Advertisers Will Find Our Coiumm a Latch Key to 1300 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII -NUMBER 91 Hamilton and Kobersonville / Protest Against Good Roads j At the meating ot' the boa ril I .eld on the :50th of November, B|>(W> v "Vo k tjuest, the matter of Kcaufuaf and Halilax"ijro ' were coiit.iiucd un til the rogulai' -MMAM u" day, DeuMiber Mr. Clayton asked V stafltinhe Which Ml. R W Sulsbury petition from citizens of Hamilton-, Cjjggl Nest | ar.d Poplar Point U>>\nidMfhi #® each of the propo. t was quite a large W>t c ; to these petitions and iMI Mr. Sal.--- . tiuiy bad explained the pot-ition oi ; the petitioners considerable earnestness, Mr. # l H Kobe r son, Jr., of Uoirc i sonvi.le presented a consult • ■lUiiUt. yUltniler of people from. K ijje' -1 sonwlle townsFip wlil&i, >vit- j iin' pressed by either Mr. It n; ii-»oi,J or his delegation and after t was! mora thoroughly discussed th" eitiu V'!i nation, except a wry- few -wined Ui rt.ti.dlV> ttll* active oin»> :l ! .-n to either vf the road.-, and a•• • •• ;•«' j tile (it. pie of the entire cuui.lN will! t' •. titis board of 1 ■ tni.-.-i .ne, -. lor iheir ourage and k'.n\vlc ib-v ol ".be; ' it Otis of their peopl \ • 'lnc ground upon oh il ■ wu le fight Mttged was ' l.' ■ ' »n ►'furiJ | Ous «»iie h»t ( ' to m \uc ■ I' r>j M WWli'tnahta hatred when mec. •!•> r-itj :'int thut iJfmoiM y ' —vee > ——w '" i. they ii. t-I -I in.mi tlu'j tn:.c# t*.ey urj ; aid f " 1 NOTICE Oi Itl'X l.l\ Kl.'S > ; to "» ot i' » CMiU rt'»l o i lii' ! will day of No 'lbe I I 1, b> ' ' '•CI. W. Connjudge «»f the supenm i.1.i1, in that certain tanse pending ii ilic t outt of \4*uU \ cuun-j iy er*UtU*l: M iJ«a' >ll. *i« t i.« \ li • ~ OJL el . \ • i»i ir.ele Man . i f ai;■! AI i)t u' t,. • ■ *, 'iiny the un j dersigned receivers will on Thuisoay j 22ml .day of December 1 921, ai f Uto o'clock M., in li e town oi i'ai \3Hjn |e N't'., sell at public auction to jHe liigbi t bithler lor cash the fob ~ iov,'ini'. lea land personal plopert) That ceTtain lot and ston- bail4»aw« situate in the towil of I'arinele, N. t now occupied by tin; Fai'mele Mlr. and Company and purchased ii\ aid company in ltflU Iroin '•£• o. Junius and being the idWilical propei | iv \\iiei"on tht! said company bas ,-on iluco"i a general automobile, gal age and ii |.. hi business. .VI .o a!, ti.f ci,.. L- -nilill buildiiiL'.- consisting prni cipad> of autoniobilos, nuuhinery, ac- I ces oi ics and usual stock carried in is geaeial autoiutjbib' and KUtaiM' bu. | inesn. Also ll other sUick, reul inn | pel ,onal piopeit> belonging to s-tid cm j)*' i ion. I his sale will U: made on tin" j.iem of the 'l'arini lr M ftc- and Motoi J ('on.paiiy and the said sale wij lie inadt* • object to continuation by lie co u i-t. W. A. DAUDf.S, li. ,S. I'KKI.H, Kocevt'i K. ltlount. J. K. Uoyt's Mid-Winter Sab -tarts] Thursday, December Mb. , NOIHK Ila\tng 't|UUlified as adniim Uati x of the estate «»f R K. l.iUey, late,of Martin County, N. C., nil pnrst in *n tlelited to sauJjFslate are linreb/ no tified to comr reward and >uttie at once All holding ila ins aiaiin-t sard esSlt will pre-scnt same for payment on or before the 2-th • 1m N of Oct., 1922, or thi sno'.ice wil be plead in bar of their recovery. This October /Bth, 1921. H VITJF. I- 1.1 LI-iJY, Atl"sini« Matrix. Don't forget the great >i.dwintei sale at J. K. Hoyt's, of Washington starts December Hl-h. STRAND — -THEATHE . i —THCPSDAY— A Win. Dt MlMe Special— ' MVFKV WOMAN KNOWS" 20c and f -10, —FRIDAY— Jimmy Aubrey in "The Riot" CLYDK COOK in a rip-»n«rlm« T«w 1M Comely —. "Y F.I.LOW ARM."—Kpit«le I —SATURDAY— V* M*riGHAK in QUEST OF HIS ~-f ' c, y.TH * 41 »e hin?; I mils" —Kpi»odf > ,|ier t'ifc tv-o Super-Ppec- J IflU dt 40c ——— THE ENTERPRISK GIFTS FOR WOUNDED ] AND SICK_ SOLDIERS A story is told of a man who had a substitute in .the Civil War and thai long alterwards some ladies who iver. decorating the graves of tin- heroes buried in a cemetery found this, man* weeping bitterly over a grave, t.. lady touched him gently and asked, i "Is it your lirnther 'buried .then??" ! lSetween his sobs, the man said softlv j "No, he was dearer than inv bro trt.i lie was my substitute; he died (tu me." In Oteen and Krnilworth Hospital; ; there are about 1,500 sick and wound r eil—lilieii» i who ,went to wa i as our substitutes that we might li\ I i ufrw'doni, safety and peace. The;, I are our substitutes, your substitute. | my substitutes.' They an.* sick; thoj jure oftentinies lonely; far from home I and loved ones; removed from tin scenes of activitv and pleasure; .somi times homesick for motlu-r, wife, Inv. Ed ones. They need your cheer, youi encouragement your appreciation, i your love. How can you express to your sub-' | stitute your love, your gratitude ami Mppiociation for the service he ren- I li I'M J'dU -tht 1 Niwi Ifti'i' )li wiade ? F The North Carolina Ilaraca I'hila /the* Union has been asked by tin i r-ommaii litig Officers .and Red Cros at |>oth Hospitals tn»help theiu will the for »fto patients at tl.i two U S I'ublic Healh Service Ho.- ! pitals. Each man will be given a fill etl stocking, a Christmas package oi some money to purchase a gift oi flowers. Such gifts may be sal'et; razors, poekut knives, neck ties,-hand j kerchiefs, hot water bottles,* butt l'ulies sockiC ,-weaters, stockings o« bag, made .of colored nlosi|uito m ting and filled with nuts candy, rais ins, frylt and small gifts; decorations for the Christmas trees'and colored crope paper yr decorating the wards- T?iitries IrTi amusing the hoys. Nuts, cany, fruit, cukes gaii.»s and monej to buy (lowers and gifts will be highly appropriate and appreciat ed. I I'lea. e send the art icles at Itva; I ; I week'before Chrstmas, if possible, It. | Mrs. N. lluckne; , Asln-ville, N. C.. 'who will see that they are taken I. tin* Hospitals Jin iliriveil out. Remember the 1,5(M1 sick boy- arc our substitutes a)i?( seiiiLtliem a re innnli'i' of youi appreciation of t!it*i j valiant service rendered for you. ' Yours for service, MRS. N. IHJCKNER, General Secretary SAI.K AT HOYT'S ItlC STORK j The mid-winter sale at J. K. Hoyt'.- i begins Thursday, 1 '• -c. Hth, with some . of the most attractive bargains evei j offered by a Washington or an Fast j eru (Carolina store. The entire stock j will be reduced to first cost. NOTICE OF SAI.K I nder and by virtue of the powei !oi sale contained in a certain deed ol trust executed to me the undersigned trusUv by Jessie William and wife Cora Williams on the 14th day ol June, 1920, said deed of trust beini i of record in public registiy of Mm • j*tin county in book 11-l,l l -l, page 234, am ' the stipulations in Silid deed of" tins | not huvihg been complied with and a ' j the request of the holder of said m ; secured by said deed of trust I wil J ! expose to public sale in front of t ! court house door in WilliamsUin Nortl ■ j Carolina on tlfti 17th day of Decombei j 1921, at 12 o'clock M. for cash to tin i 1 highest bidder the following described real etsate: Beginning at a maple in a branch ' John A. Bennett and Columbus Wil Hams' corner and running along sab ; line north 73'T-2" tt drains -to--t* stake corner of lot No. 8, thence alon(.' the line of lot No. 8 S 35 W 41.2f | chains to the cornr.r Of. lot No. 8. in a branch; thenoe up the run of sail , branch to the beginning containing j 17 1-2 acres moi-e or less.- This 17th day of November, 192K WHEELER MARTIN Trustee NOTICE OF SAI.K I, Notice is hereby given tab tthe nn j dersigned administrator of Ira L. I'eed | deceased will on Monday the 19th day . of Decern tier, 1921,, at 11 o'clock A M. at the residence?, o fthe late Ira L Peed, fleceasetl, near llurrough', | School House, offer at public salef to i the highest bidder for cash the foi i lowing personal property, to wit: A I—Uhe iarming implements ()f..ev ery kind and de^^ntidn. One Lot of co^^B one lot Williamston, Martin County- North Carolina, Tuesday, December 6th, 1921 ! REGULAR SESSION RECORDERS COURT The RiVordtr's Court 'conve»ed ii. 1 Novembei 29th, 192 1, '.' it'i 0 difi. SiniGl presiding and I! I.'. C itcbei ! prosecuting. The following cases neie di-noeii of; Stale vs. II (' linger on, it au>. act unag lienor. Plead •i• 111 v J'i icci lor judgment. Coetinu."! till iln first Tuesday in December I'rj. 1 , u, o. , payment of costs of Ibe action an entering into bond in the sinn el to show that he litis ..ot ufactureil, bought, sold, bunk . otherwise dealt iu' intoxicatitii; 'i ;iioi State vsrJames Kll lob row ejti 1. Ib: Killebrew. Affray. The defe ..I n Jas. Killebrew plead guil'v. l.ula Killebrew pleatl not guilty. I'olend ant Jas KilleblVW sentenced to -un it;, jail for the term of one day and • itM u ed with Uie cojjt - State vs. (iabricTTe Ah sault. (iuilty. Fined Jflo.OCl and tht costs. State vs. John Stokes. Abandon merit. I'lead not guilty, t pon heai ing the evidence in the case the i.un adjudges that l.e is guilty. Sentence' to jail for the term of nine month, to Im* assign etl to the county roads ol Edgecombe county, i State vs. 1' II Cotfiehl. Carrying concealed weapon. I'lead not guilty After eliarmg the evidence in tin case the court found him guilty. Fined $50.00 and the cost.-, of the ac tion. State \s. 1' II Coffield. Driving auto while intoxicated. Verdict oi the court was that defendant wa guilty of driving an automobile at :u| unlawful rate of ,-peed but not ilf-'i' toxicated. Fined $50.00 and costs. PRKMM'M LIST (Continu«sl from last i.suel Dept. ll.—Swine Dli roc Jers*-*, Pure llred 'Class Ibizc I. .1 .1 Rolierson, boar, 2 year- I 5. J S Whitley, lioar, lined li ir.. I Sows , 10. J S Whitley, sow, under fi mo. 1 12. .r S Whitley, breeder young herd ... * 1 14. J S Whitley, get of sire—, • 1 15. .1 S Whitley, produce of .lain 1 Hampshire Pure Itrcd 4.T .1 D Itiggs, boar, 2 years' l.'l. l-'red ( heson, boar, 'J year- Sow ol .1 D Higg-i, ti inns 51. Mt. Mo ;iaS Farm, liaftleb'.r i ' . 52. -f D lligg?, u7iiTi*i~T. UTiV" 50 .1 11 Itiggs, ie( of sire i- Poland ' ( haiiia—Pure llrecl lil. Wartl 4; Ward, boar 2 yen t I 55. J Haywood ItQgers-, IK ihih, - ; (!7. J 11 Rogers, tf mos. f!K. .1 H llogel s, uudei (1 iiio- . I Sow s lit). Ward At Ward, 2 yrs. , ~~t~~ 72. Ward & Ward, > ino,. I • 72. Ward & W'aijl, ti inos. ( b«.S|er Whiles—Pure ISmi SH (leo II I.\ons, boar, 2y i ■ 1 Sow '.1.'1. O V Kanier, (> nio . . Dept. .I—l'ruits and Vegeliibli's v 1. Virginia Taylor, peaches I ■2. MVs J 1. Ilassell, pears 't Mrs. I. T Waters, hucklebei i i . 1 ;. Mis.-, I mily Whitley, b'n k berries li. Mrs Louis Peel, apple* r Miss Blanche Everett, soii'i en ture ~ . . 1 0. Miss Emily Nfr'hitley, toin-itni i 1 10. Mrs .1 T Ross, swv>et pot . ; I.' .ilrs E C Stone, baby beet' 1 t r i .Miss Emily Whitley, corn 1 1 * Emily Whitley,, litm ben..- lh. Mi.ts Emily Whitley, Engi'-sli J't.M! I V, . i 1 Ross, okra "'). Mrs W J Hodges, piment i ; ep pers ■/■ 1 Preserves 21. Mrs H C Creen, peach I 22. Mini. H C Crt*;n, pear v 25. Mrs H C Green, waten'f oil ►" rind ■ T-.- — L Jam* 27. Miss Emily Whitley, peafh , I i '!8. Miss Emily Whitley, plun I 2'.'. Mrs R E Early, npple marma lade 1 I! 0 Miss Emllv W'liitleq, black l.e iy 1 34. Miss Emily Whiilej- pear 1 ? 35. Mis Blanche Everett, fig Vegetables and Fruit Pick'e-t 37. Miss Emily Whi ley, cucun.nei- . 38. Mrs W H Edwordh, slice i to I uiato ..... • 1 I 39. Mrs .1 C. » 4-1. .MLss Blanchp Eveiv'tt, pe ir. , sweet .! * o 42. Mrs W H Edward v tlyateir.el. '• on rinri j 43. Mrs W J Hodg'"* spiced grapes 1 .... ■ ITo B« Continued,) When a merchant adveitises bis ov.n goods he expects to hr : ng penpb ; '.o I town. He is not Belfish. He knttw piat. others will get part of the bei, £ i u : Local News and personal Mention Mr. K H Robinson of Augu ia, i;:., spent the weekend in town witu Mis. kobcinson who in heio vis.ting nor mother, Mr*. ; A Johnson. • » ♦ • Dr. .1 D Hill's will lease in llie liiol'lUHk for .Suffolk to attend a iKVt ing of the Board of Direi tors ul the IVnnut Exchange. Mr. Baxt eit arson of Bethel was n> town Monday for a few hour-. ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. 1) 1) tSalls aiuioii iie I tn ehirth of a daughter, Monday, Dei. 6th. *■ * * • Mrs. Elizabeth Woodhousii i. . i it ing friends in Dardrtis for a feu days » » • • ' One thousand dollars to ho given a »va.y by the merchants of VViUltrmsMnrr Watch for the ad in Friday'* issue tolling how it will be doilu. » 111 shop and Mrs. 'lTios. ('. Durst of Wilmington are the guoat. of Mr. and Mrs. .1 (I. Stat (Hi thirf week. » • • ♦ Mr. Ceo Hunch who has in the employ of Boyle-Robertson Construc tion Company on the Roiuiottc Rivei Bridge was removing inform from the I conciete pier last we«|k, dnopped it anil it foil on him anil brirtsed anil mushed him considerably. 1 t t s SIOOO.OO cash to Riven away. Look for the merchiuty's ad Friday, I>cc. 'Jth. •» • » • 4 A E Smith and J. li. Rolteison, Jr., of Robe rsonvi lie w«re in town Mornl i> -■ . * * » i W Stuhbs left Suiulu) mornl ing for Raleigh to attend the special session of the Legislature which |»*- gins today. • • • • Mrs. V F Apfel left yesterday for kto spend a ftv days at til"' Monticello, Mr. and Mrs. Roliert llogart. .. . ed from Daytona, Florida Saturday, byway of W!TTT(Wns»(lt* Tlwy lH,| for their home in Washington Sun day afternoon Messrs. I 1 L and It W Sal >burv. Frank iliidstone, liill llni.J.ipt Pal Davenport, Harry Waldo and Dr. It I I />i>k of Hamilton wore i ntown yes ,inla\ on business. 'V ' , Representative "Clay ton —Miwn- —tei— yesterday for Raleigh to-attend . ■ pecial session id the I .eg Mature. Miss Mary Smith spent the week end, in Plymouth'with her parent « * • • M ssos Jcssii! Peel ulid Moilie llel I, Jenkins spent the wei'kwiif \vl lll M. - and Mrs. I I Holli.fay at 0 0 0 9 Mr. llymaii Wane* of Rober.sou ville was a business visitor licit* Mmi day. . 0 • • * Mr. J ■ (iodurd left Friday toi Starr, N to attend to business From then* he went to Norfolk 1"' n few days. Ml . J. I. Pope went te N..1 folk Sunday. • • • • Mr. Jno N. Hopkins was in town yesterday. » » • • Mr*. H M N'eveille of Weldon is visiting he) sister, Mrs. It W Hardy and Mr. Hard? at their home on Haugton stre-t. • • • • Friends id' Mrs. Wlvelrr Martin .Jr, wil I regret to know that sin- is if! at her home. Mr. ,and Mrs Cly'lk; Anderson an now occupying room.; at the llapi' parsonage, ♦ * r * *■ The D'Ksta Kliode* ompany «»> Entertainers will begin a three day' engagement at the (iraded School au ditoriufn on December Bth. This com puny. ,was here last year and m'adi a very favorable impression on al those who attended. It is strictly re fined throughout and the program ate very instructive and cultural, am is well worth the money. »-» » » Miss Estelle Crawford spent. Sat unlay - and Kuhtluy— m town with U parents, Mr. and Mr.?. J (' Crawford ( 1 \ftm RI.AIOL EXl'iodfk* Yesterday, Mi Robert lb-i s "its en'ine when the cat'bu l e#ator lack tir.i. ano a bud of (ire ' .ii ( ut and ftruck Mr. t : i, n ,f?i burn- of !iis, f .ico tie ii jury inilni'e'.' *«j »•'' .I> i soma f'.ne hut nut ver,. i-er- SUlfiiUlßE TO THE ENTERPRISE J '. ' I ■ ' / DR. SAUNDERS ELECTED PRESIDENT OF SOCIETY The annual me*>tinK of the Me Ilea Society of the Second North Carolina District was held in* the town ot Oivenville last Thurstlay I lu Society -was the truest of the IM. County Medical Society. The n injf took place in the Rotary huihlin; at 7:110 o'clock with li!. r > physiciain and surgeons present from ilitiv-i n sections of the State. 'The meeting was presided over by Dr. John C Ko man of Washington, the pre-ident Slioit addresses were made In tin following well-known (mysiciuns: In Hubert A Koyster, president ni Stat eMedifal Society ; Dr. I. 1! Mc- Hruyer, of tlu' State Sanitorium for Tuberculosis; Dr. 11 W Carter of Washington; Dr. Unlit. Jones of New Item; Dr. H W Dixon of Ayilen; Dr. W T Htil'ttroM' of stoii' unTT DT'.";t M M*uuiuiJ4~.uJi i _J.luXi J ham. The Society then hail the annual election of oll'u'ei , for the ensuing jear and Dr .1 II Saundt i . was lion ored With the ottlce of President ami Dr. A M Sliult7. of w:i made Secretary. The next meeting i. to be held in New Hern, liui the t inl and date has not yet been sot. The Second District nii-braci's tin counties of Martin, Heaufot. Pitt Lenoir, ('raven, Carteret Jones, Pant lien, Hertford and Hertie. . The fol lowing physicians attended tin- meet ing from here; Drs. J ,S Kltoile , It T~ Volk, \\ F Wanvil and .1 II Sam. dels. IT TO DATE STILL t AITI ItFl> Tin- most, up to date still ever cap tured in this county wa staken Sun day morning by Slierilf Koberson, Deputy J. T. Fdniontlsoit, and Cliiuf Page in the extreme western end of the county. The plant consisted of a good . 7fi gallon still, a boiler,- a heating plant, sugar, 'meal, malt and such otlioi things us are needed in the manufac ture of liquor. There was no one tit the still, al though it hud U'on run during .the night. was locuted about L'tif yards from the county road near tin old Coburu place about two miles northwest of Pannele.- It is generiilU believed in that section that the real owners of tlie plant are pjumiiient parties of Bethel but tha tit was be ing operutod by negroes. FARM BLRFAF THANKS W\K i ] The following letter was recent Ij i sent to Hon. .It. S. Ward: | Hon. Hallett II Ward, House of Representative*, Dnshingtofi, D C., Dear Sir; -The American Farm Bureau Fedeiution wishes tf> express -tfrr^"n7Tpix^ratinrr-ot ; .--fa rmf*m IW-y-M+i iupport of the 50 per cent surtax pro vision of the tax bill. Our farmers are confident that then representatives realize the importance of considering thesi- i|iieslion . fioi , the fanner's viewpoint and that le. united action they (Hit greully ha. ten the rot urn of .t more happy it uatiou in the farm communities anil thereby restore national prospeiitv moiv quickly. Assuring you of our wishes, I am Very truly jours, American Farm Bureau Feilenityr (Signed) (ilav Silver (Signed) *«KAN SUA EP Washington, D '., Nov. 2f>, I'r.'l ARM HURT IN PLANKI Mr. Thomas Peed of Williams town ship had misfortune to get. his arm badly hurt in a planer ut Rocky Mount last week and no already U - ing a one-arm man it renders Into helpless. He in some way yo! > n tangled in a belt. MORTGAGEE SALE I rider and li ( v virtue of .the powet conferred on us in a ccitain chattel mortgage, we will sell at public auc tion for cash on Saturday, Dec. 17, 1921, ut twelve oclock M. in front «»( the Planters urnl Merchunts Hunk ut ut Fyerett, N the following prop erty to wit: One sfiw mill, "outfit complete, eon nisting of one sixty horse boiler one ffirty horse engine, saw mill shingh mill, saws, carriage belts pulleys, and everything complete ready for assem bliugfully descrilieil" in thi* said moil - This property is new and bus never been set upt v This properhfP call he bought n(-pri vate sa)V. . I J. S. AVrtlS K- CO., Mortgagee. WANTF: SALESMAN WITH CAR to call on Healers with a low pricCil 6,000 mile fabric and 10,000 mile co-d tire, floo.oo a w»ek with extra con missions. Universal Tirw and lOibU'r r Co., Michigan City, Indiana. H i • _ ._ ; • . County C>olll missioncrjs Hold MoiHiiiy -Mooting BUY YOUR RED IKGSb CHRISTMAS SEALS MM Nol 11 I i n-ulMil I t|uuiii'i "i the .Si' 11 i L cull! ,|: A ■II:tI >•■ 11 11 i.. t containing inn t'hii t>•... will In' mailt'if i,. .i ii Nul til l 'al niiiia t«\ the seal.-, i a let hi 11 1,11 recipient I" |iiuvi..i > i,.' seal.'- M iit at t l ll1■ -c, m i ... i that till' tifclit ~r ii;i ; . . ma> lit' wai'r.l nr. ' . Is'ttl'l-- ail' : vlll I'll! t.. coniiiuiiutie: in s\ In. h tin s ■ lias tin local ell j Ceipt leceiseil I I i'li'. tin' i . . - in,,," ui i... i ■ A".aoclatum, a 11i I.>\\ 'i I'llaii maii 11, iT, i . . ui ili, |n'l whl nj tin' ii ; iii tluit i (•.•urn u.,.t i. i 1 In.ii- MM U \\ 11 i i., ; .. floin t lie n aii ~ I le! t elation expert ■ l.i . 111; i■: . work, w hull, in I i.i* . |,i...■ lli.a i.l ui llii ni 1.. i iill|>>i taut pi.a , n (In- : campaign lln ei \i> e u till- ill e; ui lull. I I llii, i »v. -t-i riu Is, uliih' I ill \ an •i, _ -I:i'f.'! v. iIL 1111 .iii ii .- » II Vi IIS 11 \I • .11 III' I III' 11 il.\ .'I All \ I'll* not nicuiiif, .i Seals 'he 11•} i. ii anil u isluii)'; to anl m. ti i order rah iiii i-'i I 11 on, i Carolina Tuheieuh. i \ Sanatorium, N. '. ( \ri i ki: niKii i h i «>. i h shim: At till' sUHjjrstlon "I a ij |i.. (.h'puyt !': Illi• >lllloil's, hi' 11.i-i Koliel'siiii ami I'1In■ l' Ia: e i Nearcli I'm a "moon..liine i,u il„ ilas 11■ 111 ami linall;, I• ■ ■ 11,,1 it West I'll. I ol Main Ireel , In ii. tin l stiv'ttt with mi oiii' i!>;ii ii i rar contained a lli-ealhiii l|, . m I' . > 'l'lir ullicor-. .;i ia.jl tin h.ijiii.r .' lai ulinh was tin- piopeiii ..i V *•-. If r Wimi'.i 111, a i'i >ln 11,1 urrrn. - mail, like luanj othi* , ha ~ F , I ) in|; In|iiill all os it I In! rin.ui Ii UK t 1111 • anil till 1.1 Ii i ioil-semi 1.0 mans |«an .tin l ate oiii-. who lias i- , • i , lnsvlesi«ie;,r,. +t-hnrrbrnrsvnTTitr-rtTrl-t;'. .i i' * delivery of Inpon in VS' not i'all^lit ifp '.s it n. ,1 in travel |ii»'Uy lull' al nil; it .r keep under eosei i. ni.l1 1: .titv r ruus'i i >. \ i i - I lull I iilnl - h .11 1 ..i' ■ ■ .sale ■ eontami'il hi i - , ti u I 11 oni \\ II l\ in, Kilns, til lln limit i 1:1,1 ilali l In- :;'.»i!i ui 11. I-, ml. I 111 I I 101 l . ■•III. of l iu«l not hiiv-i.f be. !. with and al I lie I - ' | n ' tie einieeiiii'il, 11,, ■ :"i ;'i ti UsU'C ss il I eIT .it pn'i' ■ for ea li, Oil I 111 1 ..'ml •I i ~ i I'Jffi, at. IJ Mi o'i loi l. it I'. In I'i nut ol t in- loit' ui V. Uie following ile criheil ti.. ( rieiii lU-al ilia . to wit I ti'Ki nll i 11j* lit |■ 111 ■ i Culeli M iZelle line an.l I . corner, theiue \' t". lonjf James A H"Ker , hue I thence alf>nu saul di\eh lo a ion; pine, thence aluiif; Sophie II In a linhtsvoml toll, tin ne. '■> lony a line ol market] tic l>. . IfUin' ami a pinn in I ale!. M line, thence aloin; aleh M./. !! thence aJonV; Caleli Mi/i||. the beifinninjf, cuiitaiiiini; till, j arrert more or le This the 2nd das ol I »■■_. I' W. A.. lIAII I.V . 'I i . : lime, ''.", Jan. I'.i'.'.' i'lace; Hear iia. Terms: Cash. Notice i»f Adiuinistralin'- o I' i Konal I'ropeii> The. under idjneil ailniini-I i • W . T. Cohtirn, ilecea ed. ss. 111 puhlic auction to tin ;i';'Jll'. ' • for easli on" Wiilliesilas. ihe of Itecenilxl, at the 'ol 'i I W T C'obUlli, ih-cea i il, ill Jan tirwnship the following df -cnln >i>, i. Honal properly Ireloiirin flo t' • tatu i)f the late W T I olnjl n, 1 i nil, lo wit: _ Four (4)' in sih.■ , two .( 2) she ;i, * 1 curt M,' nshkoiih, mowing machine , .ail • tivatois an dall* houseltoW and liit.l chen furniture and fnrntinic nteu. and personal projieity helunj'iurr t, I "tho wtate-of-the-hrte W~.X Jj Jpt' I Thin -thi.' (lax j>f Doc. !!>•>?'■ i w. manning,-A.dminiiii..'. Ji'h* iierchant.or business*iruu3. i h'ai , adverti.seK is a booster and a hu'lii *. : ' , 7. II YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS.. USE. A. WAST Al) IN THK ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 189" • ■ 1- C. sth, i: J! I • ' - I Liu.- • . ■ . , • i I. I 1..' . . i!en:s ;• IV. !V4> n f i • : i)II J • [„ -tjjs rr- T- ... . ' X , ' TTTTT - ' i 1 r : ' 7 ll. :;; " : ' " 17 i" ...i a.:.... ; : ;... '.J .' ' !i - •«' s' * \ \l. . i . rVH.N A 'I ' , I .11 . II . . 1 ... •■! ~ ' ' - .•' " l I ; i• . ■ » ill •i! i! •: i t i>i tft t■: f; -( -f i ;;! li.. ■ " ■ I , I SI. I —r- I ■ 1 4 • ! ■ • ' m r .1 . * , i' . .If >r I- -;-if . ; ! : 1 I I" -• \l I 1 •; . t i As"i . in.- I ' . ..'iue a. .'V .ut i oil .1. eel. I . I . ' » '-iii 11 . . 'irn'i ■ , I ssill Mi l. ; I' ■ i ■ ~11 hoi * I . : I, -i. i' ■ lie., , . ' . • : : '!e ;.en!- i. t. i ■ '.. i:, I i I; V. (I. , the le t t . r iiu-iU- .i'i i in - mil" 1 , \orth • , ,11 !l-.S,ei, . .' ian.i ol' thy , I 7-i I acres more ~:l the land thttt i \ s*. !i:i. ah;, -nitere.-t 1: * i'■ toss li -lijp and he 'a , the ~- , land ili'ided by .the I (; \_ ■ i • ..a i ssiiV, Susan Sr '. r: ■■ a ,I|JA Ul. l ecentillg -file le i.'.nl i,' tin' .,■,I .1 I! Ase'rs as allot ted i. .ess- ai " • , he.| art follows: fi nr ;.t t • southwest corner (iii. ihe •h. •; i ,;;i, theiici) across tho # li;ii.liirjptefi road to tho en' I ol a 'l,!..'i v the tiedl-bcUuHti ih#>- I'.ilss ell'iiivr lion'. .1 out' no yards, thence .nimrtt ai'oiit I'.n ' to a stake in the *liei;n>.'nTinT The ttoiT?i?, thence- about - - svi't ahout '.'ii yards to the comer ofW A aiyl .J 15 Ayers, : thence about (It) yards W the begin- ' iiiii t;. hein nne acre or less so : i In include thij huiullfigJ imTouT | hourfwi. ■. This Ist'of Dec., 1921. H. W. nORERSQN, Sheriff x>f County Li" , ! ' .. '"i iiiL