J.J ■'' I ■ MP. IU; J. "J 1 , 'IR— ■■ ■■' |[ I - ?* - *■■*_ IFTHII* *7. 'RET !F I A .*-«»> •VTTO* PLAN TDWERMIWAJ : I W SEE THE FRFASO* I'M , 4 L », F| A - Ss9\*K -IIPE 1 TY ;| 1 -I II THE EI.-- iUSlij \\ illiainstou, North Carolina Published every Tuesday and Friday i : by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. | \v. C. MANNING ......Editor , Subscription Price (Strictly Cash in Advance) 1 year --• | 0 lllulllllS | EnUned at tli# Post Ollice at V\ tl liamsloii, North Carolina us bccon.i- | cias* mutter. i , v.« nunc ' ' i.o-U t n alive-, in. « , .:»»•. 1... > lia.t .'I- Mill'.. tfjfi" v . liJel ;> 11. . ; oith *- •" " A l -' * 1 en mole i. i • 1J *"' I t IK 10l ti. wji.U v\i. bllie\ E i.e.. J;di> faunday, tin' liunuu-s cvaie • t 'i ust, in inic Ut ilia hei nion* ga\ e tins J i. ,V|. r. T.eueve that story tulse ih.n ought not lo be tint-." Tlieie it- coin ( i.ioii ..clise in mat statement a.-, \M'h ns religion. When you neui ai. ugly ator> abou out ut youi friends or neighbors, be . c"H lo Ue l'dlae until you have U n.uese it lo he Hue. We need t ...in jyur ears Iroin the svandal an. ( P iou.ul on Hie street coi in i li i itiwiibu.es nothing to oui weltaii, oil. v lle.pa Oh to ivse our acll-ie.pci'l liy lo l..iget the falsehoods. Don . u-peat t..em. '1 here will lie H"'i' mufah to'worrj ovei them U they tun. „ ul i v ..be U ue, hut )uu will he ilo.n, u 'm .-.ell and others, a lettl service i , uu v. 11l brieve it 10 he false until J ' t~Del ieve tilharwise. KH 11 ML VS METHODS i.e .|ue.- Lion now lo make inouey I. • > oni u.- ing* when All. l'old uuvu.e. u . .•ui.ist i'nmii uilo elct«l and Ml. KockP ( i. 11l I 6.0!- that If tl.e only way to win . . J„,ilv ol mcsc Uo urastic opinion.-, ( nov.cve!, ti.e eommon man inuy stl ik. . i.n average. il.e 1 old Motor Co., originally Wa .ajntulued at JIOU.OOU. Oidy uliuu. ■ .-Jf>,nOU ol tins Was subscribed in ca.->li. , _ Trrrrl - .m., tl.e" unly.'m )' . ...I ■ ii,iu tny l'oid business • uiTw. Additions to tin operating , .;,ii„i li.iv. been i reaWiLhy the For. iiie i.Tk. ii I'ioin .lie |.iotits>. li'lii, NM.un In' .decided to. n'iaV.e niitoi. mate.ul el \\.it.l'».»>, h«n. " i'ul \ i.-ioii and Mini oiganaa i.on gei:iiif, also a bupi'ihiuniin gi niUf (i ti..:c■".anic.il j.iioductn'll. He liud an ta.-u'i ..|'l'i'H unit) tliu'i Mr. Koek.'lel „ |. ,ia v touted inductile#.. j, ,i ;.e!« llei had as his greatest hail ~.ai> tnif l'i I'l'lcii.: In the early dajf I,a oil industry, the price ol" crude v i \us on worse than a gambling ha ,jt au id for VJU a barrel and -i tent.- a ban el, all in the bailie year li.e jnM:eot ielined oil pioducts Hue tuulv«l uccurdingiy. KuckeJellei s big job to stab, llw ti.e oil industry, to regulate pro Uuctio. and prices. lie suceeede.U 'Uuougli the oigaiu/.atioii he built up. j ut m ti.o-p early days theie wen not' I'nougi- PIU«UI tu uunnlj' tin V gaiitie capital needed by- Stan.ia. ,-o Mi. ivockefellor borrowed heavily. And the ones from whom he borrow eU made uo mistake, we l»id w' l ' . , ve ..u, lo buy Standard Oil stocks to 'l'here isiio cut and-dried rule . iyniulaUlig wealth. A method or sy> tein that will work in one industry n nidation will l'ail ftnancially m »» uther. No two problems are exact > the same. Nor have anytwo Jems the same aolutU.n. TTlhttt wu the case we would all be rich , would all he poor. -Carolina. Man,..!. NOTICK ol SAl.io V ' Notice is hereby given that under iina by virtue of a power of sale con , tained in that certain note b.aing • date of July 27, IS>2l and executed by \ the Martin County Fair Association, X the undersigned, Receiver of the 1 pies Hank, will, on -Wednesday fhe \ iiard day of August, 1922, ot 12 o dock M , at the Court house door ol ■S Martin County at WUUamston, N. C, M offer at public sale to the highest bnl !ier lot cash the following personal property, to wit: The following notes, to wit: • Date Amount Name u#le «u M w>n «■ a Perry, 3-26-20 $500.00 O D Stalls, 3-26-20 , *OO.OO J. O. Manning, 6-1-20 **>.* O. C. Cod win, 3-26 20 'f ' 8. It. Uarnhill, 3-1-22 - 2000.00 W. E. Price, 4-22-22 W. E. Price, 4-22-22 --£OO or p Price, 4-22-22 iliiß the 10th day ot August, 1922. J. G. STATON, Receiver. CHURCH DIRECTORY SERVICES* AT BAITIBT CHl'Rl H A. V. Joyner, Pastor Si.-i'luy School, '.1:45 A. t Aniersoii, Supt. Our classes are wel. ' i-isjanr/ei' jind our teachers love tlwii work, (.nine Sunday morning and le celve i. blessing and be a hlessiri. Sermon hy the pastor, 11 A. M. At i" the afternoon the p'-ftoi wiU 1 rear*/ ut Riddick's Grove. 11. I.l' V. 7:15. Sermon by the pastor, 8 P. Al. We hope our menihership will nil fo> (> et i i i.eglect these services, i • all the people in our town and com mu'iity .ve extend a cordial invitation to w J' s" :p with us. » » ♦ • METHODIST 1.. C. Larkin, Pastor Sunday School, 0:4. r > A. M.—J. K Pope, Supt. There will he no church service. Sunday "on account of the ahsenc jo. the pastor. Ivpvvoipi League, Monday night at 8:00 P. M. » ♦ » » CHRISTIAN A. J. Manning, Pastor Sunday School, !':45 A. M.—W. C. Manning, Supt. The pastor will preach ut Maph Grove Church Sunday, 11:00 A. M.— Everybody cordially invited. ,m• • • EPISCOPAL W. 11. Clurk, Rector Sunduj School, 9:45 A. M.- H. M Stubbs, Supt. There will be no prayer service," Sunday as the rector is still out of I town. ~4. • • • • PK ESB YTE KIA N SERVICES Re«: J. T. Wildnian will preach in j Turboro,jiext Sunday morning, and at | I'armele at night K.verybody invit- j ed to the school house in Parmeli We have been preaching fourth Sun day nights in Parmele. We hope to preach twice n .month'from now on. ,»V| j WRIS.I'."! 1 ON MAIN | ■t Jul. Fin I,'r p'e i>e . -jCi • i a..d le- j -»• c it ward. Miss M.O'll'.a Si nil', ions | SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE : Note these New Prices / \ \ on U.S.Tires / j r /"~\N July 29,1922, the lowest Bear in mind that these prices / * f prices ever quoted on U. S. apply to the most complete / i r Passenger Car Tires went into line of quality tires in the / \ r r effect —Royal Cords included, world. Remember, too— / A \ These new prices should give as vou read the follow* / i £ confidence to dealers and cat' ing table that U. S. .Y j f owners that no lower basis of quality has been posi> / jfjß j K quaUty tire prices will prevail, tively maintained. / jga i r Kite ral £xd« Tax 011 abnii hai b«ni / /leg X m b4 ■ y ulmoil'cJ (i) fhi titunu/iulHrir / / X f The denier w4tl* u full line of U.S. / 1J ff I m f Tile* al ih®w nm- pricci can wrvf / I » you hciiei tlum you have ever / p Aw%TI m ®*%' HIH I A _ Uui titvcJ before iu (Ut LII / » Mm* Xj «\ AVs I''Hi ■ i ' lory of ihe automobile. / A £ mm MBHpillm I A [ If there ever w«i toy f«A' / 9 1(1 C 3 w IIH ■ curd adv«itil«MV ID -hopping / mmmtmm H A \ / 30x3%Clincher IMHI| 1 £r / and Straight Side HHi \ ft\ :XL■/ Royal Cord'l4s? / United States Tires / , United States Rubber Company *, \ r ./ Xssc •-J-iStiS.'Sltw STJSSOX. fc & kkk.kkt.kk.k.^kk,k.kkkk.k.^kk.kk.kkkk.Lk.lk^kl^ Where You L. A. Pe.l & Son, Ply mouth, N. C. D. Bailey & Bro, Willlaautta. N. G Can Buy ~ '*• PmW**. HoailtM N. C. (Jhanpioa Auto Co, Kveretta, N. C U S Tires t '' W ' Buch *"""' N. C. Wiley Ko f eruon Co. Rot*r«onvilU N.C / * # ' ' . . ' - ... * •&%' * i ADMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator o Charles Smith, deceawed, late of Mat tin County, North Carolina, this is t. notify all persons having claims gainst said estate to present same t' the undersigned for payment on oi before Aug. IH, 192:5, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle merit. This 18th day of August, 1922. F. L. HAISLIP, Administrate r. GOATS WANTED: I WANT TO buy ten eommon g iats. Please write me naming lowest price. B. E. How ard, Wilson, N. T. y 3t SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE s SIX PER CUNT WITH SAFETY ■ f THE MARTIN COUNTY BUILDING ANI> LOAN ASSOCIATION STOCK PAYS APPROXIMATELY SIX PER CENT—ON INVESTMENT BACKED BY REAL ESTATE FIRST MORTGAGES THAT IS AS SAFE AS INVESTMENT CAN BE MADE. AND THE RETURN IS FREE OF TAXES WHICH MAKES THE INVESTMENT EQUAL TO MORE THAN EIGHT PER CENT STOCK. DO YOU KNOW A BETTER METHOD BY WHICH TO INVEST YOUR SAVIGNS? SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS FOR THE ELEVENTH SERIES ARE OPEN NOW. '_> v . . GIVE YOUR NAME AND NUMBER OF SHARES W ANTED TO ASA T. CRAWFORD. MARTIN COUNTY BUILDING & LOAN ASS'N ASSETS MORE THAN SIOO,OOO. " •' J . NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that unde and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in that certai/i note bearini date April 8, 192 i! and executed b. J. L. Hassell & Co., the undersigned i Receiver for The Peoples Bank, will r on Wednesday the 23rd day of Augus 1922 at 12 o'clock M., ut the court t- hduse door of Martin county al Wil liamston, N. C., offer at public sale t. the highest bidder for cash the fol - low personal properly, to wit: The following- notes, to wit: Name Date Amoun: ) Thad & Ida Newson, secured by mort a ! gage, 1-3-21 $ 166.01 1 Jos. T. Ore, securwl by mortgage, 4 I | 7-21 68D.#' i This the 10th day of August, 1922 J. G. STATON, Receiver THIS IS OUR AD ANI) YOU READ IT—LET US PUT YOUR AD HERE, AND YOUR CUSTOMERS WILL READ IT. THE EN TERPRISE ALWAYS (lirrs RESULTS ■ , The Great !. August Sale | ' - ' r 1 To make room for our fall stock of goods, which will soon be coming: in, we have surely cut the prices on goods to the very bottom. | -■■■■; If you are looking for some ex tra good bargains it will pay you to visit out store. We have lots of goods to be moved during" August and we hope you will come in and look them ~ over even if you do not wish, to buy. • Then you can see and tell your friends what good bargains we are \ .J . . * giving. ' ; * I . ' ' .. ' \ : I =sssss^ Harrison Bros. . • ■ =■ • & Company * COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK I J - fa— ~ZZ J — =E ■ 1 I ■—i » f