m* MPlpE*' ■ ■r WAdvertiaars Will Find Our P Column* ■ Latch Key to 1500 PUif Martin County's Homes it#' 1 11 , ... ■POMJME XXII—NUMBER 99 Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, January 6th, 1922 ESTABLISHED 1898 Emanations In Price of Caused by Bunch of Gamblers * - l mimr PfKew "fork, Jan. 3.—Cotton suffe'r.- rbcak, general market -voe HW to |6 points lower, unfavorable sen Vork, Juu. 4.—Sharp recovery [Sipaiie by C'.tton, pikco score net ad- Biuice ox io to 41 points, general raar- BSfot ' Afi above market reports I sor.iething ol a feeling of BpitLiqu i.! i ■ the avera,;t cotton l'ai- liter, jo must be that tne specuUtd. j No otlier/auf'e /(.»• such I -ite .Market can be found. v. as ai ed t-i mcrea. e tie I ciop on it .rd iior wus any ilest.'ny-J th t! • J.JI '.o. boo the mai lot. I tf flifc . .. O.i >,ain - ii i. buuci> o: >i . l a gen oui Mil- j i.\ n f'diij am u| j the nexi. K" It: u> lot t'aii busiiu.. to put r.oi. i In Hi- of tile cotton a: | ' i 'h i- bu.,n,es • take i.li. Vtriit r, . i Ii . Ull out ' . tl.e poet Ct f ; oi tlie i..in.er.s, U| . vita ii . i uiit to -u|.pi;, itsell itiij cotton e not to the co.ton V \-Jacmer. .t '.as togo to the New \m Uj IfTgßinbki. t vopviatue »vi;i j 4 nean ti.at lamiers and the i ill ■ j ill gt. - ici -it 1 ii i business tl. | \f_ vuch otr.ci. * HPM OKI :l I.MAGI K MLll'l lNu > — The L t .n'i .til held it.' regular .i. HI 5 :v. iual i>u»i..tsS meeting in the Lea roo'p. .• i ci'f M. 1.. CiiuiTh on mia\. ... : .i if" 2, 'J - Ine iin ft | iiij; \ a.- i.j'i ii t i oidei lly tne pi .si cent, iL.is >linnit> iCoi itton. .'ln i,ecr tai.s L.Mied tie roil and lead .In minute.; ol' the piece, i.ig im-eting, Which \m i\, apj. roved. Mi -. Ai.ir> «';iydt i- tg».'-i read ar henptuje ni»— son and Uu: in nibers :epiated ti\ ln'xl'i 1 .; > i ii Uiij>Q|i. After a b.'iort address by the Pi esT tli • ticetion ol" olliceiv ben-.in . Misses Li mm Hullo Harris and IJnn-| Bar Gu» 4 al'-is V.eie ii.>iiliiluti'l ti.ii . I'.f sultiit ai.it M Hani;, was elocu-i. 'i'iie iie'V ]iri alert thin took the cl.an | and noni.li: >lun for, Mce-preslm nl j were made, ->ii >s Gurganun being d ti.v j elected. Miss Mary Clyde | was electi I Secretary aint Mi.s.s Myrtle I Wynne, treasurer. The I'iesident api j. i, ill ted Mis.- I'helma Brown pi ess re-1 ji'oitcc and Air. Bryant Caistarplcn a.iU Mi", v.mani Hodges weie then elected liaiicrs of tii' Unite anu Gobi I sides, n v. Misses hjvfiyj; j Harrison and Louise Crawford wore ✓ elected treasurers for the two sides. Tht m. i ting th£n adjourned to meet again M>.ndu>, January 9th. Tina pubn. K cordially iiivited to uttend i.ui ineutings.—'llielina Brown, Press Reporter. NO U I: OF MAI.F l.'ndiH .. i ij virtue oi the power of sale conl iiied in that certain dteo o'.l t.'Usit eXe.Ui.ed to the undersigned b;. R. 1!. Ho Uda\ and wife, Lu'lie Ihnli day on Vt'.f ibth day of June, 1919, am on recoru in Martin County Rege-trv in book A-/. :iw.e *» ut ' drt.l oil trust .-e... .1/ certain Lund ol' e\ei. date and > no itheie.iitii and thii . i ' u' itions l.ien in not having I,t en ec n J plfed wHT" a i at the re.|iiest of T T n holder of sa d be i.d tla under«ig!i-" I trustee will txpo-ie to 1 _.l»li* auction . ,jnn the IlLith «lii.>:—if Joanary, H>BBi at o'clock M., in fidiit of the court! house doe r t l THaitin County to tiiei highest biddci for elSlk, tne following! described land: Bounded oa the north by the lands! of 'H. J. l-». ,Ange, W. 0. Mizell and j tli3 Depi.ib Kimir ni - Lumber C0.,-on 1 • the sr>utii by tl. S. Davis, on the w st ; b; W. Jack-un Holliday and W. I.j cr itni'is 4ti acrta more or les.t. .This the ilOth ttiiy of pec., 192'. C. \V. MIZKLL, Trustee . I!AMB'JNIi'S XF.DIi AT!ONS t I O:. C Ct,o't 5 Sill NE 5 i | JtS t I MUCH B z ) ■ NEVH CLOES DOEJ, Cfcp'n rttri A DIP F ONV LOO KIN SHINE .'! R^-~ MMI, itli »MMII Mtpttdr SYAMMK * > • * ~ THE ENTERPRISE I • REGINALD R. RESTER Bj EXCELLENT SETTING HEN '■ Dunn Dispatch Once upon u time in a uwn rot fin ! j from Dunn there resided a bevy 01 members of the ancient and h>'iu>i - s1 able order of th? I 'mted .Suns ..f Rest. s j They had for their meeting | :u'v the " j board seat:; provided by the village i merchant who was averse to labor as ' ! they; This meeting l place was dubbeu ,C>y the hard-worked wives of the rest ei's "the buzzards' roost," and it ro- scmbled nothing so mucl. as that, l-'oi '* yeari the good brothers gathered there. They whittled di wn two te\e [ phone posts, cut ui> t a. o sets of up- x rights used to supi-oil the wooden [ awning and compelled tlie town coun | cil to abandon the street lamp at thai ® | point after they had whittled down ne si\ih lamp post. The resters lived happily. The\ 1 worked so hard at resting that some ' I found it necessary to have daughter 1 bring dinner on her way to her work | a ttne store where she was turning money t> pay household expenses One day, however, one of the good hliiiws 101 lby the wayside. Haiti re..ting resulted in a st roke of paral | yds. He had to give up his positioi I at the buzzard roost and was movec _ t home where he lay all the time unahk to move. One 41ay tlie cood wife of the par- j, a lytic re.ter deviled that she wouL make him useful for tin- first time ir hi siife. Out in the poultry yard thi hens had been doing tliel* duty as laii. , down by Mr. Roosevelt. Eggs there j were in plenty. Mrs. Hester gather e! an even hundred of the nicest egg. carried them, to the bedroom and pad al them securely under and aroune j Reginald it. Hester, "the paralytic. At 'the expiration of the period of iniu j ! hation, Reginald found himself tin i mother of itU biddies. And he was ai. ! excellent mate rafter he learned t, * cluck. As soon as the local newspaper pub | lished the fact of Reginald's mater- _ I nfty. his fellow testers began to re sign their jobs on buzzard roost. Fi- ( I nally every riri efound a job and when- | ever one ..showed signs of weakness ever one showed signs of weakening and a yearning for the good old days, his. wife, mother or sifter had only to threaten to "set" him.——r r This story was suggested to the l)i h patch by Rev. Elbert N. Johnson, pas- n tor of the First Baptist ClYurch, who n intends to start a .campaign against si some of Dunn's renters, if his effort, u prov eof no avail,\h« will advise the h women folks to prepare a "setting' a for each rester. , v WANTED. MAN WITH CAR TO ,t; |, .sell Iw priced Graham tire. . : 130.00 e per week and commissions, tirahan I J Tire Co., ii,4h!i Kenton liar M I bor, Mich. 1 NOTICE OF SALE fc I I inler- and by virtue of the power u I of sab? contained in that certain deed j of tru "V executed by J W llriley and I wife to the undersigned trustee, and' j beating date of Januaiy 2nd, lUI4, 1 I and of record in book D-1 at page 411 I of the Martin County public registry, I said deed of trust having been given ' i to secure the payment of certain notes I of even date therewith, and'the terms ! and conditions therein contained not i having been complied with, and at J ' the request of the holder of the said a 1 notes, the undersigned trustee will or s | Monday the oth day of February, 192. 1' | at the court house' door of Martin County at Williamston is C, offo rfoi I sale at public auction to the highei t ii bidder for csali the following describ- u ed property t iwit: „ i A certain tract or parcel of land s situate in Cross Roads township, Mar- £ tin county, N C . beginning in Beaver d Dam Swamp at the Wild Cat road; \ mnnin gthence a southwesterly course o I up the road to a short strawed pine £ in front of tenant house, Simpson and I i"eel's corner; thence a southwesterly c course to a forked tree, Burroughs', Simpson's and Peel's corner; thence' a southwesterly course up the branch to a post oak, Burroughs and Simp son's line; thence a straight line to t the Bear Grass road, Burroughs', Rob t erson's and Simposn's corner, thenee r a southwesterly course to the Atlantic i Coast line Railroad; thence down the i ' railroad to Beaver Dam Swamp thence t down said swamp to the beginning, i ! Containing two hundred twenty carea ' | (220) more or leks. ] This the 2nd day of JUyiuary ,1922. i LOST: ONE SMALL LONG BODIED female hound. Mostly blue in color If found please notify Faed Roebuck, Williamston, NC, 2t i 1 211 CHILDREN SAVED DURING YEAR 1921 The following letter has been l-o ceived from the Chrijdren's Homo So ciety of North Carolina, Inc., at Greensboro, N. To Our Friends: We submit statistics Covering the operations of this Society for the yeui 1921." We have closed a most satis factory year and feel justified in the statement'that wo have proven to thO state that with fProper financial back ing this society is able to offer the proper solution of the homeless chili problem. When you consider the saving o 211 homeless children in 12 -month you must admit that we are a . in this branch of work. We lo forward to 1922 with a determinatio to do even mow than we have ■i in 1921. , v The Superintendent desires to e.\ press to every member of the Hoan of Directors his most grateful thanl. for the loyal support Riven thPougl out the year. Without this able aiu continuous assistance, tho results ob tained would not have been possible. I wish for all a Happy and pros perous New Year and hope for a con tinuance of past generous atid eon structive cooperation. Respectfully submitted, JOHN J PIIOEMX, State Supeiiiitenfleni New cases reported .... . .44: Adjustments made by Supt. Pub —He—Welfaie,—and—npplu.it inns withdrawn Mil New homes offeied for children r>B - accepted _ 18: Homes rejected .... , v»12( Homes withdrawn by applicant 9. Children received 211 Children placed ...202 Homes supervised by represntatKn' oT Society .'l7l Homes supervised ny Supts. l'ub- „ lie Welfare ' Hi! Home's supervised by special a Rents ... 7! Reports received from foster par ent# 1 ~»t- Children in Receiving Home, Pee." 31, 19 1 . -?'■ Children died o Legal adoptions executed 2» Operations for mtenoids :t>> Childion boarded out II Children ran* away «. Children withdrawn from homes not up to. standard I' MRS. GABRIEL \ IJI.LEY —Mrs. Gabrdlu -l.illt'y died' at—bet homo in Griffins township Wednesday morning after a short attack of pneli motiia. She had not been strong foi several years but was as well as slu usually was until a few days befori he) death. She fell and hurt hetsel, and pneumonia soon developed. Shi would have been 72 years old in May She wuifti woman of the gentle, quiVi 'type, always kind and neighborly ti everybody. She married the latt Henry Lilley in early 1 womanhood. She leaves seven children: S. J. L>. l.illey, Willie W. l.illey, Simon LiMey, Bennett Lilley, Mrs. Lydie l.illey, Mia Etta Lilley and Mrs. Louinda liarUi and a large nuiubor of grand-children. Her husband died twenty years ago. -She had been a faithful'member ui j the Primitive Baptist Church foi twenty-five years, thewas buried atj tla. old family burying, ground. -The funeral wa sconducted by Elders Stoin. Rogerson, and Har«iigton. MR. DAVID S WIN. SON Alter a lingering illner of about a year Mr. David Swinson died Monda.v at his home near Hardens. Mr. Swin son had been suffering severely for u long time with heart trouble. Mr. Swinspn was given a Masonic burial, the Plymouth Lodge officiat ing. Senator Harry Stubbs, in accoi . atice with the wishes, of the decease • read the funeral Swin son was a Mason anil a fine citizens. Surviving are his wife and five chil dren; Mrs. C'iaphouse Meads, Mrs. Wiley Sullivan and Mr. John Swinsot of Norfolk; Mrs. Toylor Ayers, oi Suffolk,- and Mrs. Stephen Davis oi Dardens. Mr. Swinson leaves a host Of friends who mOUrn his death. CARD OF THANKS We \,itdi to thansi rluetaoicnifwyj We wish to express our Jieartfek thnnk« u"d most since e appreciation I to our fi i«ihdn for the to "'ev ie ts ii id many' kindnesses ren.iifci! us 'luring tie /Oicnt illness and death of oui precious baby. We wi es| oeiall.v tr, thank ' rs.. Saunders, oivnle 0 , Rhode., and Yoil; also our nun-et, Misses Smitr.. Satchwell, Detw'V and M»s. Ballance for their gre:'t interest a'vl in tiring cforts in +>ohaf of our IMle larlii.g. Di>. and MRS. J. F. THDGPE!!, - ■■ w Trade with the Merchants Asrocia tion and ask for your coupons. Local News and Personal Mention _J l Mrs. Prank S. Hitch is visiting friends in Greenville this week. * * • m Mr. H. M. Britt is in Rnleigh for a few days. • • • * Rev. A. .1. Manning cwiducted a funeral service in Jamesville yester ' day. ♦ » • • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cfrleahs avc • in Norfolk where Mrs. Oilcans hau an operation at St. Vincents Hospital on Thursday. The latost ndessage re ceivod from Mrs. Orleans stated that she was getting along very well. * • • * M iss Nina Upton, who has ju. completed her secretarial course at tin Washington School for Secretaries ha. accepted a position with the "Le.sln Fow.len Drug Store. » » » » (iet all the coupons you can between low and February Ist. t * Mr. Titus Critcher went to Norfolk Wednesday morning. • • • • Mrs. Louis Bennett has reUirne from Richmond where she weir w iti Iter father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Meadows. Mr. Meadows is re tviving medical treatment at Tuck ers' Sanitarium and is rapidly regain ing his health. • • • The Farmers Mutual Fire In ni.in.i Association will meet at the court Il9u.se Tuesday, January the loth, r.r.2 «♦»«.: Mr. and Mrs. W r . E. Dunn'have re turned from a visit to relatives in Wilson. • • » » G. R .Shaver of Chattanooga, Ten nessee, was in town for a short time this week. Mr. Shaver wa a partntTi of tlie firm o£ Golorth and Shaver, who were in the automobile business here* seven years ago. He is now in the battery business in Chattanooga. ♦ * * Mr, Francis Barnes left yesterday for the Augusta Military Academy at Staunton, Va., where he is attending school, • • • • Mr. T. Ryan Boyd went to Raleigh rhiH'.Hilny. * » t • Friends of Mrs. Oscar Anderson will regret to know that she is ill at her home on Lower Main street. • • • • _ Mrs. P. Louis Apfel siient seveial days in Norfolk this week. « m w m Mi Willie James of Evoretts was .1 business visitor here Thursday. • » » • Mrs. John Phillips of Portsmouth, Va., who has been viitiug her sister, Mrs. S. R. Biggs, Jr., left today for Rocky Mount to spend a few day. before returning home. v i« . Mrs. Francis Egan and little son 01 Syracuse, N. Y., are here visiting Mrs. Egan's mother, Mrs. Walter Hnber stadt for some time. • ♦ • • M isii Fannie Blount of Plymouth i spending a few days iV town will friends liefore going to her school a Macedonia. » • • • Mis. R«na ('unnintfham in bcr.e spending two month's with tier son, Mr. E. P. ('unninghani and Mrs. Cun ningham in Watts Grove. * * 4" V The Ladies Aid ociety of the Meth -1 odist church wish to announce that ' they will hold a Bazaar some time in November of this year. Preparations 1 for same will begin at once. M rs. C. C. Hatch accompanied hei daughter, Mrs. L. C. Larkin, liom ' when she returned from San fori where slie was calle«l on account oi the death of her father, Mr. C. C. Hatch. • • • » Pay up and traHe*-jn Williamston ' ami get a chance at the $1,000.00 ii. 1 gold to be given away Feb. I, IN• a • • - 1 Mr. S. F. Freeman and Mr. W. M Kear, real estate dealers of Wa hlng ton are ip town today 011 a busines mission. They have sold much east 1 ern North Carolina land to we tern I farmers aiuT they see good business II coming. . ' , - ! d_'• • • • 3 Note the ad of J. G. Godard for the -1 sale of the W. Ed Daniel personal r > property on Tuesday, January the 10 A 1922,. s** • • '. All members of the Farmers Mu 'l tual e requested to attend the annual meet ing on Tuesday, January 10, 1922. • • • • Cider B. S. Cowin got Bear Grass, 1- Was a pleasant called in our office to day. « „> , v ' NEWS FROM IN AND AROUND JAMESVILLE Mr. P. B, Penv of Norfolk. Ya..| was in town yesterday/An business. Mr. and motored to Washington*f!arsday shopping. Mr. C ,B. Holder w:i a business I visitor in town ye ten la \. Dr. Jas. E. Smithwick spent Mon day in Rocky Mount.. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Maiuiing an children and Mr. and Mrs. R. S, Cor., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J t Manning Sunday. Mr. Clyde Owens of Plymouth wa in town Monday. Mr. R. R. Cooke of Portsmouth wa the guest of Ins mother, Mrs. \Y h Stagings this week. Miss Martha Lilley spent Sunday n town with relatives. Miss Myrtle Gritlln is -pending tin week with reLatives near Macedonia Mrs. Jas. A. Daniel of Giiiliris tn«i ship was here Monday on busine. . Mr. H. S. Edens and Mis Carrie Eden have arrived from lilrod wiiere tlun spent two weeks with relative... Mr. and Mrs. \\. 11 Allen iii.ti.it'. to liymotijh Tuesdaj iin.l spent Hi day with relatives. Mrs. Herbert Lilley was tin t-uei of Mrs. C. Walton Tuesday Mr. 11. W, \iinho\no died .it In home in Jamosvillo Wetlae.-.tlay 'at . A. M. after a lingering ilim- . several weeks. . Mr. \ anlim in- ha tyarhed the age of 78 years ami leavt a wife and two children, Mi>. R. ( Mobley, and —M i *. —H—l.. .1 —r iU+— Vanhorne was one of'the • • 1111•t fiti zens of Jamesville and lr;ive in.in, friends. Little Mill rose Davis, the daUKht i" of Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Dav i. di.. at her home in Jamesville Wedtie.t.la January 4tli. The little eliild had suf fered for four days with diplhcna an pneumonia. Her parents have oui deepest .sympathy in tin then ureal lieroav enient. ' HEALTH til'Flt Kit' SRF.PtiR l' There Were reported to ine duiiiiK tlie month of November, Fifteen cases of Dijitheiia; Three i*ses of Whooping. COUKII Two cases of Typhoid lever; One cuae of Scarlet /ever; One ease of Septic sore throat. For the month of Decernhei : Tell liuos of Dipthel i.'i; One case of niea.de ; Three cases of hcailet fett i ; Three eases of ehicke npnv, I want to thank the lion .ulndm i , th^-pkywu'+Hns-M«d -eyi-er+trrrh- no ,-T'rn ed for their most heaity cooperation in preventing the spread of the ,e nn tagioUH diseases and wish eaeli a most prosperori-t S'evi N eai \N Ii V\ ARKIiN, AI. I' Quarantine Ottieei. THE EVILS OF THE Al TOMOHILF The killing of HamiUon on the wai. near Raleigh last weok is only an other* chapter in the immorality o the automobile night ride, and whilt thorn is still a mystery in. to tla shooting, notliing is morn plain than that tho tragedy wu she ripe fun of an immoral night ride. Most likcl. the killing was done by soinu intei nstod pwrson on tho impulse of t l l moment for-the-purpose of protecting the honor of a woman. Just a ca of more testimony teinlinu to p. n. that the automobile leads t death, lie!, and destitution. 'I lu' auton.iobih' is dangerous place for a young nil I MONEY NEEDED Banks which can get some of the funds of the War Finance Corpoia tion will render a great service 1,;, doing so. Money is needed '"r fi nancing Southern farming and money obtained on a basis of pievious riur.- cultural advances, if it is not neoile in conii?ction with those advimce,-., can Ixi used for new advances.. Ever, Southern state should exeit itself t, make it possible for all legitimate loans'to be made for agricultural pui potnes. —News and Observer." 20TH CENTURY CLUB MEE'I iN The Twentieth Century Club held it regular meeting with Mrs. W. H. Hur roll, AVednesday, Dec. 28. In pur nuance of the program for the year, studioa in American Literature, the general topic for this meeting wak Walt Whitman. Mrs. F. U. Barnes had an interest ing paper on Whitman as a man and as a.writer, Mrs. J. W. Manning read a characteristic selection from Whit man's writings, Mrs. F. W. Hoyt gave current events. A vocal solo by Miss Eva Wynne, & vocal duet by Mrs. J. S. Rhodes ane Miss Sarah Harrofl, and a piano iolo by Miss Frances Knight were del ipht ful musical numbers which lent vai'l - to the. -program.—Reported. W. Blown of near Hamil ton was in town yesterday, ' > i Woodrow Wilson Foundation lu Honor of Our War Leader STOCKING BANK AGAIN PROVES TO BE FAILURE . l'herc i a rolibery .tory in theldiiy ■, news which lias, a ptliotie Inuc'i In it and a nioial which it would le \ v-■ 1! lot those who are vkeptical nt bank to heed. ' . t.'vel in l.ee cunty Satuiil.i> n>>■ i• * ' a man and v\ife ~at' down I ' ,c; j tll'e.-idi■ and looked ovei tht- p'.m In. 1 ii new home which liny . 1111j-t ■i i . gni w.n kon this vvet k. Tin . . ■ ■in'. -l out tlii'ir saving.-, aiiumntt t' .. . I '2oo. After making sure that it va . all tfiere, tl.e good wife curefu!l> roll ei it up and put it away, she t'l for safe keeping, in her stock'nt S ,.■ j then went about the household at U yard duties insiilent to uoing to nr.! As she wa- making her vvav to t! il.nl.cn house a few feet from vl'ch ' hi I i.'i. I aid wa ■ sit t ■ n.i* In the tne! I'M 'i I";, and no doubt dic.in i':- i i j the 1a| j'y realization of a life", V sue a lokher stepped tin, kiinc!:»' l l ei dowi.. •ook the money iin.l m i l .- t1 , 111 I t.. I'O, I'" .ti ry sent out ove ■ :i S'.u'ei ! date line, does not say that it '.a. ll». j savinxts of i life-time, bui* t uit ■ n-1 elusion can be easily drawn Ijoni ic.et lag between ihe 1 1lit . It ttnes nol take an extensive 111111 »l' IIII.IL'IIIII t 101 ITo pictni e till , couple wTiT; reached niiddli* life,' 11 ugg ling a nl saving in the years that have gone, t> build lor themselves a little home ntj. t lieiy wa, ii song of gladness in> doubt in theili lieai Is as they at ahuiit tin liresiile tho last evening of the t |.| year and looked forward to tlie ieab /ation Of one of-the fondest dean . I early in the new year. Their ln_ i. pathetic indeetl when viewed from that iingiO. Itnt there ia another side to the ipiestion. The responsibility the los is* largely upon them. Had they deposited their savings jii a bank tliey would have removed the danger ol robbery and possible murder, which might have accompanied the crime had there been resistance. It is true that there are occasional bank failures, but the losses through -lull failine ol bank which are legnlate.l ny the liict laws ol the state, 'no nothing compared With I ho e uhnh enme |i"in the " SOI It bill I If" .y I ••III'., .It Vlte.l t. by son'le w In,..in- keplii.il' I lie nun o in III! . tl.i v i . thai II I. a 11:■ nui■ imi practice tn k1 1■ 11 any considerable a mount of money about the i hoii e. Ihe 'banks are the proper depie itoi ie ; lm siivine .. PRi:sm i FRi.w t \I.I:M»\I; i mi ,si: ON ii si \D v \ ~ Rev. J. 1. VS ihlman will pn eI. in Williamston in the Metlmdi ,t cljuu-'a in the morning and at Peel Srhm I in the afternoon. i Sunday ..i hool atj'eel .clmol ai'l at Parincle at three o'clock. ARD of 111 \MiS We will to thank tin.! ninny kind people who ipini. l tered to us at tin death of our (in.-band, father and f.rnthfr, tht 1 late and also tho.-te who have comJoried and ll'dp"' l " s sincn— ,—. is, Tlios. (lurganus and chil li ren and W. Frank Gurganu.-. ( ARD OF THANKS We wish to tliank all neighbors and the many friends who so kindly min istered to our mother, Gabrill i l.il'e in hot- sickness and death. THE FAMILY. NOTICE By virtue of power vested in me by a certain deel of trust executed to nie on tin! 15th day of January, 1915, by JVlack Rogers and wife, Laura, and which is duly recorded in the oflioo oi the register of deeds for- Martin coun ty; North Carolina, in book Ul' I * at page 4UI, default havuig been matb in the payment of the bond secured therein, upon request of R J Shield.., .the bobber and owner of said bond, 1 will on the 31st day of January,,.!!i»" sell for Cash at public auction to the highest bidder in the town of Oak ( it North Carolina, in front of the pa,.: ollice at 12 o'clock M., the l following described land, to wit: .. ' A eertaill tract of land, lying and being in Martin County, North Car olina, beginning at Clara Lynch's coi ner, in tlte run of Middle Swamp, and running S. 17 1-2, W 68 poles, then S 70 1-2 W 188 poles, then S H4 poles then F, 12 poles, then N 71 E 180 poles to the edge' of the field, then N Iff 2-4 E 86 poles to the run of Middle Crock, then up the said creek to the first station, containing 10^1-10 , TMJJYFT. .PJEJ®? 8, —This tha 2SLII day nf Dncomber, W2E W. G. ANTHONY, Trustee. / , IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USB A WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE Th« .suggestion by the Woodrow Wil 4 on Foundation that the news papers nil over the country open sub v-i Hiii./iii to the Wilson Peace Funi . 111 Ui u-i as being a good way to i .ii-I i good fund, for a good cause. W.- .rlv paying, daily a heavy tax be cause w i'la not have peace, and if we will contribute to a peace fund it il v» 1 1 \ likely cost us much less in tin.' long tun. li.i' i;nt"i{si iso will gladly receive ■ "ntiM hut ions, announce them aud I t ht-iii to Mrs. Daniels, state ii.. li you feel willing to con ii-; tut with a subscription. A national committee of 260 repr« .-.•■utative wen und women ha aundßr taiten to establish Woodrow Wil »n Foundation. The purpose of the I "Uiw.itm u to honor a great Ameri can .hi. l to cieute a method whereby ("•i'li*" ..en icM will be encouraged and c>Mt.,piciously recognized in this and iu'.un' generations. t i..in the income of the Foundation, il. W.iodu.w Wilson award or awards •«.il I-.' nr.uHed in recognition of di«- in ivui .'ueil public service. I" c.UkWidi this foundatioa on a lit in' lia i., the National Committee li. i. n .in organization in each state iH in.iki' mi appeal for a popular u.i ,ci nit ii.il. The amount of the fund mivli' i. 1 ,imo ,(>OO or more, 1 in appeal will bo issued to all who 111 1 in t 1 i ■■ libeml and democratic — I• 11lit ipli•. that Woodrow Wilson has spiciously championed, and who \\ i h' -to perpetuate the inlluente of Aim i). a'., great war leader. • After the fund has been raised a Ho.nd of Iru >tces, composed of cnsi nciit Americans, will be entrusted Willi it.i permanent administration. The active campaign throughout the country will begin the week of Jaa ii-11y la, 11)22. .S übsctiptiona how ever, wilMie recoiV(sl at any time at National headquarters. Checks may be made payable to The Woodrow \S ilm Foundation. lleadiiiuiiteis lor the Foundation ha', e been e-.tablislii , a«t liiO Nassau New York City. I!IIV l(-K SAI IIAII'IST CHURCH \. V. Joy iter, I'astor ; iiin.laj .School, l>: l/» A. M. —J. C. \ii.li-i. on, Nupt. Wo have a place for m'loily 111 our .Sunday School. Como -mil -find yours. ■ I on.ii by the pastor, 11 A. W. —K. V 1' • , i.l6 P. M.-~Hflhjamin 'hi i tiH'.v. leader. .'h rnioii by tlio pastor, 7;30 P. M I'iasei meeting Wednesday evening . 1.. IV ,\l. I . .i, 1., i > .Meeting Wednesday even ite in-in Htm to s:4. r >. We iAtiti.l to all the people of oui t.. all an.'l community, and especially to m urn , who may be in town, a mo t t'.rrdud invitation to all our ser vices. NOTICE OF SALE I iiiU■ r and by of the authori ty v. tul m mu V> a crtan chattel in'oit.ig i i'iuiii I. U. Ntrawbridge dated April 27th, l!>2l and recorded in the public h'k try of Mai-tui County in Honk number 4ti at pugo 414, 1 .will ell to the highest bidder for cash 9 at the Jtlnimt Manufacturing Ptasttß' W Ulianiaton, N. C. at 12 o'clock M, 'on Monday Jan. tfth, 1922 the follow ing described personal property, to ' wit : One liuick Five Passenger Automobile being the same car sold to L R. Stiawbridge by F. K Hodges. This tin.; I7tU day of Dec. 1921. 11 E. RAY, Mtcae. J ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 1 . Having qualified as administrator of j the estate of Susan, J. I'etterton, de ceased, lute of-ashington County, N. C., this is to m4.ify all persons hav ing claim sagainst tho estate of said deceased to exhibit tliera to the ua •lersigned on or before the Ist day ■ of January, 1923, or tills notice will lie placd in bur or their recovery. This 13th day of December, 1921. E. W. TETTERTON, Administrator of Susan J. Tetter ton, Plymouth, N. C. H. V Austin, Attorney. • SIX PIGS ABOUT 4 MONTHS OLD, 1 sandjy 5 \v|iite and block, marked the right and underkeel in the left ear have been in my field about 60 days. I Owner please come for them an Ijiay costs and damage. C H i Cowan. • 4t FOR SALE: DR^-.GOODS AND Notions business, good stock, feed location in heart of town. Price rea sonable. Owner too old, wants to sa tire. Address "F" care Enterprise. - your next supply of coal froa» | Eli Gurganus & Sou. i, •*" I*l

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