Advertiwra WIU Find Our Column* a Latch Key to 15W ef Martin County's Homes s"-> -: "" . VOLUME xxm— NUMBER 3 Federal Resent Making Hie Federal Reserve Baftks are claiming sreat praise for thetr action fa> the recent stringency, they are sending out the good things they have done in saving the day. After all, they may be right taking their view point as a true criterion. The design of the I'fcdeixl Reserve Banking sys tem was to {ive the country'a finan cial base of exchange for its product? that would take care of all the com mon iv-grimace needs o ftbe people of • the country. The currency was made elastic i> that it might be stretched whec the needs were so great and .*> that might be reduced when the need we re not so nrgent But from our viewpoint the stretch ing ■ .■? clone at the wrong time. To iliast- te money w* i made so plen tiful tliai it hal little Nalue during th; v »:nod and everybody wade' into debt. Just as roon as the wai eliM».i the Federal Reserve called m nej* ar I it went sky high and noth ing el(»c was wcrth anything. The ry usm o credits drifted the wealth of the country into thr hand? of the many, most of the peo ple v,*'■« 'jon Ihclder.) and had some thing e. huad. In a word, the wealth of the country was t oa great extent distrfMiteJ. *t was more evenly di vided thau it uid been for fifty years. Ju c ' a- locn As the announcement wi s waae b; the president of the Kd.n»l /Use:ve Board a great tor nado r-w-pt the financial world and most mi . of the middle class went down. Mjat merchants, nearly all banks, j'n fact most of the financial wt.lcf 'el. the effect of this financial artiif. the smaller financial craft so'ud t n age in the harbor of flnan cirl aula'./ but the channel had been clcset., and tha gate shad been lock ed. Money be -ame the tightest H had been for yea-s. Borrowing became an impossibility. The only way to reelift- money was to pack up your faondn ta;«t had cost yod one hundivd eentr on the collar and ship them to New York and get eighty-five cant on th*> dollar. The modern Shy look was exacting his pound of fle*h and ■ there was no modem righteous judge to thwert him in his demands. The pound of ileal came and with it"the blood of patriotism that had canned men of meagre means to invest their pittance in Liberty Hands. Tlie Fed oral Peserve conceived toe the pur pose of rendering such a condition im possible was the Instrumentality that brought about this condition. They had beep weighed in the balance and found wanting. The greatast banking system In the world had boon bo ight >ver by the into rests and in an hour of gravest financial crisis failed to answer to the ?all of duty. In other virds, Will had been trnns fcnid from New York to tie twelve Reserve banks. From'our viwi/vjit the arro gant spirit ever shown by any branch of our government was shown by the Federal Reserve Board. It was ite •iflled as the servant of the pe;>p!r>; i* ha* rought to .lomlr.ate the people; it is tlul.ig it. It is the old New Y->rlt financial policies raised to the nth power. Where they destroyed one lamb, the Federal Reserve tloadr de stroys the whole flock. Now wh«n you come in contact with % what has alw yasbeen called a safe institution, a safe business or a safe business man it is no longer a ques • tion of progres and properity. They are gaspinfc for breath and are try ing to avo.d - b/.nkruptcy. No, gentlemen of the Federal Re serve Board, we believe not your word that you have aved as f*em financial collapt-e Vs know you have let us ruth over the precipices of loss into the breakers of financial destrcooitn HAME ONE'S MEDITATIONS r- ■; . - ■' MI6S LUCY SAY SHE JkS* KNOW All K4N CAT Mo'N 6NNY-BOPY 5Kf EVUrt S£tt>, EN am snc' pA-r 50, C6PN AM AtN' MIrVUH HAP PAT MUCH sot BEFP' Ml! 9 . THE ENTERPRISE e Banks ; False Claims PECULIAR ANSWERS GIVEN BY STUDENTS Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 6. —Syracusej University professors who each year select the most original and oddest answers given by students in mid year examination papers have released a list which would ds credit tOome of Thomas A Edison's famous ques tions;' The list follows: * Milton's father was a notary public. DIcTo means just the same, you write iU • Stephen A. Douglas was a manu facturer of shoes. Also he was the author of the Century Handbook. - I A periodic sentence Is one in whic! the meaning is clear until the and is reached. Marriage "Fatal Union" Marriage is a sacrament by which a priest unites a man and woman in fatal .Union. Alfred the Gret was author of botl the Apostles' Cred and the ten com mandments. In the early church every priest hae* at least ten families. * 1 Haul made three journeys, the last _nne after his martyrdom—• The Petrine Theory was based c Christ's words "Fted My Goats." Hinterland 1B the sub-soil and the Marine League is a group of nation* bound together by treaties for-for warding commerce. Bill of attainment gives a man a right to vote when he has attained hlf majority. Joan of Arc was a peasant girl whe captured New Orleans. Song of Roland was the song Ro land sang as he "lay dying in th Alps. Olympic games had religious sig nificance. They consisted of ronntn jumping and throwing dices. Hyvoglyphics were mythical mon sters which inhaditod the Tigris-Eu phrates. Two leading artiste of Rennaisance were Michael Anglo, and Archa Pell go. In the French Revolution, the mob rose and stormed the bastlle. An example of inductive reasoning: "This Ja green." In contrast, an ex ample of deductive reasoning: "I'll have a pain if I cat it.' Hordes of Goths, Lombards and Oa teopaths overran southern Europe. Sedan was a S%ltau of Turkey. Heroes and hero worship were the Puritans which were held hack in England. Oswald is a simple rythemlc poem. Also, Oswald was Ujp son : in-law ol Lear, that Is, his daughter's husband. Dante in "Who's Who" A man to he a great man must have ability so unusual that he i» subject ed to marvel^tien. That not all the briliant answer* are in college is shown hy these two answers from high school regent's pa- In physiology, the question: "Give two outgrowths of the skin," was an swered by the "nose end ears." An ancient history paper, in to the question: "What caused the destruc tion of Pompeii?" gave: "The destruc tion of Pompeii was cauaed by an* overflow of saliva from the Vaticans." NEW U. 8. MARSHAL The new U. S. Marshal, R. W. Ward of Raleigh, Just confirmed by the Sen ate as successor to George H.. Bel lamy, will bring the offices of the mar alufr back to Raleigh. Marshal Bel lamy moved them to his home town when he wae appointed. Marshal Ward is a wall known business man of Raleigh, and his appointment gives general satisfaction. During Roose velt's administration Mr. Ward was deputy marshal under Marshal Claud Doekery, and is, therefore, familiar with the duties he now assumes. \ Tanlac h«s been an unfailing source of comfort to millions throughout the length and breadth of thl» continent. Have you tried It for your troubles ? Sold by J.~B. H. Knight.—Adv. the breakers of financial destruction. ' Yes, the system is elfbtic. It binds us tighter when we are tight, and it makes us expand wider wheipwe are running wild. The system is good if used for the people and not for finance The system that makes money the servant of the people is good, the sys tem that iMke money the master of. the people is bad. LOST: ONE TRUCK CHAIN ON road from Mr. Charlte Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, February 7th, 1922 - . ' JURY LIST FOR THE MARCH TERM COURT i First Week S. T. Jackson, C W Mizelle; G H Mizelle; J A Davis; S L Andrews; John E Moore; N R Manning; Ira F | Griffin; Jesse Griffin; N R Daniel; John R Coltrain; J* S Griffin; Jaa B Wynn; A D Hadley; John A Manning; ' W H Gurkins L B Harrison; J Herbert Ward; Jesse Claris; S H Clark; W F Crawford; W A Ross; Arthur Johnson , W H Miselle; Coy M Bailey; L Dan Roebuck; Clyde Everett; J G Rawls; H T Edmondson; S E Taylor; D W Etheridge; H L Purvis; L J Daven port; W W Casper; W„S Bunting; Wiley Johnson. Second Week S S Davis; Eli H Ange; J S An drews; G A Baynor; Calvin Ayers; Edmond Harris; John R Peel; W L Jones; H M Burras; W J Taylor; Geo D Gurganus; John H Jackson; Ira D Roberson; W J Little; G B Edmondsor E D Purvis; W B Smith; Ota Harrell. INTERESTING CASES IN FEDER AL COURT Government cases against Dr. J. M. Manning, mayor of Durham, and Dr. J. A. Lowery, physician of Raleigh, under indictment upon charges of vio lation of the anti-narcotic act, are or ; tile calendar for trial in federal court which convenes Monday in Raleigh, for Its regular civil term. The criminal actions Manning and Lowery were set for trial next week when they were call ed at the fall term of court in De cember. District attorney Irvin B Tucker, who has assumed office sicne the last crimiinal term will be ir charge of the prosecution against the two physicians. * The exact nature of the charges a gainst the Durham mayor and Ral eigh doctor has never been given out. but eourt officials point out that ir regularity in issuing prescriptions foi 1 qarcotics is the principal violation in volved. The cases attracted much interest when warrantß were first Issued ane) a large- crowd is expected to attend the trial*. Dr. Mannnig is highlj thought of here and in Durham, an people are loth to believe he has beer guilty of any moral wrong, In reliev ing hunwin suffering. GOOD ROADS~ /Martin County has been a mud wrenched county for more Chan a ceh tury but it now seems that wc are te have some real roads. The State Highway commission nov has a alrge number of men and team: working on the Norfolk-Raleigh roar in Martin Count The Wilmington Roanoke road will be contracted from tttr bridge to the Beaufort county line during this month and the road wil probably be completed during the yeai The Martin-Halifax road will be com pleted by the Iste Fall or early Win ter of this fear. This will give Mar tin county as many miles of good roads as any county in the district and we will only owe $685,000, includ ing all we owe on th ebridga and the total amount spent on all roads. We are glad to note the practically unanimous approval of this buildine program, and we feel mure that oui people will more heartily approve ot it as soon as they Me the good it will do. » tMe - " * PROTEST INCREASE IN POSTAGF Knoxvllle, Tenn., Feb. fl.—George L Berry, of Rogersville, president of the International Printing Pressmen, ha sent a telegram to President Harding protesting "in behalf of the 600,000 printing trades workers and associat ed organisations, and acting undei their direction," against a recommen dation of Secretary of Treasury Mel lons for a further increase in second t class postage. 1 Tanlac is manufactured In one ef i the largest and most modernly equip ped laboratories in the country. Sold by J. B. H. Knight TOWN ORDINANCE All motor vehicles shall come to r , full stop on entering Main street frojr the alley between Harrison Bro* store and H. W. Stubbs office, from tiie alley between the Peoples Bank and J! O. Manning and Brothers store > end from the alley between Theo 1 Roberson's store end J. A. Leggett't st re and upon entering Smithwie' street from the alley between Alphln Dunn Plumbing Co., and Mrs. J. L > Ewell's house. Any person violating > this ordinance shall be, fined five dol lan (19.00) and toe costs. This pr ' dinance shall he in force on and after the Ist day ef March. 1922 By onter of the Beard of tJqmmis missioners. K. 8. PEEL, Mayor. G. H. HARRISON, Clerk. |j . Local News and Personal Mention jSZxu. Mailt Ruffln and little son,! fl Marvin Bvitt, of Tarboro, we here i visiting Mrs. Rufßb'i parents, Mr. and p Mrs J. H. BriU ' ;•• » • • Mr. James H Cross took hia wife ; to the Washington Hospital yesterday, t•• » • r Mr J T Barnhill of Everetts spent » some time in town Monday on bus i iness matters. » • » • l Our good roads are just a litle mud . dy now and always will be just as ; long aa wo use them when they are wet. «• • • S A Newlel ant family of Louis . burg are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simpson and Mr. Newell is looking ' after business matters. • • • • Dr B L Long of Hamilton was ir> town Monday attending the meeting of the Board of County Commissioner? •• a « Mrs. C. G. Hatch and children, Sam uel and Margaret, of Sanford, are vls • iting Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Larkin at • their home on Church street They > will return home Wednesday. • • # * * 1 Mrs. S. S. Ljhvrence of the Enter 1 prisp ferrce went to Rocky Mount Sat » urday to spend Sunday with her hus _ band She wa staken suddenly witl • appendicitis and was taken to. St 1 Luke's Hospital in Richmond for treat ment ' • * • • Mr. C. A. Askew of Jamesville is i town today on business. • • • • Mr. W. W. Walters of Mr. Luthe Hardison of Jamexville are buslnes visitors in town today. . A f OUR GOOD ROADS(T) f Speaking of gcod roads, it was re ' ported to the Enterprise by two men whose veracity cannot bo questioned that thoy saw a eat, just a regular, I- everyday, common Ordinary mouaa ' catcher, start to cross the street in ' fi'ont of Pete Fowden's Drug Store this morning and get stuck in the mud, rcqurihg the combined assistance of the aforesaid two gentlemen to ex tricate the feline from Its predicament. For fear "of being laughed at, we herewith givd the names of the two witnesses: W. Frank Gurganus and 1 Will Stone. - P. S.: If this l»e treason, make the most of it. SILVER TEA' There will be a silver tea given at 1 the home of Mrs. Oscar Anderson on Thursday afternoon form four to six j o'clock for the benefit of the Pliila ? thea Class. Everybody is cordially in vited to come, t MRS. OSCAR ANDERSON, MRS. CLYDE ANDERSON, MISS BESSIE PAGE, Social Committee 1 ... . I METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES THUR9DAY AND FRIDAY : 'S. E. Merrer, the new presiding el / der of the Weldon district will hodl services at the Methdoiit church Thur* day night at 7:80. Mr. Mercer is a very forceful speaker and you will i miss something if you do not lioar I him Friday night. Rev, L. D. Hay man of Weldon, will also be hers and assist in the service. The first quarterly conference will be hedl on Friday afternoon at 3:30 c P. M. As this is the timo when the church work for the year will be out . lined it is etaoshrdluetaoshrdlenunu : lined a full attendance is expected. i GO IN TO SEE THEM ■ t Demonstration weuk at Hoyt's Hard ware Company is this year proving - unusually interesting for those who are Interested in the purchase of e cooking range. The Great Majei-tic f Ranges an being featured at very at . tractive prices. An expert from th« ' factory will be there all this week t« point out and explain the distinctive advantages of this well-known range And everyone who bays a Great Ma ' jestic at the present low price wil' - get, absolutely tree, a fine complete sot of cooking wait. i ■ ■ k MEETING OF N. C. BACKERS p Alan T. Bowler, secretary of the North Carolina jankers' Association, t announces that the association will hold its twenty-sixth annual conven i) tion at Pinehurst April 20, 27 and 28. Pinehurst was selected as the meet t ing place for the convention at a meeting of the executive committer - held in Rsleigh in October, when it r was decided to opefc permanent head quarters in Raleigh with Mr. Bowler - in charge and A. M. Dumay, of Wash ington, president of the association, was empowered to arrange dates with the hotel management at Pinehurst. COMMISSIONERS IN REGULAR SESSION The Board of Commissioners of Mar tin County met February 6th, 1922, at the Court house with J. L Hassell, chairman; Dr. B. L Long, Henyr D Peel, Henry C. Green and Joshua L. Coltrain present. Mattie Bryant of Goose Nest town ship was allowed $3.00 per month. Elijah Harvey was allowed SIO.OO for burial expenses of Emma Latham. It was ordered that a ten foot wood en bridge be built over Dog Branch near L. T. Waters ersidence. It was ordered that Eugene Hyde and wife of Robersonville township be allowed s£.oo per month for the term of three months. James R. Tyre was released from the payment of taxes on SSOO property improperly listed in Williams town ship. Lucy A. Mizelle was released from the payment of 60c taxes improperly listed. It was ordered that David Close of Goose Nest township be allowed $3.00 per months. B .K. Moye was released from pay ment of taxes on $670.00 property ir Gold Point an dsume was charged to W. A. Vanderford. H. R. Mizelle was released from the payment of taxes on $140.00 solvent credits Improperly listed in Poplai Point town&htp —W. S. Peel was q-eleasad from pay menta of taxes on $1,500.00 solvent credits improperly listed in WHHam ston township. It was ordered that A. R. Dunning executor of M. W. Ballard estate, be release 1 from the payment of $102.17 taxes paid to th 6 Wllliamston town rinp roads. f S. R. Biggs rug Co, was released from the payment of taxes on SO,IKX improperly listed in WilliamHton township. W. J. Osborn was released from the payment of SI.OO dog tax improperly listed. XJpon motion of Dr. B. L. Long and seconded by Henry D. Peel the Board of Commissioners by unanimous vote approved the proposed issue of SBOO,- 000 road bonds of the county of Mar tin for the purpose of building a state road from the Halifax county line te the Beaufort County line. Said bond* to bear 6 1-2 per cent interest, to be in denominations of SI,OOO each ap Jb mature as follows:.$5,000 on March Ist, 1027 to 1082; SIO,OOO on March Ist from 1933 to 1942; $16,000 on March Ist, 1948 to 1962 and $20,000 on March Ist, 1963. SMALL-SCALE FARMING When I asked Luther Burbonk how much land is really necessary for the average man to use, ho replied: "A thousand acres for an Indian, a hundred acres for a farmer, ten seres for n orchadlst, one acre for a flower or seed man, and for an experimenter like myself, a graveyard lot will do." In the scientific and intensive use of the soil, we have not touched the hem of the garment of this country as yet We have run to broad acres of speculation, to machinery and hir ed men. We are just now at the dawn of a new and infinitely finer day. Not broad acres, but little lands; not spec ulation, but home building; not the grudging labor of hirelings, but th loving labor of self-employing prop rietors—these are the signs and tok ens of the new day. Of that" day Lu ther Burbank is . the prophet beyond anything we have realized heretofore. —Wm. E. Smythe, in City Homes on Country Lanes. A HIGH CRIME If I were the Czar of North Car olina instead of the Governor, I would issue an edict, declaring that from and after five years from date any man who imported into North Caro lina, or meal, wheat or flour, beef,or bacon, should be forthwith hanged and without benefit of clergy. Of course, in the beginning I should be denounce*' as an infamous tyrant, but after the law had been ineffect for ten years the richest stat ein the union would build a monument to me as the finan cial redeemer of my people,—Ex-Gov ernor T, W. Bickett. DEMONSTRATION AT HOYT'S An interesting feature of the Great Majestic Range demonstration at the Hoyt Hardware Company this week is the free gift offer ef a complete sab stantial set of cookin gware with each Greet Majestic Range sold during this week. An expert from the factory will be present all week to clearly ex plain the advantages oi this ultra modern range. You will find it de cidedly. interesting and profitable to attend this demonstration if you are in the market for a range, M l "- " Thousands of weak, run-down men Muscle Shoals; What It Is; Where It Is; And Why WILSON FOUNBATION FUND CONTRIBUTORS Wllliamston School 16.00 Mrs J G Staton .... „... 6.00 Dunning and Moor* 6.00 Mm John D Biggs 2.50 Cash 2.00 J G Godard, Sr ........ „ 2.00 Mrs James E. Moor* .... .... 2.00 W C Manning 1. 1.00 B D W*bb I.o® Mrs J S Rhodes 1.00 Mrs Titus Critcher I.QQ M J Davis ... IM James Ed Harrell ..... .. 1.00 K B Crawford 1.00 J H Purvii . i.CRJ H T Roberson 1.00 C B Baaaell 1.00 A Hassell ..... 1.00 Miss Daisy Wynne _ 1,00 B R Bamhill 1.00 Mrs H M Stubba 1.00 J L Hassell ... 1.00 Louis Bennett ~.i„ 1.00 Nathan Orleans X 1.00 Joe Godard, Jr _. 1.00 Mrs Joe Godard, Jr.... 1.00 Joe Godard, 111 1,00 Jack Hunter 1.00 John Pope ur. Knight 1.00 Cash ; 1.00 Cash 1.00 Cash ..'C. . 60 Mrs W H Harrell 1.00 Total $50.10 REMEMBER THE POOR Feed an orphan, one that is actually starving and unl*s> you or osra* otter noble hearted persons eed ftbem, th*y die. He that giveth but a dollar will do enough to f*ed a hungryperson for rowral days. We must remember that no act of their own caused this terrible condi tion. None of them were beggars. AH were self-rsspscting. Most of them who were rich have lost all their bo longings, and entire communities have become poverty-stricken.. They hav* been bereft of all their possessions. TKey have no means of earning a liv lihood. They have no implement* with which to work. They have no material to convert Into a mechanical product, and no capital with whlc hto carry on business. We have kept such of them as have survived alive until now. Shall we desert them at this critical moment ? The drive to raise fourteen million dollars in the United States will suc ceed without question, because the American people are fully aroused to the need of the starvink multitudes in war stricken Europe. Mr. W. R. Orleans is chairman of the Martin County Committe* and wil gladly receive any and all donations. NOTICE OF SALE - T'TTTT By virtue of the authority conferred in me by a deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Reddick Micelle and wife, and duly recorded in the Register of Deed's office in Martin county, to socut* th* payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith and th* stipulations in said dsed of trust not having b**n com plied with, I shall expoha at public auction, to th* highest bidd*r for cash on Friday, th* 7th dav of February, 1922, at 12 M., In front of the court house door of Martin county at Wll llftnston, N. C„ th* following describ ed property, to witi Beginning in B*ar Grass Swamp and running a Una around th* tract of land given to Reddick Misell* by his tether by will of record in the clerkli office of Martin county. Ad- Joining th* land* of Hardy Miselle, and others containing 118 acres, more or less. This the 19th day of January, 1922. H. M. STUBBS, Trustee. - NOTICE Having tills day qualified as admin istrator of th* estate of A. L. Wallace deceased, late of Martin Count, notice is hereby given to all persona Indebt ed to said eitat eto come forward and settle same. AH persons holding claims against said estate will 111* th* sam* before January 27th, 1928, or tills notice wil be pleaded la bar of i their iMOfttv, This 27th day of January, 1922. HERBERT LILLEY, ~ Administrator. » FOR SALE: ONE OLIVER TYPE writer, practical!* new. Will aril for leas than half price ef new on*. Can b* seen at Enterprise Office, tf i" 1 1 ; CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALS: • Early Jersey, Suly Watofleld, 10* - »—* c - "• i ■ mm W YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS OB A WANT AD IN THE AWfiHf— ESTABLISHED 1899 Why so much talk about Muscle Shoals. What is it ? Wham to it? Questions of this type are frequently heard, and it is doubtful if many per son* have an accurate conception a 4 the importance of this project. Muscle Shoals is a series of rapids or shoals in the Tennessee Rir*r near Florence, Alabama. The shoals extend a distance of 17 miles and th* fall in that distance Jg 184 teat. Th* width between the banks njtas from 1,000 to 9,800 teat The cumat ia very rapid, th* slope la aa great aa 15 per cent in certain places. The U. S. Government ceastiuclod a nitrate plant at Musde Shoals dar ing th* War. Th* plant was spswb art with coal on an experimental baate —it requires 1600 teas ef coal par day to run the plant. Wilson Dam was begun with Aa expectation of utilising water powar instead of coal. The Tennessee river ia 862 mike long and drains 40,670 square miles of territory; of this a* > ea, 80,614 squar* miles are above th* dam. Th* discharge of water at Flor ence varies from 8200 to 499,000 cubic feet per second. It was anticipated that th* nitrate plant would us* only a portion of th* power generated and th* remainder might be used in rearby dtiea sock as Birmingham, Memphis, Nash villa, Chattanooga and numerous smaller cities. The earth excavation fo rthe locta is 844,437 cubic yards. The rock ea cavation for the locks is 220,000 ceMc yards. The locks will require 80,000 cubic yards of concrete. The pool a» hove the dam will cover 14,987 acnaa of land, and the depth of thewateiafe the dam will b* 101 fet but the apron extends 69 feet further down stream thus gtvin ga base width of 160 feat The powar house will contain 18 gen erating units. Each unit is directly connected with a turbine. The flrat four of these wheels will g*neral* 30,000 horsepower each, while th* re maining 14 will hav* a capacity of 86,000 horsepower each, giving a to tal of 624,000 horsepower. In the construction work it was nec essary to construct 27 miles of rail road track. The rolling stock com prises 23 locomotives, 79 box cars and 109 flat and dump cars. The sand and gravel for construction is dredged from the river nine miles below Flor ence and brought to the dam In barges The dredging capacity is 2,000 cubic yards daily. Compared with other large dams of the world, the order would b* aa follows: 1. Wilson Dam; 2. Assouan dam, Egypt; 8. Kenisco dam, New' York; 4. New Croton. dam. New ... York; 6. Keokuk dam, lowa, Ulin*ia; 8. Oliv* Bridge, New York; 7. Tense dam, India; 8. Poons dam, In**; 9. Roosevelt dam, Arisona; 10. Barra* Jack dam, Australia This order ia based upon sise of masonry. DENOUNCE RENT PROFITEERS Raleigh paper* are denouncing the alleged purpoaa of the "rant hogs" 9* again profiteer on tehir tenants by ae ing "Increased taxes" a* aa excuae te again raise ranta If the pending mil lion dollar school bond election far Ralaigh township ia oartiad. Rente have already been raised mpeatedb l in Ralaigh until at present peak prioea some families hav* little left for feed and raiment after the landlord ia set tled with. Friends of th* achoot chil dren who era suffering from inade quate school facilities are trying 9a employ an adequate remedy to ehoba off the rent hag*. A Mead now sng gests th* purchase of a liberal supply of well rotten eggs, to b* handed eat to school boysjjf the bond issue ia da* feated, - . -STRAND— -THEATRE— —THURSDAY— Geo. Melford-Paramount pictara "THE WISE FOOL HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY 20c and 40a —FRIDAY SUNSHINE COMEDIES AND "YELLOW ARM"—Epinedo IS • 20c and .toe —SATURDAY— I

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