Advertisers Will Find Ou; Columns a Latch Key to 15G(: 'WrraP • MVu-tin "• Cornty's Home* VOLUME MXH-NU:..Bi;i{ 97 mm fAH.tKs j**j meeting T A large tho county'"! address by Cof Kf ntUj.K> i in the cour l^^^^Jh-dnesoay■. Tho | address wa., jiiflHftuftr. St of Cooler- ' stive selling 4received v. it , i enthusiasm. H«• luih described tl.a siffjj'jpng tern- of! the variou: 4MMHl^r a fixation.' oi the fanners ar4HfIHE ••! >■ ti■. placed in tIvMHMI world waei-' It.nd ply of wi.! *.(' xnvtj through th' Avsv-iutioji tin i-ii : iind from aii iufot ;i.»t n in#! ami ft • prices will be satisfacte y,to .iic fa.-m 1 e*s ■ From p.eseirt i.idicaiions i ."•.•cut. | safe to say ihit t'e In ill tnlmco j of otrr section will he fcandh'i •i> Ifi'.' by th. Marketing What wi! ith«. i .-wspuj cri jav • t .say in the year Nju t about > much a setret a« vhT. wi'i happe , ! i* a inystoi . Ti. tn»\* «p:qi. i i.« > • j pec'oil of four-'" lo ''l t l new-- .1 j it happen:-, ui >1 if 10t,,0f tiivrg happen we h;.vc a b'g pajier : ml v.! "i j only a lev tliinu': I>ui»our 1 diminishus in sije. But what ;.h.,nt policy of le n;, a in I '' ->j,.r r | blazing the '.nil for •• 11■ v 11 >;*i; | the people and makinir it'sell a r.'; ' j uplifting factor? I lie Lnti ~I i' moor like TH 7T" unpleasant -l.ii-.r, ai ! lo.i' m:»n> I ha sstood b.. .i id .-c ii all niancr of i dcvilement t,«fi g on, on gpery • i>! [ It. has seer ii.lkical, , religiou- and social [ife invai'e.l by acts >f" shae j md disgrace, leligioui bickii mv - m- 'j the social stratta -o warped and' ben* that much of its. beauty and puij.e e] ia- seemed to di-;i| pear. We have . | 'arg" name on fi' p who have had I ' .much to do wi Ji _diiELi.UK, trap'.' l ! j nt(, lying. stealing,. fighting ai. 1 J •nany .other .similei deeds, bod, h .si hose we have a li-tot tinfort uilate. •ho are dr tin;. «»..«•„ tie,on foi tin j ■. unt of a littie ic.nii on .-eiin' a 1 ' , : eeenrv, aid we 'ro|io-e to turn on; t lore light m the latin. than we hn.. in the past. Wo v..nt to he of seivic. j in helping to draw t'. ■ • that • ople may Know iu.-t where we stand j What we . a;, a-e n i anvoin » ! * ' with verj r> \ir! rrl e t.nii'i IHi j ni.ot lonf" i k«n-p ..loot lOrl •- tin- j i"y f'iuinlatloll ot i. ,i i ivilr.'.atioi. J - n asunder ■ '-e touch tile soe. il evil ocea-iQliull ' . the drink evil it v ill be done wltT ■ hope'that they will Ire col rotted I'll\WshM)(.i: itVEK IfOANOI.I nt HI: o>ii'LKTi:n i\ \ n I KV\ WFI KS J lit• ilraw hridjrc- ;cr>'.-.-- thi Pnain k- 1 i iver will lie eo.r.nlrteil in a fev\ prov.iled the wr-ather (oiitintiu: i . ne i;ood It »Fl tei;iiiu> aiioi.'t -i v j' ~«-;ntlls 1(i complete till- OolllOllt Wo 1 1 ..I the hiidfo «o tuat the mad ';. ij* 1,. opened » \ Tiioi «.M i TOK 'i lit WI:Ka 't -ie heav'i n-4 tl r.nt d* elare thf |dor\ ..f- od any more t' an do shiniui; e e. the firmament .-hu\> His handi { -■ o * more ttiaii ti ** m/atti wind 1 . ifor the* w-io vi e-.rhi v. •''' • latcy love thnn si>t lll'' vo;.n| .s Willi trine in f-ea. nf j-ovous and ,i" eval a;r. Acountry ia r*di#iou 'o •! it i^ ; conin on belief that, al! Vhines are instinct vith. divfnitv, and v. hoj" tho love l*».fwciu man ; nd' a is as •» symbol, the Jiit'li i-.i- '• e have, nf the union q* sp ''* •ih' nature, and h'.ondiPtc j in I i boundless For thi 'e.-ion j t • highest- der,ires even, the light- ■ «s- j. aces of women have a phtluso- ( l *,ici ! value for vhat suffirestions they j»ri i us of the divinity behind them. I reorge W. Russell. \ PMINFSTIi.\T m'S NOTK R ! ,;- ( >Sng f|ual+ft"d as administrator of i tl> of.ate of Susan J Tetteion, de- I TTllv late of ash'ngton County, j g., liii ? is to, nniffy all persons hav j inp-'itlaim- sagainst the estate of aaid l Je . •>. t«> exhibit them to the un-. Dei it! Ed oif 6y before th' Ist dan ! c.£ v '»ry, i!)'2U, or thLi notice will he rl ..J in heir recovery. "j i' ,Pi ' p iiJ>cr, 1921 THE ENTERPRISE FX-iiliVENtlK BllhtlT UltS ill HIS HUMt WEDNESDAY I .Former Governor Thoin.i > Waile: ! Hickett dii .1 a tl|is' houtt' in Halcigh ' Wednesday morning .it 'J: lo of'chn k, I foliowiair ~n attack of paraly :is ear!., ! last night. j Mr. j be:'l ot Jicaill' itlie last lev ua\ j. : l'i* wis tnckea wj.iie iiuiiiuteiiu" io lu» wife, vviio is ill. Sec.ililtfl l> 111 the be-t. ol ' hi'alt i j an.l ;,urit, tilt? foiaier (i0.e.i.0, j.i«• - ; pareu super pfo.f his wife, v !io i ! confined t« her >ootn by iline While sitting beside his witoV be ! ("he developed a headache. -\ l"'ie\v ' ii'.inulcs later he retired to. tn> I oolii i ta he dovv n;, hardlv five, ; ha i i eiiip-o I when Mi . I'ickett iiean v'.io ! kom I:ioi' -cream '!,. it hi I.- ad va> killing him. Ih then .ti rec! to hi: wife's rocii '..' I ,K-110 liei he I .'•ml lapsed ot- iiii.'oiisV m. ii. -■ t! 'II which i" ni V-M n,o\ei.\l. Ml'.', li'.'krtl ili m diately ) 'enu-d le I'iusin, Mr I• ni lope 1.1-i , v l-.o with 'l.. Rogers, and l(e\ Vi , W. i Pi 4 eh , hurrii'd lo the liickett A huiried examiiiation hy I>r. ' rev-aled no signs of fife, luit after' | much work developed a light |iulse' | and hi began breathing. Aft a close] I exaau i.ition it was round tliet the i governor'.-; entire-i iglit -ide was paia -I\zed and his recovery improbable Mr. llieki tt will always be knvvon as North ("arolina'.- war itovi rnor. I During thu.»e iiio.t —i ti 'nou.i —timmt of the world war he proved trie to I his country and his home pen; le. ( Since leaving the giniinnr'-. chair, ■ Mr Hi.'kett has devoted I o- taiv ex-] [ chlsivi ly to the practice of the law j and at the time of hi* deal'i w."i en 1 toying a mo t lucrative' practici-. - • 1 . . " ' I'KICK III' COTTON-IMI'KON K.S ! I In; has been expected -for a- lonp i tune. Many reasons haxe- been given r win cotton with only'about half i I j normal crop should ii-ninin so ln\\ | i Iti. p.-rhTips because the producers of • cotton are ignorniu of where tlleil cot'on is going and are !ie|p|e>s when 'it conies to negotiating with thos who really um l cot top. Then the price j | fixed by a band of people whose or!;, ir.tei"L'st is to buy cotton at 'a low pie t and -ell it at n high one. Thu> I in..- anh have to pjay both sale ' I the game, j.o th:> pla> "he.n" in, tla pits uidil thiiir ' look black to tiie farmer, then th. v reverse tl,in ( fs ami play "bull" for awhile: . Hut unices! signs fail they will have to pay I'ie hiyh side ot the maiki t soon ami a* a result ma.s not nnl a , In linjh but very nigh. LADIES AID SOI'IKTV-(«I\ K SII.VKU IF \ Ylief.a«i A ni .s»c - iot> tin* Mi»t!.o' (II t Chuivh arc Iv7i u Silver i'fii tLj- 4alt« rii'Kni'nl tin* 11oi114* uf .Mi .to] ,i t Kk'iniiffc urhl Mi-. V\. K. V\ .irri II >n lluu^liton Si:u\ ICI'S \| H \l'lT.s! ( 111 lit II \ X. ,l r> ner I'nstor. Sunday School li:-1U a m. J, C. Anderson, Superintendent. Senium-hy tU- pastor 11 a m. Subject: "Thctjgppeii Doo;." At .1:00 afternoon the pastor wdi fo»»ach at- ltiU.iicks Gcuve. 11. Y. I'. U. 6:4f) p. m. .Sermon by the paster 7:i!0 p. in. •Subject: "A Question lor the Begin , niiiff," Sunday will mark the beginning of, the f.»c3cnt second year here and the services y.ill be appropriate to the occasion. Officers of the Chuicl ! and Sunday School will be. Insti.lled, i "A cordial invitation. Is extended to j every one.. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue- of tlio power ' of sale contained ii that ceit-ain deed i of tnist executed by Wiley Anthony | '.ltd wife, Mary .Louisa Anthony u> I ttic unr'ersigr.ed Trast'ee, i nd-noaring j ilnte of 25th day of Septeinl>cr J9lB, and of record in Book,o-1 at page j -'!♦» 1 of the Martin County Publje Reg | istry, said deed of trust havinir lieeii i given to ,secure th« payment of cer,- : tain notes of even date therewith, and i the terms and conditions therin con ! tained no thaving be -n compiled with j and at the request ! 'of the bold rof J said notes, the undersignerl Trustee, the 23rd day of Janu- M., the at t« IV illiamston, Martin County North Carolina,Friday,December ;tO, 1921. BURGLARS CAUGHT IN NORFOLK ; On the morning of the twenty first I Dr. K.night found that tome one had bioke iinto his office, broken his ale I and tolo about oat hundred .no 1 twenty five doinrs in ca.h, two thous and dollars in note.-, some win sawm; j i'tnnips and about thieci humiied dob j 1..1-- worth .if morphine. The ehtry was made hj p:i?ing I open the buck window of tin- office | Tho combination of tie -:ifA\a not locked and th eday lock to the c.i ,b vault was broken (.fen. The a| pear anee of the entry showed that som skill ha dheon displayed in aecoinplisl ing the work. Not a trace of the gurglars ceeld be found and it looked I for a tiime that a real iliysti-iy \\a | before tho officers It was soon learn | ed however that two young men hm 1 gone to the home of Mr. Lee Hardi-on j of Williams Township at two o'clo •' j in tho mming and hired him to take them to plymouth to cntch an >-arl* j morning train for Norfolk. I'lu \oung j men gave their names ns -Dennis Ii Roherson ntid Roy Rover. The officer j thinking this an important clue got Jin touch with the Norfolk ' Police De 1 partmcnt which advised the pot office fdepartment to be on the lookout for j them. In a day or two the hods at tempted to cash the war saving.- stamps bearing tlv name nf Charle Knight. Kohersou and Hover wei immediately arrested. Sheriff Ruber ■oil was notified to' come I'm —them The sheriff went to Norfolk I'm-, din morning, hut before arriving tlieti Dennis Hoher-on had turned flic morphine over -to an K VV. tiLinei to . sell for him. Glim s and his ,i -ociativ J. I'. Francis ami Hugh Duffy, 'eune. men who apparently had I. mm. tlaiuled, and had fallen in > n .prim •.vith Kobersnn (Hid Hovel, vvoi • i.ot veiv wel lacijuamtod with dope ped a Itt'ir and were soon ptekeof up l»y --ii e Norfolk yiufh.,l ilies. T; y toid at l i".cf that the dope had U .'. i . c:lw.n i gi 'en to them' hy Dennis I'oliei m 'vho was in. jail and that U e, > -o i and his TpaTr Albeit Albert ( tlov Rover were t> *hai" two idod fei fill iiishing the wo'iil.-:, and lie, were to get one third for selling it Willi all this information th" Kceeia! Authorities assumed charge of then, under the Hal ri on Narco»ic • \ l They vvdl he trie.' in Nprfolk beloi 'they are turned over lo t'.ie \oij|. Carolina autlioru e. where lli.ey wd 1 have to answer to the. •/.aige .il burglary. I With this r.lUe of The Lliteipn e ( we close the record of one more year. | Tho things that we have done, both ! good and bad, are now our le 'my ! and'OHii- novel be changeit. We (an j only say that we hope we. hav • h«'en j an asset to the County and' State and I not u liability. We hope the jood will j over balance the bad, that the * 1 lin.• wi have -aid will uplTTt raThei fhno ' pull down. We, like others have had j many troubles and draw hack . hnl i they are outnuinbeied h\ the man' 1 kindnesses rhown us hy our people I and we admit oul indehlednes: to our our fiieiids who have -o faithfu'l) stood by us. We want to repriy the j many favor.. b> i-Hpresslng OIII; grati j tude jind pioinl.ang to carry the same i blessings to others in the coining year. ' May thi" New Year meet u* all filled - witlnqwi-Hy-pi-ys at htun. fv»i u-». all Mr. W' 11 Hooker spout the Christ mas holidays with relatives in Cherry- I ville, N. C. Mr. John Booker visited j-hb parents in Wilson for the holidays. Mrs. Tn:i I'ag I'ierce of New York ; City who has been' vis,ting I er dnugli !t m in Gvontanimn B >y, Cuba arrived I list week to S|»Tid sometime with hei,- rister Mrs. .1. ii. II Knight. Mrs. Wlieeli'r Martin,* jr. suffered an acute attack of,sickness this week, and Dr. H. B. York wa scabd tw sue her titythe homo of Dr. I'oteat-in Wake Fbr®?t. It was found that the illness was not.s'eriouft/a#d h»*i' friends will be glad to learn that she is get ting along very well. i.: ,' « • • » / Mr. and Mrs. W R. Cherry, Miss I'jlly Pulley un( Mr, Clyde Walters leave tomorrow'- for Astatula, Fla. where they will vsit frieriils witii the intention of buying a»winter homeland settling in Florida permanently. Miss Pulely is eighiy-fuor yeias old and isj right brave to face such" a lonj jour ney, in a Ford touiitiK car.. ! is hereby made for a belt r do-j of said land; said tract con- or less, and )«- conveyed Local News and Personal Mention i> - f L>r J Khoiies, M cusis. IvaUvi l». v.rawioru ami J c. ."'lu'iori have Lievu on l-umtuck joumt -inci' X'lU'iiima.- i ay hunting Ali ttaTdy liu i i .a iii-.' tuna lioai Aeiisc III! allcmiillg lu j , iiu niuuei it \\ 11 •■ :i 111 H 11.n, ill U'li MtnuUt> I.>i ll.ii j-toii l( win."' i.i' v.'tl! join i.• Inj», ilit' Liti anno, an I .id H i v. ee.. i > i ,»lin)lli' A iah ililcV •«11. 1. I. 11111 l t "II . p.'tll li'. Wl.ek i . It.ill i.inn i liuy iii;; i;i)iml,-. lor t,i. • lllli v. iinde .iiiii i.e aiinniinci >■ LQOi. >•> is at tlii' HK' I |'l: i•• .Skoetci;, lae iU■ k i»u in' I !'\ Xi A.; i. i raw turd dioil tin. wtck from mi* .Mark of acute pneumonia. Skeete. lijF T-ofTi a favou'.e wit!i In:, owne. ; ail tl'.r down low It public lor ixlooi ;',i lie will lii' mi ..I'ii l.y i.l no. i>l al. 111 k In-- daily ua'.ks to ar.d Iron •V i. Ci aw foiiiV office. M i lYrcy I'rit> In i of Lcxinntoi it'luiwil to hi>> home Tuesday lift.;' , l |H.ailinn a short linio ho re wit n hi parents, Mi. iind Mr . linger Ci'it.'lv ali Jack of High I'otiv spent the holidays hero w i|h ivlalivc * » ■» 'ill' l ! i n of LouisbuiK ai'o vihitintf Mi .nil Mis. John I> Simp, on ,nt thoi homo on Main Street > i i Mr .St S. Lawrence Ivft Taosulav t,>i Itcdisville via Kalei);h. » * « ■ Mr. I'erley I'eriy of lircenshon >k| i"it the holidays lieiv with his in >tli ur Mis. l/oui.MU Pony Mi W T. Hunter who i; i t fi.liLhoro at the piiv.e. t spent tin •:i ':i> •> at hcina witfe hi.-t fan Mi.. Minnie Uaianee relumed !■ r a\ Irom Wintejville where sln> ha hei n nut -inn for several days. Mr. and .Mi t.corno I law.',, n V\ jishiii}'lon, If I' .ijviit the lioliifay iiei eW I til I'e I lit IVI . All. \\ in i lei VaiLn wu.-. eulLd li V\ .ikr I'uri'.'.t U t'llriti.niuy on accoun of the iliuet , id' Mrs. Martin who t vi itinK her parents, l»r and Mr ■-Ltrt+ti-Prrtrul -Ih'eri . ~— .M ihi. Josephine I )in i-, of-. Nnrfoil i» vi itiiiK hei aunt, Mi Carolini Martin I'r. .Samp mi Ituillev of \irlolk ■pent one jlu> duiint; the holiday: With liia father, Mi. S. t S. Hartley . .Vi i u. Aiihur Wilier ol .Scotland Nock nil- iieen VI itmi; .Vli.s.s l> d» lias cl t ill UI ek • • • • Mr. A,II U'f.iUO «111*1 .'.l'll, .v | | |H; I 111 I An l».*i ..«iii ol I'ai boru ,ip. U iiUi i tin ii(iJni,»>.«». wit li Mr:. i«inl Mr,, t A. Illil l una al Clini iiixnr on Hawaii tiJli StltMl t\lr. uiml Ali.-> Hub.rit havk K-tiu ntMl to tlieir home in V\ tthhuifitoi al'lv.r a part ol thv holiday. I t lilK«-3. Ml'. Hi nnett hpem a few dayt this week with lila s'ibU"', Mrs. Janie A. Whitu in Littjeton. Mi. V\ ilson j. llullotk of Wilboi. v i..iU.*! his xraadfatht'i, t 01. Wilsor. (J. Lamh during the holidays. Mr •/ VV. St,ari retnin.d I'iiesrlaj from LlenWell where lie hrnf beer viKitinic his family - • ' t » « • An. Luke Lamb of Kaletffh spent .. few days in town this wvek* • * » 9 Messrs. Collin Peel and lluyii lloi ton motored to Creswel f'hi'isimit Day to visit friendF. - • • * .\}iss rTueiTle Masstll is vi.sitiiiK hei aunt, M(s. I! l». t Cowper ip Raleigh. ♦ ♦ * # /! Mi's. J. W. Watts, jr. has retuniei. frjiin a visit to her paruir.K, Mr am. Mwt. Albert Wadsworth of Cove City .She .was accompanied by her brother, ifowell Wadsworth who will b her jfuest for several days. J • M m m ■ Hemem ber the dato "f the salt; ol valuable fyoperty in Williainston ami Rose Lawn conducted by Julius ,S. Peel. - . . .-x ' , JAMESVILLE NEWS AND PERSONALS Alt-j Menua Sykes of Kiclimond ar live.i Fnda> to sytnil ; , UJm «iih her parent,, .Mi und Mi--, * :•»> kt. Mi C liitll i* lluilc> .»i V\ a Jung'ton WJ. m low I, .M«.n»la\ ; -..1 I in\sti,i> Mi s l)avi.. oi IHI UllKKltll | if MMI ni!' her t.'i, .Ml . l.ui-ra •Martin M 1 .it..l \ii . I ('. \\ altoli u ci', i Kile I. ii| \|, |M, \\ || [ |||,.j iSuiiil.n Ali -i-I A. lii and Alex m.ler tn>t -111-1■ i■ wore Im.-ir.i'ss visitor, in town \Vi>ihu*Mhty.' .Mis ,M\:tlr hv;>n ol I.a Grange irnwd Sat ii 111 a\ to -.poml several dajs IUI I .". parents Mi-..- Amur Ma..- Alien of Wa.shing ton ,-|.ont Saturday rin.l Sunday in • »«n A I i- W alt.'i , i iff in of Kim Cu> «a . ••.'i' NaUud.iy, Mr . ami Mi,. Cecil Croft" of fly "outii were Mi .lo!in .A'l• • n Sunday. 1 . Mr ;i in I Mr.,. F.lwar I F\in.s anil hildreii mi' the guests of Mr. ami ■lrs. I S. HassiMl tl).: wok SM.Ii«» Mart ii anil Carrie 'fxton pint Monila\ all. 'neon in on II shopping. Mi K.l Sexton «n tli r.u''. t of Mr. atul Mrs. John LOIIB Monday uitfht Mr-i. Sue Fw ell of Willi, II v isited Mr:. Luara .Mai- • i for rr ~ lavs this wvek. Mi W\ 11. Nolle, of fall, u , Vr« mi business Tuesday Mrs. VV H. Laueliinnhi.u e is visit ing her mother, Mi .. Frank Stalling* •hi.-i week. Mr. W. K. l'ark. i wn a l.u-iiies.- visitor in town W'edne 11 Mrs Hurrimm llolhday ii visit inn., her son ,n South Carolina for several •veeks. Mi'ssr . ('. James, J 1.. Colt rain, T. A. Manning, T W. Ilullitliiy, James 'iriffin, and Marion (iriffin are a vonn those in town this week attend np to business. Mrs. M C. Jackson left Friday morn " jinx foi Durham to visits her parents. J Mr 'l' F. Holiday of Raleigh i« [•visiting relatives in town Miss Sadie (iriffin spent the week •>nd at home with-her parent', Mr. ir.d Mr James (Iriffin CIIFIUII ol Till; VDVK.NT Rev \Jaller li. ( lark, I'ricst in ('barnc Service for the ( U tuve ul CJui.iUnii: January Ist. Churoll School 'J:46 a, in. flßrry M Stlibbs, Supei ilitciidl'iilj Holy Communion and -ermnn 11 no a. ni. Sermon'-. Subject, ' (Jie World's Ne.»l." F.veiiili(i, pN»>:'t-l all. l r 1 lliuM , ill I. 111. Sermon Subject "Tin' Supieine Now i'ear's H( olution." A cordial welcome to all jV Ki-pt e.ii, vi' ( Kitchiu ev nects to take In., old stand at the ln.'ad of the pi oce , don to fight the Republican tariff Friends of Mr. Kitchiu will receive with great plea urn. the announcement of In, rontmn ad improvement j. t. Miinvoon fi.fctfh statf CHAIRMAN OF OIEMOCRATJi STAIF COMMITT'IiF J.. I Norwood, a ploininent bankt i of Salisbury ha. ben elected by the State Democratic Executive , Com mitt«K- as Chairman to fill the vacunr> caused by the recent resignation of Thomas I). Warren of New Kerne I S ' DINN'FR I'AKIA /Miss Martha' Haskell wa.. fiostess to (i number of her friends lust evening at a dinnei party fropi sight to eletcn. her guests enjoyed dancing at (iarden Terrace. Those enjoying, Miss llassull.. hospitality weie, Miss Lydia Cook and Mr. C. I). Carstaiphen, Jr, Miss Margaret Fveiott, and Mr. W Manning, jr., Mi.,* Elizabeth Hurra:., and Mr. Clyde Everett of Roberson vSlle, Miss Martha Cotton and Mr. I.ouiit Horton of I'lymouth,l Miss Elizabeth Haskell and Mr. Mnijl riott Hritt, ' NOTICE (The Fanners Mutual Fire Insurance Company'will hold its annual meeting at the Court House in Williamston, Tuesday, January 10, at ten thirty o'- clock a. ni. All members of the As sociation wil Itake notice please as we are anxious that all attend. A report of the year's business willke made and officers for the coming year will be KfetMK*. L. COLIJi4IN'. Secrotary. I NEWS FROM IN AND AROUND OAK CITY Saturda> evening before Chrktm i .Genera Lee Bryant, a colored man ol' Oak Cit>, after imbibing two much liquor became very rough and pro ceeded to try to tuk over the town.l lie iaised several disturbances and a-- sualted ono nuin Tho officer ufter procuring a warrant for him took u long a number of citizens to help ar rest him as he had heard thut Ui vanl had threatened any one who attempt ed to apprehend him and knew that he was a desperate,character Upon reaching"the house where the negro was the. officer tried to persuade him to subini tto arlost quietly but the negro refused to surrender and de clared he would die before he woult 1 give up. Ho pointed his gun .it a member of tlio posse and demanded him to throw his bun down which he did. Then turning to the others of the party Bryant threatened to blow off their heads if they did not lay down .heir guiib, just ut this point a gun wa-. fired from the darkness across tin.- street, the shot striking a whit? man. Immediately some one fired and the iiegro Bryant staggered, turned and fell in the floor dead. Dr. K.i iglit, coroner, held an inquest on Chn .tmas Day and the jury rem l»e red a verdict hu\ ing the- deceased, General Lee Bi ant came to his death from ■-hots filed by the, hands of some unknown I aiiy in defense of tl»» live,, if the "luces ami men serving —n . 'o |uui — I I was ftyind that three shot-, ha I .tiuck in the region of hi, heart, at at least two of which had penetrated and passed through tine heart. FERTILIZER PRI'ES WAIT ON t'OTTON PRICES In September, when cotton g-ot up around iio cents, there was a distince quickening in the fertilizer trade .with all materials in stronger demand and tending higher. The nitrate market es pecially felt this influence, and quickly moved upward from around S4O at the -port* to or SSO, j Hut the South'* business on cot ton priles and the fertilizer trade is no exception. When cotton dropped to 16 and Hi cents, business conditions tigh tened up, collections fell off, and (he awakening demand for fertilizers sub sided. So uKain a huiiic of waiting As..l see it. present prices for cotton, if they continue, mean continued tight tinn s, little if .rtjiy increase in cotton ucreage next year, and of course, a limited demand for fertilizers, which in turn will mean moderate prices for fertilizer materials. On the other hand 20 to 25 cent cotton by or Indole HpriiiK Would mean an incieased cot (on acreage and a bigger dimand for fertilizers, with stiffen prices in eonse quence.—Progressive Farmer MRS JAMES HARRISON HAS SERUM S -.1 ItOKi) - —' Iho mully 11 lend ol Mis. James P. Harrison, one o l'the iitj's best known un 4 most, geluved Indies, will •loubtles.-. he greivml by the informa lion that she suffeivd a slight stroke .of paralysis yesterday inoming, af fecting one side, and naturally nrous ing. the keen anxiety of her family. Medical attention was quickly pro vidvd ■ and under 4W treatment itd miiiisteirl the eriousness,of the .->uiz lire was somewhat auieliorated, and it was reported at 1 I o'clock lllst night that hot condition was somewhat im-. proved Although her Joyed ones are still somewhat anxious they are hope ful that she will rally and "attain fur tlier improvement. The above is taken from a Danvilfo paper and will be read with regret by friends here of Mrs.. Harrison's son, Mr. W Mortimer Harrison, who has been on tha local tobacco market for two years and Is well known in the town and county.. MTIIODIST t HI RCH Service.i, January 1, *022. Sunday School 0:45 a. m. Mornnig service and sernion 11:00 a. m. Evening service and sermon 7;1!0 p. m. Service at Vernon 3:00 p. m. The Epworth League will meet Mon day night nt 7:30. Officers will Is 1 elected for the coming year at this' meeting, V L. C. LARKIN, Pastor/ How will the killing by automobiles compare with the.-number killed ir the World War for the saittip period? I This question is of g;ravo importance since there is scarcely an hour that there is not a death »caused by auto; in the ( ! i\jted enforcement will }ialu sober will help .lota," that helpi should ho ■rad for tha matter it to* «•tious * —^ IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1896 NORTH CAROLINA MMPSHIK BREEDERS ORGANIZE The North Cirolina Hampshire breeder: have recently farmed the Tar Had Hampshire Breeder; Associ ation. and have elected the foUewmg and directors: Dr. John D. B'gg*. president, VV'iUia/nston ,N C.; W. W. Bullock, vice-president, Rock> Mount. N. C; H M. Phillip*, secre tary unit treasurer, B.tttleboro, N. C.; ■bivctors: V\ C Flratwood, Jackson, N 1 : U E. Jeffreys Rocky Mount, N. C ; W «; Weeks, R.idcy Mount. N'. C. T A Grantham, New Bern, N. C., J. G. Daughtric'ge, Rocky N. C. The association was organized to bring the Hampshire breeders of the state into closer touch with each other so that they con work to the beet »- dvantage for both themselves and the breed. Every Hampshire treeler, it maki's no difference how smal la breed or he may be, should get in touch with the secretary and lend all the assistance possible in making the Tar Heel Hampshire Breeders' Association tho strongest breeders association in tho .state. The secretary nil assist in di> posing «»t' or buying choice breeding stork and wll lalso funjih information about pasture crops for hogs.—H. M. Philips, Secretary. FOOD SUPPLIES DELIVERED TO STARVING CHILDREN I wo thousands tons of food supplies h#ve been delivered by the American Relief Admnistratiuji, to to be distributed there among the starv ing: children. A million children ran now be fel for five months on the food that has been ordered. Milk, sugar, cocoa, rice, peas, beans, flour and fats are being delivered. Three million dollars' worth of medical .sup plies have been ordered and 30 car loads of medical supplies are on the way from Paris via Rlgu, 192.' PROGRAM SAME AS THAT UF 1921. from practically all persons intrviewed tend to show that people aie going to follow the same wise course of going slow, pay a.-» they go, work a bit mote, spend it little less ind wipe out that oil 1920 loss that tKev have pursued in 1921, -This policy will mkw make u» tor yet the 1920 panic. i . rx i : KIO r s ApA in ME NTS Probably the most luxurious aboe-* nt wealth in the world ate the new apartments jut opened in New York ('jty on Park Avenue. The apartmMi are really private homes, Willi gold I'l&tpd door knobs, silver plated -chandelier* and a separate set of ele tunning to each of the 16 floors. The yearly rentals mage from SIO,OOO to s&(i,(mmi. There rue 90 apartments in all. V VEHY LARGE SINGLE SPAN liRIIKH: + ' » - The longest single spun bridge in the world is to he completed in 1926. Thn bridge- wtl connect the- cities ol Philidelphia and Camden over the l>el»ware River, The single *pan be tween towers will be 1,750 feet. The brdige will l>e 126 feet broad and will l>e suspended h ytwo cables liO inches in diameter. The cost is eutlniated at 129,(KM),000. FOR SALE; DRY GOODS AND Notions business, good stock, pood location in heart of town. Price rea sonable. Owner too old, wants to re tire. Address "F" care Enterprise. FOR SALE: HOGS, GOOD CONDl tion to go into peanut fields. 10c, Vi l-2c and'l6c. J B Cherry aa4 Bro. Phone 6, Williams ton, N C. 8t NOTICE 1 have in my lot 6 hogs four spot ted ones and two light colored ones unmarked. Owner please call for same. . J. S. MEEKS, Williamson, N. C. Rout 2, Box 28. , 420 s r FOR SALE: ONE PRACTICALLY new cast iron, six cap, cook stove at a bargain Burns either coal or wood. Mrs J Luwrenoe Peele, GRy. FOR SALE: FOR RACER. A No. 1 • condition, cheap for rash. See T. E. Cox, Blount Mfg Co. % WANTED: ROOM AMD ROAM) IN private family. "J. R. J." care En "fmfiim. 1 :M U L