Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 94 Dr. Biggs Bring* Good News For the Growers of Peanuts Dr. John D. Biggs has been iu Washington, D. C., this week with a comn it tee lroni the I'eanut Growers Exchange, hot on*' tl.o War Finance Corporation an tithe committee uc ceeded in making arinngrmpiits u deal direct with the Finance Corpor ation. ills means that the IVau Exchang"'' can Imhtow liioiiyy dime Finance Corporation and ii laigo amounts. Mr. McLean, tlu fliuilun.'i of the War Finance tor ,ratirii spurred Uu- committee Noli the Fx . h.ingo that the.* could ' n,ilion nollars and more if iu.crss\r\ It take; a tremendous amount in money la t i ante a pn>i>ositiot. of t'ii. kJi d tlticolin«*(tio'i i it. tie 'i ; nut Exchange upon an absolutely -aii and sound financial footing. 'lh« l'eanilt Excl.nngi has alii :- I; proved •! ability to h"lp tile giov I oi |M>'anuU berau-e it i - Keeping troi one mil on to a milieu and a i|aa, ie bags of po'iaul* off t'C market. A least five hundred tluni.-;ind. I;ag- w iu lih\i? beer forced upon t!v market' l u, for the Excliatigo lu ing able t.i I b i tb"m off i*wM i* lea. en.diK. to - a> j tha ttlie pi'i'C of the he.-t stmlc o peanut* n i>uM not lav lei n over I vi, (\ ,t , a pof.nd if tile, e ile *n -sell r>e! not bail lint been kept off I lie n iff I ket. I Dr. ItigC- ; ays in' can ' I e m i lirvs of the peanut exchange pi.sit v I as ur.mce of the -Hci i"- nf 11.' -il i f I I I fin Ibe belie M;t ! f i oopet',! v. m.'ike'ng of pear.'.il •' II hi iiigi gr a | help to net oiih ti;e faiiie'i - Itl't I innnbani- 0- well eml all «ln interested in seeine the .If >t i»iti'|e ot the f-mner promot'd an I .-ui'• « is l»e>-t for llf farmer i- '«•-! bo a all. . i lif. ii teiva w .. f It'- II gr- by nu If) 111 lied ,V'|M lie nf -J.r-'iat nteii-l ti our pear.'it people. Ii ' \ \. '!t a no. i' tlla 1 the farnie ri- iom, • '• li. own .' Oil ,a ti ail III" ti'i mnm . 1 e , nil' u. '-il b> bear aii tlie |»l • " hi peanut it • g.'iiir t > I"' 1 ' ' > boost ih', p . I' e ■ nf il.' hi. ii-s.fl lal ii i itei i t oiii fat in it should 11■ ri t us ait • know t not only i tie gnveinm iii puling u| money l,'i tlii Woi'd*- lijo-1 influent *1 bank, I.he X.iiional 't> I.nok--of v \ oik is l Lie W'. I lig •• I h ' 1 . . fnrmei - •e'ciiiL' ii|'.|>oi i an. ty t I gfaat tliee'i loan.-, to t il .' Ken tueky i'l ip of tiitiacco durai;.' th - . -xwii ——' —: 1 " I'he iv'H'ld lo.iv a \vi I! i.nte Uie ft ' tha tllle ni fill I e chang.'il n 11 - fai nu . - v ,11. lit.- nlbei folk-. -I tin ll' prill l art 111 a en- il.'e vay t H X KIT Mil l: IIIMIIIIFHIKKII) MI;El IN*. i'he ipaitcily li.eelllig of tile M..l'- ll i County l "uncil nl i ri. 11. met \\ dawstla 1 , with tin Hamilton N". 12. 'ia i.ill calf all an In Igc - oi Ihe C ouncil l''pn -eat. il tv eept tin* i and tlie allemlalicc ol \is itois a,-j ell Ul legale.*- Ha.- ihlge. I lie regular routine oi iju-mess Wa. ti ausaclC'i and .-evwral good talk- Aen made hy tlie 'oietlnea I he in xl meeting wil be held v\ a) the Kiibcisaiiviiie lodge tlie -ecom \N in Malta 19J2. tiarbeci'c c.iithcn, and many othe. ] ijo'xi thing- wi'ie bnUnteoUTdy ner\'«i« | the Co'unfrl by the Hamilton lo.lg't ami theii -families. The Cnariiable Hrotlrerhooil is ar organization known only in Fasten North Carolina, being organized ir. Ileaufoil County. Il ha.s tieen in op-, cration in Martin ounty for mort than fifteen years ami I,a- done i.-uch in chari'y and Konievliing in ip.-nr ance It put.-, the-loeitnigr- ir. with e'ach otiier and tendf to tl» ii gi a ral good. y . Mail Your Clii i -tnia- y l'acVage- l.aity - S T RAN I) —THEA T U K / , —MONDAY— Wii..Hon Churchill's most fa moos novel liramatizerl, favor ing ti .e chri.-ianity as opposed to lf'vioiis hypocrisy. . •Till. 'NSIIIE t)l THE ( I I"' As-k'tjloe who'.saw this at this Theatre October 18th. • j -~H5f-' ■ . ' and ' ——-- f»(ic . \ —TI'ESDAY.— 1 Wiliiairi- llrady':; Wonderful Mtflod lama "L I F E'» m^~~ r ancT" , 4iic . WEDNH6DAY— ANNOUNCED LATER THE WHAT ABOUT GROWERS OUTSIDE ASSOCIATION? Tobacco growers who ui e out ;vt the cooperative marckting as-oclatioi may have to haul their tobacco mam jlozens of miles to tirUl a market nox year,, according to information office of the cooperative association i Raleigh. During the last few days all sign-up records 11a\«• been i i en, ami at the present rate at whirr ihe growers aie joining the as-' tion indications there will not 1 enough tobacco on the outride to mail tain a single auction market in State. Warehouses in Ninth Carolina It is pointed out, will probably follow tht example of Kentucky and remain clo oil pending their being taken over h; the growers' >0 ranif at ion u i«»'»iv ing station . With th* "auction" system enliwl; eliminated, grower .soutside- the coop erativc* association run oil only t 'pinhookeis" and otlf>r speculator.' who will take advantage of th• tar ln« r who has no maikei within mil"' of hi t'nriil. With Virginia and S. nth Cnnd'ii |r11> ui' iw 111 K-il lip ,pliilK in the co opemtivf association, it will be a on— of a loii}' hunt f n :i i i|ket trrnWoi - who delay 'joiiriip; with thei' neighbors ill tin' iiioii in ul to ol># ;i I * hitter prices The 'V I - husines's uu 1 who ha\e stoyd >ut again, t tie eiow or .-' ale certain to feci th' effort - r>f lllri i att itudi' once tlie gin* or- get on tin i r fie tin ntieh ronpi r "ion. * hile the merchrnts and haot 4'l's With vjsiori,.-wlu. have Jumped dor mg the campaign, air expected t' roap mwards through increased trade 'roiii association member.-. In certain eetioii • groups ol grgow ■is linvo pioposed tn bina-ntt iMiflioig' I ystoiTs'liilt have been urged hv or lrani/.er ' to ' "'d off *i'• g.ivi' ucl> Ini me men time to -dudy 11;»• prop - »iit'on - more tlinioughlv, convince* 1 that if they do they \fil stand beliin thi' giower.s in their gigantic effort to luttei tile conditions III* rural lif• Mirough lietf.e rpro'.i f«r tohai'i •. V« . MAN IIK. \ lis sT; \lt(> \lf I» IKH 11 IKS |t)K I'll'-' I lie t annu'iVl I'ouv cntinT of tlie Vtabnai d Medical'Socii t; tame to an Cud ye torday jiftei nium follow ing the election of i>r. .lo cph I. Sijroull, i>f Sanitarium, N t.. as pros ideut for the coining v« u, an iltoui vice piesident:', a - a rretnl y and treasurer The members ol tin' sociiH went to Chesapi ake lleai Ii after ad Jouniiuent, where [tillv O'Keefe ' l*v ed one of In. fiimnii m-ter roast for tht;ir benefit. III'. Kproull succeed* I>r. K. S Taliaferro, of Norfolk. Ho whs fir vice-president of tin- 01 panizntlon tlii vicar nn«l by Iho .-vstem of advance •merit >-f~vTrp prudent* in vogu ei the .society, was Tlated for the pies idency. The other officers elected are First vice pre#do'nt, Dr. .lo>eph T Puxton, of Newport News; secont vice-president, Dr. W I. Warren, o' WiJ.liwn.Rton, N C„ third vice pjpsideni I)r. Cora Z. f7»nieniiii», of Sulfoll fourth Vice pjxssident, Dr. F T (into* of Manteo, N C„ treasurer,. Dr. Ceo A. Caton of New Hem. N C. ■( r elected I. fecrotnry, Dr Clarence Pot ter Jones, of Newport N"\v. , re-elect ed. TVtftv Horn waft chosen as the [>lac for the 1122 convention of the sOcietv —Virginian Pilot. t ni'KCH OF THB \D\ KM Ke\. Walter B. ( lark, l'jriisl-in-charg Service fii rthe fourth Sunday i> Ad\ei|t, December 2Ktli: Church School, 'J:la A M Ifarr. M. Stulibs, sUpti interna nt. Morning prayer and . i rniin, 11 :'M A ~M. Sentron -ilbject: "Kneinflf; and Allies." Evening prayer anil sermon, 7 P M. The Rev. Frederick lilouni Drane, "Fred Drane" to bis man; friends, AiVhdeacon of Alaska, will I the preacher at this service. , A cordial welcome to-all. SF.IIVKKS AT BAPTIST (TII KCB A. V. Joy'ler, Pastoi J»uniiy School, 9:tr, A. N.- I >r. I B CoiiC) Sup}. '.' • ' Sermon ibv pastor, 11 no A M li Y P l> 6i45 P. M. Sermon by the pastor, 7:.t0 p. M i Prayer Meeting, Wednesday even- I in?, 7 :30. , « Vou ate cordially irivited t•> attorn 1 ; ' nil th*se servicrs ■ -. •■* \ FOR SALE: DRV GOODS ANT Notions business, t'nod stock, rom' location in heart of town. Price, rea, sonable. Ownter. too old, wants to re tire. Address "F* care Enterprise. ENTERPRISE Williaingtnii, Martin County North Carolina, Friday, December 16th, 1921 COURT PROCEEDINGS Local News and ON TUESDAY, 13TH Personal Mention The following cases wore of on Tuesday of G>ui*t this week: State v*/ Kelly Moore, (jiovei Wynn and Daniel Mizaile.; and Receiving. Each of the above t..> fondants were found jruilty and wort sentenced to jail fur the teini of It months to bp hired out by the boar of county commissioner-' to pay thi costs of tho uetion. State vs. Willie Wynn. Assault with deadly weapon. Guilty. tenced to jail for thirty days and p:i the cost* of his board ami the cost of the action. State vs.- Charto W'liitlield. Far j eeny and Rereivinjr- Continued fo Statv vs. Chas Whitfield. Fiuven; and Receiving. Not a hil. ,State vs. I'aul .lame || d Henni) James. Not a true hill. State vs. Uiite.y. llou-> breaking and larceny and ivcpivnc Guilty. Sentenced to «»iinty jail tvv years to be hired out to J I Hnltoi for Ins kiM*p and traininir, the conn tv to have costs of the action. Stato v . Isaac Ani]>ey, Jr. Fan r of automobile for temporary use N'o Kuilty. In ca.'«s t> and lo l II Godwin for embezzlement, coytirtue under time bond. IAMFSMFi.i: n I:\is Mr. S W Ciimh. ami Mr. Saw cei from Coliinfhia vvihe business vo-ilor: here Thin .da\ . Mr. W tiiiixia of No'rtoll, \ a. \v a in town Thursday. Mr ami Mrs 1 1, Fden.s and .lit 11■ son, William Kllsvvorth, from Wash ilttftou were tin l niiests ol' Mis.-. Cat rip Fileies Sum lav afternoon. Mr K I' Johnson of Cris nville wa. in town hist week. Mi' 1. H Harrison was here Thins day- Mr. tr (' James itud Mr I It Stall of Fverctts were in town Friday oi a hunting trip Mr. N It M annint' win h. i. urday afti'rnoon. Mrs MolUo Ifc'lrl t'join Now Y"i is visiting relatives and frieii' 1 i town this week. Mr. and Mrs. (' A Ask»w, Mr W Martin. Mi\ Hindell Hamilton an Mr. I'earlie Mcudin inotorral to Wa h miftoii Friday on a Innines tiip. Mi ( lan'tice Moon* from I'oit; mouth v\ a s"m . town Momlay. Mi„_ajnl Mis. Mntininii"* an fhildri'l ulcere t lie i; lie tof Mr an. Mi"? *.' ll( Manmni' .Sunday. Ml. W U' wa-. a l.n 111. vikitor* in Greenville tin w«>!i. Mi W K Park, i ot W'tllia to was in .town Tu»^dav Mr t. A Crofton and Mi It of Rohersoiiv'ille wen- i to\mi Fiiday. Mr. and Mrs ,S T Jink >ll on.lor. to W'a>hin(fton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Muvo Mi:'..'lie, *li Itrown, Mr Mizelle nn Hon Robert s|M'iit Tuesday afti inon In Wasliih^txiii. Mrs. J W Dowdy of Kinif boro wa the Sliest of Mrs Wil Slallini>s m iiitfht. Misses Kliaabeth and Hesste Mi idle were m town Wednesday shop pitiK Mr. T K Cook of Kinston was i town yesterday. Tin- Young I'eople's Mirtsimiarv' So ciety held its monthly meetinK wit' Mrs. W II LilUiy on Wednesday even illfr. Tho mi present were lytejwlanic I' M Holliday, J M Jones, M c JacT son, and K H Anpe, Misses Neva Ho) liday, Fflie- llrovvn, iVatlie Jonep Filith StalltiK-s," Sadie and M\rtl Griffin, Carrie Kdens, and lilioilu IV-el The meetiiiK was called to order I the president,, Miss Fflie llrovvn, bo' olit and flew' btr inesj via tji'dh eil It was decided to (fet up a play I. tho purpose of irmwmris. Aft"i ti business se sion refresh' miait.s were served consisting o. cheekeii salad, saltine crackers an pickles, • The a.ljounie.l to m e with Mrs. W II I.illey Friday iiir) I after the second Sunday in Januaf' KARFY-IJANIKI. Mr. Edward William Kariy of I'a' tnyra and Miss Heatire Daniel of )n City uccompatiied by Mrs. (J I! Coun ;!cil ami N W Hyman of Oak City int tore to the residence of Rev. I. C Far kin of the Methndht church here 6 Wednesday. Mr. Farkin took the to tho Met)lwlist church when- i uiiitnd Miss Daniel and Mr. Faily ii marriage:* :Mr. Early ; is r the son o Mr. Joseph Early, a prominent fi mer of Goose Nest township, and Mi Early is the dauifhtor of Mr. and Mr Jno. T. Daniel of Oalt City After lli«i ceremony they jetinr. t othe f:o"in of the groom where the, wil I reside. Get your n*xt supply of coal from Eli Gurganus ft Son. Missej Maltha Slade Hasieli una art ha Cotton Crawler danced todu. from" Salem College to jpenJ tin. Christmas holidays with their-fum llies. Dr. Wn* 11. llarrcll of Norfolk expected to arrive toniuii ov. to sjjo some timwhere with hii.,mother Mis. Thijrpoii of Taibole is hvic visiting hoi son. Dr. J«!' VhiKpen an Airs at their home on Chuicl st 1 eet. Ml. ami Mrs. J W llight and son, lloyd, left je-sUuday I'm Greenville, lYniv. lor several months wfvie Mr. llijrht will bo in the tobacco business, • • • • Mr;. O T Carson, Mm I' M llolli day, Rhoda Fuel and Et'i Brown of Jiuiiesville vfeie Here shep pins \ i'tv>ida\ IA IMF AI.VRM U about el.-v ei o'clock some one calle .(thu tire de partment and end to Send the tin truck in a hurry The tire l«*ll \v.« rung and the (iiembei • of tho host Hi'part nit-lit were "Soon assembled am lie truck was on teh vvaj. They ha I mfonne.l tluit I In- t'ltv VV a a. tenant house on the lot of Mi. h peel and went there in double ijuici lime When tlu>y arrived there wa no tire in sight hut a man wu.i co>. in Rout of the house with a coa ..tove and they nut from him that iii lire had baeu in the stove but it wa all out by tlia ttinio so there wu nothing: left for them to do. Tin prncic.e was good for the company ii tlui case of the fiiv Thursday morn inc. snillE lII'KNED Ihe tire alarm was sounded .it twi o'idoek m-ter.lny ' morning; and th« Ire company responded v»-i-t)i umistia. promptness and were ver v mioii 01 the scene of the tire which proved t je th l ' little storu occupied by Henry Kwirtt, crrtwed, oh the, mil road nea th epower plant The building wa practically burned down before tin ilarin *as given tint the part tlia i,ad not al ready been birTnod wni juicklv eXtiiißuishedL. ah.(lhh:aco\ of alaska at EPISCOPAL III'Ki II ,\ ichdeacon Fre.leri. k Hlount Ihaii. if Alaska will preach lit the Cluircl of tlin Advent Sutidaj evening a I'Veti tliilt* .(.'clock Aiichdeacoi Drune, after six years of continuou. ierviee in Central Alaska, is spendiuj a tery busy furlough on the Atlanta Coast Almost ull We timo is heini given to active work in this and tin aeitflibni ink dioi 'ses, tillinjf the stio d' th« ihhmls and opportunities .Of th' Vlaska Misyon fields. Durinif his stay in William ton Archdeacon Minim will ho the ku#s> of, Mrs. Jus. fS Suiton and Mi>. S Roi#«' Hlkk*. J' UK. MEETING OF FARMERS TO 1 HE HELD THURSDAY There will lie n great meeting o( farrneis at the Court HOUH- in Wil liamston, Thursday, December 22n, at 2:fX> I'. M. Every farmer to comu. O. F. M'tCKARY, Di*t. Aift WIFI* YOF RECEIVE AN WIA, 1 - /SAVINGS CHECK? you receive u Christina Sav tngf Check for the ear 1921? If so, it wil llie coming to you in ih'i next few days for the Martin Countv S;>v irtgs and Tru t Company will mail out checks for over ijifiJitV"" thi. week to those who be|oni r to the . ltd htis year If you are'otie. o,l' tjie fortunate at far-seeing ones who will hav > son extra phi money for Christina it t of no uso for you to read the aiivei tiscment appearing in this i. u. i Tlie Enterprtee, but if you_ ate nr. • an.l»waiit to join the Christmas Sav ings club for 1922, find the adv 'rtiv ments and then "let your eonscieiu l>o your gui,de." METHODIST CHURCH SERVICE: Sunday School, !>:4fi A. M- J. E Fopep Supt. Morning service, 1I:(mi a M: Sul jectr "Taking Advantage' of Oppoi tunitiep." Evening Service, 7:3» I'. M. Sul jecti '"The ChriM. Whom We Wor ship." Speeial Chris%nas Mu.*ir will b renderel at tliese, services. The pub lic in given a cordial inritiitmn to w») with n« ' > - rOR SALE ONE PRACTICALLY new cast iron, si* cap, ennk stovi at a bargain Burnt either coal ot wood. Mrs J Lawrence Peele, •*y- NEWS FKOM IN AND AROUND OAK CITY OAK CITY ITEMS Mr. Julius Smith, who has given u|, hij position here, haj returned lb his hom ein FarmviUe. Mr. Jack Moye -pent V\eduesd»i> ri Greenville Mr, Jimmie Counci Ispent* Sun4a> night In Givsenville. Mr. Alor Moye went to Scothin. Neck Monday. Mr. T. W. Davenport Mon day afternoon in Hohgnod. M*: J W Hinoi spent Moitd:* -tr Wiliumston attending court. Dr. Sam Harrell and Mis» ('oru-.o of Tarboro wero In town Sunday. Or. Pitt'win i rul Mr, J W made a short trip t> Turboro Surnii.y Misses Ixvlia Yurbnro, F-ssie H-4« Louise Scott, Kutii HuiUon Sarah Pollard and Mes kum'l I Humphries un.l V Q -pent atnrdfr? wi tlr-tmlHfl shoppo. ; . i'ho LitCe i '"unut .socic • of th f'ak City Gr.uled Sell■>■ I i''iu]mvil. t 'V.-ttcr English l>rivo" p ogium in Fric'ny afternoon mid it, wn , veiv bei etVinl us wel l:i.» w!"'Vuliiig. t" n!l. i Hose who enjoyo t the ho; i rl Mr and M' l( F I'arlv ;it !t to wiokend house party we if Misse . Evj Peel and Millie Roebuek of Rotier sotiville, Miss Maiy Robertson o' Hamilton, Mis.s Annie Ellen an Mes.'Uii, Ellen and Hester of Rock Mount. —Mi-v.ii: Kirvma Jack-on, i;utl" Cox, Mary Williams, Worlev nn! Manly Jackson of Winterville, Misse; Ruth Hudson, l.onisf Scott, Vera Ha rell, Essie llaK'gvtte, Yarboro Sarah I'ollard, "Jack" U oilse, Melissi Worsley and Mrs. W T Hiin\j)hries Mivssrs. Knu'st Hanvll, Derwool Smith, I'aul Hawls, I.ouis, llovvan and Francis llrovvn, I'aul llyman Macey Savage, Robert Kvetvtt, Mat thews, Wheelei Ihiniel and Hemv Karl v. HEATH 4>l AN INFANjI' On Satdrday iiioiiubk, 0ec 4 f»th, l'X't, till* death aiinel visffed the hoinv of Mr and Mn. (' \f Mi/.elle and took away their darling littlo li«by was bom N'owniber 21st, 11)21, only two weeks and tivo ilay.s old. Al was done for her that eottld he Nrt>- tt was. iod's will, to take her away am she is jjoiiK. She was laid away in tho familv graveyard on Satunlaj' nfU rno"i»i three-thirty lilanehe M»zelle plavrs' vprv softly on Uw piario.nnd her litt Ulster Ruhy Loves Me-' The little twin liter.., Nit a and Nellie I lav n earned tin- flij.wei . to tho t;rav 'and lies-do, Mamie., J tilia Muello hiii' lone OttVi I V ein the |Mill U'urt'lf Hio. 0 \\ Arnold conducted furiree 1 sp rvicf i. Our ilitiliiiH lilt In baby ia~ale»vpm(t iw'e •tly m a n«vvniad« irrav « toda) We are wiupinK. Ifently vvatepinj; foi our darllriK * K°n eaway. I'liei*! is a viu ant place in out iiome that cannot Ixt tilled, Hut God knowoth l»>ti and rlrx'tl all things well She is uoiie but not I'orifntten Written liv lu?r loving nn,tkr, HONNIE MIZKI I f. IRI SIKK'S l#>l.K OF 1.4^1) North ( aiolliia, Maitir Count). Ily virtuo ■of po\ve,r vuifted in me by that deed (if triut (-Sjecuted lo mi on tfui 2i|h day of Oe'«nilKir, l'Jlli j by V II Moore, I will on Friday the flth day of January, 1!»22, sell at pub lic au*(ij*, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the court house door hi Wil llamstf ji North the hours of one and two (OTock, the fob lowing described lots, tracts.or par eels of land, ylintf, ImMiik and aituatc in the county and ft ate afornsaid neai the town of North Cai olifkil, and liciiiK tracti nuinU-r ;,i* C), ,I'vwi (7), ami ten (III) anil ho inj; 4 portion i tin' funn formerly owned liy Murray Whichaid, un known ai Ilia Kli liopkina farm which van surveyed*and plotted l>; A K lirit.t, Civil U(i|(iuror, a plot n which i.-t on record In Martin County, in tho Register of Pee.ds office in plo book H, at p4t(i; f>, to which |ilit ref ;ienci> is h*rehv made for a more pc e«i de.criptioii. I'j ;u t So. (i i'ontaips liti acre. . Tract N'o. 7 contains 1 item , Tract N'o. ID contains 15. .'i . niakinK u total in the three tracts o. (ij.H ucrtfi. Thi sthe'Urd day of December mill S. A. IH*N'N, Tru >|fe. ' \\ atch" thfl label your paper, t)i tmrp t orenew l>ofoie your' Hon expired. ._ If-your children are. goinjc away t( •rhool or college thi# year, he *ure tt end the Enterprise wi they /an keep \ the news at home." f*)t your next supply of coal from Cli Gurganus & Son. Tobacco Price Vary Greatly During Month of November DIPTHERIA SHOWS BE IN N. C. IN PAST YEAR During September, October and No v««mbot Uu'if were 3,37tf cases of .tip theria reported to the State boa id ui Health. The number reported for the entire year uf was Itutv much g», >o many uf tlu).-,e people v>. tui have had dipttoerla will curry the genu* in their rove ajid throat fiu u time I feel,tint It H mj dely to urge all parent.* to avail Uiaii s«l\g.s of the protection for then clul dan abow wix month i afforded hy tlx use of toxin-antitoxin. About one per r«'iwt i>t the i>o>•[>lt in thin eoiuity ure dipthenik rarrier It is #ii« Kmup tliat spreud tin■ easo. This i« lianw J*> #.« 10410 i : caiuleasly coughing or •* th j fiw«w of those near them, «>r b> con-1 UutunuUnu articles which they haji dlo, and tlwereby on infect to the unprotected. CtilMrru especial!) I aiv exposal thiounh the exchange o pencils, (howlriK Kiun, fruit, food o: I the of tbo common drinking nip AVhen »» come to think of it, it i' a wonder tjiat v. Edo nut have more su'kneis lha.ii wo do uiismuch us then out' person to another. The diptheria season wd llast foi! several months yet, so it is hoped tha those who have not given their «hi I dim three tfMitm«nts of toxin unti toxin will ii» so. Remember that the.-* J treatments completely protect ab«ut 9(1 per cent of the children, but th» protection doe.* not come until thie« to six months after the injections hav l*«en .given. If any |**>plo In thii countr desire to usk miy question* u bout toxin-antitoxin, 1 will lie v»r\ tflad to uuswer them Yours very tiuK, .WM, K WARKK.N. Officer NOTICK OK HAI.K ! JL : nJer byvj>rtM« id tl» pov« of sale contained in that certain ie-i if executed by Jumei A. Nodifer on and wife Kva Rodger.son, bearing late "I October !li lHl'.f, and recorder in lliy public registry of Martin coun ty in book A ut page WiW, -aid le#*i 1 il' tin t basing been given t" "'vaiv tlio paymiMil of a certain lm#l of evei I IMIO theeru itli, and the terms :ui , it loin tlieiciii contained not huv I aiK been eoinpliod with «ui4 ut the re ,uest of the ho!del ol .->tud bond/, tht inli'i trustee will on the 2."rd- Itt'y ol IXfcepibor ut V£ o'clock M. at tlio house itoor of Martin \j ut Williamiton, N. (•, otfei fur suli to the highe t bidder for cu>h tin flawing described pro|»erty, to wit That certain tract of land l/L'tg aiel U-fiMf in Hour townahip Martin county, North Can.Una »nil bounded i>n the north by me audi ol Will hnoxf~ofi bv tlfr lainb af Claude Lee; on the amitli by "Tht A,4i|ey Muitlii l'Uwe' IUOI on Uie west tlu; lands oi Joe RoiMr, contain Uig one hundred tliiltvf t 1 V> I nciv: H|"te oi l#«i und being the. same prem U"W occupied by JfUneH Kg, Rod Kund wi.'i b'vu Uo!g«l!-.iti llil ■ the ii!HJ di.j i' - No\euit)ei' I.'**. A. I'.. I»• AXIN'.i, I hitte« NOTIC'K OF SALK I'ndiii und by vntufl of the of i ale contained in that ceit'iii «lw of tnlst executed b> Hem j Denneti are! wife to the undersignH 'rn.stci urel Umring date of January il-t lit I, and of rnoi] in b I t, at pagi 4n& of tin Martin C\ u it> pul In said ik-ed ot huv nil; I« «II KI»EN to .serure payniefvl ut :eii,..' note of even duto ihmeviith .mil the terms and tontltU#W .beunfc: mt rutin# i«.mplie>t with, .ma .it in iequeet of tha b/tiJfr I>i .11. not, the und.ii r'g'ird wll' 01 Wednceduy &. i i»J y 4th, !?•*-';' 4>t i'fi»:k A SI., i: tha lu i at Oul fit ( r k (ily, N, C., #/:•»• f. i salt at public auction to Lhr. hil der for cash the following' describe' property, to wit: Reing uU of Lot No. 8, iii klmk fc. also ull of fct No. 9 in block K sit uuted along the ACL ruilwiiiV in tht town of Oak City,- N. C. This 2!ith day of November J 1)2 1. T. B. SLADE, JR., Trustc WANTED: ROOM AND HOARD IN private family '"J. R. J." rare En t rprtoe, >•_ • >t your next supply of coal from i;ij Gvijgftrius & SonJ 4--, When a merchant adffcitiaen his own poods h/> experts to l.r'nt P*op'o to ti*v*. He is not selfiah. He know', that others will get part of the ben •At r ' IP TOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USB A If ANT AD IN WE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 Tobago iturn for November jbow wiu* range* ui prim m sa*torn Gar oiiua;. Goid»buro, the lowest at 17.68 uad Farmvlll# the highest at 34.64, whch nearly doubles rh-.- GodLaboi* market Ihe markets in the range of oux uwn peple dhow QreefrviUe flrat * 31.28; WilUxnJton, .eco&il at 29.70; Ilobe.r*onville, third at 89.60; Waafe- WKtpn, fourth at 25.W and Tajboro, til tii at 2i60 W Lndeek .jixth at 21.64 mdifrtrf^JfclUfrWly tha tthe former whi) dialed Me to CrvtvivUie bfeconly gxiUee u ivnt and 4 b-iK ittore tor hia (a batxo, not enAmh ui justify him for hi.s trouble 4TU Greaaville may have beeo raided end the WilUarmton avenge lowered eb( uu i» a muny farmers kav« been ftiJeced to haul their beat grade* to Greenville and sell the tow tvl ip-ades fn Will lam sti>n, becatwe it would nnt pay to haul eoounon so fur. In cwipsuiaoQ with tha Wash intftoa uiarbrt William iton paid mow tlian four cent.4 a pound more tot foibuceo than the VV* .faingfr-fHi maiiet. Yet* Washington ti hailed by some a* u better marked 'I here are two kimJ.s of propaganda that tend to bwst any kind of nur> -k&i—Qua n tin* prlew in pul.t tUo other is paid agencies or men that are paid to boo-t: Novembei 7 Ahonkae • . «#.«O En#eld . 2405 Farniville . v . ; 34.64 GqMaboiv . 17.53 >i%aivilk» .... 31.28 Kinston 26.10 I-a Grange. „ 17.71 New Berii . 22.G1 Pinetops ft3.4# Robersonville ... v 29.60 Rocky Mount 26.8(1 Spring Hope 28.65 Tarboro ...fgp...... J2.60 Vaneebom • —- v - 29.60 W'a.Hhingt«m _ , A 26.65 Wiliiam.ston - 29.70 Wibon . ..... 29.40 j Windsor 21.59 NOTICE OF SL4LE I l. ndei and by virtue of the pofear of .*ile contained iti ibat certain dead uf trust made und e-wcuted by Mamia i'lice to the underlined trustee and ttearing date uf August 15th, 1918, and of reconi Lu I took A-2, paga 184 oi the Mart in County public registry t H«id deed u having baen given to aoi ure meiit of cvrtain |otn of even .late and the teima wild conditiuOo UieioJu iit>t having baeo Coiupiled witii ii*l it tti— Uiu holiler of »aid note a, #ie tiikstea will o ntke 28th day uf iJectanbar, ll>2i, ut U:00 o'colek M. ut Uie coin t huQw; door in Martin (aw (>', ut WiUianidton, N C, offer for mU ut puUic miction U tlie highest bid tlur ti.j t the following iWwtthod lii\>l>erl,T, to wit: I Hut certain pui eel or tract of loifll, l)in u;inJ in Martin County, b*- HUuUau ut u at oka, Laetuia u *H'r"nV cum% m Uve north aide ut the WU iiuiustaa ami Washington road, amu t' D WtMS retddeuce nod from whleti point Uw Chimney at tha wit tod Ct iuid hutus t«*.j i N. SH 1-4 £.; theaoa O.lil fc.'. (A w it Mm at tk* wiutliwest conic* ot the graveyard; thence VI oast 7 1-3 pole* to a tak>; •hwuv S. 04 K. 16 pules to a etaha near u pcrstnuuon tree; thence 28 (Writ 32 H«*s to u U>o4 ta the dltH# io an iiwn post; thence westerly kloa| u Uu«- at' marked Ue«s to Ufa Kaad I mill pond run, to J. E Greeo'e ootMr oi- line to the VV'illiem*toti and Wadfc iugi>n toad; thence aloog tha aald Williuin.itoil aiui WnJiißgtni) rua4 ta i the begin In*. containing forty-three (43) acres more a ilesj, for further Utle übovn referred to deediaf trust und deed from Luanda Hud** I n> J- H 1). Price. This 2tith day of November, 1921 0. D. STALLS, Traataa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator af . tha estate of Susan J. Tettarton, da* ceased, late of ashington County, 14. | C., thi.s is to notify all peaiana bur in? claim viifuinKt tha estate af Mid deceased to exhibit them to tha A dersigncd on or before the lit dty of January, 1923, or thin notiea will be plaod in bar or their recovery. | This 13th day of December, Ittl. E, W. TETTERTOM, Administrator of Suaan J. Turtar ton, Plymouth, N. C. 11. V A«sUa, 3 Attorney. i > ■ . ■ ■ i ■ i ■ m FOR SALE: H066, GOOD CONDI- Uon to §p into peanut AaUfc tffe. 12 l-2c and 18c. J B %erry aa# Bro. Phone «, William**, NC, St j Mail Tour FMh^M