vef Will. Find Oar > in n» a Latch Key to 1500 Martin 4 .tunty's Homo? *IT —iy « B SL C Am Answer To The Attack On iJo-OperatiVe Marketing * ..ipping Ukern from the Win •to. .. lem Joun.'w was hunt e dto u t r.l v unu we gfad -1; •, -4i it > wc aio glad to let the f» 1 iiu -e ail the information pos il; subjec.s tnat tcnii to he:j> h • » 1 .jut we do not know this mart J• , - Mussel, but i om t:te terms ..v in his ge&t argument we r„• . r saying thut lie is not ii 1. • rofei to tae farmer us fc low \vfc«3 'raises crops in . Hi and questions iu the wiji •■Li', v • svsport lam to Imj U Xeliow *'•. v. a.l tlio veer ami milks tli> it .00 Ffi».. " And if we art yli f —t;. j umeio do oodpe.ate for vL. >. p atectio:. wo. 't it ~iay the «'c > 1 im? 'A'hatFwil. ho 'do 4.4 V.e. do n.>v blame lun. f«i U cunf-'-tooperauon if In io- '.'st ar. . oin.'ere ;Oout iu lit ij ,cieatfc i in a way t . • ici nx'i. a ttilfeenoni propo •s!" .;vr lon that he uae> : ot • the fan ti s wiil . av, ti ; the . for. It . his "Lor. 1, Have -Mr ttrt* i'jui , , .iaj.fitmfte Fool ti ' cr." j ".re They six dis -1 ! '!'» c) hav>; vorked tea «iuc> C"1 Ijo fot it. '''hat i. ft ) ii.uV't t! 4;' dh.satisf .ed an» ifi . they L uve !>eert foolts' t 0 lo They i. r liov ~t —1- V:'kl rrrrii —the J tt'Jli ~.'l Ji to v tit them fola. v-, . tic irtel setm»i to refei to' Co' C J a t.i Phuic-ah. Incidental!) i • to have ;.«led to ioe the , Dr.. J Y Joyiier that drown i .. el b in ,the x;el Sea. -..j, j ist rx-r av.ix i one* tiling i 't .vork Co: >0 .b, itn tn *"'■■■ tf fCITIK r r v ,rk for 7011. ■ i 1 t.V M. j>.- L TLIi TAt.NS " auneictt;; -h abntine ' Wj- on 'lue: vij ev«miiiK M thi. v. ."It. I'air. .1. Stuuh> hou o,i , - n uuuer >, ner friend.".. n ill , uijli.i of bridge withprogo I si a; -i/ i : ir teresteu the guests, ant! niu n . elections on the Vietiola b> rwhw ... artists wvm genet ally en jcye. i.t. li/»Bg room and dining-room "v.:j£iiveV decorated with vrt ei.iiiJ. lvei.irs anl reminders,, to i' ••». I.i i number of various hot hoj.x .i vort.mlu!l 4iu- Keotfl w wen 4rs Harry M Slubb.s, who iii tun , i-nteil the taine to Mrd. War Tun t 'ifgti,, whieh was a beautiful Ivor t CU4C. conhaninir two deck. l o: i. , a d i la; pu -i the evnirg refreshment* wr. i. d -onsist -g of Choeolate iv i argel i'ck ! cake, valentine cti>i.' ' ..«id wints with eoffe demi Ti:. ts present were Mrs. F W i Warren li Bipgs, Mis. J S R M A R Dunning, Mrs. J 4 . i ■ QTI, Mrs. J G Staton. Mrs.. It' .4. *?, Mrs Lccie Martin, Mrs. K B • i. > fold, Mrs 'i'itus Cntchei Miss U a Cmwfortl. W„ I ILL ST!/J- FIRM Ku . to ran on a r g.ease«l tr."' a t iooke.l It .'.ove fa t bl l m stri ' It has re ce . .■«! t'.e t ne of err>r b\ U •; tfl big i..l at the Woan ak* i Lridfre had Icen washed in to any p! , t of it had been carried a way. 1 isi dam s f volve this water ami an> ot'.ier at kno"n to 'hia gener ttio.-. an! v !' ioir.e of the equipment of the wi rcrev such as the raUroad pe , S / 1 .n-e sufTcix,.! some damage, ih ; "i, ' ructu.e, t f Jam, the con crete fie. ami tire big steel bridge ire aJ! ioud and firm. lE'S MCOITATIOHS • « oiE 'OMAN Bin WtAHIN' j' TwELU MiSS LUCY (ill E« DAT LOUD WAIS' Tt) I ML* PAY LAW, MA'j ; SHE Am' WEAHIN' V 'i.N' NO MO"cePN Jtl * w *WAIS' DOWN,'' mi iMIhM MMBMC tHMikiHl THE ENTERPRISE THE U. S. VETERANS' . BUREAU'S GOOD WORK l 1 Twenty-six ox-service men, suffer ing with the ravages of that derad dis- cake, tuberculoids, who have been pa s Uents in the National Sanatorium at p Johnson City, Tennessee were brought J happiness in the form of n subsUintial ' cheek on Saturday, February 11th, in 1 pvij ment of their ?o;npensation due for many months. These men had all contracted tutcr culosis in service overesas or in this • country. Some we.o married and had families; all were bedridden and most ! of them haven't long to live. ' The U S Veterans Bureau in its drive to adjust all cases of men in hospitls in bringii g balm to those who "need it most in the fifth district, which id composed of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and Flor ida. Mr. M Bryson in district man agwr of tho fifth district. The patients in the National Sana lorium at Johnson City, Tennessee,, were the first to be benefitted by thi: drive. On Wednesday, February Bth, a squad composed of three* medical; lating officers an i three legal exam iners arrived at this hospital and im mediately interviewed its bed-riddei patipnts,. (}n Thursday, February 0* tvQUty-Hix eases weie sent to tlu tli; triei hcadt|uarter.i in A.tlnnta, reati;. for payment by a messenger, and tin mef senge rwas back in Johnson t'it> Fit Jay morning and distributed to thc;jc men, who l.'t.t waitet lont? foi 'liese cheats, owr $20,n"0,00, The i ll'vlity with which these cases were .handled electrifie I te patitn.'s in th. Kii.-pital an dbrou. 'it fort imich pvai> '"ti ni the Red Cr-Mn, ',fttl othei"coopera.i'iir agen* it s. It '-va v ."! ctively cti!ii|oif tinted tliut the 1 ' : V eteraris-Bureau I ; making every ef ft>it to (rive tlioso who are o ititle l ti. it the compensation whieh is theii tlu without any tWi; or reil tape. ■ , Similar stjuatl.-. will opci;n»> iu lh linger hospitals in this D'strUt »' Oi-en and Biltmoic, Noith Carolina Greenville, South Carolina Montphi ar.d Na: hvile, Tenriistee; and Savaniiah Georgie nntl l.ako City, Plot ita, and it is expected that they will leave each hospital having j en.ove.. worry and bi-ounht happtne,. t to the "l>ToTiy longTuffermfr patient vt.tejf health was broken and shattered b, war and who have been all but for gotten.. NOTICE OF SALE Uijder and by \irtue of the powei of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to tho'undersigned, trustee by Sam Mio*e on the 28th day of November, 1910, ami recorded in Martin county public registry in book U-l at page 361, said deed oi trust securing certain bonds of ewe. date therewtia, and the stipulations therein contained not' hav ing lwen com plied with and at the request of the lsoltier of said bon is the undersigned trustee will on the 17th day of March I92ii, in front of tho court house door of Martin County at Williamstoa, N. C, at 12 o'clock M., expose to public .auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described-land:. . Beginning at a lightwood stump, on the east side of J.he old Tarkenton road antl near where Gardner's road leaves the old Tarkenton road, thence North 65 feet-to the old Chapel road, thence along the eld Chapel road to Thomas Gardner's line, thence along Gardner's line to the Gardner road; thence along the Gardner road te the beginning, containing 10 acies more or less and being the same land deed c-f to A. F. Lilley by Ira D. Colt rain This 18th day of February, 1922. S. S. BROWN, Trustee. TOWN ORDINANCE All motor vehicles shall come to e full stop on entering Main street the alley between Harrison Bros, stcie and H. W. Stubbs office, from the alley between the Peoples Bank 3nd J O. Manning and Brothers store and from the alley between Theo Roberson's store and J. A. Leggett's st re and upon entering Smithwic' stieet from the alley between Alplifr Dunn Plumbing Co., and Mrs. J. L Eweil's house. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined five dol lar's (*5.00) and the costs. This or "dinance shall be in force on and after the Ist day of March. 1922. by order of the Board of Commis- I minflioners. .■ ,' '* E. 8. PEEL, Mayor. G. H. HARRISON, Cleric. * - „ ————————— FOR SALE: WHITE KING HOMER pigeons. Raised from prize stock. Prices reasonable. Writ« James C. Cooke, Willipmston, N C. - tfe * Williamston, Martin County» North Carolina} FRIDAY, FEBRUARY WTH, 1922 NEWS FROM IN AND , AROUND JAMESVILLE f'L / ' Mrs. M. Sexton spent the week end near Williamston with her mother Mrs. Sallie llardison. p Mr. J S Elliot of Washington was a business visitor here Saturday. Mr. P B I'erry was in town yes terday attending to legal matters. Messrs. Dave Daniel and John Har tlvson of Grill ins township wore in town Monday. Mr. Albeit Gurkin spont Sunday af " tcrnoon in town with friends. Mr. C L Porter of Grenville was ' here Friday. Miss Annie May Allen of Washing ington spent the weekend here with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen. Mr. C W Moss of Richmond wa: here this week. Mr. Roland Cobum and Miss Menda Sykes were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. N B Lilley Sunday afternoon. Mr H B Heart and Mrs W L Ellu of Rocky Mount were hero Saturday attending to legal matters. Dr. J E Smith wick made a business trip to Williamston Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Herbert Lilley left Monday for Baltimore where she is going to rpern several weeks with Mrs. Mae Ed wards. Miss Rhoda Peel spent the week end in Stokes with Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Peel. Miss Martha Lilley is the guest o' Mr. and rMs. C A Askew this wed' , Mr. Jas W Griffin wa in town yes tcrday. Misses Rosa and Effie Griffin wert the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John D Lilley Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. M C Jackson and H B Gay lord motored to Plymouth Saturday on a business trip. Rev,. W C Benson and Mr. and Mrs. C C Walton were the guestA of Mr. and Mrs. Herbeit Lilley Sunday. Mr. Clyde Owens of Plymouth wa; in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Sykes and lit tie daughter, Vivian, spent Sunday near Hardens with velatipes Mrs. F C WiUams and children wert the guests of Mr. ami Mrs."J W Grif fin Sunday. Mrs. Eula Pings from near Ever etts was the guest of Mr. and Mr J R Manning yesterday. Mr. C W Mizulle and Mr. Georg - Cooper were in town Thursday on .j business trip/ / J. L. LEGGETT SUCCEEDS WILSON AT GREENVILLi j ~ Groenvitte, Ebb. 18.— J. L. Legjrc*te has entered upon his work as prfrtV sor of education in East Caroline Teachers' College, taking charge d the ealsses that have bom taught b. Mr. C W Wilson. Mr. leggett come directly from Peabody College fe ; Teachers where he was working fo his degivte of doctor of philosoph He has the B. S., und A. M. degree from tat institution. He has also beei doing office ami laboratory work at Peabody College. He is a native of Beaufort county near tin- Martin county line, und be gan his teaching career in Martit county, but has not taught in Uii; state since completing his college course. He has tuught in the Mt. Bei ry scools in Georgia. During the wai he was an instructor in one of the camps on this side, and later wan as sistant superintendent of instrurtioi in the division, working in both France and Germany. His first col lege courses were taken at Lynchburg Va.,- and he has taken summer course, at University of Virginia and at Val pariso University, Indiana, in a-ldi tion to the courses he has hat! at Peabody College. , Mr Leggett_haa many, friends an relatives in Martin county, being i cousin of Mr. J D Woolard, Cashier ° th.; Farmers & Merchants Bank, and Mrs. T. F. Harrison and Myrtle Rrowi PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES • Rev. J T Wildman will preach at Peel School house next Sunday morn ing, afternoon and night. Sunday scohol at Parmele ami a Peel School house at Three o'clock. Bible Class at Oak City on Motulav night and at I'ai male on Tuesday nigh —Bring yocr l:iMe to th class. When Your Farm Stock Is Sick, Look For Rats Disease among farm animals just happen. Rats are carriers of dan gerous plagues—hog cholera, foot and mouth disease and that terrible of all scourges—Bubonic plague. Farmer; should throw around premises RAT SNAP It's sure and sa/e. Thre sizes, 36c, 66c, $1.25. Sold and guar anteed by Leslie Fowden's Drug Store Hoyt Hardware Co., ami Harrisor Bros, and Co.—Adv. FOR SALE: I LOORING, 5-« CKlL ing, kiln drtd, and shingles at t> *fctyl niiiw prides Whiteliursl .V-. ore Lumber Co., Rote renville. f. . ♦" Local News and E Personal Mention ■ f FROM OAK CITY , i"l r. W K Everett of Oak Cit} wd - in eown Thursday. . * s * • * * FROM EVERETTS Mr. Cljas T Pee) of Everett s \*as a visitor in our town today. • • • • u ON BUSINESS Elbert S. Pcele wi?nt to Everett* on business Thursday. • • • • WORK SUSPENDED All work on the Roanoke Bridge is . ousp'jndetl on account of the h wa ll tor and bad weather. i. .... PREDICT GOOD CROPS The prophets who say that snow? it winter make good crop yetrs have | K'Ound upon which to predict goou crops for 1922. DR. IIADLEY HERE Dr. W S Dudley of St. Vincent's s Hospital is visiting his father, Mr. , S S Hndloj. • * * m BORN Bom to Mr, and Mrs. Elbert S. Peel, on Tuesday, February 14th, 1021. i son. » • • • WISER THAN EVER The ground hog prophets waited i few days until the peopel forgot what kin !of a day February second was _ Now they are as wise a.-; e\vi. The Kpworth League will hold its rec-ular weekly sen-ice Monday even '■ g at 7:30. The programme topic is "The Life as Desired- !»>' AD Con scientious Leaguers." • • • • HARD ON MAIL CARRIERS The R F I) mon are having a hard time carrying the wail on the bad roads. Some of the roads arc prac tically impassible. In fact, everybody is having u hard time traveling upon our roads at the present time. * • ♦ • ESRVICES AT BAPTIST CHIRCiI A. V .Joyner, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45.-r-J. C. Ander son, Supt. Sermon by the pastor, 11:0(i A. M. ~ 0 Y P l, (1:46 P. M. Sermon by the pastor, 7.30 P M. f You are cordially inviu-d to attend all these services. • « • » METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES Sunday School at 9:4fi. J« E, Pop*', _ Superintendent. Everyoue not attun.l ing a Sunday School is given a cor dial invitation to come. Morning service at 11:00 A. M. Morning service ut 11:00 A M.— Subject: "The Building of the Church.' Afternoon service: 3:00 P, M. at Molly Springs. Evening service, 7:30 P. M.—Sub ject : "The Voice That Reached The Prophet." . » » • COL. LAMB BETTER The latest erports. on the condition of Col. W G Lamb are that he is stronger and txscins to br liettor than he waifo earlier in the week. Colonel LamlyjUßlteen sick for nearly n month and for the past two weeks hus been at Park Y*iew Hospital in Rocky Mount. At times his physic ians had thoughts that his recovery was doubtful, but signs of improve ment at this stage of his sickness give much hope to them as well as his family and many frimnds. • » » • GARDNER'S DAY The 14th of February, St. fotrieks' Day ami Pay, was just o little out of the ordinary. The wea ther and freedom prevent the usual activities of that noted day. The people in dear old Ireland who have just been given their freedom are so busy fighting and killing each other that they did not have time to wear to shamrock. They could not wear the green and the weater wa so bad that our own mothers could do no gardening. They could not even sow a few seed. ' But the sun Will shine again, and gardens will be grow ing long before Ireland will stop fight ing. » « ♦ ». GEORGE WASHINGTON PARTY Tho Epworth League will give t George Washington Party at the Ma sonic Hall Tuesday evening from fivt to'nine o'clock. Thoy will sell chick en saad, coffee, cream and cake. At that time there wilt be exhibited the follow ing scenes taken from the lßth, 19th and 20th centuries: Tht early home of Washington; The Old Colonel; Vision q/ Washington's Old Age; Sweet Sixteen; The Four Sea sons, etc. Come out enjoy the even ing an dhelp the Leagurers. Come, kind friend, find welcome hearty At ye Olden Tyme Blocke Partie, Pray forbear not to attend, Come, prepare dto see and spend* Come, kind friend, we wmild repeat, Haste y« unto Church street I BIG ARRAY OF LOCAL >,/TALENT IN MINSTRELS J If you want a real laught, some [ t?ood music and an evening ofinnoccnt enjoyment, don't fail to attend the Homo Folks Minstrel Show on the night of the 28th. The proceeds are a for the payment of i>Toy tho old baseball debts. Tho show is Ueirufrfirected by Mr. Jordan Ward, Warren 11. s !%g s direetjjfjf the \usic. The cast includes J* of the lookl well-known comedians and singers and to )K an event of real menV, A compete list of the cast could not be secured but the following is a partial list: A. Hassell, Murt Stubbs, Louis Ben nett, I)r. P B Coue, P F Apfel, John Cook. Duke Critcher, Louis Manning, ' Johnny Philpot, Pete Fowden, 'Bud' ' Orleans, Harry Biggs (Interlocutor), Lon Hassell, Jr., and John Booker. Ladies in the cast include: Mrs. J. S. Rhodes, Mrs Wheeler Martin, Mrs. Titus Critcher, Mrs L C Bennett, Misses Vella Andrews, Carrie Doll White, Elizabeth Hassell, Thelma Brown and Laura Orleans. ,' THE KIND OF HUSBANDS WO. MEN WANT The following two letters were tuk ei' tiom the Progressive Farmei, de scribing the kind of husbands these , two women wanted: - A Model Hiuland 1 am a rural school teacher and ~ when 1 find a man who has strength of mind, strength of body, and strength of will, and whom 1 know to be clean inside and out; who neith er looks up to the rich, nor down on the poor; who Can lose without squeal ing and \vin without bragging; who is always considerate of women and I children, respectful to old people; too I brave to lio; too generous to cheat, and who takes his share of the world and lets other peopel hav*> theirs, 1 , will rejoice to know thatl have found jnnan possessing what I consider suf ' fluent qualities to make not only a I model man hut a star husband. A. K. M. A Limited Monarchy Wanted For my future husband, I want a companionable man, one with whom 1 tun congenial, one who is a good pal. I would not get tired of him I and he would not get tired of home. I want him to boss me to the ilmit. It does not seem as though we could ; be good pals and have that so but-wv> , could. I absolutely want him to be the boss, but in the right way. 1 do not want him to be offensive and'rudc and yet 1 want him to be beyond all question the head ol' the house. 1 do not want him to make a baby ' iloll of me. 1 do not want to sleep until 9:30, but want to get up and eat breakfast with him, and cook it too, if necessary. I should like him to earn a good living. I do not set any minimum am) 1 do not balk at work, but 1 could not be happy With a man unless I respected him, and it is hard to re spect one who is not successful or has not the qualities of success. I do not want him to use profane language. 1 do not want him to drink. He positively cannot do that nnd live with me. I want him to be dignified but not so wooden that there is no life or laughter in him. Still I wish to stress the fact that dignity would lie a very important quality. I could not love a clown. I would rather have him pull a long face than always be grin ning and swirking. POLLY ANN A. Editor's Note.—Pollyanna should n member that "Dignity is no more a sign of wisdom that a paper collat* is of a shirt."—Progressive Farmer. WOODROW WILSON FOUNDA TION Previously reported soo.lo Harry W. Stubbs 6.00 J L Rodgerson, 4.00 W FJ Dunn 2.00 Leslie Fowden 1.00 Jack Biggs 1.00 H M Burras .50 Cash .60 -C D Carstarphen, Jr .60 Robert Harrison ..' - .60 Caslf from Hamilton 12.60 " Total ...» $77.60 MRS. CLAYTON MOORE, - Chairman, Martin County. "I Lout My Beat Cuatomera Through Rata," Write* J. Adams "Used to have the busiest Restau rant in town until news spread tjjat the kitchen was infested with rats; lost u l»t of my best customers until I tried RAT-SNAP. Haven't a pest in the place now. Restaurants should use RAT-SNAP." Three sites, 36c, 66c, $1.26. Sold and guaranteed by Leslie Fowden's Drug Store, Hoyt Hardware Co, and Harrison Bros, fi I Co.—Adv. Guilford County Man Assails ' Go-Op Marketing Of Tobacco , | I NEAR EAST RELIEF ; CAMPAIGN BEGINS A call for $200,000 from North Caro lina to the lives of 3,834 children • of Armenian martyrs, now In the five t Tarheel orphan**'-® in the Bihi« lands, i has come forth from state beadquar i tera of the Near East Relief in Ra leigh I Christian hearted North Carolinians will be given opportunity to help these 1 unfortunates in the land where Christ lived and worked this week and next, - Several months ago the North Cairo i lina Division. Near East Rallef. an , nounced that their annual campaign • for funds would be put on from Feb ruary 12 to 26 There are many appeals for money from various organisations but tor those who know the history of Chrls - tiaalty there U none so appealing as , that of the Near East Relief. No less [ person than WtlHam Jennings Bryan t has declared that the Near East Relief Is the 'most worthy of aU Christian charities" Josephus Daniels Is honorary state chairman tor North Carolina aad Col. Oeorge H Bellamy la state chairman Colonel Bollamr has been busy for two months organising the state and had , about 75 counties ready for work Sunday The other counties which will be organised later will be given a chance to put on an intensive cam palgn for a week as soon as they can got started Many of these children are victim* of the Great War when their father* were killed in defense of the vast ! Baku 011 tields. In thla sector .SOO.OQO of the 400,009 troops Armenia sent Into the war were killed. The Cen tral Powers were driving toward this priceless fuel and failure to get It | shortened the war by many months, j according to all military experts "If the war had been thua proldbg ed," Colonel Bellamy declared, "there are many North Carolina boya back home today who would now be sleep ing beneath u wooden cross In France. Can North Carolina see he children of these heroes slurva uuj freet* to death?" Some of lliese children were made helpless during Turkish depredations Into Annesilu ID the nume of Moham medanism, when their parents were murdered because they refused to re nounce Christ and become Mohamme dans. The Near Kast Relief Is chartered by CoiiKtesH to do the work the Senate turned down In refusing a mandate over Armenia The generous-hearted American public took the "mandate'' —ln ttiefrrrm of Him acini and medi cal aid rathm than of military piotec lion It is the -only or*nnu.itton out side of tip- Red Cross opera t lug und»i a ( barter from Congrei*. Mr.' Bellamy appeals to all real Christians In North Caiolina to sup iort thin drive no that the entire ijuota can be inUed at tlilx lime end hie or ganlzatlon will not have to exteud their appeal over the tlncal year. Kvery tlve dollars niven nave* the life of h child for a month, ao efficient la ihe weak of the national organization Chlldri-n can lie adopted and (heir Hvoh prolonged Indefinitely by him Ina a pledKe card mid paving $5 u month for their maintenance Contri butions xhoulri be ■ cut to either your local countv chairman or treasurer, or to Robert A Brown state treas urer, Sill National Bask Ttulldlni:; Rub Igh NOTICE t)F SALE Under pnd by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trua tec for purcliaao money of land here inafter described by Daley Hodges of Martin County, North Carolina on the 16th day of October, 1919 and record ed in Martin County public registry in book A-2, page 227. Said doed of j trust cscuring certain Iwndu of even date, and the stipulations therein not having been compiled with and ot the request of tho holder of said bonds the undersigned trustee will on tho 15th ifay of March, 1922, at 12:00 o'clock M., in front of the Court house door in Williamston, North Carolina, expose to publie auction, to the high est bidder for cash thefollowfng do scribed land: Bounded on the north by Smith and John Roberson and Qus Wynn; on the south by creek and James R. Everett and Jow Hollis land; on the west by Joe Whlttalcer and State Wynn land; and on the Oast by Anderson Bros, land and containing 160 acres, more or less. This 13th day of February, 1922. WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee t Mr. J. A. White Says "If You Have An Autowobile, Keep Rat-Snsp" "If I knew about RAT-SNAP last winter, would have saved $l2O, My car was in the garage for a few weeks during bad weather; when I went to take it out, found that rats had eaten great holes in two new tires. Get them later with RAT-SNAP." Thrse sites, 96c, «6c, $1.26. Sold and guar anteed by Leslie Fowden's Drug Store Hoyt Hardware Coand Harrison Bros, ft Co. —Adv. ir TOU WANT QUICK RESULTS USB A WAJft AD IN TBI ENTUPRLtfg ESTABLISHED *IB9B The following- article taken frfa fVr Winston Salem Journal of Feb, fch, , was Handed to us by alfeal } warehouseman, with the rwptesi ft»«- we lo the Editor of the Journal: k 'lom Sims say* "Farmers ' raise i crop.- ,n the summer and qucsfl&to j» the niinter." it ic a treat pity that minyiar "'•i st re so discontented and rcet|e^ ( They are vory much like soma ejSE ( c'u.JL on. You might jive thtta dl 'Be playthings in the *.>r'd and fh«t 'would not satisfy, they" weuk! W**'~' you .0 givf them the m >j.i ard"jswa also. Alter reading Mr. E L JlttM* article on cooperative marketing la the Journal of January *7fh, like saying "Lord hard mercy on Ow poor, dissatisfied foolish farmers,** ' Mr. James intimated in his atfly tha tthe fanneta have at last ffcund a real up-to-date leader, a gsQjtfae Mo. ; ej to le*d the farmer, from the land of "Old Fharaoh," "the wi{/ old f#x," meaning Col G £ Webb at*dL til* whole warehouse sy«tem of celling to bacco, to the land of great promise, the cooperative marketing ay item. I want to aay right here that Oti. I Webb and tha warehousemen of •ton-Salem and other cities and tans in the State have helped to maka-'Cu farmers what they are, as well as U( l'armers have helped to make the citiee and towns what they are. Colonel Webb and t ('warehousemen have boca friends to the farmer and always grr on him good advice I am glad that the cities and towns have built up am prospered as well a* they have while the farmers have prospered also. I J don't think 1 would like the cooperer tion plan of wiling tobacco. 1 don't like the name of the leader. It doeest sound like Moses, it sounds like a for* eigu bom name. Now brother farmers, why aead a* way off to California for a man who possibly never saw u plant of tobacco to coma to the three tobacco states to organize u tobacco cooperative mar keting system for the farmers? Did n't we have a man in these state* who knew something about tobacco and had sense enough to organize a co operative association for the fsurniert l If we did not expect to retaoahrdl If we did not have such a man, h®W muy we expect to run one of the larg est undertakings the farmers of the tobacco bolt have ever seen. I feav . the n» w plan would lead farmers in the wilderness of trouble for Ave years where there will be grumbling, kicfc« ing and gnashing of teeth. Some thirty years ago a Mr. ttlanfc came into our neighborhood, selliaff farm rights lo cure all kinds of rough green tobacco yellow by asteara pro cess. He believed in his plan, like the advocates of the co-operative market ing ilo now. So fifteen of us farmers bought each a farm right at 916 a farm right. We tried the new plan and all of us went busted on curing, ruined our tobacco and each of ne lost that year from three to five hun dred dollars by the foolish plan. "All is not gold that gittera." 1 have been waiting for some tbny to isea if some farmer woud not 6mm out in opposition to this foolish lies \ of co-operative marketing. I hava .1 met many good old farmers lately ' that are very much opposed to any change in the marketing system, I think the cooperative plan is altogeth er impracticable. It just cant be done satisfactorily. „ I now think that it would be vwjr sensible, for the leaders and a4*e» rates of the new plan to "stop, leek and listen." I have given the skttfect serious thought an ddon't see aaytfefag in it fo rthe future but trouble fciul uisappointment. Supply and demand ulways make good or bed prices for tobacco. If the plan could possibly work, we farmers would not get lay more than we do now at the ware- And to let part of majrtm all our tobacco go on credit would tot suit us. 1 know I would not like to sign up for five years just to get to sell my tobacco on a credit for on# or frve years. When 1 sell tobacco, I want my money right than. Tkat la ktf iitesH. Adam and Eva were data* well in the garden of Eden until tkat old Berpent got la with them and told them they tould od batter to wiper ate with him. They did ae and *fa all n«e the effects. J. M. McMICHAEL, Stokewlale, Feb. 4, lOT*. Editor's note.—An aaswer to thla article appears in another article a* this page.Be sure to read bath. FOR IS-IN-IX ALL HEART VQ, 1 thingles ca'l tyhitahur*: Mu*re 1 am bcr Co., Robervonville. N C. It TENANT WANTED FO* TWO horse crop. See J G State* Hp

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