A* v * isert Wil! Find Our Om a Latch Key to 150b o 'tin County's Homes '• 01. .. r .£ XXLI. —Nl, MBER 1 jo; ; lio:ius Prospects For j Martin Arc Very Bright K. .■ . « iW ijo'ii' ill ia> aig oui . u.. > ' u\ i.. o- v ..ic n-gh- V „ , ..i... .... Jl , till.. >1 . 4. ' -j ' 01k*. I it- 1 it t.HHi ci • ii II lU. . *,..1U1 ill but L); ill .O (i .J. . . 1.J.« i i-.\, .. .>» K C 1 *e\ - I I , ' . ! L> y -111. .... . .JO Ay, \i i .'I .ll.i.Vi* J. ». i , .. , - v. I.i■ • • .« i .iii-. aui... • u«. >l;u. . . oiivto. . i .:i.u%.**» ». , .... aa i•. tvli« .*♦ I il. i . .... \ ' I *.lll . . i ♦ t' * . . .i ..o\\ Ta ti.y cul at! I V tO i.a»i Mil i.u .... .» » w , »ii' \N*li a l ioji'i't \ n i . iI.J ti'OUl nu)»'*> l .i .ii> i. aciur i»s J. i*. Lhi u . i K , ... . . . .»*..!>. . . »iil i\u\ I It. St. AU. CUUlllJ'.f O 1 •»« lint; ..i.i In -1.1.1 • . - ■*,. >■ 4 ■'« ■ , j ... i i v.oi.t \s.• • 1»«' iiolm I'. 4k ">i ii..lo*j;». tin* j;. . . aial iiig a i«-cal ost , . .ar ii».' .oaii# ijcsi soi . .. o dK.cu in a. i»..a. . i.« : . ii»* ma i 11» la* if .. i 1.1 .». t. tine i a>. i»* -a sui \»• «. .>. ii ... •• . .»'l lOi ii i' buiidiii*; «• i \s - . » v. :L.ua i.a- i.oM .. •in :.ic- .' , .tivulii , »*a 4 a o*i i ca.. .• •*• i\ *l> *.i• , . UU V\ uu i it \.. t. — , I Ml ..,., 1.,. , Ihkk.'i ■» ■ J> .i.-ililj n.liU Mil I -»v' . j, iii 't'iu iiaiiiiax ioad •. .i . .i. »11 . . i work i*, *• iii !»' „ • in.in* vU* y ■:v ,i wiii >laiui . .iu . ». i' vOt.cii \ 11 i all . i,, ' . . i«i i»v til..- /j r W'ln r .1 ,- 4 .• *. *: . L » 111 U I»UV «' » i 111. . . . \ t.H. II iia 1 tia t, t'Av t I " i ii, .. i. . i i. a to.it m«i !.»> u. . st. . i. i l rua . . i lit? v, .. li.> .%• . alt * -tr i ft *. nit mv »t .> only a II ji u i o. , j.n\ i.« t i» > ilu i" t,ae hbt. ..v ii J. >l :*.s il . nut - ;».> v »i'Uh■ wit. « !»•' .« i » ~a.«. » . . n- i.i ti-.v (euaiii „ li u. i. « • . x im. to 11.' i.u' unci«*i. »K'» , . u"J i i. 1.1 i ir. .. y..r' ji.iv i ,i . li>'| i i»«i iiii'l dj '-i 1..1 1:1 ...i,. .« ■' UIHy ffgisll >, i.i buOu. It'll, MTUi-init u * Tiuu'i >• it • *i' \. 11 •.:ii«-■ aii'j t-mu K/Ti'' V i't i r -.T!"J-|\TtTT/lT'r«-tlr.T»- 11. colli-! i, , I'L UU' IUK IMX'II COllL|ll'll Ui, .i :U' I nf thtv Ik.lil ~ ui *r.. ;•! .'I il«' um!t'loiKitt'il 11 - lit uill >lll- .lMtii ii"> ot I't biUi.r, , ' .J., > , > to jiul.lic iiiu'limi In tu> .II in -1 . i lui i u-Ii i nl runt o! , '„h j ; ,*>u * i)• .•i u. A ilium-kin . iiti. • i- 'i l>W''V> inK 'l.'s( rili i,. la,. . All i '> Jl il' l'ii cy, 1 ..if lof titic. i . u. . if'iiiU.'. I> I • >'ii nlfil'i' 01 I . situ .n ,I> Pst-M an,i being on ll > •) uiiii .v i . !• .>!iil Wit liiiiMlon loml a I 'it i'i>yr 'i. -ontb fium tiif 111 a'-i ui Jail vi Jntncsvillo Uiwn'lti|> i ~unt»• i ?-. In ,111■ of Nurt.li • til i ' nr. a 1 :>ucii -i,ap.', mi - r. jr.t. "" » iliftanrw^—«s will non fully a,,|u i h' s I 'ti'ivnor In liiap niinti jiv Sylv '■ IV,'I, May I" 10!0. a), jinn fi'i' \vih rl'i Fi'tl r., I.aml of Colunilna, att'l ln n^ 1> uml «a ti c a it'tli by tlw laiin- o ' (". i\i.'s. oil tin 1 ta I by I life lttiiil of (i. C. K yit, on tKf south by tlx I nni in ';> it; I.unih-1 Co, ami oi the Wfsl ay ilcwl fin. This b'eini; tli« sumo lani fore f»«nv»y*l to , aii .M»lindu Fhcnpai I by B.,T)uko CriUhei Oomtniss'otKO, b■. doeiT Hated May 2'' '9lO, uml f>: record in pubjic rpjh-'r of Martin >unt\ in book H-2, 40 Jh:s '' duy of Jan' try, 10_2'J, H. Dl'K ECniTCHER Iru-t.v HA!t; r V rs :,i[l-.'.AYIONS OLL I.J FUi5 n' bour pt WAY D. RATS Bi M tAt IN* _ KEK C lItKENi, BOT A.K , 'SPICIO'. TAIN* DF RA Tsfc OS BM I'.AC A PRfcACrtfcßS' CObtrksCE HtAH Att. t>iS I p&s' r JNt v^tF-K.! "Si / 'mil |||g Ci»3M l« UcW H#lvroKM THE ENTERPRISE PROMINENT CITIZEN OF | jmm COUNTY DEAD 'mF L)aiitv.ns, N. C>., Jtiii. hn'»lt's T1 agan piantoi, metciiant, politiciati, l ldu ti at In ; t'ouiiti> i.jtue hi itf balm • I . I • j uay, .lanuaiy oi jipiaai paiaiy.si t j Mi. 1' at an had been a suit ere i l'ut j j many iuTTtmli!., but no. until la>t Sep-1 temper iiid nc fund it lit", y to i leiinqui.n tile active iii«iia,:vnioni ot ' iii;, laix' li»ldiii|fs aifli letin in an »'i foil lo regain his health, lb was born fund raised in Martin County, ami wii., p-ixty-iuur years old. li'' was ma: j rii'd at the of thirty-two ,to Alittte K. Wynne ot Columbia. N. I To tins union theu- w.ie horn two chililK il, t ail-oil H. l'.iKan and Ml'.-. ; lieinice l agan Jordan, 'lliese, to • Kettieer with a brot uT, Mr. M. b. 1 itni.n and an adopted daughter, Sa die ix'c Fagan suiviw hint. Mr. l aran vwis a member of tin Free V. ill Baptist church tmd lived a , ccnsjistoiit liienibet' for ti.ilty years, tor ui.til ins death*: lie uas interested in tiie political affairs of his state, ami nold seevral" oflice-s duiiflK his career. IN represented his c.uiiuy in the state! ( la-i,i La are. Va* lU fc..e in Bank lujitcy/lor ins distrnt, and was clerk ! of ti.e Boat* dof Kqualiiaition of tin ; ituiiitiUd coiiiitli si'in. —'Ilie l.i.'t puhlii - i of,ice that he la id was deputy collee ; tor in the l'Vdeutl KewnU'' service, with offices in Raleigh, lie wart.a pub | lie spirited i tluen belli' .vii.i;; iii tak ,! ink* active part in ftr.c mivcment thai 1 wollld furll.er tin- inteie tol hi.- i slate or community, lie fought loi KM dniorals, and his -ln*ue\ nlence I. i known tliroughout this entire .-v.-ection. \ 11;.-, funeral was conducted front his ji'ile resideiiie Sunday afUitioon b> i JtiA. \V, C. Bel,, on of I'lymoutb, a> 1 si.-ted by the Order of the C haritable Brothel hood of which be was a r.'.ein | Iter. The interment taking place li, 'til'' family c nutijy al Hardens.'Tin I ~i,nl ollerinirs wore many and very b. aunful. | TOO Ml til I.IM'MIiLINC; AM) . 1 GROWLING Tliele is tiiiich g l ll ntrl JI it i> and gtowl ' ! ing about the Coopei.itive Marketing ' system, going on now. Warehouse I men and some bu>ine.-s men ate ci'it ' icising tlif Cooperative Marketing As | sociuFiiSi" wliei'i tliey know ntithmf a bout it. Why condemn a thing be ■ | foie it i> in existence if there.. i 3 a j chuniv that it might be of some hi l| ' ] to Immunity? The bu me - man niu-t ' know that he cannot live without tin ! .j fanner any better than th...efatmei j ciin p-t along without lut.i. lie should | know that will# is good for the far ' im r Is good for his bu iness. -j Why urt 1 you ttying to ktii tie* ftu ' I nier's organization, the fariiier ha ! never interfered with t!e Merchant' Association oi any oilier interest yon ; might have. However it is settlpi ' j tha* the Cooperutiw Marketing sys \ U-iii is a eertahi thing for the cotton I and tnbi.eeo signers are in a huge ma 1 J joritv. AVe even heard that one ware -5 housi man) said that In., warehouse i euuhl rot to the ground befole it I .should be used by the Cooperative K | people. That i.i a small thing for thi , farmer can get some place to pooMiif tolft.eeo, the attitude of the warehouse | man i the fly iii the ointment. For years the farmer, his wife and | children have slaved in the hot sutn- I me.r, while-others were at the. sea (| ' j shore, the yliaw spent the fall and, ' ' a pait of early winter harvesting tfi. j crop they had labored so over in the i Mummer while others we're in the schoo ! room getting an education. Then the | fniits of thei rlabors .were sold— foi 'what price? Anything the buyers " j chone to give them. The farmers.huve t learned a great many lessons in the | last few years and they are going to put this knowledge-tn-practice. Aril! the warehouseman and business man who knocks Cooperative Marketing - j bccau;«? they think it will be of real ; benefit to the farmers are likely to : lose Ttioney all the way down as they ! go. J. ARTHUR WVNNK, | j Willianiston, N. C v * STOP AND LISTEN Wednesdya,, February Ist, will clone i the "Pay Up and Tract' Campaign," I and on that day at .two o'clock JI ,OOO Swill be given away in prizes. So ilnn't I lose your "opportunity Ytnd regret it ! afterwards. For dollar spent j and every dollar paid on account with , me you get a coupon which euetitles 1 you to a chance of getting one or more of the prizes. B.S COURTNEY. ' • FOR SALE: ONE OLIVER TYPE winter, practically new. Will »?ll for less than half price of new one > Can be seen at Enterprise Office, tt »- Williamston, Martin County. North Carolina, Friday, January 27th 1922 REGULAR SESSION RECORDERS COURT The Martin Cpunty Court Tuesday, January 24th with Judge Cal vin C. Smith presiding and Attorney B. Duko Critcher prosecuting in fco i half of the State. The follovmg case were disposed of: 1. State vs. Dennis Phclpy Fall ing to lirt taxes Continue I. I!. State vs. Tom Horner. Assitult I with deadly weapon. Not guilty. 5. Statf vs. Tom Horner. Carry ing concealed weapon. Not guilty. I I. State vs. L. B. Peel. 1 lead guil i ty'-. Judgment suspended upon the pay ment of the costs. 6. State vs. E. 11. Rob'ison, as sault. I'lend guilty. Judgment sus pended upon payment of th-' costs- ot action. fi. State vs. Charlie Maso i. Cruelty, to animals. Plead .guilty. ludgment sus|»ended upon payment of the cost' of action and the defendant paying R. S. Price, the prosecutinc witne-.; the sum of $35.00 as comivn-atimi fot the cow. 36. J. R. Ruber on vs. E. Ficli lierg, tradin gas Williamston Plumb "Tng and Heating Co. Being Muly jiu thori/ed acconling to the ivquimnient of the law it is ordered that the .-her iff of Martin County procei d aeeonl ing to law to advertise an. 1 s. il tin property he seized and levied upon of the defendant at public atiotioe fol cash to satisfy said delits of pL-ii t ilf. the interest since Jan l a)' ' -1. 1921, and the ocost of actieii atu! TT there 1*! u(iy excess from the |>' oco',!. of such sale after paying the.e -lebt-. j then to return said excess to the de fendant. col li IN SOI 111 AMI FAST Washington, Jan. 2>. Th- easb'ii and southern parts of the ( niteil States are today in the grip of tin coldest wave of the year, according ti reprrts to the weather bureu i.. The colik % st spot in the Unite,! Stati is Northfteld, Vermont, where :. tern perature of '2B degress below zen inevailed this moniing. Tie warm place this morning was Key West Flu., whore a temperature if To \vn reported. The "Sunny South" unai i"is«onn to severely, frigid temperatures, .- !n\ ered convulsively and spoke tlu-ougl chattering teeth today as the eolc Wave enveloped the states w ieie slmv and freezing weather are viitually un known. Jueksonville, Fla., leuoi'ted . temprratuitii of fiee/uig, iml li. bn freezing temperatiivs were reporte for Savannah (in., and' C.ha>■!«•.->to»i, S The extremely cold wiatbei vil Continue for several days, weat her !e reuu officials liere pi •"'di.'"* with i ver gradual moderation (hereafter. CATCH A MILL The other day down in one of tl t.'MnU'i'ii Carolina towno n irroi'p wu— standing on the corner discussinc th "ifs" and "amis" and the "wills ate "wonts" of Cooperative Market ing Several in tliq crowd ha don I itll badges with the letters 'T. ,\l." stand ing for Cooperative Marketing. On* of the war. hou;*uni n of the town Will' ed up to the crowd and aske I what tin letters M.' on the badge stood for A farmer in the erowV spoke up ti the effect that flV tanners it meant "Cooperative Marketing, joint selling better prices," but for the warehousf men and those holding back againt the movement it meant "Catch a mule SERVICES AT BAPTIST ( 111 IB I A. V. Joyner, Pastor 1 Jjunday school, 0:15 A. M.—J. Anderson, Supt. Anderson, Supt. We have a place i ' our school for everyone. Come am find yours. Sermon by the pastor 11 A. M.- ' Subject: "Some Notes the Chute Must Sound." 11. V. P. U. 6:45 P. M. ' Sermon by the pastor, I'. M.- ' Subject: "God Looking fcf a Man. 1 Prayer Meeting, 7:15 P. M. Wei' nesday. ' ' Teacher's Meeting, 8:00 P. M. Wet; ' nesday. ■ We most cordially invite you to at tend all these services. j SOME WW ALE r Awhale ran aground in shallow wa tcr inside the Atlantic entrance to th :> Panama Canal and was killed by ma " ehiiio gun fire by cantfl employes, win i) undertook to salvage it for oil am t .bone. The whale was too heavy fo t the 75 ton .railroad crane to handle t and ia tug attcahed a line to th 6 car K enss and towed it to a point 12 mile, s outside the breakwater, where a nava r airplane dropped two bombs, weigh ing 160 pounds eaeh from a heiglU o 1,000 feet and destroyed it. !- LOST: "SUPERITE" SILVER PEN I (il. Has "Jack, 1921," engravec ■ near the point. Return to Enterpris t office and receive reward. k- t , el Local News and Personal Mention Mr. Wilson O. Lamb, Jr., is at home 1 k from W Uson for. a few days to be wit hhis father, Col. Wilson G. Lamb, who has been indisposed but now re uparatmg and promising to lie out in a short while. • » • Mis. Robert Bogart lias returned to ner'home in Washington * V f • Attorneys A. R Dunning and El bert's. Peel aie in Tnrbore today 011 legal business. • • • • Card.-, have been received.' announcing the birth of a son fo Mr. and Mrs. ■ J. Dillon Simpson, Jr., on January 22, John Dillon, 111. » . • » Mr. t'olie of Raleigh and Mr. Nor man of Halifax connected with the State lax Revision Department are in town this week. * » ♦ ■ Mrs. J (!, Staton has returned froi a visit to lioldsboro. Mrs.' /.. Hardy Rose has returmv from his farm at Nouse where he ha been for two weeks. » > ♦ * Attorney J It. Lee of Elizabeth Cit.> has been in town this week for the purpose of looking up old records ate, wills iii the clerk of court's office.. We understand the wedding bells still ring even-if some folks say times ale - H.I nl. H —lion, l.l ll.l I leil in'iny eon - pies are preparing to set :ail on the matrimonial th> county before the Spring (lowers come again. .... The bridge civw has not been able to work this week on account of weu tber conditions -therefore they have not turned the job over 1o" lb 9 slat' yet as hail been expected. • . . • We an' being kissed by u touch ol teal winter weather. For-five days now when it has not been snowing it has been threatening to so strong thai the old rheumatics, fearing falls, have been afraid it, would snow and the youngsters who wanted to roll and tumble in it have been afraid that it wouldn't. Though the weather has been disagreeable, it has not been cold enough yet to freeze ice thick enough to bear the weight of a man. y MILS. API EL FNTKinTuNS Mis. I'. F. Apfel entertained twenty OF her friends Thursday afternooi ait|\ rook at her home in New Town. As Mrs. Apfel is iihe of "iTie hVOst i liiirniing hostessees i noUr realni o .. oi iety all her guests enjoyed thiiin selves. After the card games were concluded a salad course with grape juice jtinch was served. Those en joying Mrs. Apfels society were Mes -1 ian'ies J. Y. Joyner, J. L. Williams, W. J. Hodges, John D. Biggs Jr, Asa T. Crawford. 1.. C. Bennett, CarrU B. Williairo, J. Lawrence I'eel, TTenry Crawford, .1. G. Godard, Felix Graves and Mrs Graves' bouse guests- Mrs. Grave., and Miss Mamie (iiaves ol Virginia. A. R. Dunntilg, J> VV. Man ning, J. W. Andrews and S. S. Law rence, Mi - ,en Anna Pope and Clay ton MR. N J. STARR ENTERTAINS On Tuesday evening, Mr.' W. J Starr of the State Highway Commis sion, entertained at the home of Mi and Mrs. A. R. Dunning, 011 Main mid Huughton streets, in honor of Mis.- Millie Spruill. Progressive bridge was playod dui ing the early part of the evening and then Mr. Starr kep this guests liiglt ly amused andi uteres ted with a vur iaus assortment of «lcver card tricks, iartly mathematical and partly sleight of-hand. Mrs Dunning, in her usual gracious manner, served delicacies and refresh ments consisting of hot chocolate Eclairs, Pimento Sandwiches, Fruil Salad with golden ceram dressing. Among those present were: Mist Millie Spruill, Mr, and Mrs, A. R Dunning, Mrs. Simon S, Lawrence. Messrs. Jack Biggs, Frank Hitch and JuJ>%t Peel. / TAYLOR-HINES ' I Hamilton, N. C., Jan. 24.—The mar riage of Miss lrma Griffin Hines, tb» daughter of Mr' aud Mrs. J. E. Hirie. of Hamilton to' Mr. Bryan Benjamin Taylor of Williamston, N. C., R.F.D. took plure quietly at eight o'clorl 1 Tuesday morning at the home of th. bride's parents. .Only the immediate: relatives and a few intimate friends witnessed the, ceremony, which was performed by .Rev. L. C. Larkin, pas -1 tor of the Methodist Episcopal church The bride, who was unattended, wotr a travelling suit of navy blue poirof twill with gray accessories. Immed iuUdy aftern the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Taylor left for a northern wed d din gtrip. On tjieir return they will i' mak« their home with the groom'i parents.. y NEWS FROM IN AND AROUND OAK CITY f Mr. Hilary Bowen spen tlast week end in Wilson. ' Messrs. John Hines, Nat Boom and L. Chesson spent Tuesday in William ston. Mr. Edwin Hyman has just i-eturn ed from Kinston where he has been spending some time at the home of Mr. Collins. Rev. Harris of Bethel preached an excellent seflnon in the Baptist church here Sunday. Services will be. .con ducted in the same pulpit bj* Rev. Yon Miller of Wilson Sunday, January, 20 at 11 A. M. and at 7:>o I'. M. Mr. Phillips was' a business visitoi in town Saturday. Mr. John Eubanks of Hussell was in town Sunday afternoon.. The Ladies' Aid Society met in tin home of Mrs. Johnson.. After the business session a course of candie weife served. Rev. J. T. Wildnian of Pannele will conduct services at the Chrisiun chutvh Sunday, January 20th. The Bible Study Class held its week ly meeting at the home of Dr. E. E. Pittman Tuesday evening.. After tin study hour refreshments were served by the hostess. A NEGRO BO> DROWNED /Wednesday morning about siv u' clock Charlie Sutton and (jurlie Fel ton, colored, were crossing the rivei lit 111. 1 I'oil[l|.|-i f )e I ill| DlltU 's mill, tl raise steam in a locomotive 011 the opposite side. The boat* they were using was very small and the water being strong made it difficult to cross. The young man Felton knew nothing about handling a canoe and as it wtt.> passing along the cable which crossed the river he asked if he should take hold of it but was warned by Sutton not to touch it. However, he did not heed the warning and when he grasp ed the cable and gave the boat a pul it capsized from the force of the wa tor and both men went overboard>Tln Folton boy has not been seen sinci J Sutton, although he was una>'f» , ""n swim, caught hold of the cable which was just beneath the water at that point and proceeded to pull hiniselt to shore by slipping his hand-: along Jhe cable. He was practically ex ' haustod when he reached safety, hav ing been under water for some time It in considered a ease of extraordi nary presence of mind that he thought of the cable to suve himself. Felton was from Perquimans county neai Hertford, N. C., and h.ld only been here a day or two, having come ove. in senrcli of work. He was about twenty years old and Well thought of by all who knew him titlO YEARS OLD A lawsuit, started some 600 years ugo, was recently called for trial in n French court. The Costs and fees of several centuries' exceed tin 1 value of the object with the distribution of some land . in the Jura Mountains, between the coiiiinpnities of Menssia and Charcilla. PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES Rev. J. T. Wildman will preach in flak t'ity in the morning and at Roan oke in the afttemoon. Sunday School at Pannele and at Peel school-in the afternoon. I NO TIME TO LOSE I)o you realize that you have chance to get a part of the sl,(M.'U» cash prizes which are-to be given 01 1 February Ist? Get in the gume. Trad. and pay your bills and you will in 1 - as many chances as dollars you spend. BIGGS & STALLS. TRUSTEE'S SALE Uyvirtue of the authority confoi red in me by a deed of trust executed to me by Henry Bennett und wife, on the 31 ijay of January , 1921, (.nil duly recorded in the Register of Deed's of fice in* Martin county in book G-l pagi 405, to secure the payment of a cer tain bond bearing even date therewith and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with 1 shall expose at public, auction, foi cash on Tuesday thc 2*th day of Feb ruary, 1922, at 12 M., in front, of the Bank- of Hamilton in 'Martin county, the following property: Being all of lot number 8 in block E also al oofn utl ebmetaoinsnusnun E, also all of lot numebr 0 in block E, situated ulong the A. C. L. railway in the towrn of Oak City. This January 24th, 1922. T. B. SLADE, JR., Trustee. FOR SALE: HEAVY TOIIACCf Cloth. C. D. Carstarphen & Co. STOVE FOR SALE: ONE SLIGHT ly n.sed Cole's Hot Blast heatinf stove. Bargain. Julius S. P«el. ,2i jkFOR RENT: FURNISHED 10OM [ for particulars phone 254. .31 * » 0 , » J. B. Davis' Nomination As Director Heartily Endorsed REPUBLICANS PROMISED TO REDUCE TAXATION In u spet'ch opposing a sales tax, Representative James A. Frear (Rep,, Wis.), related how hi* party had made promises to the people in its platform regarding a fiscal policy and then had enacted fiscal legislation for the ben efit of 2 per cent and against the in terests of the 98 per cent. Ho said: "In 1920, the Republican platform, then drafted to meet eVigericics, de clared as follows on taxation: " 'The wholo fiscal policy of the Government must be deeply influenced by the necessity of meeting; obliga tions in excess of $6,000,000,000 which matures in 192.'?, but sound policy e qually demands tlie early accomplish ment of the real reduction of the tax burden . ... tax laws which do not excessively mulct the consumer or needlessly lopress enterprise und thrift. . . .' | "The plattVynu was written in gen i reralities, all platforms, to obtain the confidence of the 20,000,00tf peo ple who voted at the election and to assuie them that their taxes would be relieved. The platform did not refer to excess profits luxury taxes, or sur taxes, nor to Pullman nor parlor ear ttixfs. It just talked to the multitude. read that platform promise, every 'consumer' who read it believed it was addressed to him and to her. "The 98 per cvnt of the 26/)OO,ttO0 voters who do not pull down excess profits nor high surtaxes did not know that this platform utteranee_jm taxes meant a remittance of over a half billion dollars in excess profits and high surtaxes paid by the 2 per cent, nor did the 98 per cent know that in addition to that interpretation of the party platform it was proposed that •the half billion dollars so paid by trie ,'2 per cent in annual taxes would he sfiiftsd over to the 98 per cent thru a consumption tax mi necessaries of life, so as to 'mulct tine consumer.' "In other wWds the platform was read intelligently and understanding!}' only by the 2 per cent, who immed iately began a campaign for tax shift ing, which the Executive has said was against his understanding of the afore said platform prohibiting 'shifting'. "The last political campaign waij 1 not waged. It moved automatically like a tidal wave, without extraneo.is force, and it offered an Invitation to I every disgruntled faction against n common political foe. W;uMv, extrav agance, political dictation, taxation the League of Nations," and innumerable banners led the victorious and swung the political pendulum to the 1 farthest extreme, and in thie swing ing operation the 9H peer cant furnish r ed a very conspicTous part to tin* mo mentum compared with the 2 per cent. "In fact, the 98 per cent had much L to do Willi the result in 1920. Last l ' fall witnessed a remarkable wing back not accounted for by normal rec ords, but in New York, Pennsylvania " and elsewhere it seemed po..i ible tli.it the 98 per cent had heard of the n■ \v interpivtation to be given to the plat form plank on taxation. NOTICE OF SALE ; I'loler end by virtue of the author i, ity contained in a certaii deed of i trust executed on the 20th day of De , cenjber, 1919 by the Martin Count} i. Fall Ass.ociatiun and registered in the |. Register of Deed's office for Martin county in book F-2 at page 8, to se cure the payment of a certain bond of even date therewith, and the stip i ulations in said deed of trust not hnv (I ing been complied with, and at the n request of the parties interested, the v undersigned trustee will on the 27th day of February, 1922, at 12:00 o'clock i M., offer at. public sale to the high •- est bidder at the court house door m li Martin county, in Williamston,* N. C. if for cash the following described real i ,estate: i A tract of land in Williamston town (. ship, Martin County, North Carolina, c 'oeginning at an iron stake on the Wil /, liamstnn and L*eretts load; miming thence along said road 50 poles to the k McGaskey road; thence along the Mc r C-askoy road in a northerly direction k 111 poles to the Atlantic Coast Line y railroad company's right of way; thence down" the ACL right of way 81 poles to an iron stake; thence a straight line along C. A. Martin's land to iron stake on the aforesaid Wil t liamston and Everetts roar}, the be ginning, containing forty acres, more or less. Tliie"being the same land con r vrywd to said Martin County Fair ip Association by C. A. Martin, it TJiis the 20th day of January,, 1922. WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee. it Burbank is an honest grafter. o • . ' « IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USE A, WANT AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 Dear Mr. Editor: I have just learned that my good v friend, J. B. Davis of this county, w»3 nominated as one of the directors from this district for the Cooperative Cot ton Association, and verily believing that Mr. Davis would make a most suitahlo director for this district I am writing you so that you may let the members of tho Association who are readers of your paper, know th« qualifications of Mr. Davis, Mr. Davis is ore of our most prom inent nien and largest farmers. He has always been active in all matters that tend to up-build this county, both from a physical and an educational viewpoint. He has been a director of the North Carolina State Fair Asso ciation ; be was elected vice-president of the North Carolina Cotton Grow ers Associationhe is and has been 'president of the National Farm Loan Association since its inception. He hat- always taken an active interest in un> movement that tended to help the farmers of this county. He is affable, popular and possessed of a great de gix«© of executive capacity. But with this popularity, and his other good qualities, he-has never aspired to or hold any political office. I commend him to the members of tho Coopera tive Association in this district, and assure them that if he is elected as a director that the*r interest will be actively, honestly and intelligently looked after. Yours truly, It. B. WILLIAMS. Wurrenton, N. C.. Jan. 20, 1922. The Warren Record lias the follow ing to say about the nominee for di rector I~ the Ist district: Manager John B. Davis of Warren was nominated as one of the two can didates from the First Cotton district of the State a ta meeting in Weldon Wednesday. The election for the di rector of the district la to be held Jan. 30. There are to be ten directors e hvted in* North Carolina and one up pointed by the governor.. Wanen, Halifax, Northampton, Murtin, Hertford, Chowan and Bertie counties nre in the first district. Mr. Davis' opponent is Mr. W. H. Joyner of Northampton. Every member of the Cotton Association is allowed one e«ite, irrespective of amount of pro . duction. Mr. Davis is a ntive of this county , who has been allied with the farmers all of his life. He is president of the i Fftriri Loan Board of Warren for the i fourth year in succession. He has been u delegate by Gubernatorial appoints ment to national cotton conventions held during the Aycock, Kitchin and liiekett regimes. He Is a producer of both cotton and tobacco and ban been particularly ac tive in the growth of cooperative movement in this county. He is man ager of the Warren County Coopera tive Tobacco Association and chair man of the warehouse committee of the cotton producers. NOTICE OF RE SALE I'iider urrd by virtue of an order of legale entered by the clerk of theSj perior court of Martin count/, becajse and on acccuut of the raise in the bid at a former sale under the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by W. F. Davenport and wife Ll'lran C Davenport to the undersigned trustee, said first sale hav ing been mail® on the 9th day ol Jan uary, 192?, and the bid having been raised by deposit as prescribed ;>y law within the tine limited ny aw, the ' undersigned trui tee, under and by vir tue of tho order of resale above men tioned will on Tuesday the Til. day of February, 1922 at 12 u'eitK* M., At tho court nouse door of Mirtln count/ at Williamston, N. C., o!f er fov "a'o to the liighest bidder for caah the 1 following tracts of lind, to { , wit: First tract: Bounded on the north ' by the lands ef Primus Lynch; on the ' west by Joseph Ix>ng and Thomas Sav -1 age; on the west by Baker Council and on the couth by the county read 1 leading from Oak City, N C. to Gum • Swamp, and being the same premises • that were conveyed to Lillian C. L Davenport under the last will and ta*-- tament of John T Hvnian, deceased, ' which said will is of recorJ In the :1 clerk's office of Martin county and e hereby referred to. : Second tract: Beginning In the pub V Uc road at a ditch near the dwelling a house of the late John T. Hymaa. at d an Iron atob in the said ditch; runa - thence S 80 1-2 E 40 poles;, thence N - 7 1-2 E2O poles; thenc«. u K 40 E I*4 e poles to the run of Cypress Swamp: n thenoe up Swamp to a cypress r stump, a branch; thence down raid rbanch to the said road; htence with !. said road to.Jtfae beginning containing i. eighty-two, (82) acres mtore or leas. This the 28rd day of Jar#aiy, IM3L A. R. DUNNING. Trust**, * * ■' .