaughter In war is but sorry revenge for the sin; llut hard compensation to dare a daft nation, i And sacrifice thousands more-—losing to win. The better of vengeance is waving a farewell, And crowning the cruel with live coals of love; - A serpent in wisdom to leaiv the raised cjidgel; No fangs though for any—in spirit a dove. No venom-tipped missies are mustered, nor whistles 1 he death-shrieking shell by the leguers of love, Yes crowning the cruel with live coals of kindness Is keeping good counsel—the owed of the King; llut braving the war-path betoken* nf blindness, And, tliat thou condemnest, thou dost the same thing: All that- thou condemnest, the gas-mixing chemist, And all that is cruel the war-path will bring. : RED CROSS HOLDS BUSINESS MEETING ii " i As it hail been announced in the M Enterprise tHe Martin ' ounty Ited i Crossi . chupter had it saiiuuu nu:et i inn: in the rooms of the Lotus 'l nl> . at eleven o'clock Friday morning. I There were very few members present but much business wu sat tended to uud a Hull Call chairman was up i" pointed for. the Red Cross Koll ('all •i for 1921. •e It was decided ol pay some outstand •1 ir»K bills against the Homo Coming committee and guarantors for the Home Coming celebration given the d returned world-war heroes on Arm r istice Day oj I ( JI9. The I'uhds ou i hand amounted to $75.00 and the bill r to be paid ju.->t a littli* 11101% than thai b amount. A satisfactory arrangement was made with the creditors and all debts will be paid in a few days and d a.balance left in the treasury of 1 for local charity. If at any time tbeie t is any one in need and souu* one will ) report it to the Red Cross, assistance •' will lie given them gladly, 'lbis ap plies to the whole county and is not limited to Williainston only. I Mrs. J S. (ietsinger was appointed II chairman of the |{ed ('loss Koll Call 0 for 1921. Wi! are a little late in get ting started in the drive and any as sistance that you can give her will In 1 a great 'help in rounding up the drive in a few days. As soon as the sup I plies are received a whirlwind cam paign will l>e waged. Last year If>o J members renewed their membership and one-half- the money received w sent in to National headquarters artd the rest kept in the local tn-usury. We hope to increase the funds for > 4 local charity through this drive so re it member that one half goes to the Nu 'i tional work and onehalf to the local work for charity and that we cannot ii' afford not to have some kind of a charity organization in the county and the Red Cross is the only one that we have. ''Ho pay your dollar and renew your membership in the Red Cross. K v NOTICE TAXPAYERS s- A discount of , J per cent will be te given to all who pay their taxes be- I- fore December first. All wishing to a- avail themselves of this opportunity te must pay during November) H. T. ROBERBON, Sheriff. J. ■ '. I ■ ' » 111 1 " "o NOTICE J. G. Staton's gin will gin on Mon days and Thursday*, starting Novem ber 14th. 1921. Fj N. P. DANIEI S, Mgr. VISIT THE "LAND OF EVERLASTING RAIN' Mr. John H. Miielle and Mr M II Kd wards ivturned from a vi.sit to Mo reheat I and Beaufort las'. week While there the yvisited the "Land o 1 liverlastmg Kain," which is aboir . miles from Heaufoit. The i|toi i about the sue of an average lhiudiinji house and is in u llat huckleberry laud and in the middle of tin- (dine ils a bliek gum. The discovery wa sn ade aboi t two months ago by a ho> who was hunt ing aii.l found this [dace wet and all n't hi , was dry ami parched hind. l!i l ioke! u pnd disciwo-l that lair wa- YulU-jt Ihe scene was so that he brimful other* to so- it and since that li i ; tlousand* have eiMted the >i I'i.i iain nine be seen a>d felt at a i tiimjs- and f.' ih' i.ll a|i|ii'aianei r nl'i vier in b gl.t fair weathei tjiun in i yudy, rato ' weuthei u> 1 *nib 'L »'i.s all the I * "io i> « ghl llidi th_* i i unil ab- .r.H it nr d'le it up as fast an it falls, and it look to be only a spot where the leave-- grass anil the ground- if wot all the tim efrom a constant rain. So fai no solution to this freak of nature has bee/i given. t'HI Ht ll OF TilK ADVENT Hev. Wultrr H. Clark, priest-in-chargc Thanksgiving service: Morning prayer,, sermon and Holy Communion, 1'1;00 A. M. In keepink with the cus tom throughout the'slat® ami in the xpirit of tha day, the offerings will Ibe given to an orphanage—in this case, the Thompson orphanage at Charlotte. "In asm uch as ye did it." No service Sunday, the 27th, except the Church .School. Other matters of interest: Annual parish meeting to be held Monday evening, Dec. 6th, 7:30 I'. M. ,Bishop Darst will visit the parish December 6th and Bth and Hamilton December 7th. The Rev. Fred B. Drane Archdeacon of Alaska will tell of his work in Alaska at the Sunday evening servici December 18th. VOTICE: I HAVE TWO WHITE and black spotted hogs in my lot, marked swallow fork and underbit in each ear and uM black hog. marked split in the right ear. The owner of itame will pleaa* call for them and pay expenses. J. Frank Hritton, at Wheeler Martin Farm. 4w 8t) BSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE IV YOU WANT QUICK it RESULTS USB A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1891 30OTH ANNIVERSARY OF THANKSGIVING For three hundred years the Amn ican people have observed a day of thanks each year. This custom was bom in the hearts of Christian peo ple who felt tl.c ncsd to Jay aside all work and caro for one lay and earnest ly s.nd humbly thank God for the bits si.igs of life We should remember that our fore t'avhers th»ak»i God for blefainge al 'huiiy bestowed and that is vhet v« shi uld do Instead of praying for more of th* blessings of life. We hear peo ple too often oraying- for more an 4 >et not givin gthanks for ,iait bles sings. At this particular season we should pcihape be praying more for vision to live mora osberly and sensibly this \ear than we have for auiiy yeare pari. We have been prone in the few years to forget Uiat the blessinjfs \rv have received have not !, « n tnfts of Cod but the fruits of our \vn efforts and that we sheuld not give the glory to any Infinite powik Hut in the last year we have been taught more of a lesson and lived closer to each other ani to God than for some time past. Overflowing l>arn_s and rich store house.-i are more apt to do us harm thun to do us good unless we accept them in the right spirit. This Thanksgiving day let as ..bow—mito Cod our thttjik* by help- i"K' the fatherless ami motherless children of our state amt land by Klvinß forth the fruits of unit day'* labor. There will he union services of the Baptist, Methodist and Christian churches at the Methodist church with Rev. A. Joy Tie i' preach in*. Also sen-ices ut the Eplscopa lchurch with Rev. Walter B. dark conducting 1 the service. y TIIK SPELLING CONTEST Hepr>sentatiyts from Itobersoiiville and Williamston schools met at tho school building here on Saturday at three o'clock to compete in tlx Mar tin county spelling contest. Supt. M. J. Daviti conducted the contest. He gave «>'>• hundred words from the fifth grade section of th* New World Spelling Book. Mr. Da vis decided to give words from this section so that the ones from th® fifth (Trades gf the two schools might have a fair show. - The names of the contestants and the number of words mi.stied by each ai» given below: Margaret Joyner, 7tJ> grade, son*. Trulah Ward Page, 7th grades one. Lucille Hai.sell, 7th griftte., two. Lillio Mae Gray, 6th grade, »i*ht. Darrell Price, 6th grade, ten. * Nelli*; James, 7th grade, eighteen. Murjdrie Roebuck, sth grude twenty Margaret Joyner and Trulah Ward Page will represent Martin county at the State Teachers' Assembly which will meet in Raleigh during the Thanksgiving holidays. F/VA PEEL, Secretary. lUVF VOU PAID YOUR DOCTUft AMI DENTIST? Resolution* were recently jiasssd ty the medical society of Pitt, Edge combe, lieaufort, liieene, Lenoir aad Martin to prepare a bad pay list by December 16th. You are urged to set tle your account before that date and keep your name off the list. Thin iloeh not apply of to patient* on the charty list. The above does not give you any »xcu*e for waiting until after Decent* ber 16th. The' Old custom of waitiAg to pay your doctor until all other I.lls have been paid hould he alMilisbed. Signed: Mai tin County Medical Society. NOTICE OF SALE . Under and by virtue o fths pevw uf sale contained in that certain deed, of trust executed by Riley WHUAbm and wife to the undersigned trustee and bearin gdate of March Ut, ltltf, and of record in book J-l, page 878 of the Martin County public registry, said deed of trust having been given to secure payment of certala natal of even date therewith, and the terms and conditions therein contained not kav- Ing been complied with ,and at the request of the holders of said note*, the undersigned trustee, on Thursday, the 24th day of November 1921, at w o'clock A. M., at the Court house deoi of Hamilton, N. C., offer for sale at public auction ,to the hi(hast bid4st for cash, the following described prop erty, to wit: t All that certain tract of, land lying situated and being in the sounty of Martin,, State of North Carolina, aad being share No. 4, of the J. J. Wil liams' tract of land, bounded by J. S- Williams, Wilson Eborn, aad etl|g», containing M mi«s, more or lea*. This the Mtii day ef October, ltgt T. B. SLADE, JB., Trusted 1 *

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