Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 •f Martin County's Homes .VOLUME XXII —NUMBER 95 Financing of Peanut Exchange Is the Easiest Part of the Job To persons who are que slioiiiin-, lit* ability ui the I'obatit** UKHVCI to finance their cooperative association, the headquarters oil ice at RaU I calls attention to what iia happened In Kentucky The Hurley Tobacco Growers C o operative Association has standing of fers from the War Finance Corpor ation ami the l*Ydi nl Reserve Hanks, through rulings issued by W. I' O Htti'uing, governor the re.-ervt; sy'.i teni, to supjn.v civ lit. tit addition to this the National City Lank of .Now I Yorq, the largest banking im.ututi >n in the United Slates, st in a i> | I> M n : tative to Ki ritui ky 'o in.goto.te pet rtianent loans again'st v.aioiiou-e y> ceipta. , Ninetyroiglll Jil l- cent of the kentUi k> bankfc outside lyouisville have a greed tfciVai k the Cooperative as-oci ations wjth all available fund., un« | all the banks of Loui vllle plodgt • | thcnifievd!. to take loans t. the a. * sociatiotis Willi all tne-e hunk- ami the gov j ernmenl leaiiy' to iend mofiey to iht | J, association IT r*tue st ion almut 1 ft. growers getting advance paymn'. 1 Hn their crops. GARDEN TlvitKAt E'S lilt. VV MBasis I rank Hiu li and Hob I eel I nave at tanked a veiy delignuul jm» gramme ioi the week following Cinisi>. mas, out at .anii ii Terra*e and bun ilredjj of vi. iiois will ilock to this! **r r cer.tev oi amusement during '.iit li ne, j Kl&ewheie in this paper is a;u nit , * eit nchudule of events, and it will Ot iniert lii'K to note that tut vsmile ai fair is one ol ideal arrangement ant. variation. > Beginning with ihi isuna utte. noon there will hi; a great, r»u-iii»-. community sinking) led by all ex per ienced leader, with a well t( number of MM e A tlie ch-n;. 10l tiii.s lio-ie will 1,1 a Co . i m •ly Chris.tin.i t;ee Alien- oi.o nu y put on a "lit f- • me ii Hml or lelnlm j and UK> Rifts v Ii be presented at the time. With the following days there an J to be a number of dances, oystei roasts, inQnieales, ele., which will hi j nteresting\anil attractive to the guesu j The Hi# Christina* display ot file worko will also bring out lots ot .tliej younger set, along with the parent-, mnl older brothels aiid.sistifi'S. North Caroma Martin County James 'it Kobersou ■ , \ —v» — E. Kichberg, T tailing as The William ston Plumbing and Heating ' Tho above named defendant vvih take notice that a. summons in tin above entitled action issued against saitl defendant on the Mh day ol Pec 1921, by It I. I'n I. Clerk of tin ltecprdttj's Court of Martin Count.». North Carolina, fo rthi- sum of IH- i 1)5, due said I'laintiff by in count | which said numrp»"S is returnable In- j fore said Cwurt on the 27th day nil i»»a 1; and the Defendant will I alsil take police thai a war'er.t "f | ; ttachni! lit was i.--n«-d by -aid court j - ... ilw» If.tlv day of l>eceiiil.>r . gainst' the propeity of the sum de i >ndant, which wui ant i- returnalile i tto said Court on 1 day of Jan. * i'> 22. when and where the said de |-ndant is re (j uii'd to appear am' : iswer or demur t" ibc complaint or t e relief demanded f ill he yrartte.l. |{. J. 1M I;J. i lerk of Reeonler's Court, ejj to (.& , v-ANTED: Tenant for two horse farm four miles from town of V aahintfton hivhwav. I'refer one with ,»wn team. Two dwelling* on place. R G. HARRISON,2w '--S T RAND -THEATRE- —THURSDAY— >outftos and Dan's May' j i "THE "ROOKIES RETI'BN" i)c / and 30c —FRIDAY— rry Srmun in "The Fait Gu>" AtrKT. fOHN 4m~ "SMALL WVTS STUFF" ellow Anu"—Episode "N». 6 . 'j r and " ——__— ————— " i JCATVR PAt • DOROTHY GISH in flue, Ghost in the Garrett" nishing Trails"—Epi«odr 11 and 30c THE ENTERPRISE WE ARE LIVING IN A LAWLESS AGE _______ «. Luc Sunday f-ainl'le and lubln-iy i another iuuillnlci' Uiltt V\'.- are living in a lawless iiife. Uhite men am h'gioos vanillin toi;i'lber on out skirts ol town on a- briniit Sujulay. V\ liieh i- 'lllw eoijiinollt S| ■' Thti wnite ,iii-li tn the s. - Hilt, why hf „hMjCke«i l Wti y ainh. ) lilij; Moui(f on eveiywiien*. People urn call tnen.solve: reliKous t nlt I i; o all kiruis ol nainbling, scheinen. I a' worst pari ahou tit is lliat the,, ilo not sei'in to. uuderstaml ilia ah i;ainlding is forbiiidetl by law. yii. 'people neetl to lit taught aloiijf rills line. The two most miserable tail ulV.- nl'lhis UK'' are the pulpit and tin icouit. freailioi's M» -in lie oiittrel\ j iifCiM tailowed all ilthe courts lii&ilopo j i z •l I n a troiiieiulous power for law lie.-'in The preaclu-i i.-, haili|M-itt, 111 cau-i.- tliele are s few of his Ilock i thai are not directly oi indirectly in terlocked with some .vut of shath i |iraclice, Un tha tan mint there i - a tendenc.v towaid.s .-.oft ped j illi.ii' in the pulpit. The pn aeher has' itii send up -kvioeki'ls to iliaw (In eye- of 'lie public from tin' dark, .NiU'liiu, dirty mire in which-his pen ;*pie ale wallowing. \\ In n the preach ii fails down stpiare tin ihe tiring Inn 1 ami proclaims in full tin- i-ou', old tin.v, honest-to (ion gn-pe| .mil let the 'I fcood paver- aiol the had payi-is takt the lilt, It VV 11 r KIV »• lb- people a new . vi.->i on of Hit- church. I i lie courts have failed because thi-v have tried to please everyborty. Stiong petitions have, swerved them until n is a luird question m any cast; to know what tia; judjv ei.s (fOliiß to -do. Men are sueli weak vessels that' even ? i.i'll tnej are made judges over tin people they fall for certain of ciiuie. Some judges are harsh on j gambling and easy on rum selling, while stun eothei's are justNthe oppv site. .So tourts are often unduly in- I Ilia-need by certain lipof, of pressu it usually pressed by well-paid counsel. I A straight! r line ihust lie tlravvn anti j the pulpit and cOUrtV. mu.-t do It. I lit I pulpit inn I draw. anl the cnuits must j drive. j . - -- J INSKIII*; UI 'NIL- I I R R On ".Monilay night Watt-. lat the -St randTUertT' , ..prt'si'iiteil "I lit in.sith' of tlie Cup." 110.-. million play | proved to lie one o| the host pictures ever shown on the local screen Wt feel our power-, of expresMon inaili quale when we try to Write an article about this picture. To ciiaracli rl7.e the lesson tuuglit would bo to d-Ufe t'hrisianity; to outline tile story woiili. be to poitray in urinative Jogu tin very fundamentals of he Christian ie | ligion. In a word, HI seven reels ol j perfect acting it shows how u Chris- I tian woman and a ft'iirles- preachej I can unite in the iim t findings of biotherly kintluess a community torn I a.--under by hypocrisy and liatred. (lui, j tiiV'n i iiuiebtiil to Mr. Walt-- loi. fonce, again offering to the public the i and stuuignst lecture of our decade" J NOTICE Ol SALE 1 nder and by virtue of. tho powei j of sale contjjineil in that certain deed i of trust o/ecUftd by John Rt:sspa-s tt the umlersigiit'tl Trustott bearing dati ,| of December ldth lUI9, and-of recort 'in 1W; public registry ftf Maitm ( County in ilfiok C-l at paK'* 275, saitl tlocd of trust having hoen given t ■ secure the payment of eeitahi notes ' of even date therewith and the tonus ' and conditions therein containetl not ' having been compjietl with and at tin ' | request of the holder ol said note. i the undersigned Trustcf- will, on Mnn , day the 16 th day of January 1922, |at 72 o'clock Mr at the courthouse j door of Martin County at Williamston I N. C., offer for sale, at public auctior | tq/lhe liiplwst bidder, for cash, the i foiowintf described property to-wit: That certain 1 tract or parcel of lane situate in Williamson Township Martin County, North Carolina, in the town of Williamfiton on the west side of Elm Stree, and beinK the sunw j tract of land that was coiive>«d_..t®. John Scott by W H. Williams and wife, Amanda Williams by deed dat ed December 19, 190 i ~nd recorded in Book FFF ai Martin County Registry, except that portion conveyed to Fanner Re-spast. by Eliza Porter et ttls, dated January 6th 1913 and of reconLjn Rook C-l 1 at pafce 585, containing onehaif (li-2) | acre, .jnoro or le«s cf the tract re | cent I y coovsyed by Eliza Porter ">t als j to John Respass Jr. This the of December 1921 (Sipied) JOHN W MANNING - j Tru»tee. VVilliamstnn, Martin County. North Carolina, Tuesday, December 20, 1921. IMPORTANT CHANGES IN INCOME TAX LAW 'i he lolowing aleinenl i" is.-uod by the Collector of Internal Revenue, p Cillam Cirissoiii, di tuct of North n Carolina: I ImportHi.t chalice- in income ia.\ ,\ procedure, directed by ssionei David H. Hlrtir are omlndied in a Ireasur, decision clftsilive hett-inbei n which provides fur the prompt ad- v' justinenl of claims for leluinl iiuu ; abatemenl of Federal taxes lU-reto fore when an overassessment or ov e pav inent was tbsi'losed by the audit tn J an incom eta\ return, the tavpayo. .- was inviU d to fili- a 'iTaim "foi aT.ati- \ nienl ol the overassessment oi thi refund of the overpa.v ident .. V\ lien re coivetl the claim was legisleivd alio v fili'tl uvvav until reached in due courst V for consideratioii Hecause of the tiuniher of ,-ucli claims filed, delay i lin adjustment iieces-aiilv resulted. , i I. After Hecember taxpayers will not I*' advised of their privileg'e of filing a claim for the refund of taxes vvhlci. t have In en paid in excess of amount, t legally due, but instead will receive 1 ,i certificate of overas.scnstiu'iit against the taxpayer for income or exces: i profits tax, the overpayment will in i inent and tho bulauce iiiinu-ihately re- t [applied as u cretlil against the assess funded This will lie of distinct fnuiii cial ailvantage to both the taxpavvi and the overnment. It will do awav t mil, the necessity tor the taxpaye. filing a claim lor refuml, and vtil, greatly reduce Die ailioutit for tin taxpayer filing a claim lor reluiitl, and will greatly reiluce the amount to work to lie done by the liurcau it ' the adjustnieiit of claims. ' la.vpityei's inay t'ontinue I•» lilt claims for abatoiiient anil relund, but it I'S expected that the number oi such claims filed each-month will lit greatly reduced 1.1 furt are' being made h ythe liureafl to aiTjust vvithll six months ajl claim-, now pending and tlleloafti r to keep the wink "c'ui rent, i'lie revenue act ol lii-1 pro 1 vnles that under certain condition intere-t shal lie paid upon clams fnm the date of the payment oi the lax 1 to the daU* of the allowance ot tin claim. The new .procedure should grea. ly reiluce the amount of interest which the Government must necessity pay upnu elaiilis tin relund UK IIK RE fill RSD \ VT 2l' I'armers aii- making. »ation; to. complete lti«" Cotton and i uli.u ct ai'R ■!11lit As weinlmii . 'ixim to Liu nivftinK ■'* 'our House I liuisilu. at two o'clock I' M lai liters - hmil. all conn Mi Clifford Uliode.s of-lven tucky, Mr. A W Swum of Kaletvli i>«' Mr. 1 I'' M t ran ol V\ ashington wil lit- tin' .speak) i' noi m i: or s \le ■ I n.lrr and by virtue of the auiliori ty vested in me in a man chattel nmrtuK I. It. Ntrawbrulije datci, Apnl 27th," 1921 ariil lecorded in tin public i''U■ 11> ol Mait'ii ( injiil ii Hook 11u1111• •-1 l> at page 111, I will ..ell lo the lnjfl.fSl hl'ldel foi IU.-1 at tlo' Mount Manufacturing I'lant u Williamson, N. C. at I-' o'clock M on Monday Jan. '.Hh, 1922 thei follow ing described personal piopert.\, lo wit. Olle lluick I'm' I'a: M IIMI I A lit oiimliiU iictiiK —flit' -am* —tiu:—aikL-_jd!_ !• Straw bridge by I*'■ K Hodge^. .This tli.- I "I'll -lay of Dec. 1921. II K. Ii AV, Mtgee. NOTK I: OI MAI.K Nnl.ii'3 is hereby uiveo '' ial "iik*i anil by virtue of the authority ion taineil in a certain proninvory noti hearing the date of January 1921 anil executeil by Stalls;.'anil ' onipany the undersigned will on Saturday tlx, 24th day of December 1921, at li : o'clock M. at tin- courthouse door of Martin County at Willliamsrton, North Carolina ©fffer at publl- sale to thi highesa bidder for cash the• following noteS; Which Mflid notes wer K'Ve.i an collateral jjecurity fur the note a hove" mentioned, to-wit: One note in the sum of $25(1 , .(M) ilat ed January 29th, 1920, executed bj Stalls and Harrison, by S I*. Harrisof, and payable on demand: One note in the sum of $2. r >o.o ■ dated January 29th 1920, executed by ; Stalls and Harrison, by S. I'. Harrison and payable on demand: > One note in the film of $1168.0' I bearing date January 4th 1921, pay - able six months after date and ex J ecuted by G. C. Godwin. r Thi* th« lilfh dayjjf. Deii-mber 1921. , THE PEOPLES jIAN'K ' * - • i _ , i S * L ~ J " Just received a large shipment of 1 the wonderful remedy, Tanlac This i» I the great medicine you have been hearing so much about. The remedy p that's trade a wonderful reputation and which has accomplished *ueh re -1 markable results all over the Unite*. States and Canada. Get your bottle now at Or. J B H Knight's of/ice. 'T - •"* i ■■ ■ Vocal News and Personal Mention Mr and Mrs Cheatham of the lm- • pet ial Tobacuc Catnpany will lenvv to morrow for Richmond. Vvhile here they have been the guest.; of Mr una Mrs A. Anderson on Huught'on Street # • • • Miss Sarah H arret I arrived last night from St Mary's School at Ral eigh to spend tho Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. \\ II narivll. Mr.-,. J G odalil, Mis. J W Watt-, ,lr Ml.- E S I'eel and Mis t'Kcai Anderson aw spending the day ui Washington Mi. 1 yniou Co\ "I Rockv Mount wa - here Sunday Mr?. UobeH Hogart ot W a.-lungton l* I>mmv visiting' her mother uiiUl aftei i'hi ist mas. « • ♦ • rheie will bo a Christmas onter taninuint at the Ciinded School audi torium Wednesday eventing at -, l.>. It wil lb given by the (ith and o\tli grade-, supplemented In a lew chil dren I lom other grades Ihe teachers in charge have given much time to the program and it promi *-s to be y very good one. » » » • Messrs. Coburn ol Uitrden- wen- in town yesterday on husinesi * « .Mi. John KodgeiMiu b it tuila\—uu_- Winston-Salem for several da>-• • . ♦ • Mrs. Wheeler Martin, ,li and mi W lu-eler left Sunday for Wi.kt 1 '.iic>t to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs Martin'* parents, Dr. and Mrsti W I . I'oteat ■# • • • Mi . W .1 l.oth and Mr. I rancis Loth and Mr. W Mortimer Hairi.son Heft Siynfey for their respective |iomo« Wayrfcsboro and Danville, Ya. Messrs HrtiiTson and Loth have been on the local tobacco markets this season with the ,| -I' Tnylor Co. Mrs. Loth has spent some time here with her son and they have been the guests of Mrs. r r. iiuimi * m ¥ * Mi si. . I . Jones Taylor and Hy alien vu'i'ii in town Monday. Ml -l( W Salshury, of Hamilton, was ii bti-aue.s-, vistoi In-re Monday. Mimsi-. I' I llaislip, trunk L. liliHlstone and II 41' Shei roil ol llain il|..n win- all in town today iittondnig to lm sine s matters. • * » • Mi Willie \\ Riiberson and Miss Keltic J Col'tran of near .lamei.ville wer mail ied at, the Itaptist pill s» ill - age last week by the Rev. Mr. .lo>nel. Mi. J H Everett and Miss lilonrhr Uunting of Oak City with u-party ot friend.-, diove to tie Itaptist parson age Sunday afternoon and went back i,in*. Itev. Mr Joynei performed the ce i oil ion ) . ,\ii . ,| S I i uin-1 ol W eldon i-- here vi.-itiug ln-r pao nt.-,, I apt ■ and Mis. C I Rhein. Mr. I iam i. Maitiung arrived home Sunday evening fioin t 'liape! Hill to spend the Chri.'tlna.s holidays with hifc parent*-, Mr. and Mrs. W C .Manning Mr. J 1 Godard has been in Stall attending to busines.-, this week ♦ » • • Mi. Luk«* l amb ol KalHuh V s l,ere visiting fatlior, Mi VV l..unh. •*• • • Mr and Mrs. .1 L Rodgerson and children spent tin week-end in Tar bolo visiting Mrs. John Fraley. • • * * Mrs. .1 I Williams will leave to morrow for Grifton to visit he! par during the holiilays and attend the mJfrriage of het' brother. Mr. Jno Chapman and Miss I ucker, ol tiiil tMk • « • * ' ' \fi. .las, (' •* tiriffm returnwl fron the t niversity of N'oilh Carolina night to speiid the holiday,-!, with hi? mother, Mre. A E Griffin. .... Mrs. Arthur Weller of Toledo, Ohii is here visiting Misse's Hatlir* Throwei . ami Clyde Hassell at their home it New Towni- Mrs. Weller is remem liered here as Miss Clyde Ileyeft' l o. ■ Scotland Neck. « » » • Misses Millie Spruill, Vaughn an Clayton of the faculty of the Gradeti School *rilT leftv« Thursday moniirtg for J heir rea|»e'ti>ie homr^s. f4 * * > Mr I ulte'ilT. WiVrren left litis week " for Durham. Mr. Warren has beer >' on the Williamson market for sever n al years and malty friends alwayt regret to see him leave. - f Big shipment of Tan lac ju«t re ceived. Dr. J B H Knglit, local agent. PROGRAM lIIG GALA CHRISTMAS WEEK GARDEN TERRACE INN, MAIN STREE EXTENSION WILUAMSTON, N. C. • —EVERYBODY INViTED CAFF AND (11 1! OI'EN Dl RING DAY AND Nii.ilT ALL. V. EEK CHRIS I'M AS AHERNOON. 3 I'. M Immense Comuiuty Singing. 100 in choir. Solg.. Music luoo voices Experienced leader. Ltring all your family. Christmas Tree: A present may be on it l'nr you MMONDAY. DECFMHER L'lith. ;• IV M Popular I riCounty Subscription llainc. White- >-piciv orchestra Augmented. Ihe greatest Dance ever heht in Martin County. ii i SHAY. I»KCI-:MHKR LTtii. ;T:M -- — Special ilinnor dance—Ja/.7. Quartet Midnight Fri lie W'einie or hot dog roast. W l-.ONESDAY, DECEMBER ilsth. 7 1' M Massive display fi rework • ileal campfiie and oyster ro.iM Infminal dancing ami dining Till RSHAY. DECEMHEK L'ltli. 7 IV M Musical programme. Local talent Informal dancing- and dininv , I 1:11 ».\ N . DECEMHKR 3mli 8 P. M Croat, tiemeudous-country . nitre dance ,md|ucrado ball Hie whole county in attendance. Special music and callers. The genuine in tli est raw stpiaru dame and figures. , 1 he old time \ngnua Keel. Prize Cakewalk, t'ome mas|uer;ol«si. MANAGEMENT- FRANK S. IIITCII and HOII I*l. » I ENTERTAIN MEMBERS OF PHILATHEA Ci 'IS lhi 1 i i.lay In, .id i . ' h m tlie 1.1 I), ■ . .10 1 I ii l , i . ..o" 1 ... L.i 111 ii: ■ > 11., ol the a. .tin mi., tit. the Atlantic lloiel I>- .Mi ./. II Rose, >Mls;.e,-. Mary Wod an i . iltio Harris, the-social coiun-iU' • o, un- l'hil.ithea •etass ui the l>.i,it i., iiiull ii. 1 Here were (in i one huntlretl pivs cnt including I'lnlat lie.i-, llaracas ami Iriemls. A enjoy able- piiigiain Was ren dered a., follows: Kentation, Dscar Andei soli, Jr., Shadow picture., I'i'p reseiitng our lav onto cartoons and motion picture actois and actresses, and leading by Mrs. .1 li liiggs. Mu ic was enjoyed tin inigiiout the evening and delcious liot'choculnte ami santlw it ht's were sol v i d. I'ho.'i- receiving at the front door were Mrs. Warren Higgs anil Mrs. Anna Harrison, Misses .Margaret Kvert It anil Sallie Harris showed the lathe., to tin- cloak room, while Mrs, J I, I'et'Je uiitl Mrs. A V Joy tier grtot etl the guest,, at tile dining room ilnoi wiieie tlie amusements were centeneil. Mr.. A V Joyner delightfully "en tertained the I'hllatlu-.i I las-, at a hys mess and social mu> -uug 1: i olay night. 1 In* IIIOHI important liumlicn.-. n| till inciting WU . plepallllK Cllli. lmas stocking i lor the snldici s at Oteen given hy the II 1' I ami I'hilathea Class of the liuptist church and the bpworth l.eAgue of thu Methodist church. There was also a stocking given to ltdnnie I'eeler, the child at I'lioma. ville Oj-phanagc who ig heing cured fni hy the I'hihithea ( la ■ anil a haiket lor the convict and poor at tin- County Home. Anyone wish ing to contribute will lirnj basket in Anderson & ( raw ford's store this wwk Any contribution will be highly appreciated hy the cla-.s. Mrs. Clyde Anderson, Keporter. \\ IIIIL ( IIKISI M \s .si:kv It KS The members of the Sunday School of thv Christian church will present the program "White (iil'ts for the King," al the regular Sunday even-, lng service. Il is a program Used na tional I y by Christian churches and tlx intention of the exerrists is to make Christ the center (if the (iiiistinas spirit instead of Santa e§aus. It is very impressive and (he* white gifts are the gifts of self expressed ill dif ferent ways., m.\us AMI fffykllot si; 111 KNKI) Saturday night about 12 o'clock the pack house, barn and tool sheds ol Messrs; .1. T. Hamhtll and l>urv.«fl Moblcv: were liurned and threeniitf mule-v all the tools, some coin anil hay and a barn of tobacco weic burn ed. In aildition to these things a high class milk cow and ten automobile, the property of Mr. Mobley The entire loss was" around $4,000. - _jf* The cause of the fire is not known and no reason can be assigned unless it begun from a short circuit in the wiring of the automobile. FA KM Klt'S MEETING THIRSIJAt AH fairtiers who are member sof "ttir COttnn and tnhai-eo- associations and all those who have an introest'in Other otaojnshnllcumfwy'peeupeupeup , j these associations as w»*ll as all i other persons are invited to attend Ui Farmer's Meeting at the House Thursday, f)eoemher 22nd, at 2 o'clock I-p.-if. Mr. fcllffmd KhoiVis;of Ken tucky will afldresß Ahe meeting and tell the farmers how they do thingf in Kent&cky.' -it.-,- : 'HELP PLACE THESE ORPHAN CHILDREN llic following; in u request from the Nt Children'* Homo Society of Crncu.vboro,- for Homos for motherless uiul fatheiles schi Idren and every one should l>4 interests! enough m the* children to try to help find homes for them with people who are childless 01 want a child to give it a comfortable homo where it wll have tin' proper ad vantages that will make t develop into a god American citizens "My Dear Friend: "We have the following children ready for placing : , "Hahy hoy, lit month, old; "Hoy, i years old; "Hoy, fi years old; I "Hoy, 1 year old, '"t;irl, 14 years old; i "tiirls, 10 years old. "If yon know any childless hwnies I in your county who desire to receive one of our children, kindly g; us . their names "Yours very truly, , "JOHN J. I'HOKMX, "State Superintendent." OIK ANM'AI. COMI'I.AINT A («AI VST THE A ('. L. FOK DIM (IIAIHiINU EXi'KKMS IN I KO.M or I'a.-ssem;ku station Wu aiv. making oui iituiuul com plaint against the A .C. for discharg ing express in front of the passengai .station ami forcing | mi -.senders to get off truins well up tho track in ; narrow alley-way almost undei a line of l>>\ cars. Tin t is disagreeable dui inn tlic day Imt it i ■ dangerous at night. Otk tin' north side,of the track there i.s a large pool of water ami it is practically impossible lor the mail cart to get to the car door without going m deep mud and water a> it cannot go between the train and the • 4rtfH CU l'> IMI NT I All. TO IIK TIIKKK Semi Word to all your neighbors to conn to the meeting a ttlie Court House Thur.sda). Hankers, iih icli.-mil lawyers, mechanics, in fact everybody should attend, Th (mine system o handling 'MI per cent of our farm pro ducts in soon to lie changed. It wil help all the people. Tauluc that wonderful medicine sold in Williamston by I>■ .I 11. 11. Knight AI >M INI SI It AT)K'S NO 111 K Having qualified as uflministnKor of the estate «f Susan J. Ttittcitori. d» ' ceased, late of ashingtou County,. N C., thi-s is to nHHl°y all personn'hav ' ing claim sagainst the. e.sUite of khli' deceased to exhibit thc-m to the uivfj ftn or bofore tlv Ist >Mt of January, 1923, or this notice- wi/l ' be plan I in bar or their recovery. 4 Thw 13th day of Deceiver, iftift ? K - w - TEfffllßT^W Administrator n( Susan J-. Tiittur ton, Plymouth, K. 11. V Austin Attorney, f . - FOU HA IX; UOGS, GOOU CONDI -1 tion to go into peanut fields. lUc, } 12 l-2c and 16c. J B Cherry and ' Bro. Phone 6, WillLumstpn, NC. 31 6 . ■ NOTICE ' I. have in my lot ft. hogsTfour spot - ted ones and two light colored ones 1 unmarked. Owner please call '»' »ame. f J. 8. MEEKS, VMflliam4on, N. C. Rout 2, Box 23. d2O 8 r '•«** ■ Sr-. V.-. • | * V ."-7 . 1.1 . r» rwt-t i IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT AD IN ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1899 TWO MEN HED UP AND ROBBED SUNDAY Sunday night, just as the ..hades oJ' uight were novating gver U»o earth u»o wiute man keft a (MSe "litre uiey t»ad been ehoottox cn>P v..i1l a t,uncii of negroea at the Coey *«•»»« plant on iu« river. Ihe negroes ha utewn U)e ieser* ill liu- game und nut being wiiluig to see their cash walk, away so easily pro ceeded to head off the white men and wiji'n they came up struck one oil the head with a liottle and cut a gash m lu:. side with a knile, but not deep enough to do any serious ham. The other they it ru.k witii a bottle and Knocked lum down, then proceeded to> . — pile on him and nd his pockets of itto in cash and a gold watch. The white tnen an> iron meteos ru tho bridgu and an 1 from Tetinesflte and the negroes are front Wallacm. N. C., and belonged to tho laboring force on the bridge, until the Coof*- t-rug« Company began operations a guin they began v.'orkjrig then?. everal arrests have l>e*»n made but none of the parties who comnutt»Hi the robbery have b»'en apprehneie»l a.' >¥»» Severul of who wvre en kjuKot m the (fumbling game hav»- Iteen urre.sted and bound over to the . next M- sion of tlw? Court. \k\\ apartment hoi s* Man jjiooplc ha\e wondered what - tl.o—(mini V.iiih. in*w building put at tiunlen Terrace is really inteeded for, anil number* have surmised various it will In; put to However, Messrs. Peel, Hitch and uiuiounce to the l*ublic that this brand new building will be a modern four family apartment house, handsomely Itru.ilik'd oir, both inside and oat, and each Apartment containing an indi vidual front porch, four room* end a bath, und running water, electric lights, back yard, and. very »oon a concrete ..ulewalk and road. This iipurtmont house starts a aew era in tine buikting of homes in Wtt liamstoa and will immediately tafc* can? of four or ne>r« families desirunt convenient apartments. Also in addi tion thero is apace down stars f|U' a smal country stow and meat market, and also a fust class ga.soli& service station adjoining, which will no douiit be largely patronized by local citiaejis uud those passing by Messrs. Peel, Hitch and Peel wl 1 eventually fully develop (iurden Tar , riu - e, wich is the coming fashionable surhurb of Williamston and with this ureut, new apartment house nearly finished this will make It tho only resideutio sub-division in Martin Couu ty liuve a modem apartment houwe and store coin eniences Messrs. Peel, Hitch and Pe«d, state they have a big building program in - view for the coming year, and are i known under the firm of The Karniere t and Huilders Supply Co. NOTICK OF SALE I and by virtue of the pewei of Hale contained Ui u certain Peed of Trust executed to the uatlejuitfnetl trustee by I»tac Mizelle and Winnie MUtile on the 27 th day of Oct, I'Jiil, ecuruiK certain notes of even date will tenor therewith and recorded in the public registry of artin County in Book i-2 ut page 336 and the tenors and conditions therein contain ed not having been complied with, and at tho renuet of the holder of tlie said notes, the undersigned trustee will on the 20 th day of January, 1t»22 at 12 O'clock M at-the Courthouse door in Willlamston, N. C. offer for sale to the hghest bidder for rash at public auction, the following described real estate, to-wit: Beginning at a gum and a Holly Tree in Thin Branch, runnlnK a went course, to a Mtob in the W. M Mltelle line, thi-not: a north -course with the W, M Miielle line and A. W Bailey thence on east course with J. 0. Itailej- to Charlie Whitfield corner, Hue to a corner in J. Bailey - line, thence with said Whitfield line to a - comer in Thin Branch, thence with .said branch to the beginning contain ► in# 67 acres more or less This the lttth day of Dec. 1&21 JOHN E. MIZELLE, Trustee Elbert S. IVel attorney. FOIt SALE: DKY GOODS AN* , - Notions business, good stock, food ... location in heart of town. Price rat sonable. Owner too old, wants to re lire. Address "F" care Enterprise. i When a merchant advertises hfs own I goods he expects to bring peopta to > town. He is not aelfUh. He knows that others B** part of the ben efit FOB HOLLY AND OALAX LBAVSS wreaths for either Christmas decor- I ation or Memorial wreaths, h* Mrs. S R Biggs, Pfaoae 173. ' " A i X.' •• ' ~.i , • ' JL^xi

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