WMI YRA* JTEPITG FCOE BUYING ADVANTAGES THE ENTERPRISE PiUutod mnr Teesdajr aad Friday k» th» SNTBTUSK PUBUSBING CU. Tl BMsMTl — NaHk CwtliM W. C. MANNING— Editor Safcifripiiew f'"c« (Strictly Cuk in Aii»at«l lyear *IJ» I t __Boc i —tia _ . « ' Watered at tha I'm! Oftce at Uil - r —KMU) as aaooad . laaa aattu. FRIDAY. MARCH n. i»a FUNNV. ISN'T rr? I«ii1 it funny? That a nan who thinks he is a ba-inpx- man will tret op in the morning from a new s pi} ahrmistd sfcavj *itfl ar. adveftatd razor. an: (-ut on adver tised underwear, an\eitu«l. shirt, tie and shoes, .-eat himself at the table ami cat advertised break fast food, drink advertised coffee, put on an Mhertioi hat. light au ad vertised Cigarette. tide to his \> art of business in au, -eat himself at an advertiaevi iWt, in an advertised chair, then turn down a newspaper advertising solicitor on the ground that auvertising due.- not pay —Sam Little, Ada. (OkJa.) Evening News. ENTHUSIASM WORTH MORE THAN ALL (II HI.If ASSET> To The Enterprise: Under the heading of "Are \\> Able?" »e nut«ee that >«tir |«api states: "When it c«-n>e- to enthusi asm, WHliamston ha- put it." The turn to the ordinary c'"Ser ver, seem.- to lack mai.y thing-, urn ong theiii money, so why not niakt a capita! of its enthusiast!'. ? Nee-' we a»y ft than |ute Henry Cl*- ter a* foß>w>: Enthusiasm i- tlx ' asset in the w-riL It lejt.- ■not-ey uad power ar.d influence Sin gle handed the e - thus.a-t cor,\ , r^ce and dominate* atut weal U. ac*: uo> iated by a «mal' army of worker would sea rcely rai-e a tremor of if. I teicst Lothikm-ni tramples «»• i prejud.ee and • •ppo-ili-». sj.urt s in action. storms the c»ta-lel of it - «•! ject. and like an avalanche cu-i —-whelms- atvl eneul*»-n»t *->• ■;.«•! » —I- ■ is nothing more or ks« than fait!, in action. Faith an-! initiative ngM ly combine"! rtntove mour.Ta n»u- IJ.II ntrs am! achieve the u* beai»l-of «" miracu ou-. St: t c j-ero, lasm afloat m y.ur plant, in youi office, or on yvur farm; cam it it you attitude .and manner; i! preads like coatagiov and influence- cur; fibre of your industry before >ou peal lie it; it begets an-! irispitvs «ffe»t yon «iid not dream of: «ind it mean, increase in pr«tuction and liwieasr in wst»; U n*«K A rj. aiwt and satisfaction to your worker-; it , means real life, real v.ric; tt meat spontaneous bed-rock re-ults—xital thing* that pay dividend*. Fanr.ie fhaw Ma'.un. IS A JIVSTKIW Win A I AKM I K SIIOI LI» NOT WANT ti»l NH \(.i:\ . We publ.-ned in ,Tues«lay"s i»ae, an article by a gentleman signing lin name "A Marti'. C«unty Farnsei-'-' 1« will be eat) to that ihi particular farmer L- very much opjiOs ed to a county •seiiiott.-l:ati«ii agent We are gla-1 to give tie gentlemai -pace and perhaps his niea Itas many friend*; /it may be that a majority of the people ol the (vani) appi wr it. It is tea!!} amu-ir.g to -« a nu»> so wise that he nee-.:- n.. i*;p, —n it seems to us that a perx n v. i» want- no help i.- le>i> e-.-. So far as »r know, the mtn hant>, bankers at r i4So r? have i.u d«*ire to thrust anything on the farmer that would injure hiin. And thete i- no ■loubt but that the meirnants, baok m and officers who arc, aiding t pa) taxes U> pay a man to tietp liie fanners are doing it for no. other purpose than to help the' faim en' condition in life It is true that we have na> g««»- who perhaps need no help, but on the other banc, there are lots, of them who not only nei-l help, but seriously need it. - "A Martin CouMy Farmer" »hi» ed two good things; w>e was that every home shoul'i -pen.! as much a JIJOU for a good farm paper; the oth er was that each farmer sper.d a penny for a p*t«l card to get ajrn caltaral -bulletins. Thi- advice is fine: it u almost a trum for a farmer not to take a farm pafer. Nothing helps ~ wmm.* a&o" wSSf at •tat* and natKx.al bullet us that treat on oar crops. Still A tax of four » cents on each eitiacn of the county would pot a count) agent on full —~— ~™~ * Many people would not prxAt a cent directly from the service of an agent, bat met of us have some friem* who would. W« nut admit that the wealth of this aect ion (MM frrxn farm pro Mb thhk the* the Merchants and an fejrinf a amfl aasoant of taxes to help Ike fanner ia either selfish 4entoni trffcy n fanner AeaU sppuat '| *IW» HOratM BTTIXKATIOfIAI iSmdaySdiool ■ ' Lesson' (By RJCV P. a FITZWiTLH, O D, TwUw oT Knstlab KIM* la Uw Moot) ) Bu>l« UiMltuu of C tateocD.) Coprrlcht. llil. Waura X*mmp»fmr Unhm* LESSON FOR MARCH 25 REVICWf JESUS THE WORLD'S SAVIOR GOLDEN TEXT—^This la a ralthfuj urine and worthy of all acceptation that Chrlat Jaaua came Into tbo won to aavc alnnera.—l Timothy I IS. I'KIMAk V TOPIC— Fm voriu Story ol th« Quarter. JUNIOR TOPIC— Fa Tori t« Lonu ol the Quarter. IKTERSIEniATE AND HENIOR TOP lC—Luke'i Plcian of Jtstia TOt'NO PE>JI*LE AND AOCLT TOP lC—Leasons From Luke'a OoipeL The method of review must be do tennlned hy the grade of the claM, bj the te«t of the teartiera ani by the na ture of the Btu&es of the quarter Ttireo mettiods are : (1) Centering In the Topic—Jesoatlx lVorld'» Savior. This method la sug ge».ted by I KKlor CiaaaaM I. The World's L aerator. 1. From I «ls™.v>. TJPSSODS 1. J 2. From "Legalism." ! .«».ii 1. 5. From I'rlde. Ij-wt.s 2. 6 4. From SeifUliiiesa. I>c»jiv« 2, S. 3. From I'rejudlce. l>ei«son 7. 6. f>oin tho Hlnfiil Past. Lesson 7. 11. Th« World's Teacher. 1. About Sin acl Salvation. Les •on 8. 2. About Human I>ufy: a) To Others. LetMt»ns 2, 4. (b) To fi.-L Lei«-..ti* 5, b. it. (c) To State. le&son 9. (1) With M'-ney. Iw i.i 4. S, 9. S- About Prayer. I.m»Ki 1 111. The World's Sacrifice. 1. Sacrifice Faced, Acfepn-d. Le*tsoa 10 2. Sacrifice Hec!er«-d I>>ssr»n 11. (2) M«!rni A|i(>lt-atloti9 of the lei. aotia Tills arhetue w!is f.>r report*4>y numbers >f tl>e la«s to wticnn assign ments were previously made. This Is taken from Peloubet's Notes. Lesson I. "What should * e keep of the old-time Sabbath?* ' Leeson 11. "Why Is It hard to be hum ble today?" L*aeon 111. "Are our churches really open to the |»r»!liru!sT" Lasson IV. "What should our rldi m> n ilm for our L«7!inisa»*T* Lessen V. ">!• n st.d wonien »ho de serve much gratitude mid receive lit tle.- Lesson VI. "What mey we reasona bly exj»*ct fr«-»r> prayer!" Leaeen Vlf. "Whj It H hard t\w a n>«>4«rfi bi:>U e»»s n.m to Ij- a Ttrt» tlan •• * Leeeon VIII. "How the «-hnrch flhotHd utiitee Its av-rage nietube^rs." Leeson IX. ••How ran at fH our ctiun-h iuetiil .-ri> to g.ie as nmch as they should 7~ Leaaon X. "T]ifiiirs that Christiana do nof grieve enough ever." Leaeen XI. "llow the mei*Migo of the Ti*a uiifhChe l,n>.i»bt to all men In ■ generation." (3> "ll.e t"e- trnl Terohlnc of the L so>iis: Lesson I. Tl Is n«> malady of uian conceded with a»ul •* t>ody which Je sus cwntiot IIOMI. Lesson 11. l'well ; «liiie»a will more one to humldy take tlie !••«*■! place In life. il«'ni!r.x others In-tter than him- Sr!f Leaaon 111. Cod is t":ig'ng and watt ing to web nine to lit* I ..-Mini the vilest slnr.er who r.Kiit with omtTlticm of heart Leaeen IV. The .'lie who lues only for this life shall surely suffer ag»ny and toniw-nt in the life to c»tne. Leaaon V. Inirratlt ide" li c«sra« to tlie. tiatiiral t« art Ttie L-.rd -x|*cta those wlio experience Ills salvation to give Him their love Leaaon VI. Tt.i'se who pray to God In ( the right spirit shall surely get- the! b|iSSlllf> Soligtlt. Leaaon VII. flhe *'ipren.e purp-ae of j tlie coßi'nt of J«a« «Tir!st to the earth.- takiiiic upon lliinaelf our hu manity and dytog •« the cms yi to save lost men Leaeen VIII. t'pon th«K who have not t»een faithful In the um> of glfta the Lord ehall Judgment at His rotuUig Leaaon IX. We are responsible to God. but tjinl ineatsures c»ur Sifts by the eitctii of our ability. Leaaon X. lUtter agony was suffered by tlirlst when He l»>re our sius. Leaaon XI. In Clirist'a death a (till prtc« wux publ for our »!bsl What God Rtmen-Mra "I." says ti"d, "will ro. letuber." How nairt to tt 13k of what God will, and what He will cot. r«afn.l*r! Ha ttlU lentett l-«r Ma u« n cx.vmaat. but He will not rtrmember His people's si us. ITie croaa. which ratifies the former, puis away tlie latter.—A 1L Mclnteak. God's Offer. Bark of our lcriorance and nnoer ~lalnty Bed atands tsKk Hie efw at tliifca gnd guidance to all who will, eeh H. t . No Truer Picture. There Is po truer pl-ture of what history reveals than a cmrlllx.—Her G. A Studdert Kennedy. --- -v'--r Tha Lie. Sin has ma ay to.4*. a lie In tN handle that fita then all—O. W Wltaa D. C- Vetooa apatod mm ee ening cUsa in art for toM.ai, n.> n at Milwaukee, he didn't create much enthusiasm. Bat when he aanoanr > ed that after the doe preliminary training, the claaa would draw from tatiMi, art began to get papa- CCC QaicUy Beiierea a CaM. 1! lar aroand business circles. Now the , J enn be seen hard at work over their draw ings—glancing, drawing— ! (rlaneing at the model—i*comeeting— | and glancuig at the model. a Ta Prevent a t old Take 66*. 1 i j NO i ICE Jj ] NOKTIi CAROLINA, j MARTIN "COUNTY. «| IN THE SLPEIiIOU COURT 5 j Koxana Pope vs Fred Pope. The defendant above named will Lake notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the au- pr-rior court of Martin county to dLs i salve the bonds of matrimony exi-st * nig l*tueen the plaintiff and the de ,i, fen.iant, upon th ground that tliere ■ has beeii a separation of husband and wife, the plaintiff and the defendant have lived separate and apart from each oilier for five successive years ana that the plaintiff has been a res k ident of the state of North Carolina . for five years; and the said defendant ~ will furtiier take notice that he is re r. rjdiitd to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court of Martin ' county in the court house at William of March, 1923, and answer or demur lo the complaint in .-aid action, or the plaintiff will apply to tlie court for the relief demanded in the said com plainL This 2Mh lay of Feb., 1923. IL J. PEEL, Clerk of the S-2-4t Superior Court. TRUSTEES SALE ISy virtue of the authority confer- I re-1 in me by a deed of trust executed to me by Ksau Johnson, on the 14th I «u»y of October, U»2l, and duly record j " > ■'. in the register of deed's office in | Martin county, in book J-l, at pai;e 142, to .-ecure the |«a\ment of a cer ' tain !»ond bearing even date therewith, r ami the stipulations in said deed of ( tru t not having been complied with, I ahall expose at public auction, for f' cash, on Manday, the 26th day of March, 1'J2."1, at 12 m, at the post - office in the town of Jamesville, in Martin county, the following proper ' ty: Heing in Jamesville township a«l 1 joining tlie lands of llarry Ellison , on tlie north, George Marriner on the : west and south, and ~ Y~. A. I>a\is or tlie east, lieing the same land bought ■ of S. L Wallace, deed for which i» of record in the public registry of ' Martin eounty, refeience to which is herw made for a more definite descrip- I lion. This Feb'y 23, 11»23. " J. R. MANNING, 1 3 2-4 L Trustee. 1 Mali >ly-Tbi«, A" Antiseptic. NOTICE OK SALE t'm!er and by virtue of the power , of*-ale containetl in a certain daed of i rust executetl to the undersigned trus tee by Saesar Price on the Ist day of January, 1921, and recorded in the public registry of Martin county in ' U>. k G-2 at page 15!), and securing 1 notes of even date and tenor therewith, »ii*J default having been made in the pa>ment of the saine and the stipula tions therein not liavin gbeen compli- I ed with, and at the request of tlie hold ers of the said notes, und the said land having been heretofore advertised and o'.l under the same authority ' and l«wt>r on the 10th «lay of February, | I'.C'l, ami the Farmers and Merchants Ita'ik having been the last and high est bidder for the »u mof $1,075.(10 II ind tlie said b*d having been raised >i a» reouireil by law, and a resale of | *}k> saiiMaiul haring lieen ordered by ' J the e'erk of the superior court of Maitin county, the undersigned tie will, en the Itlth day of March, !'Xi3, at 12 o'clock m., in frout of the court house door in the town of Wil , Hamslon. N. C-, offer for sale to the i highest bidder for cash at public auc tion. tlie following described real es i tale.-to wit:—-' — * ——• All that certain piece or parcel of lata! containing 86 and 1-4 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the McGaskey road which leads into the irtramston and Everetts road ab-, out 4 miles west from the town of illiamston, in Williamston township, Martin county. North Carolina, hav . ing such shapes, marks courses and 1 distances a* will more fully appear by reference to a map thereof made by , J. U. Mobley, surveyor, on the 24th of March. 1918, on file with the Fed eral land ltank of Columbia, and be j tig liounded on the north by the lands j of J. W. Antlers on and Rrother; on "| the west by the lands of Joe Oakley; I: on the souQi by the lands ef M. Wll - .ion the west by Alonzo Wynn ' ai a Wing the same land that was con I veyed to said Caesar Price by W. 11. l! Wilson and wife an W. M. Wilson. ' j said *leed of record in the public reg- I Wry of Martin county in book 000 at page 234. f This the 22nd day of Feb, 1923. f ' L. C. BENNYETT. " 2 4t Trustee. . L - ~ NOTICE » .s. -. ii To W. E. Davenport, and all ethers j» interested: r Notice is hereby ffivaa that I have ■ purchased one (I) lot in Jamesville, N. 0„ listed far taxae by W. E. Dbt- W Chns laCilppa. ' THE ENTERPRISE, WiUiamstonn, N. C f t enport, at a dmifi sale for taxes r at the court house ooor of Martin - county on the stb day of June, 1922, - and I shall demand a deed for same one year from that dale unless re deemed before This, March Mh. 1923. LUTHER HARBISON, 3-9-4t Jamesville, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified at admin istrator of the estate of James H. Tay lor, deceased, late of Martin county, all persona are hereby notiled to come I forward and make settlement of all s accounts due the said estate. All per - sons holding claims against said es tate will present them for payment on or before February kth, 1924, or - this notice will be pleaded in bar of f their recovery. I February. Bth, IKJ3. k J. S. TAYLOR, » 2 9-6t-pd. Administrator, i ' —- NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAK -1 RANT ATTACHMENT 1 NORTH CAROLINA. MARTIN COUNTY ' WILLIAMS'! ON TOWNSHIP 1 W. C. Manning, trading at the Enterprise Publishing Co. vs O. CL Price, trading a the \ Ideal Sanitary Freeing Works. The tlefendant above namnl will take notice that a summons in th above entitled 'action ass isue«l ainst said defeniant on tiie 14th «1«; of March, 1923. by A. T. Crawford, a justice of the peace for Miirtir county. North Carolina, for the tuns of |?1.45, due said plaintiff by ac count which summotis is returnable I before said justice, at his office in Williamstou. in said county and ii Williamston tmm.'h p on tlie 14th day of April, 1923. The defendant wil |al so take notice V that a warrant of attachment was isued by the said justice on the 14th day of March. 1921 against the pn.p erty of said defendant, which war rant is returnable before tie saitl jus tice at the tune and p'ace above nam ed for the return of the summons, when ami where the - defendant i* required to appear and answer ot demur to the complaint, or the re lief demanded will be granted. This the 14th day of March, 11*23. AS£ T. CRAWFORD. ' NOTICE To Will Knox, and all ethers interested: Notice is hereby given that u• have purchased fifty |M»| acres of laud, residence, in Hear Grass township which wa listed for tuxes by Wi I Knox, at a sheriff's sale for taxes, at the court house door of Marti) county on the sth iay of June. 19*J°J and we shall demand a deed for saW one. .year from that date utilrss re deemed before. »» This, March sth, 19^1. 3-16-4t J RODGERS A |SRO. NOTICE To Bryant Little, and nil otheis interested: Notice is herel»y given that we have purchased one hundred a:.d se\e.ty seven (1771 acres Rol>erson land iii I tear (Ira's township, for taxes by Hrjaut Liltle at :• sheriff" s sale fur taxes, iit th« court house door of Martin county on tire sth day of June. 1922 and we shall demand a deed for samt one year from that date unles> re deemed before. This, March sth. 1923.' 3-16-lt J RODGERS 4 BRO. To Jennie Davenport and all other interested : Notice is hereby given that we hare . purchased 32 acres Brown land ir • I tear Crass township listed by Jenni | l>a\enport at sheriff"s sale for taxes, ! at the court house door of Maru county on the sth day of June* 192- and we sliall demand a deed for sanv one year fr..m that date unless 1. deemed before. • ! This. March sth, 1923. ! 3-16-41 J. ROIK;ERS t BRO. ■ ORDER OF RESALE Whereas jUie undersigned trustee, , under and by virtu* of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed iy W. F Hyman and wife, Mary 1L liyman. on the 29th day of December, 1919, and of rec ord in Martin county public re»ristry in book A-2. at page 363, expose-; the land hereinafter descriled at pub lic auction in front of the court hou«e door on the Sth day of March. 192!,., when and Itii W. F. Biidlj be -4 •iiliP ine laSl an»! nijf'tf*'! ni'. iri ..I the price of SSjDOOIOO. • And whereas, tiyrr has been a raise of the bid, ani the amount de posited as required by law; ami 1 whereas, an order bar been matte by the clerk of the superior court of Martin county decreeing a resale of •aid land; / Now, therefore, the undersigned ■ trustee, under and by virtue of th. authority contained in said deed of trust and the onhr of resale made by 1 the clerk, will 1, ipnoe to public sue tion on the ZM day of March. If 1 at 12*) o'clock, noon, in front of , the court bonne door of Martin eoun - ty tie following ml estate: 1 First tract: Bownded an the north! by Conobo creek; mm th* east by L, 11 T. Ci.e«oc; on the south by the pub ] lie road leading from Hamilton to , Oak City, N. C; on the neat by H. S. Everett and J. T. Daniel, con taining 100 acres, more or leas, and being the anmc premised described in a deed from W. B. Roes and wife to William Cherry in the public regis try of Martin county in lux* RR, at > page 473. ireonsl tract: Beginning at the . road from Hamilton to Goose Nest . at a ditch at the corner of N. M. , Worsley; thence along said line north , to J. T. Ilyman's corner of the Har | rell land; thence nearly west along said Hyman's line to the road; thence down to the beginning, con taining #ne acre* more or leas, anil ■ being the same land ilescribed in a ' deed of record in the public registry of Martin county in book COC. a page 161. Third tract: Adjoining the lands of N. M. Worsley, J. T. Hyman and oth er - and being a part of the land con veyed by W. R. fcherron to Patsy Brown to Molly Sta is. containing by aptin'iation, oi-e acre, inoie or less, and be.ng the sane land described in a de d from J. O. Stalls and wife to V tfjiain Cherry of rvcord in book CCC at page 162, Martin county pub lic registry. Fourth tract: BtginnJng at an old pine stump on the public load lead ing from Oak City to Hamilton, N C., near W. & Chery's house, ard running thence along said Cherry's lij.e south east 9.30 chains to N. M Worsley's old line; thence alonp fajii line N. 15 degree* 30 "minute; tat 4M) chains; thence east 9(1 links to W S. Cherry*? comer; and thence n«;th 4 east ll»0 chains, thence south 38 degrees? 15 rrinutes west 19.50 chrvins to the bediming, containing H 2 acres, more or less, and being the ganie premises describe! in a dee*' BUSINESS CAkDS Robert Lb Coburn ATTORNEY AT LAW j. I Office in the Pooples Bank Building W illiamslaa. V C IIJEjnmT service than ever v IFPfIPP 1 1 SPECIAL ATTENTION j («!V*II to ladies* oae piece dicsscs, j /I: .i«ey wafet* and all delicate fa- ] | t rics, such as silk. atin. crepe de chine and georgette crepe J. D. Gray j \ ( LtAMNC. PRESSING. DYE- j ING AND ALTERING , ) i U'.INE l !i AT NO. 161. t f i )R. MARY F. HUFF l*alm r t.radiiaie *"biropracia* N. C- Oflice hour-: 9 a J»u—l P- m , ;i. ni. —5-30 p. rn.. Tue*. Fri., 7 p m.—S p. nt. I'hones: Office 567. resilience 512. - r C. li. HASSELL tl.irilLlZEßS ANO MATERIALS PEANITS jßice rear Peoples Bank Builc in-;; either liont or side eaArance. IlMtac ki ! y B. a: CriUher #■ D. Critchor - C'ritchcr ani! CHtcher Attorney a-At-Law ' Maia Street 'V«e 56 tj; WiiUasasten. N. « k J Huirb li. York, M. IK • Diagnosi!* Spccaaltier I 1 Offic over Ycrk'' Garage «• Street II OSa' hours Bto 10 »- m., 7 to 8 | p m. Offk* phone 43-2. nig « \ phone 64 Wbert S. PeH ™ ATTORNEY AT LAW * Offices in The Gedatd BaiMirf | i)r. P. B. Cone i DEMI US T 4 h Famers J Ilarfc«to| Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to S ? Thtme No. • Ses. Fhaw No. l«j Dr. R. L. Savage I of Rocky Mowt wOl bn a* the At.; ! laatK Hotel third Vateaday « r 1 > each month to treat 4naaat» mil ;-tbe F>*E EAR, NOSE A THROAT ' Fit GLASSES. Vi) - - - « -o A X L PEELE. Jeweler REPAIR WORK A WBCUUT • - -. . I IS® COLUMNS FOB SELLING YOUR MERCHANDISE from 11. S. Everett and others to W. ■ i ■ S. Cherry of record in bode SSis at j ' page 353 Martin eouaty registry. I • - This the 14th day of March, 1923. |l I K H. SALSBURY, I I S-16-2t Trustee. ORDER OF RESALE ' L Whereas ,the undersigned trustee, 1 under and by virtue of the power of ' 1 sale contained in a certain deed of ' 1 trust executed by L. J. Davenport ■ and wife, Cassie N., on the 26th 1 day of January, 1920, and of rec ' ord in Martin county public registry ' in book A-2, at page 471, exposed 1 • the land hereinafter described at pub- 1 ' lie auction in front of the court house ' ' door on the sth day of March, 1923, ' 1 when and where W. F. Haislip be came the last and highest bidder at ' the price of $2,000.00. / 1 And whereas, there has been a raise of the bid, and the amount de posited as required by law; . and whereas, an order has been made by the clerk of the superior court of r Tutfs Pffls-i Enable Dyspeptics to eat whatever they wish. Cause food to Mtanlate. Nourish the body, flhre apprttta. DEVELOP FLESH - - ' » southland^ iW wrlrr. tW H—* f »>lial afca •** raaaa la 1 aa |> rt.nl, I mill aaJ REAL aar*. fcy fT"*) ■***•* -[•-j - Titl. 4Hrt« I —>— >% C—i. M—aa» >*»' MJ ranflfal ala cart* »«*l« •« FCRTAW WAa Matag IM 1W M M —Tally In■»■ I n N"'fci'« B*a CaMfaM nasi ara if>ari freaa WO fm 4m J- ■■ ■' rtiiai. ha# ■■■. m» H. ja 1 jjPI . \\l NORFOLK—VIRGINIA j! Kader B. Crawford j EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE ' CALL PHONE NO. 49 n Just Received 500 BUSHELS BURT OATS 50 BUSHELS SEED IRISH POTATOES ONION SETS AND FRESH GARDEN SEED AND TOBACCO CLOTH CAR LOAD OF BUILDING LIME AND PLASTEB GALVANIZED ROOFING AND RED CEDAR SHINGLES BUY EARLY WHILE THE PRICES \RE LOW. C. D. Carstarphen WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ["' - ' ' c r ~ *S~"; NOTICE!!' TOWN TAXES! I Have Been Appointed To Collect the Taxes lor the Town ! of Williamston, now i due. T • My Instructions are to Collect I at once. Please come to the Mayor's Office and pay. Very Respectfully H. M. HURRAS Tax Collector' J * Martin county decreeing a resale of ■aid land; I ' Now, therefore, the undersigned trustee, under and by virtue oi , authority contained in said deed of trust and the order of resale made by the clerk, will expose to public auc tion on the 29th day of March, 19ZS, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, in front of the court house door of Martin coun ty the following real estate : Bounded on the north by W. M Whitehurst and Conoho creak; on the south by J. J. tang; mp the east by/i L. H. Mux; and on by the ( lands of the late N. CKouncil, de ceased, containing 95 acres, more or less, and being the same land deeeded to L. 11. Davenport of recent date by B. C. Counql, and wife, Alma Coun cil, and B. A. Critcher, commission er. t This the 14th day of March, 1923. B. DURE CRITCHER, 3-16-2t * Trustee. iir Atfawttiag A /•tiovOT hes3icrm C MENTHOLATUMI soothes

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