Aihcrt; era Will Find Our Col'.unii; a Latch Key to 1500 of '■ ,r i n CountyV Homes \ XXIJ. -NtJMBEIi 101 i 'vlturougU'Explanation of the A't »v I'euerai Income Tax Law , , .—— —f The :ng statement i.-> *ssuoi b./ Ccik i . vf Internal i.evenue, li ;m Gii vt», Di. tiict, of North Cui» 0 ...a. I orais j'ttvA, rH'ised and simpli fy i, lli • miliv.jual nuyrna of • i-r ttr.f A; •• tnictnlar joar 1921 of $ >MH an t It ,o will be available 'A . 1 ic. da., J My ibtli, at t(K' office ji'.oi v/. teii al Revi'uuo, Kaicr.l. N. C., a i .w 1 briaich o.'- fr i t vi, ~ Jai-sin, A.-;)t' v ylo, C!i u'- '('* e, • ., W&siiingtoi'i, Rocl.J Mount, I i .. i: jt r 0, Duinani, 'Ree . »/ i«* Cvi .>. A inp\- will i)c 1 e. . >a; .ii w, a la t jn ai j a . In* failu. - to it.t'i i fc i. goi i iieve a u x pa\ i oi i.- . ii to lili.' return a ti' .> -i . tn. >iaic. Kit'i, 1 lit. lotri a 'it. i reduced from . ) lo . >ui | . . , i.v J ti rvi it it tit' t , vonti id «.| . cum., whtc.i should i' can fudj ii>> t'.o t;. | t'l I■ • ■ fo n Inl.. blanks. /\ ft. ~ •»! . 'l*.', t . . I ti". 1.. V» ill V•«: t:> it " lii V it 11 fore .nit unlei. ii Hi /I I' l. t, e: ft 111'. . L' . pgg 1, .Jllil 1 thfl ..tii'l Of "1 ■ "o a . .fc.-f; fir i U 'W l ( .. "II .- I.i.'lt-, V, :,gt A, I'll., Hi tin.-, • :i' ..i ii.iinu *Kip:i, 'itl.j-,. it i\y)'.. 3 a mI in k ii pr. I : .li, ,» i 1 .i>i.i.' . oi .1 (Hi/lit (or r.'.s,.i I'roiM oi m i l oi t!>, uit.. s.ii"i other t .it' 11 ~h ..1 • t i'ii JL ; i g ■k-'t.Xl. > Utll »f. i.tcie-t ;"|..l .j.. e, i a. ; it i»g » a , 10..e,-. i\ Hi.- stoii . . ..Li . f!i, ni .tin r.. - V ' Ja i/ or i t , It, •i.'oufiui oi.-, h.. . it . .t. . • i i ikf V c t> v til Oi' i. , h'- l' a : HOI ii! 11.'■ ' » iii 1111 w . . c-kplanat:.'i ri- Ui. i.uim. itfii, ; i.. ~ *.(>-. ..A.ii ...ii, .t* i \ iiit.lll; , run. bu !l l'l j.\ i;7>' 111, V. .LII lle.M rf|lfi"iii .( r', '' i.t.l.' . ',.tl- "f, i. I ■ "l ' .' ," "ti»t 10. 'l.tWJt' I • nit,r ) ..i- i ati., Hn'l n si.Ojt , , in of J j'. 'j : i t, >. .1. itiiUii's j required of evers .si: Hi- -| . and every iniirrieil pi-r -«>■ nol 11\ Ki|. u li husltaiiil oi wife, v lin... lie- imorii.- tiir lltill wa,> K' 1 1 ' I '> oi ni-ie, ajid ii ii'vuy uiuirie.l |» . "' ' li\ .iig v. ,i 'i . tu v. ii.' v.! ; nn inconit wns j-20n0 or woie. I lit.' coiiibi'. • ! net iiifonu of lin liarm, win! an I . '-jifm!• fit tnnjor oliihlie. •m'.allctl Oi i'Ti c«leil tu ii ih . jpo .billed j H■ .1 income of liu.sliurit , wj ft> an.l iL'[/oinlerit nimol 1 ihililn •ijaa!lei "!' ' \ceeiled foUO, all u«'11 income in' .-t be ii*poiteU on a joii.t retain or j,. ~ pa rate returns of hu.-- bttn.l ami ,i :■ If .siiigle and 111. i in. jine ii.tiut ny that of ilepeivieii luynii. 1 -, i. .! ~ oquaiUd or exccvilelt $1 MM I, or ~ . ic K'oi>fc income et|Ua!l •d or exci -'ietl a reUiru mu be tilPn. n utor, however, having l n« income al or s2,oo'> act-or Itig to lea it. l status oi a Kio.-. ii, •ttiiuj of v ,M) must file a letun The requ:.. an ta iile. a r«'tur'i • gloss , ri'Kanlleys of 'tins . mount of .. i ii.coi ie, upon whirl, il tax is a * e I*-U new iirovi-inr. ,Nt»t i ■ 11 its kios.i income U-• eeltain d. I tins which arc rcpian. Ed 'fni the m-i. I t'a ,/ tl.e übovu con iUion a re-tuni ii. .a. io filed evti. tilough ii • ii^\T~^ f Ue. T7" t l l |1IH«I fni' ; inyle persons ami mairiPil pei mils not living 'with liu. b uul or will ,'2, ' 0 lor . .i .ad ucr.-biu ilv;nk wi riuviand o. will w*,"i income ft.r ' 'yii wa» ? U( 'j-ordoj-s and Jt.ofjii f. %m*h ! v ho>« m i iiic«.me, w: - in re than V ,' ' fhe t xt »j>tiiiiis ft ! e t idont 'u pfi.on' un einhtee 1 . „ ,« iv, pf ab ov lly o. phjwicall;. i>> fiv*. a - be >u infi«.i..'* tl fro, i J j s>2ot' U) S4OO. ¥ ' A head.of i a n. > Aeturlh -pfc.'s in oih hull el u; ■>ne or jic . ••Orson* tlo: ly r latci: C/WRC^'^Ji'fSliAilliliS Ii AH' C - ( MIC It TV r INE ■ \£t'E? . Ctpil >f!E ff.Vi. ON D 5. j TABU- S"> KAH P V/ lX> ( HE FI S' W,AN »).ES' t , j; ' . C AIN'T A^nAT*' mm***. m% •» +»***■ THE ENTERPRISE /NEW POSTMASTER INSIALLbII TODAY •i ' ! Air. T. Trice af sunied the tin - . '! ties of the oifice o! roslindsU i .i | VvUliainjton today. Mi. I ii. \\>nat., ' J who has served as I'oaUhio U i : inct ■ j Marcl| 24th, J'.'lC, tuineti toe oiiitt * j over lo Mr. I'riee, the cliange taking " elled at twelve o'cio:it last nigiu. j Misn Daisy Wynne is still Assistant j i'oi.t:uastei and other nuinLors oi tin. | lorce remain in v ofico, ine.»e po»itio'ia 1 | being under civil servi.'t; regulation . Mr. Trice was con et.-jd with tin 1 ' post ollicc for a long Woiic, ui. 'j oilkc bo>, clerk ami men .us Liuci •j l.leiK tir as»i,l;ui'. pj.tiua. Ur and tlic 'I public is confident that it will, I the hame gout! service ui. ei the ni\> | aUinuiistrallon that tie have beer ] K 'tn.|{ iioin Uiv.' old. I i. A t\ Yo lit: M lUCTI.t L.NFOItCLI. 1 THIS VK.Ut . J Totlic parent.- and physician.; of Mai till County r 1 nave received a leti l from , tin ' "itato .loaid of Health n "' tlia. | in 11/22 a very accuiai" .ecortl will b, Kept I.i. the reporting ot contngifUs tliseoit's. inc iiccurac.' oi repol'LiiiK 1 one iiiinHS mil In" 111111 n'il with thai - of another. 10..| itially nien .stir.g wii. :be a' ci of tr i-eportifi? it. ' counties with w.ole-lii »* ami pait ' I t'lne county health >l ■it•• i liet li t' . a.v t if; .. ,ii• ■ tub« made by parents and tcacai'i >\hen are known to them. I.i your din I kji"ft i(i.ct.s to rrpoit, ti. •I no n-hoWei l.oaiil leiiinul it and .ask tat.' 1 ' to fit. ii record of the case ni«r Lien t forget to report e\cry case, \ iiUi tvouse B n : pHa'iii'd on it does not excti«t jou ' inn "-t |>ol't ili| otiifi cases as the law ictiuires. i - ■ A large number of c.ti»e.s weie nol lepqited last >ear. The State lioarr o) Health does not desire to puiseruti '.people, but thc'liiw is KoTng to U- in forced nimw strictly this yeni than ' | fonnerly. Vlilll s vCI > t I lit, W.W. 1. WAKKKN. s* (Quarantine Ollic> r. / ( ItlTl HKIt-AN liKKNVS / Thursiluy, January fifth, 11»22, in 'ithe Chun- hof the Ascension in Noi j folk, Virginia, Miss HiluTeir ctin-wford ' I Andrews became the biitle of Mr. ' j Titus Samuel Criteher, Rev. J. Scott I .Mere4jth officiated, using the ring 1 1 ceremony. Those attending the wed | iling were Mr. and Mrs. (i. M. Kober '] son, an aunt ami uncle of th ebride, her cousins, Mrs. Walter liogart, Mr. ) Crawford Roberson anil Mis. W. li. '{■Wattu, Dr. uSiiipson Hatllty and the I sister of the bride, Mi.-s Vella An- I 11 rews. Mrs. Criteher is the daughter of | Mr. ant! Mrs. James W. Andrews, and I is a young woman of strong charnctei | and personality. Mr. Criteher is the j -on of Mr. and Mrs. If Criteher, j is associated with his father in the ! lumber and saw mill business and is "|-fifffrttlar with -fbe—|itmple uf. town I I a business and social way. J L /. ; to him (or her) by bloor, marriage, i or adoption, is the same ex j c.nptiOii allowed a main ii person. Tile normal tax rates tr* unchanged I 1 pel cent on tile first JfetOOO -of net I income abovu* the 'Exemptions an i 8 per te.nt on tin- reinainii.n Ret income. ' The tux this year, at .a.-t, may be" paid in full a the time of filiiiK thi ; letiirn, or in four ctjual instalfmeiii.. uue on o ibefoie Marcl. 15, June 16, September 10, and Dec. uiber ! Heavy jienalties are provided by lite ne v revenue act for failu * to file a .etui i. ti. 1 pa> tie tax o i tune. Aiiniiunet'mcnt will be ..iade through j the pre s? of the date ot release ot I forms*4U-10 for flliiiK Individuals re ! lurhs of income i f atie.} than s,Obii , Payinenl of Tax-'s Perra'tted in four Inslalbnents Sec. 250. (r,). 'J! at except as * fttherwiae provided in tb : s section and j factions 221 ar.rt 237 .tit tax-shall be paid in four installments, each con sisting of one-fourth >f the tottil a mount of the tax . The lirs-t^install - j ment shall be paid at the time fixed by law' for filing rite return, au4 the i second installment /Shall h# paTd on ' the fifteenth day of the .third month, ■ the third installment on the fifteenth ' day of the sixth month,' after the time fixed by law for filing he return. If ; any installment is not paid when due, j the whole amount of the tax unpaid > Shall becom etlue an tlpayable upon ftnd demand by the cbWeetoi. >*iv "POR SA-LET: FORD TOI'RINO C4i(, in good condition. Cheap for cash Rondell Wynn, Theo.. Roliewon's store, City. "• . 2tpd «. > f Williamsfon, Martin County North Carolina, Friday, January 13th, 1922 NEWS FROM IN AND AROUND JAMESVILLE j Mrs. Mae Edmond,son of Haltiinore* is the guest of Mrs. Pattie Wallacdl tliis week. Mr. A. T. Crawford of Willianistor. was a business visitor in town Tues, day. Mr. Hollie Held has returned to i New York after spending several wieks here with relatives and friends j Mr. Walter Jernigan and Mr. C 11. Holder of Williamson were busiuest visitors here this week. Mi. Roland Cobum of Danieir spent Suiulay in town with friciuls, Mr. T. E. llolliday motored to Ral eigh Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roberson nlnl littk? daughter, Sarah, were the guest, of Mr. and Mrs. 11. (i. Grit'.in Mondav Miss Carrie Sexton returned f in day from a visit to friends ami i da tives near Willianiston. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hullitliiv oi Washington are in town for a few weeks. ' Mr. J. Marion (inllin. wus a bus mess visitor in town Monday after noon. Horn: o Mr. and Mis. Arnolt. Hrown, a son, January ninth, li' 22. Mr. I). M. Lawborn of Rocky Mount was in town Tuesday. r Mr. Herbert I.illey returncl lilt's day. etuon(en^ day fl'fiill a business trip to lio-ton Mr. K. C. Wallace of Rocky Mount is visiting Mrs. W. II I.illey a few da'j s mis week. —— . Mr. S. T. Jackson motored to Wash ington Thursday. Messrs."AV r . C Manning, John Conk V. . lv. "Parker, and h. 1.. I.iivtlituioo . have been business \isitors in town this .week. y AHTHI'R 1.. \S AM \( K f Arthur 1.. Wallace died Tuesda\ night, January l(lth, fit bis home in Jimifsville. ..lie---with iiuanother speliU. ("h list in as in lialtinuue with relative ami returned to his iionie on Tliurs day, Januii in good hea'tli Early Frilay morning lie was takei with a violent chill and pneumeni;. tlevelupeii iminetliately, from which Tit died. He was thirty-fiw year sob and leaves a mother, Mrs. Pattie (• Wallace, and two sifters, Mrs. Annu Kleming and Mrs. Kathleen, lallej. 11 i.-> father, the late .Samuel S. Wallaci died several years'ago. lie was bur led ;it the home liuiying grounds in Thursday and the funeral was ton ducted by his pastor, R. Phillip . an J. M. Pen-;?,.0f Jiuber i) r nviHe. A largt crowd of relatives ami fricridc wcri ( present. * ( 111 |{( H OF THE ADVEN I Rev. Waller 11. 'lark, PrieMl-in-chai Services for the Second Sunday at ter Epiphany, January 16th, l!»22: Church School, o:4f> A. M.— Ilari M. Stubbs, Superinten leiit. r Morning Prayer frd Sernmr, 11 1,1 A. M. Sermon subject: "The Cliurcl Its Value to the I amily and the State Evening Prayer and Sermon, 7 :ii P. M. Sermon subject: '3 iio Land o Beginning Again." A cordial welcome to all service- PRESBYTERIAN SEID. ICC.S ' Rev. J. Wildninn will nreai-h n Parmele next Sunday, January, lotii both moming and night. Suliject onvroi-iiing "rtrrrn 'in—A., surance, May We Know Whethi-r a Not We are Saved." Evening Subject: "He . ure You Sill Will Find You Out. oi the «•. tain Consequences of Evil Sunday School at Parmele and n' Peel's School House at three ■ 'clock METHODIST CHI RC'.II Rev. L. C. L.irknir Pislor , Sunday Sclioql at 915 A.M. Morning service and senaon at 11 A. M Afternooi^.scrvi-at Hmlv at 3:00 P. Ml Evening service and semio-i at 7 .'t P. M. The public is cordially i'lVited ii al. services. FOR SA'LE: ONE OLIVER TYPE-. writer, practically new. Wil l oil for less than half price of neA one Can be seen at" Enjerpriso Oflif. if FOR SALE: ONE SOW AND 1 IVK ' pigs, two Weeks old. One milk cow, and culf. Lester 'Rogers, Willianiston, j R. F. D No. 2. ' J. litp] SIX PIGS ABOUT 4 MONTHS OLD, 1 sandy, 5 white and black, marked the right and underkeel in the left 6ar fyive. been in my field übolit 60 days. Owner please cmne for them an lpay costs and damage. C H j Cowan. ' LOST: ONE SMALL LONG BODIED' female hound. Mostly blue in color I If found please notify Fred Roebuck, i 1 W illianiston, N C. 2t , v p . : Local News and Personal Mention I Dr. William E. Warren has moved I his offices to the Farmers anl Mer chants Hank Building. ♦ • • » Mr. Hubert Johnson of Mebattf lias been in town this week visiting friends • » » » Mrs. Harry Meadow and child ion returned Tuesday from u visit to rel atives and friends in Greensboro ami Siler City. • « » • Mr. Louis liennett returned Tues day from Richmond where ho hud tak en Mr. Lon liaynor for medical treat ment. * ♦ * Messrs. C. D. Carstarpfien ami Alonzo 11 u e eearllshetainhttlrdsotaoi Atoiizo llassell are in Baltimore this week. * • • • Miss Daisy Wynne spent Wednes day in Rocky Mount. • * * • Messrs. Whit rurvis, U. R. liaiu iu 11 ami Dr. T. P. Tliigpen mudu i. business trip to Richmond this woel;. V. # • • Mr. Clayton Moore is in Raleigh foi a few days this week. » » • • Mr. Levi Roddick and family have moved to Dardens this week where Mi. Kediluk expects to farm this year • » • » Messrs. John Lilley and Luther Har diMin of Jame^ville were business vis it'»i"s in town Wednesday. Mi, .1 W r . Keime, of Richmond, cir culation agent for The Stars- and it l ipes, the news organ of the Amer ican Legion, was in town yesterday and took a goodly number of sub scriptions from the World War Vet erans in and around town. Mi. Keane was also getting signers to a petition for the bonus bill which has been phtgweing the life out -of.-the Republi cans in CWfigress for such a long oh, time. 0 ♦ • 0 Mrs.. I'erley Brown, Mrs. Arthui Anderson and Messrs. 11. M. Hurras, John A. Manning, Kader It. Cruwfod, A. R. Dunning and W. C. Manning attended . the fpneral of Mr. Arthui Wallace in Jamesville yesterday. • • « » Mr. and Mrs. Sum Get singer have taki'ii rooms mi the Harrison building on coiner of Main and Washington streets, usually known as the Moore place and have made a very attract ive home there. ■ —- r• v - i Mi. John M. ( hitty of Murfrees iiiro is in town this week. • • • • Mrs. Tiucindu Rose has returned ifter spending a month with relativof in Wilson and Fremont. Eldei ,Sy.lvester Has sell will leave tpnioi row for Conotoa where he will fill his regulut appointment at l.itth (,'reek Church. • • • • Mr. W. 11. Uobeison suffered ... slight stroke of paralysis yesterday while walking about his plantation on Kast Main street. Although Mr. Rob erson is elghty-thiee yeai * old, he i; unusually and Iris friends are Tiopeful that %• will soon be entirely recovered from the effects of his ill jness. * * * r Mr.-Eli Taylor and Mr. W. T. Cul liwr weivt ordained deacons in the Primitive Baptist church at Skewar kee Sunday monfintj. The Pcesby ter.v was composed of Elders Sylves ter Has sell, John N. Rogersoii and W. li." Harrington. Mr Taylor has been an active inenil,or of the Kke warkee church for forty-si* yeafs. 0 0 0 0 "♦ - Mr. A. W. Wolfley of Norfolk is'in rrmcirthia week soliciting liuiuif » foi the Furthers Guano Co. • • • * Mr. Jake Greenbaum of Baliiiiior/ will be in town shortly at his sijjfit old stand, J. L. Hnsaoll ftnd Co.,'am as "Jake" is handling a new brand >f goods this year hi., friends ale espec ially invited to look thein over. • • • • Attention of readers is called io tin mkice, of the Uri'on Meeting trt !*• Held at Skewarki-e, January 2~, 2rt, and 29th. A •* V j INCOME TAX For the purpose of aiding -anv in i come,taxpayer who wishes infoNnjr tion in regar dto making K .out. tlVti I returns for Income Tax, I will"attend | ;.t the following places on the jay and date named' Rob« rsonville, l'hura!a\, January' J 26, 1022, at the Hotel. Williamston, Friday, lanuary 27th, j 1922, the Register of Deeds of j'ftee. Saturday, January 2K, 1922, at hotel. • J. H. NORMAN, Deputy Co*. - ■ ' ; '• ...» , |N.C. QUOTA FOR NEAR ! EAST RELIEF $200,000 Count}- o tl\c ui Is of the Neat East liclilcf from all parts of North Car olina will convene in Raleigh January 26th in u state confeivnee to discuss methods to be nseil iiv- raisinj' the state's'quota of $200,000 this year for the starving Armor,an orphans, it was announced from Raleigh by Col. (ieo. li. Bellamy, stato cliamnar. Speakers of national and 3tatcwnle prominence will lie present if plans of Col. Bellamy go through- A num ber of county chairmeh will also speak Josephus Da mils, honorai-y state chairman; John W. Mace, nationa. field secretary; Claude W. Hopper, i\'- gional director; and Co], I'elloiuy are union gthose slatetl for audi esses. Ef forts are boing made to bring Con giessman Williafti D. Upshaw, the "Billy Sunday of Congress," here ami one of North Carolina's delegation. So far Congressman llallet S Warn of Beaufort County has accepted, pro viding he can get away from Wash ingtoii. A number of county chair men have also signified theu- inter turn of being in Raleigii for the con ference. The conference will bo he! ! for in terchange of itleas in inisiug North Carolina's quota this yieur. Two years ago the Old North State attained a nation-wide prominence by being tin first state in the Union to raise theh quota. Workers declare this yeai thej will try to duplicate this feat. Tli© (200,000 is required to feed " clothe and educate it, Mot—orphans n Armenian martyrs, entrusted tu (In care of North Carolina in five of tin Near East Relief orphanages. Thest five are located at Tivbi/ontl, a port on the Black Sea. These children were made homeless and parentless by refusal of their forbears to re nouncet Christ and accept Mohamed. EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETING The Epworth League-held its regu lar meeting in t*-> I icague room Mon day night, January ninth. The rou tine opening with a song, Scripture reading bv Miss Evelyn Harrison and a sentence prayer by the members in answer to roll call. The following program was rendeied "'with "The Light of the World" the topic: Story: "The l.ightgivers," Mittii Brown. "The Light That ttinmts" by Eliz iiheth Gurganus. Story: "The Life of Sunshine,, by Itriunt Curstarplien. Poem: "Let Me Live in the House by the SHTe of the Rfffld" Jefsfjff Stubbr Soiig: "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning," by Old Golds. Poem: "A Boy I Know," Bonner. Hurganus, Malflia l.egjgett, Josephim Sykes and -Francis Gurganus. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred to the undersigned trus tee by u certain deed of trust executed by It. A. Lloyd on the Ist day of May 1019, and on record in the public reg istry of Mail in County in book H-2, page 141 to .secure a certain note ol oven date therewith; and the .stipula tions contained in said deed of trust not having been complied with and al the request of the owner of said note, I will on the 13th day of Febisitti ~ 1922, at 12 o'clock M., at the court, house door in town of Willianiston, "NV C., ofti'V flirmrt* et» tlie.-highest, bidder at public auction for cash, the following decwribed leal estate: Lloumbd on the u.-t by a lot be longing to S. R. Biggs Drug Co., o the south by the A. C. L. right ot way; on the north by the Huff land, 1 and on the west by a cross street, containing one (1) acre more or les.^ This the 12th day of January, 1922. R. G HARRISON, Trustee. I HAVE A STRAY RED MALE HOG weighs about one hundred pounds, marked swallow fork the right and under keel the left ear, has been ;it my place about two months. Owner will please call for him. W. W. Giif fln. NOTICE I have in my lot 6 hogs four spot (x/l ones and two light colored ones kinmarked. Owner please call for same. ' j J. S. MEEKS, Williamson) N. C. /Rout 2, -Box' 2.'t. f ,■: - . tl2o h WANTED: .BOARDERS AND TtOOM t either or both. Nice rooms. Call phone 4K. I Get your next *ipply of coal from L Eli Gurganus & Son. ' FOR SALE: ONE PRACTICALLY % new cast iron, six cap, cook stove , at a bargain Burns cither coal or ■ wood. Mrs J Lawrence Peele, City. i WANTED ROOM AND BOARD IN i private famfky. "*J. R.*J." care En •iUrprise. - * Warehouseman's Reply to The 'Cross ltoads Farmer' — 1 REGULAR SESSION RECORDERS COURT The Martin County Court convened Tuesday, January loth, 1922, with Judge J. C. Smith presiding and At torney IJ. Duke Critcher prosecuting ; in behalf of the State. The follow ing canes were disposed of: 1. State v». Arthur Slade: Aban donment. Prayer for judgment. 1 l'rayer continued till first Tuesday in July, 1922, upon payment of the costs of action and the payment into the ollices of the clerk of court the sum of $40.00 to be paid to Flora blade and upon his entering into bond 4n tlie sum of SIIXI.OO for his appearance before this court on said first Tues duy in July and show that he has paid to the Clerk th esum of $6.00 each month for the support of child of the .aid Flora Slade. 2. State vs. John Thomas. A.D.W b'lead not guilty. After hearing the evidence in the case, it appearing te the court probable cause of u secret ' assault with intent to kill, it is or dered thut the Defendant enter into 1 bond in the sum of $500.00 for his appearance before the Superior' Court of Martin County at its march term, 1922, and upon his failure to give said bond to be confined in the county jail till the said term of Court. d Vtntn en limii.u I'nte Curry. ing concealed weapon. Nol pros. 6. State vs. James Pute, Haywood Pate, Sam Pute. Assa\4t with dead ly weapon. Nol pros. 1 6. State vs. Thad Moore. Lurcenj and Receiving. Found not guilty. As it appeared to the court from the *vi - Jence in the case that the prosecution was prompted by malice, was frivol- not for the common good, it wa sordered that the prosecuting wit ness, Augustus Aynes, be taxed with the costs of the action. > I SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHI RCH A. V. Jayner, Pastor : Sunday School, 9:46 A. M.—S|*-eial Program.-—J. C. Anderson, Superin tendent. Classes well organized and taught by gooil teachers. Come and bring the chidlreti. Sermon by the pastor, 11 A. M. - Subject: "Christ's Prayer for Ills People." H. Y. P. L'., 0:46 P. M. Sermon by tho pastor, 7:B(» P. M.- Subject: "The Appeal of the Cross." . On Wednesday evening, January lfc, at 7:30, Mr. Julian Anderson will be ordained to the office of deacon. Dr. C'has. Anderson, pastor of the lluptist church of Scotland Neck will be present, and preach the ordination' sermon. Don't miss hearing Dr. .\/\ derson. To All the services nA our I we most cordially invite you NOTICE OF SALE , I'nder and by virtue of the power I of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by James Thomas 1 and wife, Ida Thomas, to. the undei I signed trustee, bearing dute of Jan uary 22nd, 1920, and of record in tin , public- registry of Martin County, In book A-2, at page 474, said deed of , trust having been given to secure the t- payment of a certain bond of even date therewith, and default, having been made in the payment of said bond and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, i and at the request of Hie holder of I, said bond, the undersigned trustee will on Friday the 3rd day of February, 1922, at 12 o'clock M., at the court !. house door of Martin County at Wit ■ Hamilton, N. C., offer at public sale, for cahs, to the highest bidder, the j following described land to wit: i, That certain tract of land lying, be I ing and situate in Martin County t North Carolina, bounde don the north r by the Tnrboro public road; on the - east by the lands of the late John Sal isbury; on th» south by the lands o: the late Calvain Griffin and Johi Cherry and on the west by th* lands - of John Cherry, containing sixty s three and 8-4 acres (63 3-4) more or i. less, and being the same tract of land '. deed to W. H. Hyman by S. J. Ever r ett, commissioner, by deed dated Oc ) tober Ist, 1907, and of record in the 1 public registry of Martin county in i. book.. RRR at page 293. V This the 3rd day of January, 1922 A. R. DUNNING, Trustee. d _ . ; FOR SALE: DRV GOODS AND Notions busindtas, good stock, good f location in heart of town. Price rea e sonahle. Owner too old, wants to rt r tire. Address "F" care Enterprise. FARM WANTED—Wun'xid to hear S* froi owner of a farm for sale, i- give loweiit price, and full particulars. L. JONES. Bo* 651, Olney, 111. IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A WANT AD iN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1896 To the Farmer of Cross Roads: From your tone of expression in ou: County paper 1 am uiraid you arc rot ui] familiar with the Cooperative Mai lifting plane, or the work of tome ol their agents a* you might >. If you were I am (uitc sure jou would ki.jw the reason why we advertised 0..v opening for the 1\".2 crops call v. Now as you Jd*i t seem t:» Ifi'ou any reason for »a'. i I want to stale a few for your liberal co nid ation : Ist. We are frank to tell the far i mere how we are going to cell their t bacco next fall and Use laws of ovn good old State tix** the charges for us in selling eame. 2nd. Why dont you or aonie of your wise (?) agents tall the gxxi farmers how you are going to sell tiiei i tobacco next fall and what law will Kovtrn your rhargea fv# aellirg the t>aiue. 3rd. Many of your agents have, and you know it to be true, tried to force lota of good fanners to Join by telliug them "unless they did Join it would bu impossible for them to sell any of their crops next fall." 1 4th. tjuite a numlxtr of them have > asked me about the prwpecta of eall • mg their crop unless t.iey did Join . and to be frank witli them I wrote all ' the Tobacco Companies why buy hare and asktxl them would they give us buj ere for the fall and 1 have in my - nas.session replya from all stating they would have buyers at our opening sale I September tith, 11)22 and buy the far mera' tobacco as they have done in Kobersonville for the past 23 years. These are my reasons for naming our opening sale as 1 wanted to Mil the farmers of this County to be ' own Judg»« as to the selling of tobacco. In conclusion 1 want to say that if 1 have doq£ such a crime by naming > our opening sale before the seed bed* were planted, that the laws of North Carolina takes up criminals and pun 1 inhes them Why not have mm ar rested auil tried In your courts of I Martin County for naming date of opening snU) 't I It. A. BAILEY, Warehouseman. I Kolversonvllle, N. C. NOTICE OF SALK I niU*r and by virtue of tlve power of sale contained in that -ertaln deed of trust executed to me the undersign ed trustee by M. J. Willoughby, of Pitt County, North Carolina, on the 2(ith day «>f November, 1919 and re corded in Martin County Public lb%- istry in hook B-2, page 40H. .Said deed I of trust securing certain bonds of f even date therewith, and the stipula tions therein not having been com plied with, and at the request ot the . holder of said bonds the undersigned trustee will on Saturday February 11, at 12.00 o'clock M., in front of the Court House door in Williamston, N. i C., expose t> public uuction to the I bidder for cahs the following „ described land: Situate and being in (loose Nest township, Maitin County, North Car olina, adjoining the lands of T. H. , Council, K. H. Catling and others and f bounded as follows: on the north by the lands of T. E. Harrell; on the eact , by the landa of Edna Shields; on the r south by the lands of Edna Shields I and W. 0. Council's Brown plaae; on f the west by th elands of T. B. Har rell and the road leading from Oak f City to Speed, North Carolina and ] containing 14 1-2 acres Refereoee la hereby made to deed from T. H. Coun t cil and wife to W. O. Council record ed in book T-l, page 410, Martin Coun ty Public Registry, for a more def t inite description. Alao one other tract of land in said , township, County and State, being all of that certain tract of land known h as the Brown land which waa lnher ited by Mrs. T. H. Council from Fran- I cis Brown's estate, and bounded on i the east by the Ben Shields land; on i the west by It H. Catling; on the f north by Ben Shields land and T. B. Harrell and Irving Harrell and con i mining 220 acres, more or leas. For ! more particluar description reference . is hereby made to description of tract No. 2 as contained in deed from T. H. c Council and others to W. O Council f» of record In book C-l, page 664, Mar fTn County Public Registry. Alao E. A.. Coundl'a Interest in the tract of Land of record in deed from E. A. ' Council to W. 0. Council recorded in ) book C-l. page 663, Martin County 1 Registry This 10th day of January. 1922. ■« F. C. HARDING, Trustee. I HAVE A FEW FINE PLTOOUTB r Rock Rooster* (or aafc. Thompson , Strain. They are extra larva eoes and i are beautlea HAYWOOD SOGERS, (My : • • . • " *—- .- .

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