Advertisers Will Find Our Columns a Lat&h Key to 1500 if Martin County's Homes . VOLUME XXII—NUMBER 98 Two New and Important Pro visions ot 1921 Revenue Act The following rtati h.eiu by lulii.itor o: inii rnul (mi iiuiii LiiUiSOin 1 r.,' Llle disiiisl ol 4.011. v'aioiuiat 'i..e ivevente .U:t oi l:)2i n two lic\V ali i li'.rpoi» pl'ovi.s.on.s wlucn aie tin . übject 1 1 frequent 111- HOi... • 'ihe ti.. t .nates to i..v j 11- KOl.f.r 1 Xcmpti 11.; allow - 1 mailii'ii. pe. soiib, and ihe to tile | io.i 10.1 Ihu' a return U j .u.U >• trsss in r oiii" d ja,o(Hr ai mm., joe act t i'tt a aiair.ed pi . son, living wit.l and or ,v,.« , v>Votc n*t fur was j. ~I .h. or itss shafl Be .allowed a p■,, exti.ipiirai oi H -»,ai/U. ll Uie net ill coin .■ ot surh per.mi Was over r 1 th*. e.>* nipti".. is l.lluei In Ite.tnue Act in' tliih the pursiiiial • w enipl ori allov»cd a liia.-rnd por i i wa j*j s -_,ot)(i, of the amoun. of net income. Ihe norioal tax rut* rem unchanged, 4 per cent 011 tin. t.1.-l i;4,o'j(i 01 net above tr.. * xeillptiohs an.! .n per u lit.«n the 11 net income. In order income sligtly ii excess of is (i shall' nut be subject to an iiionlini.tely di propoitnntoti lux because ol the reduction of t.a OXeinptioli to tiiewoii, the liiv> pro. ides that such reduition > hill no; til 1111 reuse the tax,, whirl: would Hi.* pa),.hie ii tin) exempt 101. weie s2,aim, by nunc than "the aiiioiirn nf i:.i; net iih'i lie lb exuv- of } i,inni ror e: ample, on a net inciiiiu' n. Js,tilt>, tne t; \ without tin- .r. riau: r, would . lie *§l2ti.lii, wlin h 1 • per cent on $.>,010, the amount of 1.4 income ' !>ss an exeniptii n > 1 s-j.i uo The actual ta . is $11(1.1(1, rolnputi a. folltivvs: liom the'int income o. *s,(lid is ileiiui .ed $2,5(1(1, leaving $2, 510, the 4 1 er cent tax on which a mounts, to 11*0.40. To this IS addei. $lO, "the ttiiioiint of net net income ill ihe personal exemptions allow e. niuuied pel .suns appi> also to th. neaa of a lain I), a person vvlio sup porta in one household one or more relatives by blood, mal nage or adop tion. 'I l.e pi 1 s.i 11.11 i ,t|.i pi i.ii a .-iv. 1 ■ luaii.v 11 pei. on a| pi) .*1 •*' lot, eh n of a tanlllx. a per on who support in ore 11111..-1 in Id one in luiuc teh.livi by In oil, ii.aniagi or adoption. lli;fi I'l.'ori'-, a 'person W,:ose lit t in colli* Wall ... tliail I ex' I. iil 10. (sl,OOll if hingie in s2,iMi il in iliu d •was llot re'imied to |jh a U'liii 11. I I. ill.-1' the lte\ inn' Act ol 1-V2l, '1 Im gro.sis incline id an iri.nw lual equal, ej or exceeded J5,0(1(1, or !' the gm. lrr'o ie of a Inai i led lotiple and 'li of ilcpendeut 1 linor illSt'il'i 11 o! I'Al'i ei.i'il ' a N'! 11l 11 111 u t i" tihii, legardle: ' of tie amount oi U' "Net iPi'oni. " is g 101 is income, '• rert..iu lirdn* t ar--. 1 1 l.uT that ai nil' ■ ie ileiiui'! fri 01 (.in—* o.i oj. ; . fur luis ne - e .pen e los-e-i, I HS■ ■ 'eld , 1 tr., llii.. I inc. tl.i Int I'U'trtf' to at ain iunt in 10'.'.' ti" pii x nal tX ex» mption 01 51,000 or en.' in l . !tel' tl.i 1 'qii : ier. rt '•) liie a ie turn- of g'.os. .leoiue, il Ml. ll Ihi'nii. et,ufi.iii.'d in liceedtd 4'■" NKU Ol TI'.K I'KOI'I h v RANK M'. Joseph A. Mizelle the cachiorahip />f The l'eople Hank \rs TITUay. Mr. Mnt^l!»• to OUI town with the highest Hons us a banker. He has' been cesh of the Hank of HoUnsonville foi severil years and umler his leader ship that lift 11k has made sph-ndio projriess 11s be was alwavs conserva tive and thorough in his work. Mr Mi/.cJ'.e is well known in Martin coun t.v and r.«» citizen is* 111010 highly es teemed for honesty and integrity th;y he. The town welcomes Mr. and Mrs Mizelle as citizens. S T U A ND — T II E AT R K -r-T-HURSDA.Y — ELSIE FEIMJL'SON in SACKED and PROFANE l«OVE 20c 'and 4*V , • - r —piDAV-r- XLYDE SoOK in The SAII «>|;' AL ST. JOHN in "FAST AND FURIOUS*" "Yellow Arm"—Episode Nil. 8 20c ahd , . * 'soc, % r ' —SATURDAY DOUGLAS MtLEAX tn ONE A MINUTE" ' "Vanishing Trails"— Epi'od • 1.1 gOc and 40c THE /L ■HAMILTON HAlfthlNGS jliUitlNG IHE HOLIDAb J!:--, i'.ittie Johnson ~ enl iveial r I na.i .s ;k- e vit.ii her oaug'iiti l'. .il.: i i. .-alsi.i: . u.-1 a, il>.' • " I'. N Vi..,.!r) was he're li. ~ I | ''a'• iitv I i aina r. I .Wi, J A Kitchen aini jS ot and Ned spent,, li. e. •j ami It t> .Shenod, J.., n I . j 'wt loin .-.pent tne ChrL.linus hnliou; - ■ v. i relatives in 11'. L i' Yvalno ami children have re I turned to tin ii home 111 .Norlolk allei spanning .somi"^tune here with Mr ai V> liulla id. »v ulie Sherrod spent the hniirtayt i.'ue \»it hit is parents,"Mr. ami Mrs. I I ii it Sherrod. All. and 4lrs. 1) CJ Matthew's inter lamed a Tew of then friends rhiisi n.ui night. Tho-se iheir hos- were Mi. and .\li.,. )lair,r] \» Tiltlo, M 1 ~e • Alar) Kobeiaon, lrma lime.i Alary Waldo, Maggie 4»ell am ' ' A.iiiie Jones and Me.isrs. Biuiin lay ] "* lor and \V 1 llai.slip. f Ali-s I'attic Sheriod ik at lioim ' lion. I'itt Count) where .-lit ha bun} ' teaching school. Alls Annie Aluellt; ha- letuini'" -j i i »ni I iork \ Mount and Tarl.toro when she spent the ( hi'istiha- holiday--, j Mlss AIM itUm oT Scotiahil .\ee. i aiid Air living Williams of t'liiin' v..!*- .spent thf vi nk end with All | i'.ittie Shenod. .Mi', and Mrs. Harr.v Waldo onto, tained Watui with a watch A arils and other game- vn i. played. .1 u t hefoie tin- New Via was lieialded delicious tefieshmeiil J a. re -caved. Those were Mi l and Mr. I) (i Matthews, Misess lin Mines, Ma i \ Uolkim m, Aifnie Aiithon j Martha Council, I'at tie M.tirod lint | I'ippin, Maggie llell and Annie Join- I anil Mis' Allji itton and Mr i./ W I Rhodes, Hill Itii'eh, W F llai -I.p. Wil 'j lie Shcrrod, ti I'. IliJics, Kin arid lii\ j ant Taylor, Irving William- and Hat j old Kverett. J S\\ IN(i It) .Slliri'KKS \\ 11 I' SKNCKKS ON A t . 1.. On Januai\. 1, IH2J, pa • • 11• f i ar j: i 111. |> i. I'eutizc a vny aibstai. j ti:ii n duetion iii tl.v' iiinouiit' 1 paid I' freight yml pa--.' poitatio on aciount of tin' leiii'Hal ill I lit" ta ' on —tftifir-poi l tit t itt« —>■;. i . date. ' ii-l-1 Ihe pi nt i-.n n • i in J" I it-venue' law it I. •' I t i humiliation ot this tax will 1 1 " ull i | a saving to and sl.ippi i* } UMiif? tlir Atlantie I o,r 1 liaii . "j ro.ol of appioxiiiiat' |> >'lJ,i!irti,iMili.t annu:ill>'. This i stimate ri,M'i's a, a\ j ii.;-- to pas ennria of #l,l iHi.nii.lMi ai, j t.".iiippiT of Hv ii-ai ..*it,l iih.iii _! Jj;'.->«•'! on fioiKht and pa i mrm ievi | rnf**e.v. f"i the cui lOlit >e; I. I i-4j'lirtTnns have been if sin . I to ti I and others concerned prov iillir th at. no tav on fiei«bt (| i pa-, en^i j t.'utiaportntion finhislm d J •ru.ary 1, lU£2, will he 111 a i ».«• 'l'.okytft for traiispoi tation ma> hi pu ciia.- 'd at any tune lti riuK ihe rtjiiai: iler of the \ai without tin | payment of any ta>L provided th' j transportation gen'ice is net perform ed until *1!»22. . ' Tie and .cnll.-cliou of thi. tiansportation tax for the fiovernmen ; j ' l.acret|uired each railropd to art il a jfovemment tax Tolloetoi and i.lake a strict accountinir for all 11 « r money collected and turned over, ti" Kovsrnmcnt. No benefit whatso , ever has accrued to t!ie railroad com ! panics from the roilectiim f.f*this lu.n (iOOD TIMKS NEAU , . RKITISH FOKKCAS'I Liverpool, Dec, 30.—Stanley llald 1 will, piesideut of the board of tiade ! has just tolil Umi shi |> brokers l»*u | that there were more indications oi • improvement than the in t"ii i industrial lind financial outlook, j He was advised that in the -Unite* j States they considered the corner »a, j being turned; in India the bottom hue I been reached; there were signsof re j vival in Japan where the slump wa: I first experienced, while in the llritisl I dominions abd South Airrt 1 Vic/Pllie feel | ing was mote hopeful. One thing upon which they put i . j definite finger was the faH in foot ! prices. The harvests of the worlc' had been good and as a rule .plent \ ! of food meant plenty of orders, i In regard to wages, the concession! generally shaking, had been satis factory. There was" a better spiri' and terjper in the country uikl a grea* er wiiiMignets for cooperation ind mu tual help. If they could get througl ■ the next year without-industrial stop page they might look 'forward witl ! hope and confidence, Mr. Baldwin satd. ENTERPRISE tVilliumston, Martin County Startli Carolina, Tuesday, January 3rd, 1922 REGULATIONS OF NEW EELfERALhEVENUtAU The following statemwit is assui-u hy the cc Hoc tor of lntoiiuil uilliatii i.ritisoia. District of N'or h t.'ni oliii.i. In ti> nuiiiorou> ilh|Uij u ■•», t.ixpayeis» are advised that certa n taxes, anions thcni tin.' • so-call. u 'nuisance' and "lu.\ur>" taxes, u.e repealed i ll ecti\e ,huiaai \ I, laJL', l-> ,he Kevej\ie Act of 1»»21. i'aiioii. of -oilawater toiaitani.-, i i .1 ll: pi. I-. s a:.d "..llililai placid ol liu.-inv i.'. l aie ri'ipaie.i o ~!> J.I o! # l I l ilt tor .'..e1l (i •i nt.. thciei'f or.'tin .amount expend '. fill' soda:, sundaes, "or siniilai ar ticles of looil or'ilrink." The sin; 11 hoy may rejoice in the fact that ; n ice cream cone due n't cost an extra penny. The tax imposed l>> the Ue. enuc Act of llti'l is on "heveiaj{es ai . the constituent parts thereof" and ii paid by the manufacturer. The ta i mi the transportation id freight ai d passengers j s repealed, i - fective Ji nuary I. l!»22, al-o the-t. x paid by the purchaser ou amount paid for mo'uV. and women's wearing apparel ( hoe ~ hat-, cap.:, neckwe; r, shirts ho: e, I ill exee.' qj' a pre-- ifted pri.'e. Taxe imposed uudei r e.-tion (which under the Keu'iiue Act ■>t I'.UK incluileii the taxes on wearing ipparelli aie now confined.ln a h per rent tax iii tie following articles: eir pets, on t a.- ii iioiint iii excess. o( $4.50 i■ ■ |ii 11■' '''i ■ 1 1 "I 1 ' i"Q I h" .in.ii.ii I ,11 .•xcess of ,sii a si|iiare yard; trunks. hi the amount in excess of eae'i, valises, traveling Ikiks, suit cases, boxes us.'jl by travelers and fitt h toilet cases, on the amount in e\ce •: if $25 eai h; pin cs^pockethooks, slm] ping and hand bags on the ainou H ii excels of $5 each; portable light aig fixture.-, including lamps of all illids, on the amount in excess of ,fl(i irh; fans, on the amount in exee-. it if 1 -c a h.-.' taxes' are M tiie i laiiufiiituier'r :ixi*i taxes iih! aie | a\able hv 11 - itit»mil'a»t urer .oiiu l ii'. oi mipii'lie, an.l not by t'u fcuicha ei a- iei|iiued Ir the Ke en.n of l!»18. Tie' Manufacturer n.a,. I eililhul I' ' nil ell' h) .11• 11 1 • 11H'lit V. ll ; lie | oicha ■i. In ipiot ine Ihe ■ 11' n; - • nee and la.x in ■ p.nale i.n.l i".:u i .mounts, in by st itiii) 1 to •' e pur ha el in .'o!\ am en I ,;e ah , uh; .il'tioa ol' llie ij el 111'' I j)i Iri ir'pir .e it he piice chaigci! ioi I'iie alti.h, i n., vhiit portion I'epif-.enl.s III" i i\ The taxe,-. on sp itiiiir goo l-., (t n lis rackets, ti.'-lling lod , hasi'hall ail rniiibaH-'unifoiiio i (i Imrg 111.1t— re lepv'.ib l, also the taxes .hi el,i v. ue gum, p..n't:il.ili* eh iHrir t'lih' , iliei Hi. tatic containers, a i tu'le . made o ur, and tnik'l all irlc- iillil 101 l ica iistniineiit The t;'\ mi -ah . of |i-w.elr\, ii'.: ir imitation, i pi I eeiil, an-1 is | t\ ible hy the vendor, Ihe tax nil ale of .in.k> 'ofart (painting , t,.t lary, (iff'"jniri rlains ami limn/of, i 7" educed from In' to 5 pi i cent Tin 'ax, payable by the \t iidoiapple ex ept in the original side h" the ait t ir to an educational institution oi ihi* ir aft intl.-eiim, oi a ah' hv a leinr lized dealer in -m il nrticle to Mu.thi lich I'l 'illei for | r ale VS lien ptiable hv the riinil ;o t*, ■ •i. ' cikJiu. iax ion-. I »i Lii Uu h i_-J __ I r ,tlle col leetoi 111 II 1 1 I 111 ! M" el.u >ll t.i' hefoie the Ii I .:,-!) oi '.lie rio'lt ' Mowing* the nyiu.h i i. y. I.nh t'; ; a vv i made. hoc; w i:h;iis 1,521 poi nds Heidsville, .Inn. 1.---One of the larg est hogs ever raised in llii neetior wits killed h\' W T. Mail,am on lh iti '! one day last. week. It weighed I, i 24 pounds standing and l,.'t!ta pound' net dressed. TJiis piant hog vva- I! months old. Mr. lUirham bought hin from Howard Slade when 12 niont.i old and he .then weighed about pounds li» gained fcl.out t .'(-I poioi'' per day for the .men montlin lie vti fed hy Mr. Rnrliam. * Two other hogs 18 months old each, weri' killed a the same time—the totiil net weigh' of the three hogs pre bred by I Inward .Slade, neai" Lenox Castle, anil are known:.! Hie Giant Fluster, Hig Hone PoHnd China. Hundreds of people . vi, lt?" r Mr. Barham's plan.' to see these gi gantic porkers duriur the p:ts,t two week?. • ■ : >r STX PIGS ABOUT 4 MONTHS OLD 1 sandy, 5 white and black, .market the right and undcrkeel in the lef ear have been in my field about 0* days. Owner please coti|e for then an Ipajr costs 'and damage. >C F Cowan. 4t NOTICE I have in my lof 6 foui' •(>';♦ Uj.l one. nrid two, light cdloned one: unmarked. Owner ,>l* a c for fame J. S. MEEKS, Williamson, N. C Rout 2, Box 23. d2O n r Local News and Personal Mention R.Mr, fiieouoro tlasscll of Nashville is u lew da>s ul town with I relatives r MiSSJe Vllldad ami Volla Aiidiew ; went to Mbrfolk tin-: inornimr to \ia i it iclativei •Miss hstelle t!ruwi'oi\l ieUuii«sl ti llassell's J«Pterda> alter spending' tho holidays with ln-r parents, Mr. ami Aiis. .1 Crawford. Mi»h 11 race Martin in" larboro 1. visiting her aunt, Aii's. I'annie car starplien this week » • * • Mrs. Funnfo liigg,, Idi t. t auie U. Williams, Miss Frances an. Mr. Harry A liige, spent Friday 11 Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mis, A Dion l ,'!! are vi.i iting relatives>in \s a .hington. 1> 0. for several days Mrs. S S Lawrence hit tin main ing for her hum* in Halotg'i • • • » ""*"*nie out-of-town menihei ~t iia Williamston Graded School taculij haw arrived ami the second m sio. of work begun iji eiirnest thi. utmo ing. .«• • ♦ Miss Sophy I 11111 • 1 etin'ni'il ' lust night from l'aciolus wheie klh> ha. been visiting lier parents for the lioli days. : :==a— ' t ■ ' V ..'••• Mrs. ljarold Clark left ,\estenia_\ 1,. her home in Relhaven after spemluu some time here with aer pi ,out . Mi ami Mrs. J C Crawford • • • « Among the young peoph ui iln town leaviiigithis week for college ai. Misses Saralf Harrell, Margaret Kcer ett and Nell Wynne lor St. Mary 1 , in Raleigh; Miss 1 ouise Harrison fo. -Atlantic Christian Colle've"iif.AS ilson Misses Martha Slade llassell, .Mai tin Cotton Crawford ami Mary (ilady. Watt - for Salem olleii.e in Winston •Salem; Miss Wisuibeth Hurras for tlu State College I'm Wnliten in (Jreens lioro; Miss Mattie l.oii Anderson foil v the (Ireenshoro. College for Women Mr. Charles Knight , lor A Ai K ii Raleigh; Messrs. V\ iljiam and .fann Manning for Atlantii' 1 logo in Wilson; Meg; r . William i ai -ttarplien and llrtieeWynne for I'rui ity in Durham; «'iirstai plu i for Christ School' 10 Aiden;, an Messrs; James (irifltn. Ilowaid Her ! rick and Friuici Mtmrmrr tni —t+rt- I University. Mrs. t' 1 1 ('arstaipii, at and .laugh iter, Miss Mat\\ Cal'starphen. and Mr J S Rhodes and son, Jim .11 , |» 11 Friday in Plymouth with fiiend • 00 + Mr. W 'I \\>d of Km l.y Mount .vn .1 husine.s. visitor ill towli ysteiila. Mr. I lei lie 11 I'ope of Kohei - one 111 Was tin- gue t of 111- mot her,. Mr Ifett IP I I'ope, \ e teriliiy Mr. and .Me: .lo.eph A Muelle wi' ho at home temporarily at the lirit Hotel v J • • * 111. John IJ. UiKM-s—h'l - J.tli)s-Jii"l i' ing for Suffolk to nftend a meetinj of the , Directors of the I'eanu* Fx .rhange 0 0 0 0 Mi's. Whecloi Martin, J1 . aiel oil Wheeler, 111, hav" returned I'ron. • visit to the former's pure'nt.lll Wnkr Forest. All local bunk' ami the I'ost O'l'ci Depailment enjoyed yesterday, the Ic-giil holiilay it aside for the New Yfai. • • • • Mr. .J*Sse *l. I'l iee left 'sterilli: for Raleigh whern he. >vill join tie Jefferson Standard I ,ife 1 iisuiaiici Agents foi a trip to Miami, Fla. Mi Price is one of the Company's agent who, by his hard ••(forts, won the tii| offered by the Company .'to its agent who did a business. • » * * Mr. and Mrs. C It Siceloff left Frl day for. CharlotU' and St'ate.«vilhr tf visit-nelatives. I'NCLAI.MKI) HAHY Clltl, STttL IT IIOSIMT.VI Although evpry,.,i;/Tuit js still ,goin| on to locate the-mother nf three weeks' told tiHhy girl found on the Nor folk' flotfther* passenger train las' Friday ivight after leaving l'Jlizabetl City so far there are no new develop •nenta. The railroad officials beVe this morning nothing' as yet had turn ed up whereby a trao/W the chlld'f parents could be found. In thr mean i time the little lady i> monarch of al she Mirjfuys at the Fowls' Mem oris Hospittf )ind seen »perfectly content ed in MF adopted home for tho tim> being.—Washington Daily N«ws. NEWS LLiifcß FROM Trit SI ATE CAPITAL Raleigh, Jan. 3.—The r™ year lie*' 1 certainly is cnteiing upou it.- canvi withmost auspicious forecast for business roviral amfc Industrial recup c.a lion ami bet tot tiino.« gen.'i'iili) liutli in North Carolfflu and tin limed states generally. .Mm of an..n- aim lii.ancinl and industrial journals an , we'll ini'oiliied nowsp'prrx the .vi:nti> ovi'i ar vail jailing in the pi. • i.t n>ll that the year upon which we ..u just ontei ing will plow in In' one el t IliOt t plo.-poioil of m> e.uT.lde 1:1 ill time... Out of all this t%c most important prediction to a large percentage oi our peoplo comet, the afino.untunent- Ju.t mpre construction work thws >eai ,s alrcad \ a sufc.l 'in tiiis section than in the la. t five years combined with tn® assurance thut a laipo rcrcentag. of,tins construction work to If put into dwelling houses tiom the short agv of which residonta of every. cit\ in this country liavo been cutfering lor the la t two or tliteo year.. In the unite, stage Here in Raleigh con tracts have already been lot and inun\ iLthi'i , • pending for the election or home . many of till in to be buill b\ the people who will own them I lie shortage of available home, l'ur i ui ha.. taught thousands ai I families u.- lievci boloie the desirability of own ing" one's own home. e ■! .hi lablo number oi the dwelj. be limit will be for iiivestment I t ■. inanv of them-for rent, l ei us ; U ho-'e. that tliis means that thf mlanou; rent profiteering is hearing t-t end A great many of these hog' haw eompeMed people who live "ii> "enant houses to more than pay loi them within the short space of time ihe\ havo occupied, them and siireU i is time to stop this class of rol>- ici) by the only means that ought '.o piove. . ffe'cti\e and at the same ime alford relief to a class of oil ieople who have. been. *.o .adlv need ■ mi; relief tin a long time, lln people of N'oitli Carolina a - a \\'l'4»l»* have I'OO.I tea-on t-i t»e tlianl. "ill I'ol the ui' the olil \eat li lt has just p,r;sed nWil) Although let .1 "gnol \ea I " in 111; 11 ■ > tali', ai.i' he • >ii nt I > a i whole, Ninth Cure ma nevftr *'\pe| iemt'd the trouble, e' in me s and industry and iinb\nhifi'l ,f'P' i\at imp ■ .it'ii' 111 .i ■ the peo| h a ul In !' tile . \\ e an a«I ieriltiii I loio 111 that I I hat ai'ti I IZeil by t'oli nissloiier. of Ag i ienlt iiihant a i • 111 \ 11 mil i habit . a lieu i i in ?■ la' i ijlghviiv good load building ,w,t oi '•nil.'ui.ited that will be still uime man 11'« t through the pieunt year, iiir ill" old year elo.n d' Willi table ae mpi o\ tn ghuisin's . coiuhtion . genei ill. I'i o\ iileliee hies inderrtgeen gooi lo 111 Ninth Carolina ail' v. e should feel 100-t glalet'lil lut v\ ha ha been and most hopeful I'ol thi beautiful rainbow of promise that i 'oda\ "i t before our m-atoriul iiiul in ivlhu'Uwj. 44inl —tmifiml -vr—H-ni IUK 111 I I.(Mli\ llt nigs h 'l4k niui'li bl igl.le: tin lr.& than thej da! I'or IH'JI. I»ui peoph an e pns.-i d through the .leur I'.iL!, and met! of theiii ejun4 out h tie. clian' II I ewial yeai il he Marti! ulllit. crop liave -old ti'l III'.(4; I Inn cbdlr—ui fcicL .'.il'jugh to make it fan profit ami tlu; iiiteiesi o!' th.v invest nent. Hank.), manufacture! ~ me) chant- and practically all other bu iness people have had Si hutd pull niit We-have all stood the pie- lire urn ale now standing on lirnier gnnind K\ eryboily bel.i-M's we aic going t have a good Jear, this opinion is ex pressed by I'ti'sident Harding, by thi .•leati'Ml hanki'i aiul financier,-. Ir thi st-otinlry and lailope and this feel ing reaches down to u- all Coiisi-r . vntisiii is.the one thing to be remeiii he 1 id II U »U SATCH WKI.I, I llllif'KN l ittle I'aviil, the live and hall months old son of Mr. ami Mrs. .1 I I higpen, dit'd at thf it home >ir t liuicl Ntieet- I leceniber ,'ilst, at lice thirtj I'ctock 111 the morning. The little fel (iw ha-1 suffered intensely for three ivn-k.i hut swrrlfwl sonic hiig:bter enrlj llridny evening. Itut-about twelve o'- clock his nurse saw that lie was sink ing and he dropped in Iff eternal slci'i without i,i struggle. Kverv t hingi tliut Human hands could *lu. was done t(. save thin young life hut *ol cal!'»tr him hark to. Himself. His body wat carried to the Thigpen's old homi stand near (!orietoa anil there laid ti rest. The mother and father have stntt people in their berenvomeijt. FOli HAI.fJ: I'HY Gf)ODS AND Notions business, good .stock, good location in heart of town. Price rea tollable. Owner too old, 'wants to re 'ire. Atldivesa "l'"' care Enterprise. (Jut your next supply of coal from Eli fiurganus ft Son. County Comniisssioners Hold ] i Kegular Monthly Meetul BUSINESS WILL IMPROVE SAYS CHIEF EXECUTIVE i >mahn, Dec 3l>.—{Belief that the na tional bu/Jjin;-; situation i,s going to improve in IZJ il\ss expressed by President Harding m a message made (iul>li ctoday by the Omaha chamber at' commerce in cutitiujrtion with an entertainment in Tumor of travelling -alostnen who are in Omaha. President Harding said it was hie earnest hope that travelling mm "will continue In the eomlr.jj y eat* the splen did work for American bur-ines •- and national cottfkioncc which they have always conductor! in the past, it h.'if Icfli gbeen a c.ouyletion with me that no group ol' ti-Ori do mere to . prcad the spirit and sentiment of 'iptlmum than do these ambassadors of t,u inos'a as I Ilka to call them. "I hope and flvrr#y Uel!ove that the etTorts frhich they ami many others are putting forward aie /.oinn to bring about a vast improvement in the national bu;.ines». ;ituatnn m the coming veal " NEW .UTATF 1 \('l»M I. |\\ |\u | The Lcgislnftm* ~of 1921 enacted » new income,, tax law oxectivo Jafuiarv I Ist. 1D22, I'ndi'f tlm prev iou.s Act only incomes from salaries, wa>;es, fee-. jiinl i oiiiiiiKmuii i, wei»■ —luhject t> income tax. I'nder the preent act 111 come from all other sources received by a tax pa\vr during all the cal I endar your 1!>21 is subject to incomf ' tax to be paid in 1922. Every tax payer having a Jiet in come during the year 1920 "f SI,IHM an (lover if.single; or having a net income during the year of $2, (Km OI over It married and living will Inn band or wife, shall make a letliin. Hlank forms for report of income oi tax payers, individuals partnership' and corporations are now being mail ed out by the tate Department of Rob enue, Kak'igh, t nail known probable tax payers which blanks u) "h receipt b\ the tax payer should be lilted out and returned to the State Department of Revenue, l!aloi>;li, together with amount of tax due I'enalt) I'm fail ure to file repoit . attache , on Marcl Ifitli. A uppl.v of blank lia al . been received by the 1C•»»b ter of iln'il of the coilnty fuiib.lribiltinn to tax payers who have not ivceived directlj i blank form of report, and if an.v "T«nr~pajrr 1 "hn>; fniled-tTr-m*!tvi» 'snct* form he should imnieiliutelv call >i the Register of Deeds Im a cop) . Tile State ini'Torre tax law while not identical with the Federal income lax law is similar, and ina> be u-.e| at a basin for return of income /or ;tal income tax. For llloie detailed nm at to income tax law rel'eience should !>• m lieiMe 11 of t liu Revenue Ac l .l public law. »l l!>2l NOTK I. \ it 100 of power, v; led in me b> U certain deel of tru'Jt executed to in) on the llith day .of January, l'.tln. b Mack Roger* and wile, Finn a, am which is duly recorded iri the olfice o ■ tlve registier of rb-eds for Martin coun ty North Carolina, In book I I I a. page 481, default having been uwuh Ui the fiiiJ iHOIII jil the bond secui ei therein, upon request of I; ,1 Shields the holdi-i aniT owner of snid bond, will on the 31st day ol January, j sell for cash al public tin i .highest bidder in the town' of Oak Citj North Carolina, in front of the- post office at 12 o'cUck M , the following described land, to wit: A certain tract of am being in Martin County, Worth "r ollua, beginning at Clara I.ynch's cm ner, in the run of Middle Swamp, and running S. 17 1-2, W >B poles, tlier S 70 1-2 W 138 poles, then S ,'ll pole then F. 12 poles, then N 71 K ISI poles to the edge of the field, tber N 'IK 2-4 F Hli poles to the iuii "I Middle Creek,"then up the said creek to the A rut station, containing 10 1-11 acres, more or less. This the 23rd day of December, 1921 W. G. ANTHONY, Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NO'I ICE Having ((iialllled as udnu'iilsti ator ol the e.-Uate of Siuuil J. Tetterton, de ceased, late of ufhington County. 'Ji C., this is to notify all persons lur ing claim sagainst the estute of s*ii> N deceased to exhibit th«;m to the lie designed on or l>efore th- Ist daj of January, 1923, or this notice will be placd lit bar or their recovery. This 13th day of December, 1921 E. W. TETTERTON * Administrator of Susan J. Tetter ton, Plymouth, N. C. H. V Austin. Attorney. * ' . NICE ONE-HORSE FARM KOR ( rent. E P Cunningham, Williamat^U IF YOU WANT RESULTS fl&fi A AD IN THE ENTi ESTABLISHED At the monthly- meeta# if - ■ lio.iid ol County Comnusßioaers^B . I'olliiwmg meijiberr_*ere preheat: J lS Ha ell. Chairman; Joshua L '."oltraliS II 1' fViel, Henry i' tureen ami It was ordered that a twolve foaidu budife be over Mulben/ 1 branjpi in Williams township. Urd« i ed that Tabatlia Mat the wa "oi* li'l»er >on\ilie lie allowed/ $4.00 month Ordered that .) H I) reel be refund- ;'j cd for taxcj lxnproperiy listed in Crojs Roads township. " Jal Or do rod that (', T Feel bflnid sis s for coffin for Mrs. J A LeggfS M Ordered that W P. 1J15.32 foi repairs on Swamp * " OrderiHt that J It paid ;4:- 38 for repairs to Everett Jtyi Dtm>" Ordered that Jack Everett Se paid $1(11)0 f,,r attention to Ludie Stubkt. marriage LICENSES 1 lie following marriage weie issuel by the Register of Dm£, l'oi ihe month of December; *\ tuu- Ai due Cutaway, 21; Id,-II Claik, lj? • II Iti'imett, 21, l.avenia lihomas 18 • Montiort X. (ititlin, iji; .Narcissus Align, 21. Jas. II A veri'.t 4.'!; lilanche Hunt* «i \ Nanian Uhitaker, IM; Isahell® Clark, 17. Edward H m Karly., 23; Heatotou Daniel, 21. Win. Roebuck. 22; Dell KdniondHOa, «. 18. Win \V Robi ' I'soH, Mettle J. Caltrain, IS. J W It Everett. 22; Hellen Fvteett 19. 1 R ' Hafley, fil; Isalim- Davenport, 1!» Win. Johnson, 23; Mary Gilliam, 19 Herman Fleming, 22; Blanche Har ris, 18. tiraharn Alligood, . r >Qfj Fucy R, I'lioiiipson, 37. ' a, Alonzo Uoborson, 44; I.uUiA Viifnii A\er*, Colored' bell. L.i I i ill. ; • ■ uii, f. Il'or 1 .Sidnt y Unit.m, 122; Koxit' IVic\ Ta> lor, 2H; Kcna HurreH lem Skinner, S2; Dinah Wllli4(M^ I t' i, ntr Ada l!> man, NOTICE OF SALE » 'Vj I Tnler and by virtue of l he powCM| ol sale contained in that cei of tin it xecuti'd by .1 W llriley'alwß? wile to the undersigned trustee, and \ bearing date of January 2nd. H)l4. % und of record in book D-l at page 411 ' of. the Martin County public registry, , said deed of trust having been KlV* ' to secure the payment of certain note* of even date therewith, and the teriqa and condition-, therein contained not —" lun ing been complied with, and at the request of the holder of the naid notes, the undersigned trustee will on ? Monday the 6th day of February, 1922 at the court housa door, of Martin , - County at Williamston N C, offe rfar sale at public auction to the highest bidder for csah the following describ ed property A oertain tract or parcel y>t land situate in Cross Roads township), Mar» f tin county, N C . beginning In Dam Swamp at the Wild Cat road; runnin gthence a »outhwesterly course up the road to a short strawed pine in front of tenant house, Simpson and IVel's corner; thence a southwesterly J course to a forked tree, Burrougto'tJ Simpson's and Peel's comarj thMMu| a southwesterly course up tile br>Bu| to a post oak, Burroughs and SlflQDP' son's line; thence a straight Una to j the Huur • nuss road, Burrougha', Robij erson'n and Simpoah's comer, thencat-, a southwesterly course to the Atlantic Coast line Railroad! thence down the "railroad to Beaver Dam Swamp thence, -down said swamp to the f ontaining two hundred twenty caatH-- 220) more or less. »S litis the 2nd day of January ,192%^* WANTED: BOARDEBB ANl>XoQp|| era, either or both* NTee Call phone 4A. IX)ST: ONE SMALL ' female hound.- • ■ ' IX found >j Hi '