Advertiser* Will Find Our Columns a Latch Key to 1500 of Martin County's Homes i VOLUME XXIII—NUMBER 19 Testimony Offered By The i Di it'use; Godwin's Explan ation of Thirty-Two Charges ov .v\,i, ».Uit ou tilt 4 alalia _ i.l' OA u . . ..vMi uie a i>iil of liiUiCt •u -o a . i.. iui whu.h v.a. _ a. i Vjl paJliCUittla, tilf . ullUi., ic-pul'U Vclc .Alot ti . Li. v liuujk. 1 1 ».t Cc., J. "J tSUi *->! i •1 •**»«.. 4 V WUl'll iti i • C U'.'ACm alll t'lUlli « »»| H -JJ'.;. i uic ill, : li k'» i Win. i»aiU ull t • v . i . , iv, o ii.uu. a'i i , v ..i: acai v i.t v. i „ i )ik. iia: K • w . 1-4. l>a. 1 Mil yl«>,lK. >, • • • . L'i»; V\. V. though- ' * 'w '*-» -• , i» L. . »a»i> . ju liuin.iL/ii \»UolesL.e j. • ' \. ai a $>ooc0; Ciu. -' ' .N.l •' C 11 ViKilVili. ssU(>l>. • a i. . . ~ cie iaktu liom u ic i. .i • ii v. «.io-.eii tlic jact ti,..i ! ac.. .i .•i,i! ji discounted pupils' i.... i ui..; i i i.nk.i v.ituui Ktc'l ni£ a! -Ml j. .i. . . ( 1 f-.ot.v. . i. i. Li a the was lorty-out; .•'Vs o. , ji.i. ir. Wnliamston. i ii' t u>i .till .o the, .V. .1 'I. ..I. Jill OWlllg to strain ui ~i ..I. ll lICLIII'Ii 1 UllilS. lit.' t .* ii. li ...oil> Mil, 19_i .. i \\u '• ■ ■}' pny inns to >4 > iji.. ,» .i lie went to a LoW.t . . .-ii . ;ie L.u.l ol AK'Mi .. .. luiti.ii . UiUl in 1 had a 'i . • .1. ill. ' in. I' >1 till l.£ H:.i| "Mail, i I A.. 1..j i 1 '.k» .ia.iua. > old,. li'. i Ul.i. t'lii '..1.1. II ii tin y l:. 1.a.. ..; .ai.. . .11. \i i . i.. oi c 1 ui.u. . I . i i.i.i i . i.' aLa til. Utaoit Was ii. - .i. .ii, in. . -1 i luei.i lu pat it o, il:. It.ii 'Mliiji VJ 1-lOUhlfcCl tlilllg cln eked up. i .it .-.ij*.i « iii it. : i.oiini,, i.ui I , iui Duriiiwig a:-k •' .i ii. 11, i - :: w , nig anii 1 iH \. a.- ii* t-. 1 tui i iiiin he itloug!i i* o Vita i.i a pit. tiii i. lla>.->eil J Hi' . toiii uixiw i t.ii.t iiiwl >tatoi. han a id i. iiiiii a..out 1n... gainliliny Jl' t.Ali I,'liUil.C'l ateii a lt:-t ol p 111 p owiieu b> 1.1111 anil claiuifit tin .ia.ui- Wa.i oi tli }.2u,00(l ami i la.inif'l T.r.. it ui. \v it!, ji t.lioii -Hi. June oi ,1. ~..... n 1... l.nlli'l an. I ll otlici (jo\. i oi altolliv*v to act lor liii'n lit .ih_. wa>. lie ncHfiluleil his piopeit., tl i,iii)'. wl.iti 1,. left, lie left 01 i;.. i .ij -1 and icUii heil i't'l» U..l> '.ill I'JLI. i i>: in iii'.ilii ii" Is ui a confer \Vi.. .i '.iiti.ii at 1.. I.oine an. t . ai. .. , ,;i / .M n 1 0111. e iinl ||. , . .... ic li poi teil mill I il. on . .. . „.i pmlp. i.. ■IjII 1. pa. titular.* wu.s then tak •i n ,i,i h . .til iii m-paTitlel items ain tk. ti.ieil "I an .i tt t lii. t ilralt fioiii Ju an.l tni' oiiu T item from Ni n.lic. ui.til 1 lilt. I ex pectin hit to ttnc iiis note for it- Luther li l toll! .ne lie nail chargetl t!( l 'n. w 'iuii.. to my account. 1 ilnl no. aii- vi ha. eliail o.eiihal't until onli ien I-., i... Mi. Maton. All automoliile ac ? . I'oUiits wi;ie authorized by J. G. Sta. '.on '1 .1 li. oik owvd f.UiiO ani fj» .a* .'tilil )GOOO. Also . jiuc io «. of VV. 11. Crawford', i ?-,"■■■' u. »ho Wemtio', W. H. .i. ,ii .: til iKobei.•■oil's; J. T ■; 1., 's; AI 1 laylois; W. 11. lianeH'r J liai ii'iiil s; \N. A Perrys; Higgs rsoiia; W li.' Hrittoni G. D Car btai i hen and A ii. Ayers." Ho. swoer that the Council loan wa.- autnorized anil that the Graxes loan was authorized. That he first borrow ed $1«,(MI0 and ten $ 12,«XM> at Green ville; $50,(100 from the imperial To bacco Co., at Richmond. (Reporter did not get several items here.) As to the contingency account: $4. —■ . a to Expense item. In .. est si;:(>>; bond iost $50.00; NorfolV • jlvjii.o' i. i n i-r.- "Un l Merchant ,L t'l oli 1 iost vuOO, ffafeig l !, f'.;'"!) call out of balanr i,il ol'.svhifii makes UP the 54.000 miss .. ii>K- Ho s«id he did liot know that the l'Miger sheets had been taken; he !u i ot tell an.voen. to take tljem out. He i '.so said that aI- It'ie notes we.e read out i.nd approved by com iiiittee. , A to kitin^~l' e »i!- "I drew on a l.ank and placed it to my credit but not for my beneft. The $2,4' JO item n a bank at C'oleraine was good; ! l.aT a- ha'h a- $135,000 in my name of kiting items. I carried the Ni trate A lit y item.- in cnsli to create receive, I chitvg'eci expenses" of s3t7 •vli li 'l Knd spent in 1017 out of mj own pocket tlii ; item." He al =o .tat. il about a loss of sl,- ~QQ on bonds und made some type of explanation aboui lhc lost SIOOO J. P. Tyre bond and stated that he put THE ENTERPRISE , Loads ami items in box for months. C/ii cross examination he stateu tliat tne La \\ alstou check due The Par-, liters and Merchants bank was held uy him and in ins own name to gel ic u,t c. i Hit mono) uui later claim ed .oi the use ul the Ltiuk, evvn tlio it was in his own name. The items I ii. i}ie $1000; ijiimuel Kogersoii jluoc, li L Little sstlo; xini lied li»b --j f.'co.. ;IUU(|; Mis. Mary E l'eel riaiik lintlon slJou; J. C. Guikm sl,- OJ'J; .S. C. Cllll'm were all j.o..jiht out and demal made as t« ■ u. e ol' same by him. ho fluted that he went to Lialti ti ote when he luft here, then went I ,n a port on the Cull' ol Mexit* foi tin days, then to Now Orleans and Ananta. lie said emphatically tiiut | In. was not worrying over his own ai.airs but mvr the bank's business, lie admitted that he owed $136,000 aid stated that he had certain pel >onal pioperty listed that were worth I +0,117 and stocks value'd at s4l,bill *io pay saint:. He admitted thai j Cntiher. and Critcher forced him in bankiuptoy. lie admitted being re sponsible to Plonny Peel lor sl,2f>o, collected from llit' Peoples Bank and uiKing Plum Williams' mortgage foi a me. He admitted owing Abe A din i,l>oo on a gambling uebt. He ad ..i:tii'd taking $3,(.00 guardian money » to his son l'aul a 111 t i i i i.J-' belonging toltiy son C.iarle-i I Ailhiut any seciirity. lie •,' ileil thill iO aid I. .Stalls w ii partiieis in i i lutoinobile businos« ami that lie had taken sli,lo(i ol .Stalls -money. ill said "1 made no attempt to ex I j ii,.n to Pardee, the repiesentulive ol tt.v Bonding company except ioui ilems. I made no i-doil to explain io the bank examiners. .Stat in wa: -i11 ljk.111 k a light against !ie." In answer to the tpie.,tion of who tire- P.*_•! & Co., Godwin i t'eei and otl oi licticious iiaines lie muld name no such (inns. He claimed that Stall owed the s6f>oo note, lie also stated thai lie kited in his own name so hi could ilraw on it and that he hail no other personal account, ihat he paid for his speculations ami Ins house ■ i..1.1 expenses' out of this lUineiuc count, lie could not recall when .l>f began kiting. 'l'hat the agreeiiient was to handle the Nitrate Agency Account for ii $30,000 balaiuv hut lie found it till ju utiliible and kept as as $76, i'oo al times iin«l thiit when Latham tie late examine! came he took the ild di al Is out of the box and charged them to the Liberty Bond ai count and that he got $11(1 to hi; own credit out ol the transaction, lie iUd not know what Glover Godwin was worth. He admitted taking a cashiei's check in his own name foi shoo which should have been crediteii lo the account of It. 1.. Little on ii mortgage >eld' by Wynne and Wil hams. H«> then went over a long list of stocks which [le had hypothicat in dilTeivnt parts of North Carolina »lju also claimed to have delivered hiii%. to those who had bought them Redirect Eiaminalion He made explanation of the $660(1 rc id coupons; SSOO Holliday bond; SSOO J. IJ. Ho wen bond and the sso John T. Price bond, all with school hoy drill ami pomp. Also the Tyre and Kogerson losses which he had charged to the expense account. No explanation was made about the Rev J. H. Garner's SSOO bonds that had never been found. V. G Taylor was the next witness He testified that he and Godwin had had some conversation about the base ball account in New York. That, God win had done some kiting through his bank, th 6 Planters and Merchants Bank in Everetts, that it was worse n 1920 and that he would always cJ a ge items just as they came in ana l! n*. Godwin closed his account ir. Jul. P.'2'i. John I>. Biggs stated that he was President of the Farmers and Mer chants Hank, had attended many banker's meetings with Godwin, had never seen him drurik at one nor had ever seen him drunk anywhere.* That Godwin was a hord worker fo rhl. bank. In the matter of the Ed'Wal-j to pay SBOO and 'interest but did not ston item he understood T7alston was I know he had paid it. Godwin told him he would pay tlw interest and the S2OO note due and he drew on him for $299:' That if he haTT known that Walston had paid the entire note he would demanded it all. The next witness was t.uth«r Peel, the young man Godwin had victim ized and led into ilark places to help him in his "crafts." He was a wit ' ness for the state but the defense thought it best to call him themselves, [ it did aot take long however for them VVilliamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, March 31st, 1922 to see their mistake. Peel told them plainly that the Nitrate Agency ac count was put to the liberty Bond account to cover shortage of bonds, etc. Ho said that he was amazed at the transaction but did as he was toiii to do by Godwin. I'pon being; asked about the $5,000 cashier's check made to John 1.. ltodgorson he stated . that it was drawn for no purpose ex . cept to balance an error which had been, made in the adjustment of the i Seaboard National Hank of Norfolk. He testified that Godwin wrote him ai'ter he left and asked him to get the SSOOO check from Rodgvrson anil put it to the account of the Nitrate Agency account to help him out that much. He said "1 told Godwin about it and 1 knew it d.d not belong to Godw in. Rodgerson would not lot me have it. Godwin also wrote me to got Federal Reserve checks of $9,- 400.00 for payment, lie also wrote Mr. Rodgersoti to get the S6OOO cash ier's check. Mr. Rodgorson and 1 frequently talked about items in cash. We did not tell Staton about things because we thought Godwin would do so and wo depended upon him to do so. 1 helped the auditors find the shortages. 1 took Mr. Godwin's ac count of the records because he told hie to, he also told me to take out and hide the account of Grover C Godwin. 1 put them wheer he told me but could not find them after wards. My personal account was lost m transferring from the active led ger to the permanent files. In ordei to find the condition of Godwin's ac count it was necessary to find lm ledger sheets. 1 saw signs of kiting in 1919 when the bank had plenty ol money. 1 could see no need for it foi the hank and positively could see no benefit it was being to the bank, as Mr. Godwi nwas putting it all to hi own credit." Luther Peel said "The records did not &|*sak~.the truth. They did not show the standing of God win's account.:. All those entries were made under Godwins direction. Tilt corresponding banks charged us foi collection and 1 guess the cost of kit nig was of course incl.ided, which Tin Peoples Bank paid. We hail to pay other hanks among them are the Met chants National Bank in Raleigh $«!t). at one time, The Wacnovia Bank ane The expense of the bank was s2tf,oo Trust Company about $76 per month for the year 1920 up to and including January 7th, 1921. The contingency account of $4,000 was taken oil' tin b00k.4, and I knew no reason for If I could find no tickets for same. Tin notes Tetterton and Daniel and tin Tttlley note wene the propety rof tin bank when taken out and delivered ti Grovrr Godwin. I was not fajniliai with the Kirkland note. When tin auditors citnie tlm Tot'erton note am (iodwin check had both been taken out. 1 do not know who did it. God win asked me if I wanted to makt some money on Coca Cola stock. I told him I had no money to buy stock with. He offered to finance it. I tlii not know wjio he bought from or n whose name it was bought. When he left lie asked me to sign a nolo in the name of Godwin arid l'eel. I hai it to pay anil lost $1700.00 and found the stock was bought in his own name unl 1 got nothing, (iodwin did the whole transaction. The bank paid foi the Hassell and Godwin transactions by Godwin's orile rand he also paid for the Coca Cola transaction with tin 'TOinTc's money. Godwin toM-me; in drawing papers fur his kiting deals, to sign Luther Peel end M 1.. Peel and tluen lie wouid Lequently sign Peel and Co., himself. He used all kinds of ficticious names in hi kiting all tha proceeds of which went to Godwin's personal accjun . Godwin frequently haid me sign papers ir blank and he later filled them in. All the ficticious names were in Godwin'* handwriting. Godwin wa- bo..s in the bank, whatever he said, went. God win took more *ht'> 'I-'it) coupon?, out of cash. T. J. Bagby testifies: "My home is in Ruhmond, Va. I am an accountant b/ profession, with the firm l'ullen, Hendeiron and Co. ot Richmond, Lynchburg and Raleigh. 1 was suggested to aidi*. the Peoples Bank by Mr, Julian Hill, President of the National, State anil City Bank of Richmond and approved by Mr. Clar ence Latham, Chief State Bank Ex- I aminer of North Carolina. Mr.. Rennie and Mr. Lawrence assitsed me in -the . work. It took more than two months an dit should not hava taken ten days had the books been right. No record 1 was kept of the bonds bought for cus- I tomers; we found some memorandums I on bonds on some slips in drawer ol i Godwin's desk. The account of the i bonds owned by the Bank was only i kept in a lump sum and there was no way*to trace and identify same. We , found several bank accounts* badly ■ .wpong. Many Hbte shad been dis > counted and notes sent out and no - record made of same. We found no ! Ed Walston account and I looked dil , igently for same. We found the Hol i liday, Price and Bowen bonds for S6OO Local News and Personal Mention /Mr. Fred Shute of Durham iw;ot yesterday in town. • • ♦ • Miss Estelle Crawford has return ed from Hassella where she has been teaching in the public school*. Owing to a mild epidemic of influenza the Hassell schools are closed temporar ily. » • • • Mr. W. G. Peele who is stationed in Rocky Mount now for The Stan dard Insurance C'. iipa'ny spent Wed nesday night anS Thursday ui town. • % • • f Mrs. Roger Critcher, Jr., went to Rocky Mount Tuesday for medical treatment. At the suggestion of her physician at Park View Hospital she returned homo Wednesday night to grow stronger physically before hav ing an operation. • ♦ • • Mrs. ojhn A. Manning and Mies Carrie Dell White went to Richland* yesterday to visit Miss Arllne Murrill until the time of her marribgw to Mr. George H. Harrison on April Oth. • • • • Mrs. W. J. Bullock on Suffolk at tended the funeral of Mr. J. D Ward Wednesday. While hew she is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J, Law rence ('eel. • • « « Miss Rosa Mclson was operated on for appendicitis Monday at I'ark View Hospital in Rocky Mount. • • • • The Hoy Scouts enjoyed a flue out inn Wednesday evening when they had a camp fire supper in the woods about two miles frOm town. They were ac companied by Scoutmaster Simon "Li I Icy. • • » • Mr. Simon S. Lawrence left this morning for Fairmont whore he will resumo his work in auditing the Hank of Fairmont which suffered a roblwry recentyl. • » • • Mr. T. .lack Bagby returned to Kich inond this morning after attending court Jieie for nine days. • • • • Miss Mattie Lou Anderson arrived today from Greensboro College for Women to spend the week end with her patents Mr. and MTH. Arthur An derson. • • ♦ • Mr. Malvern Rodgerson of Wilson of Wllsonwas a business visitor In town yesterday • • • • Miss Estehr Harrison will entertain tonight with u birthday party. JOHN DONIEL ' John Daniel Ward !ied at hie homo on West Main street Tuesday night. Me had been sick for mora than a year although in that period he 4 re covered enough at one time to attend to soma of the details of his business. . About four months ago he suffered a relapse and steadily endured intense pain from the complication of diseases until his death. Ha lacked Just one month of being forty-five years old and was the son of the late J. R Ward and wife, aMiy. He married MisstSabrina Gurganus, who with vight chtldt on survive him* He also leaves three sisters, Mrs. W. J. Bul lock of Suffolk; Mrs. Jamiw Dennett and Mrs. Emma Thompson. In early manhood Mr. Ward joined the army and served in the Spanish Wur us sergeant. After tho war hr was employed by N. S. Peel and Co as salesman and soon thereafter was chief of police of Williamston. After serving one term as such he took up the mechani's trade and has eriguK in the contracting and building bus mess since. He was a member of tjh« Masonic order, a Woodman and an Elk. A member of the Christian church, his funeral wus conducted by Asa J. Man ning ami A V. Joyner, followed by the Masonic burial ceremony. each charged to the expense account which' had no connection wh&tevei with bonds. I* have no hostility a gainst Godwin. I had never heard of or seen hjm before I came here. There was no entry in bank books of the Samuel Rodgerson and James R Tyre matter. We went to Godwin's house and asked him about a great many things. He could not explain them, except that h«i attempted to make sOme explanations of a sio(r*fx pense item, which he claimed he had paid years before; he also stated he 1 had had a personal loss at some pre ! vious time and charged sme to bank We could find no evidence of same. He admitted the Jim Red Roberson > item should be charged to him. He i could not remember anything about the Ed Walston matter. We found notes put in bank on January 4th, >11921 amounting to 988,476.70. NEWS FROM IN AND AROUND JAMESVILLE Mr. J. J. Koberso nwas a visitor here Monday. .. Mr. and Mrs C T Roberson wore the gueuts of r and Mrs H. G. Friddin Saturday. Mr Henry Jackson and Mrs. Annie Reddick wero the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Plenny Peel Friday. Mr. W. W Walters made a business visit to Edento nthis week. Mr. and Mrs. W H. Lilley were the guests of Mrs. J H L-illey Monday Mr. and Mrs G W Hodges and Mat Sadie Perry spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. Jas. W. Grithn. Mr. ami Mis John Fag&n of Golds boro spent some time here thu week with fnende and relatives. Misses Carrie Dell mantling, Fssie Drown and Martha Luley were in town Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Den Darnhill, C. 3. Holde" and l'erlie Drown of Williams ton were business visitors here Saturday. Mrs. Charlie Jainea of Robersonville wa nthe guest of Mr. %nd Mrs. J. L. Davenport a few days this week Mr. Peyton Sykes spent Saturday in Goldsboro on a business trip. Mr. A. E. Manning was in town Monday afternoon ou a business trip. Misses Sadie and M>rtle Crirfln spent the weekend in the country with their purents. Messrs. J. W. Peas ley and E. H Drum of Richmond were here this week attending to business mat'ers. Mrs. C. C. Walton was the gueet of M rs. Herbert l-illey Saturday. Messrs F S Daw, U S Hasoell ami Edward I£vans motored to '.Villiamston yesterday. Mr. and Mis. Frank Hanbsou spent this week in town with the former's father, Mr J. F. Hardison. , Mr. W. W Roberso* was in town J Wednesday for a few hour# | ,Mr. and Mrs. John aFgan, Mrs. J K Smith wick, Mrs. Blanche Blount and Miss Stella Davenport spent Wed nesday afternoon in Washington. Among tho business visitors in town this week wero Messrs. Clyde Owens, H B. Holloman of Wllliamton, George Coitrain W. K. Parker und P E. Man ning. Mr. and Mrs J W Murtin and fum ily wish to express their'thanks !to thoir friends and neghbors who were so kind to them during- tlioir illness with Influenza. VERDICT OF NOT GUILTY IN THE GOD , IN CASE In tho face of the evidence given and loid down by the Stale tlie Jury teturned a verdict of Not Guilty this tfcrning in tlie C. H .Godwin trial. FARMERS MEETING ON SATUR DAY. APRIL 8 Mr. J B. Lawley, organizer for the Tobacco Growers Cooperative Mar keting Association was i ntown Wed nesday making preparations to reor ganise a sign up campaign for the spring. A meeting will ba held at tino court house on Saturday April Hth at 2 P. M. \ll members of the Association will be asked to attend in order that proper township organi zations may be perfected. Tie Ware house Committee will meet at Raleigh April 7th for the purpose of making reudy the warehouses and handle the 1922 crop; All markets where a rea sonable number of members are lo cated will have a cooperative ware house if they so desire. SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHURCH A. V. Joyner, Pa»tor Sunday School, 9:46 A. M.— J. C. Anderson, Supt. Classes well organised and taught by good teachers, You come and bring the children. Sermon by the pastor 11:00 A, M.— Subject: "The Mind of Christ" At 3:00 In the afternoon tin pas tor will preorh at Riddick's G ove. B. Y. P. U. 7:16 P M. Sermon by the pastor 8:00 P M.~ Subject; "A Faithful Saying" On the Fourth Sunday in April, Dr. E D. Poe, pastor .of Temple Baptist church of Durham, will be with the pastor ,in a series of meetings. All christian people of the town and com mpnity are earnestly asked to cooper ate with us in these meetings, that all may receive a blessing. NOTICE The market stalls in the town hall will he let to the highest bidder at the Mayor's office Monday night, April Brd. Sealed bids will be received up to 8 o'clock P. M. on that date. E 8 PEEL, Mayor. NOTICE: I HAVE TAKEN UP three male yearlings; one two-year old, black with white spots; ono two year-old red with white face and a one-year-old red. All unmarked. The owner will please call tor them and pay for this advertisement. W. B. Knox, Route 6, WiUiameton N C. LAW ENFORCEMENT ADDRESS REV. G. M. HAMMOND distinguished orator of Kentucky, will IflTw his famoun lecture "The Chal lenge of the Times." at the Clwlstian Church, her* on Thursday April 6 at 8:00 P. M. "All red-blooded Ameri can citizens—both men and womei> — ar# Invited." As a citizen cannot choose what laws ho will obey, so likewise those charged with law enforcement eanirot choose what laws they will enforee. Those charged with law enforcement must enforce all the laws and all good citizens must obey all the laws. Neither can exercise any right of choice in this mutter without placing themselves above the law.—Atty.-Gen eral Duugherty. OAK CITY NEWS AND PERSONALS Misses Eva Peel ami Millie Rje'juck ixna Mr. Herman itawls of Roberson *t'a wem in Oak Friday. Messrs. Baxter and Russell Cersea and Mr. Brown >( Bethel we»« in town Sunday evening. Mrs. Sallle Hai it'll w»s hostess to the members of the l.a'Hai Aid So ciety lust Tuesday evening. The meeting was unusually 'vge and af ter the buslnesii soj tio.i was over re freshment of fruit and can dy were served. On account of thi ill iss of live of the Oak City tea:hers school has beeo suspends! and w'U be until the f.ii lowlng Monday as (ha inluenva ecJ • demic has t-pread throughout tne com munity. Two basket I'ill games were playeJ Thursday afternoon on the court of the Oak City sch •>«•!. Tne first (Hint was played by the •Ouk City boys a gainst those of Knssell, tlve scoie was 11-4 in favor of Mas->oll The rext game was played by the girie of the two towns and the flnal (Tore was i! 2 4 in favor of Oak City." Mr. Wilbur Harrett of ouifolk spent tha weekend with his lister, lira Wil bur Worsley while enroute to Farm vllle. The stones of Oak City will all close at sevan o'clock P. M „ beginning now and continuing through the summer months. METHODIST CHURCH SERVICE* L. C. I-ark la, Pastor Rur*day school, 0:46 A. M. Morning service, 11:00 A. M. Afternoon service at Vanion church 8:00 o'clock. Evening service, 7:45 P. M. You are cordially Invited to attend ell of these services. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT BIGGS' SCHOOL HOUSE SUNDAY The regular Sunday school exercises wil Iba conducted at Biggs' School House Sunday afternoon at thrfee o'- clock. The public Is cordlelly invited to attend. JAMES E. HARKELL, Supt. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County To L. J. Davenport and others) You will take notice that we pur chased one hundred and seventy four acres Coburn land listed to L J Daven port, Hamilton township, at a sheriffs sale for taxes at the court house door • in aMrtin county on Monday June Bth 1 1921 You will further take notice that unless redemption is made 1 will demand a deed for said land at the expiration of one year from June 6 1021. This Brd day of March, 1922, F. L. HAISLIP and D. G. MATTHEWB. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. ' To Liaile Slight and Heirsi Notice Is hereby given that I pur chased the town lot in Willlamston listed to Lizzie Slight, it being- the ' Willie Sllyht place at a sheriff's sale ■ for taxes at the court house door in ■ Martin county on Monday, June 6th, i 1921.. I shall demand a deed for same s one year from date unless sooner re i deemed. This March oth, 1922. J. B. H. KNIGHT* IF TO w QUICK RESULT* (JBB A WANT I AD IN THE ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1898 ! FARM LOAN BANKS FALL DOWN ON JOB The W illiaxn.ston .National Farm Loan Association out of a large ber of application* recently seat to the Farm Loan Bank n Columbia, S. C., Hun been notified :hat mora thai* tiusM fourths of the aj plications were turned down. The axe am offered wss that the banks found it hard to get money. It is not surprising to those wbd know or to thoae wl.o think The true solution is this; a lew great back ing and money interests in New York who huve full power _ader the pree-> ent administration to do their own Wuy ure unwilling th*t any shuui.4 huve a show except tii :iuseiv«s. They [ say Lf we are to handlt the people we must help them mac amp, we must hold them in a jam anc. so loag ee we are übki to do that wo oaa use *hiiT"i as we pleaoe. We can make the ia*h and wc can wield it. They also eajr that if farmers can borrow their rea- Bonabla needs from the Farm Loai) Banks that it will relieve the country no that they will loae their power an 4 the lolks will lie free ugaia. where uoes the fau.t lie! 11 lies in the halls of Congress. New York says to the eludcro duat help ih« fanners, if you do we will net be able to dictate to them, hence tho pow«™ that be in Cengtess take the cue and nothing is odne. lf the mem bets of Congress would stand, light an dpush these matters to tke front we would get much relief but the pity is they do uot, they leave tha job, I thsy run around to malge money and get votes. We see such too oiteu, : evea u> our own stato. Congress can ' force the Land Banks to issue bonds in any amount and they readil) sell, i better than any other class of buada. lf Congress would pass such a Law, the south and west could i veil their burdensome debts to lot kg term, easy payment debts and baw uess would ease up uniiiediately. lf tke pre.sout gang stays in, there will Ist but oue place to get money— Wall Street. [ PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES i Rev. J. T. Wildnuui will preach at - Hobgood on next Sunday morning and - at Roanoke Church in the afternoon. Bible class at Mrs. Pittnian'a m Oak City every Monday night, and I at Mis. Julia Waid's ui Paraiele on f I ucsday nights. | - HAVE A FE WSETTINGS OF PARK * (tram Plymouth Rock 4. |I.6Q pea t .setting of 16. J. W. Ward, City 2t J » STRAY CATrLJi ADVERTISED The following cattle have been la t my held sfx weeks—owner can get ' them by paying fo rdan.ages. No. 1. t> ne pale re. I and whita heifer, looks to be abot t two years '■ old. Half moon under r ght ear, left ' ear half moon over. > No. 2. Or* pale rwl and white hsifer. One year old wi h half mooit in iigkt ear. ' No. 8. One brown spotted cod, looka to ke abont four or fl>« yean old. Crop and slit in right ear, left eac crop off. , B. B. 91IERROD, Haniiltoo. NOTICE 1 North Carolina, Martin CountJ To W J Griffin and otheisi You will take notiae that we pW chafed ftfty Ave acres of Briiey laad, r listed to W Griffin, Hamilton town i ship, at a sheriffs sale for tana at 1 the court house door in Martin eoun . ty on Monday Juoe 6th, 1921. Yoti i will further take notice that unleea redumption Is made 1 will demand a deed for said land at the*explratiou of one year from June 6th, 1981. This 3rd day of March, 19« L r. L. HAISLIP, and y D. G. MATTHEWS. * 1 -ff-» r ___________ —————— • —STRAND I -THEATRE— " 1 CommenU on "Tha Old Neat" 9 by exhibitors who have shown I|- Excellent. —Please 100 per cent, —a picture that please# both yound and old. —one of tha best picturM aver shown ia this theatre. —one of the finest picture* eve* mad*. v —Broke all house record*. - n —truly a slice of life. m it will please any audkaefl e —IOO per oeat from any angle, >. THE OLD NEST* • NEXT MONDAY . 35a and Kh • oo P. M.

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