Pay fp WJ Trade Oosm EAruary 15 KfKOVED UNIFORM DfIttMATTOKAL Sunday School T Lesson-' (By REV. f>, b FITZWATEIV t) u \ Teacher of Kr.gliah Bible In th* Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.* right. I>2l N»wnpxfcp»r Hn?T LESSON FOR JANUARY 28 THE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS LESSON. TEXT-Luke 16:1!>-3L GOLDEN TEXT—Charge tln-ra that am rich In this world, |h#t U>cy be noi -juinded. nor trust In uncertain riches, but In the living God. i■ glveth ua richly •11 tilings to enjoy.—l Tint! 8.1". HEFERENCfe MATERIAL— Psalm ♦»:«- 20, II Cor. »:!-». 1 Tim .IMUMAItY TOPIC—BUiry of a Rich Man and a Heif««r. JUNIOR TOPIC—The I'oor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man. INTERMEDIATE AND SBNIOR TOI'IC —Penalties of Selfishness. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC | —Right Use of Wealth. > In this lesson we are afforded • peep Into two worlds where we see disclosed extremes of character untl j tconditions. No more graphic picture j could be; drawn showing the contrast , 'of two lives. These lives were Intend- | ed to be representative. The rich j 'idsi n descends from the highest plnnn- j • ; cle of worldly enjoyment to the j depths of endless misery. The poor i [beggar ascends from utter wretched- and misery to the loftiest heights , "of blessing. j I. Contrasted Lives (vv. IS>-21). f 1. The ltieli Man (v, 10). lie lived I 'ln n lunnsinn secluded from the ctiui- t mon people. 11e ''wns clothed In cost- ( Iv raiment; Ills outer garments were of purple ami his Inner garments of _ tine linen. He fed upoti the richest food that could he provided. His sin was to seiflshly indulge Ids uppetltee •without conslderntloh for others. 2. The Beggar (vv. L'O, ill). He was laid lit the rich man's gate with the bope of getting nt least the crumbs from his table The dogs of the street Were more kind to litin than the rich tnnri Lazarus means "God 1* a help," Indicating that a godly life shone through' his poverty. We learn from these contrasted 'lives that worldly condition Is no sure test of A man's state in the si>,ht of. Hod. lthdj, men lire not ull wicked or selfish, and not nil pom- men nre godly. 11. Contrasted Deaths and Funerals (V. 22 > *l. The r.i'tgar. He was found (lead and Ills body hurried off to % pau per's f i,i\t 'No notice wits tliken of It by i lie n "I'M 2 Tie ltb'li Man He tilso died. Ills d ( "'lid not bribe the lUl'ssen gei' ol * diatli Doubtless n cosily funeral «jis held, attended by pilose wlie n.o\id In .his class Of society. I>e'aUi Is the coiinniui I'lul to which all ellipses must coluP. 111. Contrasted Pe6tinlcs (v. —.'i)■ , 1. The lieggar. -He wiiw ■at once. .carried by the angels Into Abraham's bosom. The mulls i*i~tnUii'\ el's are eSj peclally cared for nt the. hour of dentil, 2 The ltlcli Man Thwiglt he' had nil e!a' i al he Ufletl up Ills eyes in hell, buiug in Uiruient. When tl«' veil of ttiiurlty Is lifted we see tlitit the positions _of these men nre~ reversed The pool mall vvns in the company of Ju>t men inmle perfect, licaifi 1 of Ids godly life while on enrili, and the rl'Hi uian la stripped i..f hli«*uit*jile iiud tine linen and cast Into hell with all w i'v'ked men. hecituse while on earth he only hvell for seltlsli ends. IV The Reality and Fixedness of Life Beyond the Grave (vv. 2-1 111). 1 The ry for Mercy (v. 'J4>. Hlve^— wlifcli Is tTT«n>i iTi muiie -Tor "rfcTf" niati," was now willing to clitlin rein tlonshlp to Abrahuni. ItePwos" keenly Conscious. "nn3 the (tp|Vtn»»s wljcb controlled biin while on earth were BtW w*W» him. In-toml >t ti means of gri lltU'iitlon they »eI(V y»w all In strument "f torture. I 'it rt ot the tor- a ineiii "f bell v\TIT T.e the cravings of nppetlie and lust, with no means of 'tl.cii gratification - 2. Abraham's' Reply (v. Tills reply east the matter buck iipon the man's memory. He snJd," "Son,; re member." The lashings of n guilty conscience will be most real 111 hell. . 8. Their Fixedness t\. Iti). Human destinies are lixed by the choices dur • Ing rlie life. When one paste* out of this life be enters Into an tinchnnge # «ble state,and condition. >. 4 God's Word and the All Sufficient Light (vv. 2, 31) Hives now request ed that Lazarus go on uu errand ot niercj' to his brethren. He regarded the testimony of a spirit of more value than the Word of lo 1. Many today are more willing to trust the rapplfigs of a ghos,t than the sure Word of God. Abraham declared that food's Word Is sufficients—tlnit those who reject Moses and the projiliets would not repent though visited by one who lrnd risen fi'oin the dead. The greatest miracles will not affect the hearts of men who reject the . Bible. Development. Development seems to he the meth od by which God works, and d» velojimenr Is change—change which, . by no means, Involves imperfection; And this for the reason that lays, which obtain In the realm of the Unite, may, or iritiy not, obtnln M tlie realm - at the lnttn»te.-k-ltt, He v. N. 8. ■~x Thomas, li. |>„-. 0 jja. -, a —T~ o Man Uvea His Bsliefa. A man Hves«'hJs beliefs bowerar much he may lietray his creed.— Uix Benry Junes. January is the be»t month to sow a plant bed. It Is hard to raise a good crop of tobacco without a good plant bed. _ . / ' —-j'-' ■ ,J * * ' KOTICE OF SALE OF LAND fe 1 Under and by virtue of power con ferred upon the undersigned in a cer tain lMd ot trust or mortgage exe mted by 8. 6. House, on the 18th L_ : k* | day oi January, 1922, recorded in the | uUice oX the register of Ueeus of Mai - I cui county in book. K-Z, page 10a, 1 wiU, on Friday, tlie idtn oay of Feb ruary, ia23, at 12 o'clock in., in front t oi the liank of Oak City, Ook City, '•! Aluvtin county, N. C., sell lor cash to I Uie Highest oiuuer, the loltownig lund A ceriaai tract or parcel of iauu, » v» » j. I; iug unu uetug n» ilaiun county, is" ' . oie iowu vi -fiobyoou, K. C., una bounueii ua iouows: ut u gum in Cypress tswanip, J. U. 1 .uiuii ti corner, then up said Staton's -twe to tiie county road leaumg irom Aiuuguou to uuk City, then down saiu .wu west lo Alice llnlaru's corner, t, «n down said iiiiiard's, and 1. M. • t. iuiter s line to Cypress swamp, tlien \,wu said swamp to the oeginnihg, i tuWjutiiiig Mo acres, more or ie..a, ! i,i(J ii, tue same land conveyed to j i.,. f. oralt by heed tecoraeu in boo.. i -1, puge 110, Alai till county, and rei j eionco to said deKTis made ior a moi i i peilect description. I I in.; sale is made by reason of fail ! ure of S. U. House lo pay off tlie in I uetnedness described in said deed ol 1 trust or mortga}?e This the 12th day of January, l!»2;i.' 11. V. SIIELTON, Trustee. I L. W. Leggett, attorney, j Time of sale, February 16th, l l Ji2:>. l'lace of/sale, in front of llank o , Oak'CHy, Oak City, N. C. .Terms, oi. j of sale, cash. • 1-19-41 TRUSTEE'# SALK I Hy virtue of authority of a deed !oX trust executed to me by A, R., ' Corry and Wife, Hettie K. Corry, (>li 1 the Ith day of March, 1912, und duly recorded in the register's office of Mar • tin county, in book ZZZ, pape 41)7, tt> secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith and the .stipulations in said deed ot trust no! nuving been complied with, 1 shall expose at public auction, lor caah> on -trttturilay ,tiie 27tii «Uiy ot January. ' H'2h, at the court house door at 1 Wil liamson in Martin county, the lollow iug property: » beginning.ut the muutii of a ditch "in William D. Corry's line, Uifiice aioiig various courses of said ditch to a white oak in li. H. ilai\h:lon".-> i.tie, and tnence along D. K. Hard. ; ,(ins line to "William U. Corry's Hue to begiiffiiiig. Containing 2a acies ~,ie or less. Heing the laud given A.'.orry by luti lutiier, John I . \ut i , uecil lot wmch ib register • » in i i»i jmliic i%igiKU'y oJ iVlarUi. •Ot • iu l»uok UUU, puge i>47. AJSA ( '1 NOTKIv Having this day.j|ualilied as execut m.ul the Ctalio of J»"eph T. Waldo, j ueceased, lute of Hamilton, Is. C., all peimhis indebted lo said estate will come forward u.iki uiake,im- I mediate settlement. All persons hold ing claims against said estate wiil pre- j .->ejit tiie stune for payment on ft be , lore tlie Ut.n day of January, A. D., i 1U24, or—thia, notice will lie pleavi ' in bar of their recovery. This, Bth day of January, IS.Jio. HAKUY WALDO, iixecutoi J. T. Waldo, 1 -ID-Ct ' ' Deceased. NUnCK OF SALE nder and by virtue of the author coulerred in me by a certain deetl' Tif ll usf cxrcutrd on the 14th tlay of | Jul), 1920 b) J. H. Saunders and reg j isieicd in the ✓register of deed's of ilci for Martin county in hook A-2 at page s>94, to secure payment of certain bonds, and tie stipulations -o|ll S.uit deed of trust not hav ing beeif eoinplied with aiul at tiie request of the parties interested, the uhdei.sign ed trustee will on Monday, the 19th . itay of February, 4923, at 12 o'clock, county, Willianiston, iN. oiler at f in., at the court house door ot Martin ; public >ak- to the highest bidder for j cash, tlie following described leal es tatc: " t A lot in tlw town of WiUianiston, ' N. C., .on tlie corner of Church and! Watts streets and Itegiinniig .iA. anj iron stake, Mrs. lletlic C. Curgauus' cornel, which was known us the Couise Kespass place on Church street tnence along Church street to 11. A. • . i .tcher s' lute w inch is parallel with Church street to C. 1). Carstarphen's • iine to Mrs. Hettie line was known as Louise JicspasS line).thence along Mrs. liettie C. Uur oanus line which >mis known as the I.ouisc Kespass line) to an iron stakQ. on Church street, the | beginning, and being those tliree •-tracts of k land which were con ve>eil to Si IL dewberry, by deeds loin W. C. Kilby und w.fe, dated Oth day of November, ISMM), and ol jitcoid in book FFF at page 39 and U Vi yatt to S. JL Newberry dat- J , ed' the 10th V>" of April, 1»M, and j in book Ll' at an4 iioin C« Kirby and wife to, y. U. Newberry and recorded in bohK j | AAA at page 212. This the 19th day of January, 1923. / WHEELER MARTIN, ;■ r _ ' Trustee. . ' , i NOTICE OF SALE : -' j Under and by virtue of the author - ity sad ppver of "sale contained in a ' certain deed ot trust executed to the r undersigned trustee by Caesar Price, ■- on the Ist slay of "January, 1921, «nd f recorded in book G-2 at psge 180, h sad securing certain notes of even ' f . . , .; ' THE ENTERPRISE, WWfclwMm, N. C.. I date und tenor therewith, and default ' having been made in tlie payment «u Uie same and the stipulations contain ed in the said deed ol trust not having been complied with an dat the request of tne holders of the said notes the undersigned trustee will on the 10th ua> oi i ebiuaiy, 192 d, sell at pub .it-auction lo tne mghest bidder ioi I -v.ijLat jZ oiioca, in., ut lront oi th > uJtt hun-.fc. Mpm in tne town oi V\ ii iuMuJiuu tne following deifenbeu ret;, property, to wit: An Uiut certain piece or parcel Oi ,411(1 containing bo and 1-4 acres niou o. less, situate, lying and being o; aicousaey road wiucii leaus into Vui uaiuston and Lveretts road about u iiiiius eust from the'town ol' William stun in iliiamslon township, Maj'tin county, isorth Carolina, having such shapes, marks, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a map thereof made by J. R. Mob ley, surveyor, on tlie 24th of March, Liilb, on life with tlie Federal Lano liana oi Columbia, and being bound ed on the north by th# lands of J W. Anderson and brother, on the west by the lands of Joe Oakley, oil the south by the lands of M. Williams, and ou the west by Alonzo Wynn and being the same land thqt was convey ed to said Caesar Price by W. H. Wilson and wife and W. M. Wilson, said deed of record 4n public registry of Martin county in book 000, page ,234. Tjiis the Bth day of Jan., 1923. L. C. BEN NET, Trustee. NOTRE OF SALE Lajler and by virtue "of the powei oi .wile contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Howard Outter ormge Lo the undersigned trustee,'and bearing date of April ihtii, 1921, and of record m book G-2, page 26b, ol /the Martin county public registry, saiu ueeU of trust hu\ nig been given to secure tiie payment of certain notes of even uaie therewith, and the terms and conditions therein contained not .laying bceen complied with, and at uyiueat o fihe holder of said notes', tiie undersigned trustee, waf on £>«t uiday, February iutii, li*2J, between the nouro of 12 m., and 1 p. ni., in iioin ol the court house door of Mar tin ctruniy at W illiaiustou, N. C., of ler lor safe, at public auction, to the highest bidder lor cash, the following uescnbecl property to wit: iinn ccitaoi ima If land in Mar tin cbanty, at tlie liorti. cast Co. oi the i»o b era auu t/uitel' uiiuge to i»t , untl i uniting tiieiic'ew ..ouin euot.cour.-e auu,; a oruncn oc tween Lite A! -jn »u«4 i'llount line to tne corner oi via »...i i oi lhaU iSew aonie an?, s.iei wo.cio.Kige; thence > u.e r.i: ..j in the Uriectioii u: o.: i..outli side to a fork oil uouo.c W...U- e"I.; tnence across. | tne i'Avch ti.... oa .....u yi uortli course to iuj pHic uces on said l>weli tract I uit iauu, thence a north couiSt ' inapte standing near the branch, a ■ am in eu -t course o Rogers and Uut ; int., Ulff beg "mug 'loiita.n fitly, hi t j toD"i'acrearTOoTf-or tew. iins, tiie alii day of January, I'j's., L C. HEN NEXT, Trustee, r'uiuung, Moore iWrorneys. iSHIICE OF SALE t nder unu by virtue of tiie power ; oi .sale contaii ed in that certain deen [ mi trust execuied by L. T. Walters • I and "wile, Ida \. V\ atters, to tiie uu >.ei»igu«»:l trustee, bearing date oi .'larch 2nd, 1921, and of record in ..ook t,-2, at page 101, Martin coun .y registry, said trust deed having lyt'C n given to secure the payment ol a certain note of even date tlieiewith, and Uelault having b£en made in the payuieiit of said note, and the stipula tions iu sui trust not ..having been complied witli, and at the request oi ilie iioltier of said note, the undersign e dirtrstee, will, on Saturday, tlie lOtli [ uay ol February, ly23,at 12 o'clock, noon; at the court iiouse door oi Mar uii county, at Willianiston, N. C., of xei ut public sale, to tlie highest bid tier, for cash, tlie following described land, to wit: The undivided interest of L. T. Wat ters and wile, fda V. W alters, in that certain, tract of land, adjoining the 1 lands of J. G. Staton and C. 11. God win ot) the north; Joe Lilley and Mea dows and iStaton on tiie east; Carey lvespass and other i vn the south; Hen ry il. Tay lor and otaers on the west, and being our undivided interest in the lands of tlie late Nancy Rowers, left by said Nancy Rogers by \yill to i .n- lay lor during his life, and -ther to his children, containing acre, iubre or less. Will of Nancy llogerf recorded in Will book No. 4, page 410, iu the clerk's oftice of Martin foun iy. 1 ' ini.s, the sth day of January, 192^ CLAYTON MOORE, i Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE' | Under and by virtue of the powe ! of sale contained in that certain ut | of trust executed by it. A. Lloyd, to I the undersigned trustee, and bearing I date of May 12th, 1922, and of recoi ' in book G-2 at page 465 of the Mar \ tin county public registry, said ' of trust having been given to secure I j the payment of-a certain note of c ; ' en date therewith, and the terms ant, > | conditions therein contained not hav- I I ing been complied with, and st t | request of the holder of the said note. 1 1 the undersignsd trustse wiil on Satur 'llfllfit - i I day, February 10th, 1028, between the | I hours of 12 m., and 1 p. m., in.front 1 of the court house door «f Martu. I ; count}' at Williamston, N. C H offer foi : sale at public auction, to the high ■ est bidder, for cash, the. following de i- scribed property, to wit: A certain lot of land in the town of Wiliiam.ston, N. C., situate on the north side of llaugiHon .sueet in 'tlx town of VWuiamston, N. C., and i» Kitinig at J G. Godard's southeast corner of said street and easterly ii- W»lh street an eaesterty di rection about ninety (90) feet to Al fred Siierrod's 'line; thence a noithei 1} direction with Alfred Sherrod's line about 180 feet to the line of R. A Lloyd's residence lot; thence with the tine of the said Lloyd's residence K a westerly direction to J. G. Godard i line; thence with J. G. Godard's lint a :outherly direction to the beginning Containing two-fifths (2-5; ol an at . more or less. This, the sth day of January, 1923. A. K. DUNNING, r Trustee. NOT*US OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sal; contained in that certain deed of trust execute*! to me by J. E. White and wife Amanda, oo the Ist day of August, 1922, of record in Mart .1 county public registry, in book N-a at page 31ti, securing certain bom! of even date and tenor there with, and the stipulations therein not ' having been complied wiin and at the. request of the holders of said bonds, 1 will ,on the 9th day of Pebi Ui_r>, 1923, at 12 o'clock noon, in front ol the court house door ofMarlm cotixi ty, offer for sale to the highest bid der, for cash, Uie following Describ ed property: Beiug a part of the M,. W. liallaid farm, and being lot No. 4 as shown by map of recoid m the register ox deed s othce of the liallaid larni, con tanung b'j acres, more or less. For lull description se% mortgage from J. E. White and wife to federal Land Hunk ox Columbia, South Carolina, and' title lence is hereby made to descrip tion in said mortgage for a full anu Jeuul description. iius the Jtli day of Jan., 1923. IS. bl hh CKITCHER, Trustee. NOTICE Lnder ano by virtue of a judge ment of Uie superior court, lor a resolve in ihe case entitled 15. li. liaruiiiil, administrator, el als vs it. X. haiiilull, et alt., hens at taw, the undersigned commissioner will, on the } day ol January, 1923, at l^:Oi> 0 clock in., in ironl ol the court house uuui in Vtiiliainslon, North Carolina, I sell to Uie highest bidder xor casii, the ioilowiiig described tract of land: x>ound on the north by tlie lands ! oi j uiius James, on Uie east by a large canal, on the south by tlie lands 01 Augustus heel arid on the west by thee VSild Cat load, more or less, and being a part of the home place oi Uie late J. E. Uunilnll, and being., Uie. same pre mi sea occupied at this lime by Roxy A. KarnluU, widow. Tire , above land is sold subject to dowei and homestead. This, 4th day of Jan. 1923. h. A. CKITCHER, Commissioner;- Y ' NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE NORTH CAROLINA, 1 MARTIN COUNTY. IN SUPERIOR COURT ,J. S. Ayers & Co., by L. A. Clark, 1 i assignor, vs > ■ , G. K. Silverthorn. liy virtue of an execuUon directed to the undersigned from superior ■ court of Martin county in the above entitled, action, 1 will on Monday, the sth day of February, 1923, at 12:00 o'clock, M., at tlie court house door of said county sell to the highest bid der, for cash, to execu tion, all the right, Utle, and interest which the said G. R. Silverthorn, de fendant, has in the following describ ed real estate, to wit: Reginnig at a canal on the Hamil ton and Washington public road, and thence along the road a northwester ly course to a lightwood stump, a corner at E. A. Clark's line, with and along said Clark's line to a corner at Timpy Reach's line, thence With said Timpy Reach's line to a pine, thence 1 GOING AT A SACRIFICE 35,000" DOLLAR STOCK 35,0001 I BEGINS FRIDAY, JANUARY 26 9:00 A. M. SHARP B. Goldstein WINDSOR, NORTH CAROLINA ! down a ditch, the division line be ' tween Alexander Mobley and Come j lius Mobley to the canai, to Uie be ginning, containing fifty acres, more or less. The said G. R. Silverthorn homestead is alloted in the above real estate. • H. T. ROJERSON, Sheriff, i' , . 4^ NOTICE Ha>ing qualified a sadministratrix or the estate of David W. Stalls, late of the county of Martin, notice is hereby given all persons indebted to the estate to come forward awl make immediate settlement. All persons holding claims-against said estate will present the same 'on or before the 9th day of December, 1923 or this noUce will he plead in bar oT their rejpvery. * . This ninth day of December, 1922. TEMPIE L. TAYLOR, 9 Admainistratrix Administratrix, C. T. A. of David W. Stalls. 12-19-4t. i - mW Ache and pain? ■ MENTHOLATUMI DEATH TO GERMS Here is the best way to keep your house free from disease Few people realize the- germ danger lurking in unsanitary sinks, drains, closet bowls and traps. Kitchen and bathroom floors, too, are ideal breeding places for germs. Red Seal Lye keeps these places clean and sanitary. It kills all germ life and prevents germs from spreading. _ i The surest way to thoroughly cleanse arid disinfect the bathroom floor is to scrub it with a solution of Red Seal Lye. Cleaning the . toilet is also a simple matter. Sift a little Red Seal Lye into the bowl, allow it to dissolve and flush. The result is perfect sanitation. Red Seal Lye prevents pipes from open and free-running. Use either in powder or solution, at frequent ' intervals, at least once a week. Twenty half-pound cakes of pure ! soap may be made with one can of Red Seal Lye and Ave and one half pounds of waste grease. The di rections are in the can. Red Seal Lye is absolutely pure and unadulterated. Red Seal Lye far excels cheap brands. Ask your dealer for Red Seal Lye and take no substitute. Send us a postal for j the P.ed Seal Booklet which will be mailed you free. Write today. | I Mm P. C. TOMSON A CO. Soutbwark P. 0., Phila., Pa. WANIS H)R SALE - BRAND NEW FORD touring car with starter. Champion Auto Company, Everett*, N. ,C. 1-19-tt GOOD BRIGHT TOBACCO AND cotton farm of 137 acres in Virginia for sale or lease. Prompt posses sion, right terms. Adjoins success ful N. C. farmer. Good schools and •''roads and three miles of town. Ad dress J. R. C., Box 62, lilackstone, Va. l-19-4tp I WANT TO REMIND MY Cus tomers to please have bottles ready * for me when 1 have the milk deliv ered in the mornings. We- are not afraid that we wiU—ktse them, but owing to our increased patronage we need all of our present supply of bottles and {-will greatly appre ciate my customers having them j ready. „ F. M. Dunstan, Roanoke « Dairy.* . ' STABLE MANURE FOB SALE AT old convict camp. C, A .Weaver. 12-8-tf ______^mm T*kaAdva»tage of trie jierchanta' ■ CONVENIENT TWO STORY Houe iri New Town for sale. Terms rea (W\ W. C. Mtymfag» ageirt. X-2-tf s ——— J S? . -V, • V ;—9 . GOOD FARM FOR rent. See G. W.„ , N. e. >- F J: i W .* > . . ... ! HAVE YOU SEEN FOW DEN'S 1 1 • last load of mules ? 1-12-tf •I - - ' WANTED TO KENT THKEE OK ; « 3 four furnished or unfurnished room* for light housekeeping, prefer fur nished. Phone 4tt. FOUND SPOTTED MALE HOG, weighing about 150 pound*. Crop in the rigid ear under keel left. -- - ' j FOKDENS LAST LOAD OF Mules I are the best ever brought from Ken | tueky. —t-l&tf I : "30,000 NICE CABBAGE PLANT FOR Sale. $2.00 per thousand. . W. D. DANIEL Phone 1111-E, L. F. D. 1, Jamesvnle. ECZEIMf THIS tat one of those (I!U free treatment offers you have seen so many timet. We don't Offer to give you something for nothing—but we do guarantee that you can try this wonderful JkSfjSßl' treatment, entirely at our risk,and this guarantee In is backed by your local druggist "HUNTS GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES" (Hunt's Mm f 1 aod Soap) has been sold under absolute money It* Affinl t back guarantee for more than thirty years. The* are especially compounded for the treatment of RHKHiu Icisws, Itch, Mug Wtna, Tetter, and other itching skis disease! Thousands of letters testify to their curative properties. M. Tin | reputable dry goods dealer in Durtrat, Oklahoma, aayat **l sufiat Eczema for ten years, and spent f I.OOOJOO for doctors treatments, result. One box of Hunt*a Cur* entirely cured me." Don't fail to give HUNT'S GUARANTEED *KIN DIS REMEDIES (Hunt's Salve and *oa») atrial. AU druggists ha| f| .\ . '--; '' - v— ; ' Direct Water Tran | portation from Ba timore, and Norfol * > 1 TO Roanoke River Joints, ii •- • -° " , „ , V' ' •' - *'• • * -' ■ eluding Plymouth, Jame I ville, Williamston ar p— Hamilton We wish to announce the organization a direct freight transportation by wa from Norfolk, Va., to Williamston, Hai ton, Jamesville, Plymouth and Winds We will have fast reliable beats driven. Dessel Crude Oil Engines. We will a have your merchandise covered by ins ance. ■« ••• —, , In ordering your Merchandise from N folk, si>ecify same te be shipped by this 1 —Norfolk-Roanoke River line, which \ sail from Norfolk Wednesday of each w at 12 o'clock. x Within the next fifteen to twenty da we will put on a large boat from Baltim to Norfolk to connect with the Norfolk-] i anoke River Line, as well as other serv to Eastern Carolina which we proposej inaugurate during this nionth. .* i jj 1 * '' • ,-'-y „J • For rates and information concern! this service kindly communicate with us Iph hone 21725 or write. - -- \j CAROLINA-VIRGINIA AND MAR LANB TRANSPORTAHON Cfl » ' • •• is •• w • ' a Agents W*C v NORFOLK ROANOKE RIVER ID Office: 407 Boajrd of Trade Building Phone 21725 V- Warehouse Phone 27 _ NORFOLK, VIRGINIA *- ■ FOWDENS LAST LOA '«• «*»»»* ; (A "-j FOE KENT J room. Apply at Entei NOTICE FORI) TO! for* aetM,eterW'»jppe, »-tion. Terms if desired G. Horton. * 1 AJST—A RABBIT DO and \fhiw spotted, ium rtwaid of $5.09 will tamed to James A. L l.i>m»ion. BOOMS FOR REM A] ' Furnished rooms if deal a Ward, West Main M ' 100,"00 EARLJJMERSEY le.ton Wakefield Cab I The best ever at 25 cei dred, S2:W per ihousaM all timet. Jov pk L. Hi Hide Farm_ phone 15lj O. T. NEWTON SLLLS fresh beef on the mai per pound. Other meati in proportion. Come an ' the Oil tank on the road. i ■ '