. .clt«rut.> rB Will Find Our C'ultfßinfi a Latck Key to 1500 oi Martin Cojfiity's Home? VOLUME Au|o Accident Costs Life of g Due Man; Aitotlier Is Injured "" This ajortiirig at fight o'clock a Font i Coupe Wis found turned over in the on the Hamilton road. Ainai Was seen ty be uttderneitfh if' Sfcn a crowd assembled and w J'l^ii(, y us Gurgttmu- was found tf be Tie hai*aAJ-envy bruise on hi." fore hand wfach ptxibably killed him, al though |tis face anitVtf portion of hi head w#s under vvat»r &. evident) howeve#, that the )!> in fragment (he found.' 1 uf||^1 1-li• .n w* at leas'- f'' the Ca /to Xi 1 kiTi) 111 I I Ward but haaT»e 'tafferi ft.'* l> Ward, J)., who with Mr Gurganus was driving,towards Wiliamston whei the at "Molt ocx ui red. It. 1- under >(too dthtit Mr. Ward has had se'vei al -limbs broken ji l "' ' s bruiifld- n| 'foftf.iderahlv. '• v , „ . Mr. Unrgaiius vas a fanner an leavos a wife and .-eventl small chil. dl-ei . lie mll vii-d the daughter o ' Mr. Tom' Ambers. Mr. Gurgah'i- wii' I a fine younir man and the n>imr,i:iiii loses one of ii,. good citizens '1 lie cb"oi,er will hold nn iuqu-st an. . 111010 cßjiiplete details* wil b" givei later. " | ! N'OTK F OF .SAI.K rndel' and !>> vrtue'uf the p.nvei, of sale coiftaii ed in that,) u>*uin deed J of trust c>etuted by C. ft., Godwin and wife Marc l'i ndleton Godwin ti' undei signed P>u tee and bdariiu' date of Jaiuai. 1 t, I'Jlti, and of re cord 11 pook M-1 at page f>"7 of tli« Martin fount' Public Registry said deed of tru t having bn n 'given to se cure the |in yinf lit of certain notes o even date.. .tlierow IHu and the tei m and condition*- t!-e+iir contained .no haviffg. he'll complied W.itli, and a the request ot tk> holder of the safe note*, the undersigned Trustee will on Monday the till id day ol January VJ'i'Z at I 2 o'i lock M., at the court j house door of Martin County fit Will' j am*toii, N C offer foj* sale at puldh aucton, to the highest bidder fol cu; I tlva, following parcels 0/ laud sifuati 1 in the County of Martin, Slate o North Carolina and bounded and d s scrilied 'as follow, to-wit: • First tlact: l&iig a town lot, Tie gfnafiig at C .HlGfllw if 's fe»|ger>>. Jiycanii.le long -aid street 62. l-'i loot to an iron stub, a. comei'; tliene a northeast eeurse parallel with* Main Streotto J. A Teel's line thence along saiii Tftel's line to J. H. Mi/.lelles line;- thence a southwest course along said Mizulle's line and other* to tlie' be ginning; Containing one fouith (11) acre moie or l«ss", and being a pal' ot a lot which \vas doeded to FL.r«d win by S. J. Everett, Comm. whicl deed is-of record -in' the public Reg-is W:y of Martin County. JSecoqd Tract,: Hegifilftg 01 Mail Street, "Williamston, N, C. mi* tin southwest corner of M B. MCIKA. itn'i lot, 15 yards 'cm Mailt -St and Bs:yard.s deep; thence soiithwe t er|y akng Main Street iio janN to ■i stob; : thence southeaAtellv .».» vard uurallel to the southwest boic, tan iinc iif M 11. Met; ownn's hall aci t Jot I Mi a Ifcie parallel with Main Mjeet: thancejn-irtheustcrlj 25 yiuch along lir» t' M. li. Meftownn's liaif acre i»t; tHence northwv.sterlv al'nig' • M j I'. Mcijowan's half acre • t ■ "1 yards the lieginniiii!'. ContainuiH inethirH o." 811 kcra more or !(•■;.• Thiri Tract: Being lot in the town tl Wilamston.N. C., and b in; fiiih.' I - descrilied iii a from J >hr D; H. which .id dfecd is,of i*eo-.| in ■»k C-II ■it '• of the Mart n County publii and i" refei red to | ,ied mude a pait lieiv o,' for the ]ikr«| posjis s*. showing t!ie bountlaries 01 the laid hereby intended to b- cor tv edJ At the time an,l place mentioned r 1 tip sale of thi 1"? it, estate, tin" un'£ Trustee will offer at public) sale to the highe. t bidder for rtuli, ♦he following pa»Kßintl property 10-ait; ' ' • ;*? Tenj(lO) *'B!-ares of the Capitol Siotlt |of The Na» ona! I.aak pt Rakiinore. 1, a| (lfH »s!i«j| of the Capital ri. k of tha, .Ifxchanuo flatioial Bank l/eriUhafri,"North Carolit#. I'ids fli 20tk day :>( r»ecemlier 11*21. (Rignjd) A. R. DL'NHLICi, Thiftee r; cast iron, six ciqi, cook stove '[• bargain Burns either coal 01 v 0' Mrs J 1.-iwrenoe Peele, City. ■ 1 ,4 THE ENTERPRISE y Williamst-nri. Shi? lift (~>unty. North Carolina, Friday, December 23,1921. 'GIADED SCHOOL HONOR' BOLL FOR 3RD MONTH k lie hoiii roj for tnc third school month of the Williamston Graded School. FitfrOUtjgde-&: »Johtf tltaw Sanp.siai, . Marion T Roberson, Jessie Wilson I Price, John Chelry, Wheeler Martin Manning, Shehor. Ihiniel Mar> ) hodgeisoti, I'.va Harrison, M:'.iy I'. Hahlilon, Ruth .Ward, Ja-cu Rrifle 11 Mary (uirgaiius, Uel.i»cca Teele, Hazel Updard, t Lois Howard, Margaret W'aves. Second Hazel lijoun tore t JnyncK,, Siisie Vac llfliuhill, S/irali Cooke, Mildred heard, Mary Hanlestv, (ienevn Jen- Kins. J{ac!u I Mooiv, F.dith I'eel, Susie T-el, Lillian Ruth Hob"r on, Maty I Clyde Williams, Kltori Meni-tt, Albeil l>'s|i(; Clark, (JJniili Fh'iiiiiig', Joe Guditid, yjieorge 'llaVii on. ji , Fail l/arris. Ralph .'filsori, Vli-ifle Mali (ling, I'. I). Stalls, Robe-it Covvvn, II: Annie Beth Rogei -on, lUulah | S.nith, ♦niiiivs Mijlli::ms, ("lahron | S.immfr Wynne, Julius lioebuck, I• 11 i-• • j'K^on, Cliesti-i Nicholson, Dougla. l N ichol son. j. Su.-ie Mae lti'inhill, If 11.1 Joy j lie-1. Mary Hardesty, lUulah Smith, j S. l ■1 e I ed, Ralph—N'' l on, —Cj 1 ntjfr»ii - Flemniuig, Clabron Suiumerlii , Hugh (iurganu , lose • adard, tienrgtl' Haiv- 'U, C rly , &lunniiut. % C a 1 1 ■v\ \ nil ' .»■*». r ■ , tirade \ N'ouia I'iiry, (ili.ik. Mane Robe.l son, Fl ie AndiiU:. M.'.giiolia liaker, Nrtiie Cheir>, Mary A'ice liunninc. Johnnie . Ki!mond.M>n M> rtle-(f)eiiti,.'Klu'i fi Jiuby .fiisepltil# Hurrt no,'lie" I ll'it Cowcn, K*card tiravi :, JOl If. tj '• OTI, Malt'onv Sim"pr>"on, Huck uii.li r., I idrof*iy ~M odlin, (imct I I.': g»>, AI IK rt t'ook, Mel via Wynne, H: \ ict.oria Weiva r. Fannie I! iy I'll nbeth I'eel, (llalvs Mooie, A nil ir Gut gamis, I>l lion C ibb, Gat land lien 1 nett, Ja'ni'.-' l>aniel. C: Ollie Rolwrsim, M«*lv die Wynne Johnie Klsie Gurganus, | Hubv '-furganus, Hanison Herbert Cowen. Malconi Simp.o',, Gnice l'age, Fnima. \\ illiaii . Itilloii Cobb, Annie (iurg-uius William Chell Svi'lyu Hall. # Fourth Moore, A. 1(. "inrk, Iv,■"m~l1 v ,■"m~ 1 r 1 Gaynor, F.dwin Peel, V.'ii'dMmt IJodg er- on. C: Lillian % Colt rain, Th.omn.- Sum 1 tilndyiT (iurganu Cattieiiiw Hardif Oii,, Jasper Moore, Lo m Sinitl Paul Simpson) Claude Clark, Fdwi IV el, Altonl Uoniel.s, (Jrace Whitle.v Margaret Fvvell Julia Ward, Home Rn'iihill. Leon Walters, Murphy C.»l Ire 111. Fifth Grrde —I!: llihl.i ltd 11 nujdi Kugiue lloyt, William ( llutl Peel, Durrel Pi ice ' C: Ruth IW, I'attie Wjnn, Ihitre! Price, Wheeler Ward, Robert Brown, Hazel Fdmoiiiison, Virginia Harrisoi Wijliam Gurganus, Oulah Co'train. Sixth (inule —C: 'lFonwi.s Cravfoiil,, Fila Mm; Riijton, Sbphia Little, 'Join - -f>vk»\-,- Miriam ("ourtney, dtftrlic Cow en, Carmelle Jones, llol'othy' Ti,rower, •PessUp 11 ill'rl son, ttrnry Sevvnth tirade—R: C'wil .laylor, | Luciie Has.ell. Ruth Manning, Trula | I>BT. . . j ( :Kli Bamhill, Charles Peel, James | Ward, Bruce Whitley, Kvelyn Hair on Nina Jones, Margaret Joyner, Ruth j Manning, Maltha l.eggi*.tt. Eighth rade—B: Benjamin Courtney Fred Taylor, Margaret Manning, L»ura Orleans, , ' j C: John Booker. Ilugu Bui'ras, Bill Horrison, Benjamin Courtney, Riil» it Manning, Procter Jones( I'reu Taylor. Nineth Grade—lJ: V'elnia Harrison. Bry'afit Canvtarphoi Fredeiick. Hoyt (MitiUs Brown, Klsie Green, Velma ttirris'on, Pattie Harris, Carre Dell I Manning, Carrie Lee Peel, Sadie pern 'j Bryant Carstarphrn, Gaylolll llat |i • j son. j Tenth Gaade—A:' Louise Crawford ' Emma Bflle Harriso. B: Klizalieth Has.-vjll, Ksthrr Hai ri( I son. (J: Thelma Brown, Ixiuise 'rawforil ; Bonner Gurganus, Err.mu Bel II E?itlu.'i Harrison) Martha Harrison. ' if innie TloUfertfon, |fr i*n it Pael. 1 Eleventh Gladi— |. TiCggett,' Harfls, * , LAND SALE ! The ..ac of Ihf property of U 1 J F. , Bamhill Estate on Tliurwlay was well and the property brought sold at satisfactory price* your children are going away to s i school or collage this year, be sui"e to 1 send Ihe' Enterprise to tha»r. so fhey j can keep with the riews at home. ANSWER TO ARTICLE IN TUESDAY'S PAPER! lolowinlj letter has just In" I | ra«3k>ived vvhirlrwe print in pait. 1 Williamston, N. C. December 21, I'JUI Edito r»f the Entei"prise, °«i s^: -; s T 7 7 Injyour I'Cfcß issuf of l>ec. 20 there was 4 splentli# aitiile written undei the heading, "We are Living in a l.a\v less Age," and I read it carefully 'You -&y |hat the two worst failure, of the age ale the pulpit ami the court and the people m-od t« be taught all. of which may be true. You alsi mentioned soft -peddling 111 the pulpit What about the aew-papers ? Ale hev not guilty too? * the courst cause : they have trU'd to r pj / j •lilt I one. jfmi't tin* Js 1' lows ft lies, ei|UivaVnt f.i'itt I thing. The preachers are not the onlv one swho -end up kyrnckets to ilruv. the eyes of the public from something not desired to be aired, and if th« etlitors would fall down on !h. fin e line, too, and treat nevwfc a > pevvi boino of us wouhhntt tlavtj cui information from the streel crni'f and hotel lobbys. Youiv respectfully, lettei comes very '.ear convict wotud undoubtedh produce i first degree veidict K tlie prenu e were the same as that id the pulpi and the church. Vou must ivmemhci that the pulpit or the chitcih is an in stitution ordained by God t" ptoclain 11 i > ta. .pel in men. Ihe amri e m~ .institution established b\ nation.- ..m men \ti requiiv man til, deal t'aal; with other . ihe pulpit lnu ked b ill the p.-.wt i I" haven and the coin' i. backed by all the pow»v •ol eaitli. The newspaper "■ What i it and whir does it owe to the public, Does it ovvi uiorito tin* public than a mercantili TIU ines- or fh rilling business? It i; a private institution that depend - up .oh , iU.jmlLvic* fill' its. .'M-tel.Cf am' es -diapi d in poli.cy b> in; ny ciieirm .stance- and condition To I ' I fil'St clas- papei it may ri-«|Uir: i lull ie (net of al lllie new.,, bill a i'ailure lo e- ploil unfortunate happ>'iiii,|;' b; 'he newspaper is more to be commeiii ed than condemned. Nuvvspaper; ot good standing have long* since adopt ed .the plan of doing all dirt y washiiif in the back >ard The iievvsp; per ha long been reoigifized as one ol tin greatest factors in the promotion ol eiviUzntiri and government. .The |i^ s. pa|iai infill creature, selfljniis t lifted T» it he iole ll ' aftll not /or the lijy nil dow 4n\.\ IF, SMITH S DEI INITIOS ol \ KNOCKF.R After God bad finished making Snakes, Toads ami Vampires, lie hai .some awful .stuff Ifet—with which In nu.de a KNOCKER. A Knockci i:-. : two-lrggrrl—nniioal—with a corkscrew *oul, a water sogged brain and a coin biuation backbone inado 01. jelly am glue Where other Jieopli' have h arts i Kiiocker carries a tumor of decayei. principles, when he goes down street honest people turn their backs— the Angel in Heaven weep tears o. ■ljßterness and the Devil closes tin -gates of Hell to keep him. out. amn'li KK AT BAIT IST clll IK H A. V. Joyner, pastor. Sunday school, i): 4. r i m. Dr. P. B fJoije, Sup'. Sermon by the pastor 11 a. m. Subject "lean's Quej.t for ('hrist.',' The pastor will preach at Biggt School house jit (1 :()tl in the after noon. B Y. P. C. W:46. p. 111., Miss Carrti Delle Wlnte, luader. Sermon by th» pastor 7:.'iti p. in. Subj!Ct; "The Cycle of Life." " There will be appropriate music at both services. W extend to uvery' one a cordial in vitation 'to "worship with u» at all these services. OLD YEAH 'ALMOST TO A ( LOSE There are unly eig.lt c ore days ol 1921 ih which to fulfil the resolutions we made on .New Year's Day. Have we drifted from the path that we mapped out in the beginning of the year? Hoy,-,ii any ot is have reached the high ideals Jlhat we aspir ed to reach at he jeginhlng' of the yeaf ? An* how nfcnj* of lis aft re gietting bitterly fiJujieJ We must admit that tfci-'« id itordfc' ( oo lat" will ring n our ears. But if we fajl to make good rc-. olutiins we will not do as much good is if we so. We 1 must have sme objecti .e, some high ideal to struggle to attain if we would reach the correst standard oi citizen - ship for men women. FOR SALE: FOR RACER. A condition, cheap for cash. Ree ,T F. Co*, Blount Mfg Co. 2( n . ' 't Local News and personal Mention f Mj( ami Mis .1 YV Watts, .if. wri! ' 1-:: vb tomorrow for New Beirte to sperrf several "days' V»s*fTil« " Mrs,' Watjp' parents, Mr anil Mrs *\. P'. Walworth. Mr" and Mrs Garland Yelverton !o''t this morning' for Goldshoro to spend' some time with tvlatives there. Mr and Mts. Yclveittn will not return alter Christinas. "They have made their home with Mrs Fannie l.'arstar ph in mi Main Street since they'haxcl bo.-ii in Williauiston and have endear ed themselves to the 'Williunislon people who u>giet to see them leave. •*' ♦ « Miss I onise Harrison retmnvd last nij lit from Wilson to spend'the holi days with her parents, "Mr. and Mrs.' r. IV llairis'on. • • • » A If the it- is any one who knows of a case in the (own or community when- ther ato children who will not be provided for at Christmaslf so p'ease repvot their names to either l>iv l' U. Con • or Mayor, K. N-. -Pool. • * • « Mr. U he«U»r avtiih will spmul Christ-, ma ; in Wake Forest with, his family. • • • • Mr. Howard Hej jitk,. Ji. retui'lK'il -Yom Chapel .Hill today to .>p,:ud the holidays- with his grandfather, M.r. W- G. La tub. » • • » Mr. Charles kngftt arrived Wedne.;- ——t•'i■.lit from Kaloigh when 1 liy is attending A. and K. College,. * f 111. and Mis. I' II Conj! and clul 'i• n left tin-, morniutf foi Wilson to i e.id the Christmas holidays with .'•lis tiiiltlo. a.-tel, Mr;,. Unbelt I'ul glium. Mi-.,-. Nolle Wynne i.s.at liumio Jri/in Saint Mary's .Schjjul, to. sji'iid the oliday.i With iti s V l'Ui;e|it.s, Mr. and MF~. .1 I. Wynne * • • • Mi an.l Mi . S S-.l.aw H'lice will a.r ■ne tonight to spend overal .lays A 111 • Mr- Lawrence's parent » m ♦ Mr .1. I .lark.*on of Oui'tk'iih was i liai siiM-hS \i.-»itui \\A iv n > f.slrifiuv V'• • * ' 'Mi llano,\ Gardnoi and son wer« n town Thin-day ,Vl V . Ilruco Wynne and- W. II "aiitarphon who are . ;it tending Trinity Colegn are spending, theii aration at Ik mio. • • • . > - * > Messrs. rank and Irxing Mai'Rolft will leave- Sunday foi War aW to ,'isit relatives. ■' r .» • * ♦ • Messrs Collin I'oel, W, (I (flirkin, Htiirh-H'orlon and .1 W. tai l- will spend Chi'i tffi.i?i in Croswoll. # ♦ • • Mi .lai^li s ('."and W ( Manning, ->,r. of Atlantic Quistinn nr. I>' )i>llii r'the holiday at homo with )■> JI. parent' •I i Anna Harrison leturiioii Mon lay from Tarhoro whore ho was call ed on account of the illness of the jallj of Mr. and Mrs. A H Mi/elte, * • » « jVli n Jewel Harnett Jolt yesterday jJPr h.'i' home at Faruivilli* to .spend ' XhHstmas. • • » • UToi Ijiima rnTßErthon wT"o is a" iiioiiil.ii of the faculty of the Guiil. • Schools" of Kinston is at lio|in; for weeks Hiss Klizaboth Bunas in at home tin State Collegr fr>r Women at Greensboro to spend the holidays with he* parents Mr anil Mrs.. Hugh M Burros. • •' • • Mi Lawrence Moye left Thursday fot his home at Farinville to ,spent' the Christmas vacation. +■ * * pupt'. M.,.1 -.Davis will leave tohior row for his homo in Wai ronton ti visit his parents during' Chrslina >. • • ♦ • Crttclii'f sper.t »" Wishing • » • » 1 Mr Hi" I Mps. George Heidon motor ' oil to Warhinffton Thursday. ! I* * * " jHr. JJ F. Latham, Apprai-> : ? tlie Fefleral Land Bank arrived la ■ niffyl and will he in the Count) f i some time appraising land for appli i cr.nts for loans from the hank Mi ! Latham's home is i?T Beaufo'rt Count 1 artd he is vu'll known in Williamstoril > | ' " ' «. r « « l -If all Sjubscrihers who are'behind I in subscriptions wil itenl Js a elteek - lif January we will pass tho jhy along tof tho other follow. sJ * * 1 -v Aftderson arrived yititurday, for Greensboro where she L LI3R been attending 0. C. W. J _ L. t _ (fcrpftimiH ■ •' • v * » - -j Jblcst for a n l\eUt «_»!■] \ f zJ 1 mmmmm ■i ■ *mmmmmJLmmm ———i—^—— JAMESVILLE NEWS AND PERSONALS Mr II L Edens and Miss Carrie -Edens liiivc gone to El rod where they will .pi'ml Ihr Christmas Holidays. Mr. C A As'kfw wua town VV»>«ln(-Uaj; on Imsiuesi. i Mish Essie Brown an -,-is W ilmiii anil All>oit i ay n .. were ""tin* him" I ui Mi — i .it. IU, — l)ji ■, i| i,4 en NuiuUiy nfteruoQ. n Mrs... C C FlcuiDiing .iinl cluldt" n left „this wecK t's»i* Halimoro \yhc:o they will spot..l tile Chri tinns Holi days with friend^ Mr. and Mr Luther Hardisoii niotnird to \\ i Wrdni'sduy. Mrs:. I'attio Wallace a nil' Mr Arthur Wallace will tl*; holi days in Baltimore with relatives anil friend . Hrf Archie Blow n was in town' yps terday. Mr. William Sykes and Mr. Snth Neodham motored to Plymouth Tues day night.. Mr. and Mrs. M (' Jackson wen the guests of Mr and Mrs Pterin) Peel in Griffins Township Inst week Mr William Martin has arrived from Poughkeepsie where lie is attend ing Eiistmen College, to spend tin holidays with his mother Mn'sse l.illie Hel land Mamie Brown were in town Saturday after noon shopping.- rs. I Handle llloiint and children are visiting Mr. and Mrs, .1 *l.. Ilivenpwt Mr J>hii liOiiK •yB folk where lie hail I icon on business. Rev. .1 I) Howell and" family from I'lyn i >ut h wi re the guests of Mr) and Mrs. C, A. Askew Siiiulfiy. Miss Fannie Latham, Mrs. John Martin irnd Mrs. I.aura Long ac companied by Mr. William Martin - motorist to Willinmston ( Tntsj|^y k Mr Koliert Rackley left Wc-ilnes' day to spend Christina- with at Wallace. Mr (lames Nmithwick arrived thi week from Chapel Hill to spend the holidays with his parents Mr. F. M Sexton is here f I'oiii Florid&v to -pen dthe Christmas Holidays with friends arid relatives: Mr \V. L t'askey of Richmond was a busijies visitoi in town yesterday, i - .-...w v*» i -Jf. SCHOJ. CLOSED FRIDAY FOR CHRISTMAS VACATION i The (iraded School closed it's full session Wednesday. Each class had > pmpured a program and a Christina tree and the last day'before the Christ mas holiday vreere by all tlm chil dren. The ful Iterm >f the school has lieen (.Very Miti. factory to nio.it of tl-,i» teach j&rs, pupils, parents and patrons of the school As little criticism of the school has been tnadfl so far as there has been ~in th ehistorS' of the school and th peopUi of the town appreciate the e.'iiiM'it efforts and resuts of Mr. I)avis and his corp of teachers during the past term., Thil spring term will open early ii January and the pnipls are looking forward- to a busy season for one coinpHiMMit can certainly be' paid the faculty', and that is for their having r made th echildren ilo good work. Chi Wednesday night the fifth and jixth, grades gave an entertainment which was well attended by .the j*ir, ants »f the children anff all were »le-' lighted with the' program. Miss*- Claylini "und Vuughn are the, teachers of these grades. 1 TELEPHONE OFFICE - O- "" SERVE SUNDAY MOUlfs i I . ONLY, ON MONDAV '-As-Monday will be obseived as a holidfy and the b yHtmitshrshrh'sh i Aolidgy by all business firms nf the r;Rown, the telephone office will only Jb* opened during Sunday fiour*. NEWS FROM IN AND AROUND OAK CITY Mr. R tin son of A C College con* ducted services in tlit Christiai Church Sunday, owing to the absenct id' the regular pastor. Miss Vara Harrell und Miss Sara) Pollard, Mrs. W. T. Humphries and Mr. Wilbur Worsley spent Friday Messis. E K Harrell audi lxiuit U own s|*>nt Friday nigth in Winter villo. Mr Frank Jolly was in town during the past week- Mr. T. W. pavenport spent last Wednesday in Rob'ersonville Misses Louise Scott and Ruth Hud sou, Nftssrs M. H. Savage aiijt l*«ul Hyman attendel the Qtristmas en tertainmeutXut ing Mr. F 11. II town of Kentucky aodl his mother, Mrs Ilrown of Tarboro aie spending some lim# here with Mr. Nat R rown. / a 4 Mr Jack Move sp. Nt \ Monday in Tarboro. Mr Howurd Ilrown wvnt to William ston Monday on business. Mr. R E. McNeely spent.Ktinday in town. ; Miss Jefferson House spent Satur day and Sunday In Roek> Mount with relatives. _ Mr ami Mrs J F Crisp, V r and Mr: 11. S Everett and Mis I! K Early spent lyftyulay In Tarboro. i T. W ■fliwit lin -t --de.y in Varhorn. - . Mr. Jatnes Averette and Miss Blanche Routinx iiiotored to Wiljiam were ifiarried. They were accompauiet' ,iy Mr:;. F. M Harrell and Mr. T U. Jlilinson " Vllfc HiCIATES AT ( THE COUNTY HOME ll' you wish to atld to your Christ ■ ruas joy, visit the stores of eithei J. 1,. Hassell and Co. or Anderser and i Crawford and deposit snmet-hing »t> , the biff boxes that you will find near the entrance of each for the Chnstms. 1 of the inmates nf th« County Homo It also fulfils the Scripture, "I ivai ' wick and ye ministered unto me, was in prism arid ye visited me" -S f ——r— y? BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL TO HELP THE POOR The Baptist Sunday Sschool will give presents to all those who by mis fortune are unable to provide them selves wth something to bring the Christmas Spirit and f.'heer. T he com mittee in charge is composed of Mis. John I). Biggs, Jr. and Mr. Urcer Hardison. They wish to learn of all unfortunate persons. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of ■ the estate of Susan J. Telterton, t d»- ! ceased, late of County, N C., this is to nfl|Jfy all persons hav InR claim sagainst tlje Astiite qf .aaid '■ deceased to exhibit tluem to tlie tie% derslgned on or liefore th Ist ih# B of January, 1K23, or this no\lce will f be .plucd in bar of their recovery. This 13th day of December, litii 1 4 W E. W. TETTERTON t Administrator ot Sjj#an J. TeUer i tea, NSC.i 4- VrAusfliy 1 - y r * " > FOR SALE: HOGS, GOOD CONDl tion to go into peanut ftelda. oc, I'l l-3c and 16c. J B Cherry and Rip: Phiy 8| C. .!» NOTICE" i 1 have in my lot fl hogs four spot i ones jijicJ two light colored ones a unmarked. Owner please C£)l for same, y J. S. MEEKR, Williamson, Kf. C. Rout 2, Bold" 1 23. d2O s r IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 189! ARMENIAN RELIEF BOX SENT BY SIXTH GRADE Two boxes for Armenian children, a present from the children of the 6th Grade, Wllliamston Public School has been received at the State Heed quarters of the Near East- Belief -at Raleigh, according to announccnMt ■" made by Col. eot*e H Bellamy, State Chairman. Dorothy Ttagwer and Vaughn were tJ* leaders in rnlintlu these "toys* They have tt> New York by the Nortfc Carolinu Division and wiJL,h« seat abread on the first sailing for the Bible lands." . , These toys will be distributed to children in the fire Near East Relietf Ofph&ntige's at'TVebiiond, the Black Sea Port, which are being maintained exclusively by money donated bj North Carolinians. An explanation of the meaner in which North Carolinians "adopt-" or phans of Armenian martyrs was meUe this wxH'k in Raleigh by Col-Georjt H Bellamy, state chairman of' the Near Ea .t Relief, «i tho, result irf r> quest.' tiui\ children be "seffjV'lOto homes receive*! at state headquarters in response to the Chili Una appeal of that organization recently out ,&}■ Joeophus Daniels, honorary state chairman. In reply t> the*> geinsroun hexrU'U people who would take ot>e of tborse unfortunate children into their own homes, Col. Bellamy write* that t» "adopting* a child the donor yinply contributed i 5 a month, whir)) pays fur the food, clothing and education of one child in one of the 229 rphanagoe maintained by the Near Emt Belief n the Bible Lands. The Nar East Relief is u closely sui>ervisel corporation, Cul- Bellamy pointn out, operating under charter of and supervised by Congress. The North Carolina Division us loweil to collect funds und seni thej> tf t%e ;j York through quanlty purchasing end effi cient management, enough commodi ties are purchased and shipped abroad to feed, clothe and educate these chil dren at $6 peiymcpith eyh. TQ keep a ctylJ in* one's own family will rost far more than this . Oxer 110,000 orphans of Armenian martyr*."who were muHfrwd ksieeiw they refused to renounce Christ ami become Mohammedans, are being tak en care of by the American people. North Carolina supports ;i,!!.T7 chil dren in its five orphanages at Trebi zond ob the ltlack Sea. There are many more children dying daily and for.wjipirt there is nu roo/n WAIIINGT(?N *TO *l>E*D J5W.000 ON IT'S SCHOOLS Washingtol to spne«i the sum of. sfcjP,flO|> its' new schools in the r.ear future. Thin will all go for new equipment in addition to the pres ent. V "» 'flhUl so»nd« re»Welucational en thusia.sin and will put Wonhnngton equal to, if not head of any town in Eastern Carolinu. Spending $500,000 in Wellington for educational purposes means spend ing 1100 per capita for equipment tt> educate the youth of that town; The Williamston investment in school prop erty for educational purposas unly a m.units to about eighteen dollars per capit;-, and yet we have those who complain. Washington is not at all otravagant in "s pen dl njrthte money for education. MONDAY WILL BE A HOl.'H>Y Monday will be observeu bv all the business houses,, stores, bankj etc. as Christma comes on Sunday and that is a holiday anyway, so Monday will be observed alo h (jet your next supply of coal from FTli Ourgurius S Son. • ~prr> -STRAND -THEATRE- ••-TUESDAY— »' Adolph Zuker Presents "DECEPTION" The Real Heart Story of Anne "■■f | i Thr woman: dr|>nyof allying The man: King Henry VIII.— The most irresistible wooer in history! , . A drama that>olU up the cur tain of time. £nd there— -eliv*! / as long aa Jleafcs shell heat in* the loves, tlw hates, the pomp an dtho poftrer of the most romantic figures ever bora. SJftc and . 80c

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